Shelf life of open mayonnaise. Terms and conditions of storage of homemade and purchased mayonnaise. How to store store-bought mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a sauce that has filled the shelves of almost all grocery stores. It is popular and used in many dishes. However, supporters of a healthy diet argue that purchased mayonnaise is harmful, adversely affects the preservation of the figure and the metabolic processes of the body. Therefore, if you can not do without it,

We recommend making homemade mayonnaise sauce. But it must be taken into account that without the addition of industrial preservatives, the terms of its preservation can be very different from the usual ones. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how much homemade mayonnaise can be stored.

In a refrigerator

For some housewives, the issue of storing homemade mayonnaise remains doubtful, they cook exactly as much as is needed for one use. This is no coincidence, since raw egg yolks are used in the recipe. As you know, they spoil quickly. Therefore, as a rule, it is recommended to store homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Preservation conditions

To prevent home-made mayonnaise from spoiling, the following conditions must be met: how to store it on a refrigerator shelf:

Tip: you can extend the shelf life of a homemade product by a couple of days if you add a little mustard powder or ready-made mustard to it. It should also be taken into account that after the next opening of a sealed container with mayonnaise, it will have to be stored less even in a refrigerator.

Criteria for mayonnaise container

The shelf life of homemade mayonnaise will depend on how you store this product. The container must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Net.
  2. Dry.
  3. Hermetically sealed.
  4. Made of glass or porcelain.

Such criteria are necessary because open mayonnaise reacts chemically with air, which leads to the oxidation of the oil base and subsequent loss of quality.

What determines the expiration date

Answering the question: how long can home-made mayonnaise be stored, you need to consider that the following affects the increase in shelf life:

  • The presence of yolks in the recipe - the more, the shorter the shelf life, the fresher the eggs, the better.
  • The presence of substances used as preservatives.

Considering these options, ways to keep homemade mayonnaise sauce longer might include:

  1. Despite the common belief that yolks must be in the product, there are recipes for a delicious homemade emulsion without adding eggs. In this way, you can increase the shelf life up to ten days!
  2. Preservatives can be lemon juice or acetic acid. With the addition of lemon juice, self-made mayonnaises are stored for five days. When using acetic acid, they will not lose their qualities even after another five days.

Mayonnaise without eggs

The pleasant lemon taste of eggless mayonnaise sauce will please you when preparing salads, as well as sandwiches or baking. It takes no more than five minutes to prepare.

It is necessary to mix milk (150 ml) with vegetable oil (300 ml) in a blender bowl, gradually adding mustard (1 tablespoon) with salt (to taste). As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, lemon juice (3 tablespoons) is poured in. If desired, sugar is additionally introduced or lemon juice is replaced with fruit vinegar (1 tsp).

The suitability of such a product will depend on the freshness of milk, which is a perishable element in this recipe. It is better to buy ultra-pasteurized, which has a long shelf life, then it will be easier for homemade sauce to maintain its quality for a long time.

if you take soy milk instead of ordinary milk, you get a delicious mayonnaise product with the longest content on the refrigerator shelf and recommended for use during religious fasts.

How to extend the expiration date

For a longer shelf life of home-made mayonnaise emulsion, you can use the antibacterial properties of substances that are additionally added to it at home. In addition to the aforementioned mustard, garlic and horseradish have such properties.

Long shelf life mayonnaise recipe


  1. Egg.
  2. Refined vegetable oil (250 g).
  3. Sugar (1 tsp).
  4. Salt (⅓ tsp).
  5. Lemon juice (1 tablespoon).
  6. Spices: mustard (1 tsp) for Provence type sauce or garlic + pieces of pickled cucumber for tartar type.

You can cook like this:

  • Vegetable oil is poured into the prepared container, where it is planned to store homemade mayonnaise emulsion.
  • Immediately salt and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Lemon juice is squeezed onto a separate bowl so that the bones do not fall, and then poured onto the surface of the ingredients.
  • It remains to break the egg so as to preserve the integrity of the yolk.
  • With a blender, pressing the whisk to the bottom of the container so that the yolk gets inside it, the yolk mass is whipped.
  • In order for the oil to gradually join the whipping process, it is necessary to slightly raise the device.

After a couple of minutes of this procedure, a thick mass of white shade is ready (about 350 grams).

egg tricks

To keep the sauce prepared by yourself for a long time, you can use the method of pasteurizing eggs. To do this, yolks, previously mixed with water, in which citric acid is diluted, are heated for 3 minutes in a water bath. It is she who does not allow the yolks to boil, they remain raw, but pathogenic microbes are destroyed by pasteurization.


Sometimes it is not possible to place a product created by one's own culinary skills in a refrigerator. For example, a trip to nature makes you think about the safety of homemade mayonnaise without a refrigerator.

Of course, we are not talking about any long-term storage here. But, in order not to spoil the taste of dishes during the stay in the heat, homemade mayonnaise should be placed in a cool, dark place.

On the eve of the holidays, practical housewives begin to make a list of their favorite dishes and think about what ingredients you need to buy in advance. And number one in this list, of course, is a delicate sauce with a sour and slightly spicy taste - mayonnaise. On the shelves of stores you can find a huge number of different variations of this product: from the usual Provencal to unusual sauces with garlic and pepper. Almost no salad or sandwich can do without it. Even some hot dishes need the addition of this product. That is why many hostesses prefer to buy this sauce in large enough quantities so that it is always at hand. After all, it's so simple - you throw it in the refrigerator and you don't have to run to the store for each new bag. But in order not to cause harm to the body, it must be borne in mind that the shelf life of mayonnaise, at least natural, is not very long. Therefore, let's talk about what storage conditions for this product must be observed in order to protect your body from poisoning.

The fact that this sauce is very tasty and is liked by both adults and children is not even discussed. But does it bring any benefit to the body?

First of all, let's decide what is included in the composition of mayonnaise. The classic mayonnaise sauce is an emulsion of olive or good vegetable oil in egg yolk with the addition of a small amount of salt, sugar and lemon juice. In Provence, mustard joins this composition.

It should be understood that we are talking about natural mayonnaise, which is made independently. It is this product without preservatives and various food additives that is very useful for both adults and children. This sauce is very nutritious and easily digestible. Thanks to its use, vegetable food is digested many times faster and easier.

Industrial mayonnaise often contains artificial ingredients such as colors, emulsifiers, flavors and flavors. This is done to increase the shelf life of the product. In addition, it should be understood that such a sauce is often addictive and you want to use it more and more often.

How to choose mayonnaise

In order not to suffer from indigestion after eating mayonnaise, when choosing mayonnaise, you should be guided by several rules:

  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product: a really high-quality and natural Provence sauce should not contain preservatives, emulsifiers and flavorings.
  • Pay attention to where the sauce is stored in the store. You should not purchase a product if it is not in special refrigeration equipment, but on a shelf that is not suitable for this.
  • Shelf life is also a very important indicator. In addition to informing about the time frame for storing the product, this date indicates the naturalness of the product, because real mayonnaise cannot be stored for a long time.
  • Pay attention to the packaging. First, it must be absolutely sealed. Secondly, due to the sensitivity of natural ingredients to environmental conditions, there are requirements for its reliability. It is advisable to opt for the traditional composition of classic mayonnaise or Provence sauce, which is dressed in good innovative packaging.
  • It is also worth carefully considering the product itself, if possible. High-quality mayonnaise should be thick enough, have a uniform creamy structure of white or light cream color. It should not have bubbles that indicate the spoilage of the sauce. Only the presence of small particles of mustard or spices is allowed, if indicated in the technical description.

After you have bought mayonnaise, it is very important to follow the storage conditions and use it within the expiration date.

Store product shelf life

The most important indicator of the naturalness of mayonnaise is its expiration date. A high-quality product made from natural ingredients cannot be stored for more than 2-3 months, even if it is contained in high-quality sealed packaging.

Usually, the shelf life of industrial mayonnaise is indicated on the packaging of each specific product. At the same time, it should not exceed a month at a temperature range from 0 to +10 degrees. If the temperature ranges from +10 to +14 degrees, the shelf life is reduced to two weeks. If the emulsion is stored at a temperature of 14-18 degrees Celsius, the duration of its storage is only one week. Humidity should not exceed 75%.

The conditions listed apply to the product, the packaging of which is closed. When opened, mayonnaise should only be stored in the refrigerator. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to separation of the emulsion. Damage to the fatty base of the product leads to the appearance of a rancid taste. It is categorically impossible to use such mayonnaise in food.

Storing homemade mayonnaise

Mayonnaise can also be made at home. At the same time, it will be strikingly different from the store due to the use of exclusively natural ingredients. Hostesses can cook both traditional Provence and sauce with all kinds of spices and additives with their own hands.

But in order to enjoy the taste of homemade Provence sauce, it is necessary to observe the conditions for its storage. Let's figure out how much homemade mayonnaise is stored.

The duration of storage of homemade mayonnaise should not exceed 3-4 days. It quickly loses its taste due to changes that occur in the raw yolk, which is part of it. Provencal is stored a little longer: due to the presence of mustard, it can be used within a week. If there are any additional additives in mayonnaise, it is better not to store it at all, but to use it immediately after preparation.

It is recommended that you store your homemade sauce in a clean, dry container with a tight-fitting lid. Prolonged exposure to air leads to oil oxidation and product deterioration. Therefore, the dishes for storing this emulsion must be chosen correctly. Homemade mayonnaise must be stored in a container that does not contribute to its oxidation, namely: glass or porcelain.

Your brownie.

Mayonnaise sauce rightly enjoys great love and worldwide popularity. It is a great accompaniment to any dish, be it meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, etc. The city of Mayon is called the birthplace of mayonnaise, it was there that it was invented by local culinary specialists to please the Duke of Richelieu.

We usually buy mayonnaise in stores where it is represented by a wide range. But it is much more interesting to try to make this delicious and satisfying sauce at home. And believe me, making mayonnaise at home is not difficult at all.

Since the Middle Ages, the composition of mayonnaise, of course, has changed, today they put various chemicals into it - preservatives, taste improvers, flavorings, stabilizers, etc. Manufacturers are trying to make the sauce cheaper, so they put water instead of oil, flavoring instead of mustard, and dry egg powder instead of eggs.

If you cook mayonnaise yourself, you can be sure that no harmful and unnatural products will get into it, because we will prepare it only from high-quality absolutely natural ingredients. Of course, the delicious taste of homemade mayonnaise cannot even be compared with any purchased mayonnaise. To feel the difference between a homemade and a store-bought product, it is worth making this delicious sauce at home.

How to make homemade mayonnaise?

In fact, making homemade mayonnaise is not at all difficult, you just need to have such familiar ingredients as vegetable oil, eggs, salt, mustard, sugar, vinegar or lemon juice on hand.

If you prefer olive oil, preferably refined, then your mayonnaise will have an unusually delicate taste. Requirements for eggs - they must be impeccably fresh. The density and richness of taste depends on the number of chicken eggs, the more there are, the thicker and tastier the sauce.

To make mayonnaise have a pleasant natural sourness, lemon juice is added to it. It is allowed to put vinegar instead, but then the taste of the sauce will not be so delicate and delicate. Sugar is put in mayonnaise quite a bit, sometimes it is replaced with fructose.

In addition to these ingredients, salt and mustard are added to mayonnaise, it gives the sauce a piquant spiciness. Well, then - the spices that you like. It can be garlic, basil, horseradish, dill, onion tarragon, etc.

Remember an important feature of making mayonnaise - do not try to make your work easier and beat the sauce with a mixer. Real mayonnaise should only be mixed by hand, and you will avoid unwanted bubbles that result from the use of a mixer and impair the taste of the sauce.

So, what do we need to make mayonnaise in our own kitchen? Using a whisk, try to rub the yolks well with salt and sugar until smooth.

Then pour in a little bit of oil and continue to rub. It is necessary to interfere with the mass without whipping, in a circle. After that, start pouring in lemon juice and mustard, after completing the process, everything must be thoroughly mixed.

Now that the base is ready, you can put whatever you want into it - crushed garlic, dill, horseradish, tomato paste, etc. Mix everything well again and that's it! You can eat!

Shelf life of homemade mayonnaise

Put it in the fridge and try to use it within a week. Pour it into a jar that has an airtight lid, do not leave it in the light.

After eating, do not forget to put the jar in the cold. Remember that the number of eggs in the sauce affects its shelf life. It is the smaller, the more eggs you put in mayonnaise.

Today, mayonnaise is the most common and popular sauce all over the world, which is an excellent accompaniment to almost any dish. Today we will teach you how to make mayonnaise yourself - at home.

It perfectly complements the taste of meat, fish, vegetables, eggs and other products. Mayonnaise owes its name to the Mediterranean city of Mayon, where it was invented several centuries ago especially for the Duke of Richelieu.

Why is homemade mayonnaise better?

Since then, the original mayonnaise recipe has changed somewhat, manufacturers began to add various chemical components, flavors, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives to it.

In an effort to make the product cheaper, they replaced butter with water, eggs with powder, and mustard with flavoring.

As a result, such mayonnaise can even harm health. We are used to buying ready-made mayonnaise in the store, and we don’t even think that we can quickly and easily cook it ourselves at home.

Unlike store-bought, homemade mayonnaise does not contain any chemicals, so you can be sure of its safety and quality.

And the great taste of homemade mayonnaise cannot be compared with any mayonnaise from a bag. To be convinced of this, it is enough to try at least once to cook real mayonnaise.

Making homemade mayonnaise is quite simple, for this you will need vegetable oil, eggs, mustard, lemon juice or vinegar, sugar and salt.

  • It is best to take refined olive oil, then mayonnaise will be especially tasty.
  • Eggs must be fresh. By the way, the more eggs, the thicker and richer the mayonnaise will be.
  • Lemon juice is needed to add sourness to the sauce, although it can be replaced with vinegar, but then the taste of mayonnaise will become coarser.
  • You need very little sugar, it can also be replaced with fructose.
  • Also, a little salt, mustard and various spices to taste are added to mayonnaise: garlic, horseradish, dill, basil, cheese, onion, tarragon, etc.

What you need to make homemade mayonnaise

So, for cooking you will need

  • 200-250 ml olive oil
  • 2 yolks
  • 1.5 teaspoons of sugar
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • a teaspoon of mustard and additives to taste
  1. It is very important not to use a mixer to whip mayonnaise, but to mix it by hand, then bubbles will not form in it, and the taste will turn out to be more pleasant.
  2. Whisk the egg yolks with sugar and salt using a whisk. When the salt and sugar dissolve, start pouring in the oil in small portions, continuing to stir.
  3. Stir in a circular motion, but do not beat. Then add lemon juice and mustard and stir until smooth.
  4. At this stage, you can also add any flavors to the mayonnaise, such as crushed garlic, finely chopped dill, tomato paste, etc. Mix again, and delicious homemade mayonnaise is ready!

How long does homemade mayonnaise last?

Store homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator or at a temperature of 6-10 degrees for no longer than a week. It is best to store it in an airtight jar in the dark.

And the more eggs in mayonnaise, the shorter its shelf life. Therefore, always cook only as much mayonnaise as you can eat within a few days.

Text - nusha

Mayonnaise is the favorite sauce of millions of people. But if you store such a favorite dressing incorrectly, then mayonnaise can lose its taste, spoil the dish, and also become dangerous to health and life. How to avoid all possible troubles and store mayonnaise correctly?

mayonnaise expiration date

There are two types of mayonnaise: homemade and store-bought. The sauce is made from eggs and vegetable oil. In fact, the oil does not actually spoil, but the eggs only need a reason.

There is no specific expiration date for store-bought mayonnaise. Each manufacturer makes a product of a different composition, which may contain more or less preservatives. The traditional shelf life for many consumer mayonnaises after opening is 90 days outside the refrigerator and 180 days in the refrigerator. It all depends on the temperature regime, since mayonnaise will have a longer shelf life when the dressing is stored at a temperature of -4 ... 0 ° С, and a smaller one + 14 ... + 19 ° С. It is strictly forbidden to keep the sauce warm.

Mayonnaise in a closed package is stored for up to a year. However, if you open the jar towards the end of the expiration date, then it can be edible for no more than a month.

How to store mayonnaise without a refrigerator

In the absence of a refrigerator, you can use a balcony or a window if the temperature outside is within the specified limits. If it is summer outside and the temperature does not allow storing perishable products there, you can use foil - it needs to be cooled in water and wrapped around the package. Such wrapping should be changed as necessary, checking from time to time whether the foil has become warm or not.

You can also store the dressing just on the table, but keep in mind that the shelf life will be drastically reduced.

Storing homemade mayonnaise

Since the homemade product is made without preservative impurities, its shelf life is much lower than that of the store:

  • only three days, provided that it is in a closed container;
  • outside the refrigerator, but in a closed container, the shelf life is already one to two days;
  • if the sauce is not closed by anything, then in the refrigerator its shelf life will be 1.5-2 days;
  • in the fresh air, open sauce is stored for several hours.

What to put on display

Commodity neighborhood for mayonnaise depends directly on its packaging. If it is closed, is in a sales package, then it can be stored next to any products, since it is not capable of harming or spoiling anything. However, harmful organisms can live directly on the jar, so mayonnaise should be kept away from ready-made dishes and products without a lid or any other packaging restricting access to food.

If any mayonnaise is stored in an open package, then it must be kept away from eggs, salted fish, sausages, chips, since the sauce can get salmonella from raw eggs, and from products with a bright aroma, it absorbs odors that will spoil the original one. You should also avoid storing raw meat and fish with open mayonnaise on the same shelf.

Cakes, sour cream, butter, other dairy products can be stored next to an open package of mayonnaise - this will not entail any consequences. But tea and coffee should be stored away from open mayonnaise, since the storage conditions for these products are radically different.

Can mayonnaise and meat products be stored in the same display case

Mayonnaise and meat products can be stored in the same display case, provided that both meat and mayonnaise are packaged. If the meat is without commercial packaging, then the sauce should be removed away - meat that has not undergone heat treatment carries a lot of potentially harmful bacteria that can “move” to the packaging for the egg-mayonnaise product and travel with it to the consumer refrigerator. The result of such a commodity neighborhood can be an infectious diseases hospital for the consumer of products.

Is it possible to combine with freezing

It is impossible to combine sauce and freezing on the same display case, since the storage temperature of frozen products does not correspond to that for mayonnaise. If the mayonnaise sauce is frozen, then after defrosting it will begin to decompose into its constituent elements, become watery and will not be suitable for use in food.

Storage in the kitchen in catering establishments

In cafes and canteens, snacks are prepared according to the accepted menu, and among such snacks, many contain mayonnaise. Every kitchen worker should know the shelf life of dishes containing egg sauce in order to ensure the safety of visitors.

Zucchini caviar

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise is stored in a closed jar for a long time, since it is, in fact, a canned preparation for the winter. In an open jar, it can be kept for up to a week - after this period, mold often appears on the product. If zucchini caviar was stored open or, even when closed, covered with mold, it is better to throw this product away in accordance with SanPiN standards. Trying to overcook it or add it to other dishes is impossible. Even if the mold is visible only from the outside, the spores of the fungus have already penetrated the entire thickness of the product. It is not recommended to eat food contaminated with a fungus.


A boiled egg with mayonnaise is edible for several hours. It is best to store boiled eggs separately from mayonnaise, right in the shell (then the shelf life will be much longer), and if necessary, combine these two products and serve.

sea ​​kale

Salad from seaweed, cheese and mayonnaise after opening the package is stored for no more than a day, and in unopened original packaging - up to a month. It’s just that seaweed seasoned with mayonnaise can be stored a little longer, about one and a half to two days after opening, if the package has a lid that restricts air access to the product. If the seaweed has not been printed, then the shelf life reaches one month from the date of production.


Mayonnaise for sushi and already dressed sushi are stored for no more than a couple of hours. Further use of an overexposed product can provoke poisoning.


Chilled chicken with mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours. If the chicken is already cooked and no further heat treatment is foreseen, then the shelf life is halved. Chicken fillet with mayonnaise can be stored in the freezer for up to several days, and in the refrigerator for up to several hours. Fried chicken with mayonnaise can be stored for up to a day in the refrigerator.

Marinated barbecue

The shelf life of shish kebab marinated in mayonnaise depends on storage conditions:

  • in the freezer - a month;
  • in the refrigerator - a couple of days;
  • out of the refrigerator - a day.

Pickled meat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several days. Simply dressed cooked meat is good for up to two days if it is in the package, at least under cling film. Frozen meat under such a dressing without partial defrosting and lowering the temperature can be stored for several weeks, and temperature changes reduce the shelf life to several days.


Mayonnaise sauce is considered a perishable dressing, which reduces the possible period of eating food at times. Therefore, you need to season the salad immediately before serving. If this is not possible, then the salad will be edible depending on the ingredients. If the salad contains milk-containing products - no more than a day, eggs - several hours, products with high acidity - from an hour to several hours.

The timing of the sale of salads varies depending on the content, usually they do not exceed a day. If you keep dressing and salad separately, then the period will increase to two days. According to SanPiN storage standards, a salad cannot be seasoned with mayonnaise at all before serving.

Beets with mayonnaise dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, provided that the salad is covered with a lid to restrict air access.

Mayonnaise-based sauces

They are stored longer than the mayonnaise itself, but slightly and not always. For example, pink sauce is stored for up to three days in an open package, but mayonnaise sauce with mustard can be stored for a week. Accordingly, if there is any preservative or disinfecting ingredient in the sauce, then the shelf life increases. This applies to a mixture of garlic and mayonnaise, the shelf life of which can be up to two weeks if the correct storage conditions are observed:

  • closed container;
  • temperature not higher than +4 degrees;
  • individual spoon for picking up the sauce.

The same applies to the storage of mayonnaise with garlic arrows.


The timing of the implementation of sandwiches depends on the amount of mayonnaise in the sandwich and storage conditions. If the sandwich is generously flavored with sauce - the implementation period is several hours, if the bread is thinly greased - several days, if it is thinly greased and frozen - a month or more, subject to the subtleties of freezing. Particular importance is attached to the rest of the ingredients of the sandwich and the presence of additional dressings.

Commercial storage requirements

When organizing a warehouse in a store or market, you need to rely on storage quality indicators for stores and warehouses:

  1. Stable temperature, not exceeding 17 degrees.
  2. Humidity is not more than 50%, ideally - not more than 20%. At a humidity of 80%, storage is unacceptable.
  3. The packaging must not be wrinkled or damaged.
  4. There should be no eggs, meat, milk near the product.
  5. It is desirable that when stored in a store or warehouse, the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and lighting lamps could not heat up the packaging with dressing.
  6. The room where the product is stored must be ventilated and clean.
  7. It is unacceptable to have any living creatures near the products (from insects to cats and other pets).

In case of frost on the market, it is worth protecting packaging with dressing from excessive moisture and cold. This can be done by insulating boxes with foil packages. Also, do not put containers on the counter, and boxes on the ground and ventilated space. If the temperature outside rises above 17 degrees, you should not put sauces on the market stall at all.

Mayonnaise is used for salads, sandwiches, appetizers and as a sauce for dishes. Some people make it on their own, because they believe that the store-bought version is unhealthy. You can not ignore the recommended expiration date, because otherwise you can get poisoned. With proper storage, the product will last as long as possible. You just need to make sure that the necessary conditions are there. You should remember how long homemade mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator so as not to exceed this period.

Storage rules according to GOST

Storage conditions are regulated by GOSTs, and these rules must be observed not only by buyers, but also by stores. Mayonnaise should be kept in a refrigerator or in a warehouse where there is ventilation and humidity is within normal limits.

The temperature is allowed from 0 degrees to +18 degrees. It all depends on the composition of the product. It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the product, because in this case the ingredient will deteriorate ahead of time. It is best to put the product in a dark place to extend the shelf life.

It is conditionally possible to divide the sauce into homemade and purchased. They differ in composition, so the shelf life is also different. It is important to consider certain recommendations so that you do not have to throw away the sauce later.

Store-bought sauce storage rules

Even when buying, it is important to pay attention to how long a particular product has. The longer the period, the more preservatives and chemical additives. It is better not to buy it home, so as not to spoil your health.

The maximum shelf life is 3 months. However, depending on the conditions, the expiration date may vary.

Approximate shelf life of store mayonnaise:

  1. At temperatures from +14 to +18 degrees - 7 days.
  2. At +10 to +14 - no more than 3 weeks.
  3. At temperature conditions from 0 to +10 - up to 1 month.
  4. If the temperature is more than +18 degrees, then the goods will not be stored for very long.

The indicators refer to those situations where the mayonnaise is in sealed packaging. People do not need to put the contents in a separate container, because it will be stored normally anyway.

If the packaging has been opened or damaged, then the period will be significantly reduced. At temperatures up to +7 degrees, the sauce will have to be used in 2 weeks. If you leave the product without a refrigerator, then the shelf life will be several hours.

Rules for storing homemade mayonnaise

Self-made mayonnaise is not stored for long, because it does not contain preservatives. The recipe calls for fresh eggs, not egg powder. That is why a natural product will quickly deteriorate even in the refrigerator.

Mayonnaise must be left at a temperature of +4 to +7, while the humidity is 75%. The sauce must be placed in a clean and tightly closed container.

Approximate shelf life of homemade natural mayonnaise:

  1. In the refrigerator in a tightly closed container - three days.
  2. In the refrigerator without special containers - up to two days.
  3. Without a refrigerator in a closed container - from 1 to 2 days.
  4. At room temperature without sealed containers - up to 4 hours.

To extend the shelf life, you can add mustard to the recipe. In this case, the product can be used for two days longer. In any case, it is recommended to place the sauce in a special container so that the sauce does not spoil for sure.

Self-made mayonnaise is much less stored than purchased. At the same time, a natural product is more useful, since it does not contain harmful components. You will have to use it for 2-3 days, so as not to get poisoned.

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