The value of water for humans presentation. Importance of water in human life. Water and health. Hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water. Lecture by prof. Kondratyuk V.A. when there is no water

Stories. Until the middle of the 18th century, water was considered an indivisible substance. And only in 1783, the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier came to the conclusion that water has a complex structure: it consists of hydrogen and oxygen. After that, for over a hundred years, everyone believed that water is a compound described by the only possible formula H 2 O.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. You cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water, whatever its composition, has a different effect on human health. Each type of water implies different features of the appearance. Water is life, and like life it has many faces.

Water is also a kind of indicator of aging. The body of a child from birth to one year of age contains 80-85% water. Upon reaching the age of 18, the water content decreases to 65 - 70%, and in old age - up to 25%.

Even today, scientists continue to make discoveries. For example, today the theory about the information memory of water has been proven - the properties of water to perceive and transmit negative or positive information about the matter with which it has previously been in contact.

The importance of water. For the human body, water is the second most important substance after oxygen. Water regulates body temperature, humidifies the air during breathing, ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all cells of the body, protects and buffers vital organs, helps convert food into energy, removes toxins and waste products of life processes. It is no coincidence that a person can live without food for more than 4 weeks, and without water - no more than 7 days.

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The purpose of my work is to study the composition, quality, value of water in nature for humans. Objectives of the work: using the scientific literature on biology and ecology, find material on the structure of water, its significance in nature and for humans, compile a table on the presence of minerals in water; using the data of the table "Mineral substances in water", the data of the medical encyclopedia, calculate the amount of these substances in water, their daily rate, find alternative sources of these minerals; conduct environmental and chemical studies of water. Methods of work: descriptive, observational, comparative, monitoring.

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THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WATER FOR HUMANS For the human body, water is the second most important substance after oxygen. Water regulates body temperature, humidifies the air during breathing, ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all cells of the body, protects and buffers vital organs, helps convert food into energy, removes toxins and waste products of life processes. It is no coincidence that a person can live without food for more than 4 weeks, and without water - no more than 7 days. With my research, I want to prove the need to use clean water for food.

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Definition of smell. The method is based on determining the intensity of odor at temperatures of 20 and 60 degrees. 250 ml. We put each sample into the flasks at 20 degrees, closed the stopper and shook. The flasks were then opened in turn and the character and intensity of the odor were immediately determined using standard criteria.

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Determination of turbidity Turbidity of water causes solid insoluble residues suspended in water. To determine the turbidity of the water, I used samples taken from wells, because. the rest of the water samples were fairly clear. Using an analytical balance, I weighed the filters, then filtered 1 liter of water from each well through a watering can. Then she dried the filters with sediments and weighed again. The difference in the weight of the filter with sediment and a clean filter is determined by the total amount of substances undissolved in water.

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Hydrochemical research - Determination of smell. - Determination of turbidity - Biotest on onions. - Iron content in water

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BIOTEST ON ONIONS For the experiment, we placed the bulbs in water with salt, vinegar, ordinary tap water and mineral water. After 10 days, we measured the length of the root systems. From the experience on onions, I came to the conclusion that the most useful for the human body is mineral water, which meets all the requirements, including the necessary amount of minerals necessary for our body.

8 slide

Object of study my job is water. Object of study my job is water. Subject of study the role of water in human life. Objective- to study the structure of water and determine its place in human life. Tasks: 1. Study and analyze information on the topic. 2. Find out how the water molecule behaves under various influences on it. 3. Summarize the data obtained and draw a conclusion. My hypothesis: water is the basis of life on earth. Research methods:
  • analysis of literary and historical
  • sources of information;
  • generalization of the received data.
The name of water has come from time immemorial and since that time any "living" moisture, which is so necessary for the life of people, animals and the nature around us, has been called water.
  • The name of water has come from time immemorial and since that time any "living" moisture, which is so necessary for the life of people, animals and the nature around us, has been called water.
  • There is no exact definition why water was called water, since each nation has its own name, which determines the meaning of water for others

Why is water called water?





There is also water underground (springs).

Huge accumulations of ice are located at the North and South Poles. There is ice on land and in the ocean.

This is what our planet would look like then. Unpleasant sight, isn't it?


what on earth all of a sudden

all the water is gone.

The body of a jellyfish is 90 - 95% water.

In the body of animals, water usually makes up more than half of the mass.

  • Water is found in all parts of plants.
  • A lot of juice in fruits - watermelon, orange, lemon.
  • This juice is water with various substances dissolved in it.
  • But even dry plant seeds contain water.

100 kg, 80 kg - water

100 g, 85 g - water

2 kg, 1.5 kg - water

Man is 75-80% water. Man is 75-80% water. A person can live only 3 days without water. Japanese scientist Emoto Masaru proposed a way to fix the structure of water Water structure Water molecule Water cluster Water cell The human body is approximately 75-80% water, therefore,

  • The human body is approximately 75-80% water, therefore,
  • Water is the key to the existence of a healthy organism.
  • Since water is not just a liquid, but structured substance, the body, for stable operation, requires water with a certain structure.
  • Violation or modification of this structures water affects the state of the body.
Differences in water crystals Ordinary tap water Holy water Music in water crystals word crystals




This water was told







The human brain consists of 90% water. Think about how useful it is:
  • cook or heat food in the microwave;
  • listen to music through a mobile phone?

What is the importance of water to humans?

Water in human life, plants and animals

  • Water is drunk by fields and forests.
  • Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live.

Water in human life

  • Water "produces" electric current, working at power plants.
  • Water washes all people, cities, cars, roads.

Water in human life

  • Water is the biggest and most convenient road. Vessels sail on it day and night, carrying various cargoes and passengers.

Water in human life

Without water:

  • do not knead dough for bread,
  • do not prepare concrete for construction,
  • do not make paper, fabric for clothing, rubber, candy, or medicine.
Conclusion Water is vital to humans. Water is not only a source of life, but also an important component of the human body.

Water is life Most people in today's world don't think much about water until they have enough of it. In the West, even those who think about it usually just wonder about the quality of municipal water supplies, or perhaps see it as a product that should probably be consumed more. Most people in today's world think little about water as long as they have enough of it. In the West, even those who think about it usually just wonder about the quality of municipal water supplies, or perhaps see it as a product that should probably be consumed more. We dutifully watch as millions of dollars are spent every year to convince us to drink animal milk. And it hardly occurs to us to wonder why no one spends money on discussing plain old good water. What for? It cannot be that such a familiar thing as water has such importance. We dutifully watch as millions of dollars are spent every year to convince us to drink animal milk. And it hardly occurs to us to wonder why no one spends money on discussing plain old good water. What for? It cannot be that such a familiar thing as water has such importance.

Importance of water in human life Water is useful in everything: cooking, washing, cleaning, washing and for the production of various products. Water is useful in everything: cooking, washing, cleaning, washing and for the production of various products. The role of water in maintaining health is very important, as constant dehydration of the body leads to a large number of diseases. The role of water in maintaining health is very important, as constant dehydration of the body leads to a large number of diseases. Everyone knows the meaning of water, if there is no water in our body, there will be no us. However, we still get sick. Everyone knows the meaning of water, if there is no water in our body, there will be no us. However, we still get sick.

The water cycle in nature The water cycle in nature (hydrological cycle) is the process of cyclic movement of water in the terrestrial biosphere. Consists of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. The water cycle in nature (hydrological cycle) is the process of cyclic movement of water in the earth's biosphere. Consists of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. The seas lose more water due to evaporation than they receive with precipitation, on land the situation is reversed. Water continuously circulates around the globe, while its total amount remains unchanged. The seas lose more water due to evaporation than they receive with precipitation, on land the situation is reversed. Water continuously circulates around the globe, while its total amount remains unchanged. On earth, water exists in three states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. Living organisms cannot exist without water. In any organism, water is the medium in which chemical reactions take place, without which living organisms cannot live. Water is the most valuable and most necessary substance for the life of living organisms. On earth, water exists in three states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. Living organisms cannot exist without water. In any organism, water is the medium in which chemical reactions take place, without which living organisms cannot live. Water is the most valuable and most necessary substance for the life of living organisms.

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