All codes for fallout 4. Console commands (cheats). Monster ID codes

Console commands are cheats with which you can become invincible in Fallout 4. You can only use them in the PC version of the game, some codes will give you immortality, others will be able to raise all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes, walk through walls, get the right ammo, items, etc. In this guide, we are going to tell you about cheats in Fallout 4, how to activate them and what they do.

List of console commands

Using console commands may seem too complicated for some, but it's actually very simple. Here's how to do it (you may need to change one of the .ini files before you can call the console):

  1. Press ~ (under the ESC key, in the upper left corner of the keyboard, do not forget to switch the language to ENG otherwise you will write the letter Y).
  2. Enter the command exactly as in the table
  3. Press Enter

List of commands used in Fallout 4:

Console commands What will happen
tgmGod Mode (Invulnerability)
tmm 1Reveals all locations on the map
sex changechange gender
player.additem (Item ID (number))Adds an item to your inventory
KillKill marked target
KillAllKill all nearby targets
unlockOpen the door
tclNo Clip on/off (allows you to walk through walls)
player.placeatme (Item ID)Summons an item near you (also works on NPCs)
setav aggression 0Will change your relationship with NPCs in a positive way
coc qasmokeThe team will send you to a special location where you can get any item in the game.
player.modav actionpoints (number)Change the number of action points
resurrectResurrect target
coe 1 1Exit special location
tfc 1Activates the free camera but in pause mode, for spectacular screenshots.
showlooksmenu playerChange the appearance of your character (before entering the command: take off everything, go to free mode with the tfc command, then set the camera so that your face is visible)
fov 100Change the viewing angle from the 3rd person (instead of the number 100, we substitute a number from 0 to 360)
player.setav speedmult 70Change character's running speed
setav 349 3675555555.00
setav 34B 3675555555.00
Remove the limit on buildings (go to the workshop, call the console, click on the workshop with the cursor and write commands. The limit will be reset to 0 and you will be able to build further)
player.modav health (number)Change Hero's HP
player.modav carryweight (number)Change the amount of carry weight of the Hero
player.setlevel(number)Set character level (0-100)
player.modav (attribute) (number)Add points to a specific S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (skill, skill or attribute) (Streight, Agility, Charisma 0-10)
code IDTeleports you to a location (ID needed)
zapRemoves an object that cannot be dismantled in the workshop
activateActivates objects (doors that require switches, keys)
player.movetoTeleports the player to an object (item or NPC, ID required)
set timescale toSets the flow of time, the speed at which it will go (30 by default, 1 real time)
equipitem(ID)Equip an NPC with a specific item (ID required)
TimBuddha mod (in the manner of HL2)
tmHide the entire interface (for screenshots) Attention: to return the interface later, you will have to enter the tm command by touch
tcaiDisable combat AI (peace to all)
taiTurn off the AI, make everyone freeze in place
setgs iHackingMaxWords 1Cheat for terminals (shows one word)
setgs fXPDeathRewardHealthThreshold 0.0100% experience on kills made by teammates
setgs fXPDeathRewardHealthThreshold 100.0Does not give experience for kills made by teammates
unlockUnlock doors, safes, containers and chests

Item ID in Fallout 4

Fallout 4 ID - a special identifier for entering certain elements from the game. In the command console, it is designed to call certain items and NPCs. In the future, we will try to publish a complete list of all IDs.

(!!!)Important: if you want to apply a legendary property to a weapon/armor: you need to throw it on the floor, open the console (~), click on the weapon/armor, and then type the "amod" command in the console (!!! )

Special effect on target=

  • stunning- Chance to daze target on hit - 001e81ab
  • crippling- 20% chance on hit to damage the target's leg - 001f1048
  • Furious- On a critical hit, the target becomes enraged and will attack everyone (the hero too, if no one is close) - 001f6ad4
  • Furious- Increased damage with each subsequent attack on the same target (Damage is increased by 15% for a single target when hit. The effect stacks indefinitely) - 001ef481

Additional damage of a certain type =

  • resolute- A short slowdown in time when sending the last cartridge from the magazine - xx00da96
  • incendiary- Sets an enemy on fire for 15 fire damage over time - 001e7173
  • sorcerer's- Additional poison damage over 10 seconds (3 damage/sec) - 001f31b9
  • Chilling- 10 bonus cold damage and the ability to freeze the enemy on a critical hit - 001f5479
  • Powerful- Damage increased by 25% - 001cc2ab
  • Aggressive- 25% Damage and Limb Damage, 25% Recoil Boost - 001f7b8a
  • Saturated with plasma- 10 additional energy damage, a chance to turn the enemy into a slime (you can find nuclear material on his corpse) - 001fb4d
  • Irradiated- 50 points of bonus radiation damage - 001cc469
  • hurting- Targets take 25 extra bleeding damage - 001e7c20
  • crippling- Deals 50% more damage to limbs - 001e6d6b

Bonus damage against certain types of targets=

  • anti-radiation- Ghulam damage increased by 50% (Completely useless on gamma gun) - 001e6847
  • disastrous- Damage to insects and swamps increased by 50% - 001f81eb
  • Mutant Fighter- Damage against super mutants increased by 50% - 001e6848
  • hunting- Damage to animals (not insects) increased by 50% - 001e6845
  • murderous- Damage to people increased by 50% - 001e6846
  • provocative- Double Damage to Full Health Targets - 001f04b8
  • Repair- Damage to mechanisms (robots, synths and turrets) increased by 50%. Effects on Power Armor are not yet known - 001f81ec

Bonuses that require certain conditions =

  • berserker- Bonus damage based on wearer's damage resistance. The smaller it is, the more damage is dealt (+200% damage with damage resistance equal to 0) - 001ef5d7
  • Protective- Reduce damage while stationary by 15% - 001f5995
  • charged- 10% chance to deal 100 electricity damage on a successful block - xx00da92
  • Dazzling- 25% chance to deal 50 fire damage on a successful block - xx00da93
  • Cold- 20% chance to Freeze the enemy when they block their attack - xx00da93
  • Cavalry- Any damage taken reduced by 15% while blocking or sprinting - 001f57e2
  • drug addict- Bonus damage, the greater the number of addictions the Survivor has (+195% damage with 11 chemical addictions and alcoholism) - 001eb99a
  • Night- At night, the damage is stronger, during the day it is weaker. (Morning, afternoon and evening - 33% of the initial damage. Dawn and sunset - 66% damage. Night - 150% damage. Midnight - 200% damage) - 001e8174
  • bloodied- Bonus damage, the greater the less health the owner has (+5% damage for every 5% health lost up to +95% damage at 5% health) - 001ec036
  • Pathfinder- If the character has not entered the battle yet, the accuracy of the shot in VATS is increased by 100%, but the cost of AP is increased by 50% - 001f04bd
  • liquidator- Increased damage dealt by 10% while aiming - xx00da98
  • rebellious- The last shot in the magazine deals double damage - xx00da91

Bonuses that affect the character =

  • dexterous- When aiming, the character's movement speed is 75% faster than it should be in this mode - 001ebabd
  • tireless- Critical hits with this weapon restore the wearer's AP - 001ed37e
  • Lightning- Reduced AP consumption by 25% - 001f1026
  • VATS compliant- Increases accuracy in VATS by 25%, reduces AP cost by 25% - 001cc2aa
  • VATS compliant- Reduces AP consumption by 40% - 002056f0
  • Recoilless- Increases damage resistance by 150 while on cooldown - xx00da9a
  • Automatic- Ability to fire automatically (Only on a laser musket, but with the help of the console can be added to almost any semi-automatic weapon) - 000a4739
  • Infinite- Shooting does not require reloading (but ammo is wasted). Very useful for automatic weapons (On the unique Eternus Gatling Laser, the ammo becomes really infinite) - 001cc2ac
  • explosive- The projectile explodes on impact, dealing 15 damage in an area - 001e73bd
  • high precision- Slight time slowdown when aiming (Cancels time slowdown caused by, for example, a screw) - xx00da99
  • Double-charged- Each shot the weapon releases two charges instead of one, and the ammunition consumption does not change. Essentially doubles the rate of fire and DPS. However, accuracy drops very much - 001cc2ad
  • Penetrating- Ignore 30% target's resistance to damage and energy - 001f4426
  • Swift- Increase rate of fire by 25%, speed up reloading by 15% - 001ec56d
  • Happy- The weapon has doubled the amount of critical damage and refills the critical strike bar 15% faster when hit in VATS - 001cc2a6

Unique properties or modifications=

  • Ritual Blade- The target takes bleeding and poison damage at the same time. Later, you can remove and attach the modification to any other cleaver, especially with the legendary property - 001cf2a0
  • Uranium Blade- The target takes radiation damage. Cannot be removed or modified (Blade only) - 00143ab5
  • Stryker(mod)- Shoots modified bowling balls. Shells can be picked up later, and the modification can be attached to any other fat man (On a two-shot fat man, the balls are doubled, respectively, there will be no problems with ammunition) - xx02740c
  • Stryker- 0% chance to damage the target's leg. You can attach "Standard installation", "MIRV" or "Nuclear Thrower" for greater effect - xx056f2a
  • World series logo- 6% chance to knock the target into the air. Not removed - 00226436
  • M4 carbine- Reduced weight, 5.56mm conversion, 25% increase in rate of fire, 15% reduction in reload time. You can attach a .38 and .308 receiver, but you cannot attach a 5.56 mm receiver to another combat carbine - xx014457
  • Lucky Eddie- Increases Luck by 2 points - xx0442cb
  • charging- Hits the user with radiation after the shot. Can be charged up to 5 times - xx001125
  • Lightning- Fires electrical bolts that jump from one target to another - xx001126
  • atomic justice- Target takes an additional 100 radiation damage - xx03a387
(!!!)Important: If you need detailed information on the legendary properties, then look at the Wiki(!!!)

To enter cheat codes, you should call the console by pressing the tilde (~) - the keys under the Esc button in the Latin keyboard layout. It allows you to enter commands regardless of whether they are entered in upper or lower case.

    Tgm - God Mode (Invulnerability)

  • tcl - Passing through walls, ignoring gravity
  • player.setlevel Set player level, where # is the desired level
  • player.modav Set skill level, where skillID is the skill number and # is the desired level
  • tmm 1 - Open the entire map. Marks all locations in Pip-Boy
  • unlock - Open any door or terminal the player's cursor is pointing at
  • player.additem Add item to inventory, where itemID is item number, # is quantity
  • player.placeatme Add an NPC near the player
  • tai - Turn off/on artificial intelligence of NPCs
  • tcai - Disable/enable combat artificial intelligence of enemies
  • tdetect - Turn off/on NPC player detection system
  • killall - Kill everyone near the players. Does not affect companions and important story characters
  • kill - Kill one enemy, where targetID is the number of the enemy
  • resurrect - Revive one enemy, where targetID is the number of the enemy
  • tfc - Free camera with UI disable
  • tm - Turn off/on the user interface
  • caqs - Complete all storyline quests
  • setgs fjumfeightmin - Set the jump height, where # is the height
  • player.setav speedmult - Run fast, where # is run speed
  • player.setav carryweight - Change the carry weight, where # is the size of the weight
  • setscale - Increase the size of the player character or NPC. Values ​​can be entered from 1 to 10
  • set timescale to - The speed of time in the game, where # is the speed
  • coc qasmoke - Teleport to a room with boxes that store all the items in the game
  • sexchange - Change your character's sex
  • tdetect - You become invisible to the AI
  • TWF - Turn everything around into a wireframe

In exactly the same way, players can get individual items, and through the space in the console, you can specify the desired number of items.

List of cheats for Fallout 4 items:

  • 0000000F - Caps
  • 00023736 - Stimpack
  • 00023742 - Radaway
  • 00075FE4 - Nuclear battery
  • 0004835F - Nuka-Cola Quantum
  • 0000000A - Master key
  • 0000000A - Stud
  • 00GB0MB - Gingerbread
  • 001BF732 - Oil
  • 00023742 - Antiradin
  • 0004D1F2 - Insulating tape
  • 00069086 - Nuclear component
  • 00069085 - Glass
  • 00024057 - Rad X
  • 00023736 - Stimulant
  • 000AEC64 - Leather
  • 000AEC62 - Gold
  • 0006907Е - Gears
  • 000366C5 - Screw
  • 00033778 - Buffut
  • 00069082 - Spring
  • 000AEC60 - Cork
  • 000366C0 - Purified water
  • 001BF72E - Glue
  • 0006907A - Aluminum
  • 0006907C - Copper
  • 0006907B - Wiring
  • 00059B1E - Turpentine
  • 001BF72D - Acid
  • 00069081 - Bolt
  • 0006907D - Crystal
  • 0006554A - Miracle Glue
  • 000AEC61 - Glass fiber
  • 00069071 - Plastic
  • 000AEC5Е - Ceramics
  • 000AEC63 - Lead
  • 000AEC5С - Abscess
  • 0001F66C - Cartridges 5mm
  • 0001F669 - Minigun
  • 000BD56F - Fat Man
  • 000E6B2E - Mini Bomb
  • 0018ABE2 - Cryo cell
  • 00171B2B - Cryo gun

As you know, Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim were developed on the same engine. Thus, many of the console commands may end up being the same.

AT Fallout 4 like in all games Bethesda, there are NPC IDs you can call them by. In our guide, we will show you the ID list: all NPCs, partners, monsters, legendary bosses. in Fallout 4.

The list we are looking for:

  • Partners / Companions
  • Regular NPCs
  • Monsters, robots
  • Legendary Enemies, Bosses

To call an NPC in front of you, do the following:

  1. Open the console with ~, located in the upper left corner of the keyboard under the ESC key
  2. We enter the command player.placeatme (id value) all lists of available NPCs are below.
  3. They may not have enough space, then the game may ask you to find a larger area.

List of NPCs

ID List of NPCs

List of partners / companions

Partners are called using the command prid (partner id), then player.moveto (teammate id) after that, you should teleport to it. This command is used if your partner is on a spree or stuck in textures, so there is nothing wrong with that, you are just trying to fix the current situation in this way.

ID List of partners / companions:

List of opponents

ID List of opponents:

List of legendary opponents

ID List of legendary opponents:

ID Legendary Enemies
ff0009a7Mister Handy / Deathclaw
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