Teacher's Day quiz for elementary school. The script for celebrating Teacher's Day is funny skits, jokes, games and quizzes. Teacher Interview Questions

Quiz "Wardrobe questions"

  • Once in Russia, such products were simply called "trousers". In the modern world, there are many varieties of them: bell-bottoms, capris, bananas, bermudas, pipes, riding breeches, leggings ... (Pants, pants.)
  • An intelligent man, as a rule, has several options for this accessory in his wardrobe. And in the film "Love and Doves" because of him, the main character even had a little quarrel with his wife. (Tie.)
  • This item of clothing is single-breasted and double-breasted. As a rule, it serves as the upper part of a classic suit. (Blazer.)
  • This item has evolved from a loincloth that covers the lower part of the body. There are mini and maxi. (Skirt.)
  • Outerwear, usually below the knees. It happens winter, summer, demi-season. Fashionistas wear with a fur collar. (Coat.)
  • Moth spoils this expensive thing with impunity from May to September, but does not touch it while a person is wearing it. (Fur coat.)
  • Lightweight clothing covering the upper body. Her "predecessors" were the ancient Greek chiton and the Roman tunic. The readiness to give the “last” was considered the height of kindness and disinterestedness. (Shirt.)
  • This is perhaps the most important and deserving of special attention attribute of the wardrobe. Worn in pairs, usually made of cotton, wool, nylon or synthetic fabrics. Black is optimal. (Socks.)
  • The prototype of this garment appeared in ancient Greece: two pieces of fabric were fastened with pins on the shoulders and a belt at the waist. This garment was made famous by Coco Chanel, who created the little black novelty in 1926. (Dress.)
  • A piece of winter clothing for the hands, which has two compartments: one for the thumb, and the other for everyone else. (Mitten.)
  • A narrow scarf worn under a coat. (Muffler.)
  • Knitted garment for the upper body, without fasteners, with long sleeves. Modern industry (especially Chinese) produces many cheap, short-lived and cold items from artificial yarn. However, real products serve without loss of quality and presentation for up to 10 years. (Pullover.)

Football quiz for women

Presenter: In our time, the most massive sport is football. Dear women, let's surprise men with knowledge about this man's game. And if you cannot answer, then we will ask the men to help.

  • The "Black Pearl" of football, he is the best, officially recognized footballer of the century. (Pele.)
  • How many people should be on the field from each team? (11)
  • The structure of two posts and a crossbar at the edge of the field, where the players try to hit the ball. (Gates.)
  • What is the word for goalkeeper? (Goalkeeper.)
  • Side gate. (Barbell.)
  • Violation of the rules. (Foul.)
  • A well-known player who is considered the second most important player in Brazil after Pelé. (Ronaldo.)
  • Choose a Russian synonym for the word forward. (Attack.)
  • Part of a football match, consisting of 45 minutes. (Half.)
  • The national hero of Argentina, his nickname is "San Diego", that is, Saint Diego. (Diego Maradona)
  • Who is a referee? (Football referee, referee in the field.)
  • What is the top post of a goal called? (Crossbar.)
  • A competition between two football teams during the time allotted by the rules, consisting of two halves. (Match.)
  • Who is a scorer? (A player who scores many goals.)
  • Name the Soviet football player, the owner of the title "the best goalkeeper of the 20th century." (Lev Yashin.)

Cosmetic quiz for men

Leading: It has long been known that a man loves with his eyes. Therefore, many tricks were invented by the weaker sex to make themselves even more attractive. Dear men, let's surprise charming ladies with your knowledge in the field of beauty. And if suddenly you don’t know something, then women, of course, will tell you.

  • An on-duty tool that guards the beauty of eyebrows. (Tweezers.)
  • Decorative cosmetics designed to emphasize, highlight the color of eyelashes. (Mascara.)
  • Cosmetic product for coloring and moisturizing lips. (Lipstick.)
  • A shoe detail that raises the heel above the level of the toe, making the woman's walk look more elegant and feminine. Appeared in women's fashion thanks to the legendary Marquise Pompadour. (Heel.)
  • A product that adorns a lady's hand. (Bracelet.)
  • Women's things from the category of "beauty for the eyes." (Eyeshadow.)
  • A small envelope bag that has neither handles nor a strap - it is worn, clasped in the palm of your hand or under the arm. (Clutch.)
  • A small but very useful tool that is used to put nails on alert. (File.)
  • This item is in every women's purse, is an indispensable tool to support makeup throughout the day. He will tell the whole truth, or rather, show. (Mirror.)
  • An element of clothing that elegantly emphasizes a woman's waist. (Belt.)
  • Cosmetic cream containing solid particles. Designed to cleanse the skin of dead cells. (Scrub.)
  • Cosmetic procedure for the treatment of nails on the fingers and the fingers themselves. (Manicure.)
  • Pair of ear ornaments. (Earrings.)
  • A spray used to create and maintain hairstyles for a long time. (Hair spray.)

Game "Story in numbers"

Interested persons are invited, 3-5 people. The host announces that everyone can write letters and numbers with their hands, but with the help of ... hmm, the waist is more difficult to do. The participants of the game stand with their backs to the guests and do a little warm-up: draw the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with waist movements.

Then the facilitator asks that, while reading the story, the participants draw a number with their waist as soon as they hear it.

“On Sunday, the teacher usually woke up at 7 (seven) in the morning. Stretching sweetly, I decided to take a nap until 8 (eight). Suddenly there were 3 (three) calls. It called 1 (first) congratulatory. Then the teacher remembered that today was his birthday, smiled 5 (five) times and answered the interlocutor 4 (four) times: “Yes”, and then nodded 9 (nine) more times.

From intense nods, the teacher's wife woke up and presented gifts to the birthday boy: 2 (two) packages and 3 (three) bags with something pleasant and necessary. She looked tenderly at her husband and kissed him on the cheek 5 (five) times. And then there was a 2 (second), 3 (third), 4 (fourth). 5 (fifth), 6 (sixth) and 7 (seventh) calls. The birthday boy gladly accepted congratulations, but he didn’t want to doze off. ”

After reading the text, the facilitator reveals that it was actually a gracefulness test. According to the volume of applause, the most graceful guest is chosen.

Tolerant game "I welcome you"

There is always a difficulty in bringing together different people around the table. There is a wonderful opportunity to do this without much effort, naturally and naturally.

Depending on the number of guests, cards are distributed with information about how people greet each other in different countries of the world. You can issue one card for 2-3 people. One of the group members reads a card, then the group shows a greeting. After that, all the guests sitting at the table should also greet the neighbor on the left and right.

1. The Poles, greeting the lady, say: "I kiss the hands!". And they just pretend to kiss.

2. Tajiks fold both hands just below the chest and, bending slightly, approach their friend. With the words "Assolom alaikum" both hands are extended to him.

3. Tibetans, greeting, take off their headdress with their right hand, and put their left hand behind their ear, and even stick out their tongue.

4. Turkmens put their hands in their long sleeves and kiss each other on the cheek.

5. Persians wish: "Be cheerful!" Good wish, if you think about it.

6. Jews, greeting, say: "Peace be with you!"

7. The Zulus exclaim admiringly: “I see you!”

8. The Egyptians are solicitously interested in: "Do you sweat well?"

9. In Malaysia, they simply ask: “Where are you going?”

10. Indians fold their palms in a boat and bow their heads respectfully.

11. The Chinese bow with arms extended along the body, while still shaking hands with themselves.

12. Laplanders rub their noses against each other. Perhaps they are also heated in this way.

13. Hispanics happily hug each other when they meet.

14. The Japanese are very attentive to greetings. They use three types of bows - saikerei (lowest, for the most respected people), medium (at 30 degrees) and light (at 15 degrees), for people who barely know each other.

15. Greenlanders always exclaim: "Good weather", even if it's raining with snow and squally winds.

16. Residents of India, instead of wishing good morning, ask the burning question: “Did the mosquitoes bother you too much last night?”

17. In New Guinea, there is a custom to say hello without words, just by raising your eyebrows.

Auditorium. In the background of the stage is a colorful Happy Teacher's Day greeting. Before the start of the holiday, the melody of the song _________________________________________________ sounds.

Leading together:


Presenter 1

Today is an unusual day!

Lead 2

Today is an amazing day!

Presenter 1

It is a holiday today!!!

Lead 2

Glad! Long awaited!

Presenter 1

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold is already breathing
The school celebrates teacher's day
- The holiday of wisdom, knowledge of labor.

Lead 2

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to you
Everything related to youth, childhood,
Everyone owes it to the teachers!

Presenter 1

Dear lovely teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. And this means that today's holiday is not only yours, but also all those who studied and are studying. And everyone studied at school: our grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Lead 2

The burden of a teacher is not easy. These are people who brought up more than one generation. "Teacher-mentor", so they say about the director of our school (full name). You have the floor, Alexander Alexandrovich.

Word of congratulations to the director of the school.

Dear Alexander Alexandrovich, we want to break the tradition and ask you a few questions (to interview):

- Everyone has a motto when achieving their goal. Name yours.

- You decided to take on this difficult burden - to become a director. Do you consider yourself a daredevil?

- Tell me, please, do you enjoy going to work?

How do you manage to stay in such great physical shape?

- If a magician appeared now, what cherished desire would you ask him to fulfill?

The director answers.

- This is the kind of director raised by the staff and students of boarding school No. 1.

Audience applause.

A word for congratulations to the chairman of the trade union committee of the school

Lead 2

Our teachers are dedicated people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there.

Presenter 1

What a huge heart you need to have, To generously distribute it piece by piece to children day after day, year after year! And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.

Lead 2

Health to you! To hell with sickness!
Live a century without knowing tears,
And if it's hard all of a sudden,
We ask you not to hang your nose!

A group of students with bows, in smart dresses, with toys, with a book, with a bucket. The song "What they teach at school" sounds

Lead 2

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
Who walked on the street
Who was on vacation.
1st reader.

2nd reader.

3rd reader.

1st reader.
And we have plumbing. Here.
And from our window
The boarding school is visible.
2nd reader.
And from our window -
A little work room.
3rd reader.
And we have a fun class!
This time.

And fourthly, our teacher
Came to my house
Because in the hallway
I ran like crazy.
1st reader.

But in the 10th grade, for example,
A policeman came.
2nd reader.
And we got an eyeball.
And you?
3rd reader.
And we have an emergency class.
And you?
1st reader.

She has few convolutions -
That's what my sister said.
2nd reader.
In the classroom, then the neighbor's neighbor
He beat me with a book after dinner.
3rd reader.
A book? This is bullshit.
Here's a portfolio - yes!
2nd reader.
And we have a cool teacher,
Very kind and funny
In a word, just

Lead 2

It was in the evening
There was nothing to argue.

Number art.self-mod.________________________________________________

Lead 2

This amazing house is a school! Here everything is mixed up: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house, joy and tears, meetings and partings.

People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave this house forever seething with passions, because someone very accurately once called the school "sweet hard labor."

Lead 2

Dear colleagues, let it be so that in your life
bright, kind, you were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school is a safe haven for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Presenter 1

Dear teachers, MUSICAL MIXINGS sound for you
We composed ditties
We tried very hard.
We only ask that you
We were not offended.

Happy Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach us better.

Please, please explain
Where is the north, where is the south,
And then we'll go to Africa -
There will be a skiff for all of us.

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You mix it up a little
Can eat a crocodile.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Train our muscles
Harden them like steel
Relatives are surprised
I became stronger and taller.

A Svetlana Nikolaevna
He loves silence very much.
Why doesn't he like to make noise?
Well, I don't understand.

And our school principal
He issued the following decree:
Who will get a hundred fives;
He will give them awards.

We sang ditties to you -
Is it good, is it bad
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

Presenter 1

Let in this hall, at this hour
The fires burn brighter
And again we congratulate you
All of you teachers!

Lead 2

Your life is lessons, children,
Your life is patient worries.
And they love you like no one else in the world!
And they repeat it not for beautiful words.

Presenter 1

Today, dear teachers, graduating students congratulate you

1st graduate

Thanks for being so patient

2nd graduate

We know a lot of grief
We brought you, there was an hour
But we ask, dear ones,
Don't be angry with us.
And thank you for everything
To you, relatives, we want.
For patience, for science
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thin number. samod __________________________________________________________

Lead 2

As they say, from century to century
Man does not live by bread alone!

As long as you are inspired
As long as the hearts for the song are alive,
Dedicate your work
Souls wonderful impulses!

Lead 2

Dear teachers, today is your holiday.

And may this festive concert
Everything will tell you for us
That so many years
The students love you so much
For honesty, wisdom, intelligence, talent,
For the clarity of your eyes
For your kindness
so rare now

Number art.self-mod.________________________________________________

Number art.self-mod._____________________________________

All good things come to an end sooner or later. This is how our concert imperceptibly came to an end.

Let failures not break you
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.
Long years and success in work
All the children want to wish you
May good years
They fly with the birds of happiness!

Presenter 1

And let them settle in your family forever
Fun, luck, love for each other,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course
And smart and kind students!
1st reader.
And I have a nail in my pocket! Here! And you?
2nd reader.
We have a guest today! And you?
3rd reader.
And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?
1st reader.
And we have plumbing. Here.
And from our window
The boarding school is visible.
2nd reader.
And from our window -
A little work room.

3rd reader.
And we have a fun class!
This time.
We found a gas mask - that's two.
And fourthly, our teacher
Came to my house
Because in the hallway
I ran like crazy.
1st reader.
How crazy? Well, what is it?
But in the 10th grade, for example,
A policeman came.
2nd reader.
And we got an eyeball.
And you?
3rd reader.
And we have an emergency class.
And you?
1st reader.
And your sister Nyura is a fool.
She has few convolutions -
That's what my sister said.
2nd reader.
In the classroom, then the neighbor's neighbor
He beat me with a book after dinner.
3rd reader.
A book? This is bullshit.
Here's a portfolio - yes!
2nd reader.
And we have a cool teacher,
Very kind and funny
In a word, just
1st reader.
And I have a nail in my pocket! Here! And you?
2nd reader.
We have a guest today! And you?
3rd reader.
And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?
1st reader.
And we have plumbing. Here.
And from our window
The boarding school is visible.
2nd reader.
And from our window -
A little work room.

3rd reader.
And we have a fun class!
This time.
We found a gas mask - that's two.
And fourthly, our teacher
Came to my house
Because in the hallway
I ran like crazy.
1st reader.
How crazy? Well, what is it?
But in the 10th grade, for example,
A policeman came.
2nd reader.
And we got an eyeball.
And you?
3rd reader.
And we have an emergency class.
And you?
1st reader.
And your sister Nyura is a fool.
She has few convolutions -
That's what my sister said.
2nd reader.
In the classroom, then the neighbor's neighbor
He beat me with a book after dinner.
3rd reader.
A book? This is bullshit.
Here's a portfolio - yes!
2nd reader.
And we have a cool teacher,
Very kind and funny
In a word, just

1st reader.
And I have a nail in my pocket! Here! And you?
2nd reader.
We have a guest today! And you?
3rd reader.
And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?
1st reader.
And we have plumbing. Here.
And from our window
The boarding school is visible.
2nd reader.
And from our window -
A little work room.

3rd reader.
And we have a fun class!
This time.
We found a gas mask - that's two.
And fourthly, our teacher
Came to my house
Because in the hallway
I ran like crazy.
1st reader.
How crazy? Well, what is it?
But in the 10th grade, for example,
A policeman came.
2nd reader.
And we got an eyeball.
And you?
3rd reader.
And we have an emergency class.
And you?
1st reader.
And your sister Nyura is a fool.
She has few convolutions -
That's what my sister said.
2nd reader.
In the classroom, then the neighbor's neighbor
He beat me with a book after dinner.
3rd reader.
A book? This is bullshit.
Here's a portfolio - yes!
2nd reader.
And we have a cool teacher,
Very kind and funny
In a word, just

1st graduate

In a wonderful life, on the road of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
Concurrently, he is a tamer.
We are stubborn, impudent, playful,
Lessons are not taught - it happens sometimes.
Thanks for being so patient
Thank you for loving us!

2nd graduate

We know a lot of grief
We brought you, there was an hour
But we ask, dear ones,
Don't be angry with us.
And thank you for everything
To you, relatives, we want.
For patience, for science
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We composed ditties
We tried very hard.
We only ask that you
We were not offended.

Happy Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach us better.

Please, please explain
Where is the north, where is the south,
And then we'll go to Africa -
There will be a skiff for all of us.

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You mix it up a little
Can eat a crocodile.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Train our muscles
Harden them like steel
Relatives are surprised
I became stronger and taller.

A Svetlana Nikolaevna
He loves silence very much.
Why doesn't he like to make noise?
Well, I don't understand.

And our school principal
He issued the following decree:
Who will get a hundred fives;
He will give them awards.

We sang ditties to you -
Is it good, is it bad
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

Let you a hundred times
Praise, give thanks
And they will lift you to the throne of songs,
So that, with each generation henceforth,
You magically look younger.

Welcome everyone to the quiz dedicated to Teacher's Day. The teacher is our everything. The teacher's work is honorable and grateful. There is always a special attitude towards the teacher - he is trusted, he is appreciated.

The Teacher's Day quiz consists of three blocks. The first block consists of serious questions, the second - of comic ones. The third block is devoted to questions about the school as a whole.
All questions have been answered.

1. At the beginning of our quiz, I want to give you a riddle. Who are we talking about?

He comes to school early
He has big plans:
Teaching children to write
Think, calculate, decide.
Answer: it's about the teacher

2. What great teachers do you know?
Answer: L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, A. V. Lunacharsky, A. M. Gorky, S. Ya. Marshak

3. What movies, stories, novels dedicated to teachers do you know?
Answer:"French Lessons" - a story by Valentin Rasputin, "The First Teacher" - a story by the writer Chingiz Aitmatov, the film "Big Break"

4. Do you think World Teacher's Day is celebrated?
Answer: Yes, this holiday was established under the auspices of UNESCO in 1994. This day is October 5, Teacher's Day is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world.

5. Which student is the teacher's favorite?
Answer: several answers are possible. One of the bottoms might be: “A student who studies well does his homework on time. Student with diligent behavior.

II. The second block of the quiz is comic

1. In what case does the student say: “What am I, Pushkin?”
Answer: so it is said in the case when the respondent does not know the answer to the question. Most likely, it is believed that Pushkin (he is a genius!) Knew everything

2. How does the student respond to a question that, in his opinion, was not previously explained by the teacher?
Answer:"we didn't go through"

3. In what case do they say: “Play school?”
Answer: we are talking about a childish game that takes place outside the school walls. Both teachers and students in such a school are game characters

4. What rhyme does the elementary school teacher say when the children make a lot of noise?
Answer:"Chok-chok, hooked teeth"

5. Name five characters in children's stories, cartoons, counting rhymes, fairy tales, whose names (names) begin with the letter "H"?
Answer: Chipollino, Chip (and Dale), Chizhik-Pyzhik, Chuk (and Gek), Chapaev, "Scarecrow" and others

III. The third block of the quiz - questions about the school

1. What does the expression: "Ready for the lesson" mean?
Answer: this means that the homework has been completed, and the rules, theorems have been learned, the paragraph has been studied

2. Who is a good player and who is a drummer? How do they differ from each other?
Answer: practically nothing, this is a student who studies without triples. Grades for the quarters and for the year he has only good and excellent

3. The spur is one of the elements that serve to control the horse. What does this word have to do with school?
Answer: so in colloquial language means the word "cheat sheet"

Today's comic duties of a teacher are the eternal dreams and naive desires of schoolchildren that will never become a reality. But no one forbade dreaming - that's what children dream about!

I fantasized about this topic, and something like this happened. Dear teachers, treat with humor - you yourself dreamed of something like this at least once in your childhood))

These duties of a teacher can be used at any creative school event, especially on Teacher's Day and self-government day - by the way, when is it held? Or is it different for everyone? You can still on April 1st.

How to fill out the duties of a teacher:

In the form of a comic order for the school;

Like a note of protest - a joke, of course;

In the form of an ancient scroll found during excavations (well, they say, even in prehistoric times, schoolchildren dreamed of the same thing! And it doesn’t matter that, maybe, there were no schools at all then);

Well, now directly themselves

Comic duties of a teacher

through the eyes of the students.

The teacher must:

1. Tell a student who is late for a lesson:

From 1 to 15 minutes: - Come in, please, sit down, we didn’t start without you!

From 15 to 30 minutes: - My friend, half a lesson has already passed, why are you sitting here in vain? Better go to the dining room, eat a pie with compote!

2. If the teacher himself was late for the lesson, the next day he can come to school only with his parents.

3. The teacher is obliged to turn off his mobile phone while still in the corridor and put it in his pocket or bag. If the teacher's phone rings at least once during the lesson, the students will complain to the principal.

4. If a teacher is seen reading a book in class, it will be taken away and returned at the end of the school year. In case of repeated violation, the book will be immediately donated to the library.

5. The teacher is required to wear a school uniform, not to wear jewelry and not to use cosmetics - you came after all!

6. The teacher is obliged to completely exclude from his speech phrases that injure the fragile psyche of students, namely:

Diary on the table, immediately!

Tomorrow I will start school only with my parents!

The answer is not correct!

Rating is unsatisfactory!

7. Other phrases that are difficult for receptive children's ears should be replaced with more sweet ones. For example, instead of words:

Today we write a dictation, tomorrow - a math test, and on Wednesday you have a final test on the topic! -

teachers should say:

Who wants to write a dictation today. Others may go home.

Anyone who wishes can stay on the control work. I don't hold up the rest.

Fans of puzzles, charades and tests can check themselves on Wednesday in the final test on the topic they have studied. Those who prefer other types of puzzles can be free.

8. All missed lessons, regardless of the reason for the absence, the teacher must work out, otherwise he will not be allowed to the next classes.

9. To all the questions of parents, how is their blockhead, the teacher is obliged to answer that the boy is talented to the point of genius, and geniuses often remained misunderstood even by their parents.

10. To your own question, why are there only duties and where are the rights, the answer is:

Dear teacher! You always have one unconditional right - to be your students! Use this right to all 100!

Wishing you only pleasant duties,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Minsiria Akhmerova
Intellectual game-quiz for teachers "Connoisseurs of safety rules"

Intellectual quiz game for teachers« Safety experts»

Goal and tasks:work improvement teachers in educational fields « Safety» , "Health"; activation of knowledge safety fundamentals educators, the formation of positive communication skills teachers development of the ability to work in a team.

« Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability right behave in different situations.

Life is the most precious value that a person possesses. He is looking for the meaning of his existence during the time allotted to him, makes plans, strives for their implementation, creates and creates. And the main task of a person is to save this life, because it is priceless.

Often, the preservation of one's own life and the lives of one's loved ones turns out to be dependent on the knowledge of the simplest rules providing first aid in case of various accidents, readiness for any surprises that the surrounding nature and its inhabitants are fraught with, from the ability to quickly orient oneself even in the most difficult situation and take the only the right decision. Basics security human life must know EVERY! And everyone should understand how important it is to take timely precautions themselves and instill self-preservation skills in their children in order to save life and health, and hence the future.

Formula security says:

anticipate danger;

avoid if possible;

act if necessary.

"The sky is blue, the sun is clear,

It's good to live in the world!

Only accidents

Joy can darken.

So that these misfortunes do not happen

We will repeat for clarity

Remember we are all adults

Safety regulations

So, dear teachers!I offer you a quiz game on topic: « Safety experts» .(For teachers can be subdivided).

Warm up. "Fabulous safety, or Journey to the fairy-tale world»

You need to specify those safety regulations that violated fairy-tale heroes.

1. What rule violated Kai from a fairy tale "The Snow Queen"(Do not cling to transport).

2. What safety regulations the princess from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin did not know "The Tale of the Dead Princess"(Do not take treats from strangers).

3. What mistake did the heroes of fairy tales make "Red Riding Hood", "The wolf and the seven Young goats"(Do not open the door to strangers, i.e. strangers).

4. Who did one of the heroes of the fairy tale turn into after drinking dirty water from a puddle? What is this fairy tale ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"- listen to your elders.

5. Why with a kolobok ( "Kolobok") and a rooster from a fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox" trouble happened (Don't talk, don't trust strangers).

6. What rule the hero of the fairy tale did not observe personal hygiene "Moydodyr"?

7. What regulations hygiene violated Masha from a fairy tale "Three Bears"?

II. Solving the crossword puzzle.

1. The state of the body, expressed in the violation of its normal life, life expectancy, and its ability to maintain its homeostasis. (DISEASE)

2. The normal function of the body at all levels of its organization. (HEALTH)

3. Violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as the destruction (damage) or threat of destruction (damage) property and other material objects. (TERRORISM)

4. Promoting someone or something; actions or means that facilitate, simplify something. (HELP)

5. Wand (stalk, straw) of combustible material, equipped with an incendiary head at the end. (MATCH)

6. An uncontrolled combustion process that causes material damage, harm to life and health of people, interests society and the state. (FIRE)

7. A set of circumstances, conditions that create certain relationships, conditions or situations. (SITUATION)

8. Probability, the possibility that some undesirable event may occur. (DANGER)

9. An optical device carrying light information, designed to regulate the movement of motor vehicles, as well as pedestrians at pedestrian crossings and other road users. (TRAFFIC LIGHT)

10. A specially equipped point for waiting for a bus and boarding and disembarking passengers. (STOP)

11. Crossing roads or lanes at the same level. (CROSSROADS)

12. Independence, ability or ability to act without any interference. (INDEPENDENCE)

III.Decision pedagogical situations.

1. Once it happened that grandfather was walking around the field, collecting useful herbs. A violent thunderstorm began, and it began to rain. There was a lone tree in the field and grandfather rushed to it to take cover from the rain. correct grandfather chose the solution? Why?

2. Near the roadway and bus stop girl played ball. From an awkward movement, the ball rolled onto the roadway. Rate the girl's actions. What would you do?

3. Children walked on the embankment. They had fun played catch up. During the game, the guys noticed a bag, near which there was no one. What can be dangerous for strangers, left unattended objects? What should be done in such cases?

4. The boy came to rest in the summer to his relatives. He had not been with them for a long time. The summer turned out to be hot, and the boy decided to go swimming in a nearby pond. What should a boy do for his security in this situation.?

5. On a fine day, having asked for time off from their parents, the guys went for a walk. During the game, a man approached them and began to treat them with sweets. What should children do?

6. A child ran away from the group in which you work as an educator. Your actions?

7. Parents did not pick up your pupil on time. What needs to be done?

8. By the end of the working day, a mother came to the group to pick up her child. An hour earlier, the father had already taken the baby, but he did not agree with his mother and forgot to inform her about the whereabouts of the child. An expressive mother, without calling her husband, arranged teacher scandal. How will you react?

IV.Express survey "Quickly answer - look do not yawn!"

Each one takes turns asking questions. teacher. The pace is very fast.

What information should a police officer provide when contacting a citizen? (position, rank, surname, show service certificate, indicate the reason for the appeal)

The full name of the institution where you work.

What is today's date?

Name of your maternal grandmother.

What is the name of the president of our country?

Call the emergency number.

Address and phone number of the kindergarten.

Name of the chief specialist in early childhood education.

V. Provide first aid.

For teachers several situations are suggested.

1. Stung by a snake. The man provides first aid. First he applies a tourniquet. The wound is then washed with a disinfectant solution. e. a solution of potassium permanganate. Gives to drink. Then they run together to the infirmary. Question: What two actions were performed on the victim not properly?

Answer: 1. When bitten by a snake, a tourniquet should not be applied. 2. The victim should not move independently.

2. Kolya rode a bicycle and fell on the asphalt. He received bruises on his knee. What should be done?

3. Dasha and her friend decided to drink tea until mom and dad came home from work. Dasha's friend accidentally spilled boiling water and burned her hand. The hand blushed. How to help the girl in this case?

In closing, I would like to thank everyone teachers. Your knowledge and skills are the key the safety of you and your loved ones!

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