The difference in the age of macron and his wife. Young Macron and his elderly wife: six facts about the new president of France. The story of Brigitte Macron

The wife of French President Macron, as can be seen from the photo of a happy couple, is the very case when the age of love is not a hindrance. The love story of Brigitte and Emmanuel is so unusual and beautiful that it can serve as a scenario for a romantic movie.

According to many, it was the charismatic wife who helped Macron win the presidential election. About the biography of the First Lady, as well as how old she is when they met - in our article.

Brigitte Tronier

Since the French presidential elections took place, Madame and Monsieur Macron have been the most talked about French couple. And because the new president is very young for such a position (he won the election at the age of 39), and because he is a very interesting and bright woman. But the main thing that interested the public was how old the president's wife is.

Many were embarrassed by the significant age difference: Brigitte is 24 years older than her husband. And despite this, they demonstrate a very happy and harmonious relationship.

The wife of French President Macron in the photo is a happy woman who destroys all stereotypes and proves that the age difference cannot be for love. And that this is just prejudice.

The future wife of the president was born in 1953 in the north of France in the family of Jean Tronier, a confectioner and successful owner of a confectionery factory. She had a big one - there were six children in the family. The family was wealthy, since the factory - an old family business - brought them a significant income.

Brigitte at 21. The photo in her youth shows that she was a very interesting and attractive young woman. Married to banker Andre Louis Ozier, she had two daughters and a son. After the decree, the young woman began working as a teacher at a religious school, where she met Emmanuel.

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Meeting with the future President of France

They met when the young man was only 15 years old. In the photo in her youth, Brigitte looks like a very bright young woman, so it is not surprising that sympathy arose from the young man. However, their relationship did not go beyond "teacher - student."

She taught him literature, he was fond of poetry, so it was interesting for them to communicate on literary topics.

However, Emmanuel's too close communication with the teacher could not go unnoticed, especially since the young man could not hide his feelings. But Brigitte was still a married woman and the mother of three children. A conservative town in the north of France could not perceive such relations positively. To avoid scandal, Emmanuel's parents decided to send him to Paris.

However, the young man proved that even the distance of love is not a hindrance. He promised Brigitte before leaving that he would return and marry her.

As it turned out, on his part, this was not just a fleeting youthful passion, but really a real feeling. He returned to his hometown in 2006 and reminded her of his promise.

The woman thought for a while, but in the same year she decided to divorce her husband. Already in 2007, Emmanuel fulfilled his dream and married Brigitte.

Now she is the well-known wife of French President Macron, and in the photo she is a happy, loving and beloved wife. It is noteworthy that, in order to prove the seriousness of his intentions, Macron not only married his beloved woman, but also officially adopted her children.

happy family life

Macron himself claims in every interview that everything he has achieved in life is the merit of his beloved wife. The President of France very often appears in public with his wife. Her children and grandchildren also live nearby in Paris.

You can often observe a family idyll when the presidential couple with Brigitte's children and grandchildren get out into nature, where Emmanuel is happy to nurse his wife's grandchildren.

The presidential couple does not hide their feelings, proving that all the arguments about the age difference are just prejudices that mean nothing when it comes to true love. They appear together in public, hold hands, look sincerely happy in spite of all the envious and spiteful critics.

Opponents of the president spread rumors that he had an unconventional reputation and that marriage was just a front. Macron always answered this that his wife is the main and dearly beloved woman in his life, and he simply does not pay attention to gossip.

The main thing is that the presidential couple looks happy, and no difference in age matters to them. Macron admitted in one of his interviews that he is not even saddened at all by the fact that he does not have biological children, since he is truly happy with the family that he has. And in this, in his opinion, the main merit is Brigitte.

Brigitte is a style icon

The wife of French President Macron, as seen in the photo, always dresses with great taste and knows how to emphasize her attractiveness with the right clothes. Thanks to her vigor, brightness, expressive style, she looks very youthful.

Thanks to her slender Brigitte, she can wear tight outfits that perfectly emphasize her youthfulness. She prefers laconic trousers, elegant dresses, classic suits and fashionable outfits, such as tight ones. The first lady dresses very stylishly, for her the main thing is comfort and elegance. And the most important addition to her image is the sparkle radiated by her eyes, and always a bright smile.

Moreover, fashion magazines called the wife of the President of France a style icon, and the famous Karl Lagerfeld said that she is a very bright and wonderful woman, and that she has a beautiful figure, which she favorably demonstrates with the right choice of clothes.

Madame Macron continues her teaching activities, combining it with the official duties of the First Lady. She spends a lot of time with her children and grandchildren and is very happy with what she has. According to her, she does not plan to become a politician, but will continue to support the president as his loving wife.

September 9, 2019, 20:16

Emmanuel Macron was born on December 21, 1977 in the city of Amiens in northern France into a family of doctors. There he spent his childhood. The birth of a son in the family was preceded by the death of a newborn daughter, which was hard experienced by the parents and left an imprint on Emmanuel's upbringing.

Macron's parents received medical education. Both, as students, participated in the protests of 1968, but later became disillusioned with politics and again felt a taste for civic activism only in 1981, casting their vote for François Mitterrand in the presidential election.

Despite the fact that Macron's parents called themselves agnostics and did not baptize any of their children, Emmanuel, at the age of 12, insisted on being baptized.

The future president grew up in a typical respectable family, where the father and mother worked, but paid much attention to the children.
The president's father, Jean-Michel Macron, has seen and spoken to his son only occasionally in recent years, but they are linked, among other things, by the similarity of their intellectual makeup. It is J.-M. Macron instilled in Emmanuel a love of history and literature, taught him the ancient Greek language (which by that time had ceased to be taught at the college) and philosophy.

The president's parents are currently divorced.

Emmanuel Macron has a brother Laurent, born in 1979, a doctor specializing in cardiac radiology, a sister, Estelle, born in 1982, a nephrologist, and a half-brother, Gabriel. The latter, born from the remarriage of Jean-Michel Macron, was only 2 years old at the time of Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron's wedding on October 20, 2007 in Le Touquet. The boy attended the inauguration of his brother at the Elysee Palace.

Macron also has four nephews.

With brother and nephew:

Macron's maternal grandmother Germaine Noguez (or Manette, as she was called in the family) died in 2013, but still remains an object of worship for the French president. Macron spoke unusually much about her during his election campaign as well.

“The former headmistress of the school and the little angelic boy had an unusual bond. Exceptional. Very tight. Literally extraordinary. Bonds of love, but also of dependence that lasted until Manette's death.

The daughter of illiterate parents, Germain was the only one in her family who was able to get an education and become a teacher, and then the director of the college. According to the recollections of her relatives, she had an extremely strong character, was incredibly demanding in everything related to education and work. Her passion was literature and classical music, and she considered cooking a waste of time. According to the testimony of relatives, the grandmother was extremely demanding of her grandson, she never made him concessions, and, moreover, she always remained an indisputable authority for the future politician.

When Manette's health took a turn for the worse in 2013, Macron, who was already deputy chief of staff at the time, called her daily. And on April 13, 2013, having received the news that Germain Noguez is dying, Macron rushes to Amiens right from an important meeting in order to have time to say goodbye to her. It is said that it was then that the foundation was laid for Macron's break with François Hollande. Deeply worried about the death of Manette, Macron was offended by Hollande's indifference and from that moment he ceased to feel indebted to him.

It was the grandmother who became the attorney of the 16-year-old Macron in his love for the married teacher Brigitte Ozier. According to the wife of the French president, "nothing would have happened if it were not for the help of Manette"

"My mother, who would never allow such a situation for her children, has shown that she is much more open and tolerant of her grandchildren's love affairs," said President's mother Françoise.

Before meeting Brigitte, young Emmanuel had one girlfriend, whom his parents remember. “She was the same age as him, she was sweet, the daughter of a local doctor and our friend. They dated for several months,” says Emmanuel's father.

The fact that their son likes an adult teacher, the parents found out by accident. One of Emmanuel's friends - at whose house he said he studied for his undergraduate exams - called to arrange the upcoming weekend. His mother, Françoise Nogues-Macron, realized then that "Manu", who called her every day to tell her about his day, was not in fact at his friend's. At the end of the week, his father went to the station to pick up his son after a week's "vacation with friends." When they returned home, a scandal broke out.

Speaking about their reaction to their son's affair with a teacher, Macron's parents admit that they were stunned and angry, but this did not destroy their relationship with their son. The decision to send Emmanuel to complete his secondary education in Paris was not at all an "exile" and was not at all connected with his passion. It was a long-standing intention, and the young man himself supported it. Emmanuel went to Paris and studied for the last year at the Lycée Henry IV.

As for Brigitte, Macron's parents set a condition for her: she was forbidden to meet with him until she came of age. “I can’t promise you anything,” Brigitte replied with tears in her eyes, and Emmanuel’s mother, who says that she understood from the very beginning that this would not be a fleeting impulse, replied: “You don’t understand, you already have a life. He won't have kids!"

However, Macron's secret meetings with his future wife were never interrupted. And after Emmanuel turned 18, he announced to his parents in an ultimatum form that he intended to continue his relationship with his beloved woman. According to Macron, his parents tried in every possible way to oppose this, and several times it already seemed to them that their son's relationship with Brigitte would end. But that never happened.

Only in 2007, Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Ozier were able to get married. Today, family passions subsided and those around them accepted their choice. But Macron himself recalls the 15 years preceding his marriage as a difficult time, and calls the current state of affairs "conquest." According to him, all these years he had to live in an atmosphere of misunderstanding and disapproving views.

According to rumors, at the age of 16, the future President of France wrote an erotic 300-page novel, which he dedicated to his relationship with Brigitte. The manuscript has not survived. However, according to Emmanuel's former neighbor, whom he asked to type the text, it was written very colorfully and boldly, in places even obscenely. The names of the main characters were, of course, changed. “I think he then needed to pour out his feelings,” recalls a neighbor.

When the novel became known to the public, the population of Amiens was shocked. Brigitte has undergone a real persecution. All of her friends turned away from her overnight. They stopped talking to her. She was ignored even by those people with whom she recently celebrated holidays together and went on vacation. “This period of her life has become a real wound for her, she tries not to remember it,” says one of her friends.

Even Brigitte's parents, who had previously enjoyed great respect, began to be treated like lepers. “People were spitting on the doors of their houses, speaking insults, sending unpleasant anonymous letters,” eyewitnesses say.

Brigitte's husband Andre Louis was furious when he learned in September 1996 about his wife's affair. He immediately broke up with her and left the house in anger. And then he left the city altogether. “Knowing that his place was taken by a teenager, a school friend of his daughter, whom he often hosted - it was too much. He took it as a slap in the face." By the way, the children of Brigitte and Andre Louis keep in touch with their father, who never forgave their mother. At the same time, Sebastian, Laurence and Tifen are on excellent terms with their stepfather.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Tronier officially married in 2007. Divorce from her first husband, Brigitte finally formalized only a year earlier. Video from the wedding:

At the moment, Brigitte has seven grandchildren. They are all in this photo:

Today we present to your attention a fairly well-known personality in the world - Emmanuel Macron. He is the real President of France.

This is one of the brightest and most unpredictable people not only in the political life of France. But, perhaps, all over the world. Until now, many are surprised by the fact that Emmanuel, being a gray horse, was able to advance to the first place in the political life of the country and become the head of state.

Of course, Emmanuel Macron has incredible charisma and natural charm. Many are lost in matters of his sexual orientation. It is still unknown how such a young and attractive man married a woman many years older than him.

In general, the biography, personal life, political career of our hero have a number of questions that I would like to get an answer to. The life of a politician is full of bright events. Few people remain indifferent to this person. Of course, Macron is a strong personality, because not everyone can hold such a high post. He has many admirers and many who disapprove of his policies.

Height, weight, age. How old is Emmanuel Macron

Our hero is a rather interesting person. French President Emmanuel Macron is an attractive man. Almost the entire female half of the country goes crazy from him. Many are interested not only in the events from his life, but also in the physical parameters of the head of the country, namely, height, weight, age. How old is Emmanuel Macron - every citizen of France knows for sure. For the rest, we inform you that this year the politician crosses the forty-year milestone. On December 21, 2018, Emmanuel Macron will turn 41 years old.

If we talk about the appearance of the head of France, then the politician looks good. He became the favorite of many women. His height reaches 178 centimeters, and at the same time he weighs about 73 kilograms. Macron carefully monitors his figure, leads an active lifestyle and adheres to the rules of a healthy diet. The status and publicity of a man only help him keep himself in good shape.

Shortly before the French presidential election, information appeared in the media that Emmanuel Macron was using the services of a makeup artist. And everything would be fine, only for this he spends about nine thousand euros a month. Some voters were confused by this message. However, after the election, Macron said that he still intends to continue using the services of a makeup artist. The status and its capabilities imply a good appearance of the head of state.

According to the Sign of the Zodiac, Macron belongs to the balanced, wise and at the same time slightly amenable to other people's influence Sagittarius. And the year of the Snake brought purposefulness, resourcefulness, and the ability to think creatively into his character.

Biography and personal life of Emmanuel Macron

Our hero was born in the small town of Amiens, which is located in the northern part of France. Here the childhood and youth of our hero passed. The young politician fondly recalls his native land. He tries to visit them whenever possible. The father of our hero - Jean-Michel Macron - professor of neurology, teacher. Mother - Francoise, also has a medical education, Ph.D. It was planned that Macron Jr. would also follow in their footsteps. But this did not happen.

Parents often disappeared at work, so the grandmother was engaged in raising the boy. It was she who instilled in little Emmanuel a love for art, books and knowledge, which gave a good foundation for adult life in the future.

Macron still did not choose the medical direction in life. From his youth, he was attracted by politics, as well as issues related to society.

Emmanuel entered the appropriate university, graduated from a political school.

After he became an assistant to the philosopher Paul Ricoeur. A little later, he worked as an inspector at the Ministry of Economy of the country and much more.

Politics career began in the early 2000s. First he joins the Socialist Party. Later, he was appointed Deputy Secretary General under President Hollande, and after that he became the Minister of Economy of France.

Two years ago, Emmanuel Macron created his political party Forward!. And in 2017, he put forward his candidacy for the post of President of France, his program was published in the form of a book called "Révolution" ("Revolution").

As you can see, the biography and personal life of Emmanuel Macron is quite intense. In his small years, this man managed to build an incredible career. Macron dealt with all the difficulties deliberately and logically. Purposefulness and charisma did a lot. Macron is trying to fully comply with his current status. He carefully monitors his appearance, tries to keep himself in shape.

The personal life of a politician is also interesting to many. Known to be married. His wife Brigitte Macron is several years older than him. However, this does not bother the young man. He appreciates his wife, respects and adheres to her advice. It is known that initially the parents of the young politician were also against the marriage of Macron Jr. to Brigitte, and even made scandals. However, Emmanuel did not give up and did not betray his love. A little later, the father and mother of the current President changed their anger to mercy. They noticed how Brigitte takes care of their son, how much energy she spends on him.

Many people follow their personal lives and political careers. Many approve of his actions, while others, on the contrary, criticize even the slightest oversight of the French President. Nevertheless, it is worth agreeing that Macron is a rather strong and influential person. He has a lot of trump cards up his sleeve. Support from the outside helps him cope with the difficulties that come his way.

Family and children of Emmanuel Macron

Our hero grew up in a family of doctors. These were quite famous and influential people in medicine. Father is a professor of neurology, taught at the university. Mother - doctor of medical sciences, worked in one of the hospitals and was a rather sought-after doctor. Many people wanted to get in touch with her. His parents were so busy with work that they did not pay as much attention to their son as they would like. The future President was brought up mainly by his grandmother. It was she who laid in the boy the foundation with which he set off to conquer adulthood. And now Emmanuel Macron remembers his grandmother with warmth and tenderness.

Now our hero has already grown up and has already created his own unit of society. The family and children of Emmanual Macron is a rather interesting topic. The President of France is married, but he does not have his own children and does not even plan to have them in the near future. But his wife has a son and two daughters from his first marriage. The most paradoxical thing is that they are the same age as Macron himself. As a stepfather, Emmanuel is now the grandfather of seven grandchildren. He loves them very much, takes care of them and indulges them with expensive gifts.

As for the second half of the President of France, Bridget Macron, she is a rather mysterious woman. And the history of their relationship is criticized by many. Nevertheless, Emmanuel Macron idolizes his chosen one. With her, he connected not only his personal life, but also his political career. After all, as you know, it was Brigitte who helped him make his way to the post of head of the country.

Now the President of France and his wife live in the Elysee Palace. They often arrange family vacations in a recently acquired villa.

Son of Emmanuel Macron - Sebastian Ozier

As mentioned earlier, the hero of our article has no native children. However, his wife has offspring from his first marriage. The young politician established good relations with them. It was not very difficult, since they are almost the same age. The son of Emmanuel Macron is Sebastian Ozier, the eldest child of Brigitte.

Interestingly, Sebastian is two years older than his stepfather. And in childhood, he and the future French President were friends together.

Sebastian Ozier studied well at school. He was engaged in a theater group, but did not become an actor. He later graduated from the university. Now Sebastian is a fairly demanded engineer in his country.

The young man is married and already has children of his own. They often visit their famous grandmother and so-called grandfather.

Sebastian continues and, in principle, did not stop communicating with his own father, banker Andre Louis Ozier. They often meet and constantly call up. Emmanuel is not opposed to their communication. On the contrary, our hero appreciates family ties and respect in the family. Many may laugh at the young politician, nevertheless, his fortitude is still amazing. He did not succumb to general opinion, was not afraid of verbose criticism and did not leave Sebastian's mother, his wife. Such is strong love.

Daughter of Emmanuel Macron - Laurence Ozier

All the children of our hero are his peers. So, for example, the daughter of Emmanuel Macron - Laurence Ozier is his same age. She is also born in 1977. Emmanuel Macron and Laurence Ozier have known each other since high school.

It is known that Laurence did not take the news of the divorce of her parents, Brigitte Macron's mother and Andre's father, badly. At first, she didn’t really react to the fact that her childhood friend would become the newly-made “dad”. But soon, being a wise woman, she decided not to interfere in her mother's personal relationships. She thought, if her mother is happy, then why not. Laurence is now married and has children of her own. Together they often come to visit Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron.

Since childhood, the middle daughter Brigitte showed a penchant for the exact sciences. She speaks several languages, including Latin. After school, she received a medical education and graduated with a diploma in cardiology. Works according to the profile in the prestigious hospital of the country.

Daughter of Emmanuel Macron - Tiffany Ozier

It's time to talk about the youngest child. The daughter of Emmanuel Macron is Tiffany Ozier. Her father, as well as the first two children of Brigitte, is the banker Anrde Louis Ozier.

The girl did well in school and college. She also studied at the theater studio with her brother. But she did not continue to engage in amateur performances. Tiffany devoted her life to jurisprudence.

No wonder. After all, from childhood, little Tif showed an incredible craving for justice. She always clearly and clearly defended her own opinion. She was outraged by the illogicality and thoughtlessness of many actions. In her studies, she was more attracted to the humanities. Speaks several languages. Now Tiffany Ozier is a fairly sought-after lawyer in the capital of France. Many people turn to her for help.

As for Emmanuel Macron, Tiffany took him in a balanced and friendly manner. You could say that she was prepared for this. Tiffany has repeatedly defended the freedom of relations, an example of which was the marriage of her mother with Macron. She believed and still believes that age and any deeds cannot become an obstacle for lovers. Therefore, she did not want to pay special attention to criticism of her mother and her chosen one, and believed that these people were simply jealous of them. It is clear that it is much easier to judge another person than to find faults in oneself.

Emmanuel Macron's wife - Bridget Tronier

Let's move on to a very interesting section from the biography of the hero of our article. Personal life, namely his soulmate, deserves special attention. The wife of Emmanuel Macron is Bridget Tronier, an interesting, mysterious woman. She is older than her husband. Nevertheless, the current President of France idolizes his wife and thanks fate for meeting her.

Let's talk a little about Brigitte Macron. This woman was born in the early fifties of the twentieth century in the small town of Amiens. Her family was very wealthy. Father - Jean Tronier, a famous confectioner. The biscuit factory owned by her parents was founded at the end of the nineteenth century. And until now, the sweet products of this factory are famous throughout France.

But Brigitte did not feel a business acumen in herself, so she did not dare to continue the family business. She received a pedagogical education and soon got a job as a school teacher of French and Latin in one of the schools in her native city. It was there that she first met Emmanuel Macron, the future French President. He was a student in her class.

Brigitte Tronier has been married twice. Her first marriage took place in 1974, when the girl was 21 years old. Her chosen one was the banker Andre Louis Ozier. Three children were born in their family - a son, Sebastian, and two daughters, Lawrence and Tiffany. The marriage lasted quite a long time. Only in 2006, Brigitte and Andre decided to file for divorce. A little later, the woman marries Emmanuel Macron, who in the past was a teacher.

Their love story deserves special attention.

The place of their acquaintance was a religious school. At that time, Brigitte Tronier taught languages ​​there, and Emmanuel was sitting at the school bench. Together with the future French President, the middle daughter of Brigitte Tronier, Lawrence, also studied in the class.

Also, the teacher at school led a theater group, which young Emmanuel also attended. Brigitte praised his poems, game and skill and set an example for many of her students. Soon, after rehearsals for several performances, their relationship went beyond the “teacher-student” category. They became much closer to each other emotionally. In general, the guy at first sight was in love with Bridget Tronier. The photos in the youth of the first lady were so good that it is not surprising that young Emmanuel had feelings for her. He carried this love through the years and waited for reciprocity from the chosen one.

Once, when Emmanuel was seventeen years old, he announced that sooner or later Brigitte would become his wife. And no matter how she dodges him, he will still achieve what he wants. Who would have thought that youthful love would be so strong that it would be able to overcome such a difference in age and last for so many years.

Brigitte, in turn, did not respond to this statement. And what could she say? She does not have a husband, three children. She has already fully matured as a woman. Although she herself had feelings for a young man.

A little later, young Emnuael nevertheless spoke about his feelings and his chosen one to his parents. Those, without hesitation, and in order to isolate their son from possible stupidity, sent him to complete his last year in the capital - Paris. But this did not stop the loving hearts. Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Tronier continued to communicate. They kept in touch by phone. The distance did not extinguish the fire of love, and perhaps, on the contrary, their feelings became even clearer and brighter.

Brigitte divorced her first husband in 2006 and after only a year and a half accepted the proposal of Emmanuel Macron. The couple officially registers their relationship and Brigitte proudly takes the name of her current spouse. It is interesting that the future President becomes the stepfather of Brigitte's children, one of whom is two years older than him, and the second daughter is his same age. However, family trips together have often been spotted by the paparazzi. The pictures show that the children of Brigitte and Emmanuel with their wife are happy, they communicate well with each other. Macron happily nurses the grandchildren of his wife and takes them for his own.

At the moment, it is known that Emmanuel Macron is not going to have his own children yet.

Brigitte Macron is now 65 years old. She left teaching a long time ago. Now she is promoting her husband, his political career. The President of France fully trusts his wife and always listens to her opinion. It is known that Emmanuel's election speech was prepared by his wife, Brigitte.

The wife of French President Macron and their age difference

In marriage, the hero of our article looks happy. For about eleven years, the former teacher Brigitte Tronier has been the wife of French President Macron. And their age difference is quite large - almost twenty-four years.

The relationship between Brigitte and Emmanuel has been a topic of discussion for several years now. Few people can believe in the sincerity of their feelings. Many consider this marriage fictitious. And indeed, if you look at the photo of this couple, it is difficult to say that they are husband and wife. They are more like mother and son, no matter how insulting it may sound.

Nevertheless, Emmanuel Macron says that he loves his wife very much and is grateful to fate for their meeting. How did the adult Brigitte attract a young and attractive man? After all, there are so many young beauties around who have every chance of becoming the first lady of the country?

Psychologists have repeatedly conducted research on why men choose older women as their companions, who are several years older than them. So, the results of the study showed that often men who choose older women had an overly caring mother. She often solved all the problems of her son herself. On an intuitive level, such a person is drawn to a more mature companion, so to speak, not to "bother" with solving incoming problems.

The other side of the research suggests that perhaps in childhood the boy lacked maternal warmth. And already in adulthood, he also intuitively chooses an older person to fill the void. A man is looking for a life partner and a mother who will love and take care of him with all his virtues and shortcomings.

In the case of Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte, we see a similar situation. The President of France fully trusts his wife and appreciates her wise advice.

Orientation Emmanuel Macron. He is gay?

As you know, our hero is once married. The personal life of a politician is not full of diversity in terms of women. Therefore, the question has been raised many times, what is the orientation of Emmanuel Macron. Whether he is gay or not was of interest to many.

The fact that French President Macron is blue raised rumors mainly of girls who once studied with him and wanted to attract his attention. Then the young man was not seen with any girl. But remember, Emmanuel Macron was already in love with his teacher during his school years and waited a long time for an answer from her. That is why the future President did not turn his attention to the young beauties.

There are also facts in Macron's biography indicating that he may be gay. At one of the dinner parties, he invited gay activists from the United States. Macron is also often seen in society with representatives of "blue" blood.

Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that many who called to vote for Emmanuel Macron in the elections were representatives of the country's sexual minorities. Also, many members of the pro-presidential Forward! known for their unconventional orientation.

Some are sure that the marriage with Brigitte Macron is fictitious. He is like a cover for the young President. Indeed, despite the legalization of same-sex marriages in France, the citizens of the country still do not perceive it normally. It is rumored that Macron has a love affair with the president of the country's popular Radio France, Mathieu Galle.

Emmanuel Macron refutes all rumors about his unconventional orientation, emphasizing that he loves his wife very much.

Instagram and Wikipedia Emmanuel Macron

Our hero is a very famous person. He is known in all corners of the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that Emmanuel Macron's Instagram and Wikipedia are popular online queries among Internet users.

Wikipedia French President Emmanuel Macron reveals all the details from the biography of a young politician, the formation and development of his career. Here you can get acquainted with his political views, weighty and significant decisions within the country and not only, opinions and attitudes towards other countries, and so on. All information is reliable and is in the public domain.

Instagram Emmanuel Macron also exists. The leader of the country publishes personal and professional photos here. Also here you can see video materials with the participation of the young President. More than half a million people have subscribed to his Instagram page. And every day the number of subscribers is growing.

She is 63, he is 39. Their dating story could become a script for a Hollywood melodrama - of course, with a happy ending. Emmanuel Macron is young, handsome, smart, talented and a sex symbol in French politics. Naturally, the French actively discussed his personal life.

The site "24" has collected facts about the life of Bridget Macron and an amazing love story with Emmanuel, which is really exciting. About how a sexy French politician won an audience, why he nurses other people's grandchildren and why he married his school teacher - read the material.

Bridget family

Bridget Tronier was born on April 13, 1953 in the north of France (the town of Amiens) - in the family of a famous chocolatier. She was the sixth and youngest child. The company of her confectionery dynasty, numbering five generations, produces, in particular, pasta cakes. The family business is quite successful and generates a profit of four million euros per year.

First marriage

When Bridget was 21, she first married the banker Andre Louis Ozier and subsequently bore him three children: a son, Sebastian, and daughters, Lawrence and Tiffany.

Acquaintance and marriage of Macron and Bridget

The future spouses met when Emmanuel was 15 (!) years old. Bridget Tronier then taught French and led a theater group at the private school La providence, where Macron studied.

They first met during the preparation of a theatrical play. Looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in great shape. Joint classes with the teacher dragged on for two years - they spent every evening together, and Emmanuel followed his teacher with his tail and even escorted her home. Of course, the last fact did not really please Bridget's husband.

Two years later - at 17 - the future President of France made 40-year-old Bridget a declaration of love. But at that time, the woman already had a husband and three children, so she didn’t even think to take a declaration of love from a guy seriously.

Macron confidently declared: "No matter what you do, no matter how you evade me, I will marry you anyway."

Emmanuel's father, Jean-Michel Macron, forbade Bridget to communicate with their young son. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, his parents sent him to study in Paris, in an elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. Future spouses continued to communicate through letters.

It's hard to believe, but after a few years Bridget divorced her husband to be with Macron. At that time, Emmanuel was just starting his career in big politics, and Bridget became a teacher at one of the religious schools in Paris. After 13 years they got married.

Their wedding took place at the town hall, in the fashionable beach resort of Le Touquet, where Bridget inherited a luxurious villa, which today serves as a second home to the spouses.

During the wedding speech, Emmanuel thanked Bridget's parents and children for supporting their union. The young groom admitted that although they are not a “normal couple”, they are still a “real couple”.

Children and grandchildren

The Macrons have no children of their own. Answering a question from journalists, Macron explained that this was a conscious decision. He calls Bridget's grandchildren his children. Bridget has three children and seven grandchildren.

At one time, all major media disseminated photographs of Emmanuel Macron, who walks with his wife and carries bottles of baby food for her grandchildren. French publications write that Macron is very grateful to Bridget's children for being able to accept their relationship.

Bridget's grandchildren don't call Emmanuel "grandfather", but address him with affectionate English "daddy".

Elections and support

The love story of the spouses - conquered the French, so it played a small role in Macron's victory in the presidential election.

Bridget devoted herself entirely to her husband's political career, often helping to compose speeches for Macron's political speeches. However, Bridget herself is not going to become a politician. According to Madame Macron, she just wants to "be there."

Age difference

Bridget Macron is 24 years older than her husband. By the way, the current US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania have the same age difference.

However, unlike the owner of the White House, the French presidential candidate always emphasizes that his wife is his closest adviser.

French economist Marc Ferazzi, best man at Macron's wedding and now a member of Macron's team, described their relationship this way:

Yes, they are not exactly a traditional couple. But they fell in love 20 years ago and since then their feelings have only grown stronger. Their story is very simple and you have to accept the fact that people can just fall in love - and so much that their love will never weaken.

Icon style I

French fashion magazines called the country's first lady "style icon". A woman prefers clothes from the two largest French fashion houses - Dior and Louis Vuitton and can afford it.

Today, Macron actively brings his wife into the light and allows the paparazzi to photograph them together and publish thousands of their pictures in newspapers and magazines. Such behavior, when a politician himself actively talks about his personal life, France has not seen since the days of Nicolas Sarkozy, who decided to "imitate the Kennedys" in his relationship with his ex-wife Cecilia.

Of course, similar marriages have happened before. But it was the extraordinary story of Emmanuel and Bridget Macron that in a new way attracted the attention of society to age misalliances, where the wife is much older than her husband. And please! All attempts to solidly discuss Macron's campaign program, his battle with rivals and potential political solitaire fade into the background. The most ordinary people in all parts of the world discuss only one thing: the history of this marriage and its possible causes.

Everyone has already memorized the well-known facts. How a boy fell in love with his teacher - a married woman with three children, how he told her that one day he would marry her, how his frightened parents sent him away, how he consistently achieved success and made an impressive career ... and how he once married exactly the one for whom it is promised.

Everyone has already looked at the photos with a magnifying glass: yes, Bridget Tronier looks great, face-figure-hair-legs-clothes, yes, she is everywhere next to her husband, straightening his tie, skiing with him and holding his hand. But their age difference is quite obvious. As, however, and their mutual affection. Everyone has already been gossiping - both about too "syrup" stories about eternal love, and about rumors about Macron's sexual preferences (however, even the most furious "yellow" journalists have not been able to find a single confirmation of them).

And then the most important thing happened. After discussing specific husband and wife, people moved on to something much more interesting - to discuss such marriages in principle. Speaking about the striking difference in age, when a wife, as they say, is suitable for her husband as a mother, people are looking for any explanation other than the simplest - love. Recently, as a psychologist, I have received many offers to speak about this phenomenon - about its causes and prospects.

“But how can this be? Well, okay, he’s young, handsome, successful. It’s clear why she needs it. But why does he, why should he?! How can she attract him?”

Yes, a lot, actually. For example, this woman is a bright charismatic. Lilya Brik, Alla Pugacheva, Jerry Hall - such women are loved at any age, and being with them can be much more interesting than with peers.

And let's immediately remember that this is not at all a sign of our free from prejudices time. Offhand, for example, Diane de Poitiers and Ninon de Lanclos come to mind, falling in love with themselves even in extreme old age men who were fit for their grandchildren. A terrible banality, of course, but really there is no better comparison: there are women who are like expensive wine, and age is only good for them. And if we continue the comparison, it means that there are connoisseurs with finely tuned receptors from a young age who would prefer this expensive wine to any other drink.

Or this woman embodies a powerful maternal principle, and her husband, in his warehouse, is an eternal boy-son. Maybe the man grew up without receiving maternal affection and support, in the cold, criticism and indifference. Or maybe he was an orphan. Be that as it may, if he meets a woman who is ready to literally replace his mother - more precisely, to combine maternal functions with the functions of a wife - then he is drawn to her with all his heart. They say that is why Sergei Yesenin reached out to Isadora Duncan - an eternal spoiled boy who needed unconditional all-forgiving love.

Or a woman - a mentor, by nature, in life, or even directly by profession (Bridget Tronier, as we know, is a teacher with a rather big experience). And the man, accordingly, lacks more or less delicate "guidance". Remember Velyurov's great phrase from "Pokrovsky Gates": "But what if a creative person really needs some guidance?" This "certain guide" - from direct to hidden and soft - is sometimes not enough for an infantile boy, no matter how old he may be according to his passport. This was exactly the relationship between Catherine II and her last favorite Platon Zubov (however, not only with him - all the beloved empresses were younger).

"Well, okay, let's say he's interested. But why get married?"

The reasons may be different, and it happens that the caustic comments of the idle public fall, as they say, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. For example, the matter may be in a mercantile calculation (remember the film "The Visit of the Lady" and the heroine's next gigolo husband?) By the way, we can also talk about the calculation of the influence and status of his wife - just know how Ashton Kutcher's career would have developed, not Marry Demi Moore.

And the thing, indeed, may be in a non-traditional orientation, or maybe in gerontophilia (by the way, even if the rumors about Macron hadn’t been dispelled by the media, I still wouldn’t trust them. You see, it seems to me that a politician hiding his preferences of this level, in such circumstances, it would be much easier to find an option that does not attract undue attention).

The point may be in an implicit or obvious unwillingness to continue their race, when a man counts on life without children at all or is content with participating in his wife's children and grandchildren.

The point, finally, may be in the characteristics of character, in which a man fundamentally and sincerely gives his word and does not change his decision. Once upon a time, a boy told his teacher that one day he would marry her. Time passed and he got married.

"Okay, they got married. He's doing great, but in a few years she's seventy. And what, this will not affect the marriage in any way?"

In some aspects, of course, it will affect. The question is how ready such a couple is for the inevitable natural problems. Obviously, they are unlikely to have a joint child. Unless a woman turns to ultra-modern and expensive technologies - for example, she freezes her eggs ahead of time, as Alla Pugacheva did, or agrees to surrogate motherhood (and it’s not at all a fact that, due to her age, she can be an egg donor). Almost certainly sooner or later there will be difficulties in the sexual sphere - with menopause.

A woman - unless she is endowed with powerful self-confidence - is practically guaranteed age-related stress: fear of betrayal, the pursuit of elusive youth - she inevitably changes outwardly, her motor abilities and a certain social potential decrease. She increasingly feels that she is "driving downhill" while he reigns at the top. For him, with age, the possibilities do not narrow, but expand, especially if he is successful. Have you ever watched the delightful movie with Michelle Pfeiffer "Cheri"? There, a luxurious courtesan decides to accept and share the love of a young admirer. And when he realizes that time is against them, he wisely arranges his marriage to a young rich lover.

But you and I, as I said, live in interesting times. In the past, a young man was impressed by the status and charisma of an older woman. Well, these qualities are retained by modern ladies. But today, breakthrough technologies of medicine and plastic surgery, aesthetic cosmetology and cosmetics have been added to them, allowing you to live "beyond age". And also the ideas of feminism, thanks to which this very age is the last thing that dares to limit a woman in her aspirations and interests. And so, Brigitte Macron - bright, successful, beloved, significant - today has every chance of becoming a new icon of a whole generation of modern women. Those for whom "now I know for sure, after sixty life is just beginning."

And the rest ... If we ignore the phenomenon and move on to a specific couple, I have no right to judge what connects people I do not know. Just like everyone else, I just read about them and look at their photos. Bridget and Emmanuelle are nice and interesting to me. I am grateful to the Macrons for brilliantly illustrating a topic that I have been passionate about in recent years, the possibility of a bright, exciting and attractive second half of life, just in time.

And you know what? After all the reasoning about why a man needs it, and why a woman needs it... Actually, I like to think that they just really love each other. And in love, there is no "why" and "why".

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