Phone directory program for network organization. Phone directory in Excel ready template download

Is it inconvenient for you to keep a list of numbers in notebooks because you constantly lose them? Do you forget to congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming holiday? Or, perhaps, the phone suddenly broke down, and all the contacts and data about them remained in the device’s memory? If at least one of the above occurs, we strongly recommend that you install the Phonebook.


The phone book is software designed to be installed on desktop computers or laptops with Windows OS. The developer declares official support for Windows in the range from XP to 7. Nevertheless, even if you use the "eight" or any other later versions of the OS, the application will still work quite correctly. We state this from personal testing experience.


The phone book will help its users to store all the necessary information in a compact and organized way. They will not have to, as in the case of the paper version, look for updated data among the obsolete ones that have been crossed out for a long time. In addition to full names and phone numbers, the program also allows you to store contacts' email addresses, their dates of birth, and many other details. Users can edit and delete unwanted contacts, search them by number or name, and sort them according to the parameters described above. The phone book can be launched automatically when the operating system is loaded, and to work with it it is not at all necessary to open the working window of the program - you can control all the functionality directly from the system tray.

Key features

  • compatible with most versions of Windows;
  • allows you to store not only the names of contacts and their phones, but also other information related to these people;
  • has the ability to edit outdated contact data or delete them altogether;
  • allows you to split contacts into groups;
  • has a simple and intuitive interface;
  • Implemented auto-start of the software with the computer turned on;
  • you can work with the Phonebook even from the system tray.

- this is a complete database that contains a lot of information that will be of interest to you when searching for the citizens you need !!!

Opportunities Unified state telephone directory 88.0 Pro :

Database of new MGTS telephone numbers for October 2013. More than 1 million 860 thousand new telephone numbers with codes 495 and 499 were added;
- addition of information on MGTS telephone numbers with the code 495 (the MGTS telephone numbers with the code 495 have been added);
- addition of information on MGTS telephone numbers with code 499 (the MGTS telephone numbers with code 499 have been added);
- Constantly updated database of monitoring open information resources of the Russian Federation with the possibility of obtaining archival information. Information on direct and federal numbers of fixed and mobile communications with detailed comments and ranges of updating and confirmation of information;
- Databank of owners and users of Internet resources (resource owner, organization name, phone numbers, e-mail, list of Internet resources, update date). Database update - daily;
- Databank for monitoring ads in Moscow and the Moscow region;
- The mode of automatic viewing of the location of the found object on Yandex.Maps using the Internet;
- The All-Russian Federal database of distribution of numbering capacity for federal telephone numbers of mobile operators integrated into the system;
- Data bank of direct telephone numbers of the Moscow region;
- Database of new telephone numbers of other fixed telephone operators (3,393 telephone numbers of Corbina-Telecom, Golden Telecom and others have been added);
- Information on the entry of telephone and address information on legal entities and persons into the Unified Register of the ICEB;
- information about related legal entities;
- address information;
- date of updating of primary data;
- date of updating of the last confirmation;
- registry number of ICEB;
- Data update for August 2013;
- Updating and supplementing information on phone comments (more than 12.8 million comments as of 2013).
- Data bank on established connections. Operational “punch” of the phone number of interest for the presence of established connections with other telephone numbers (including the systems “Potok-2”, “Potok-3” and “Potok-4”). Identification of additional phone numbers, related phone numbers, going through the accounts;
- Built-in analysis and assessment of the probability of an operationally established connection for the Potok systems;
- Global search for all data banks included in the system with the creation of a single detailed report;
- Possibility of obtaining archival telephone and address information and tracking changes in the information associated with the telephone number.
- Automatic loading of information about the provider of communication services, incl. by mobile operators (type of PBX, address and characteristics of PBX, etc.);
- Block of technical information on the performed operations;
- Obtaining information about the passage of telephone numbers with codes 8-901, 8-902, 8-903, 8-905, 8-906, 8-909, 8-910, 8-915, 8-916, 8-917, 8 -926, 8-962, 8-963 (Bee-Line, MTS, Megafon, SkyLink, Corbina-Telecom) for various accounts;
- Possibility of conducting an advanced search by any criteria, including: the name of the legal entity, its actual and legal addresses;
- Automatic check of any city, commercial or mobile telephone number for the presence of “Flags” installed on it.

File info:
Name: Unified state telephone directory 88.0 Pro
Platform: (x86/x64)
Interface: RUS
Date of appearance: 2014
Medicine: built-in
The size: 3.49 GB

Published in the collection of programs: November 20, 2010

Operating system: Windows
Size of the program (distribution kit): 834 Kb
License type: freeware

The program is designed to maintain a database `Telephone directory`, allows you to instantly search for data on any subscribers who have a phone, very easy to use. Search occurs automatically after data entry. The search can be carried out by any, at least partially known data - by last name, address, phone number, as well as by any combination of them. For example, in the `complicated search` mode, you can find a subscriber who has a surname ending in `ov`, who lives on Gagarin Street and has the number `7` in his phone number... The program has an attractive `skin` interface, allowing you to change skins ` right in the process of work. Unlike most databases, the program does not use the BDE. Therefore, it is very compact and does not require any additional libraries for its work. During installation and operation, it does not change the configuration of existing databases and does not require settings.

When adding the program to the catalog of our site, the link to the Phonebook v2.1 was checked by an antivirus, but since the file is located on the server of the developer or publisher of the software, it can be changed, we recommend that you check the files before downloading the software to your computer in mode On-line antivirus- will open in a new window and will be checked!

You can leave your opinion about the program Phonebook v2.1 or comments, as well as report a broken download link.
If you have a question about working with Phonebook v2.1, you can ask it here, as many program authors and publishers track messages on this site!
All advertising messages off topic, as well as links and phone numbers will be deleted!

Excel is useful for creating telephone directories. Moreover, the information is not only securely stored there, but it can always be used to perform various manipulations, compare with other lists, etc.

In order for the directory to become a really useful array later, you need to create it correctly.

Phone book template

How to make a reference book in Excel? To create a telephone directory, you need at least two columns: the name of a person or organization and, in fact, a phone number. But you can immediately make the list more informative by adding additional lines.

The template is ready. The header may be different, some columns should be added, some excluded. It remains only to fill the guide with information.

Additionally, you can carry out one more manipulation: to determine the format of the cells. By default, the format of each cell is listed as GENERAL. You can leave everything as it is, but you can set a special format for the phone number column. To do this, select cells from this column, right-click to open the menu, select FORMAT CELLS.

Choose OPTIONAL from the options provided. A mini-list will open on the right, from which you can select your PHONE NUMBER.

How to use the guide

Any reference book is needed in order to easily recognize the rest by one criterion. So, in the telephone directory, we can enter the required surname and find out the phone number of this person. In Excel, the INDEX and MATCH functions help to do this.

We have a small guide. In fact, firms tend to have longer lists, making it difficult to manually search for information. Let's make a blank in which all the information will appear. And it will appear according to a given criterion - last name, so we will make this item in the form of a drop-down list (DATA - DATA CHECK - DATA TYPE - LIST).

It is necessary to make sure that when you select a surname, the corresponding data is automatically entered in the remaining cells. Cells with the phone are highlighted in green because this is the most important information.

In cell J6 (where NAME is), enter the command =INDEX and start filling in the arguments.

  1. Array: select the entire table of orders along with the header. We make it absolute by fixing it with the F4 key.
  2. Line number: enter MATCH here and fill in the arguments of this function. The desired value will be a cell with a drop-down list - J6 (plus F4). The array being looked up is the last name column (including the header): A1:A13 (plus F4). Match type: exact match, i.e. 0.
  3. Column number: need MATCH again. Desired value: I7. Lookup array: head of the array, i.e. A1:H1 (plus F4). Match type: 0.

Got the following. The formula is universal, it can be extended to the rest of the lines in the workpiece. Now, when choosing a surname, all other information will drop out. Including a phone number.

It turns out that the INDEX command, when setting a criterion from an array, gives us the number of its row and column. But since the criterion is floating, and we will constantly change the names in order to find out the phone numbers of people, we additionally used the MATCH function. It helps to find the positions of the row and column we need.

How to match two lists in Excel

Working with lists in Excel involves matching them. Those. comparing data, finding identical or unique positions. For example, let's try to compare two simple lists.

There is information on two warehouses. Task: check which items are not in both warehouses in order to place an order in the future and deliver the missing products.

Select both lists (without headers) using the CTRL key. We do not need free space between the lists (i.e. column B). Then on the HOME tab, select CONDITIONAL FORMATTING - CELL SELECTION RULES - REPEATED VALUES.

A small window will appear where you can choose to have the command show duplicate or unique values. Let's choose UNIQUE. They will be highlighted in a color that can be selected on the right. Ours is red.

Now you can copy all the red cells from the left column and add them to the right one and vice versa. There will be two equivalent lists.

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