Semolina porridge 1 serving for a child. Semolina porridge for a one-year-old child - how to cook. Recipes and cooking features

Around semolina porridge, on which entire generations have grown up, fierce disputes are unfolding today whether it is worth feeding your children with it. It is quite natural that parents are concerned whether semolina is still useful or harmful for children and at what age it can be given to them without fear.

The undoubted benefits of semolina porridge are in its chemical composition and the effect that it has on the stomach of even the smallest child:

  • contains starch, proteins, vitamins (especially a lot of E, PP and B9) and minerals (rich in potassium and phosphorus), which are simply necessary for a small organism;
  • porridge cooks quickly;
  • all useful substances are preserved in it;
  • with chronic kidney failure, semolina as a protein-free cereal is simply indispensable in the children's diet;
  • a small amount of fiber in its composition allows you to use it when exhausted.

From time immemorial, all parents and therapists knew how useful semolina porridge is for children, and fearlessly included it in the diet, even for those who were not yet a year old. But with the development of new technologies, the chemical composition of this dish was revised, in connection with which a shocking verdict was issued to ban its use. Moreover, the scientists who conducted the research justified how harmful semolina is for children:

  • the phytin found in its composition does not allow the absorption of vitamin D, calcium and iron, which is fraught with serious consequences for a small organism, since everyone knows how important these elements are for growing organs; this explains why semolina porridge is not allowed for children under one year old;
  • gluten - a substance that causes allergies, is also contained in this cereal, so a child can easily be allergic to semolina as soon as you start introducing it into complementary foods;
  • after a year, the work of the intestines is already normalized, adjusted, but even during this period (up to about three years), doctors say that semolina should be included in the diet of children in strictly limited quantities (no more than once or twice a week).

Knowing the arguments of scientists why children should not have semolina, parents themselves must weigh the pros and cons and make an appropriate decision. The usefulness of this dish has been tested over the years, people are used to trusting what they themselves have grown on. Sometimes it's hard to let go of the familiar. So, for sure, many parents cooked, cook and will cook semolina for their kids. The question is, are they doing it right?

How to cook semolina

Why sometimes cooking semolina turns into a problem? For some, it turns out to be moderately liquid, tender, soft, without a single lump. And for someone, it boils down to the state of a pudding, when the spoon stands in it without falling, and the porridge itself strays into hard, undercooked lumps. Naturally, children of any age will refuse such a dish. You just need to fill your hand and learn how to cook it. Everyone will have their own recipe, but it is prepared according to a single scheme:

  • boil water (200 ml);
  • pour cereal (2 teaspoons);
  • during cooking, be sure to stir without ceasing: this is the only way to get semolina without a single lump, which will have a delicate texture;
  • the question of how much to cook semolina porridge is very relevant, because one extra minute in this matter - and the dish becomes too thick: if the baby prefers liquid, it is recommended to cook for no longer than 7-10 minutes, if you need a thicker consistency, you need to focus on an interval of 12 -15 minutes;
  • add hot, but not boiled or raw milk (100 ml);
  • add granulated sugar (to taste, but young children are not recommended to use more than 6 grams in this recipe);
  • add salt (a pinch);
  • boil;
  • remove from fire;
  • add butter (5 gr);
  • beat.

According to this recipe, you should get a portion of liquid semolina porridge weighing 200 grams.

Taking into account the advice of experts, when it is possible to give semolina to a child, in what quantities, how dangerous it can be, parents can independently draw up a plan for introducing this dish into the diet of their own baby. If there is any doubt, a doctor should be consulted. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences in the form of indigestion and allergic reactions.

Is it possible to give semolina porridge to a child? Information in the media is rather ambiguous, and the negative against this primordially "children's" porridge is associated primarily with a terrible disease - or, in other words, gluten intolerance - gluten of plant origin. But many mothers do not know the most important thing: this disease is hereditary, and is not associated with the use of gluten at all. Therefore, in the absence of signs signaling this disease, it is impossible to deprive your baby of this delicacy.

The second question is how to cook semolina porridge? Proper semolina:

  • delicious;
  • does not contain lumps;
  • good consistency - neither runny nor thick.

It is this, correct and very tasty porridge that we will cook today.

Ingredients for cooking the right semolina porridge:

300 ml of fresh, homemade, milk;

2 tbsp semolina;

2 tbsp granulated sugar;

a stick of butter;

steamed poppy and tangerine or any fruits, nuts, powders and toppings to decorate the finished dish.

Products are given based on 2 children aged 2-3 years or one year old baby and mother's breakfast.

1. Prepare a cauldron - a thick-walled saucepan. It is better to cook porridge in a small container (we are talking about a small portion), otherwise it will only smear on the walls, and it will not be easy to collect it on a plate.

Pour prepared fresh milk into a saucepan and leave to boil over low heat on a small burner.

2. Measure and pour 2 tbsp into a cup. semolina.

Add the same amount of sugar.

Stir until smooth - this will avoid the formation of lumps during cooking semolina.

3. When the milk boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and, with constant stirring (this is an important condition), pour the mango-sugar mixture into the milk in a thin stream from a cup.

You will have to cook and stir for 3-5 minutes until some thickening, and then turn off the heat. If the porridge seems greasy to you, it doesn’t matter: it will definitely thicken and become a normal consistency.

4. Immediately after turning off the fire, put a stick of butter in the porridge and be sure to cover the saucepan with a lid or a ceramic plate. In this form, we leave semolina for 10 minutes - it should “reach”.

Now the lid can be removed, mix the porridge with the butter melted on it and serve, pre-decorating to taste. Children are very fond of beautiful food, and in order to draw attention to breakfast, it is important not only to cook semolina porridge correctly, but also to make it visually attractive.

Bon appetit!

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Only with the advent of the baby, you begin to learn something again. It would seem, well, who can’t cook porridge for a child? Anyone can cook, but not everyone knows the proportions of this porridge per person.

I also encountered this problem when it came time to cook porridge from ordinary cereals. Starting with corn, buckwheat and oatmeal, I gradually got to semolina. I started to cook this porridge for my child only after a year. Previously, pediatricians do not recommend it.

After digging through the Internet, I could not find a recipe for semolina porridge for 1 serving, so by trial and error I myself chose the proportions and now I want to share this recipe.

Semolina porridge is prepared with milk. On the water, it is simply inedible (unlike buckwheat or any other). But it makes no sense to cook it with pure milk, so we will dilute it with water 50/50.


  • Milk - 1 cup (180 ml)
  • Water - 1 cup (180 ml)
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter
  • Sugar - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Recipe for making semolina porridge for a child:

    Pour milk diluted with water into the pan and wait for the milk to boil.

    As soon as the milk boils, very slowly we begin to introduce semolina, while with the other hand we immediately interfere so that lumps do not form.

    The grits were covered, continue to stir for three minutes, and then you can remove the porridge from the stove.

    Semolina is ready. Add a piece of butter and wait for it to cool.

    I love this porridge for its ease of preparation. It helps a lot when you don't have time to cook in the morning.

    Porridges have always been healthy, dietary, cheap and satisfying food. Properly cooked semolina is tender, pleasant and well absorbed. You can add to it, according to age and taste preferences, fruits, berries, jam, chocolate. Everyone can eat such porridge - from babies to the elderly. Parents, grandparents of modern children grew up on semolina porridge, which was fed to infants, then in kindergartens, schools, summer camps, hospitals. But today, according to the results of research by scientists, everything is not so simple.

    Useful properties and harm of semolina as a product for infants

    This cereal is made from wheat, it is a kind of coarse wheat flour. In baby food, semolina has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include its energy value, it is nutritious and high-calorie (360 kcal per 100 g of cereal), contributes to weight gain in premature or weak children. This product is available to everyone, easy and quick to cook, inexpensive.

    What is the strength in this dish:

    • proteins needed for growth;
    • carbohydrates (including a large amount of starch that provides energy);
    • vitamins of group B, PP;
    • micro and macro elements necessary for the child's body.

    Risk of allergy to gluten and phytin

    In semolina there are substances that can cause a negative reaction of the baby's body:

    • gluten - a protein found in wheat (rarely, but there is an allergy or intolerance to it);
    • phytin is a salt that prevents the absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D, which is fraught with rickets.

    Why you should not feed semolina to babies - video

    Allergy manifestations:

    • redness, rash, pimples, hives, blisters;
    • unexpected constipation or diarrhea;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • irritability, fever.

    If any of these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Newborn, 6-month-old, one-year-old baby - who is not too early to try?

    When breastfeeding, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods when the baby is six months old and he will no longer have enough only mother's milk. Thus, it is gradually prepared for adult food. Semolina porridge is not the product that should be introduced into complementary foods for a healthy baby. It can strengthen or weaken the child. The exception is premature, weakened, emaciated children with a lack of weight. Regarding their feeding, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Pediatricians advise starting complementary foods with buckwheat or rice porridge.

    Oatmeal as a good alternative for complementary foods

    There is also porridge, on which children grew up in the last century - oatmeal, the ancestor of modern instant mixtures. Oatmeal is a type of flour that is made from peeled, steamed oat grains. They are not crushed, but pushed. Oatmeal does not need to be boiled, but simply steamed with boiling water and / or milk. At the same time, all useful qualities are preserved. Oatmeal is nutritious and high-calorie, like semolina, contains vitamins and trace elements, as well as gluten and phytin. It also needs to be handled correctly and carefully, introduce the child into complementary foods no earlier than 8 months.

    How to choose the right cereal for babies

    In the store, you need to be able to choose semolina correctly:

    • GOST, brand T or TM should be written on the package (this means that the cereal is made from durum wheat or a mixture of hard and soft);
    • it is better to take a pack transparent, it shows the quality of the product (cream shade, no lumps and black dots);
    • pay attention to the shelf life;
    • give preference to well-known manufacturers.

    Why you can not give before a year

    Pediatricians recommend introducing semolina porridge into complementary foods not earlier than the child is 8 months old, but preferably a year. At this age, porridge will not become heavy food for the baby and will be normally absorbed by the child's body. Up to three years, children are advised to give semolina porridge no more than once a week. Complementary foods should be correct, in compliance with all the norms of the usefulness of products for a one-year-old child. Like any new product, semolina should be included in the menu little by little and gradually, watching the reaction of the child. For the first time, it is better to cook porridge in water and give one teaspoon a try. If the baby does not have rashes, the stool is not disturbed, then gradually increase its amount, bringing it to a full portion for one meal. Semolina is high in gluten and low in fiber, so it can cause constipation.

    If it becomes necessary to feed the child with semolina earlier, then two-month-old and three-month-old children are fed with rare porridge, 5% (5 g of cereal - an incomplete teaspoon per 100 g of liquid). After 6 months, make it thicker, 10% (10 g of cereal - a teaspoon with a slide per 100 g of liquid). Be sure to discuss feeding the baby with the pediatrician.

    When semolina porridge is introduced into the diet of a child, it can be boiled in water with milk in equal proportions. At what time of the day (for breakfast or dinner) - it does not matter much. But sometimes doctors advise if the baby does not sleep well, wakes up at night with a demand for food, feed him before bedtime. Semolina is very nutritious, maybe he will be satisfied and will sleep peacefully.

    How much to cook semolina porridge for a child

    Semolina boiled in water has 80 kcal per 100 g, and in milk - about 100 kcal. Groats should always be poured in a little, in a thin stream, continuously stirring with the other hand so that lumps do not turn out. The proportions of the correct semolina porridge of medium density are 1: 5, that is, 0.5 liters of liquid are needed per 100 g of cereal. Milk or water is poured into the pan, after boiling, a small fire is made, semolina is added, boiled for 4–7 minutes, depending on the type of cereal.

    The proportions of cereals and water or milk for making semolina of different densities - table

    Recipes for making semolina for children's diet

    You can cook porridge in milk or take it in half with water. If there is no special cooker, before cooking porridge in milk, rinse the pan with water so that it does not burn. Sugar, salt and butter are added to taste. Children who cannot tolerate cow's milk protein should make porridge with water or a suitable infant formula. Next, consider the recipes for making porridge.

    Video: semolina porridge for a one-year-old child for one serving

    How to cook semolina porridge for a child with a mixture that cannot be boiled

    Boil semolina in water, when it cools down a bit, add the mixture in a proportion half as small as for feeding. For example, if for 100 g of water you need 3 tablespoons of the mixture, then for 100 g of porridge - 1.5 tablespoons. Infant formula should not be heated, it will lose its qualities.

    Cooking porridge with pumpkin for a one-year-old baby


    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 100 g pumpkin;
    • sugar, salt to taste.
    1. Put the pumpkin washed and cut into small pieces in a saucepan, pour boiling water so that the water covers it a little, and simmer for 15 minutes.
    2. Remove from heat and mash the pumpkin into a puree.
    3. Pour milk into it, add sugar and salt.
    4. Place on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
    5. Pour semolina, cook for 7 minutes over low heat.

    Semolina with carrots - a healthy and tasty dish


    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 tablespoon of semolina;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 1 teaspoon of butter;
    • sugar, salt to taste.
    1. Stew peeled, washed, grated carrots over low heat for 10 minutes, adding half the oil, sugar, salt and a little water to it.
    2. Pour in milk, bring to a boil and slowly add semolina.
    3. Cook for 7 minutes until cooked, add the remaining oil.

    Multicooker option


    • 1 liter of milk;
    • 1 glass of semolina;
    • sugar, salt, oil to taste.
    1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, immediately pour sugar, salt, semolina, put oil and stir well.
    2. Set the function "milk porridge" for 20 minutes.

    Precautionary measures

    Water for semolina must be purified, and special baby milk. Some nutritionists believe that sugar and salt are unnecessary for young children.

    When grandmothers object to me that grandchildren love semolina, I have no doubt, because, for sure, grandmother cooks porridge for granddaughters “our way”: with fat milk, sweet, with butter ... And such porridge is generally contraindicated for a child! Children under 1.5 years old should not add salt or sugar to food.

    nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko

    Dr. Komarovsky says that oil should be given to a child after a year and very gradually, as the digestive system must get used to eating fats. An older child can add berries or fruits that he loves.

    Dr. Komarovsky about the dangers and benefits of porridge for children - video

    A couple of decades ago, semolina was considered almost the main porridge for infants. Times are changing and medical opinions are changing. Today, semolina is no longer considered a substitute for mother's milk and suitable food for a baby. Mainly because of its features and because of the insufficient maturity of the intestines of the newborn.

    Semolina porridge - to eat or not to eat? That's the question…

    Reasons for abandoning semolina in infancy

    Why a baby of 6-7 months should not be introduced semolina into the diet? Semolina is a rather healthy porridge for an adult whose body is adapted to this world and the food available in it. But the components of the product that are useful for an adult can harm the baby. These components are gluten, gliadin and phytin.

    Depending on the nature of the baby's stool and the speed at which they gain weight, complementary foods should be started with vegetable purees or cereals boiled in water. You can start with the following cereals:

    1. buckwheat;
    2. corn;
    3. rice.
    • Gluten is a healthy plant protein called gluten. However, in infants, it leads to gluing of the villi of the immature intestinal epithelium, and this can lead to malabsorption of beneficial compounds and inflammatory processes. It can also act as an allergen. Therefore, it is better to give preference to buckwheat or corn grits.

    Modern pediatrics advises the first thing to introduce into the diet is not semolina, but buckwheat porridge. It has a gentle effect on the weak gastrointestinal tract

    It is quite possible to feed a baby with rice porridge, but it should be remembered that rice is a natural sorbent, it removes microelements from the body, including useful ones, and also has fixing properties, so you should not get carried away with it.

    • Gliadin is a glycoprotein, a component of a protein nature, thanks to which the adhesion and necrosis of the villous epithelium of the intestine occurs, as a result of which celiac disease can develop in children with a predisposition to this disease. In the future, according to a number of experts, chronic inflammation can be transformed into an oncoprocess.
    • Phytin is an excellent antioxidant that helps the liver function. However, there is also harm - it is believed that it interferes with the absorption of zinc, calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for a growing organism. In this case, the process of assimilation of iron can be disrupted, and problems with vitamin D arise. As a result, the child develops rickets. This is a controversial issue, so far nutritionists have not agreed on this issue. In addition, there is very little phytin in semolina, but as an additional factor it can play a role.

    The benefits of semolina for children older than a year

    The cereal, beloved by many, of course, has its own advantages for the child's body. The benefits of porridge:

    • Contains irreplaceable vitamins of group B, which strengthen the nervous system, as well as vitamin E - a guarantee of growth and development of the little one (50% of the daily norm in 100 g for a baby from 1 year old).
    • It contains trace elements such as magnesium and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, as well as silicon, which strengthens tooth enamel.
    • Improves digestion by enveloping the gastrointestinal tract and relieving spasms.

    At what age can semolina be introduced?

    Semolina porridge should be given to a baby at the age of at least 8 months, when the intestines begin to develop their own defense mechanisms. However, it is better to postpone complementary foods with this cereal for a year or later.

    Despite such an unflattering characteristic, semolina is a useful and even necessary product from a certain age. From how many months is it better to introduce semolina porridge to the baby in this case? Approximately from 11-12 months, that is, after 1 year. There is an opinion that it is possible to give semolina to 8-month-old peanuts in liquid form, but it is better to postpone its introduction to a later date.

    In one single situation, this should be done at such an early age - when the baby is very underweight:

    1. This product is very useful for children who are not gaining weight well, because of its calorie content. Even on liquid porridge, the most slender baby will recover.
    2. There is a lot of vegetable protein in semolina, there are trace elements and vitamins, as well as starch, which the body transforms into bioenergy.
    3. This porridge does not require long cooking, due to which a fairly large amount of vitamins in it will be preserved during cooking.

    Even after the gastrointestinal tract of the baby and its enzymatic system have reached maturity, you should not be zealous with semolina. It is desirable to cook it infrequently - no more than 1 time per week, or even less often, up to 3 years of age.

    Like any other food, you need to introduce semolina carefully and carefully, watching the reaction of the baby. If signs of allergy appear (most often these are skin rashes), the product should be immediately excluded from the diet of the little one and try to repeat its introduction after a few months.

    Rules for making semolina porridge

    In order for the porridge to turn out tasty and benefit the crumbs, you need to know not only how many months to give it to your child, but also how to cook it correctly. Porridge can be boiled liquid so that the baby can suck it like milk from a bottle, or thick. By the age of one, the child is big enough to eat it like any other porridge - with a spoon, so it can be made thicker.

    In order to cook semolina (whether thick or liquid) it will not take more than 15 minutes. First you need to boil water, then pour semolina in a thin stream into the water brought to a boil (you can do this with a paper or plastic funnel), stirring constantly. This method of introducing cereals will avoid the formation of lumps.

    Cook the cereal for 8-10 minutes, then add milk and, if necessary, sugar, let it boil and remove from the stove. In semolina, to make it tastier, you can add fruits or berries. To obtain liquid (5%) or viscous (10%) porridge, different proportions of the liquid are taken - 1:5 and 1:3.5, respectively. Here are some simple recipes.

    simple recipes

    Semolina porridge 5%

    Boil 120 ml. water, stirring, enter 1 tsp. cereals, as described above, and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for about 8 minutes. Then add 60 ml. hot (70 °C) unboiled milk and ¼ tsp. Sahara. Bring the semolina to a boil and then simmer over low heat for a couple more minutes.

    Semolina porridge 10%

    Combine 120 ml. water and 100 ml. cold milk, boil. Enter 1 tbsp. l. cereals and cook for 8-10 minutes (as described above). Then add 50 ml. milk ½ tsp warmed up to 70°C sugar and simmer over low heat for a couple more minutes. In the finished porridge put 5 gr. butter.

    Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

    Place in the multicooker bowl:

    • 30 gr. decoys;
    • 2 tsp Sahara;
    • 150 ml. water;
    • 250 ml. milk;
    • 7 gr. butter.

    In the slow cooker, select the “Milk porridge” mode, the timer is 10 minutes. To avoid lumps, you need to gently mix the porridge in the middle of the program (5 minutes before the end of cooking).

    Semolina porridge with pumpkin

    Cook porridge in the usual way (by analogy with the second recipe for 10% porridge) - for this you will need: 1 tbsp. l. semolina, 60 ml. water and 150 ml milk. For pumpkin puree you will need 100 gr. pumpkin pulp - cut it into thin pieces and boil until soft in a small amount of water. Rub the finished pumpkin through a sieve, add ½ tsp. sugar and mix. Combine the ingredients and add 5 gr. butter.

    Semolina soufflé with jam

    A child over 1.5 years old can be pampered with a small portion of a new dessert dish and prepare a semolina soufflé for him. What you need:

    • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
    • 150 ml of milk;
    • 60 ml. water;
    • 1 egg;
    • 2 tsp butter;
    • 2 tsp jams;
    • ½ tsp Sahara.

    Cook cereals according to the classic recipe (10%). Add 1.5 tsp to the finished slightly cooled porridge. butter, yolk mashed with sugar, and whipped protein. Mix the mass well and put in a mold, previously greased with the remaining butter. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Drizzle the finished portion of soufflé with jam.

    So, with reasonable use, semolina porridge will become a useful dish in the diet of a child from 1 year old. Without lumps, cooked according to all the rules, she will be able to charge the little one with energy in the morning - at breakfast, or prepare for a sound sleep if she feeds her baby at night.

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