Functions of the tibia and fibula. Tibia anatomy. Features of the structure of the tibia

The tibia is part of the skeleton of the lower leg. Damage to it can permanently deprive a person of the ability to move. If the bones do not heal or join together incorrectly, surgery may be needed.


The lower leg is the place where the tibia bone is located. It consists of two parts and is located at the bottom of the leg. The tibia tibia (BBK) is located medially. It is long, has a 3-sided body and two epiphyses. The upper end of the tibia is involved in the formation of the knee joint. The tibia is the strongest bone in the human skeleton. The tibia can withstand a maximum load of up to 1650 kilograms.

The fibula (MBK) is less massive, located laterally. It is long and tubular, attached to the large one and limits the ankle. Fractures and injuries of the MCM are rare.

Description of LBC

The largest component of the lower leg is called the tibia, its anatomy has one feature. Its second, but separate half adjoins the LBC. This is a small tibia bone. The tibia and fibula are attached to the femoral joints and the patella. Below form the ankle and adjoin the talus.

The anterior edge of the tibia looks like a pointed ridge. From above it is bumpy. Between the tibia there is a small connecting cartilage. The surface of the tibia is convex and can be felt even through the skin. The lateral part is concave, the posterior part is flat, with the soleus muscle. Below is a feeding hole.

The proximal epiphysis is somewhat dilated. Its sides are called condyles. Outside the lateral is the articular flat surface. At the top of the proximal epiphysis there is a slight elevation with two tubercles. The distal epiphysis is quadrangular. On the lateral surface there is a peroneal notch. Behind the epiphysis is the ankle groove.

Fractures of the BB

With injuries of the tibia, where it is located, pain appears. This may indicate a fracture. The latter may have several varieties. Fractures of the tibia are oblique and transverse. There are also splintered and fragmentary.

Intra-articular fractures may occur in the condyles or the medial malleolus. Most often this occurs due to twisting of the lower leg with a fixed foot. This is manifested in the fact that a person has pain in the tibia. An ankle fracture often occurs after a sharp turn of the foot.

Symptoms of bone fractures

Even small cracks in the bones respond with negative sensations. Fractures are felt much sharper. They are detected quickly when the tibia hurts when walking - this may indicate a violation of its integrity. Unpleasant sensations occur when feeling the legs. Severe pain is immediately felt at the site of the fracture.

If the bone fragments turned out to be displaced, then the lower leg is deformed and the axis of the limb changes. There is swelling on the leg. The limb does not withstand any load. After surgical treatment of a deformed tibia, a person can stand on a sore leg the day after the operation.

When the proximal section is injured, acute pain occurs, which increases with palpation of the limb. The leg becomes shorter, it is impossible to step on it, it does not bend at the knee. I can't even move my injured limb.

The first sign of diaphyseal fractures is the appearance of extensive hematomas. They are formed due to subcutaneous hemorrhage into soft tissues. Sometimes there is a state of shock. A person cannot move with such a fracture, he is tormented by severe pain. Very rare, but comminuted fractures do occur. In this case, swelling and pain immediately appear.

Why does the big tibia hurt? This can be with a simultaneous fracture and MCD. As a result of an injury to both tibia, treatment is greatly complicated. With such a fracture, if displacement is observed, it is impossible to carry out the usual reduction.


When the tibia hurts, this may mean the appearance of a cyst. This is an ailment when a thickening appears in half the tissue. Cysts are a manifestation of a dystrophic process.

Thickening is based on circulatory disorders and the active activity of lysosomal enzymes, which lead to a decrease in collagen and other beneficial substances and proteins. A cyst refers to neoplasms that can be either benign or malignant.

They are discovered when the tibia on the leg begins to hurt. The cyst can be aneurysmal or solitary. It develops over a long period of time. A solitary cyst is most often found in young men. Aneurysmal neoplasm appears suddenly. Basically, such a cyst appears after an injury or bone fracture.

Pain in the leg and its bones

Pain in the lower leg can have various causes. For example, from excessive training, when the tibia starts to hurt after running. It can become more fragile with a lack of calcium, magnesium and other essential elements in the body. They are often washed out when a person consumes diuretics.

When the tibia hurts in front, this may be the result of a disease of the joints or an excessive load that the legs suddenly felt after a long stagnant period. The causes of negative sensations can be inflammatory processes or an infection that has affected the bone tissue. Very rarely, a malignant tumor can appear on the bone.

MBC fracture

Trauma or fracture of the MCL may occur due to damage to the head or neck. This happens quite rarely. Most often, such a fracture is combined with other leg injuries. The person immediately feels severe pain in the knee. However, the leg is able to bend and unbend.

The bad thing is that in MCD, the upper section can cause very serious complications. They occur due to damage to the nerves and disruption of their functions. This provokes additional complications, up to complete immobilization of the limbs. MCD fractures are treated conservatively. But if there are complications, surgery is done.

Complications after fractures

Complications after fractures can occur most often due to untimely access to the surgeon or after improper treatment. But often the culprits of the complication are not doctors, but the individual characteristics of the body (intolerance to certain drugs, low content of calcium in tissues, etc.).

Complications can manifest themselves in different ways. Incorrect fusion of the tibia, where there was a fracture. There is a fat embolism, the blood supply to the internal organs is disturbed. After the fusion of the bones, complete immobilization of the lower leg or knee occurs. They can begin deforming osteoarthritis. During healing, a false joint is observed due to a bone defect. The leg is deformed.

Fracture of the tibia most often causes complications. Often they begin due to forced immobilization of the leg for a long time. But thanks to modern means and technology, most of the negative consequences have become possible to avoid.

Fracture treatment

Fracture treatment is most often done on an outpatient basis. A plaster cast is applied to the limb. In addition, the limb can be additionally fixed with special devices. In order to calculate in time how much the tibia grows together, you need to start from the moment the leg is fixed.

After applying the plaster, a ten-day bed rest is prescribed. Then the person is allowed to walk a little and lightly step on the foot. Most often, the bones are completely fused within five weeks. A complex fracture of the tibia may require hospital treatment. In this case, fusion occurs within two months.

If it is revealed that the tibia tibia (there is a photo of it in this article) is broken with displacement and the presence of fragments, then the fragments are repositioned first. The operation takes place under local anesthesia. After that, the plaster is applied to the entire leg. Treatment of condylar injuries and fractures is carried out with the help of osteosynthesis and traction. Healing of the leg in this case occurs from two to four months. The main thing is not to delay a visit to a specialist and start treatment on time.

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The structure of the ankle joint - what you need to know about it?

The ankle joint is considered the most vulnerable among others. After all, it is not for nothing that the legendary Achilles tendon is located here, which caused the death of the mythical hero. And today, knowledge of the anatomy of the ankle joint is necessary for everyone, because if it is damaged, not only heroes can lose their strength and capabilities.

  • Bone elements of the joint
  • Ankle muscles
  • Ankle ligaments
  • Blood supply and nerve endings
  • Functional features of the ankle

The ankle connects the bones of the lower leg and foot, thanks to it, a person makes movements with his feet and walks normally. The structure of the ankle joint is quite complex: several bones are connected in it and the system of cartilage and muscles that connects them together. In addition, a network of blood vessels and nerve plexuses is formed around each joint, providing tissue nutrition and coordination of movements in the joint.

The ankle joint is forced to support the weight of the human body and ensure its proper distribution when walking. Therefore, the strength of the ligamentous apparatus, cartilage and bone tissue is of great importance.

It has its own anatomical boundaries. At the top, the joint is bounded by an imaginary line 7-8 cm above the medial malleolus (a clearly visible protrusion on the inside of the ankle). At the bottom, it is separated from the foot by a line connecting the tops of the medial and lateral (located on the opposite side) ankles.

In the area of ​​​​the joint, the following departments are distinguished:

  1. Anterior - passing to the back of the foot.
  2. Posterior - area of ​​the Achilles tendon. This is the most powerful tendon in the human body, because it can withstand a load of up to 400 kg. It connects the heel bone and calf muscle, and in case of injury, a person loses the ability to move the foot.
  3. Internal - the area of ​​the medial malleolus.
  4. External - the area of ​​​​the lateral ankle.

Bone elements of the joint

The ankle joint consists of two bones of the lower leg. This is the tibial and fibular. Also attached to them is the foot bone, or talus. The latter is sometimes also called supraheel.

The lower (distal) ends of the tibia together form a nest, which includes the process of the talus of the foot. This connection is a block - the basis of the ankle joint. It has several elements:

  • external malleolus - formed by the distal end of the fibula;
  • distal surface of the tibia;
  • inner malleolus (represents the distal end of the tibia).

The anterior and posterior edges, the inner and outer surfaces are distinguished on the outer ankle. At the posterior edge of the outer malleolus is a depression where the tendons of the long and short peroneal muscles are attached. On the outer surface of the outer ankle, the lateral ligaments and fascia of the joint are attached. Fascia are the connective tissue membranes of the joints. They are formed by sheaths covering muscles, nerves and tendons.

On the inner surface is hyaline cartilage, which, together with the upper surface of the talus, makes up the outer fissure of the ankle joint.

What does it look like?

The distal surface of the tibia resembles an arc, on the inside of which there is a process. The anterior and posterior edges of the tibia form two outgrowths, which are called the anterior and posterior malleolus. On the outer side of the tibia there is a peroneal notch, on both sides of which there are two tubercles, it also partially houses the outer ankle. Together they form the tibiofibular syndesmosis. It is of great importance for the normal functioning of the joint.

The distal epiphysis of the tibia is divided into 2 parts - large, posterior and smaller - anterior. The articular surface is divided by a small bone formation - the crest, into the medial (inner) and lateral (outer) parts.

The medial malleolus is formed by the anterior and posterior tubercles. The anterior is large and separated from the posterior by a fossa. To the inner part of the ankle, which has no articular surfaces, the fascia of the joint and the deltoid ligament are attached.

The outer part is covered with hyaline cartilage and, together with the inner surface of the talus, forms the inner fissure of the ankle joint.

The talus connects the bones of the lower leg and the calcaneus. It consists of a body, a block and a neck with a head. With the help of a block, the talus is connected to the bones of the lower leg. It is located in the so-called "fork" formed by the distal tibia. The upper part of the block is convex, on it there is a groove corresponding to the crest of the distal epiphysis of the tibia.

The anterior part of the block is somewhat wider than the posterior, and passes into the head and neck of the talus. Behind is a small tubercle with a groove where the tendon of the long flexor of the thumb is located.

Ankle muscles

Muscles - flexors of the foot pass along the back and outer surface of the ankle joint:

  • tibialis posterior,
  • triceps muscle,
  • long flexor of the big toe,
  • plantar,
  • long flexor of all other toes.

The extensor muscles are located in the anterior ankle joint:

  • long extensor thumb,
  • tibialis anterior,
  • long extensor of other toes.

Arch support and pronators provide movement in the joint in and out. Pronators include short and long, as well as the third peroneal muscle. To the supinators - the anterior tibial and long extensor of the thumb.

Ankle ligaments

These elements perform an important function in providing movement in the joint. They hold together the bone components and allow for various movements in the joint.

Ligaments of the ankle joint are subdivided into ligaments of the tibiofibular syndesmosis - between the outer surface of the tibia and the ankle of the fibula, and the outer and inner sides of the ankle joint.

  1. Ligaments of the tibiofibular syndesmosis are powerful formations that are divided into interosseous, posterior inferior tibiofibular, anterior inferior tibiofibular and transverse.
    • The interosseous ligament is a continuation of the interosseous membrane, its main purpose is to hold the tibia together.
    • The posterior inferior ligament is a continuation of the interosseous ligament and prevents excessive inward rotation.
    • The anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament lies between the fibular notch of the tibia and the lateral malleolus and prevents excessive outward rotation of the foot.
    • The transverse ligament is located under the previous one and also prevents the foot from rotating inward.
  2. The external lateral ligaments are the anterior and posterior talofibular, calcaneofibular.
  3. The medial lateral ligament, or deltoid, is the most powerful of the ankle ligaments. It connects the inner ankle and the bones of the foot - the talus, calcaneus and navicular.

Blood supply and nerve endings

This joint receives blood supply through three branches of the blood arteries - the anterior and posterior tibial and peroneal. They branch out many times in the area of ​​the joint. They form vascular networks in the ankles, capsules and ligaments of the joint.

The venous outflow is represented by a very extensive network of vessels, divided into internal and external networks. They then form the small and great saphenous veins, anterior and posterior tibial veins. All of them are interconnected by an extensive network of anastomoses (connections of adjacent vessels forming a single network).

Lymphatic vessels repeat the course of the blood vessels, respectively, the outflow of lymph goes in front and inside parallel to the tibial artery, and outside and behind - the peroneal.

In the ankle joint, branches of such nerve endings pass: superficial small and tibial nerves, deep tibial nerve and sural nerves.

Functional features of the ankle

The range of motion in this joint is 60-90 degrees. Movements are possible around its axis located in the center of the inner ankle and through a point anterior to the outer ankle. It is also possible to move the foot in and out, and in addition, plantar flexion and extension of the spot.

The ankle joint is often exposed to various traumatic effects. This leads to ruptures of ligaments, fracture and separation of the ankles, cracks and fractures of the tibia. Nerve and muscle damage is also common.

Schlatter's disease of the knee joint: symptoms, treatment, full description of the pathology

Joint diseases often deprive our lives of the joy of movement. Moreover, problems can be detected not only in adults, but also in children. Pathologies often lead to bone deformities. However, the changes can last a lifetime. Osgood Schlatter disease is a specific pathology that is most often found in adolescents, and is associated with the peculiarities of their age development and growth.

general description

Another name for the disease is "tibial tuberosity osteochondropathy". It is characterized by impaired bone formation. Osgood's disease is not transmitted from person to person, as it does not have an infectious nature. After damage to the connection, the tuberous area of ​​the tibia dies off.

At its end are growth hones, which are built from cartilaginous tissue, which is not very durable. It is her damage that causes pain and swelling of the joint. These same symptoms are also caused by ligament rupture, which also provokes Schlatter's disease.

In adults, Osgood Schlatter disease is extremely rare. It is more typical for children and adolescents from 10 to 18 years. Moreover, Osgood's disease is common among athletes. With proper therapy, recovery is almost complete.

Important! More often the disease is diagnosed in boys.

Causes and possible complications

Schlatter's disease is a very unpleasant disease of the knee joint, which usually limits the mobility of the joint. There are such causes of the disease:

  • Too high constant physical load on the knee;
  • Strong joint mobility, which can be provoked by muscle and ligament weakness;
  • Inflammatory bone disease;
  • Infectious disease of the knee.

In children and adolescents, Schlatter's disease resolves without significant conservative or surgical treatment. However, in some cases, it gives complications:

  1. The transition to a chronic form, in which the pain will be felt constantly. In this case, Osgood's pathology makes itself felt even after the completion of the growth of the child.
  2. The appearance of a bump on the knee. It is small in size and practically does not interfere with movement, but brings discomfort. However, if the bump does not resolve, then it will remain forever.
  3. Swelling of the knee joint. Osgood Schlatter's disease is characterized by a slight increase in articulation in size.

Osgood Schlatter disease in some difficult cases still requires treatment. However, the correct diagnosis must first be made.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

Schlatter's disease in children manifests itself in different ways. The main symptoms are:

  • Swelling of the knee joint;
  • Pain in the region of the tibia;
  • When the knee moves, the pain becomes stronger;
  • Tension of ligaments, muscles in the affected knee joint;
  • Limited movement of the joint, which can significantly harm the athlete in achieving high results;
  • Muscle hypotrophy. In this case, the knee joint may become too mobile.

Osgood's disease can only be manifested by pain. The remaining signs may be completely absent, which delays the patient's visit to the doctor, and also accelerates the development of the inflammatory process.

The intensity of symptoms may vary. Knee pain can be severe or mild, and muscle tension lasts for a long time. Everything stops only after the joint stops forming and growing. Schlatter's disease usually affects only one of the articulations presented.

Therapy should be started only after a thorough diagnosis, which includes the following procedures:

  1. External examination of the affected part of the body.
  2. Evaluation of the sensations described by the teenager in the knee joint of the bones.
  3. Collection of data on past infectious diseases, medications or biological supplements taken, knee injuries.
  4. Determination of the causes of the development of the disease.
  5. X-ray of the knee.
  6. Computed tomography and ultrasonography.

Conservative and physiotherapy treatment

The therapy of the presented joint is most often limited to the use of a tight bandage or a special bandage that will fix the knee well. In this case, the patient should be provided with complete rest, as well as for some time to postpone sports training. You can't load your knee.

Also, the treatment of Osgood's disease is the use of anti-inflammatory ointments. In order to relieve pain in the knee joint area, analgesics are used.

Advice! If tablets do not help, injections can be used.

Naturally, a teenager during the treatment period must eat a balanced diet so that all the necessary vitamins and microelements enter the body. Additionally, it is necessary to give the patient multivitamin complexes.

As for physiotherapy, here the treatment of Osgood's pathology depends on the results of an x-ray examination:

  1. If the patient has the first X-ray group, he is prescribed magnetic therapy and UHF.
  2. The second group involves treatment with electrophoresis in conjunction with lidocaine (2% solution).
  3. For the treatment of patients of the third group, the same electrophoresis is used, but with other additional drugs.

The duration of physiotherapy can be from 3 to 6 months.

Features of the surgical operation

Schlatter's disease sometimes does not respond to conservative therapy and progresses rapidly. Then the doctor has the right to prescribe surgery. This can be done if the pathology is too long or the patient is already 14 years old. Previously, surgery should not be done.

Joint treatment More >>

The operation should be carried out according to the following principles: the trauma after the intervention should be minimal, and the efficiency should be maximum. In this case, an endoscope can be used, which will provide penetration into the affected area with minimal damage to the skin and tissues.

After the operation, the patient must undergo a course of rehabilitation. He must wear a pressure bandage for at least a month. With Schlatter's disease, there is no need for plaster immobilization. After the operation, it is also necessary to undergo a course of medication and physiotherapy in order to reduce the risk of developing consequences or complications.

Prevention of pathology

In order to prevent Schlatter's disease, the following rules must be followed:

  • If a teenager goes in for sports, it is necessary that he eat right and alternate training with rest;

The tibia is an integral part of the skeleton of the lower leg. The tibia is a common name, in the skeleton of the lower leg are the tibia and tibia. Injuries to these bones significantly affect the deterioration of the musculoskeletal system and are very dangerous for health.

Tibia: fracture

The tibia is located inside the lower leg from the front side, this bone is the strongest of all human bones and can take pressure up to 1645 kg. The tibia is quite long, you can even roughly measure its length, from the knee to the ankle. The tip of the tibia is part of the knee joint, and with any body movements of a person, its work is involved, it is very important for the skeleton, since it is thanks to it that a person can take a vertical position, be stable and move around.

The constituent parts of the tibia are:

  • The trihedral body of the bone itself;
  • Upper epiphysis;
  • lower epiphysis.

Injury to the tibia is common, even though the bone is very strong, and when it does, it can be very painful, whether it's a slight bruise or a fracture. Fractures of the tibia are divided into three types: transverse, oblique and comminuted.

Such an injury should not be ignored, since not only is it unbearably painful, but there is a high risk of improper bone fusion and callus formation.

In case of improper fusion, in the future, an operation will be required, during such an operation, the doctor breaks the fused bone, removes calluses, attaches pins and applies plaster. The healing process is very long and painful, not to mention the rehabilitation process. In order to avoid, or at least reduce the risk of fracture, you need to know the following factors that put a person in a zone of predisposition to fracture of any bones of the lower extremities.


  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Weakened, untrained muscles;
  • Problems with motor coordination.

If in the first two cases a person can cope without the help of a doctor, but simply by bringing his body into a proper, healthy form, then the last point must be discussed with the attending physician. To protect children from any fractures and health problems, it is recommended to send them to sports sections or play sports together. In most cases, these types of fractures occur due to impacts or falls.

Fracture of the tibia and tibia

A fracture of the tibia most often occurs together with a fracture of the fibula, this "mechanism" practically does not break separately.

In most cases, this injury occurs when:

  • accidents;
  • When a person falls from a great height onto a sufficiently hard surface;
  • Engaging in active sports, such as skiing, mountain biking, sports riding on skateboards and snowboards, etc.

The cause can be any strong and sharp impact on the bone. The main thing is to correctly and in time determine that a fracture has occurred!

This injury is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Strong pain;
  • Swelling of the limb, swelling of the fracture site and around it;
  • Irregular shape of the lower leg, its curvature;
  • The ability to move the lower leg itself, and not the knee joint.

There are two ways to treat a fracture of this kind: conservative, in the event that there is no need to remove bone fragments and severe external damage to the tissues of the lower leg. In this variant, a fixator is placed for the patient to stretch and properly heal the bone, this lasts about 4 weeks, then they check whether everything has grown together correctly, using an X-ray, in a positive case, a plaster is applied and the patient walks with it for 2-3 months. Treatment can also be operative, it is used in cases of comminuted fractures, since it is simply not realistic to put all the fragments of the bone in place and put it correctly in a conservative way. This treatment option is characterized by the use of metal structures as auxiliary systems for restoring the patient's bone. As with conservative treatment, the patient is put in a cast.

Before choosing the type of treatment, in any case, X-rays are taken, and the larger the sides of the limb are illuminated, the clearer the injury and further treatment will be.

Long-term rehabilitation is necessary for high-quality restoration of the musculoskeletal system. The leg needs not only to be developed daily, but also to apply physiotherapy and exercise therapy, as prescribed by the doctor.


This bone is also located in the lower leg, long and thin, has two “heads”, upper and lower, the latter is part of the ankle, it stabilizes the ankle joint. It connects to the tibia with an interosseous membrane. The structure is similar to the tibia, but there are important differences. The body of the fibula is slightly twisted and twisted initially, but it has a fairly simple structure. It is thin and not as strong as the tibia, but their "tandem" makes the lower leg resistant to external injuries.

The fibula has edges:

  • Front;
  • Rear;
  • medial.

With the help of the thicker distal end, the bone forms the ankle.

Where is the tibia located

The fibula is located at the bottom of the human skeleton, or rather in the lower leg.

Bone constraint:

  • Above the knee joint;
  • Below is the ankle.

There are large and strong ligaments between the tibia and fibula. There is a hole on the back side of this bone, it exists in order for the vessels and nerves to enter it, they pass through the channel into the bone and interact with the rest of the channels of the human skeleton.

The main function of the fibula is the ability of the foot to rotate in different directions relative to the lower leg.

This is the most important function, but because of this feature, it is at high risk of being broken. The bone, although small and thin, should not be underestimated, it is very important for the skeleton, for its stability and ability to move.

fibula injury

The types of fracture of this bone completely coincide with the variants of a fracture of the tibia. Most often they break and are injured together. Since the force of injury passes in front and collides with the tibia, but after breaking it, the force is transferred to the fibula.

Likewise, there are:

  1. An open fracture is a fracture in which the bone extends beyond the muscular skeleton and skin, sticks out with a sharp edge and bleeds heavily, this fracture requires immediate surgical intervention and its treatment will take about six months. This is not only severe pain, but also a lot of stress for a person, it is not very pleasant to watch your leg in this form.
  2. A closed fracture is a more humane option for the patient's nervous system, but by its structure it is not always less dangerous. If there is no displacement and comminuted fracture, then the patient is lucky and the treatment will last not six months, but three months.

As after any fracture, the bone will never become the same and complete as it was before the injury, but with proper treatment and long and hard rehabilitation, it can restore its functions to almost full extent.

The first rule if a fracture is suspected is to turn to injuries. paragraph. There you need to make sure that they take an x-ray and clearly and clearly explain the type of fracture, the treatment technique and the recovery period. There is no need to be afraid to ask questions to doctors for fear of seeming stupid, a person, especially traumatized and prone to a stressful situation, more than ever needs support and understanding. Having received such an injury, you need to prepare yourself for a long recovery, special exercises and treatment, be patient and desire to recover as soon as possible.

Where is the tibia (video)

Such an event as a fracture is always unpleasant and at the wrong time. But if it happened, for one reason or another, you need to pull yourself together, endure the pain (doctors prescribe painkillers) and tune in to recovery. How much to walk in a cast and therefore fragmentation occurred, the doctor will explain.

The lower leg consists of both the tibia and fibula. Damage to these parts is dangerous for every person and for a long time deprives him of the opportunity to actively move. The anatomy of these bones will help us understand this more.


As we have already found out, a bone consists of two bones.

  1. Great tibia. It is located medially. This is a tubular long bone with two and three-sided body. The upper end, that is, the proximal epiphysis, together with the patella, forms the knee joint. The distal epiphysis is connected to the talus to form the ankle joint.
  2. Small tibia. It is located laterally. This is also a tubular long bone, however, it is much thinner than the tibia.

There is a large space between the first and second bone. In addition, the tibias are connected to each other by the tibiofibular joint in the region of the proximal ends.

If you make a slight increase, you can see that the intercellular substance of the bone tissue consists of thin plates. They differ from each other in thickness and shape, however, most of them exist in the form of hollow cylinders with different diameters. They are inserted one into one and form osteons. These plates are located depending on the direction of the blood vessels that run along the bone length. The transverse section shows that the osteons are concentrically arranged Haversian plates. The osteon has a cavity in the center called the haversian canal. Nerves and blood vessels pass through it.

The tibia is the strongest bone in the human skeleton. It is most affected when the body is in an upright position. It can withstand a load of up to 1650 kg, and this exceeds the usual load by 25 times. However, this bone is also distinguished by exceptional lightness, which is associated with its microscopic structure. It is covered with periosteum, which consists of an outer and inner layer. There are many vessels and nerves in the periosteum. It determines the innervation and nutrition of the bone.

With regard to the fibula, it is worth saying that it carries almost no tangible physical load. One of its main functions is that it is involved in the formation and development of the knee and ankle joints.


Fractures of the tibia are rare, but they can occur in both adults and children. Even without special medical knowledge, it becomes clear that damage to this part of the skeleton is quite dangerous. A fracture can affect one of the two tibia bones, or both bone elements can be damaged at once. A displaced fracture may occur. Any of these injuries requires quality first aid and effective treatment afterwards.

The bones of the lower extremities of each person experience great stress every day. This load becomes even greater in the following cases:

  1. Excess weight.
  2. Weak muscles.
  3. Impaired coordination of movements.

If the bones do not cope with the functions assigned to them, they are destroyed. Fracture of the tibia is one of the most common types of fractures of the lower extremities. Such injuries occur for various reasons, therefore they differ in severity and nature. For example, direct damage results in fragments of one type, while indirect injury entails other types of fragments.

Most often, a fracture occurs due to a strong blow or fall. If a displacement occurs, this means that a strong blow was made to the knee joint in a bent form. The displacement of the condyles can occur both outwards and inwards. Oblique and helical injuries occur when, at the time of the fracture, a strong bend or rotation occurred in the lower leg, while the foot was in a fixed position. The situation is aggravated if there is a fracture of two bones at once. In this case, it is impossible to set the bone fragments.

Now we need to discuss two important points: how to determine a fracture of the tibia and what to do about it.

If there is a fracture with a strong displacement, you need to determine its type. If this is an oblique plane, traction is used. Pins are inserted through the bone, after which an individual weight of the load is hung to stretch the leg. If a transverse fracture occurs, a metal plate must be applied. It is fixed with a plaster bandage. The fracture is then treated as a normal displacement. In the case of a fracture of both bones, much depends on the fragments that were formed as a result of it. If the fragments cannot be compared, a surgical operation is performed.


All bones, including the tibia, must be protected. When cycling, skating or rollerblading, you need to use protective equipment, that is, shin guards, knee pads, and so on. All safety measures must be taken for the child. You must always follow the traffic rules.

In order for the tibia to be strong, it is necessary to deliver a sufficient amount of calcium to the body. It depends on nutrition. Caution and a healthy lifestyle can protect us from many injuries, so let's take care of the health of both our own and our children.

The lateral malleolus is the external bony stabilizer of the ankle joint.

The structure of the fibula

The body of the bone has a prismatic trihedral shape, curved backwards and twisted around the longitudinal axis. The fibula has three surfaces: posterior, lateral, and medial, which are separated from each other by three ridges.

The anterior edge has the shape of a sharp ridge and separates the lateral surface from the medial. The medial crest is located between the medial and posterior surfaces of the bone, and the posterior edge is located between the lateral and posterior surfaces. On the posterior surface there is a nutrient hole that extends into a distally directed nutrient channel. On the medial surface, the interosseous margin can be seen.

The upper epiphysis of the fibula forms the head, which, with the help of the articular surface, is connected to the tibia. The upper part of the head has a pointed shape and is called the top of the head. The head is separated from the body by the neck of the fibula.

The lower epiphysis of the bone forms the lateral malleolus. Its outer surface is well felt through the skin. On the medial surface of the lateral malleolus is the articular surface, with the help of which the bone is connected to the outer part of the talus. Slightly higher on the fibula is a rough surface that connects to the fibula notch of the tibia.

On the back surface of the outer ankle, you can see a tendon trace of the long peroneal muscle - the ankle groove.

Types of fractures of the tibia

Fractures occur at different levels of the fibula. Predominantly, the bone breaks in the region of the lateral malleolus. In turn, a fracture of the lateral malleolus of the lower leg occurs at its various levels. As a rule, a fracture of the fibula is accompanied by dislocation or subluxation of the foot, shortening of the bone, and rupture of the distal interosseous syndesmosis.

There are oblique, comminuted, transverse, spiral and fragmental fractures of the fibula.

The main symptoms of a fracture include:

Treatment of fractures of the tibia

The main goal of conservative treatment is the comparison and retention of bone fragments. A traumatologist performs a reposition, with the help of which the subluxation of the foot and the displacement of fragments are eliminated. If during the period of reduction of the fracture, the reposition was successful and the condition of the fragments is satisfactory, the foot and lower leg are fixed with a plaster cast or a special orthosis.

If the reposition does not give satisfactory results and the displacement of fragments persists, surgical treatment of the fibula is prescribed, which consists of several stages:

  • open reposition of bone fragments is carried out;
  • subluxation of the foot is eliminated;
  • bone fragments are fixed using implants (pin, screws, plate).

Anatomy of the fibula

The musculoskeletal system of the lower leg is represented by two bones - this is the tibia and fibula. They are the basis to which the muscles are attached and make the act of movement possible. Also important elements include cartilage, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves, which ensure adequate functioning of the limb. Due to the special structure of the lower leg, a person can both be stable in an upright position and perform active movements.

Anatomy allows you to study the structure of bones and soft tissue structures, the features of their connection, location, blood supply and innervation. It is worth noting that anatomy is considered a fundamental science, which is the basis for all other medical disciplines. Indeed, without knowledge of the normal structure of structures, it is impossible to identify their pathological changes.

What is bone made of

The fibula consists of a body (diaphysis) and two ends (epiphyses). It is located behind the tibia. She is much thinner than the latter, and her body is in the form of a three-sided prism. At the upper epiphysis is its head, which has a rounded shape. On its surface there is also a tubercle - this is the top of the head of the fibula. It is localized slightly behind and sideways on its rounded surface. Also, the tip of the head of the fibula has an articular part on its inner surface, which provides a connection with the external condyle of the tibia.

Below the head is its neck, which gradually passes into the main part - the body. It defines the inner, outer and back surface. Each of them is limited by the front, back and inner edge. Almost the entire length of the inner edge of the tibia to the outer edge of the fibula is the interosseous membrane. The rear surface has a feeding hole through which the feeding channel passes. In addition to its triangularity, this bone is somewhat twisted along the axis.

Towards the lower end, the fibula begins to thicken and form the outer malleolus. It can be easily felt through the skin. On the inner surface of the outer malleolus is the articular surface, which allows it to connect with the talus of the foot. Behind the place of their articulation is the fossa of the outer ankle, where the tendons of the lower leg are located.

The outer ankle is somewhat longer than the inner.

Leg muscles

The anatomy of the muscular apparatus of the lower leg has its own characteristics, since it is on the lower limbs that the greatest load falls. This causes a high degree of their development. The longest peroneal muscle and the short peroneal muscle have reached the greatest development in this area. All of the following muscles originate from the fibula.

The long extensor of the fingers from its place of attachment goes to the ankle, where it is divided into 4 tendons, which are attached to the middle phalanges of the II, III, IV and V fingers. The long extensor of the thumb departs in front in the middle third of the lower leg and, heading down, passes along the rear of the foot to the distal phalanx of the first finger.

The long peroneal muscle has several attachment points - this is the tip of the head of the fibula and the tibia. From them, the long peroneal muscle goes down, reaches the ankle and passes behind the outer ankle. Further along the calcaneus, it passes to the sole and is attached by the second end to the I, II metatarsal bones. Moving away from its place of attachment, the short peroneal muscle goes around the external condyle, and then goes along the outer surface of the calcaneus.

The short peroneal muscle is attached to the fifth metatarsal bone.

Ligament apparatus

The tibia and fibula are articulated with the help of the tibiofibular joint and syndesmosis. The articular surface of the first and the head of the second form the tibiofibular joint. Also, next to the tibiofibular joint, the articular capsule of the knee joint is fixed. It is strengthened in front and behind by the anterior and posterior ligament. It cannot be said that there is a lack of all kinds of movements in the tibiofibular joint, but nevertheless they are significantly limited.

The tibiofibular syndesmosis is a fixed joint, where the lack of movement is due to the peculiarities of the connection of the lateral malleolus with the tibial epiphysis. This connection is fixed by the anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligament. Both the anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments are located between the tibia and the lateral malleolus. Also, the lateral malleolus is the site of attachment of such ligaments as:

  • anterior talofibular ligament;
  • calcaneofibular ligament;
  • posterior talofibular ligament.

Departing from their place of attachment, the anterior fibular and posterior talofibular ligaments pass to the foot and are fixed at the talus. The second place of their attachment is the calcaneus.

Innervation of the leg region

The anatomy of the nervous system in the lower leg area allows not only to study its structure. It makes it possible to understand the interaction of all elements. The innervation of the lower leg is provided by the following nerves.

It is the nervous system that unites individual anatomical structures, and its damage causes the absence of their functioning as a single organism.

Tibia: 3 parts

The tibia is located in the lower part of the leg. The tibia is an integral part of the skeleton of the lower leg. The tibia is a common name, in the skeleton of the lower leg are the tibia and tibia. Injuries to these bones significantly affect the deterioration of the musculoskeletal system and are very dangerous for health.

Tibia: fracture

The tibia is located inside the lower leg from the front side, this bone is the strongest of all human bones and can take pressure up to 1645 kg. The tibia is quite long, you can even roughly measure its length, from the knee to the ankle. The tip of the tibia is part of the knee joint, and with any body movements of a person, its work is involved, it is very important for the skeleton, since it is thanks to it that a person can take a vertical position, be stable and move around.

The components of the tibia are:

  • The trihedral body of the bone itself;
  • Upper epiphysis;
  • lower epiphysis.

Injury to the tibia is common, even though the bone is very strong, and when it does, it can be very painful, whether it's a slight bruise or a fracture. Fractures of the tibia are divided into three types: transverse, oblique and comminuted.

Such an injury should not be ignored, since not only is it unbearably painful, but there is a high risk of improper bone fusion and callus formation.

In case of improper fusion, in the future, an operation will be required, during such an operation, the doctor breaks the fused bone, removes calluses, attaches pins and applies plaster. The healing process is very long and painful, not to mention the rehabilitation process. In order to avoid, or at least reduce the risk of fracture, you need to know the following factors that put a person in a zone of predisposition to fracture of any bones of the lower extremities.

In case of a fracture of the tibia, you should consult a rheumatologist

  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Weakened, untrained muscles;
  • Problems with motor coordination.

If in the first two cases a person can cope without the help of a doctor, but simply by bringing his body into a proper, healthy form, then the last point must be discussed with the attending physician. To protect children from any fractures and health problems, it is recommended to send them to sports sections or play sports together. In most cases, these types of fractures occur due to impacts or falls.

Fracture of the tibia and tibia

A fracture of the tibia most often occurs together with a fracture of the fibula, this "mechanism" practically does not break separately.

In most cases, such an injury occurs when:

  • accidents;
  • When a person falls from a great height onto a sufficiently hard surface;
  • Engaging in active sports, such as skiing, mountain biking, sports riding on skateboards and snowboards, etc.

The cause can be any strong and sharp impact on the bone. The main thing is to correctly and in time determine that a fracture has occurred!

This injury is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Strong pain;
  • Swelling of the limb, swelling of the fracture site and around it;
  • Irregular shape of the lower leg, its curvature;
  • The ability to move the lower leg itself, and not the knee joint.

There are two ways to treat a fracture of this kind: conservative, in the event that there is no need to remove bone fragments and severe external damage to the tissues of the lower leg. In this variant, a fixator is placed for the patient to stretch and properly heal the bone, this lasts about 4 weeks, then they check whether everything has grown together correctly, using an X-ray, in a positive case, a plaster is applied and the patient walks with it for 2-3 months. Treatment can also be operative, it is used in cases of comminuted fractures, since it is simply not realistic to put all the fragments of the bone in place and put it correctly in a conservative way. This treatment option is characterized by the use of metal structures as auxiliary systems for restoring the patient's bone. As with conservative treatment, the patient is put in a cast.

Before choosing the type of treatment, in any case, X-rays are taken, and the larger the sides of the limb are illuminated, the clearer the injury and further treatment will be.

Long-term rehabilitation is necessary for high-quality restoration of the musculoskeletal system. The leg needs not only to be developed daily, but also to apply physiotherapy and exercise therapy, as prescribed by the doctor.


This bone is also located in the lower leg, long and thin, has two “heads”, upper and lower, the latter is part of the ankle, it stabilizes the ankle joint. It connects to the tibia with an interosseous membrane. The structure is similar to the tibia, but there are important differences. The body of the fibula is slightly twisted and twisted initially, but it has a fairly simple structure. It is thin and not as strong as the tibia, but their "tandem" makes the lower leg resistant to external injuries.

If the tibia is damaged, an x-ray should be taken

The fibula has edges:

With the help of the thicker distal end, the bone forms the ankle.

Where is the tibia located

The fibula is located at the bottom of the human skeleton, or rather in the lower leg.

There are large and strong ligaments between the tibia and fibula. There is a hole on the back side of this bone, it exists in order for the vessels and nerves to enter it, they pass through the channel into the bone and interact with the rest of the channels of the human skeleton.

The main function of the fibula is the ability of the foot to rotate in different directions relative to the lower leg.

This is the most important function, but because of this feature, it is at high risk of being broken. The bone, although small and thin, should not be underestimated, it is very important for the skeleton, for its stability and ability to move.

fibula injury

The types of fracture of this bone completely coincide with the variants of a fracture of the tibia. Most often they break and are injured together. Since the force of injury passes in front and collides with the tibia, but after breaking it, the force is transferred to the fibula.

With an injury to the fibula, you can not self-medicate

  1. An open fracture is a fracture in which the bone extends beyond the muscular skeleton and skin, sticks out with a sharp edge and bleeds heavily, this fracture requires immediate surgical intervention and its treatment will take about six months. This is not only severe pain, but also a lot of stress for a person, it is not very pleasant to watch your leg in this form.
  2. A closed fracture is a more humane option for the patient's nervous system, but by its structure it is not always less dangerous. If there is no displacement and comminuted fracture, then the patient is lucky and the treatment will last not six months, but three months.

As after any fracture, the bone will never become the same and complete as it was before the injury, but with proper treatment and long and hard rehabilitation, it can restore its functions to almost full extent.

The first rule if a fracture is suspected is to turn to injuries. paragraph. There you need to make sure that they take an x-ray and clearly and clearly explain the type of fracture, the treatment technique and the recovery period. There is no need to be afraid to ask questions to doctors for fear of seeming stupid, a person, especially traumatized and prone to a stressful situation, more than ever needs support and understanding. Having received such an injury, you need to prepare yourself for a long recovery, special exercises and treatment, be patient and desire to recover as soon as possible.

Where is the tibia (video)

Such an event as a fracture is always unpleasant and at the wrong time. But if it happened, for one reason or another, you need to pull yourself together, endure the pain (doctors prescribe painkillers) and tune in to recovery. How much to walk in a cast and therefore fragmentation occurred, the doctor will explain.

The fibula: where is it located, functions, fracture options and their treatment

The fibula is represented by an elongated tubular formation. The bone is represented by a body, or diaphysis, and two peaks, called epiphyses. The lower fragment, called the lateral malleolus, is involved in the creation of the ankle joint. The lateral malleolus acts as a kind of stabilizing factor in the joint located between the lower leg and the foot.

Anatomy and position relative to other bones

The musculoskeletal system (ODA) in adults is represented by active and passive parts. The active component includes muscles, ligamentous apparatus. The passive fragment is indicated by a skeleton consisting of bones and their joints. In the body of an adult, this part is represented by 208 bones. In order to properly redistribute the mass of the human body in the process of life, the inner part of the bones is hollow. With the help of this, the weight of the skeleton is less in comparison with the total mass, however, despite this, the structure of the bones is strong, which allows the body to function adequately to the loads applied.

To appreciate the physiological significance of the tibia, it is necessary to understand their topography. The fibula is located in the lower part of the skeleton (region of the legs), between the thigh and foot, in contact with the tibia. From above, the tibia is limited by the knee joint, from below by the ankle joint. The small bone connects to the foot through the lateral malleolus through the ankle joint. Large ligaments are located between the tibia.

In accordance with the length, 3 parts are distinguished in the fibula: the diaphysis (body) and 2 epiphyses (upper, lower fragment). The body of the bone is bent posteriorly and twisted along the axial direction. The diaphysis is represented by a prism and consists of three faces: medial, lateral and posterior. Each of the faces is separated by a ridge. The medial and lateral edges are separated by an anterior protrusion, the internal (medial protrusion) subdivides the medial and posterior sides of the bone, and the posterior crest is located between the posterior and lateral sides.

On the back of the MBC there is an opening for the exit of blood vessels and nerves. From this hole, a special channel extends distally into the bone, communicating with the channels of other areas of the skeleton through holes. On the inner side between the bones is a delimiting edge. The upper epiphysis, represented by the head, is in contact with the tibia on its articular side. The top is pointed. The head is connected to the diaphysis of the fibula through the neck.

One of the most important formations of the fibula is the feature of topography and interaction with the bones of the foot and lower leg through the lower epiphysis. The distal part of the bone is often referred to as the lateral malleolus. This ankle is easily palpable through the skin when the foot is flexed forward.

On the inner side of the lower epiphysis is the articular side, which connects the talus and the lateral malleolus. Slightly higher in the fibula there is a slight roughness, connecting with the fibular notch in the tibia. Posteriorly on the fibula there is an ankle groove. The tendon of the peroneal muscle passes through this depression.

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Impact on functions in the musculoskeletal system

The leading function that the fibula performs, laid down in the process of ontogenesis, is the provision of rotation in the ankle. Rotation in this case is a turn to the right or left of the lower leg and foot in relation to each other. Given the anatomical structure, location, under the influence of a strong traumatic aspect, the bone tissue is prone to fractures.

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Usually, the fracture first appears in the tibia, as it takes on the leading stress when walking. Massive injuries or strong local effects of a negative factor can also cause damage to the tibia, often with rupture of soft tissues, displacement of bone fragments. Fractures occur in various parts of the fibula. Most often observed in the lower epiphysis.

Options for fractures of the tibia:

  • transverse;
  • oblique;
  • spiral;
  • splintered;
  • fragmentary.

Fractures are usually combined with subluxation and dislocation of the foot, tearing of the distal syndesmosis between the tibia, shortening of the bone. To understand that a fracture of the entire or fragment of the fibula has occurred, it is necessary to note a number of characteristic symptoms, the main of which are pain at the site of the lesion, which increases with palpation and making movements in the ankle or applying a vertical load, swelling.

The pain is noted constantly and increases when walking or standing. These symptoms usually occur after a leg injury or fracture. To restore bone function to the full, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist as soon as possible.

Briefly about therapeutic measures and healing time

Treatment of fractures of the tibia is carried out conservatively or surgically. First, proceed to non-operative intervention. The conservative technique is based on the comparison of disconnected fragments of bone tissue and their subsequent retention. The primary moment in the tactics of treatment, the traumatologist should carry out the reposition of the fragments, thereby excluding further dislocation of the MCD and subluxation or dislocation of the foot. Upon successful completion of the reposition, confirmed by the results of an X-ray examination, the ankle is closed with a plaster mass or an orthosis.

In a situation where the docking and fixation of bone pieces did not give the necessary results, a surgical intervention is prescribed, represented by a number of stages:

  • comparison of bone tissue fragments in an open way: incision of soft tissues, moving muscles together with vessels and ligaments, creating access directly to the fracture point;
  • elimination of subluxation, dislocation of the foot;
  • fixation of bone fragments using implants: pin, screws or plate;
  • closure of the fracture site with a plaster mass to immobilize the ankle and create the best conditions for bone restoration.

After the surgical intervention, the patient must undergo a period of rehabilitation. The terms of fusion of the fibula are individual, and in uncomplicated cases correspond to 2-3 months. When multiple bone fractures were noted, and there was also a burden in the anamnesis (somatic pathology in the stage of compensation and decompensation), the fracture in the fibula continues to heal for six months. In order to accelerate the overgrowth of the fracture, to recreate the functions, the patient is prescribed therapeutic exercises and massage. Not in the acute period, treatment is supplemented with physiotherapeutic intervention.

Most people who are faced with fractures of the bones of the lower extremities, especially the tibia, which plays an important role in the development of the ankle joint, are concerned about the further consequences and forecasts of qualified specialists.

The result of treatment depends not only on the correct comparison and fixation of fragments. It is extremely important that the patient strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. It is especially necessary to protect the fracture area from excessive physical activity during the rehabilitation period and after. The sooner the patient seeks qualified help from the moment of leg injury, the greater the likelihood of successful treatment and complete rehabilitation.

Sometimes after a bone fracture, conservative or surgical interventions, the following consequences may occur:

  • the appearance of dysfunctions in the ankle joint;
  • tissue swelling and pain at the site of a regular lesion;
  • deforming arthrosis and osteochondrosis;
  • weather sensitivity.

So that problems in movement do not arise after a bone or ankle fracture has occurred, it is necessary to take care of the legs. If the injury still occurs, it is necessary to urgently seek an appointment with a traumatologist.

After a fracture, the site of the lesion should be protected throughout life and not subjected to greater physical exertion in the future.

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Where is the fibula located? In what cases does it fracture?

The human tibia is the smaller bone of the lower leg; when walking, it practically does not carry any tangible physical load. One of the main functions of this part of the lower limb is participation in the development and formation of the ankle and knee joints. Even though the bones of the legs are more massive than the skeleton of the hands, their injury is quite common among the population. Fracture of the fibula in most cases occurs simultaneously with the tibia, which is fraught with complications such as displacement of bone fragments and osteomyelitis. However, if only the fibula breaks, the treatment will be faster and more effective.

Symptoms of a femur fracture:

  • strongly pronounced bone displacement;
  • sharp pain when walking;
  • swelling or hematoma in the area of ​​injury;
  • visual discrepancy between the length of the leg when the fragments are displaced.

Risk factors for a tibia fracture:

  • lack of vitamin D and calcium, especially in the elderly;
  • fragility of bones, mainly in young children;
  • excessive load on the lower limbs, in particular in athletes;
  • acquired diseases that provoke bone fragility;
  • a strong blow, such as in a car accident.

In people involved in sports, fatigue fractures are common, which are very rarely open, so the fibula recovers quickly enough. In this case, the fracture is a small crack that develops over time. At the same time, the tibia swells and hurts a lot, and subsequent healing occurs without surgical intervention. To restore normal leg function, a cast is applied for a period of one and a half to two months.

Often, the fibula breaks in babies from one to three years old as a result of a fall from a height, as a rule, open fractures do not occur. The child develops swelling and severe pain, he begins to react painfully to any touch and refuses to rise to his feet. Since it is not always possible to take an x-ray, a bone scan becomes an ideal option for examining the bone. When a fracture is confirmed, a short bandage with plaster is applied to the child for an indefinite period, which depends on the personal characteristics of the recovery. As a rule, a complete cure occurs faster than in an adult, which is explained by an accelerated metabolism.

In severe cases of fracture of the fibula, both with closed and open injuries, surgery is necessary, followed by fixation of the ankle. In this case, a frame apparatus or fixing the bones with special pins can be assigned. If an infection has joined the fracture during injury, it is even possible to amputate a certain part of the leg. In order for the fibula to recover faster, it is advisable to prescribe therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. It must be remembered that a fracture is a temporary injury, which in most cases can be effectively treated, after which a person can walk as before. Therefore, do not despair and try to protect your legs from repeated damage.


2-lateral condyle of the tibia;

5-tuberosity of the tibia;

10-articular surface of the ankle;

12-lateral malleolus (machotibia);

13- articular surface of the ankle (lateral);

14-body of the fibula;

15-medial (interosseous) edge;

2-upper articular surface;

4-posterior intercondylar field;

6-apex of the head of the peroneal bone;

7-head of the fibula;

8-body of the fibula;

9-medial (interosseous) edge;

10-articular surface of the ankle (fibula);

11-fossa of the lateral malleolus;

12-groove of the lateral malleolus;

13-articular surface of the medial malleolus;

15-ankle sulcus (groove of the medial malleolus);

16-medial edge of the tibia;

17-body of the tibia;

18-lateral (interosseous) edge of the tibia;

19-line soleus muscle.

The fibula is a long thin tubular bone. It consists of a body and two ends, respectively, upper and lower. The body of the fibula has a trihedral prismatic shape, twisted around the longitudinal axis and curved backwards.

Atlas of human anatomy. 2011 .

See what "Fibula" is in other dictionaries:

FIBIBLE BONE - A long, thin, externally exposed bone of the lower limb of four and bipedal vertebrates, including humans. It articulates with the TIBIUS just below the knee; its lower end forms a ledge on ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

Fibula - The fibula is a long, thin, tubular bone. It consists of a body and two ends, respectively, upper and lower. The body of the fibula has a trihedral prismatic shape, twisted around the longitudinal axis and curved backwards. Three surfaces ... ... Wikipedia

tibia - tibia / tibia (large and small) One of the two parallel bones of the lower leg ... Dictionary of many expressions

TIBIUS BONE - TIBIUS BONE, the inner, larger of the two lower bones of the leg. At the knee, it connects to the THIGH, or upper leg bone, below it passes into the ankle. Its lower end forms the ankle bone protruding from the inside of the leg. see SMALL ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

BONE - BONE. Contents: I. HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY. 130 II. bone pathology. sh III. Clinic of bone diseases. 153 IV. Bone operations. Yub I. Histology and Embryology. The structure of K. of higher vertebrates includes ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

The fibula is (fibula, fibula) one of the two bones of the lower leg (see) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

MUSCLES - MUSCLES. I. Histology. In general morphologically, the tissue of the contractile substance is characterized by the presence of specific differentiation in the protoplasm of its elements. fibrillar structure; the latter are spatially oriented in the direction of their contraction and ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

Birds - "Bird" redirects here; see also other meanings. Birds 18 ... Wikipedia

FOOT - foot (pes), the distal part of the hind limb of terrestrial vertebrates, articulated at the top with the lower leg and acting as a supporting element. S. consists of 3 departments: tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges of stingers. In most animals, reliance is made on ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Skeleton - (from the Greek. skeletos, literally dried up) a set of hard tissues in the body of animals and humans, giving the body support and protecting it from mechanical damage. There are external and internal S. In most invertebrates S. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


The fibula (fibula) is a long and rather thin tubular bone of the lower leg. It is much thinner than the tibia. This bone consists of a body and two - upper and lower epiphyses. The primary function of the fibula is to rotate the tibia and foot, allowing the foot to rotate left and right. Such movements are due to the rotation of the lower leg, i.e. rotation relative to each other of the fibula and tibia. The body of the fibula, located between these two epiphyses, has a trihedral prismatic shape, it is bent backwards and twisted around the longitudinal axis. The fibula has lateral, medial and posterior surfaces, which are separated from each other by edges (ridges). The lateral surface is separated from the medial by the anterior edge, which is the sharpest ridge. The medial crest separates the posterior and medial surfaces. The posterior edge separates the posterior and lateral surfaces of the fibula. The posterior surface of the bone has a so-called nutrient foramen, which extends into a distally directed nutrient canal. The medial surface of the fibula contains the interosseous margin.

The head of the fibula is formed by its superior epiphysis. On the head of the bone there is an articular surface, which is necessary for connection with the tibia. Also on the head there is its tip, which has a pointed shape, separated from the body by the neck of the fibula. The lower epiphysis makes up the lateral malleolus, the outer surface of which is perfectly palpable through the skin. The articular surface of the ankle is located on its medial surface. The articular surface of the ankle connects the fibula to the outer surface of the talus. The rough surface, which is located above, connects the fibula to the fibula notch of the tibia. The posterior surface of the lateral malleolus has an ankle groove, which is quite shallow and is a trace of the tendon belonging to the long peroneal muscle.

The fibula is connected to the tibia by an interosseous membrane.

blood supply

The blood supply to the fibula in the middle third is carried out by a large nutrient vessel from the peroneal artery. Also, the supply comes from the periostenium, which receives many small vessels from the peroneal artery. The proximal head and epiphysis are supplied by a branch of the anterior tibial artery.

The structure of the human fibula

The lower leg, that is, part of the lower limb of a person, consists of the following bones: the tibia and the fibula. Muscles are attached to these components of the human body. The fibula itself consists of a long, thin, somewhat twisted body and two expanded ends. The upper end is called the head of the fibula, and due to its peculiar articular surface, it is attached to the tibia. This connection is made by an interosseous membrane. And the lower end is an ankle that enters the ankle joint. Such is the anatomy of this part of the human lower leg.

It is thanks to the fibula that the lower leg, as well as the human foot, can rotate. But this process occurs as a result of the rotation of the two bones of the lower leg relative to each other. We owe our mobility to these bones. According to the anatomical atlas, the fibula is located in the same place where the tibia is located, that is, in the lower leg.

What damage is the fibula prone to?

There are several types of damage to this bone.

When the fibula is fractured, the integrity of the body itself of this element of the human body is violated. It is located in the lower leg and usually breaks along with the tibia. The causes of fractures can be: traffic accidents, various domestic injuries, falls, bumps. People involved in extreme sports are more likely than others to break the fibula. Even this part of the lower leg is sometimes subject to fractures due to the lack of a balanced, full of vitamins and calcium, nutrition in the elderly.

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The main types of fractures of the tibia.

  1. Fracture with displacement of bone particles.
  2. Fracture without any displacement.
  3. With the presence of fragments or without them.
  4. According to the very nature of the fracture: oblique or transverse, fragmentary or spiral.
  5. Depending on the blow that hit the bone: direct or indirect.

Types of symptoms in a fracture of the fibula.

  1. Sharp pain at the site of the injury.
  2. Swelling on the surface of the lower leg or even the foot.
  3. Obvious signs of hematoma.
  4. Somewhat deformed appearance of the limb itself.
  5. Muscles are pulled up to the injury and create the effect of shortening the leg.
  6. Leg numbness.
  7. Difficulty walking.

First aid for fractures of the tibia

When a bone is broken, you need to give a person a painkiller and be sure to immobilize the leg. It is impossible to treat a bone fracture on your own without medical qualifications. The victim must be sent to the clinic for an appointment with a doctor. To do this, you need to call an ambulance or take a taxi to the hospital.

Who diagnoses a fibula fracture?

A specialist in the treatment of fractures of the fibula is a traumatologist. The doctor first interviews the patient about how the injury was received. Then the doctor will require you to pass all the necessary tests and take an x-ray of the lower leg. Only after a detailed study of the nature of the injuries, the doctor will begin to treat the patient. After all, the fibula is treated, based on its anatomy, only by a traumatologist.

How is a hip fracture treated?

The doctor is involved in helping the patient, depending on the nature of the fracture. When the bone sticks out, sticks out, hurts a lot, then these are symptoms of a serious fracture, for the treatment of which an operation is needed. If no displacements are found on the x-ray, then the patient is simply put on the leg with a cast.

If parts of the bone come off, surgery will be required. With the help of special needles, the doctor will return the bones to the correct position. And metal structures will help fix the bone.

Also, a surgical operation is resorted to if the patient has an open fracture of the fibula, or with a significant crushing of this part of the lower leg. The doctor first restores the very shape of the bone, applying broken particles to each other. Then he fastens the parts of the bone together with special screws or plates.

How long does a fracture take to heal?

There is no one period of time during which all fractures of the fibula would be restored. Depending on the nature of the injury, as well as on the severity, on the age of the patient, on the qualifications of the attending physician, various injuries heal in different ways.

It can be argued that within two or three months there will be a fusion of the bones. The very same callus appears after six weeks. More severe injuries are restored after six months.

How is rehabilitation after fractures?

Four months after the complete healing of the broken bone, the rehabilitation process should begin. In time, it can drag on for six months or even more. It all depends on the severity of the fracture.

Types of rehabilitation for fractures of the tibia.

  1. Performing a scientifically developed complex of therapeutic exercises, which will help to “develop” a sore leg and bring it to mobility.
  2. Massages performed by professional manual therapists.
  3. Water procedures in swimming pools.
  4. Homemade baths from medicinal injuries.
  5. Independent rubbing of therapeutic ointments and creams.
  6. Gradual increase in the load on the sore leg under the supervision of the attending physician.
  7. Stretching of the knee joint.

In the event that the patient turned to the attending physician in time, and professional assistance was provided to him, then it will be easy to restore the working capacity of the leg. And after completing the rehabilitation course, the patient will be able to return to their usual and normal life in just six months.

  1. The bone may not heal properly.
  2. The wound may become infected.
  3. Nerves or blood vessels in the lower leg may be damaged.
  4. Thrombi are formed.
  5. The leg is bent.

All these unpleasant moments should be corrected. And only an experienced doctor can deal with problems. In some cases, he will prescribe a second operation.

For simple fractures and small cracks without displacement of bone particles, doctors do not use radical, but more conservative treatment. It consists in immobilizing the leg with a cast or splint. A splint is applied if there is significant swelling that does not allow a plaster cast to be applied to the swollen leg. Instead of a tire, a splint is sometimes used. But as soon as the edema decreases, the patient is immediately put in a cast.

Of course, the doctor performs all these procedures only after receiving an x-ray, indicating the nature of the damage to the leg. A patient with simple injuries of the fibula should be in a cast for about three weeks. After that, he is sent again by the attending physician for an x-ray. Based on the results of the wound healing process obtained with the help of a picture, the doctor additionally prescribes one or another treatment for his patient.

Consequences of fractures and prevention

Whatever the fracture of the fibula, it will almost always have consequences. Albeit not very complex, sometimes insignificant. But you should always pay attention to them. And in case of detection, seek help from a qualified doctor. After all, a slight pain in the lower leg can be a signal for a more serious disease. If you ignore it, then soon all sorts of disorders can occur in the human body, which will soon lead to serious illnesses.

And as a preventive measure, it is necessary to choose the right comfortable shoes for walking. Try not to walk in high heels. Protective equipment must be worn when playing sports. Do not expose your body to heavy physical exertion, which would lead to damage to the bones of the lower leg. Avoid in old age sports such as figure skating, skiing, roller skating. In winter, during ice, try to use shoes with non-slip soles. Carefully behave in transport, follow the rules of the road.

Other diseases of the fibula

But the fibula can be subject to various diseases. The most common is periostitis. It occurs as a result of advanced varicose veins. At the initial stage, the skin of the leg is not affected by any changes. But when palpated, the patient complains of unpleasant painful sensations.

The doctor starts treating the patient with periostitis based on the indications of the x-ray, tests and ultrasound scanning. The patient is prescribed medications, and he should also massage the sore leg, do rubbing. At home, this disease is not recommended to be treated. The patient needs specialist care. For a while, it is better to immobilize the leg.

Another disease of the fibula is osteoporosis. If you carefully consider the structure of this bone, you can find that it consists of a compact and spongy tissue. As a result of osteoporosis, the compact and spongy substance is destroyed. The bone becomes more hollow, and therefore brittle. Symptoms of the disease: pain in the lower leg, discomfort when walking. This disease is treated with the help of medications that are rich in calcium and phosphorus. And as a prevention of this disease, you should eat as much milk, cheese, fish as possible.

Osteomyelitis of the fibula is also a serious disease. This is a severe purulent, as well as infectious inflammation. Osteomyelitis affects all elements of the tibia. The cause of this disease is the penetration of dangerous microorganisms.

The disease develops against the background of immunodeficiency, as well as diabetes mellitus or a fracture of the fibula. This disease affects not only children, but also adults. The patient's body temperature rises sharply, the skin in the shin and knee area turns red, the person suffers from unbearable pain.

Treatment of osteomyelitis is carried out only in the hospital by a professional doctor: a surgeon or a traumatologist. Diagnose this disease with the help of x-rays, tests and computed tomography. You can’t open abscesses at home, because this can lead to sepsis and serious complications. In the hospital, the patient is examined by a surgeon. During the operation, the purulent focus is opened and eliminated. Medical preparations achieve a complete recovery of the patient.

The fibula is also prone to osteosarcoma. And this disease belongs to the category of the most dangerous diseases. As a result of its development, a malignant tumor is formed in the bone. At the initial stage, the disease almost does not manifest itself. A person attributes slight pains in the lower leg to the account of rheumatism. But he is wrong. The problem is much more serious. And after a few weeks, swelling appears, the pain becomes unbearable, metastases develop. Treatment for osteosarcoma involves surgery to remove the tumor. After that, the patient is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

The diagnosis of this disease is carried out in the clinic, prescribing tests, x-rays, bone scans to the patient. A biopsy of tissue taken from the affected area of ​​the fibula is performed. Previously, limbs affected by this disease were amputated. And the patients themselves did not live even five years after the operation. But now doctors have modern drugs in their arsenal. Thanks to new medicines, the percentage of patients who, even after the removal of metastases, continue to live for more than five years, has significantly increased.

Osteosarcoma affects young boys and girls. Most often it occurs at age. After fifty years, this disease is rare. Osteosarcoma can be caused, for example, by chemotherapy as a result of another cancer. Also, the disease can be activated after a bone fracture. The impetus for its development is osteomyelitis or Paget's disease.

Diseases that affect the fibula greatly weaken it. Sometimes the causes of fractures can be minor physical exertion, as a result of which the fibula breaks.

As a prevention of diseases of the fibula, it is recommended to eat a lot of fiber and calcium. Green vegetables help inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. Meat, milk, fish, cheese - these foodstuffs should always be on the table of a person. But in order not to get sick with dangerous ailments, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle involves giving up smoking, alcoholic beverages, and drugs. The processes occurring in the human body can fail precisely because of the use of toxic substances. Everything in the human body is interconnected. And an ordinary cigarette can subsequently cause a sudden complication in the body, leading to the development of a malignant formation in the fibula.

How to forget about pain in the joints ...

Joint pain limits your movement and life...

  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of folk methods and medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much ...

The bones of the legs play a key role in movement and maintaining an upright position. They have a large load, so limb injuries are not uncommon. The shins are prone to fractures, bruises, cysts and other pathological processes. Depending on their type, treatment tactics are individually selected.

Features of the structure of the tibia

The anatomical structure of the bone

The lower leg consists of two tubular bones: the fibula, located on the outside, and the tibia, which is located medially, that is, on the inside. The anatomy of the tibia is unusual as it has a triangular shape and 3 edges:

  • anterior, characterized by a pointed shape, is a lateral surface;
  • medial, or collateral (located on the side), which, due to protrusion forward, is easily palpable through the skin;
  • interosseous edge, which faces the fibula.

The tibia consists of 3 sections:

  • proximal epiphysis;
  • distal epiphysis;
  • body that connects two epiphyses.

The proximal epiphysis of the tibia is represented by the lateral and medial condyles. These structures connect the tibia and femur. Externally, the condyles look like protrusions that are located at the top of the bone. In the proximal part there is a metaphysis, that is, a thickened edge that surrounds the surfaces of the joints.

On the surface of the upper epiphyseal zone there is an intercondylar tubercle (mound): on the side - internal, in front - external. The shape of the distal epiphysis is rectangular. In its upper part is the peroneal notch. Behind is the ankle groove.

Damage classification

Fracture of the tibia

Possible causes of injury to the bones that make up the lower leg:

  • traffic accidents:
  • jump from a great height;
  • a strong turn of the lower limb, in which the foot was fixed, for example, while skiing (often a child suffers from such an injury);
  • falling on the kneecap (for example, if you run fast and stumble);
  • twisting of the lower limb in the ankle joint;
  • hit with a blunt object.

Damage classification:

  • bruises;
  • cracks;
  • fracture;
  • epiphysiolysis: destruction of the growth zone of the bone structure.

Fractures are divided into:

  • transverse, in which the damage is located perpendicular to the axis of the bone;
  • oblique: violations of the structure at an angle;
  • helical, where the fracture line looks like a spiral;
  • fragmentation, when the bone breaks into 3 or more fragments;
  • intra-articular, in which the medial malleolus and condyles are injured.

In addition, fractures can be open or closed. When open, soft tissues are damaged, a wound and bleeding are formed. With a closed, for example, fracture of the upper proximal tibia, the fragments do not tear the tissues and do not come out.

Fractures are more prone to ankle zones (the bone of the distal leg zone), the condyle, the posterior and anterior sections of the tibia.

Symptoms and confirmation of the diagnosis

X-ray examination to detect a fracture of the ankle bone

Any type of fracture is characterized by certain signs:

  • sharp pain both at rest and when trying to stand on the lower limb. It also causes pressing on the heel;
  • deformation of the lower leg, noticeable during external examination;
  • crackling at the slightest movement;
  • the leg cannot be bent, leaned on it;
  • increasing swelling of tissues, the gradual appearance of bruising;
  • with an open fracture - a bleeding wound.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an x-ray. The picture will help determine the severity of the injury and choose treatment tactics.

With an intra-articular fracture, arthroscopy is performed to check the condition of the intra-articular ligaments. If nerve fibers are involved in the pathological process, electroneuromyography is performed. The specialist may consider it appropriate to order an MRI or CT scan.



In case of a fracture of the bones of the lower leg, first aid should be provided to the victim as soon as possible.

  1. Limb immobilization. A tire can be made from any improvised means.
  2. The imposition of a tourniquet. Required for severe arterial bleeding. If a vein is damaged, a tourniquet is applied below the wound. If the artery - the blood from it is bright scarlet and comes in jerks - the tourniquet is applied above the wound.
  3. Removal of large foreign bodies around the damaged area, application of a sterile bandage. Will help prevent infection.
  4. Taking an anesthetic.

Then the victim must be taken to the hospital, where he will be given an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment will be prescribed. It can be conservative or operational.

If there is no displacement, immobilization with a plaster cast is sufficient.

It is impossible to remove a cast without the permission of a doctor; this is fraught with displacement of parts of a broken bone and the development of complications.

More often, skeletal traction is required. A special needle is passed through the calcaneus, and the limb itself is placed on a splint. A weight is suspended from the spoke, the weight of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the victim: body weight, condition of the muscular apparatus, and the nature of the injury.

Duration of traction - up to one month. If a bone callus formation is detected on the radiograph, a plaster is applied to the limb.

It must be worn for 10 weeks.

Surgery is required for complex fractures when conservative therapies are ineffective. Usually, within a week, the patient is observed in the hospital, conducting a comprehensive examination.

For surgical intervention, various metal structures are used that allow the osteosynthesis procedure to be performed. On average, the fusion of bone tissue occurs within a month.

Features of the rehabilitation period

Massage to improve blood circulation in damaged tissues

To restore blood circulation and muscle tone, after removing the cast, prescribe:

  • massage;
  • a course of special gymnastic exercises;
  • physiotherapy.

Thanks to massage, blood circulation in damaged tissues improves, they regenerate faster.

They allow to accelerate the recovery of the functions of the injured leg. The first workouts bring a lot of discomfort, you will have to be patient and endure pain.

Physiotherapy is prescribed taking into account the nature of the injury:

  • electrophoresis. Medicines enter deep into the tissue through the action of an electric current;
  • magnetotherapy. Improves blood circulation, accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • ultrasound. Improves the penetration of painkillers into damaged tissues;
  • didynamics. Accelerates regeneration due to exposure to alternating currents.

If the victim is prescribed an operation with the installation of metal structures, physiotherapy is stopped. In this case, ultraviolet irradiation is indicated, which promotes the production of vitamin D (necessary for calcium absorption).

Bone cyst formation

Aneurysmal cyst

If the tibia hurts when walking, in some cases this may indicate the development of a bone cyst. With this disease, a thickening is formed in the bone cavity.

The cause of the pathology has not yet been identified, but it is known that circulatory failure can provoke the development of the disease. As a result, the movement of biological fluid inside the bone is disturbed and lysosomal enzymes are activated, which provoke the breakdown of collagen, glycosaminoglycans and protein compounds. According to the ICD 10 classification of diseases, a bone cyst is a tumor-like formation. She was assigned the code M85.4.

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