Houses in lenormand card values. Large layout Lenormand. Mirrors in the Grand layout

Each card from the oracle of Madame Lenormand contains 2 images, there are 6 of them in the Big Lenormand deck, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, in the language of flowers, villages, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. There are two images in the Small deck: the main drawing, which is interpreted intuitively easily and close in meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and it is recommended for beginners to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with the accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in the upright position, because. each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a significator of a child, point to something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, to the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, besides, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require them to be reversed. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent a person, an action, an emotion, an object, or a way of life. You can easily determine each specific value in a particular case when you study the main meanings of Lenormand cards. It is the keywords that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of Garden and Child cards means: some kind of social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as the Child and the Garden, because if 2 cards fell out together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly affects their interpretation. The rider and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, his teeth will speak, an agile criminal. The card that fell first affects the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands this story, but also within the first map!

"Rider and Fox" and "Fox and Rider" - Not the same thing

  • Key words - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable meanings for the interpretation of the card in the layout.
  • Description of the map - a description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism - the key symbolism of the map, allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because. the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristic - at this point, the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, terms and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as a advice card, a warning card and a day card.
  • Character - the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is the key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) - every card, even the best in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point should also be taken into account. When a positive card goes by description to a negative one.
  • Questions of personal relationships - the most popular topic for divination - love and relationships. We tell what is the meaning of Lenormand cards in divination for love.
  • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for divination - work and money. We tell how each card describes this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.
  • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are covered
  • Personality Map - Questions about third parties are very often asked, this description will help you characterize a person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives the keys to how you can independently compile interpretations by summing up the values ​​​​of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, of course, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read cards together. In essence, this is how to add syllables or collect sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads, they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.

If you have a fortune-telling deck mademoiselle Lenormand in your personal arsenal, then you can predict the future of any person with maximum accuracy using the layout used by the fortuneteller herself. The famous Lenormand Big Spread, despite its complexity, allows you to read the events of a person’s life for a given period of time in great detail. Let's figure out how to properly conduct this old divination.

What is the Lenormand Grand Spread used for?

This popular alignment from the famous fortuneteller is an accurate forecast of the development of a situation of interest to a person in the past, present and future. Usually it is done for a rather long period - three months, six months, a year. Of course, no one forbids you to set shorter time frames, for example, for a month, but usually easier layouts are still used to predict the very near future.

You can make the Lenormand Big Spread for relationships, health, work, a common future - fortune-telling is universal. The main thing is to clearly set the time frame before fortune-telling and correctly formulate the question.

The main feature of this fortune-telling is that each card is not interpreted on its own, but in several combinations with others, which allows you to extract a lot of information from the layout.

Big Spread Technique Lenormand

For the Big Spread, Lenormand should not use questions like “Does Vasya love me?”, “Will I get rich in the next three months?” etc. The correct wording sounds something like this: “I want to know the most likely development of relations between me and Vasily in the next six months” or “I want to know what important events will take place in all areas of my life in the next three months.”

There are two variations of the layout of the cards. The first, most common scheme is when four rows of eight cards are laid out in each, and the remaining four cards are placed in the fifth row. The second variation is when all the cards are laid out in nine pieces in four rows. In our example, we will use the first option (with five rows).

The technique of Lenormand's Big Spread is as follows: you focus on the question, shuffle the cards, then let the client move the deck twice (or move it yourself if you are guessing for yourself) and divide it randomly into three piles face down. After this manipulation, the stacks need to be turned over to look at the three cards that turned out to be the bottom ones - they will tell you about the client’s internal state, give a general clue on the likely development of events, and describe those energies that most influence the situation in question. We interpret Lenormand according to the standard values.

After you have reviewed and accounted for these cards, the deck is reconnected, shuffled again, and then the cards are laid out in order, starting from the top, as shown in the diagram.

The position of the questioner's card

To begin with, in the Lenormand Grand Layout, you need to find the card that turned out to be the form of your question. Look at the table to see which card matches which questions.

Question - Card-blank

  • Common questions for a man - Ace of Hearts (28)
  • General questions for women - Ace of Spades (29)
  • General questions for a child - Jack of Spades (13)
  • Matters of property, real estate, family matters - Home (4)
  • Love and Relationships - Heart (24)
  • Any unions and marriage - Ring (25)
  • Career, job - Anchor (35)
  • Money matters - Pisces (34)
  • Health - Wood (5)
  • Hopes, plans, desires - Stars (16)

The interpretation of the Great Layout of Lenormand is built precisely around the card of the questioner (forms), which is why we find it first. We will interpret all other cards of the layout depending on their position relative to the form. By the way, many masters recommend not interpreting each card, but viewing only the Big and Karmic Cross (we will talk about what it is a little later), as well as individual areas of interest to a person.

It is important to consider exactly where the form ended up in the layout. Those cards that turn out to be lying before the form (on the left) describe the past of a person, those after it (on the right) describe the future. The farther the card lies from the form, the more distant events of the past or future it will describe. The card lying next to the blank, on the left, is the nearest past, what happened recently, and the one on the right is the nearest future. If, for example, we have a form at position 20, then the past will be described by cards 17,18 and 19, and the future by 21, 22, 23 and 24, while the nearest past is position 19, and the nearest future is 21.

Now let's look at the very position of the form in the layout.

Where is the form - what does it mean

  • In position 1: If we are guessing for a man, then he is very worried about the future, if for a woman, then she is very worried about the past
  • At position 36: For a man - he is worried about the past, for a woman - the future
  • Shifted to the left: For the client's situation, the past does not matter much, since the person has completed the previous stage of his life. Now all that matters to him is the future.
  • Shifted to the right: The key to solving a person's problems lies in the past, so the future directly depends on his actions now
  • Shifted up: Feelings are in the first place for the client, perhaps the key to solving the problem lies in the unconscious
  • Shifted down: A person can take control of the situation, he evaluates all events realistically, but if at the same time there are negative cards above the form, he is overcome by some fears, far-fetched problems

Interpretation of the Big Layout Lenormand

Now let's see how the interpretation of the Big Lenormand Spread is generally carried out.

  • Position 1 - sets the general tone for the alignment, indicates something important
  • 1, 2, 3 - an important message for the client, the main theme of the layout, you can also judge the situation in the present by them. When interpreting, you can take into account map 4
  • Corner cards - also show the main theme
  • 33, 34, 35, 36 - future events that will occur in the next month and a half. Even if you are guessing for a longer time frame, these positions are something that will happen very soon, no later than 6 weeks. It is believed that these are exactly the events that will happen in any case, so these cards are called fateful
  • 12, 13, 20, 21 - what will be the main for a person during this year. Cards can be interpreted both all together and in pairs: 12 with 21, and 13 with 20. Some fortune tellers interpret them as something that lies in a person's heart.
  • The cards below are blanks - they show the “repressed” - what a person seeks to forget, what he suppresses in himself, what he does not want to think about
  • The cards above are blanks - what is happening to the person now, his thoughts or events of the very next days
  • Diagonals provide additional information about the past and future of the situation. In this case, the upper diagonals will describe conscious motives, events or phenomena, and the lower ones - hidden, internal, secret
  • The inner square is the eight cards that lie around the form. From them you can learn about the most significant events in the life of the client
  • The Grand Cross (also called the Gypsy Cross) are the horizontal and vertical lines that run across the blank. According to the gypsy tradition, the cards lying on these lines should be interpreted as successive time chains from the past to the future.
  • The Karmic Cross in the Big Lenormand Layout is called cards located diagonally from the form. Using them, you can analyze the karmic causes of the events described by the Big (Gypsy) Cross, as well as get tips
  • Also in the scenario, “knight’s moves”, “correspondence” and “mirrors” are used in order to find out the details. We will talk about their interpretation a little later.
  • Problem areas are considered to be the positions on which the cards of the Clouds, the Cross, the Coffin, the Scythe, the Mountain, the Mice turned out to be. For more detailed information, they must be considered in combination with neighboring cards.
  • Various areas of life are considered according to the position and surroundings of thematic cards (love is the Heart and the Ring, finances are Pisces, health is the Tree, children are the Child, work issues are the Anchor, hopes and plans are the Stars). Such cards are called Keys.
  • The houses in the Big Lenormand Layout are the positions of the layout according to their number in the deck. So, for example, if the Rider has number 1, then the Rider's home, i.e. position 1 will be the home for receiving news. The heart in the deck has number 24, which means that we can find out what is happening in a person’s heart from the card that lies in position 24

Key Cards in the Big Spread

The interpretation of the Keys must be carried out without fail, since it is these cards that tell in more detail about important, key events in a person's life. It is important to remember that some cards belong to the same key group and must be treated together.

If the form is in the group of any key (it lies close to the key cards), then the events described by the Keys are of great importance in a person's life. When analyzing the Keys, it is important to take into account the Houses in which they ended up, as well as neighboring cards. At the request of them, you can also draw diagonals, verticals, "correspondence", "knight's moves" to clarify the details.

Now consider the meaning of the Key groups. Remember that the same Key can be in several groups. So, for example, Lilies in the Work group can talk about continuity in choosing a profession, and in the Love group - about romance and sexuality.

Key Group - Cards included in the group and their meaning

  • Partnership: Cards Man and Woman. One of them describes the fortuneteller, the other - his other half. Depending on whether the cards are far or close from each other, as well as from the cards standing between them, one can judge their relationship. The group also includes the Ring - a map of alliances, agreements, treaties
  • Love: Heart - heart affairs, Sun and Stars - personal happiness, Lilies - romance and sex, Ring - marriage
  • Friendship: Dog, Bouquet, Snake, Bear
  • Problems: Scythe, Coffin, Mice, Clouds, Cross, Mountain
  • Job: Anchor, Moon, Fox
  • Profession: Any card can be placed here. Interpretation in the aspect of work is carried out according to the standard Lenormand values, for example, if the Tower card is next to the Anchor, this indicates management activities, a large company. if the Tree - to the medical profession, if the Birds - to work. related to obtaining information, etc.
  • Money: Pisces - income, expenses, daily expenses, Bear - financial condition in general
  • Health: Tree - health, Coffin - illness, death. Surrounding cards will indicate problems, operations, etc.
  • Home, family: Home
  • Children: Child (up to 13-14 years old), if older - then Rider, Dog, Fork, Bouquet
  • Parents: Bear, Snake

Houses in the Big Razklad

The houses in the Lenormand Big Spread are important. On them we can view important events taking place in a person's life. Houses can be analyzed not only by one card located in the House, but also by a chain. So, for example, if we have Clouds in the Horseman's house, this indicates unpleasant news. If after that we look into the house of the Clouds and see the Heart there, then we will understand that the unpleasant news will be connected with the realm of feelings. You can build such logical chains of three to five cards, but it’s better not to extend them further - otherwise there is a great risk of getting away from the main theme of the layout.

Below is the meaning of the Lenormand Big Houses according to their number:

  1. News, messages, getting information
  2. A little luck, "a little happiness"
  3. Travel, travel
  4. Home, family, stability
  5. Issues of health, well-being
  6. Fears, fears
  7. May indicate a wise woman, as well as some workarounds, complications
  8. Sorrows, illnesses, death, the end of an important stage and the beginning of the next
  9. Creativity, invitations, gifts
  10. Dangers, unexpected events
  11. Conversations, discussions, any negotiations
  12. Phone conversations, stress, nervous experiences
  13. Children, naivety, starting something new
  14. Cunning, lies
  15. Man, reliability, trust, patronage
  16. Fulfillment of hopes, as well as everything unusual, magical
  17. change
  18. Friendship, devotion
  19. Authorities, isolation, solitude
  20. Public places, meetings, social connections
  21. Various kinds of obstacles
  22. Important decisions, new perspectives
  23. Fears, losses, damages, any negative
  24. Friendship, love, feelings
  25. Partnership, connections, obligations, contracts
  26. Learning, knowledge, education, sometimes secrets
  27. Letters, information
  28. The male
  29. Female
  30. romance, sexuality
  31. Energy, happiness, creative self-realization
  32. Recognition in society, glory
  33. Wise advice, how a person finds the "key" to a situation
  34. Money
  35. Work, questions of professional activity
  36. Fate, fate, the "cross" that a person carries

Mirrors in the Big Spread

You can understand what Mirrors are in the Big Lenormand Layout by looking at the picture. On it, the letter K indicates the map that we are analyzing, and the letters Z indicate its two “reflections”. Based on these reflections, you can supplement the value of the analyzed map, confirm it, or get some significant addition.

Correspondence (Correspondence) of cards in the Big Layout

By Correspondence, you can track how the situation you are interested in has developed or will develop. Correspondence is read diagonally: the corresponding cards are those that lie opposite each other diagonally with respect to the center of the layout. You can use the methods of Mirrors and Correspondence for corner and key cards.

Knight's move (Rosseln) in the Big Spread

The knight's move in the Lenormand Grand Layout is, in fact, the same principle that the Knight chess piece moves on. On the map - where this line leads us, we can track the trends associated with its value. Since several such “chess” moves can be made from each card, they must be read clockwise, taking the one to the left of the card of interest to us as the first knight. You can walk a horse from all rows except the fifth.

The connection between the significators in the Big Layout

You can track the connection between any two key cards not only by their distance from each other, but also using any of the above methods. If, for example, we are interested in the connection between a Woman and her home, then we mentally draw a horizontal line, a vertical line, correspondence, Mirrors, Rosselny from the Woman’s card and see if there is any connection. We interpret on it. If there is no connection, you can see if there is such a card to which both significators lead at the same time, for example, the point where Rosseln leads from the Woman and from the House, or a common “mirror”. We also analyze the cards lying between the significators, if they are on the same line.

Cards denoting people

In the Big Layout, Lenormand specific people can be designated by the following cards:

  • Dom - Husband
  • Broom - lonely young man
  • Heart - a loved one or a person in love
  • Clouds - former partner
  • The rider is a man of athletic build
  • The snake is a rival, or an elderly woman, sometimes a mother
  • Fox - treacherous, cunning person
  • Dog - friend, friend, girlfriend
  • Kosa - a young, inexperienced gentleman
  • Lilies - lover or rich patron
  • Bear - father, boss, aged man
  • Owls are a married couple
  • Bouquet - a charming female person
  • Mountain - a domineering, unpleasant or somewhat disappointed man
  • Tower - egoist, boss
  • Pisces - a successful, rich person
  • A child is a child, or a young lover

Types and ranks of cards

Below are the types and ranks of cards that should also be taken into account when interpreting.

Card type or rank - Which cards belong to this category

  • Managers - cards that never change their meaning, but at the same time can affect others, changing their interpretation: Cross, Lilies, Rats, Coffin, Scythe, Ring, Heart, Garden, Stork
  • Seniors - create the main accents: House, Fox, Ship, Clouds, Snake, Broom, Bouquet, Dog, Stars, Tree, Clouds, Bear, Mountain, Book
  • Event - indicate specific events: Coffin, Bouquet, Rider, Broom, Scythe, Tower, Stork, Clouds, Ship, Owls. Less often - Garden, Stars, Heart, Letter, Rats, Lilies, Fork. Very rare - Pisces, Key, Cross
  • Subordinates - those that are fully revealed through neighboring cards: Woman, Man, Child, Key, Anchor, Rider, Tower, Clover, Letter, Tree, Moon, Stork, Fork
  • Background - show the background of the event: Clover, Stars, Sun, Moon, Clouds, Owls, Bear, Anchor, Fox, Book, Child, Fox
  • Positive - talking about favorable trends: Anchor, Rider, Bouquet, Child, Bear, Dog, Garden, Ring, Clover, House, Stork, Ship, Heart, Lilies, Pisces, Key, Sun
  • Negative - indicating unfavorable trends: Cross, Fork, Clouds, Fox, Owls, Snake, Rats, Broom, Scythe, Mountain, Coffin
  • Neutral - having neither positive nor negative energy: Man, Woman, Tree, Letter, Book, Tower, Stars

Maps that determine the amplitude of events

In the Big Lenormand Layout, the following cards indicate the course of events:

Slow Development - Cross, House, Dog, Anchor, Tree

  • Help in resolving the issue - Pisces, Ring, Dog, Bear
  • Stability - Dog. House
  • Movement - Rider, Ship, Fork
  • Short term - Bouquet, Clover
  • Changes - Stork, Coffin, Ship
  • Fate, chance - Cross, Stars
  • Good Odds - Sun, Clover, Key
  • Obstacles - Spit, Mountain, Cross, Clouds

Time can be determined from the following maps:

  • About a week - Clover
  • A couple of weeks - Cross
  • Month - Moon
  • About seven weeks - Fork
  • Three months - Garden
  • Year - Tree

In this ancient divination, you can also determine the time of the year at which the event will occur. So, Lilies will talk about winter, Bouquet - about spring, Sun - about summer, Clouds - about autumn. The Clover card standing nearby will mean the beginning of the season (Clover - Lilies - the beginning of winter), and Owls double the time interval (Owls - Garden - half a year).

Death in the Big Set Lenormand

Physical death can only be indicated by a special binding of the Tree card to the Coffin, Cross or Anchor with the Cross, that is, if the Tree stands according to Rosseln, correspondence, or any other connection with these cards. Often other cards present nearby, for example, a Star, Owls, a Letter, indicate the death of relatives or acquaintances - but it is better to analyze all this only if a person asks about a situation related to diseases, or is seriously interested in his fate - to spend the Big Out of curiosity, Lenormand's alignment to this question is highly discouraged.

Big Layout Lenormand and "Seven Houses": which is better?

The layout of the "Seven Houses" Lenormand is somewhat reminiscent of the Big, but it is a little simpler in interpretation, so for those who are just starting to work with the Lenormand deck, it is better to use it. In general, it belongs to the same type of universal divination, i.e. allows you to consider in detail all the important trends in human life. If you are already confident with Mademoiselle Lenormand's cards, try to practice reading the Big Spread.

With this article, we are opening a column dedicated to the Lenormand Grand Layout: the meaning of houses, the meaning of cards in houses, various methods of reading the Big Layout (knight's move, chains, correspondence, mirror, etc.) - all these issues will be covered.

The large layout of Lenormand is a feature of this system.

BRL is unique and versatile, in it all 36 cards are used. It shows past, present and future; thoughts, feelings, actions, perspectives or their absence; answers all questions at once from every possible area of ​​human life.

Above the Big layout of Lenormand, you can meditate day and night, if you decide to read it in full, but you can also use it for express fortune-telling on a specific issue (work, relationships, buying and selling real estate, money, career, health or children), interpreting only houses specialized on the desired topic, and not paying attention to the rest, although it will also take a lot of time, because the Lenormand Grand Layout is read not only linearly and traditionally for Lenormand in pairs or triads, but also along the chains of houses, methods Knight's move" or " Mirror reflection", or " Correspondence". And of course, this is the most the best layout for detailed forecasts for any period of time. The main thing is to mentally set a program for the cards before the layout - decide for what period of time you want to receive a forecast.

There are several options for the Lenormand Grand layout, the most common are:

  1. 8 * 4 + 4 (8 cards in 4 rows 5 row of four cards in the center)

I prefer first option, because, firstly, it is the most popular and more familiar to me personally, and secondly, it clearly the last four houses of Destiny stand out, imminent events, and thirdly, developments in reading BRL by various methods were created for the 8 * 4 + 4 option. In our articles, we will consider examples of reading just such a scheme.

Lenormand Grand Spread Technique:

Before proceeding to the Big Layout Lenormand formulate a question and define a time span on which you want to make a forecast. The question may concern some kind of exciting Querent sphere or whole life for a certain period, for example, if the alignment is done before the new year or for a birthday and a person wants to receive maximum information, advice and recommendations for the current year. You can also consider past events or this moment, the main thing is to indicate it in the request.

Then focus on the question and shuffle the deck in the usual way.

Place three stacks of cards face down in front of you. Turn over each pile so that the bottom cards are visible. You got 3 stacks of cards, and on top of each of them there is one open card. These 3 cards provide background information before the spread itself is made. They define those main energies or undercurrents who participate in the formation of events. If you count the fifth of a triplet, you can see internal state of the Querent, his motives guided by which he will form the events around him. After you have read these three cards, connect the deck and shuffle again.

Arrange the cards as shown in the layout diagram:

After all the cards have been laid out, find the map of Blanca(for a woman, this is card 29, and for a man - 28; if the layout was made for a child, then card 13). Assess her position. Which house did it fall into, which row, how far from the card-signifiers of the topic of the question, etc.

Houses in the Big layout Lenormand

The principle of this layout is that each position is the house of the card, has certain characteristics that are similar to the meaning of the card, therefore, before proceeding with the calculation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the cards themselves.

House of the card - has the properties of a card, but with its own nuances, as in astrology - it's scenery, place and circumstance where events will unfold, where our blank characters will tell and show their stories. This is the territory of the map, where she rules in full force, the energy of the house and the cards are similar, by analogy with the abode of the planet in astrology.

Remember, you do not need to interpret the meaning of each card separately!
But only combined with home in which she found herself and with her position(side, top, bottom, center).

Interpretation of cards taking into account the meanings of the houses in which they fell is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills. reading paired cards. But only taking into account the fact that the house will show the place, the scenery, he answers the question - " where?», « in what area?" etc. for example if the map A heart fall into the house Rings, then this may indicate a wedding if Ring fall into the house braids, then a divorce or break in agreements, sharp and painful, if A heart fall into the house snakes, then this is an indication of infidelity, that now you cannot trust your loved one, there is a high risk of deception and betrayal; map Men in home Stars He wants to clarify the situation.

28 and 29 houses important for questions relations.

To quickly determine which house the card fell into, count according to this method: there are 8 cards in each row, which means the 16th house is the last square in the 2nd row; 25th house - 8 * 3 \u003d 24 + 1, then the 4th row is the first card, etc.

House of contacts. Communication. Information. News and activity.

1 House is very important, it, like the astrological 1 House, shows that first impression, which is produced by the person on whom the alignment is made. It can predict what does a person look like, what are his manners, basic traits, way of thinking. Generally - primary characteristics of personality type, main qualities.

The House of the Horseman in the Big scenario is house of contacts and messages, ideas, house of thoughts what you are currently thinking about. With the help of the first house you can see what topic is most relevant for a person. The first house gives dynamics and movement, It is something mobile, then what happening right now or it's about to happen: the arrival of fast news, the courier is already on the doorstep and is about to knock on your door. Therefore, a card that has fallen into this house will indicate that in which area to wait promoting the issue and active developments.

Also the first 4 houses (House rider, House clover, House ship and House Houses) show those events that will happen in the very near future. The first house sets the background for the layout.

The Lenormand Grand Spread is a legendary spread used by the famous fortuneteller Maria Lenormand herself to accurately predict the future. All fortune-tellers use this old alignment - Lenormand fortune-telling fans. This alignment shows the past, present and future of the life situation of the questioner, in which direction his life situation will develop further.

The big Lenormand layout is an old fortune-telling on the original Lenormand cards from a series of complex layouts, which takes into account not only the independent values ​​\u200b\u200bof each card, in accordance with the position held, but also paired combinations of cards. This alignment is used in cases where it is necessary to make a detailed forecast for any period of time. In the Big scenario, you can view both the general picture of the client’s life situation in a certain time period, as well as individual topics of interest to him: be it work, relationships, health, money, children, etc.

Usually the Big layout is done for a long time - 3 months, six months, a year, although you can lay it out for a month, but there are other layouts for this. Before starting fortune-telling, you need to mentally set a program for the cards - decide for what period of time you want to get a forecast. There are two popular options for the layout of cards when divining in the Big layout: the first option is 8 cards in 4 rows, and the 5th row of four cards in the center; the second option - 9 cards in 4 rows.

To consider the general picture of the client’s life situation in a certain time period, it is better to formulate the question before fortune-telling as follows: “I want to know the most favorable probability for me to further develop my general life situation for such and such a period of time.”

In the case of consideration of individual issues on the topic of work, relationships, health, money, children, etc. The question is better formulated as relating to the topic you are interested in. For example, if this is the topic of relations between a man and a woman, then the question will sound something like: “I want to know the most favorable probability for me to develop a relationship between me and (partner’s name) for such and such a period of time.”

To select a description of another layout, go to the page

Spread technique

Before there, how to do the Big layout, formulate a question and determine the time period that will be considered. Focus and shuffle the cards, move or let the questioner move the deck twice with your left hand. The fortuneteller lays out the deck into three piles face down. Now we have 3 parts of the deck. Turn them over so that the bottom card is face up. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the spread is made. The three cards that are open in the piles below determine those driving energies that will participate in the formation of future events. The combination of three cards will show you the deep inner state of the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, forming the appropriate events. After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, put the deck together.

After studying these cards, shuffle the deck again, focusing on the information received. Further, the cards are taken from the deck from above in order and laid out according to the scheme (in the figure, the scheme is given for a layout of 8 x 4 + 4). Lay out the cards as shown.

The cards are laid out, then a blank card is found (the card of the questioner, the personal card of the fortuneteller, the querent). If the questioner is a man, then it will be the ace of hearts; if a woman - then the ace of spades, the jack is assigned to the child.

In the Big Lenormand Spread, each card forms a huge number of combinations with other cards, but it is best to start the interpretation with 4 corner cards. These are cards 1, 8, 25 and 32. They indicate the main theme of the layout.

By the way, the first card of the layout, the one that lies in the place of the Horseman (except for the client’s card), usually sets the tone for the entire layout, and also shows the querent’s thoughts. For example, what is most important to him or her at the moment. Traditionally, it is paired with the card in position 32, and the card in position 8 is paired with the 25th. Later, the meaning of the cards should be linked into one interpretation.

Now start interpreting all combinations of cards. The decisive and turning point of interpretation is the card of the questioner (it can be a Man, a Woman, a housing issue - House, health - Tree, work - Anchor, finances - Pisces, etc.) The entire interpretation of the layout is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card must be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card. The gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position. You need to know that in the Big layout it is not necessary to interpret all the cards, usually they consider the big and karmic crosses around the client’s letterhead and (or) individual topics of interest to the client, for example, work (Anchor), finance (Pisces), etc.

What is the "Grand Cross" in the Grand Layout? The big cross is the vertical and horizontal lines coming from the client's card. The vertical line is the line of the present, the horizontal line is the past and future. These lines carry basic information, so they need to be studied carefully (maps are interpreted strictly along the lines).

Cards that will lie closer to the form will show recent events. And the cards that will lie further will show: for the past - prehistory, the farther the card is from the form, the greater the prescription of the event. View this line from the farthest map; for the future - development, how everything will end. The main card in the position of the future will be the one that lies near the form, it will show what will happen in the near future. The rest of the cards following the main one will say what will happen next or will be the result of the main event. If a favorable card lies at the end of the future line, then the forecast will eventually be favorable, regardless of which card lies next to the client’s card.

What is the "Karmic Cross" in the Big scenario? A karmic cross, or, they say, karmic strings, these are cards that lie diagonally from the blank. They provide additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals are understandable, familiar phenomena, actions, events that a person was forced to accept in the past and will be forced to accept in the future. The lower diagonals are what a person was forced to do and will do.

The diagonals cannot be considered separately from the horizontal. They seem to be projected onto it and show the connection of events. For example, in the horizontal line of the future, you are particularly interested in one of the cards. If you draw a vertical through it up and down to the upper and lower diagonals, respectively, then the lower card, lying at the intersection of the vertical and diagonal, will show what the client will do in connection with the card of interest. And the top card, lying at the intersection of the future line and the upper diagonal, will show what the client will be forced to agree with, what he will be forced to accept.

The position of the questioner's card

The questioner's card is not always in the center. This should also be taken into account when interpreting the alignment.

If the client's card lies so that there are no cards above it, or there is no before, after, or below, this is an indication that information in other areas is currently more important for the client, or that in the client's life now is a turning point. If the past is no longer there, it is gone, which means that it will no longer influence the future and, therefore, it does not matter much for future events. If the client does not have a future in the layout, it means that it has not yet been formed, and the client’s past is very important for its formation. This means that we need an analysis of the past by the client himself, conclusions and determination of the course of action that will help to “build” this future. Thus, a person is given a chance to build his own future.

The card of the questioner in the layout was the first. Counseled - a man is very worried about the future; female client - the past. She does not see the future or it is not significant for her at the present time. If the form was the last in the layout, then the man is worried about the past, the woman is worried about the future. It depends on the direction of view of the figure on the form.

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious (according to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.

Interpretation of the Big layout Lenormand

The first card of the spread, which lies in the Horseman's house, sets the tone for the entire layout - this card is very important. The first three cards of the spread are like some main message for the querent, along with the corner cards, which are defined as the main theme within the reading of the spread. It is also believed that the first four cards in the top row in the layout - 1, 2, 3, 4 show the present or the situation of the next few days.

The last 4 cards - 33, 34, 35, 36 - a guaranteed future that will happen within 4-6 weeks. It is worth considering first a combination of cards 34-35, then cards 35-36, and at the end combine everything into one. Of course, when laying out the layout, you can specify the interval we need in advance, for example, you can make a layout for 6 months, but the time intervals themselves are often difficult to determine, but the last 4 in this plan are easy to interpret - events will occur no later than 6 weeks.

After that, look at the 4 cards in the center of the spread in positions: 12, 13, 20 and 21. One approach to interpretation is to consider 4 cards as the message of the year, which will be the main one for this year of your life. The interpretation should be carried out as follows: 12 cards are interpreted in tandem with 21, and 13 with 20. You can also connect all 4 cards and try to interpret them together. The second approach treats these cards as "what's on the heart." In any case, their interpretation is certainly important.

Before making a layout, you must decide for yourself where in the layout in relation to the form (client card) there will be the past, and where the future will be. Each predictor decides for himself: for someone (regardless of where the blank is “looking”), the cards on the left always refer to the past, and the cards on the right to the future, this is one option. For someone, the past is always behind the “back” of the form, and the future is always in front of her “face”, in the direction of the form’s gaze, (i.e. for a Man in one direction, for a Woman in the other) - this is the second interpretation of the alignment . And therefore, the interpretation of the alignment must be done further, based on which option you choose. According to the first option, the future opens on the right side of the layout, you will find out the past by examining the cards on the left side of the layout.

All cards located up above the card of the questioner refer to the line of the present, meaning either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned. Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. The cards show daily problems. What is happening around the fortuneteller at the present moment of time, what is important for him, that he must decide what affects him at the present moment of his life and in some way affects his state, his thoughts.

All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “what we trample under our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology, “repressed” - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget. The cards under the feet are blanks - they also refer to the line of the present. This is the client's unconscious anxiety, his suffering, which the querent suppresses, what he does not want to think about, what he would like to get rid of. Sometimes it can be his desires, his plans about which he worries, for which he worries. Also, the cards under your feet can indicate passing events, or as they say, passing events (happened and gone) that have already happened or will happen within a few days.

Diagonals. Additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, phenomena understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to explore hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the counselor. Be sure to pay attention to these cards in contact with the personal card. They will give additional information about the state of the fortuneteller. From them, the so-called "big cross" is considered.

Grand Cross or Gypsy Cross. Traditional form of gypsy interpretation. A connection is established between all cards located on a horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a sequential time chain from the past to the future.

Karmic cross (karmic strings) look in combination with the Grand Cross. The karmic cross is the cards lying diagonally from the blank. They provide additional information for studying the past and the future.

“Correspondence”, “mirrors” and “knight’s moves”, if necessary, can be read from any card of interest for a better understanding of it, for example, you want to learn more about the thoughts and events that are currently worrying the client, then you begin to study in detail the card lying at overhead, etc.

The problem areas in which the cards are located: Scythe, Coffin, Mountain, Cross, Clouds, Mice and their environment help to draw conclusions about problem areas in the client's life.

Other topics of interest: cards of marriage, relationships, partnerships (Ring, Heart), work card (Anchor), money card (Pisces), health (Tree), children card (Child) and others that characterize the events of the past, present, future.

The House of the Key and the Key itself are considered as a reliability advisor. The card, which is located in the Key House, shows how or with what the client will solve the problem.

The last four cards, which lie down in the last 5th row, show what will happen in any case in the future. They are called fateful, that is, regardless of the question asked when laying out the cards, the last 4 cards in the 8x4 + 4 layout show what will happen in any case, regardless of whether the person asked about it or not. These cards will show the main events that will occur in a given period of time and set the direction for subsequent development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or caution. If the personal card of the fortuneteller is in the group of these cards, then the main events are in the future. The fortuneteller is in a state of contemplation of plans or anticipates some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept it.

Cards are the keys

In the Big layout there are cards - keys, which are simply mandatory to consider. These cards are desirable to find and view the Houses in which they are located, as well as their surroundings. Maps belonging to the same key are interpreted together. Each key has its own meaning.

Pay attention to where in the layout is the personal card of the fortuneteller or the person they are guessing at: if they are guessing for a man, the personal card will be “Man” (ace of hearts), if for a woman - “Woman” (ace of spades). The presence of a personal card in a group of key cards will emphasize the theme of this group. This means that in the life of a fortuneteller this question comes first, consider this line in more detail. See also which thematic group will have a personal card next to it. The presence of a personal card next to a certain thematic group means the same as inside it, but to a lesser extent, the influence of this issue on events is negligible.

In principle, when laying out the Big layout, you can view the area of ​​​​interest to you, considering the key cards according to the same laws as the querent card, i.e. consider its position in the layout, building verticals and horizontals, diagonals and knight moves from it.

Interpretation of the keys in the Big scenario Lenormand

There are 36 key cards in the Lenormand deck, which not only have their own meanings, their nuances and shades, but also form a lot of combinations with other similar multi-valued cards. In order to get additional information on the map of interest, you need to study the maps adjacent to it, look at the “mirrors”, “correspondence” (corresponding cards) and “moves of the horses” (see below for what it is), pay attention to the proximity or remoteness between the form and the card of interest - the significator. The place where the card of interest lay down (at the beginning, at the end, in the corners of the layout, etc.) also carries its semantic load when interpreting the layout.

Partnership.First of all, you need to find the cards Men and Women. Remember that they represent you and your significant other, or the most significant person in your life.Pay attention to the cards lying between them.If there is a Dog card nearby, then this is probably your friend, if the Anchor is a work colleague. This is discussed in more detail in this article and its continuation. Another indicator of partnership is the Ring card and the cards surrounding it. The Ring Map is a map of alliances and agreements. It can be a marriage, or just a contract (rent, sale). Here you need to look at the maps of the environment, determine where this Ring is located: in the past or in the future, is it connected with love affairs or with work.

Love. The Heart card is love affairs. Refers to emotions, feelings, matters of the heart, friendship, faith. The cards around the card - the key Heart consider those issues that concern the fortuneteller, make them worry, which are of high importance to him personally. You can see if love comes into your life or, on the contrary, leaves it. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the Heart card will be in the layout in any case. It can be not only Love for a representative of the opposite sex, but for a dog or for work. Love has a lot of nuances and shades, it can be marriage, love affair, sex, or just flirting.

The various keycards of the most popular spheres are the Heart, the Ring, the Lilies, the Sun, the Stars. When the fortuneteller's personal card is in the key card group, this is an indication that emotions are currently leading the fortuneteller. Heart - relationships; Ring - connection, union, marriage; The man is a partner; Lady / Snake - partner; Lilies - sex and as the opposite - romance; Sun / Stars - personal happiness, aspiration.

Friendship. Cards that characterize (designate) a circle of friends: Dog, Bear, Bouquet and Snake; Bouquet / Park - friendly gatherings, parties Dog - a card of a friend or good friend, colleague or friend from school. To find out what awaits your friend, look at the adjacent cards.

Circumstances. Then you need to find the Key card and those cards that follow it. Which house did she fall into, and which card lies in the 33rd house (House of the Key), in order to determine those things that are exactly (definitely) present in the client’s life, since the key shows exactly what is defined by the concept of “undoubted fact” .

Problems. Also, first look at the problematic cards and their environment - meaning the Scythe, the Coffin, the Mountain, the Cross, the Clouds and the Mice. This helps to draw conclusions about problem areas in the querent's life. Consider cards - keys, taking into account problem cards.

Job. Here, cards can show people with whom the fortuneteller has a connection at work. You need to find the Anchor in the layout and look at the cards that surround it. If there are cards nearby that can represent people, then we can talk about a colleague. There may also be cards showing (characterizing the boss). These are the Bear, the Mountain, the Tower (perhaps the Snake, the Fox can also show the bosses).

Anchor - work card, professional stability, some look and search for Fox cards to view work moments and questions. Anchor is stability, not only in work, but also in life. The fox is considered as a job, a work colleague, a boss, an attitude in a team, the qualities of an employee, etc. The moon is professional success, self-realization in work, in creativity.

Profession. The cards next to the key card reveal the fortuneteller's social status, the place he occupies in society, his livelihood, and financial situation. If the fortuneteller's personal card is in the key card group, then the main issue to be resolved is related to making money or a career.

Lilies - family contract, heredity, continuity in work, choice of profession; Tower - management activities, large companies, corporations and branches; Home - work from home, personal small or medium enterprise; Bear is a small firm; or a network of firms, also small; The sun is television; Sun in combination with Owls and / or Oblique - a computer, work "with iron"; Book and Tower - translation activities, education; Tree or Dog - medicine; Broom and Book - journalism; Birds - any profession related to communication, obtaining information; Letter - paper; Stars - esoteric; Clover (especially with a Dog or a Tree) - pharmacology; Ship/Rider - mechanization, work with vehicles; Luna/Bouquet - women's business, design, beauty salons, boutiques.

Money. Pisces / Bear - finance. The money question is shown by Pisces and the cards adjacent to them. Pisces is a salary, income-expenses, cash flow. The bear can also show the financial side of the issue, the Bear is more of a bank deposit, inheritance, fund, general financial condition. In principle, the Bear is power, it is strength, it is financial funds, salary and income. But the majority still sees in him a certain personality - a sponsor, and not the financial stability of the client.

Health. They look at the cards Coffin and Tree. The tree is a card of health and stability in relationships. Next to the Garden or Home cards, they can point to a medical institution, and with an identity card, to a doctor or nurse.

Tree - body, general condition; Coffin - illness, death; Mice / Rats - stress, exhaustion; Birds / Owls - nervous diseases stress; The dog is a doctor; Scythe - the risk of surgery.

Pregnancy and Childbirth: Birds/Owls - conception; Storks - childbirth; Tree - development, health; Spit - abortion, caesarean; Moon - women's health, fertility, cycle; Pisces/Lilies - male fertility.

Family, home. Look at the map Dom. House - household chores, private life. This is your fortress and the most intimate. Be sure to check the environment maps. The cards lying next to the card - the key of the House reveal the immediate environment of the fortuneteller, may indicate relatives or close friends, family friends. Here information is given about people close and dear to the fortuneteller; if the fortuneteller's personal card is in the key card group, then this means that the person's main concerns are related to home, family, loved ones.

Children. If the question relates to children, then look at the Child card. The Child card usually denotes children under 13-14 years old, after which there are the Horseman, Dog, Fork, Bouquet. Notice if there are quantity cards nearby. Then probably children can be more than one. If there are no children, then this may refer to heirs (for example, a great-nephew).

The Child card is a child, but a child under 13-14 years old, and after that there are other key cards, such as the Rider, the Dog, the Fork, the Bouquet. Sometimes the Child card only shows certain childish character traits.

Parents. Look at the cards Bear and Snake. The cards between the Bear and the Tower characterize (show) the father. Cards between the Serpent and the Tower can characterize the mother. If in the layout the Bear or the Snake is in the corner, and in the other corner is the Tower, this may show that the father or mother (or together) significantly influences the life of the Woman or Man.

Key card combinations together with the environment is very informative. You need to watch in the following order.

If you are interested in card 6, you should look at combinations 1 + 11, then 2 + 10, then 3 + 9, and 7 + 5, and these pairs completely open the meaning of what is happening now around this topic. If such diagonal combinations as 1+11 and 3+9 still have a further continuation along the plane, then such a diagonal gives even more information. For example, 1+11+16, where 16 can already lead to another topic, serve as a bridge between two different questions.

HOUSES in the Big layout

Cards in the Grand layout are read taking into account the Houses in which they lay down, each house is responsible for certain areas in accordance with the meaning of its “native” card. The House in the Grand Spread is the place of each card in the spread, which corresponds to the position of the spread and the serial number of the card. For example: the Horseman is the first in the deck, which means that the place where, according to the layout scheme, we put any card that fell out first in the layout, will be the Horseman's House. And if the 6th card lies in the Rider's House - Clouds, then we will say that the Clouds lie in the Rider's House. About the card that we will put in the second position, i.e. in the second House, we will say that she lies in the House of Clover. And if, for example, the Clover card falls on the 16th position, we will say that Clover is in the House of Stars, because. it is the Star card that is in the deck at number 16. The meanings of the Houses correspond to the direct meaning of the cards under this number.

Why Consider Houses? If, for example, there is a Cloud card in the Horseman’s House, and we remember that the Horseman is news (one of the meanings), and the Clouds are fast-passing troubles (as one of the meanings), from here we will interpret the first card as the main theme (first card) of the layout for a given period for the client - receiving unpleasant news that struck like a bolt from the blue.

It is often not enough to view only one House. Using the example of the House of the Horseman and the Cloud card, we learned that the main theme of the layout for the client is some kind of unpleasant news. To deepen the information, we look through the chain of Houses: in the House of the Horseman there are Clouds, and what card is in the House of Clouds? The Fox lies in the House of Clouds, which means that bad news is connected with deceit, possibly gossip. This is already enough, but if there is still a need, you can thus look further at the Fox's House - which card lay down in her House. The main thing here is not to get carried away by the Houses and not to go into the jungle.

Each card can play a "role" in card combinations in the Grand Lenormand spread. But if the card falls into its own house, the qualities of the card are emphasized and enhanced. Be sure to look at the maps in place of number 10 - Spit. But, the Scythe is not only a danger, it is also something very unexpectedly coming. At the discretion, you can consider other "houses" - Pisces, Cross, and so on.

The meaning of each card in a particular House is discussed in the article.

House 1 Horseman: good messages, contacts;

House 2 Clover: little happiness, little money, chances, hopes;

House 3 Ship: trip, craving for travel, longing, removal;

House 4 House: stability, home, family;

House 5 Tree: duration, strength, age, health;

House 6 Clouds: fears, insecurity (uncertainty);

House 7 Snake: smart woman, complications, detours;

House 8 Coffin: ending, new beginning, sadness, illness;

House 9 Bouquet: invitation, charming girl, non-professional creativity (hobby);

House 10 Spit: danger, separation (parting), harvest, suddenly and unexpectedly;

House 11 Broom: conversations (negotiations), discussions;

House 12 Owls: excitement, nervousness, phone contacts;

House 13 Child: child, naivete, new beginning;

House 14 Fox: falsity, lies, mysteries, but also cunning;

House of 15 Bears: trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy;

House 16 Stars: clarity, success, also house of magic, unusual;

House 17 Storks: change, change;

House 18 Dog: friendship, fidelity;

House 19 Tower: separation (separation), solitude and isolation, authorities;

House 20 Park: public, society, meeting;

House 21 Mountain: blockades, obstacles, charges;

Dom 22 Razvilka: solutions, new opportunities;

House 23 Rats: losses (losses), theft, negativity and fears;

House 24 Heart: love, friendship;

House 25 Ring: relationship (connection), partnership, contract, connection (obligation);

House 26 Book: secrets, knowledge, school, training;

Dom 27 Letter: messages, information, contact card - e-mail, fax, telegram;

House 28 Man;

House 29 Lady;

House 30 Lilies: sexuality, harmony;

House 31 Sun: energy, great happiness;

House 32 Moon: feelings, fame and recognition;

House 33 Key: reliability adviser card: how do I find the key;

House 34 Pisces: finances, money;

House 35 Anchor: profession, work;

House 36 Cross: fate (fate), faith and hope, also the future.

Mirrors in the Grand layout

As mentioned above - the blank or the cards of interest - the significators in the Big Lenormand layout are interpreted taking into account the so-called "mirrors".

What are the "Mirrors" in the Big scenario? It is like a mirror "reflection" of the card you need in two adjacent "mirrors". Such "mirrors" can be obtained if the BR is mentally divided into four parts (for the 8X4 + 4 layout, the bottom 4 cards in the fifth row are not taken into account). The figure clearly shows how the map you need (indicated by the letter “K”) is “reflected” in two adjacent “mirrors” (reflections are indicated by the letters “Z”). In the diagram, the card on the 11th number mirrors the cards on the 14th and 19th places, etc. Thus, you can get "mirror reflections" or simply "mirrors" of any cards you need. "Mirrors" are always arranged in parallel. Each card has two "mirrors" (reflections).

Mirrors are cards that lie opposite themselves at right angles in the layout. The first row mirrors the fourth and the second row mirrors the third.

What are Mirrors for? Mirrors reveal the topic, give the current state of affairs, the situation at the moment, the state of affairs according to the map of interest, reveal (clarify, confirm, determine) the essence of what the main card is talking about. Mirrors look like this: for example, the first card mirrors from the 8th, the 2nd from the 7th, also the 1st from the 25th. Or the 2nd with the 26th, and the card number 10 mirrors with cards -18 and 15.

Mirrors in the Big layout read like this, for example, you look to see if the client has children, and first of all pay attention to the Child card. One of her mirrors will be - Bouquet, he can tell you that the child is a girl, the second mirror will be - Broom, she can tell you that there are two children. Of the 4 cards of the last row, only the two extreme cards mirror each other, i.e. 33 from 36.

Correspondence of cards in the Grand layout

In addition, when interpreting the Big layout, you need to pay attention to the corresponding cards, in other words, correspondence, correspondence. What is the correspondence of the cards for? Correspondence is an indicator of the development of the situation in the future. Correspondence allows you to determine the temporal values ​​of the events that have fallen in the scenario. Corresponding cards are cards that lie diagonally across from themselves in a layout. The first row corresponds with the fourth and the second row with the third. For the cards of the last row, the correspondence will be in the next row.

The correspondence of the cards is looked at like this: for example, the 1st with the 32nd, the 2nd with the 31st, the 9th with the 24th and so on. Here it must be remembered that the first row corresponds only with the fourth, and the second row only with the third. Consequently, in the second row, 9 card will correspond with 24, 10 with 23, 16 with 17. As for the 4 cards of the last row, they correspond with each other only with the cards of the fourth row lying next to each other, i.e. 33 mirrors 27, 34 mirrors 28, 35 mirrors 29, and 36 mirrors 30.

On the basis of mirrors and correspondence (correspondence), one can also read corner maps.

If "Mirrors" is a reflection of the present state of affairs, i.e. according to them, we look at how things are in the issue of interest, things are currently going on or an explanation of the map of interest, then “correspondence” is an indicator of the development of the issue in the future.

Mirrors and correspondence are best viewed together. Suppose you are considering the card you are interested in, which is located in the 13th house. If her current state of affairs is reflected by the “mirrors”, i.e. cards lying parallel to it are in the 12th and 21st Houses, then the future development of the situation will be shown by the corresponding card lying diagonally and located in the 20th House. Cards are interpreted as follows: 12 cards are interpreted in tandem with 21, and 13 with 20.

Correspondence should not necessarily be considered as a combination of the original and the corresponding card, the environment of the card where the corresponding card falls is also important. For example, the Ring corresponds with the Rats, at first glance it turns out that this is the end of partnerships. And if the Ring corresponds with the Rats that “look” at the Mountain, then the rats “eat” the Mountain and it turns out that such correspondence will show that the obstacles that were in love relationships will go away. Because Rats are such an infection that devours everything that lies next to it for the future, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

If you are specifically interested in the trip, then you need to look at it on the Ship map in the layout. You need to look at where he lies, and according to his correspondence you interpret the future, see how the trip goes. In addition, you need to look at home place 3 - Ship. What card is in this place, for example, the Sun will show that a person is planning a vacation in the summer; Heart - love at a distance; Anchor in the place of the Ship - something related to work, up to her shift. On the Korobl map, it is better to look at a larger trip, for example, a trip, a vacation. Small trips and hikes, for example, a trip to the country, it is better to look at the Horseman.

Knight's move (Rosseln) in the Grand scenario

Why do you need knight moves? Knight's moves show the existing trend, i.e. give information about the direction, movement in the development of the situation, about the desire, indicate the intention inherent in someone or something, or direction in views, actions.

The knight's move (rosseln) gives an additional indication of the state of the topic at the moment. It is looked like this: clockwise 2 cards up and 1 card to the right (or left), or 2 cards down and 1 card to the left (or right). Also on the sides of the card: 2 cards to the right (or left) and 1 card up (or down).

Horses can also mean events. You can watch them in combination. For example, if the Lady goes with a horse to the Heart and the Scythe, this means strong emotional suffering, painful experiences.

How to use knight moves? Those who are familiar with the game of chess know how a piece moves - a knight. Here the moves are the same as in chess: from the card of interest - the significator, such “moves” are mentally drawn, like moves by a knight in chess, and the card where your mental horse galloped is interpreted.

In the Big scenario, Lenormand has a rule for the sequence of reading “horses”: they are read in a clockwise direction. Those. the first "horse" must be read to the left of the card of interest - the significator, the second of the "horse" that will be higher, etc. around from left to right. It turns out that if the card of interest lies in the 20th House, then the “horses” from it will be cards lying in the 26th, 10th, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 30th, 35th and 33rd Houses, and they will indicate the trend.

The last 4 cards in the layout 8x4 + 4, do not go with knights, and they also do not go.

The connection between the significators in the Grand scenario

You can see if the significators (Man and Woman, Lady and Anchor, Man and House, etc.) are nearby, on the same horizontal, vertical or diagonal. If so, what other cards are included in this line. All this will give additional information about the state of affairs.

Sometimes the cards "blanks" are interconnected by a "horse", or a parallel, or a chain of houses. One or another type of connection in any case will indicate that there is an active aspect between the significators, and our task is to establish its nature.

If there is absolutely no connection between the cards, and even a chain of houses does not help, then in some cases you can look at a card on which both significators go with a horse at the same time. This works very well, but, unfortunately, not in all cases the positions of the spread allow this method to be applied.

Sometimes the significators are located at such a distance from each other that the horses from them fall next to each other and form one line. For example, we are looking at the relationship of the Lady with the Anchor. The Lady is in the place of the Storks (17), and the Anchor is in the house of the Cross (36). The horse from the Lady falls on place 27, the horse from the Anchor - on 28. We look at which cards fell out at this place, combine their values, and we get a link between the significators. But with this method, you should be careful, it is not sufficiently tested.

If each of the forms makes two knight moves on the same cards, then these knights can be considered in interconnection.

Forms 28 and 7 form two knights on 22 and 13, 22 and 13 can be considered together as the nature of the relationship between 28 and 7.

It happens that the significators go with a knight to the same card. Most likely, this is what connects people in the present. It is also advisable to see in which house the horse is located. For example, if there is a Mountain or a Coffin in the house, then this may mean a blockage of energy in a relationship, a lack of clarity.

When analyzing the environment of the querent, first of all, pay attention to his thoughts. This is the card above the head of the Woman or Man card. Let's call it the head. The cards above the head are most often perceived as the thoughts of the querent, and the cards under the feet are the realities of the current day, on which this situation (base) is based. It can also be events for a given period of time in which a person participates. The same cards can show what a person is currently experiencing. What he can influence, which is a consequence of his actions or desires. And the cards above the head can be perceived as an external influence on a person, over which he has no power.

At the same time, absolutely all combinations, including horses, are looked at for the head card, which it forms with other cards. A person has a lot of thoughts in his head, so they all manifest themselves. At the end, they look at the House where the head card fell. And then - a chain of houses. For example, if the head card of the querent is Storks, which are in the place of the Tree, then we look at the Tree, where it fell and what environment it is in. Here, even the House, in which the Tree itself is located, is not so much important, but its environment and combinations. Thus, you will be able to see the situation of health or life at the moment, which the querent is going to or dreams of changing (Storks). In the same way, absolutely all the remaining cards surrounded by the querent are analyzed.

If the layout deals with the issue of relations between a man and a woman, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is which male (if the alignment is done for a woman) card is closer to the 29th card than other male cards. The closest will be a man with whom there is or will be interaction. You need to look at how their cards are located in relation to each other - whether they are looking at each other, or standing with their backs to each other. You need to read the cards that lay between them. These can be cards lying vertically, horizontally or diagonally (do not forget the rule that you cannot leave the lines). Then they look at “mirrors”, “correspondence”, “horses” - do 28.Men and 29.Women have common cards, points of contact that unite them to a greater extent.

If the cards between 29 and 28 lie from the back of the Man to the back of the Woman, then this means that each of them goes his own way, each has his own interests (the husband has football, the wife has cards), i.e. this is not necessarily an indicator of a bad attitude towards each other, although it may be so, for understanding you need to study the alignment in more detail. If the forms Man and Woman look at each other, this indicates a desire for each other, understanding, etc. If the form of one of the partners lies in the layout above the other, this may indicate that one of the partners is more emotional, more sensitive in existing relationships, in addition, this may show a more dominant (more dominant) partner. If another male card lies closer to the Ladies card than the “knight’s move”, this must be considered in more detail, because. this man can be much more important than the one on whom the "knight's move" was made.

For a detailed definition of the relationship in the layout, use.

Also, when interpreting the alignment, it is necessary to take into account the Houses. For example, if a Woman in the House of Stars - can indicate a woman with mediumistic abilities, or has taken place, a fateful meeting will take place. Or the Serpent in the House of the Heart - indicates betrayal in love, betrayal, lover.

The cards can help identify the man in the spread and can represent people:

The rider is a young, athletic man;

House - can stand for a man or a husband;

Clouds - ex-partner;

Kosu is a young inexperienced man;

Broom - a young lonely man;

The dog is a friend;

Heart - a man in love, beloved;

Lilies - lover, patron;

Pisces is a successful man;

Bear - an elderly man, father, boss;

Snake - a smart woman, a rival, denotes old women (mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor);

By the way, very often the Snake and the Bear are mistaken for parents;

The fox is an insidious, cunning person;

Mountain - the predominant (dominant) disappointed man, an unpleasant boss;

Bouquet is a very pretty (amiable) charming woman;

Child - child, this card can also show a young mistress;

Tower - a selfish man, an unpopular boss;

A dog is a good-natured friend and, accordingly, a friend;

Owl - a married couple or 2 elderly women; the owl card is a card of the number "2", so it is often interpreted as a telephone conversation between two subscribers.

On the ranking and types of cards in the Big Lenormant layout

The manager is the most powerful card in whose power is dominance over the layout. She is the main one, is responsible for all the cards lying nearby and can control them by changing their value, but she does not change her own value and does not obey neighboring cards (except for Storks). In the layout, we definitely pay attention to the control cards surrounded by the client’s card or the area of ​​topics of interest to him, and we always read other cards from it.

Control cards: Coffin, Scythe, Rats, Fish, Sun, Lilies, Cross, Storks, Park, Heart, Ring

Some control cards should be mentioned separately:

Coffin - she has the power to change the value of nearby cards for the worse, weaken even such strong cards as the Sun - "joy with tears in her eyes."

Spit - can completely change both a negative and a positive situation. Unlike the Coffin - always a surprise.

Rats - in her power to change the value of neighboring cards for better or worse, eats cards of the future.

Cross - strengthens all cards that come after it. Dissolves and weakens those cards that stand before him, as if putting an end to everything.

The stork is a manager, but a subordinate, all changes are made only under the influence of neighboring cards.

The sun - in any hand, softens the meaning of "bad" cards, warms the forecast, and always plays a decisive role in the hand, especially in the positions of the present and future.

The remaining cards - rulers manage neighboring cards more gently. Although, for example, such a favorable card as the Park can guide some cards of its environment in such a way that it can be guided both to indicate the wedding and to indicate the cemetery.

Senior card - when reading a group of cards, the emphasis is on it, it is always more important than others, when reading, we rely on it, build on it. Nearby cards only help her explain to us the event passing through her. It does not change its value, but it does not change the value of neighboring cards (with the exception of the House and Star cards).

Senior cards: House, Clouds, Snake, Bouquet, Broom, Ship, Fox - subjugates, sometimes can control neighboring cards, Bear, Clouds, Stars, Book, Mountain, Tree, Dog.

An event map is a map that indicates events. In the layout, such cards should be looked at first. For example, a Letter, even taken separately by a card, will show an event, but Clover cannot show an event in any way.

Event cards: Rider, Ship, Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Bouquet, Scythe, Broom, Tower, Owls, Stars, Storks, Stars - not always, Park, Fork, Rats, Heart, Letter, Lilies - rarely, Key, Pisces, Cross.

A subordinate card is a card that needs the support of nearby cards in order to better understand its meaning. For example, the Rider - in itself, this card indicates the receipt of news (one of the meanings), and what character this news will be, the cards behind it will explain.

Subordinate cards: Rider, Clover, Tree, Storks, Tower, Fork, Letter, Key, Child, Moon, Anchor, Man, Woman.

Background Map − This map shows the background of the event. For example, in the layout, one after the other, there are two cards - the Horseman and the Clouds. The rider is the event, the clouds are the background.

Background maps: Clover, Clouds, Owls - affects neighboring cards, Child, Fox, Bear, Stars, Lilies, Book, Stars, Sun, Moon, Anchor - can slow down, stop neighboring cards.

Favorable is a card that is considered positive.

Positive cards: Rider, Clover, Ship, House, Bouquet, Child, Bear, Storks, Dog, Park, Heart, Ring, Lily, Sun, Key, Fish, Anchor.

An unfavorable is a card that, in its meaning, is related to negative.

Negative cards: Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Scythe, Broom, Owls, Fox, Mountain, Fork, Rats, Cross.

The moon fluctuates between negative and positive.

Neutral means neither negative nor positive.

Neutral cards: Tree, Stars, Tower, Book, Letter, Man, Woman.

Note: Some cards are in several groups at once, which means that they can act in both capacities at the same time, or in one capacity or another, depending on the question and place in the layout. You also need to remember that both favorable and unfavorable cards, although they are considered as such, but depending on their environment and place, can change their meaning with the “vice versa” index.

Cards of stability, stagnation, weighting, slow development - Tree, Anchor, House, Dog, Cross;

Help and assistance cards, partnerships - Bear, Dog, Pisces, Ring;

Stability cards - House, Dog;

Intuitions - Stars, Moon, Child;

Wisdom and Knowledge - Owls, Lilies, Book;

Feelings are indicated - Heart, Moon, Pisces (very rarely, mostly feelings mixed with profit);

Movement cards - Ship, Horseman, Storks, Owls (rarely, mainly communications - telephone, fax), Fork (on foot or in road transport, combined with the "Owls" card - air, with the "Ship" card - sea travel);

Emotions - Clover, Bouquet, Heart, Sun;

Temporality, short-term - Clover, Bouquet;

Competitors - Fox, Snake;

Changes - Ship, Storks, Coffin;

Officiality - Letter, Ring, Tower, Lilies;

Fate, fate - Stars, Cross;

Chance and open path - Key, Clover, Sun;

Doubts and Uncertainty - Fork, Owls;

Obstacles and problems - Mountain, Clouds, Cross, Spit;

Losses of every kind - Coffin, Scythe, Rats;

Contact cards, communications - Rider, Owls, Park;

Transport cards - Ship, Rider, Coffin, Storks;

Cards of money, investments, financial well-being - Pisces, Bear.

Time cards

Clover = approximately one week

Cross = 2-3 weeks

Moon = 4 weeks

Fork = approximately 7 weeks

Park = 3 months

Tree = approximately 1 year


Bouquet = spring

sun = summer

Clouds = autumn

Lilies = winter


Clover shortens time, that is, if it lies with a time card, time is divided in half.

For example: tree = about 1 year, with clover = about half a year

Clover / Sun = early summer

Clover / Lilies = early winter

Owls (Birds) - opposite to Clover, they increase time cards twice.

If the Owls lie with the time map, then the time interval must be increased by 2 times.

For example: Moon = 4 weeks, with Owls = 8 weeks.

More details on the definition of time on Lenormand cards are discussed on the page

Death in the grand scheme

For death, the Tree card is necessarily involved. She must either stand in the appropriate combination, or with mirrors, or cling to the house cards of the Coffin or the Cross or the Anchor with the Cross. And more precisely, so all together. Cards Tree - Cross - Scythe, Clouds, Coffin. As well as Owls, Rats, Lilies or Bouquet, Stars, Anchor. A particularly bad combination of the Anchor with the Cross is when they are at the end of the layout and the blank card is also at the end of the layout. For example, 29 or 28 in the house of Pisces or the Moon. And the Cross and the Anchor changed places. Appropriate houses are also involved. House of the Tree, Cross, Scythe, House, Coffin. If the death of a close chela, then there are many cards, if not very close or familiar, then there may be a Scythe - Tree - Cross diagonally from the blank card to the future.

An example of a layout in which you can see the death of a person:

Ring - Bouquet - Moon - Cross - Dog - Sun - Rats - Child - Broom

Pisces - Owls - Tree - Stars - Scythe - Mountain - Clover - Rider - Tower

Lady - Letter - House - Ship - Fork - Book - Bear - Clouds - Key

Anchor - Maine - Snake - Coffin - Park - Lilies - Storks - Heart - Fox

Letter - Wood - Cross

Cross - Stars - Ship - Coffin

If a person dies not near you, and you find out about it, then be sure to Letter - Coffin or Letter - Cross. By the way, the Star card in the Lenormand layout is always involved in death layouts. The Horus in the Coffin card, in the presence of other cards, of course, can directly simply indicate the hill above the coffin. Cross in the House of the House. Letter - House - bad news from home. Near the Owl Tree and the Tree itself in Owls. Owls as mourning. Letter - Owls - Bouquet - about a woman. All these cards speak of news from the house about the death of a woman. Vertical Dog - Spit - Fork - Park - this is an employee of the authorities. Further vertical with the Book - the Book - the Mountain - the Sun - inquiry, finding the truth and eliminating the mystery.

For the sake of curiosity, such an alignment is not done, it should be laid out only when the client really needs to find out in what direction his life and destiny will develop further.

Updated version, changed the order and scheme of reading! In this note, I will describe one of the many possible ways to read a large layout. In principle, all information on this layout can be easily found on the Internet, in books, on various sites and forums, I just tried to systematize it somewhat and describe it through my own experience of reading this layout.

There are two ways to lay out the Big Spread.

    • 8 cards in 4 rows, and the last 4 cards from the bottom.
    • 9 cards in 4 rows.

It is usually customary to lay out first according to the first option, then the same layout, shift 9 cards in 4 rows according to the option.

Although I will note here that in fact, the first version of the layout provides a huge amount of information, the Big layout itself is very informative. In addition, when, for example, we do a relationship breakdown, we do not change our thoughts and feelings in places in order to get more additional information. When we make a layout, each card falls into its place and, shifting them later, we simply violate the integrity and system of the layout, instead of getting real information, we already get distortions. Therefore, it is enough to decompose it in one of two ways, which is more convenient for a particular individual. In this note, I will describe the work with the first version of the BR layout.

Before you start laying out the Big layout, you need to set the time interval that will be considered in the layout. After that, the cards can be carefully shuffled, removed, or any other action that an individual performs before the deal. After all the necessary processes, the cards, in order, are laid out according to the following scheme:

Cards can be laid out closed and then opened, or they can be laid out immediately with the image up, it all depends on how convenient it is for a particular person, on how he is used to working.
In the Big scenario, it is customary to consider not only the cards, but also in which house they lie. Houses are 36 card spaces, each corresponding to a specific card number and going in order, from 1 to 36 cards. For example, the very first card, the one with which the layout begins, is one, and lies in a place that corresponds to the first card in the deck and is the house of the Horseman. The card that lies eighth lies in the house that corresponds to card number 8 in the deck, which means that the card lies in the house of the coffin. The 24th card in the layout will lie in the house of the Heart, etc. Each house is responsible for certain areas or events in the present.

House 1 Horseman: The card lying in the Horseman's house is considered the main theme of the BR. This is the house of news and news.
House 2 Clover: the house of good luck, joy, little happiness.
House 3 Ship: responsible for travel and travel.
House 4 House: family, relatives and place of residence of a person.
House 5 Tree: duration, experience, health, vitality.
House 6 Clouds: fears, emotions, experiences, uncertainty.
House 7 Snake: deceit, meanness, insincerity, betrayal look in this house.
House 8 Coffin: ending, completion, the house of what is gone, ended in a person's life, what he refused. Sometimes depression and additionally health are looked at in this house.
House 9 Bouquet: house of hobby, creativity.
House 10 Scythe: in this house you can watch dangers and other sudden events.
House 11 Broom: house of disputes, negotiations, discussions.
House 12 Owls: Anxiety, in this house the cards show what a person doubts, what he thinks and worries about.
House 13 Child: in this house look for the presence of children or new beginnings.
House 14 Fox: cunning, deceit, insincerity.
House of 15 Bears: help, patronage, father's or man's house.
House 16 Stars: creativity, esotericism, everything unusual.
House 17 Storks: changes, changes, family (like husband and wife).
House 18 Dog: the sphere of human friendship, the house of friends.
House 19 Tower: official organizations, loneliness, solitude, official affairs, offices, premises.
House 20 Garden: social sphere.
House 21 Mountain: difficulties, obstacles, difficulties.
House 22 Razvilka: choice, spraying, variability.
House 23 Rats: loss of money, major troubles, negative emotions, strong fears.
House 24 Heart: the sphere of love, emotionality, what or whom a person loves. What's in the heart.
House 25 Ring: in this house you can watch marriage, as well as other partnerships.
House 26 Book: training, secrets.
House 27 Letter: house of official messages, news, securities.
House 28 Man: man's house.
House 29 Lady: woman's house.
House 30 Lilies: depending on how the card is interpreted, this is either the sphere of spirituality or sexuality. Also in this area you can watch cases related to the law, norms, rules.
House 31 Sun: happiness, joy, in this house you can see what pleases a person and brings happiness. So are passions and emotions.
House 32 Moon: past, affections, emotions, mysticism.
House 33 Key: advice card, how to solve problems, ways to solve problems, as well as ideas, creativity.
House 34 Pisces: finances, money.
House 35 Anchor: profession, work.
House 36 Cross: fate, religiosity, difficulties, what can be considered important, necessary.

1. Present.

    • The very first card, the one in the Rider's house, is the main theme of the layout.
    • Next, look at the cards that lie in the corners of the layout. 4 cards: 1, 8, 25, 32. These cards show what is happening in the life of the asker now. Usually, in my practice, I look at these four cards at once, along with the first card, in the Horseman's house.
    • The central square: 12, 13, 20, 21 - this is what a person is worried about now, what is in his heart or in his thoughts.

    • Next, you need to see what lies in Blanca's house. If we look at a woman - this is house 29, if a man - this is house 28. Then you need to look in which house Blanca lies, and you can also pay attention to which part of the alignment Blanca lies in. Here you also need to decide how you will look at the future of Blanca, in the direction of your gaze or just from left to right. If the card is shifted to the left (or there are more cards in front of the eyes than behind the back), then the questioner begins some new period in life, renewal, the person lives in the future, plans for the future. If the card is shifted to the right (or there are more cards behind Blanca than in front), then the questioner lives in the past and does not plan for the future. If the card is shifted upward, then this indicates that emotions and impulsivity play a large role in a person’s life, such a person acts more than he thinks. If the card is shifted down, then this shows that a person lives by reason and logic, and can also show that a person is too preoccupied with problems, loaded, constantly thinking, doubting, acting little.
    • Then you can see the status of work, personal life, money sphere, etc. It looks at the houses and cards of the desired area, for example, you need to find out what is happening in the area of ​​​​work, first we look at which card lies in the House of the Anchor, then where the Anchor itself lies. For example, clouds lie in the house of the anchor, which will separately speak of temporary troubles at work, uncertainty, while the anchor lies in the house of the snake, which may indicate that these troubles are associated with a woman or deceit. Of course, it is important to feel intuitively, and so look at the other signs, which will be discussed later.
    • Next, you need to look at the mirrors and correspondences of the cards that interest us, for example, work, the same Anchor, we look at which cards it mirrors and corresponds with.
    • Mirrors - look at cards that reflect the desired card to us, from the opposite end. This is a characteristic of the sphere at the present moment or in the future (depending on how you program yourself). For example, card one mirrors with card 8 and with card 25, card 26 mirrors with card 2 and with card 31. Card 19 mirrors with cards 11 and 22. The bottom four cards mirror each other: 33 with 36, and 34 with 35.

    • Correspondence - look at cards that reflect the one we need from the opposite end, but already diagonally. This is a characteristic of the sphere at the present moment or in the future (depending on how you program yourself). For example, card 1 corresponds to card 32, card 18 corresponds to card 15, card 6 corresponds to card 27. Card 12 corresponds to 21.

    • And also, if we return to the previous picture (mirrors), you can pay attention to the fact that the correspondence, as it were, completes, draws a square or rectangle near the mirrors. For example: card 1 has correspondence 32, and all four cards, 1, its mirrors 8 and 25, correspondence 32 form a square. The same can be observed in 25, 2, 31 and 7 or 19, 11, 22 and 14.

    • From the cards between the Lady and the Gentleman, you can see what is happening between them at the moment. Here you can pay attention to the direction of the views of the Ladies and the Gentleman, whether the partners look at each other or not. Obviously, if the Lady and the Gentleman turned away from each other, then their couple lacks mutual understanding. You can also see how close they are to each other in the layout. The closer the cards are to each other, the closer the partners are to each other. If a woman in the layout is in a row that is higher than the row on which the man’s card is located, then the woman leads the relationship, and vice versa. Also, lovers and husbands for a woman can be shown by the Dog and Bear cards, for a man, cards indicating women are a Bouquet, a Snake (often a mature woman), a Child (a young girl).
    • Some sources indicate that the cards between the Tower and the Bear characterize the father, and the cards between the Tower and the Snake characterize the mother.
    • The child card shows children under 13 years of age. The rider points to a teenage boy if it is near Blanca, the Bouquet points to a teenage girl if it is close to Blanca's card.
    • The cards surrounding the Blank can give an additional description of the character and appearance of the person on whom the deal is being made. And you can also view the characteristics of a partner, a child. In the same way, surrounding maps can describe a person's work, for example, what he does, describe buildings, if these are maps surrounding the Tower, etc.
    • The cards above Blanca's head are responsible for the thoughts of the questioner, what he is thinking about. You can also watch the thoughts of partners, friends and other people in the scenario.

2. Future.

    • The first 4 cards are responsible for the near future - from 2 weeks to a month. The last 4 cards in the first row are responsible for a more distant future. The last 4 cards in the layout are responsible for the distant future, important and global events, it is believed that these cards show what cannot be changed. These cards are often called fateful. In the picture, these cards are marked with red lines.

    • You need to watch the so-called "knight's moves." That is, as in chess, those cards that lie with the letter “G” from the one we need are considered. For example, we take the same Anchor, and which cards move from it with a knight. These cards show the future, of the sphere from which these moves come. Anchor is the area of ​​work that awaits a person in the future at work and in a career. For example, card number 20 will move a knight to cards 3, 5, 10, 26, 14, 30, 33, 35, card 25, knight to card 10 and card 19, card 8 to 14, 23. Only those cards where the knight's move came, and not the whole way. For example, for card 25 it would be 10 and 19.

    • You can also look at the future horizontally and diagonally to the right, from the map we need, which characterizes the sphere we need. For example, Anchor, we find this card in the layout and look at which cards are horizontally to the right of it, as well as the upper and lower diagonals, also to the right. All cards are counted diagonally and horizontally.

    • In the same way, you can look at the future of the questioner on the card form. If this is a woman, then this is card 29, if a man, then this is card 28. There are two options for how to look at the future from the blank card. 1. Cards that lie to the right horizontally and diagonally of the blank card. 2. See the future in the direction of the view of the Blank card, that is, those cards that lie in front horizontally and diagonally are the future. All cards count.

    • Cards can indicate the timing: Horseman - a week, Ship - three years, House - 4 years, Tree - 5 years (in some sources, a year), Fork - two months, Moon - a month, Clover - reduces by two in combinations, Owls, Broom - double in combinations (for example, Moon + Owls = two months, and Moon + Clover = two weeks), Bouquet - spring, Clouds - very much, Sun - summer, Lilies - winter.

3. Past.

    • Also in the Grand scenario, we can look at a person's past. Both himself and various spheres in his life, family, work, love, etc. The past can be viewed horizontally and diagonally to the left, from the map we need, which characterizes the sphere we need. For example, we want to find out what happened in a person’s career in the past, then we take the Anchor card and look at the horizontals and diagonals to the left of this card. All cards along the lines are taken into account.

    • The past of the questioner, according to the Blanke map, can also be viewed in two different ways. 1. Cards that lie to the left of Blanka, horizontally and vertically. 2. Cards that lie behind Blanka, horizontally and vertically. All cards count. The picture below shows the second method.

    • It turns out that if we use the second method, then we must look at the future in this way: what is behind is the past, where the person is looking on the map is the future. This we must program for ourselves in advance, in what way to look. For those who prefer logic, it will be easier to look from left to right, so the logic of the whole layout will not be disturbed, for those who draw images or pictures, it may be more convenient to look in the direction of the gaze and back.
    • You can also use the indicated timing designations to determine when certain events occurred in the past.

4. 9 by 4.
Further, at the request of the fortuneteller, you can shift 9 cards into 4 rows. That is, the card that was in the 9th place is transferred up to the place after the eighth, that is, it moves up. The cards of the second row move one. That is, where the 9th card used to lie, now lies the 10th card. Then repeat the same with the second, third and fourth row, without disturbing the order of the cards. This spread deals with mirrors, correspondence, knight moves, surrounding cards, past and future. Houses are no longer considered, but if you use this layout separately, without the first option, you can also take into account houses.

good practice,
successful development,
Sincerely, Yulia Lysenko.

I apologize! Picture in item 3. Past. should look like this, horizontal and diagonal on the left:

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