Diana Manasir and Rostislav Bagirov. Who is she, what is she known for, age, biography, personal life? A photo. Golden daughters: the most spectacular daughters of Russian oligarchs Who is the husband of Diana Manasir

The father of our heroine has been in the magazine's rating for a long time Forbes. But a huge fortune is not the main wealth in the life of an oil tycoon. Ziyad Manasira(fifty). The businessman has 5 children, and one of them is instagram star, 17 year old . Now everyone is discussing her relationship with a 23-year-old businessman Rostik Bagirov. Diana spoke about her studies in London, her relationship with her parents and her beloved older sister Helen PEOPLETALK.

I am in college at Great Britain. This is not like Moscow colleges, where you choose four core subjects on your own. I gave preference to mathematics, art, English literature and science (it's something like biology). I plan to go to University of Arts and connect my life with art, so it became my main subject.

I do not think that in the future I will seriously engage in fashion, it is rather my hobby. Knowing how to dress beautifully is great, but I don’t plan to connect my life with this.

I have never been a star child. At the age of 12, I started my Instagram page and I think that they began to subscribe to me for two reasons: either due to a well-known surname, or because of my sister's popularity on social networks. It all ended with our entire family being actively followed by Instagram users.

My older sister Helen is definitely a huge influence on me. She, like her parents, lives in Moscow and is my closest person. I think that Helen is even closer to me than my parents, because it is to her that I can entrust absolutely everything.

In fact, the college where I study is quite popular among representatives Ukraine and Russia, quite a lot of Russian-speaking children study there. I don't have haters, but at first they looked at me a little askance. Now I, perhaps, communicate with everyone.

There is no prejudice against Russians here, because the school is still international. We are treated just like everyone else because children from both China and Africa study here.

Drawing is not exactly a hobby, I have to do it according to the curriculum. At our school in without fail there should be sketchbooks that you need to constantly work on. But the list of my hobbies has always included tennis, and swimming, and drawing, and yoga. Now I have two hobbies, which in our school are called activities cooking and make-up courses taught by professionals.

For the sake of a loved one, I am ready to stand at the stove. But spending all day in the kitchen is not my story.

In 10-15 years, I would like to have a family: a husband and at least one child. Of course, I would like to somehow realize myself in my kind of activity, which I will decide on in the near future. I plan to live in England, but being there long time I'm starting to miss Russia.Not so much about the house, but about the people living there. But I even like it.

The ideal family in my mind is a husband, wife and two children. I am growing up in a very big family, but I don’t see myself as a mother-heroine. ( Laughs.)

I can’t name any favorite place on earth, but I always really look forward to the holidays, because we are leaving with my family to relax on Sardinia. Favorite place England is my home.

I am inspired by people who have achieved a lot in life.

The biggest disadvantage of the current generation of young people, I think, is the incredible dependence on money and the desire to show it to the whole world. It seems to me that previous generations have not flaunted their lives so openly.

My playlist mostly consists of songs a, a and Rihanna, but also for performers such as Florence and the Machine, there is also a place.

Why ordinary people do you like scary movies? It turns out that this is an opportunity to pretend to experience your fears, become more confident and even let off steam. And this is true - you just need to choose for yourself an exciting horror film that will make you feel like you should worry about the characters.

Silent Hill

The story takes place in the city of Silent Hill. Ordinary people I wouldn't even want to drive past it. But Rose Dasilva, the mother of little Sharon, is simply forced to go there. There is no other way out. She believes that this is the only way to help her daughter and save her from a psychiatric hospital. The name of the town did not come from nowhere - Sharon constantly repeated it in a dream. And it seems that the cure is very close, but on the way to Silent Hill, mother and daughter get into a strange accident. Waking up, Rose discovers that Sharon is missing. Now the woman needs to find her daughter in a cursed city full of fears and horrors. The trailer for the film is available for viewing.


Former Detective Ben Carson is worried about better times. After accidentally killing a colleague, he is suspended from his job at the New York Police Department. Then the departure of his wife and children, addiction to alcohol, and now Ben is the night watchman of the burned-out department store, left alone with his problems. Over time, occupational therapy pays off, but one night round changes everything. The mirrors begin to threaten Ben and his family. Strange and frightening images appear in their reflection. To keep his loved ones alive, the detective needs to understand what the mirrors want, but the problem is that Ben has never encountered mysticism.


Kara Harding, after the death of her husband, is raising her daughter alone. The woman followed in the footsteps of her father and became a famous psychiatrist. She studies people with multiple personalities. Among them there are those who claim that there are many more of these personalities. According to Kara, this is just a cover. serial killers, so all her patients are sent to the death penalty. But one day the father shows his daughter the case of the vagrant patient Adam, which defies all rational explanations. Kara continues to insist on her theory and even tries to cure Adam, but over time, completely unexpected facts are revealed to her ...

Mike Enslin doesn't believe in existence afterlife. Being a horror writer, he is writing another book about the supernatural. It is dedicated to poltergeists living in hotels. In one of them, Mike decides to settle. The choice falls on the infamous room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. According to the owners of the hotel and the residents of the city, the room is inhabited by evil that kills the guests. But neither this fact nor the senior manager's warning scares Mike. But in vain ... In the room, the writer will have to endure a real nightmare, from which there is only one way to get out ...

The material was prepared using the ivi online cinema.

The wedding ceremony took place at the registry office, which is located in Barvikha Luxury Village. For this solemn occasion, the bride chose a snow-white three-piece trouser suit. However, in the evening, at a festive banquet, Diana appeared in a luxurious dress from a famous Lebanese designer. The classic silhouette of the dress, decorated with exquisite embroidery, emphasized the purity and youth of the girl.


The wedding banquet took place in the capital's restaurant Balzi Ross. Eyewitnesses report that 60 of the closest relatives and friends received an invitation to the party. For such wealthy newlyweds, the festivities turned out to be very cozy and modest.



It is known that Diana Manasir is currently studying at the British College Queen Ethelburga's College. In her interviews for fashion publications, Diana often described the delights of the life of the daughter of an oligarch. She said that she had never been on the subway and flies exclusively on private jets. According to the heiress, you can only go to school with Louis Vuitton bags, more prestigious brands are needed to go out. And Diana admitted that she would never be friends with the daughter of a housekeeper.

    16-year-old metropolitan it girl and Instagram star spoke about moving to England

    Daughter of a permanent resident Forb es and one of the richest people Russia - Zee poison Manasira This year, Diana has exchanged the elite Moscow school No. 1239 for a British one. The old college is located in Yorkshire, in the Thorpe Underwood Estate, imbued with the spirit of creativity of the Bronte sisters. The cost of one year of study at a prestigious school is almost three million rubles.

    In the new alma mater, the billionaire heiress, in addition to the main subjects, chose a creative direction, which includes drawing lessons. Diana lives in a boarding school at the school, and on weekends she goes to a family mansion in London.

    Having changed the measured lifestyle of a Moscow schoolboy for a harsh Oxford drill, Diana did not adopt the habits of British girls to save on wardrobe. Manasir still carefully monitors the new collections of Stella McСartney and Chanel.

    In an interview with SUPER, Diana spoke about the reasons for moving to England, the differences between Moscow and London schoolchildren, and new friends.

    Why did you decide to leave Moscow?

    I have always liked Moscow, and the education here is good. However, as far as I know, Moscow State University and MGIMO are not the same as before.

    Tell about new school. Is it hard to study there?

    No, learning is not very difficult if you know well English language. In England, teachers don't rush about with you if you don't understand anything, as in Russia. If you haven’t mastered the material, these are your problems, you have to sit and teach, no one will explain anything to you in addition.

    Did you quickly make friends with your classmates?

    I don't have classmates in the conventional sense, there is a different system here. On the different lessons seated by different students. I made friends here with all the Russians and only with one Englishwoman - my roommate.

    Did you have any problems with the lessons because of the language change?

    No. The subjects here are not so difficult, and I know English well. For one semester of study, I tightened it even more.

    Have you mastered a British accent yet?

    I hardly hear him here, the school is still international.

    How are you spending your weekends? Do you often travel to London?

    I go to the capital for the weekend. Sometimes my parents come to me, I see them, I have a rest. Well, either I spend time with my friends.

    Found your favorite places in London?

    I probably won't surprise anyone if I call shopping center Selfridges, Russian cuisine restaurant Mari Vanna, Novikov, I Robert.

    Is the London hangout different from the Moscow one? Is there a cult of money, golden youth?

    My party is my friends from Moscow, who, like me, came to study. But the cult exists, of course, as in Moscow.

    Do you have a textbook division in your school: loser, nerd, queen of the school?

    There is. Only in our country this division is not into individuals, but by companies of cool people, losers, etc.

    Do you miss Moscow?

    Not good. Only for family and friends. The Moscow way of life is fed up.

    Is the style of Moscow girls different from British ones?

    The British save a lot on clothes. And it doesn’t matter what family you are from - wealthy or not. They mostly wear jeans, simple tops and sneakers.

    Do school uniforms bother you?

    Vice versa. No need to think about what to wear to school every morning.

    Is it true that the beauty industry in Europe leaves much to be desired?

    It's hard to find here good master, in Moscow with this better.

    What kind profile subjects you chose and why?

    We have basic subjects - mathematics and English. Additionally, I took art, I always loved to draw.

    Where are you going to continue your education?

    I will go to university in England, but I have not yet decided which one.

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