Ex-husband Arntgolts had an affair with Ales Kacher. Vakhtang Beridze: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Vakhtang Beridze, personal life, wife, children

Olga Arntgolts, a sought-after Russian actress, is known to many viewers of our country. She has appeared in thirty different films and television series. The personal life of Olga Arntgolts, according to the latest news in 2017, is not as eventful as the life of her twin sister Tatyana. Like many popular actresses, Olga prefers not to talk about relationships with the stronger sex, however, there is still some reliable information.



According to some rumors, Olga was in love with her partner Alexei Chadov in the film "Alive". Alexey reciprocated the girl, but the young people hid the romantic relationship. The couple has never confirmed that there is a love affair between them, and in some interviews Olga chose to deny this romance. Personal life does not go unnoticed even now in 2017.

First marriage

Olga's relationship with Vakhtang Beridze began to emerge on the stage of the Moscow Film Actor Theater. For more than three years, young people have been partners in the play. After that, a close relationship began. At the very beginning of the events, the actress was in no hurry to tell even her own sister about her romance, although the girls always supported each other and saw each other often. A little later, Olya nevertheless shared her secret with her sister.

With first husband Vakhtang Beridze

But she has not yet introduced the young man to Tatyana, but only showed a video in which Vakhtang gave an interview in Georgian. The actor struck Tatyana with his beauty, “It is dangerous to fall in love with such men,” she told her sister. Laughing, Olga replied that she would marry him and be like behind a stone wall. In the summer of 2009, Vakhtang Beridze and Olga Arntgolts officially registered their marriage. The wedding was modest, the event was celebrated in the circle of close friends and relatives. After several years, Olga and Vakhtang became parents. The couple had a daughter, the baby was named Anna.

In the summer of 2015, the family had good relations, according to the couple's friends, Olga and Vakhtang behaved like newlyweds in love. The couple walked hand in hand, exchanged glances, gave each other kisses and played with their daughter.

But very soon in the autumn of that year it became known that the marriage of Olga Arntgolts and Vakhtang Beridze had seriously cracked. Two months later, the official divorce took place.

Olga Arntgolts: photo

Neither Olga nor her ex-husband commented on the event. Later there were rumors that the actress became the initiator of the gap. In the personal life of Olga Arntgolts, a new lover Dmitry Petrun appeared. According to the latest news in 2017, Olga and Vakhtang still maintain a close relationship. In acting circles, there was also talk about Vakhtang's betrayals, many associates on the stage saw Olga's wife surrounded by young girls. The couple broke up peacefully, but the husband still sincerely experienced a breakup. Olga's father, in one of his interviews, said that there were some problems in his marriage with Vakhtang, he does not regret that the couple broke up and supports his daughter in everything.

New relationship and the birth of a son

As you know, from the latest news about the personal life of Olga Arntgolts in 2017, she is in an unofficial relationship with director Dmitry Petrun. According to some journalists, the romance began at work when they were filming the series Officers Wives. The guys spent a lot of time together on the site, they became especially close when the work took place in Ukraine. According to one of the actresses, Dmitry from the first days paid attention to Olga, protected her and cared for her.

The second husband is actress Dmitry Petrun

The couple in love did not advertise their meetings, and the questions asked on this topic remained without comment. In December last year, Olga and Dmitry had a son.

The event took place at the end of December, in one of the Moscow clinics. The baby was born healthy with excellent growth and weight. But the actress chose to remain silent about the second pregnancy for a long time, and the “interesting situation” became known only in November 2016.

Almost until the birth of Akim, Olga worked. It is known that instead of maternity leave, the actress chose to go to the set. Fans of Olga Arntgolts' creativity continue to follow her personal life in 2017.


Olga Arntgolts was born in the first spring month of 1982. The family of the future actress lived in Kaliningrad. On the same day, Olga's sister, Tatyana, was born. The difference in the birth of girls in time was only about 20 minutes. According to her mother, Valentina Galich, Olya is the youngest of the sisters. I must say that the names Olga and Tatyana went to the sisters for a reason.

The fact is that long before their birth, mom and dad re-read Eugene Onegin more than once, whose heroes they really liked, hence the idea arose to call girls names from classical literature. The twins were born into a creative family, as their father and mother worked as actors in the local drama theater. The communal apartment in which Olya and her sister grew up was located not far from the place of work of her parents. From an early age, Olga was in the theater, as a rule, her mother entrusted the girls to the costume designer, who looked after them.

Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts in childhood and now

Despite the insignificant difference at birth, the parents treated Olya as the youngest. She was forgiven for many pranks, but at the same time she could be scolded for her actions, girls were instilled with accuracy from childhood. Unlike Tanya, Olga grew up more shy, it was difficult for her to read the verse at the New Year's party, and with a large audience of adults, she felt constrained. A few years later, such fears and complexes disappeared.

Olga studied well at school, the girl managed to attend the gymnastics and pentathlon section. For some time she and her sister studied violin at a music school. But music lessons were not easy for Olga and Tanya, and when the time came for the exams, the sister did not come to them. The teacher, of course, noticed the absence of the Arntgolts students and called their parents. As Olga recalls, mom and dad were very upset about this, and she and her sister had to retake exams.

After Olya graduated from the ninth grade of high school, mom and dad advised Olga to enter the lyceum in the acting class. But at that time, the girl wanted to make a career as a journalist. But under the influence of her father, who told how useful the training would be, Olga entered the Lyceum. During the training, Olga learned to dance, move correctly on stage, and are not afraid of the audience and the camera. Not much time has passed since the beginning of her studies, and Olga has already changed her mind about being a journalist and firmly saw herself as a professional actress.

Olga with her sister Tatiana

After graduating from the lyceum, Olga and her sister go to Moscow to take exams at the theater institute. Despite the great competition, both Olga and Tatyana successfully passed creative tests and were enrolled in the first year of the Shchepkin Institute. Olga got into the group led by Afonin.

Arntgolts and his sister lived in a hostel during their studies. The living quarters were small and in addition to the sisters, two more girls lived. The first days Olga was literally shocked by the mess, but gradually Arntgolts, whom her parents taught to be neat from childhood, put the room in order.

On the set of the series "Simple Truths"

During their studies, Olga and Tatyana practically did not quarrel and tried to help each other in everything. The sisters lived together for a long time. So after the hostel, they rented an apartment together, and then lived on their own square meters.

In June 2003, Olga graduated from the university. Both sisters took part in the graduation performance "Little Tragedies" by the press of A.S. Pushkin. Olga played Donna Anna in it.

Shot from the series "Samara"

Even while studying at the institute, Olya made her debut in the TV series NEXT. Further, there was the main work in the series "Three against all." In 2003, Olga and Tatyana worked together in the detective film "Why do you need an alibi." A year after graduation, it became popular. On the street, the girl was recognized, asked for autographs. Today in 2017, as then, the personal life and career of Olga Arntgolts is interesting to many fans.


Actor and showman Vakhtang Beridze after breaking up with Olga Arntgolts found a new love

Actor and showman Vakhtang Beridze after breaking up with Olga Arntgolts found a new love.

According to Express-Gazeta, the star of the TV series Bird Cherry Blossom and the winner of the Beauty of Moscow contest in 2013, Russian-Belarusian actress Alesa Kacher, became the chosen one of the ex-wife Arntgolts. Their relationship became known at the recent film festival "Literature and Cinema" in Gatchina. The couple not only became co-hosts of the opening ceremony of the film festival, after it everyone noticed that Kacher and Beridze came arm in arm to the banquet. And soon the journalists found out that the young people settled in the same hotel room and were practically inseparable all the days of the festival.

According to the publication, 27-year-old Ales Kacher and 35-year-old Vakhtang Beridze became close on the set of the series "Bunch of Grapes", where they played brother and sister - the filming of the tape ended recently. Recently, microblogs in the social networks of young people also began to appear joint pictures.

“I finally met a person who understands and supports me in everything. And by the way, he is from the world of art. Although I used to think that I would not meet with actors. In general, today I am happy! ”, Ales Kacher admitted, although she did not specify the name of her chosen one.

And not so long ago, the actress, trying on a collection of wedding dresses that her designer friend created, said: “But why not get married?”.

Recall that one of the most beautiful couples in Russian cinema - Olga Arntgolts and Vakhtang Beridze announced their marriage in the fall of 2015 after six years of marriage, which seemed exemplary to many. The daughter of the actors, Anya, stayed with her mother after the divorce.

A young and very talented person, he has many roles behind him, which he has mastered and successfully continues to promote. Vakhtang Beridze is an actor, producer, TV presenter and just an attractive young man with incredible charm. He won many hearts, both with his appearance and his talents.

In this article, we will tell you how he managed to achieve considerable success in his acting career, how he got on television, and what the life of a young man was like before he became famous. Let's look into the past from Vakhtang's childhood and tell what the actor did at school.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vakhtang Beridze

After his appearance on the screens in movies and TV shows, crowds of fans began to dig the Internet in search of information about the young man they liked. First of all, they were interested in how tall, weight, age, how old Vakhtang Beridze is.

Today, he is 37 years old, his height is 187 centimeters, and his weight is 85 kilograms. In addition to an attractive Caucasian appearance, the young man is muscular, fit and in excellent physical shape. Thanks to sports activities and constant training, he looks much younger.

Biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze

The biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze originates in the city of Leningrad, on December 25, 1980, this is the date of birth indicated in the actor's passport. He was born in a simple Georgian family, his parents, after some time, decided to return to Georgia. There the boy began to go to school and gradually became interested in sports. In addition to playing football with the guys in the yard, he joined a swimming club and became so involved in this sport that he eventually received a CMS degree. Participating in various competitions, he deservedly won awards, including in competitions for the Georgian national team. He brought numerous medals to his team. By his coming of age, Vakhtang was already a master of sports in swimming.

But after some time, Beridze changes his role and decides to enter the theater school. His choice fell on the theater academy in the city of St. Petersburg. Almost from the first courses, his talent was given close attention. While still a student, he is offered the role of a TV presenter, and the young man becomes the main face of such programs as “Apartment on Credit” and “City Episodes”.

Starting from the third year and, until 2006, he worked in the Ostrov troupe at the St. Petersburg Theater. For some time he performed as part of this team. These years were a turning point for Beridze, on the stage of the theater he reveals his potential and achieves incredible success. After some time, he even received the Petersburg Debuts award. But deciding that the scale is not enough, he moves to Moscow.

It is in the capital that the true talent of a young actor is revealed. Even before moving to Moscow, namely in 2004, he made his debut in the series. With him, such multi-part films as "Opera", "Cop Wars", and many others were shot.

Filmography: films starring Vakhtang Beridze

The debut in the cinema, undoubtedly, replenished the fan base of his work, from that moment the filmography also increased: films starring Vakhtang Beridze became one of the favorites of a wide mass of fans. A typical Caucasian appearance gives the actor the opportunity to play all kinds of villains that the heroes of the "Cop" series fight against. But not only this is the talent of a young guy.

After the release of a number of series where the actor played negative characters, he decided to switch to roles with a different type. Vakhtang successfully starred in several series, designed in particular for a female audience. Among them, such series as "Do not be born beautiful", "All men are theirs ..." and in a number of similar projects. These images have significantly replenished the ranks of his fans with a mass of female fans. Unfortunately for the actor himself, he can only act in serials, theater and other areas of activity simply do not give him a chance to participate in full-scale work. In addition to filming, Vakhtang, who received another education at VGIK, became a film and television producer. Soon he had his own projects and filming in the cinema receded, if not into the background, then proceed in parallel. However, I would like to note that playing on the set has always been Beridze's favorite pastime, and even despite today's busyness, he actively participates in it. Soon new premieres of series with him in the title role are expected. But so far it has not been revealed.

The actor also tries himself in the role of hosts of various kinds of programs, both on television and on radio. His participation in a joint project with David Petrosyan, on the air of one of the radio stations, called "Oriental Coffee" has borne fruit. The host's voice sounded in almost every home, and the program was gaining popularity. In 2016, the TNT youth channel launched the School of Repair project, where the young man acted as the host. In the same year, his production work "Double Standards" was released on the NTV channel.

In general, despite his young age, the guy has a rather extensive list of achievements and an even larger list of plans for the future. Perhaps soon we will see some kind of film where Vakhtang Beridze will play a major role or become a producer and director of this picture. So far, the popularity of this multifaceted personality is gaining momentum, and our hero is not going to stop there.

Family and children of Vakhtang Beridze

The actor quite often assures journalists that for him the main thing in life is family and children. Vakhtang Beridze was often accused of cheating on his wife, Olga, but he claims that he would never allow himself a relationship on the side. Despite the hot Georgian blood, he always has an example before his eyes - his parents. They have been married for more than a dozen years, therefore, in relationships with women, Vakhtang subconsciously takes an example from his loved ones.

Beridze is a rather attractive young man, with green eyes that drive many women crazy. He was often credited with fleeting intrigues with fellow filmmakers. So, after the release of the series "The Queen of the Game", there were rumors that Vakhtang Beridze and Nadezhda Bakhtina were dating. According to the script, the main characters, played by young people, fell in love and really began to meet. But all this happened only on TV screens, in life the actors just talked and nothing more.

Daughter of Vakhtang Beridze - Anna Beridze

The daughter of Vakhtang Beridze, Anna Beridze, was born in a family of two actors in 2013. The girl was long-awaited, so the couple were happy with the birth of their first child. For all fans, the news about the divorce of Vakhtang and Olga was a surprise. In public, they always appeared together, and it seemed that they were the perfect couple and made for each other. However, even their four-year-old daughter did not save them from divorce.

Now little Anna constantly lives with her grandmother, Olga's mother, while she is busy shooting new films.

Vakhtang, who suffered a difficult divorce, eventually found the strength in himself and established friendly relations with his ex-wife in order to be able to see his daughter as soon as he has free time.

For Anna, dad remains the most beloved and dear person. She is always waiting for his arrival. After all, when a silhouette of a father appears on the threshold of an apartment, this means that an amusement park, sweets and time spent with a loved one awaits her ahead.

The ex-wife of Vakhtang Beridze - Olga Arntgolts

The ex-wife of Vakhtang Beridze, Olga Arntgolts, is also an actress, plays on the stage of the theater and acts in films. Olga has a twin sister - Tatyana. Together they graduated from the Shchepkin Theater School.

The meeting between Vakhtang and Olga took place in the theater. For three years, they took part in one of the theatrical productions as a couple. During this time, the actors were able to get to know each other closely and realized that they fell in love.

At first, they did not advertise their relationship, the girl did not even immediately share her love affair with her sister. And, as it turned out, not in vain. Having learned about the relationship between Olga and Vakhtang, Tatyana began to dissuade her sister in every possible way, referring to the bright appearance of the guy and the fact that in the future he would not be able to be faithful to his soulmate.

The actress did not want to listen to anyone and in 2009 the young people officially registered their marriage.

Their marriage officially lasted six years, but conflicts began to arise much earlier. Moreover, there are two versions of the divorce of actors. Some argue that Vakhtang was often seen surrounded by aspiring young actresses. Others, that Olga was the culprit for the breakup of the family.

According to rumors, she began a relationship with director Dmitry Petrunya, just before she divorced Vakhtang. And already at the end of 2016, the boy Akim was born, whose father was Dmitry.

Vakhtang Beridze and Olga Arntgolts wedding photo and video

Often, fans of actors, having first encountered their work and learning that they were married, try to find out as much as possible about this relationship. They often drive in various search engines "Vakhtang Beridze and Olga Arntgolts wedding: photos and videos." However, they are in for a bit of a disappointment.

The celebration was modest, but everything went at the highest level: an expensive restaurant, live music and only the closest friends and relatives as invited guests. The newlyweds postponed their honeymoon indefinitely, as Olga was busy on the set. Even for her wedding, she asked the director for one day. And as a gift, she asked me to start working the next day after the celebration, a couple of hours later.

Journalists tried to find out the details of the holiday, but even they could not do it. Olga answered questions that her personal life should not be of interest to strangers. And Vakhtang, in turn, tried to laugh it off, making a surprised face when he was asked about how one of the most important days in his life went.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vakhtang Beridze

Instagram and Wikipedia Vakhtang Beridze are the official web pages on which anyone can find the necessary information regarding the actor. Wikipedia stores only scanty, but verified data from his biography and creative path. But Vakhtang leads Instagram personally, without resorting to the services of administrators. He tries not to post photos of the family, but he is happy to share with his subscribers shots from the set or pictures from rehearsals in the theater.

Beridze also likes to discuss on a wide variety of topics, to express his opinion about this or that event, both in the world of cinema and in political life.

This summer it became known that Vakhtang Beridze decided to marry again. This time, Belarusian actress Alesa Kacher became his chosen one. They met on the set of the film "Bunch of Grapes", where, according to the script, they played brother and sister. After working together for some time, the young people realized that they could no longer do without each other. After that, Beridze proposed to the girl, and she agreed. The marriage took place in Alesya's hometown - Minsk. The celebration dragged on for two days. The guests, who were more than a hundred people, were especially surprised by the first dance of the young people and the song that the bride sang for the groom as a gift.

Vakhtang Beridze is a versatile person. In addition to working on television, theater and cinema, he also acts as a presenter at various events. It does not have to be some kind of secular celebration, he can also hold a private party or a birthday. People who had to deal with him note that Vakhtang is very scrupulous about such work and gives all his best. And also, inspired by the program about the repair, which he hosts, Beridze posted on his Instagram page information on how to sell real estate correctly. Who knows, maybe soon fans will hear about the actor as the CEO of a real estate agency.

In this article, we will consider who Vakhtang Beridze is, learn about the career of this person, his personal life and many other most important and interesting things. The full name of the hero of the article is Vakhtang Iraklievich Beridze. He is a talented actor, TV presenter, showman and theatergoer.

Biography of Vakhtang Beridze

The actor was born back in the era of perestroika, in 1980 on December 25 in what was then Leningrad, which is now called St. Petersburg. Until the age of five, Vakhtang, together with his family, lived in the cultural capital of Russia, and after reaching the age of five, the parents of the future actor decided to move to their historical homeland, that is, in Georgia.

It was there that the now famous Georgian went to first grade, studied, attended circles, played football and simply enjoyed life, dreaming of becoming certainly not a famous actor, but an athlete. In his small years, at the age of 12, Vakhtang was already swimming professionally, thanks to swimming he managed to show himself at the training camps and championships of the European and world level. He received many awards from the state for personal achievements, achievements in the team, and by the age of 18, the actor already had the title of master of sports, but did not stop there. After school, Vakhtang decides to enter a university, in order to receive, in his opinion, a higher education that is especially important for the future.

Vakhtang needed higher education in order to get out on your own people without using the merits of an athlete, and a career in sports is always short-lived, given the responsibility, business trips, overload and injuries, and not all athletes achieve heights and advertising contracts that can provide a prosperous future.

In addition to sports, Vakhtang attracted theatrical art. First, the appearance of the actor is memorable. Secondly, he already knew how to speak in public, thanks to competitions. Thirdly, excellent memory and easy character are assistants in theatrical art. So, right after school, without difficulty, Vakhtang enters to the Academy of Theater Arts. On the stage, still quite a green youth came out with a thesis, which he defended to fame and after that theatrical art captivates him forever.

Today's 36-year-old actor, still in his 3rd year at the institute, got a job at the Drama Theater called "Island", which was located in St. Petersburg, the actor worked there for about 3 years, until 206. For all three years inclusive, Vakhtang played in such productions as:

  1. "Romeo and Juliet";
  2. "Crazy Day" aka "The Marriage of Figaro";
  3. "The Cherry Orchard" and other modern productions.

In the theater, he attracts the eyes of many talented directors, ordinary people and other actors who will soon become his partners on stage and on the stage. At the same time, Vakhtang attends auditions of various producers, both for films and TV shows, with the hope of getting the first, albeit insignificant, role.

Well, as expected, all the efforts of the protagonist were crowned with success. The biography of Beridze has many films, which will be discussed later.


Basically, Beridze's talent was revealed in the show, and not in the films, but it is worth telling about all his roles in more detail. Beridze to a greater extent plays in the theater, to this day, so there is not enough time and physical strength to perform large roles. The first film in which the actor starred was a film "Black Raven" released in 2004. Then, after a short period of time, he plays an important role in the film "Stolypin", namely the role of Prince Shakhnovsky.

  1. "Streets of Broken Lanterns";
  2. "Opera";
  3. "Cop Wars", etc.

Appears, however, he is always in the role villains or criminals, although in life Beridze is a soft person. Not only male serials on account of Beridze, as well as cruel roles, as well as the roles of ladies' men, lawyers and simply loving husbands. Take, for example, the well-known sitcom Happy Together, which showed the actor his ability to play diverse characters.

Let's talk about Beridze's family and personal life

The personal life of a hero is often an occasion for gossip and unnecessary information that does not reflect the very essence. Everyone knows that Vakhtang has a daughter, whose name is Anna. Anna was born from the famous actress and wife of Vakhtang, Olga Arngolts. The wedding of Vakhtang and Olga took place in 2009, and already in 2013 they had a long-awaited daughter.

However marriage did not last long and the love of these two crumbled, from the busyness and constant departures of Olga and Beridze himself. While filming the series, the actor fell in love with his partner, Nadezhda Bakhtina, and started a relationship with her, breaking the ties of marriage with Olga, all this happened in 2015. Olga, says that the actor was very fickle and she could not stand his raids on other women. Well, hopefully, in the future, the actor will come to his senses.

His personal life does not negate the fact that he is wonderful father and talented person.

By the way, photos and videos from the wedding of Arngolts and Beridze are posted on social networks. The actor himself sits in such networks as: (VK) contact, Instagram, classmates. In general, his life can be successfully traced in these Internet branches.

Vakhtang Iraklievich Beridze is a Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter. He starred in the TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful, Cop Wars 2, Secrets of the Investigation, NLS Agency, Black Raven, Stolypin... Unlearned Lessons, The Man in My Head and others. The husband of the famous actress Olga Arntgolts.

The main films of the actor Vakhtang Beridze

  • short biography

    Vakhtang Beridze was born on December 25, 1980 in St. Petersburg. Having decided to become an actor, Vakhtang entered the Tbilisi State University, and then graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. For the first time on the screen, he appeared at the age of nineteen, making his debut in the TV series "National Security Agent" (1999). This was followed by inconspicuous roles in the television projects "Secrets of the Investigation" (2001-2012) and "NLS Agency" (2001-2003). At twenty-three, Beridze joined the troupe of the Ostrov Drama Theater. The beau monde of the cultural capital recognized the talent of the actor by honoring him with the Petersburg Debuts award. A few years later, Vakhtang left St. Petersburg. “After working for three seasons in the St. Petersburg theater, I moved to Moscow. Although there was no such idea, but the proposal that came in 2006 made me take such a step, ”the actor admits.

    Vakhtang received the greatest fame as a TV presenter. He became the face of the programs “City Episodes” and “Apartment on Credit”, aired on TV-3, as well as the program “Now” on Channel Five. Some popularity was brought to him by the roles of Archie in the serial thriller "Black Raven" (2001-2004), Prince Shakhnovsky in the historical project "Stolypin... Unlearned Lessons" (2006), Banderas in the crime film "Cop Wars 2" (2005), manager Grisha in the sensational melodrama of the STS channel "Don't Be Born Beautiful" (2005-2006), a participant in Satan's ball in the film adaptation of "The Master and Margarita" (2005), a guy nicknamed Pizza in the comedy "The Man in My Head" (2009). Although there are no triumphant roles among Vakhtang's cinematic works, he is still recognizable and in demand on Russian television. In addition to the series, the actor appeared in several videos (Jasmine - "Drops of Summer", Tatyana Bulanova - "That's the Way" and others). Beridze often plays in private performances, and also hosts weddings and corporate parties.

    Beridze's fame increased after her marriage to the popular serial actress Olga Arntgolts. Young colleagues met on the stage of the theater. “The relationship between us did not arise immediately. Vakhtang and I played together for five years in the play "Khanuma," Olga shared. - We saw each other from time to time, in this entreprise there were several actors. Well, at some point there was a "click", and everything changed between us. Feelings are hard to describe... The actors got married in 2009, and in September 2013 their daughter Anna was born.

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