Euclid's algorithm - finding the greatest common divisor. Math I like Euclid's algorithm for calculating the greatest common divisor

In the preface to his first edition, In the Realm of Ingenuity (1908), E. I. Ignatiev writes: The results are reliable only when the introduction to the field of mathematical knowledge is made in an easy and pleasant way, on objects and examples of everyday and everyday situations, selected with proper wit and amusement.

In the preface to the 1911 edition of “The Role of Memory in Mathematics”, E.I. Ignatiev writes "... in mathematics, one should remember not formulas, but the process of thinking."

To extract the square root, there are tables of squares for two-digit numbers, you can decompose the number into prime factors and extract the square root from the product. The table of squares is not enough, extracting the root by factoring is a time-consuming task, which also does not always lead to the desired result. Try to extract the square root of the number 209764? Decomposition into prime factors gives the product 2 * 2 * 52441. By trial and error, selection - this, of course, can be done if you are sure that this is an integer. The way I want to suggest allows you to take the square root in any case.

Once at the institute (Perm State Pedagogical Institute) we were introduced to this method, which I now want to talk about. I never thought about whether this method has a proof, so now I had to deduce some evidence myself.

The basis of this method is the composition of the number =.

=&, i.e. &2=596334.

1. Split the number (5963364) into pairs from right to left (5`96`33`64)

2. We extract the square root of the first group on the left ( - number 2). So we get the first digit of the number &.

3. Find the square of the first digit (2 2 \u003d 4).

4. Find the difference between the first group and the square of the first digit (5-4=1).

5. We demolish the next two digits (we got the number 196).

6. We double the first figure we found, write it down to the left behind the line (2*2=4).

7. Now you need to find the second digit of the number &: the doubled first digit that we found becomes the digit of the tens of the number, when multiplied by the number of units, you need to get a number less than 196 (this is the number 4, 44 * 4 \u003d 176). 4 is the second digit of &.

8. Find the difference (196-176=20).

9. We demolish the next group (we get the number 2033).

10. Double the number 24, we get 48.

11.48 tens in a number, when multiplied by the number of units, we should get a number less than 2033 (484 * 4 \u003d 1936). The digit of units found by us (4) is the third digit of the number &.

The proof is given by me for the cases:

1. Extracting the square root of a three-digit number;

2. Extracting the square root of a four-digit number.

Approximate methods for extracting the square root (without using a calculator).

1. The ancient Babylonians used the following method to find the approximate value of the square root of their x number. They represented the number x as a sum a 2 + b, where a 2 is the closest to x the exact square of the natural number a (a 2 ? x), and used the formula . (1)

Using formula (1), we extract the square root, for example, from the number 28:

The result of extracting the root of 28 using MK 5.2915026.

As you can see, the Babylonian method gives a good approximation to the exact value of the root.

2. Isaac Newton developed a square root method that dates back to Heron of Alexandria (c. 100 AD). This method (known as Newton's method) is as follows.

Let a 1- the first approximation of a number (as a 1, you can take the values ​​​​of the square root of a natural number - an exact square that does not exceed X) .

The next, more accurate approximation a 2 numbers found by the formula .

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1 LECTURE 2 CALCULATION OF THE GREAT COMMON DIVISION Euclid's algorithm When working with large composite numbers, their decomposition into prime factors is usually unknown. But for many applied problems of number theory, the search for factoring a number is an important, often encountered practical problem. In number theory, there is a relatively fast way to calculate the gcd of two numbers, which is called the Euclid algorithm. Algorithm 1. Euclid's algorithm. Entrance. Integers a, b; 0< b < а. Выход. d = НОД (a,b). 1. Положить r 0 a, r 1 b, i Найти остаток r i+1 от деления r i 1 на r i. 3. Если r i+1 = 0, то положить d r i. В противном случае положить i i + 1 и вернуться на шаг Результат: d. Теорема. Для любых а, b >0, the Euclid algorithm stops and the number d it produces is the greatest common divisor of the numbers a and b. Proof . By the division theorem with a remainder, for any i 1 we have r i 1 = q i r i + r i+1, where 0 r i+1< r i. Получаем монотонно убывающую последовательность неотрицательных целых чисел r 1 >r 2 > r 3 >... 0 bounded from below. Such a sequence cannot be infinite, hence Euclid's algorithm stops. Euclid's Binary Algorithm The Euclid's Binary GCD algorithm turns out to be faster when implementing this

2 algorithms on the computer, because it uses the binary representation of the numbers a and b. The binary Euclid algorithm is based on the following properties of the greatest common divisor (we assume that 0< b а): 1) если оба числа а и b четные, то НОД(a,b) = 2 НОД(a/2, b/2) 2) если число а нечетное, число b четное, то НОД(a, b) = НОД(а, b/2); 3) если оба числа а и b нечетные, а >b, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a b, b); 4) if a = b, then gcd(a, b) = a. Algorithm 2. Binary Euclid's algorithm. Entrance. Integers a, b; 0< b а. Выход. d = HOД(a,b). 1. Положить g Пока оба числа а и b четные, выполнять а a/2, b b/2, g 2g до получения хотя бы одного нечетного значения а или b. 3. Положить u a, v b. 4. Пока u 0, выполнять следующие действия Пока u четное, полагать u u/ Пока v четное, полагать v v/ При u v положить u u v. В противном случае положить v v u. 5. Положить d gv. 6. Результат: d. Расширенный алгоритм Евклида Расширенный алгоритм Евклида находит наибольший общий делитель d чисел а и b и его линейное представление, т. е. целые числа x и у, для которых ах + by = d, и не требует «возврата», как в рассмотренном примере. Пусть d НОД для a и b, т. е. d = (a, b), где a >b. Then there are integers x and y such that d = ax + by. In other words, the gcd of two numbers can be represented in

3 as a linear combination of these numbers with integer coefficients. Algorithm 3. Scheme of the extended Euclid algorithm. 1. Determine = 1, = 0, = 0, = 1, α = a, β = b. 2. Let the number q be the quotient of the number a divided by the number b, and the number r be the remainder of the division of these numbers (i.e., a = qb + r). a = b; b = r; t = ; //t = x i-1 ; = tq; // = x i for the right side = x i+1 for the right side; //t = y i-1 ; = tq; 5. Go back to step Determine x = x 0, y = y 0, d = αx + βy. A variant of the extended Euclid algorithm Log. Integers a, b; 0< b а. Выход: d = НОД(а, b); такие целые числа х, у, что ах + by = d. 1. Положить r 0 а, r 1 b, х 0 1, x 1 0, у 0 0, y 1 1, i 1 2. Разделить с остатком r i 1 на r i,: r i 1 = q i r i +r i Если r i+1 = 0, то положить d r i, х x i у y i. В противном случае положить x i+1 x i 1 x i, y i+1 y i 1 y i, i i + 1 и вернуться на шаг Результат: d, х, у. Корректность определения чисел х и у,

4 calculated by the algorithm, the following theorem shows. Theorem 4. At each iteration of Algorithm 3, the equality ax i + by i = r i is satisfied, for i 0. Proof. Let's use the method of mathematical induction. For i = 0 and i = 1, the required equality holds due to Step 1 of Algorithm 3. Let us assume that it is true for i 1 and for i. Then at step 3 we get x i+1 = x i 1 x i and y i+1 = y i 1 y i. Therefore, ax i+1 + by i+1 = a(x i 1 x i) + b(y i 1 y i,) = ax i 1 + by i 1 (ax i + by i) = r i 1 r i = r i+1 . Example. Given a = 1769, b = 551. Using the extended Euclidean algorithm, find integers x and y such that d = ax + by, where d gcd of numbers a and b. I stage of the sequence of calculations. 1. Determine = 1, = 0, = 0, = 1, α = 1769, β = Quotient q = a / b = 1769/551 = 3, and the remainder of the division r = 116. a = 551; b = 116; t = =0: = t q = 1 0 = 1 = 0; = t q = 3; the following intermediate values

5 parameters: a= 551, b = 116, = 0, = 1, = 1, = Since the remainder of the division is r 0, we return to step 2. Stage II of the calculation sequence. 1. Parameter value: a = 551, b = 116, = 0, = 1, = 1, = Quotient q = a/b = 551/116 = 4, and remainder r = 87. a = 116; b = 87; t == 0; =1: = t q = = 4 = 3; = t q = 1 (3) 4 = 13; the following intermediate values ​​of the parameters: a= 116, b = 87, = 1, = 4, = 3, = Since the remainder of the division is r 0, we return to step 2. Stage III of the calculation sequence. 1. Value of parameters: a= 116, b = 87, = 1, = 4, = 3, = Quotient q = a/b = 116/87 = 1, and remainder r = 29.

6 a = 87; b = 29; t = = 4: = t q = 1 (4) 1 = 5; = 3; = 13; = t q = 3 (13) 1 = 16; the following intermediate values ​​of the parameters: a= 87, b = 29, = 4, = 5, = 13, = Since the remainder of the division is r 0, we return to step 2. Stage IV of the calculation sequence. 1. Parameter value: a= 87, b = 29, = 4, = 5, = 13, = Quotient q = a/b = 87/29 = 3, and remainder r = 0. a = 87; b = 29; t == 4; = 5; = 19; = 13; = 16; = t q = 13 (16) 3 = 61; the following intermediate parameter values: a= 87, b = 29, = 5, = 19, = 16, = Since the remainder of the division is r = 0, we perform step 6.

7 6. Calculate the GCD using the formula d = αx + βy, where x = x 0 = 5, y = y 0 = 16, α= 1769, β = 551. Substituting the value of the parameters, we obtain d = αx + βy = = = 29 The extended Euclid algorithm can also be implemented in binary form. Algorithm 4. Extended Binary Euclid Algorithm. Entrance. Integers a, b; 0< b а. Выход. d = НОД(a, b); такие целые числа х, у, что ах + by = d. 1. Положить g Пока оба числа а и b четные, выполнять а a/2, b b/2, g 2g до получения хотя бы одного нечетного значения а или b. 3. Положить u a, v b, А 1, В 0, С 0, D Пока u 0, выполнять следующие действия Пока u четное, положить u u/ Если оба числа А и B четные, то положить A A/2, B B/2. В противном случае положить A (A+b)/2, B (B a)/ Пока v четное: Положить v v/ Если оба числа С и D четные, то положить С C/2, D D/2. В противном случае положить C (C + b)/2, D (D a)/ При u v положить u u v, А А С, В В D. В противном случае положить v v u, C C A, D D B. 5. Положить d gv, x С, у D. 6. Результат: d, х, у.

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Let's consider this algorithm with an example. Let's find

1st step. We divide the number under the root into two digits (from right to left):

2nd step. We extract the square root from the first face, that is, from the number 65, we get the number 8. Under the first face, we write the square of the number 8 and subtract. We attribute the second face (59) to the remainder:

(the number 159 is the first remainder).

3rd step. We double the found root and write the result on the left:

4th step. We separate in the remainder (159) one digit on the right, on the left we get the number of tens (it is equal to 15). Then we divide 15 by the doubled first digit of the root, that is, by 16, since 15 is not divisible by 16, then in the quotient we get zero, which we write as the second digit of the root. So, in the quotient we got the number 80, which we double again, and demolish the next face

(the number 15901 is the second remainder).

5th step. We separate one digit from the right in the second remainder and divide the resulting number 1590 by 160. The result (number 9) is written as the third digit of the root and assigned to the number 160. The resulting number 1609 is multiplied by 9 and we find the following remainder (1420):

Further actions are performed in the sequence indicated in the algorithm (the root can be extracted with the required degree of accuracy).

Comment. If the root expression is a decimal fraction, then its integer part is divided into two digits from right to left, the fractional part is divided into two digits from left to right, and the root is extracted according to the specified algorithm.


1. Take the square root of the number: a) 32; b) 32.45; c) 249.5; d) 0.9511.

Greetings readers and visitors to our site!. In this section, we will analyze various algorithms, as well as their implementation in Pascal.

To master the material of today's lesson, you will need knowledge and.

Today we will consider three algorithms (out of five) for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers, two of which are directly associated with the name of Euclid. We will look at two more in the next section.
The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers a and b is the largest integer that divides them both.
Example: gcd(25, 5) = 5; gcd(12, 18) = 6.

Search algorithm

Let's start with d- the smallest of two numbers. This is the first obvious candidate for their greatest common divisor. And then, until d divides both numbers, we decrease it by one. As soon as such a division is ensured, we stop the decrease in d.

Var a, b, d: integer; begin write("Enter two numbers: "); readln(a, b); if a< b then d:= a + 1 else d:= b + 1; {так как мы используем цикл с постусловием, необходимо минимальное значение увеличить на один, иначе цикл repeat, в силу своих конструктивных особенностей, не учтет это минимальное число и не сделает его кандидатом в НОД. Например, 5 и 25.} repeat d:= d - 1 until (a mod d = 0) and (b mod d = 0); write("NOD = ", d) end.

Let's turn to this program, for example, with the numbers 30 and 18. Then on the way to the answer (the number 6) it will have to go through the numbers: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 .6.

Euclid's algorithm "with subtraction"

Let a and b be integers, then the following statements are true:

  1. All common divisors of the pair a and b are also common divisors of the pair a - b, b;
  2. Conversely, all common divisors of the pair a - b and b are also common divisors of the pair a and b;
  3. gcd(A, B) = gcd(A - B, B) if A > B;
  4. gcd(A, 0) = A.


  1. If t is an arbitrary common divisor of a and b, then it also divides the difference a - b. Indeed, from a = t * u and b = t * v it follows that a - b = t * u - t * v = t * (u - v). That is, t is also a common divisor of a - b and b.
  2. Conversely, if t is an arbitrary divisor, the common divisor of a - b and b, then it also divides their sum a - b + b = a. This can be proved analogously to the previous one. Therefore t is also a common divisor of a and b.
  3. We conclude that the set of common divisors a and b coincides with the set of divisors a - b and b. In particular, the greatest common divisors of these pairs also coincide.
  4. The largest integer that divides the number a is the number a itself. The number 0 is divisible by any number. Hence the greatest common divisor of a and 0 is a.

The proven formula (3) allows us to reduce the calculation of the greatest divisor of one pair to the calculation of the greatest common divisor of another pair, in which the numbers are already smaller. The obvious formula (4) lets us know when to stop.

Briefly, Euclid's "with subtraction" algorithm would be as follows. We subtract the smaller number from the larger number and replace the larger one with the difference until one of the numbers becomes zero. Then the remaining non-zero number is the greatest common divisor.

Example. Let a = 82 and b = 60. GCD(82, 60) = GCD(22, 60) = GCD(22, 38) = GCD(22, 16) = GCD(6, 16) = GCD(6, 10) = gcd(6, 4) = gcd(2, 4) = gcd(2, 2) = gcd(2, 0) = 2.

At the penultimate step of the algorithm, before the appearance of 0, both numbers are equal, otherwise 0 could not have arisen. Therefore, we will extract the GCD at this very moment.

Block diagram of the Euclid "with subtraction" algorithm


var a, b: integer; begin write("a = "); readln(a); write("b = "); readln(b); while a<>b do if a > b then a:= a - b else b:= b - a; writeln("NOD = ", a); end.

Euclid's algorithm with "division"

Let a and b be integers, and r be the remainder of dividing a by b. Then gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r).

This formula also allows you to reduce the calculation of the greatest common divisor of one pair of numbers to the calculation of the greatest common divisor of another pair of numbers.

Example. gcd(82, 60) = gcd(22, 60) = gcd(22, 16) = gcd(6, 16) = gcd(6, 4) = gcd(2, 4) = gcd(0, 2) = 2 .

Var a, b: integer; begin write("a = "); readln(a); write("b = "); readln(b); while (a<>0) and (b<>0) do if a >= b then a:= a mod b else b:= b mod a; write(a + b) end.

That's all for today! You will learn a few more modifications of the Euclid algorithm and ways to find GCD in the next lessons.

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