Why was cabbage condemned? Allegrova's husband is severely abused in prison. I cheated on her

On the night of May 15, the ex-husband of the Russian singer Irina Allegrova, Igor Kapusta, died in a hospital in St. Petersburg. According to the relatives of the ex-husband of the 66-year-old artist, Cabbage died in the clinic, where he went for a routine medical examination.

However, while already in the hospital, Igor caught an infection, which soon developed into pneumonia.

Cabbage was transferred to intensive care, but the doctors failed to save his life. The fact of death was confirmed by Igor's sister, Galina. “Today at one in the morning, Igor died. He is no longer with us, ”the publication quotes the woman.

Igor Kapusta was the fourth husband of Allegrova - the man was married to a famous singer in 1994-1999.

With Igor, Irina, at that time already a star of the domestic pop stage, met through touring: Cabbage was one of the dancers in her team.

According to some information, the lovers did not officially formalize their relationship in the registry office, having married under false names.

In 2012, Kapusta was accused of drug trafficking, as a result of which he had to spend five years in the Leningrad region.

At the same time, the man's relatives allegedly said that Allegrova's ex-husband did not commit any crime and someone framed him. Igor himself also pleaded not guilty.

Having been released last year, Kapusta took part in the filming of one of the talk shows on, where, among other things, he told how he lived behind bars, and also, of course, spoke about his relationship with the People's Artist of Russia.

Speaking about the release itself, the man then admitted that he had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. At the same time, he emphasized that he was “burnt out” when he was released.

“Five years is a long time. While there are no sensations. I went out stunned, I look at the street, at all this with completely different eyes, - Igor told reporters.

- No, I didn’t run wild - I just always lacked communication. Lack of communication is scary, of course. All my friends left earlier, I was generally the only one left there. There is simply no one to talk to. I had to be silent for days, went into reading.

As you know, one of the main reasons for the separation of Kapusta and Allegrova was the betrayal of her husband - the singer herself publicly reported this at one time. “I could not survive a purely physiological betrayal,” the artist emphasized.

Cabbage, however, in turn, emphasized that he did not cheat on Irina morally.

“Treason… This can be interpreted in different ways. Spiritually, I didn’t cheat on her,” the man said already at the end of his prison term. “I ended up running away from her. I just ran away... I'm really tired."

Close couples after the breakup repeatedly noted that Cabbage dealt Allegrova a heavy psychological blow and she never forgave him for what she had done. Igor himself believes that the former lovers corny "spoiled each other's life."

“We just messed up our lives. It hurts and hurts, because it was everything for love, and indeed for everything, — said a year ago, a former dancer. - Each of us had our own ambitions: I had, she had. But to live now, today, yesterday is not.”

At the same time, cabbage admitted more than once that he was striving in every possible way to meet his old love.

“I really want to meet and from this already “dance” further. But it’s my business to offer, and it’s her business to refuse, probably, ”Igor shared last year. - I have excellent relations with all former women, I am friends with them - except for one. Feelings? Of course have".

Irina Allegrova began her musical career in various ensembles and groups, and from the beginning of the 90s she began to perform solo.

In 1992, her first album was released, called "My Wanderer" - around the same years, the singer became a real Russian pop star and began to regularly give concerts at the country's largest venues.

In 2010, Allegrova, by presidential decree, received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Today I suddenly felt an unbearable desire to see Ira. And talk ... For ten years after parting, Allegrova and I never found the opportunity to sort things out. I don’t even know what got in the way more: our selfishness, pride or frivolity?

I remember the last meeting, or rather an attempt at a meeting, very well. It was in the winter of 2000. On a frosty December day, he drove up to our house in Vatutinki. Went to the gate. He pressed the speaker button.

Photo: Photo from the archive of I. Kapusta

Senseless action: surveillance cameras have long recorded both my car and me. “Hello, Igor Dmitrievich! came the guard's voice. “Sorry, but you are not allowed to go!”

Survived, do not say anything. They are not allowed into their own house. And who? The security guard he hired himself!

I left Ira in September. I drove home, in a rage threw a couple of sweaters and shirts into my bag, a toothbrush, got into the car and drove away. Even at the dawn of the relationship, he told Ira that he came with a toothbrush - I’ll leave with it if it doesn’t work out for us. I am not one of those men who will demand money from their beloved or share living space. Not so brought up, not the character. But Allegrova apparently did not appreciate this.

I dialed her mobile number:

Ira, I can't get into our house. And I need to pick up my things, documents. Yes, and it's worth talking... Please tell the guards to let me in.

This is no longer your home. And in general, I'm not in Vatutinki now. I'll call back soon...

The voice on the receiver echoed - I can’t confuse this sound with anything - we had such a “phony” in every room. Ira is here, but she doesn't seem to be in shape. Or take time out to think. Or furious that he didn't come when she called. I don’t know, I’m tired of wondering what’s going on in the soul of Allegrova’s star. All. Enough.

Ira called back three hours later, when I was already far away. Did not answer - did not see the point.

Photo: RIA-news

Our love cannot be returned, but the rest is not worth worrying about. I went to the city of Kasimov, Ryazan region - to visit relatives. There was nowhere to live in Moscow, and the capital was fed up. I had to start life from scratch. In the asset I had a toothbrush, a car and a ballet character.

Upon learning of our romance, the press wrote that Allegrova had found herself an unknown young dancer. This was, frankly, not true. By that time, I already had a considerable biography - both personal and creative.

I have always worked hard and hard, I am not used to relying on anyone. From the age of eight he stood at the barre at the Vaganovsky School - the best ballet educational institution in the country. Everyone knows that there can be no ballet lazybones. Since childhood, it has been hammered into the head that there is only the word “must”.

“I can’t”, “I don’t want to” are simply absent from the vocabulary of people who sweat in dance classes every day. It doesn't matter if you are a soloist or a corps de ballet dancer. When you go on stage, you have to give one hundred and fifty percent.

The fact that I would become a ballet dancer was not discussed in our family. Parents had nothing to do with art, but my mother had such a dream. Dad once tried to object, saying that what kind of profession it is for a man to jerk his feet on stage, but mom looked at him so that the question was closed. Mom always “built” everyone - me, dad, my older sister. It's funny: until her eighty-three years, she was our "commander". Maybe that's why Allegrova could not get along with her - they have similar characters. But I quickly found a common language with Ira, who, like her mother, was used to leading everyone.

I don’t know how my fate would have turned out if I had accepted the invitation of the Leningrad State Opera and Ballet Theater named after M.P.

The ex-husband of Irina Allegrova, Igor Kapusta, continues to serve his sentence in a colony near St. Petersburg. The other day the dancer celebrated his anniversary - the ex-favorite of the "Empress" turned 55 years old. Whether Irina Allegrova was among the congratulators, ProZvezd correspondents found out.

Igor ended up in prison four years ago. Then an impressive dose of drugs was found in his car. The verdict of the court was inevitable: Cabbage received six years in prison. All this time, Igor was supported by his own sister Galina.

“Of course, I congratulated Igor on his birthday,” she told us. - I sent him a parcel for twenty kilograms. Most of them are meat products. He needs squirrels more than ever. It's already been five years since he's been behind bars. It doesn't even cross my mind that this is happening.

In prison, Allegrova's favorite has changed a lot: he has lost weight and haggard. Because of the nerves, old sores aggravated in him, and new ones appeared.

“I can’t say that he is feeling better now, but he is holding on,” Galina continues. - When I saw the sheet (an extract from the prison hospital. - Auth.), I was generally stunned. With such diagnoses, you can go to the coffin immediately. He has heart failure and nerves are out of order.

The woman sees her brother regularly. She, as the prison authorities allow, goes on dates. During meetings, they talk for a long time and make plans for the future. He may be released from prison within the next year.

“Soon I’ll go back to Igor,” says Galya. We will have a two-day date at the end of August. Of course, we talk a lot about what will happen when he is released. He understands that in real life it will not be easy for him. But the brother has very influential friends who will help him live on and find himself. He lost everything: business, family, profession. When he gets out of prison, his life will begin with a clean slate. Thank God there are friends. They all appear and appear. Even those with whom he was in the army are and send him parcels.

They try not to remember Irina Allegrova in the Cabbage family. The "Empress" herself still cannot forgive Cabbage that he cheated on her. In her rare interviews, when the conversation turns to Igor, Irina does not restrain herself in words.

“Mistake of youth,” says the star.

They say that it is because of Kapusta that Allegrova is going to sell her country house in the Moscow region. Their feelings were born there, which lasted about seven years. Their breakup came as a shock to many. But Irina was adamant - she could not forgive the betrayal.

“By and large, she broke his life,” continues the former relative of the singer. - He had an excellent profession, his brother graduated from a choreographic school, traveled with his team. But succumbed, fool, to her words. He apparently fell head over heels in love with her. Everything that came out of it, you know.

After Irina Allegrova, Igor married another woman. They had a daughter. However, she did not wait for him from prison.

“Igor loves his daughter very much,” Galina continues. I recently went on holiday with them. The girl has grown up, she is already big, she is 11 years old.

They try not to remember Irina Allegrova in the Cabbage family. The "Empress" herself still cannot forgive Cabbage that he cheated on her. In her rare interviews, when the conversation turns to Igor, Irina does not restrain herself in words.

Allegrova's ex-husband was released

The 4th and currently the last husband of the singer, Igor Kapusta, spent five years in a strict regime colony. All this time, he did not stop hoping that the famous ex-wife would help him knock off the term.

Allegrova's ex-husband was convicted of drug possession. When Igor was taken into custody, his sister, believing in her brother's innocence, rushed to seek help from her former daughter-in-law. She thought that, using her connections, she would get the poor fellow out of prison. But Allegrova could not help. Or didn't want to...

They broke up in 2001, long before Kapusta came to the attention of the police. At one time, the singer took the dancer Igor away from another woman - it was about him that she sang in her famous hit "The Hijacker". She lived with him for about eight years, but never decided on a legal marriage.

Igor, who is nine years younger than Irina, has been sitting on her neck all this time - he did not work and did not seek to do anything. Yes, and walked to the side. Once, once again catching a sweetheart in treason, the "empress" pointed Igor to the door. And never talked to him again.

After his arrest, Kapusta spent a year in the pre-trial detention center of Matrosskaya Tishina, and then another five years in a colony. Sitting in prison, he waited for Allegrova to come to visit him. But the singer has long deleted the traitor from her life.

From behind the bars, the once polished handsome man came out pretty old: in prison he had heart problems, he spent several months in a hospital bed, lost 10 kilograms. Igor was met only by his closest relatives: the woman whom he married after breaking up with Allegrova filed for a divorce as soon as he went to jail ...


With two children, the singer Jasmine moved to live in Chisinau. Her husband, Moldovan businessman Ilan Shor, has been under house arrest for almost a year.

Last summer, Shor was accused of fraud and money laundering. An investigation is still underway, during which Ilan is forbidden to leave the mansion near Chisinau and use a mobile phone.

The Moldovan businessman has been married to singer Jasmine for five years. Before he got into trouble, the couple lived in two cities: she and her children - in Moscow, he - in Chisinau, and flew to visit each other. Now the singer with a five-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son has moved to the Moldovan capital. She only occasionally leaves on business, leaving the kids with dad. And, being away, she has to maintain contact with her husband through a lawyer.

But all this does not prevent Ilan from doing business, because he still holds the post of mayor of the city of Orhei, - says the singer. - The husband solves all problems and questions regarding the needs of the townspeople, improvement. He never gets bored.

Most of all, Jasmine is worried about the health of her husband. A few years ago, Ilan was diagnosed with serious heart problems.

In connection with recent events, the heart began to fail again. I am madly worried about this and hope that soon all this staged theater will end and Ilan's innocence will be proven.

Prepared Olga Lesina.



They say about Irina Allegrova that she is from the category of those women who change their husbands like gloves. She really got married more than once, but she never managed to build family happiness. Maybe because she considered bitchiness to be one of the most valuable female qualities. You can’t even throw out words from her song: “All of us, women, are bitches ...”. More than 15 years have passed since Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta broke up, but the singer still cannot forgive him, this wound is so deep. This marriage was her fourth in a row.

Igor Kapusta: biography, personal life

The singer was not immediately able to comment on her divorce. Only after a little time had passed, passions and resentments slowly subsided, the empress of the pop scene opened the curtain of her boudoir a little.

When they met, Irina was 44 years old, and Igor - 35. Many of their friends and acquaintances initially predicted that their marriage was doomed, since Igor Kapusta was an ordinary dancer, and Irina was a popular soloist who collected full houses in such huge halls as "Olympic". But love is evil. Allegrova next to him forgot about everything, she thought that finally a real fairy tale had entered her life.

And surprisingly, this strong woman did not doubt her chosen one for a minute, otherwise she would not have married him in 1993. Irina hurried with this event, as her father was very ill, and she wanted him to see her as a happy married woman as soon as possible. Cabbage immediately found a common language with him. Two weeks after the wedding, her father died. Because of all this haste and difficult events, Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta never reached the registry office. They got married under other people's passports, which they took from friends.


Igor Kapusta, whose biography is little known, enveloped his wife with sincere care and love, tried to help her in everything, especially since she was very worried about the illness of her beloved father. Igor tried to be around all this time, took Irina and her daughter Lala to the hospital, then quit his job and devoted himself entirely to building a country house in Vatutinki. He really wanted to build a warm family nest for the two of them, and maybe for three. Irina wanted to give birth, but she did not succeed.

However, the ballet dancer could not get used to the status of his wife, because he perfectly understood who he was and who she was. Irina did not deny the rumors that he was her sponsor, although this was not true. No, Irina was not going to make her husband a sponsor or director. Show business is not for everyone, but she tried to direct it along the line of developing her own business, but talent is also needed here, and Igor did not strive for this.

Ruined Nest

After eight years of marriage, the star's marriage gradually began to burst at the seams. And not only Igor's constant betrayals played a major role in this - fame and money that broke him became a real test for him. After all, be that as it may, he came to everything ready, so he quickly became proud, began to show off, get carried away with alcohol and change cars one after another, then mistresses appeared.

Quarrels began in the house, at first Irina even thought about quitting the stage and staying at home in the hope that relations would finally improve in the family, but money was needed for this, and only her solo concerts brought them.


One day, watching the crumbling lives of her mother and Igor, Lala wrote her a letter. It seemed to Irina very cruel and insulting, there was a big quarrel, however, for two weeks. But soon Allegrova realized how right her daughter was, although for a long time she did not want to delve into the urgent family problems.

Having begun to see clearly in this way, she dramatically changed her attitude towards her husband and decided to say goodbye to Cabbage. The mother and daughter of the singer were only glad of their parting, because in recent years, except for Irina herself, all her entourage began to suffer. And she began to seek solace in a glass of alcohol. But then she still managed to find the strength in herself to start a new life.


Kapusta left Irina in September, before that he drove home, took a couple of sweaters and a toothbrush, got into the car and left. When they were just starting to live, he warned Irina that if nothing worked out for them, he, as he came with a toothbrush, would leave with her. Thus, he seemed to prophesy trouble for himself. Unable to bear the separation, Allegrova first called, wanted to talk to him, but his offended manhood did not want this, and after a while he began to look for a meeting with her, but nothing came of it either.

In 2001, Kapusta completely changed his social circle, began to do business, got married, and his daughter Sasha was born. Then he became a grandfather: a son from his first marriage, Stanislav, who lives in Moscow, had a daughter.

Let's go back to the past. Igor Kapusta: biography, date of birth

There is very little biographical information about Kapusta. It is only known for certain that he graduated from the St. Petersburg Vaganov ballet school. At the age of 18, Igor Kapusta (date of birth is also unknown) decided to try an independent life, free from parental care. He went to Tashkent to dance leading roles there, but from there he was almost immediately drafted into the army. He returned to civilian life already married and with a young son, but very quickly became single again.

Igor's cabbage returned to form, and then his sister Galya brought him to the St. Petersburg Music Hall, with which he then traveled the whole world for six years. When he turned 26, he fell in love with a Muscovite Katya, with whom they began to dance in the famous musical dance group Recital. And then Evgeny Boldin (then sent them to tour Greece.

At that time, Kapusta was already in love with the artist from their ballet Tatyana Kleptseva (nicknamed Klepa). They lived in Greece for several years, and when they arrived in the USSR, chaos and perestroika already reigned here, the country became completely different. She and Tatyana rented an apartment in the Chertanovo massif and began to look for work.

The most intriguing thing was that at that very moment Allegrova did not share the stage with Viktor Saltykov. She left, slamming the door, and began to urgently recruit her group. That's how Cabbage and Klepa got to work for Allegrova. And then it twisted and suffered. "Empress" immediately spotted a handsome, sexy and brutal guy. Soon, Klepa found out that Igor was cheating on her, but not with anyone, but with the boss herself. And then she went to work for Kirkorov, and Kapusta moved to Allegrova, who at that time lived with her daughter Lala on the first floor in a two-room apartment, and her parents lived on the second floor.


In 2012, in the fall, the police of St. Petersburg, during a search in the car of Igor Kapusta, found two kilograms of hashish. For possession of drugs, 52-year-old Kapusta Igor went to prison for 6 years. Accustomed to luxury at the expense of others, he suddenly wanted to prove to everyone, and especially Irina, that he was worth something. However, he chose for himself a very dangerous criminal path of earning easy money on the distribution of drugs, which led him to jail.

For a long time, he and nine other prisoners were kept in a 9-square-meter cell. m. The former artist developed pancreatitis, varicose veins and a severe cough, and then had a heart attack, and he was immediately sent to the hospital, where he was dying for three months. This was told by his sister Galya. Igor's relatives tried to pity Irina and asked her for help, but she made it clear that she would not interfere in this matter. This is where it all ended.

Instead of an afterword

Cabbage Igor, in spite of everything, has always stood out among others, according to Irina, with his intelligence and nobility, which at one time bribed her. He really loved her, and she loved him, but for some reason fate divorced them. They did not get along in character, pride, jealousy and passion prevented. No drama, no plot. However, it can be noted that it was an unusual, beautiful and very passionate couple, which at one time was envied by many.

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