In a dream, you kiss a guy. Why dream of a passionate kiss with a guy ▼. If you dream of a kiss

If you dreamed that a guy was kissing you, do not rush to rejoice. Such a pleasant action in reality, in a dream can be a warning about something bad. For example, if a guy is nice to you, then this is good, but what a kiss with a stranger means in a dream is a mystery to many. Dream Interpretations will help to understand all the intricacies of a dream, the main thing is to remember the details and your emotions.

Brief interpretations

In order to find out what awaits you ahead, it is not necessary to tell fortunes over coffee or guess by the stars. You can just remember what you dreamed about. But it happens that there is nothing special to remember. Do not worry! Dream Interpretations are universal interpreters, they can tell you what this or that event is dreaming of in a tiny plot. Here, for example, what to expect if a guy kisses you in a dream:

  • Beloved shows tenderness - to harmony in relationships.
  • A tipsy friend sticks with kisses - to unpleasant conflicts.
  • Exchange kisses with the enemy - to reconcile with him in reality.
  • The deceased boy covers his hand with kisses - old secrets will emerge.

Miller's dream book

I dreamed that in the dark a guy kisses you that you like, this means that you are on the verge of debauchery. If it was a friend's boyfriend, you will quarrel with her because of your intemperance. And if in a dream a loved one molested your girlfriend - a dream means that she will present baseless accusations to you.

The tenderness of a lover as a symbol of family happiness

In Miss Hasse's dream book, we can find such an interpretation of a dream in which a guy kisses you passionately on the lips. If hopeless darkness surrounds you, this is a sign that you are leading a disorderly sexual life. And if he greedily bites his lips in bright sunlight, this symbolizes mutual understanding and respect for each other.

If everything is clear with what dreams of kissing on the lips mean, then what a kiss on the eyes means is not quite. Some dream books claim that seeing this in a dream is a sign of sincerity of feelings, others are the discovery of some secret.

I dreamed about a guy dear to you kissing you on the neck and hugging you - a sign that he has a passion for you, kissing you on the neck, then on the shoulder and hugging you at the same time - he is torn between respect and sympathy. And if you see a kiss on the forehead in a dream, then you should not hope for reciprocal feelings.

The Touch of a Stranger, or Don't Neglect Events, Even Accidents

If you dreamed that unknown guy kisses you, then remember your feelings, Medea's dream book suggests. Contact with a stranger gave you pleasure in a dream - your authority will increase due to chance. Actions stranger were unpleasant - beware of conflicts.

A stranger kissed your feet in a dream - a chance acquaintance will open up new perspectives. And to find out why kissing a stranger on the cheek in a dream will help Gypsy dream book: you were kissed on the cheek - to acquire a new friend, you touched your cheek with your lips - help a friend make the necessary contacts.

Kissing, not giving joy, or Any actions require reflection ...

To dream about how a familiar boy who is cute to you gives kisses to another girl - do not give in to emotions, make decisions only with a cold mind. And if a familiar man whom you sympathize with, trying to kiss another girl, was rebuffed - do not waste time planning to accomplish something important.

The dream book of the White Magician can answer why you dream that the ex-boyfriend is kissing you. Listen to your feelings: the attention of the former was pleasant to you - do not reject those who are no longer dear to you, they can still be useful; the former lover annoyed you and caused inconvenience - feel free to break with the past.

comments 6

  • I dreamed that I was kissing a boy named Daniel, who saved my life and some incomprehensible devil ran from behind, he looked like a smeared Frankie Stein from the monster high cartoon. Please can you please tell me what it is. I just love him so much and I'm scared.

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Seeing a kiss in a dream

To see kissing children in a dream means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work.

To see that you are kissing your mother portends that success in business, love and respect from friends awaits you.

Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Kissing your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and kissing her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.

Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts.

Seeing a rival kissing your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.

For spouses to see a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.

If in a dream you kiss the enemy, this means that you will succeed in reconciliation with a friend.

If a young lady dreams of someone taking her by surprise when she was kissing a fan, the dream portends her impudent acts on the part of her imaginary friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

See in a dream Kiss

Get - separation from your beloved person; give - mutual love; pluck - hot love; send air - humility

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream about kiss

If in a dream you kiss someone you shouldn't, this is a bad sign. This dream portends the hypocrisy of an imaginary friend and lover. To see how another kisses your betrothed - to the appearance of an opponent. If in a dream your lover kisses another woman - this dream speaks of his insincerity and callous heart. If you see that your beloved gently and passionately kisses you several times, it means that he will always be faithful to you and his intentions are pure. For family people, kissing each other in a dream means a treacherous life partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does it mean in a dream Kiss

If in a dream you kiss someone, this is a prediction of good luck in everything that you have to go through. Kissing someone's feet in a dream - to resentment and humiliation. Feeling that someone is kissing you - promises you an unexpected joyful event.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

The meaning of dreams Kiss

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep Kiss

Kiss - Seeing kissers - dissatisfaction, longing for affection.

Kissing yourself - a gentle union, affectionate relationship awaits you, not necessarily with the one you see in a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Dream Interpretation Kiss

Kiss - if you kiss someone in a dream, then this is a nuisance.

If a girl kisses, then for a guy it's an illness.

Kissing with someone - seeing a friend.

Kissing is a quarrel.

Whoever kisses you in a dream condemns you.

Kissing is separation.

Kissing a person of the same sex is a fake acquaintance.

Kissing the dead is a disease.

Air kiss - humility.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean to see a Kiss in a dream

If you dream that your lover is kissing you, then soon you will learn about treason. Such a dream often portends separation from a lover.

Kissing someone yourself in a dream means that your love will be mutual.

Kissing a business partner in a dream means that there will be complete understanding between you.

Kissing one of the parents in a dream portends you success in business and peace in the family.

The dream in which you saw that you were blown a kiss portends news from a close friend.

Spouses kissing each other in a dream is a sign of harmony and happiness in their family.

Kissing a freak (or decrepit old people) in a dream means receiving bad news.

Kissing children in a dream are a sign of reconciliation between lovers.

Seeing kissing predicts that a loved one will upset you.

Kissing someone secretly or in the dark is a warning that your frivolous behavior may cause condemnation of others.

A dream in which you are not shy about kissing in public or with a stranger means that you should be more modest in order to prevent gossip about you.

If you dream that your lover (or lover) is kissing your rival (rival), then you should try to maintain your image in his (her) eyes.

Kissing someone's hand in a dream means that you will have an influential patron who will take care of your future.

If you kiss your hands in a dream, then someone bows before you.

If you dream that someone kissed you, then you will soon be disappointed in this person.

Kissing the dead in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune. For a patient, such a dream predicts death.

Kissing an enemy in a dream is a sign of hatred or envy that you feel for this person.

Kissing a stranger in a dream means that your lover will cheat on you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What predicts a dream Kiss

If lovers or spouses dream of kissing children, this means that reconciliation awaits them and relations will improve.

If in a dream you kiss your mother, this portends love and respect. loved one.

Kissing your beloved in a dark room means that you will lead a dissolute and dishonorable life; kissing her in the light means that your attitude towards women will be noble and nothing can change it.

A kiss with a stranger promises immoral and low deeds.

A dream in which a rival kisses your beloved means that you may lose her respect.

If spouses dream that they are kissing each other, this portends life, full of harmony and love.

If a girl dreams that someone took her by surprise when she was kissing her lover, this portends meanness on the part of her friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Kiss

A dream in which a gallant man kisses your hand portends a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.

If in a dream a tipsy friend of your husband tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for that. Kissing with your chosen one - such a dream portends a quick wedding for a young girl.

Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign adultery in real life. To see kissing men - to disappointment in failures, women - in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.

Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring a result opposite to what is expected. A child kissing you portends new worries. Kissing children are a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.

A mother kissing you in a dream portends the love and care of loved ones. Kissing in a dream with a stranger in a dark entrance or doorway means that, having sufficient funds, you will unwisely spend them, trying to throw dust in the eyes of a person whose love you want to achieve in all possible ways and no matter what it costs you.

Kissing your groom in a dream for the bride portends a breakdown in the wedding on the very eve. If, on the contrary, he kisses you, this means just an unfortunate misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.

A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men. Kissing with freaks or lustful old men means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result. Kissing the forehead of a dead man in a dream means that joys and sorrows will be evenly interspersed in your family life.

A dream in which you kiss animals portends a young lady that her loving and faithful fiance will be completely devoid of jealousy, and for married people such a dream portends fun and a lot of various pleasures. Kissing a cross or a Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

In a dream to see a Kiss

Kissing your beloved in the dark - to reckless debauchery; kissing her in the light means maintaining respect and reverence towards women. Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Sleep Prediction Kiss

Parting. Sensitive, passionate about illness; prolonged painful long parting or violent quarrel. The cold on your lips kissed you, death itself noted! Pain in the lips liberation from painful expectation, care. See add. Kiss in the river Relationships.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream of a kiss

Some shadow figures kiss the sleeping person in this form, an esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) occurs with the right Christian prayer. After such dreams, the practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, emancipation and inspiration.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

What does sleep kiss mean

Kissing a person of the opposite sex in a dream - people will love you. If you kiss a stranger, the dream means valuable find or a welcome gift. If you kiss a person you hate, the dream means reconciliation with a friend. Kissing relatives - to the successful completion of a profitable business. Kissing children - in reality, children will delight you. If you dreamed that your relatives were hugging and kissing each other, this means that peace and grace will reign in your family. For a sick person, a dream in which he is kissed portends a quick and complete recovery.

If a man dreams that he passionately kisses his beloved woman, in reality she will refuse him reciprocity. On the contrary, if you dream of a chaste gentle kiss, your courtship will not go unrewarded.

Imagine that you are kissing your beloved gently and innocently.

If a girl dreams that she is kissing her peer, the dream promises her a young groom. If she kissed an adult man, she will have a married admirer who will give her expensive gifts but does not marry her.

If you don't want this to happen, imagine being kissed by a young man of your age.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

See in a dream Kiss

Changeable image.

For those who are apart, a kiss from a stranger: a sign of a fleeting connection or a short-term surge of emotions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What do dreams mean Kiss

The traditional meaning of a dream in which you kiss your loved one is separation, betrayal, parting.

However, kissing with relatives is a success in business, love and respect for friends and relatives.

With the enemy - to reconciliation.

With strangers - to immoral acts.

If a woman dreams of a kiss with a man with whom she dreams of intimacy, her wish will come true, and their sexual relations will be very harmonious.

For a man, kissing a woman he likes is a reality to fulfill the dream of a beautiful lover.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of a kiss if the dreamer is completely immersed in love is beyond doubt. He thinks about the subject of passion day and night. However, there are periods when the relationship loses its former degree and the couple breaks up or deep feelings come to replace falling in love. The interpretation of sleep reflects the smallest details and changes the meaning if the sleeper kisses a former lover or stranger, friend or relative.

In love, the world seems bright and beautiful. He dreams of constantly being next to his soulmate and discussing everything in the world. At this time, even the difference in views is tender, and the similarity becomes more proof that he has found "his" person. Feelings are expressed by compliments and kisses. But back to the discussion of dreams.

Regardless of whether they kiss the sleeping person on the cheek or he himself takes the initiative, the dream speaks of his good mood and desire to make friends with the dreaming person and thank him for his help.

You should be wary if you dreamed of a kiss on the hand. Dishonest people may try to deceive the dreamer and drag him into dubious undertakings.

A kiss on the eyes speaks of a romantic mood and slight euphoria, and on the ears - about the love of receiving praise. If the sleeping person is kissed on the forehead, the projects he has begun will be successfully completed. A kiss on the head is regarded as a lack of attention in reality. A person feels the need for protection and care.

Interpretations of various dream books

An explanation of what kissing is about is given in different sources. In some it is positive, in others it is witty and funny. The main meaning of the dream was deciphered by psychiatrists, scientists and clairvoyants.

Psychologist Gustav Miller was skeptical about a dream where a man kisses unknown girl. This characterizes him as an irresponsible and immoral person. On the contrary, when spouses kiss in a dream, harmony and mutual understanding reign between them in real life.

If a girl sees her rival kissing her lover, in reality their relationship will worsen. The guy will lose interest in her. A kiss given to an enemy in a dream will lead to a peaceful resolution of the conflict with a friend.

When a woman notices that strangers are watching her caresses, she risks quarreling with her friends because of their rash actions.

According to Freud

The author of a voluminous work on the interpretation of dreams explained why kisses are dreamed of by the presence of a passionate love relationship in the sleeping person. Moreover, the initiative in them belongs to the one who kisses a partner in a dream. The hotter the kiss, the more the dreamer is worried about the thought of problems in the intimate sphere.

For a woman, kisses in a dream portend an acquaintance with a charming gigolo, and for a man they talk about his inattention to his beloved. It is worth giving her time and reminding her of her feelings. If the dreamer sees other people's kisses, he will be offered to participate in a dubious enterprise.

Miss Hasse considered it a great success if she managed to break someone's kiss in a dream. The dreamer in the future will have a promising meeting and ardent love. An air kiss represents obedience to circumstances, and caresses with a soulmate will lead to separation.

According to the Small Velesov dream book

Among the ancient Slavs, the meaning of sleep directly depended on the time of the day when the kiss happened. They believed that kissing in the dark means a quarrel and even a fight, and in the light of day - to strong friendship and happiness.

If a guy kissed a girl in a dream, in reality he may get sick or face deception. The interpretation of a dream where a girl kisses a guy has the same meaning.

Seeing a kissing couple represents the arrival of bleak times and sadness. Dreaming of kissing the earth means boredom and a lack of reliable prospects.

A dream with a kiss of a deceased relative or lover carries a negative meaning. Losses or failure of secret plans are possible.

According to Tsvetkov

Any dreamed kisses, according to the historian and scientist, speak of the collapse of love relationships and parting. The development of events is most likely when the initiator of the gap will be the one who was kissed in a dream. A dream can warn of his betrayal. After kissing a person of the same sex, enmity and discord will arise with him.

Kiss Features

In a dream, the most fantastic things happen, impossible and illogical in reality. The images that appear show subconscious aspirations and hidden thoughts. By remembering and subsequently carefully studying the details of the dream, the sleeper will receive answers to many questions that concern him.

Although a dream with a kiss reflects more emotional sphere, it gives an understanding of a person's readiness for new achievements and his relationship with others.

Many girls are interested in why a kiss with a guy is dreaming? In reality, the meaning of sleep changes to the opposite, and caress in night vision can lead to betrayal and parting in reality.

Kisses with her husband also do not bode well. There will be separation due to his departure on a business trip or divorce. In any case, difficulties are outlined, and marriage will have to be fought for. If you dreamed of kisses with former lover or spouse, the spiritual connection with him is not completely broken. There are memories and regrets about her.

For a man, such a dream threatens quarrels with others and minor adversities. A dream in which the sleeper kisses a person of the same sex will lead to disagreements and a loss of diplomacy in resolving disputes.

Kissing a girl

A girl kissing a friend in a dream will have to quarrel with her in reality. Most likely, she is playing a dishonest game in relation to the sleeping one. If a guy kisses a girl in front of others, he will be unreasonably accused of mistakes that he did not make.

For a man, kissing a pretty stranger will result in windfall profits in a lost cause. Kissing a girl who does not reciprocate is a dream of disagreement with relatives.

Caresses given to a friend allow the emergence of an affair with her. This is especially true if a guy kisses her on the lips in a dream. If a girl is pretty in reality, but in a dream she can’t be kissed in any way, only the indecision of a man prevents the emergence of a relationship. Kisses with a friend's girlfriend characterize him in a similar way. The guy does not dare to show feelings and win the girl he likes.

Kiss family and friends

Kissing your mother in a dream is a good sign. A person will open up new opportunities and achieve success. If a sister or brother is in the place of the mother, joy and entertainment will come to life. The sleeping woman's attempt to move away and not allow her lover to kiss herself shows the uncertainty of feelings for him.

According to Miller, when a girl kisses a man she knows, she thinks about having an affair with him. In reality, she is either afraid to take the initiative, or knows that he is not free. It is much worse when a sleeping woman showers caresses on a guy in the presence of her husband. The dream does not exclude a relationship on the side that can lead to divorce, as the spouse will become aware of it.

Nostradamus in his writings pointed to a dream with kisses of a friend as a harbinger of betrayal. It will not necessarily happen through the fault of the dreaming person, but the sleeper will suffer greatly from it.

Kissing a stranger

It is worth kissing a girl in a dream unknown man how a lot of good news and interesting acquaintances will fall upon her. In the company, she will be in the center of attention, she will be looked after and complimented.

The Small Velesov dream book promises the appearance of innovations in life. Whether they are positive or not depends on the behavior of the sleeper. Miller advised to remember the features of the stranger's appearance.

A kiss given to a handsome handsome guy will bring pleasure and fulfillment of desires in reality. A person with physical disabilities, kissed in a dream, portends grief and resentment inflicted by loved ones. If the kiss caused hostility, you should expect trouble.

For unmarried young girls, a dream warns against excessive gullibility, and for lovers it speaks of passionate intentions.

different kisses

A kiss with a friend means joyful events and meetings. Unmarried dream promises quick marriage. Kissing children talk about a cloudless marriage and successful career. Such a dream will give reconciliation to quarreled lovers.

Deciphering what a kiss with a dead guy is dreaming of shows the longing for him and the unwillingness to build a life with another man. It's time to think about changing the position regarding the sadly broken connection, and start behaving more openly.

Kissing a lover in the moonlight shows that a man cannot be relied upon. Treason on his part is not ruled out. In the end, the dreamer will be disappointed in him.


Kisses reflect tenderness and affection for the second half. At the same time, dreams show subconscious intentions and sensations. Often they are correct, as if a premonition gives more accurate recommendations and suggests that doubts are not in vain.

People's feelings change over time, and this should not be treated as a tragedy. It is important to maintain respect for each other and not be offended in vain.

Save love for long years- great art and daily labor. Kisses, as an indicator of admiration and affection, play a significant role in this process. kissing dear person, we express our gratitude for his devotion and presence by his side.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but most I spent my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. AT free time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

The kiss on the lips that you dreamed about may mean that in reality interesting events, life changes await you, but they may not be too joyful, and may be accompanied by worries about the future.

If a girl dreamed of a kiss on the lips, and it was very long and memorable, then, most likely, in love relationships will come hard times. Maybe your partner will soon start a quarrel that will drag on for a very long time. At the same time, even if you want to make peace, nothing good will come of it, a quarrel can even become the cause of a quarrel. Don't make drastic decisions, let your partner think it over, let some time pass. It will put everything in its place

Dream Interpretation: kiss with a man on the lips

If a man or a guy kisses you passionately in a dream, then this is not a good sign. Such a dream indicates that the disease is approaching. You may not have enough rest in your life.

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream can mean dissatisfaction in your sex life. Such a dream can be seen by girls who have insufficiently tender partners who only care about themselves.

In a dream, kissing a man on the lips, but not knowing who he is is a sign that in reality you are too wasteful recent times and don't keep track of finances.

A kiss on the lips in a dream can mean completely different events, it all depends on who is kissing whom.

If you kiss in a dream with an enemy, you will soon find a new friend. A kiss with your mother means an increase in the degree of respect from colleagues and friends. Seeing how small children kiss is fortunate in family life.

Dream Interpretation: a guy kisses on the lips

If you recently broke up with a guy, and now you are puzzled by your dream and don’t know why you dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend on the lips, we dare to assure you that there is nothing to worry about. When a person recently broke up with another, his energy remains around for some time, so you can see an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in a dream for several weeks after breaking up, until the subconscious mind releases this person.

Pay attention to what feelings accompanied the cherished kiss. If you were happy with this event, then a new meeting will await you. If a kiss in a dream confused you, then most likely your thoughts are occupied by your beloved.

Now you know what a kiss with a familiar guy on the lips is dreaming of, and you can be ready for a new meeting. Listen to your own intuition, perhaps she will tell you that the person you kissed in a dream is not worthy of you forgetting about him. Perhaps this is a sign to return the old relationship or call him.

What does a kiss in a dream mean for a girl and for a guy?

If in a dream you kiss your beloved girl, then in reality - be sure to quarrel with her, and it is she who will start this quarrel. The girl you kissed in a dream may even leave you. This departure may be forced, but it entails an unpleasant showdown, so guys should be careful after they dreamed of a kiss on the lips with a girl.

If a girl dreams of a guy whom she kisses, and they have a love affair in reality, then nothing good can be expected from this dream. In real life, she will quarrel with a guy, and she will also not be able to arrange a future with him without a showdown.

If a kiss is dreamed of by a married couple, namely a husband or wife, then this only indicates the strength of their union.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: a kiss in a dream

Tsvetkov interprets that a kiss in a dream is only a betrayal or betrayal. Moreover, this may not necessarily be a betrayal of a loved one, maybe an outsider will simply deceive you, or a fraudster will take advantage of gullibility.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation: the meaning of sleep kiss on the lips

The Bulgarian clairvoyant equated a kiss on the lips in a dream with a symbol of reconciliation and friendship. If you dreamed that a man kisses his woman, then they will be happy together for a long time. But if a girl herself kisses a guy, and even one with whom she is not married, then there will be trouble, quarrels cannot be avoided.

A kiss on the lips with a dead person is to bring trouble on yourself, there will be illness or even death.

Miller's dream book: what does it mean to kiss in a dream?

Miller interprets dreams in which there is a kiss, depending on who is being kissed. If this is a relative, then such a kiss in a dream will bring only the joy of friendship.

If in a dream you see that your wife is being kissed on the lips, then this is a sign that soon relatives and friends will no longer respect you. If a girl dreams that she is kissing another, and her husband took her by surprise, then this is a sign that friends are not who they claim to be, most likely they will set up their girlfriend in a very short time.

Sleep theme:

A kiss from a dream is a difficult symbol. It is very ambiguous and can portend both joyful and sad events. When figuring out why a kiss is dreaming, you need to remember every little detail of the plot of night dreams. It is best to write down the dream in detail right in the morning so as not to forget the fresh details left in the subconscious.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of a kiss?

In the Small Veles dream book, kisses of a sleeping woman with a girl of amazing beauty promise him deceit and deception on the part of the fair sex. Soon he will meet a woman who will become fatal in his life. The young lady will be completely unworthy of those strong feelings that will flare up in a man to her. The relationship will end in betrayal and pain for the dreamer.

If a young man dreamed of a homosexual kiss, he should prepare for a waking enmity with a strong influential man. Perhaps they will be a business partner or a colleague with whom the sleeping person claims one cherished place together.

Miller is sure that the most negative sign for a dreamer of any gender is a kiss in the dark. Especially if a person does not know who exactly kissed. Such a plot predicts serious financial problems for a man or woman. The reason for them will be a pre-arranged deception. Young unmarried girl kissing in pitch darkness with a stranger suggest that she went in a dangerous direction. The young lady behaves with representatives of the stronger sex in reality too relaxed and even loose.

According to information from Vanga's dream book, auspicious sign are the kissing children from the dream. This is a symbol that family relations will improve. If the spouses are in a quarrel, a happy reconciliation awaits them in the very near future.

The seer suggests that a plot in which a man or woman kisses a sworn enemy is no less a good sign. This is a clear indication that longtime ill-wishers will soon reconcile. End of a long period cold war, which morally strongly pressed the sleeping person.

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