Water temperature in Montenegro in May. Weather in picturesque Montenegro in May. Excursions and entertainment

This May turned out to be wonderful in terms of weather - warm, pleasant, green and colorful. I somehow describe it in a childish way - "what I see, I sing about" ... And I already opened the season, swimming in the sea, and wound thousands of kilometers around the country with tourists, sailed on a yacht (more on that later), got tanned decently and overeat strawberries and cherries. Only one thing annoys me this month - the daily questions of tourists "What is the temperature of the water in the sea?" "Is it already warm in May in Montenegro?" etc. Stop comparing the sea coast of ChG with the Crimea or Sochi, the climate is warmer here. And stop comparing the weather to May 2014, when there were abnormal downpours, cold and floods in Serbia and Bosnia.

And now I will move on to something pleasant, to photo stories about Montenegrin nature. In the photo - Biogradskoe lake.

I will show you a variety of places where my foot has set foot in May. And I will indicate routes for independent travelers.

Route in the center of Montenegro https://goo.gl/maps/Gntua

Budva - Cetinje - Rijeka Crnojevića - restaurant at the Niagara waterfall - Skadar Lake (by boat)

In the photo - the colorful capital of Cetinje

A beautiful panorama with green hills can be seen when leaving the village of Rijeka Crnojević towards the road closer to Podgorica. This is the Crnojevića River, which received its name thanks to the ruler of the 15th century. It flows into the Skadar Lake.

On the river itself there are fishermen in funny hats

At the Niagara restaurant. I don’t like how they feed here, meat and fish are usually dried out. Therefore, just take drinks or soups with salads, you can't go wrong :)) But the views around are awesome!

She fed the geese and ducks with the remnants of bread

They are still those beggars!

Down the river Tsievna falls from a height of 10 m, the sight is bewitching. Twice in the last week she told me how to get here. For future tourists - a detailed description of the road to the restaurant "Niagara".

On Lake Skadar, I advise you to take a boat for 1 hour, and not more, as it will be tiring and boring to swim for a long time. Do not succumb to the persuasion of the boatmen, they will tell you that you will not see any birds or beauty then ... You will see everything, the main thing is the right route and your own person. 1 hour on the boat - 25 - 30 euros for the whole company. And I also know places where you don’t have to pay 4 euros per person to enter the national park :))

If you have a cheerful company and a lot of food / alcohol, then you can swim for a day :)) You will already see water lilies, but the promised pelicans hide from the heat, do not succumb to the "noodles" of tour guides.

Route number 2 on the map https://goo.gl/maps/OqJdP

Budva - Ulcinj - Great Beach (CopaCabana) - Ada Bojana - through Vladimir along the mountain pass - Skadar Lake - Godinje Virpazar.

Here you can still include a tour of Old Ulcinj and the Old Bar, but I personally are not interested in them, I drove by. And I got to the beach with gray, sticky sand ... I went to sunbathe

There are several beaches on the Great Beach, they have different tenants, so you will see a lot of signs from the highway. I advise you to choose KapoKabana, there is a turn from the highway opposite the church, she is standing there alone.

There are sun loungers with an umbrella, a set of 5 euros, in May it was free. Parking, restaurant, dressing rooms, showers - everything is available.

People dived into the sea. The sand is unrealistically hot ... Maybe they were treated?

I went to chat with the beach staff about the selection of flags:

Why do you develop these 6 flags in particular? Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, USA, Serbia and the European Union?

Just. The rest did not have enough flagpoles. If you want to bring yours, we'll hang it.

Why is there no Russian flag?

There probably wasn't enough room for him. Are you Russian?

No, Ukrainian. I can bring my own flag, hang it on the beach?

Yes, bring Ukrainian, but you don’t need Russian, we know that Russia is waging a war in Ukraine ... Let the Russians hang their flags in Serbia, they belong there.

To say that I was taken aback by the answers is an understatement. When I started this dialogue, I did not expect to hear such a thing at all. It is immediately clear that this is already a different part of Montenegro and people of a different nationality, political views and mentality. The Albanian border is only half a kilometer away. My opinion is why these flags are hanging - the beach is friends with tourists from these countries, even if they are not quite friendly with each other ... But "Peace, friendship, chewing gum" operates on Capocabana! For the first time I saw from Montenegrins (even if only on the passport) such an open opinion, quite the opposite from the other part of the country, where they bow at the feet of the Russians, declare their love for Mother Russia, often with a share of flattery, expecting a big jackpot ...

But let's get away from political topics, let's look at the Boyana River. A little more and she will plunge into the sea, combining fresh cold and warm sea water.

Here I stop for lunch at the Code Mishka restaurant, that is, at Misha's. Usually this is the name of the host in the title. I order fish chorba and coffee. Lemon is served with it, it must be squeezed into the soup. Garlic sauce spread on bread is enough to satisfy your hunger on a hot day.

It was a trip for my pleasure, then I went to where I had not been for almost 5 years. We drove towards Ulcinj and Vladimir, then through a mountain pass to look at Lake Skadar from above. The place near the restaurant "Panorama", where I am standing, is almost on the air border of Albania and Montenegro, another 200 m and that's it ... This land is fertile, there are few of them in the Czech Republic - only the region of Skadar, Niksic and Ulcinj.

This is the mountain to be crossed

And this is the goal achieved. On the right are Albanian settlements.

We rode a convertible all day, you can book a car here http://www.myrent-a-car.ru/

Part of the road goes along the lake, and part - between deciduous forests and godforsaken villages

The road is picturesque, but serpentine, narrow and in the end we got tired of it.

The shepherd met with a huge flock of sheep. Such a frail uncle on the coast would never be mistaken for a Montenegrin.

We stop in Godinje near the vineyards. The village now lives only on wine, honey, fish and curious tourists. And in ancient times, the residence of the Serbian ruler was located here. You can read about the village and the beach here.

Route number 3 on the map here, in bus tours it is called "Canyons".

Budva - Sozina tunnel - Podgorica - Moraca river and monastery - Kolasin - Biogradska Gora national park and lake - Dzhurdzhevich bridge on the Tara river - Zabljak - Churevac panorama - Cerne lake - Shavnik - Niksic - Budva

Both photos show the canyon of the Moraca River. This bridge was still intact last summer, it was supposed to be removed for the winter, but .. the wind did a dirty job. Tourists were afraid to walk on it, then I had to show a master class! Past photos of the bridge are here.

Although the Biogradska Gora National Park has been under the protection of the state for many years, it is of little use. After all, this is not only a park with healing air and glacial lakes, but a place of life for many animals that need their natural conditions. When I was walking, I heard the wild noise of construction, my suspicions were confirmed, they were laying the foundation of a new restaurant. Maybe this is a scandalous construction site, which I wrote about in the fall?

There are different routes in the park, they are marked on the trees with dots and signs. For those who came for a short time, I recommend a walk by the lake with a length of 3300 m. Due to the rocky path and stops, you will walk for 1.5 hours

Biogradsko Lake, unfortunately, is losing its water. In ancient times it was up to 30 m deep, now it is 12 m deep.

Along the way there are wooden bridges and gazebos with tables. Take drinks and sandwiches for breaks

The kids will definitely love it here. You can rent a boat and fish

There are tutorials about the ecosystem. I called this poster "A tree eats a dead fox" :))

Many trees are amazing in size. Compare with me, hiding behind the trunk. Greenery in May only blooms here, all juicy and beautiful, the height is still a kilometer above sea level.

There are also many shops along the way.

Then we drive along the Tara canyon, between Bistrice and Dobrilovine, we see the Crna Poda sign. These are 400-year-old pines of funny appearance - flat, very tall and dark. They grow on a steep rock at an altitude of 950 m above sea level.

On the Dzhurdzhevich bridge I met acquaintances working in the tourism sector. Everyone happily chatted about the upcoming season, offered to fly to the canyon on the Zip Line, I refused this time. Although every 2 minutes someone flew by, there are enough adventurers.

Tara river

She is closer and with a waterfall

Another half hour drive and we see another Montenegro - in the snow! This is Zabljak and the road to the Black Lake

Crocuses just crawled out from under the snow

Mountain from afar, where Black Lake is located. And we are heading for the panoramic point Churevac

We drove for 20 minutes, and ended up in a snowy paradise. The temperature outside can be +15, but the sun warmed.

We go up

And on the other side we see a cliff, the village of Teptsa and the Tara River

The maximum height of Churevets is 1626 m

In Zabljak, some girl jumped on me with kisses and hugs, I was stunned and said "I don't know you." It turned out that in the summer she and her mother sell mushrooms with berries by the lake, we often took them from her. The girl grew up, and I didn’t recognize her in makeup ... So, in the north of Montenegro, I already belong :))

And let's return to the coast, where in May the air temperature during the day reaches +30 + 35 (in the sun). The sea is approximately +19 +21. But you shouldn’t check with me every day, I don’t go to the sea with a thermometer ...

In Budva, I advise you to look at the Bus Station, around which a paradise zoo was built.

Old Budva was covered with bougainvillea, for the first time I saw orange.

A new Italian restaurant "Spagetti" has opened, it was decorated with bicycles with vegetables

Jaz beach in the Budva Riviera

The Slovenian beach in Budva is also covered with naked priests. There may not be many people, but it's great!

And I’ll show a couple of shots from the Chatovich Mlini restaurant, which is in the village of Morin in the Bay of Kotor

In May, it is incredibly beautiful and green here. You can hide from the heat in one of the gazebos or a stone house

The result of my post: May is a wonderful time to relax in Montenegro, one hundred and five hundred thousand times better than August!

Prices for housing, food, taxis are lower, the beaches are half empty, the sea is clear, street discos do not interfere with sleep, the heat does not interfere with breathing. And if it gets hot, the local Niksicko beer will fix this problem :))

On May 12, Misha and I flew to Montenegro and rented an apartment in Budva for a month. In this post I will show a photo of Budva in May, tell you about the weather, the temperature of the water in the sea and why Montenegro was chosen.

I don’t know how to take a selfie so that both the background and the person are equally cute, so as it is

Why Montenegro?

After returning from the Caucasus, I wanted to be in Minsk and come to grips with blogging. There was a clear plan for the next few months, but due to the whims of one unreliable partner, I didn’t want to work at that time at all.

From the porthole window near Podgorica one can see water covered with greenery. I don't know what it was. Seaweed?

I can’t say that I wanted to come here, but after the first breath at the Podgorica airport, I realized that the country is absolutely mine. I haven't breathed such delicious and fresh air for a long time. And when I was driving and looking at these tall mountains, I was finally convinced that the choice in favor of Montenegro was the right one.

We have a bright, cozy apartment in Budva, where it is convenient to work. Montenegro is a new country for me, so every day I go on foot for a few hours on mini-travels to unwind and see something new.

When I explore Budva and its surroundings, I will travel to other cities by bus, and on weekends you can rent a car and drive long distances (☞ and useful tips).

Yesterday I walked along the coast 21 km to the island of Sveti Stefan and back. I haven't seen such inviting water in a long time.

Budva in May, first impressions

When we arrived at the coast, there were very few people in, and tourists were not visible at all. Shock! I thought that the season was in full swing, since finding an apartment is such a big problem. It turned out that there wasn’t really anyone here, there was enough free housing, it’s just that Montenegrins don’t post ads for renting on the Internet.

Now there are many more tourists, and not only Russians, but also Europeans have a rest here. Lots of Spaniards and Germans.

The city itself is compact, cozy and green. The size is much smaller than the Georgian Batumi, which also came as a surprise to me.

Old town in Budva
Embankment of Budva

The beaches of Budva

In Budva and its environs, there are a dozen coves where you can swim. There are also several beaches in the city itself. We live near the southern tip.

When it's time to swim, I'll explore the coves and beaches.

Slavic beach in the south of Budva is not so bad
Kamenevo beach, 5 km from Budva, where I plan to swim

Prices in Budva

As for the prices for food, I didn’t see anything shocking here. Prices are like prices. Vegetables, fruits and meat cost the same as in Minsk, the products are fresh and natural.

If you go to establishments, then restaurants on the embankment are more expensive, and near the house they are quite democratic.

For example, 500 grams of mussels in a restaurant cost 3.9€

trout - 5€ (two fish with potatoes)

fish chorba (soup) - 2.5€

big pizza for two 5.5€

In Italy last year we paid exactly 4 times more for seafood.

Yesterday I set up an experiment and empirically determined that if I lived alone and did not go to restaurants, I would spend 6€ (ready chicken fillet - 2€ , vegetables - 1€ , sweets - 2€ and 350 grams of strawberries - 1€ ). Plus 1€ per day for coffee, sugar, water, because All this is bought every few days.

But such a small amount was obtained only as part of the experiment. At first, you always want to treat yourself to goodies, so for now we spend much more.

Trout for 5 euros

People in Montenegro

The people here are friendly and kind. The owners of the apartment live next door and constantly invite us to their place for coffee. They say hello in the shops, and the girl who fries meat for us every day constantly waves and smiles.

The guys say chao-chao, but there is no obsessive attention, as in Georgia. I feel quite comfortable when I walk alone in unfamiliar places.

Weather in Budva in May

Unfamiliar people constantly write to instagram with questions about the weather, so I answer the most frequent ones here.

1. Is it warm in May?

We have been in Budva since May 12th. During this time, there were only two absolutely sunny days when there was no rain at all and one day when it rained without interruption.

On other days, if it is cloudy before lunch, then it is sunny in the afternoon, or vice versa. Air temperature during the day +17+22 , tonight was +7 , mostly at night +13+16

A jacket is most often needed, it can be cold in jute
In sunny weather, Montenegro is like a fairy tale

2. Can I swim in Montenegro in May?

The sea is cold (feels like +16+17С), but some people are already swimming. By the end of May the water should be +20

3. Can I sunbathe?

The sun appears every day at least for a couple of hours, so you can sunbathe. Yesterday it shone from morning to evening without stopping. And today it has not even come out for an hour.

People bathe in sunny weather
They also swim in the rain

4. Is it possible to swim and sunbathe in early June?

I was not in Montenegro at that time. If people are swimming and sunbathing now, then in a couple of weeks it is unlikely that anything will change. Unless the water warms up a few degrees.

Yesterday there were more people on the beaches than usual, but still few

5. What clothes to take to Montenegro in May?

All this time I went around in jeans, T-shirts and jute / bike / jacket. It was hot yesterday, so I put on a dress and a hat for the first time.

Warm clothes (jeans, jacket, bike, sneakers or sneakers) are needed now, especially if you plan to climb mountains. Summer clothes for the beach will also be needed. If anything, on the spot everything is sold for 10-20€ .

Jeans don't hurt

Is it worth going on holiday in Montenegro in May?

If the goal is a beach holiday and the sea, then it is better to come from June to September. If swimming in the sea is not a priority, then May is the perfect month. No sweltering heat, the weather is comfortable. There are few people, you can safely inspect.

Housing prices in May are quite affordable. Since June, the cost of apartments has increased by 2-3 times, and most landlords prefer to rent housing for the summer months by the day at a price of 40-50€ per day, and for a month at a discount they don’t really want to rent.

If we rented an apartment for May without capturing June, we could meet 350€ including utilities, and so had to pay 540€ .

Montenegro has a lot of greenery and flowers at any time of the year, and in May the country is especially beautiful
Richard's head beach in old Budva during a storm


These are my first impressions of a holiday in Budva. All sorrows and worries for a week dissolved and disappeared into oblivion. A mountain in front of your eyes, sweet strawberries and a clear blue sea - that's all that matters at the moment.

Posts with useful information about holidays in Montenegro will gradually appear on the blog.

I send you tender greetings from the slopes of the Montenegrin mountains!

Your Mila Demenkova

After changing its political status, Montenegro, during its newly gained independence, has created unique resorts and the widest infrastructure. This country has a lot of fans, because Montenegro provides excellent conditions for a comfortable stay at not very high prices for tours.

Already in April, you can swim in the beautiful Adriatic Sea, and the swimming season in the month of May is already in full swing. The beaches off the coast of the turquoise sea are clean and very well-groomed, the sand is clean and fine.

Excellent local cuisine, walks in the mountains and pleasant locals - that's what will please the tourist in May in Montenegro. Shopping, beach holidays and excursions can be alternated. This will provide a great holiday for all tourists. Another popular service is car rental. Thus, you can personally ride along the coast along winding mountain roads. Landscapes will impress you! Prices for May tour packages to Montenegro are very affordable and will please you.

Weather in May in Montenegro

During the day, the air temperature rises to about +25, and the water in the Adriatic Sea is already quite warm: +20 degrees. Such weather will allow you to relax without worries and enjoy this beautiful country - Montenegro!

Already in May guarantees great vacation on the beach. The sky-blue Adriatic Sea has water that is considered the most clean ecologically for the European continent.

Tourists are expected by almost black sands on the beaches of the Ulcinj Riviera, healing mud, which the Hercegnov coast is famous for, active life at night on the Budva coast and almost still free beaches.

Weather and general feel

The Montenegrin climate is Mediterranean, so the tourist season, as in neighboring countries, starts from the middle of the last spring month and lasts until the end of October. May in Montenegro provides tourists with enough sun, only a few cloudy days can overshadow this holiday, the rest of the time there is a clear sky overhead, not predicting precipitation.

A completely different situation awaits those who like mountainous areas for recreation. May is the rainiest there, since almost half of the month is accompanied heavy rainfall.

This trend has been characteristic of recent years, due to which mountain Montenegro for the May holiday bad choice, much more practical to go to central part state or stop at coast.

Air temperature

The flat part of the state is characterized by the warmest air in May. For example, in Podgorica very warm for spring afternoon - 24°C, do not make you wrap yourself in warm blankets and nights - 14°C.

Almost the entire coast is characterized by just such a daytime temperature, and the average at night does not fall below 12°C.

In May 2019, it will be possible to go on vacation to the resorts Tivat, as well as in a very popular among tourists Kotor. There, during the daytime, the air temperature does not drop below 22°C, and after dark it decreases only to 11°C.

As well as in Tivat, famous for the fine sand on its beaches Budva afternoon warmly, and at night even a thermometer shows an average of more warm temperature. However, if you decide to take a night walk along the sea coast, you should dress warmly.

Speaking about the air temperature in other regions of the state, it should be emphasized once again that cold climate in May Montenegro is inherent only for mountainous areas: for example, in a resort Zabljak Total 13°C at noon, and during the darkness of the night in general cold- Total four degrees.

Sea water temperature

The swimming season starts in Montenegro from the middle of the last spring month, as the sea has time to warm up to the temperature 18-20°C.

Although swimming in such water is still not very comfortable, quite chilly, however, it is quite possible to take a short dip, and then a good time in the warm sun get warm.

The water temperature stays at the same level for almost the entire month of May. If we consider such popular resorts as Tivat, Herceg Novi, Budva, Bar and Ulcinj, then they all have the same value 19-21˚C.

Such a water temperature cannot be called comfortable, but it cannot be considered categorically repulsive to swimmers.

By the end of May the water warms up a little, reaching the value 23°C, however, the majority of those who come to rest are not at all embarrassed and 20-21°C, especially considering that sea water near the shore a few degrees warmer.


The last spring month is typical in Montenegro not only enough warm, but also incredibly dry weather. Precipitation in May 2019 is expected significantly less than in previous spring months.

For example, in the capital and Budva at the end of spring, on average, precipitation falls only 88 mm. A little rainier in Tivat, where this figure is already 96 mm. If we consider this state as a whole, then May falls on average five rainy days.

But for tourists vacationing in the area Bay of Kotor, you will definitely need an umbrella, as there may be whole 11 rainy days.

Most "dry" Montenegrin city on the entire coast is considered Bar: total rainfall in its vicinity 86 mm for about eight days. Some rain falls in May Podgorica90 mm, and here Cetin- a rather unpleasant city in this respect, since the precipitation there is whole 150 mm.

Price order. Season or not season

May trip does budget vacation in Montenegro, since the last month of spring is not yet the real peak of the tourist influx. And if you also apply early booking, then in general the tour can cost a record low amount.

Moreover, such a trip will be a unique opportunity. combine leisure with educational excursions. This is due to the fact that in May Montenegro is covered with all sorts of events related to local traditions.

Despite the fact that the summer season has not yet begun, tourists flock to this country to visit all kinds of entertainment and cultural events, to get to know such a wonderful country, its culture, while enjoying excellent weather conditions. At the same time, as a pleasant bonus, you can get the opportunity to buy.

What to do on vacation in Montenegro in May 2019

Countries require special attention. Suffice it to name only growing in Montenegro olive tree which is thousands of years old! And yet there is monastery Ostrog, St Stephen's Island, famous Skadar lake and many other, also beautiful areas. Tourists can choose any program for May excursions from those offered by private guides and local agencies.

Monastery Ostrog located high in the mountains, it is often hidden in the mist and clouds. This is the greatest state shrine.

The building, erected in the seventeenth century, houses the relics of Vasily Ostrozhsky, who was declared a saint. As the locals say, "St. Basil is constantly watching them, waiting for them to return to their own roots."

Skadar lake not only the most extensive in the Balkans, it also belongs to the few marshes that have survived today, in which the water is fresh.

This is a natural habitat where pelicans and many other birds live. Many fortresses, churches and monasteries were built on the shore and islands of the lake, there are monuments - the impression is that time has stopped here. History and nature are very harmonious in this place complement each other.

Having visited Montenegro in May, it will be interesting to go to the town Perast, where a rather interesting holiday is held. It is called "Shooting the Rooster". This event is dedicated to the victory over the Turks won by the locals. The event took place three centuries ago.

The holiday is celebrated cheerfully, although it ends dramatically - everyone shoots from 350 meters at the rooster, which is tied to the board. Among the winners, as they say, was once even our compatriot.


May holidays in Montenegro interesting the fact that it allows you to fairly evenly distribute your own forces - a beach holiday alternates with sightseeing. If the beginning of the month should be devoted to sightseeing routes, then after the May equator, tourists are waiting for beach fun and the opening of the swimming season.

High "tourist season begins in Montenegro in May. At this time, almost all entertainment venues located in resort towns open. The hotels are fully prepared to receive guests. True, it is impossible to say that the swimming season has already begun, since the water warms up to + 17 ° C. Of course, there are also daredevils who are ready to swim in cool water, but it is better for parents with children to relax on the beaches of Montenegro in the summer.

But sunbathing is already possible, the weather allows it - on the coast, the air temperature during the day is 24 ° C, at night it drops to 12 ° C in Ulcinj, Kotor and Budva. So don't forget about sun protection. A headdress will not be superfluous either. Those who are planning a vacation in the Bay of Kotor should also take an umbrella with them - in May there are 11 rainy days, during which a total of 12 mm of precipitation falls. Bar is considered to be a drier region, where up to 86 mm falls in eight days.

It is cold in May only in the mountains. In Zabljak - 13°C during the day and 4°C at night. It is warmer in Podgorica: the thermometers rise to 24°C during the day, at night they rarely fall below 14°C. This is also a rather dry region - only 90 mm of precipitation per month (for comparison, in Cetinje they are 150 mm).

This month Montenegro celebrates many holidays - Labor Day, Independence Day. Official celebrations on this occasion are rarely held, but for all residents of the country this is a weekend. A cultural program and sports competitions are organized on Youth Day.

In Podgorica you can visit the book fair. Representatives from different countries, including Russia, take part in it. At the same time, beach football competitions are held in Ulcinj, and rock climbing competitions are held in Niksic.

Perast will tell you more about original traditions. In this city in May they celebrate a holiday with a 300-year history - “Shooting a rooster”. It reminds the locals of their victory over the Turks. The entertainment of the day is shooting at a rooster, previously tied to the board.

This small town is interesting not only for its traditions. Located in the narrowest part of the Bay of Kotor, it attracts attention with its Venetian-style architecture. Opposite Perast there is the island of St. George, where the Benedictine abbey is located, and Gospa od Shkrpela, where the Church of the Mother of God is located.

In May, many tourists come to Montenegro to go yachting. The sea is very calm, there are almost no storms. It will not be difficult to rent a yacht, as there are not very many tourists at this time. Experienced travelers say that a sea excursion around the Bay of Kotor will be especially interesting.

Favorable weather in the resorts and for walks. During the tours, you can not only look at the architecture, but also make purchases. Local markets sell fruits, various types of fish and cheeses, wine, souvenirs, etc. In addition, in May, the Ethnorynok souvenir fair is held in Budva, where artisans from all regions of the country present their products.

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