Large river flowing through Moldova. Rivers of Moldova. Verdun and Somme battles. Brusilov's attack. Accession of Romania to the Entente. Defeat of Romania

They form a fairly dense and extensive network. All rivers of the country carry their waters to the shores of the Black Sea.

Turunchuk River

Turunchik is one of the branches of the Dniester. Geographically, the river is located on the territory of Moldova and. The maximum width of the channel is thirty meters at a depth of six meters.

As a branch, the river was formed between 1780 and 1785. The branch begins near the village of Chobruchi (146 km of the Dniester). Turunchik returns to the "parent" Dniester near the town of Belyaevka (20 km of the current).

Turunchuk is one of the venues for fishermen's competitions.

Prut River

The riverbed passes through the territory of three states - Ukraine, Moldova and. This is the left tributary of the Danube, with a total length of 953 kilometers. The source of the river is the eastern Carpathians (Ivano-Frankivsk region).

The Prut is the second longest river in the country. In its upper reaches, the Prut is a typical mountain river, and only when entering the territory of Moldova does the Prut calm down, turning into a classic flat river with a wide valley and low banks. The bed of the Prut is quite winding and in some places it breaks into branches. Bottom part river floodplain is heavily swamped.

River Reut

Reut is one of the rivers of Moldova, which is the right tributary of the Dniester. The total length of the current is 286 kilometers. The source of the river is located near the village of Red Mare (Dondushansky district). Initially, the current has a southeasterly direction, after two changes in direction, the Reut flows into the waters of the Dniester (the village of Ustye).

In the area of ​​Floreshtami and Kazaneshtami, the riverbed passes through narrow and deep gorges formed in limestone rocks. The waters of the river are very polluted, therefore they are used only for irrigation.

Alkalia River

The river, small in length - only 67 kilometers - passes through the territory of Ukraine and Moldova. The place of confluence is Lake Burnas. The river valley is strongly dissected by gullies and natural ravines. The channel, up to eight meters wide, is moderately winding. The waters of the river are used for irrigation.

The source of the river is one of the ponds in Moldova. The channel territorially passes through the territory of two districts - Tatarbunarsky and (Odessa region).

Hadjider River

Hadzhider territorially belongs to two states - Ukraine and Moldova. The total length of the channel is 94 kilometers. The source of the river is located on the Podolsk Upland (near the town of Stefan-Voda). Then it passes through the lands of three districts: Belgorod-Dnestrovsky; Saratov; Tatarbunarian.

The place of confluence is the waters of Lake Khadzhider. The river itself receives the waters of fifty-seven small rivers. And the largest of all is Kaplan, which forms a small reservoir at the confluence with Hadzhider.

Moldova(Moldova), a river in Romania, a right tributary of the river. Siret (Danube basin). The length is 205 km, the basin area is about 4.3 thousand km 2. It originates in the Eastern Carpathians, in upstream has a narrow and deep valley, then the valley widens to 3-5 km. Spring flood, summer low water. In winter it freezes for 2-3 months. Not navigable. Alloy of the forest. Near the mouth - the city of Roman.

  • - historical region to the east Romania, from the 14th century. feudal principality, from the 16th century. as part of Ottoman Empire. From 1829 it became autonomous. In 1859, M. united with Wallachia into a single state, from 1862 - Romania ...

    Big philatelic dictionary

  • - a sovereign and independent, united and indivisible state in accordance with the Constitution adopted by Parliament on June 29, 1994. M. - democratic constitutional state in which the dignity of man, his rights and ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

  • - REPUBLIC State in the south-east of Europe. In the north, east and south it borders on Ukraine, in the west - on Romania. The area of ​​the country is 33700 km2...

    Geographic Encyclopedia

  • - Moldova, - ist. region in the north-east. Romania. Includes modern region Iasi, Bacau, Galati and east. part of Suceava. Area 38 tons km2. 3839 thousand inhabitants . Ch. city ​​- Iasi. The first settlements in M. belong to the Paleolithic era ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - who gained fame during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, as a result of the crossing of our troops to the right bank of the Danube near him ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Argesh, a river in Romania, the left tributary of the Danube. The length is 335 km, the basin area is 12.4 thousand km2. It originates in the Fagaras massif, in the lower reaches it flows through the Lower Danube lowland. Spring floods, summer floods...
  • - Bistrita, a river in Romania, the right tributary of the river. Siret. The length is 272 km, the basin area is 7.9 thousand km2. It originates in the Rodna massif, flows into highlands, where sections of wide valleys interspersed with gorges ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Byrlad, a river in Romania, a left tributary of the river. Siret. The length is 250 km, the basin area is 7.6 thousand km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Dymbovitsa, a river in Romania, a left tributary of the river. Arges. Length 250 km. Sources in the Fagaras ridge, lower reaches on the Lower Danube Plain. Spring flood, summer low water. HPS. On the D. is the capital of Romania, Bucharest...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - I Moldova river in Romania, the right tributary of the river. Siret. The length is 205 km, the basin area is about 4.3 thousand km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Moldova, historical area in V. Romania ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - republican newspaper of the Moldavian SSR in the Moldavian language. Published in Chisinau 6 times a week. Published since May 1, 1924; until September 9, 1930, it was published under the name "Plugaryu Rosh". Circulation 80 thousand copies...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - film studio of feature and newsreel-documentary films in the Moldavian SSR. Located in Chisinau...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - MURES, a river in Romania and Hungary, a left tributary of the Tisza. 883 km, basin area approx. 30 thousand km². It flows in the Carpathians and along the Middle Danube Plain ...
  • - balneo-climatic resort in Romania, southwest of Bacau...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 Moldova ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Moldova (a river in Romania)" in books

Chapter XI Political Negotiations with Italy and Rumania. Speech by Italy in conjunction with the Triple Entente. Consequences of the speech of Romania. Accession of Bessarabia to Romania in 1918. Political revival of Czechoslovakia

From the book of memories author Sazonov Sergey Dmitrievich

Chapter XI Political Negotiations with Italy and Rumania. Speech by Italy in conjunction with the Triple Entente. Consequences of the speech of Romania. Accession of Bessarabia to Romania in 1918. The political revival of Czechoslovakia The war of 1914 caught by surprise not only



4.12.11. THE SWORD RIVER ON THE KULIKOV FIELD AND THE MOSCOW RIVER, OR THE MOCHA RIVER - A FLUSH OF THE MOSCOW RIVER According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai's troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River p.76, "where many Tatars drowned." And Mamai himself escaped with

From the book Reconstruction world history[text only] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.12.12. THE NEPRYADVA RIVER ON THE KULIKOV FIELD AND THE NAPRUDNYA RIVER IN MOSCOW ON THE KULISHKA FIELD. AND ALSO THE MOSCOW RIVER NEGLINKA The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River, p.76. This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all chronicles that speak of the Battle of Kulikovo. River

The Sword River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Sword River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued during the day, after which, Mamai's troops fled and were pressed against the Sword River (PSRL, v. 37, p. 76 ), "where many Tatars drowned". And Mamai himself escaped with

From the book New Chronology and Concept ancient history Russia, England and Rome author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Nepryadva River on the Kulikovo field and the Naprudnaya River in Moscow on the Kulishki field. And also the Moscow River Neglinka The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River (PSRL, vol. 37, p. 76). This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all chronicles that speak of the Battle of Kulikovo. River

2.13. The Sword River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River, is a tributary of the Moscow River

From the author's book

2.13. The Sword River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River, is a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued during the day, after which Mamai's troops fled and were pressed to the Sword River, "where many Tatars drowned." Asam Mamai escaped with a few

From the author's book

2.14. The Nepryadva River on the Kulikovo field and the Naprudnaya River in Moscow on the Kulishki field, as well as the Moscow Neglinka River The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River. This famous river is mentioned many times in all chronicles that speak of the Battle of Kulikovo. Nepryadva river,

7. Verdun and Somme battles. Brusilov's attack. Accession of Romania to the Entente. Defeat of Romania

From the book Europe in the era of imperialism 1871-1919. author Tarle Evgeny Viktorovich

7. Verdun and Somme battles. Brusilov's attack. Accession of Romania to the Entente. The Defeat of Rumania That was the situation in Germany. The German authorities (both military and civilian) could not fail to take into account that Zimmerwald and Kienthal were most successful in Germany; what

Argesh (river in Romania)

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(DY) author TSB

Olt (river in Romania)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OL) of the author TSB

Olt (river in Romania) Olt, Oltul (Olt), a river in Romania, a left tributary of the Danube. The length is 709 km, the basin area is about 25 thousand km2. It originates on the western slopes of the Eastern Carpathians, crosses the Southern Carpathians in the gorge, after which it flows along the Lower Danube Plain. It flows into the Danube in two

28-08-2015, 21:08
  • Alcalia
    A river in Ukraine and Moldova, which flows into Lake Burnas, the Black Sea basin. Length 67 km. The catchment area is 653 km². Slope 1.7 m/km. The valley is wide, dissected by ravines and gullies, the channel is moderately winding, 6–8 m wide, cleared and straightened for 30 km. The use of the river is household, for irrigation.
  • Bull
    A river in Moldova, a right tributary of the Dniester. The capital of Moldova, Chisinau, is located on the Bic River. In the upper reaches, it flows along the Kodra upland, crashing into it with a deep gorge. In some years, it dries up for a period of several days to two to four months, turning into a chain of oxbow lakes. The average annual water flow near Chisinau is 1 m³/sec, the highest during floods is 220 m³/sec.
  • Danube
    The second longest river in Europe (after the Volga), "international" river, the most long river within the territory of European Union. Length - 2960 km. The river takes its source in Germany, in the mountains of the Black Forest. Further, the Danube flows or is the border of ten states: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine; passing through such capitals of Central and Eastern Europe as Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Belgrade. In addition to these ten countries, the Danube drainage basin covers the territories of another nine European states. The Danube flows into the Black Sea, forming a delta in Romania and Ukraine; the Romanian part of which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  • Ikel
    A river flowing into the Dniester near the village of Konershitsa (Kriuleni district). The sewerage and wastewater settlements such as Town Hall, Magdacheshty, Pascani, Cricova, Ciorescu, Fauresti, Goiani, Grushevo, Boshkany, Koshernitsa and others. Treatment facilities are either absent or completely worn out and are in poor condition. The water is heavily polluted. The banks of the river in many places are littered with household waste.
  • Cahul
    River in the territory of Moldova and the Odessa region of Ukraine. It originates on the territory of Moldova, flows into Lake Cahul. Most of the time the river is dry and has some individual ponds. During rains or snowmelt from the Carpathian mountains, the river fills with water and flows into Lake Cahul.
  • Kirghiz-China
    River in the Odessa region of Ukraine. Belongs to the Danube basin and crosses southern part Moldova and the south-west of the Odessa region of Ukraine. Kirghiz-China is 64 km long with a basin area of ​​725 km² and a slope of 1.9 m/km. It originates on the southern slopes of the Podolsk Upland near the village of Tvarditsa in the Taraclia region of Moldova. Further, the current goes in a southerly direction, passing through the territory of the Tarutinsky, Artsyzsky and Kiliya districts of the Odessa region, then flowing into Lake China near the village of Starye Troyany.
  • Kogylnik
    River in Moldova and Odessa region of Ukraine. Kogylnik originates in the Nisporensky region, flows through the Black Sea lowland and flows into the Sasyk estuary, connected with the Black Sea. The upper reaches and about 50% of the catchment area are on the territory of Moldova, the rest is on the territory of the Odessa region. The length of the river is 243 km, the area of ​​its drainage basin is 3910 km². The river never dries up because many springs flow into its course.
  • Kodyma
    A river in the Odessa and Nikolaev regions of Ukraine, the right tributary of the Southern Bug. It flows into the Southern Bug in Pervomaisk Nikolaev region. The cities of Krivoye Ozero, Pervomaisk in the Nikolaev region, Balta and Kodyma in the Odessa region are located on the river.
  • lapushnitsa
    A river in Moldova, a left tributary of the Prut River (Danube River Basin). The source is located at the confluence of three beams at an altitude of 305 meters above sea level, 1.5 kilometers northeast of the village of Varzareshty, Nisporensky district. The mouth is on the 239th kilometer on the left bank from the mouth of the Prut River, one kilometer to the north-west of the village of Tokile-Redukan, Leova district, at an altitude of 19 m above sea level.
  • Larga
    River, left tributary Rod. On July 18 (7 according to the old style) July 1770, a battle took place on its shore between the Russian army of general-in-chief P.A. infantry, 65 thousand Tatars).
  • Rod
    The river in Ukraine, in Moldova and Romania, the left tributary of the Danube is 953 km long. The source of the Prut is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the eastern Carpathians. From the mountains near Hoverla, the Prut flows east towards Yaremche and Chernivtsi. 100 km downstream, the river turns south and forms a natural border between Moldova and Romania. Starting from the city of Iasi, the Prut becomes navigable and flows into the Danube at Galati, not far from the place where the Danube itself flows into the Black Sea.
  • Reut
    A river in Moldova, a right tributary of the Dniester. The hydrological regime of Reut is unstable. There are spring and summer floods. Reut originates near the village of Redyu Mare, Donduseni region, flows in a southeast direction, changes direction twice (near Balti and Floresht) and flows into the Dniester near the village of Ustye. The river valley reaches a width of 3 km near Balti to 9 km near Orhei. There are many floodplains on Reut, mostly drained. Between Floresti and Kazanesti, Reut passes through limestone rocks, forming deep and narrow gorges.
  • Sarata
    The river on the territory of the Odessa region of Ukraine, the sources of the river are located on the territory of Moldova, flows in the western part of the Black Sea lowland, flows into the Sasyk estuary. Used for irrigation.
  • Dry Rybnitsa
    Shallow river in Moldova. Flows from northeast to west. The source of the river near the village of Domnita (Ukraine), flows into the Dniester River near the town of Rybnitsa in Moldova. The length of the river is 27 km, 5 km in Ukraine and 22 km in Moldova (Transnistria).
  • Hadjider
    River in the Odessa region of Ukraine and Moldova. Length - 94 km, catchment area - 894 km². Hadzhider takes its source on the southern slopes of the Podolsk Upland near the Moldavian city of Stefan-Voda, flows through the territory of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Saratsky and Tatarbunarsky districts of the Odessa region. It flows into the lake-estuary Khadzhider.
  • Chaga
    A river in Moldova and the Odessa region of Ukraine, the left tributary of the Kogylnik River. The length of the river is 120 km, the area of ​​its drainage basin is 1270 km². The width of the river channel in the upper reaches is 6-8 m, in the lower - 20-30 m. The river is no longer used for irrigation, as it dries up completely due to the straightening of its channel.
  • Chugor
    Swampy river in Moldova, the left tributary of the Prut. It flows out of the ravines near the city of Ocnitsa, flows into the Prut River opposite the town of Stefanesti. The banks of the river are densely populated. On the river are the historical village of Lipnik and the ancient fortress Gorodishche.
  • Yalpug
    River in Moldova and Odessa region of Ukraine. It flows into Lake Yalpug. Length - 140 km, basin area - 3280 km². In the upper reaches, the Yalpug flows along the hilly Bessarabian Upland, in the lower reaches, along the Black Sea Lowland. The left tributary is the Lunga River (the source is the village of Chok-Maidan). On the territory of Moldova on the Yalpug River is the capital of the Gagauz autonomy - the city of Comrat.
  • Botna
    A river in Moldova (partially in the claimed territory of Transnistria), a right tributary of the Dniester. It flows into the Dniester in the area between the villages of Merenesti and Kitskany. Due to the fact that Botna flows through two different physical and geographical areas - Kodram and the Lower Dniester Plain, its waters are heterogeneous in chemical composition, mineralization and hardness.
  • Dniester
    river in Eastern Europe. It flows from the northwest to the southeast within the territory of Ukraine and Moldova. It flows into the Black Sea.
  • Kamenka
    A river in Ukraine and in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, a left tributary of the Dniester. It flows in a submeridional direction from north to south. The waters of Kamenka are of medium and high mineralization of the hydrocarbonate composition of the calcium, calcium-magnesium group, moderately hard with high alkalinity. Main settlements Khrustovaya, Severinovka, Kamenka.
  • Kuchurgan
    The river separating Transnistria and Ukraine, the left tributary of the Turunchuk (arms of the Dniester). It flows into the Kuchurgan estuary. The length of the river is 109 km, the catchment area is 2090 km². The river originates on the southern slopes of the Podolsk Upland, not far from the village of Olenevka.
  • Turunchuk
    Sleeve of the Dniester. It flows in Moldova (Transnistria) and Ukraine. The width is 30 m with a usual depth of up to 6 m, and in depressions - up to 9 m. The Turunchuk branch was formed in 1780–1785. It branches off from the navigable channel of the Dniester near the Pridnestrovian village of Chobruchi at the 146th kilometer from the mouth. The stone ridge forms a threshold at the entrance to the branch, the sound of water of which is heard for 300-500 m. It then flows near the villages of Glinoe, Krasnoe, Korotnoe, Nezavertailovka, and again flows into the Dniester at the 20th kilometer from the mouth near the city of Belyaevka.
  • Yagorlyk
    A river in the Odessa region of Ukraine and the Dubossary region of Transnistria, the left tributary of the Dniester. Length - 73 km, basin area - 1590 km². It flows through the southwestern part of the Podolsk Upland. In a small area along Yagorlyk, the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border passes. The Yagorlyk and its tributaries flow mainly through narrow deep valleys. The main tributaries are Trostyanets (right), Dry Yagorlyk (left).

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Moldova is not rich in surface waters. The entire water area of ​​the country is only slightly more than 1% of its territory.


The river network is represented by numerous permanent and temporary rivers. More dense - in the north, and more rare - in the south. All rivers of Moldova belong to the Black Sea basin. Most major rivers- Dniester and Prut. Among other rivers, the tributaries of the Dniester are distinguished - Reut, Byk, Botna, Ikel, and, in addition, the rivers Kogylnik (Kunduk), Yalpug. The main sources of river nutrition are snow and rain water.

The Prut and the Dniester usually freeze in the second half of December, less often in January and are characterized by short freeze-ups (1-2.5 months). About once every 5-6 years, these rivers do not freeze at all, and in cold winters, ice jams form on them. In late February - early March, they break up, the ice drift lasts 1-2 weeks. Small rivers, due to insignificant runoff, freeze in winter, their spring floods are small and short-lived.

Navigation on the rivers Dniester and Prut (up to Leovo). Moldova has access to the Danube. The length of the coastline is less than 1 km.

The mineralization of the water of the Dniester and the Prut is 380-800 mg/l, the Prut River in the upper section (near the village of Shireutsy, Briceni district) - 420-460 mg/l, in the lower section (near Cahul) - 650-680 mg/l. Most of the republic's rivers (Kamenka, Molokish, Chernaya, etc.) have mineralization at the level of 500-1000 mg/l. They are distinguished by high mineralization: Reut - 1400-1850 mg / l, Lunga - 3200-3700 mg / l, Botna - 1000-2500 mg / l. Researched and proven resources groundwater in Moldova are 2724 thousand m3/day. Of them to share major cities- Chisinau, Balti, Bender, Tiraspol - account for 921 thousand m / day, administrative districts - 1803 thousand m / day.

Lakes and reservoirs

On the territory of Moldova there are 57 lakes with a total water surface area of ​​62.2 km2. small lakes (up to 0.2 km) predominate. Most large lakes: Beleu, Drachele, Rotunda, Red, Fountain.

More than 1,600 artificial reservoirs have been built in Moldova, including 53 reservoirs (Dubossary, Ghidighicheskoe, Costesti, Kongazskoe).

Over 1,500 ponds (with a total area of ​​about 20.3 thousand hectares), which are used for irrigation and fish farming.

The groundwater

Groundwater reserves in Moldova are also small. There are several thousand springs and wells. In many areas there are mineral-drinking, and in some places, therapeutic-mineral underground waters of various chemical composition. The total developed groundwater reserves are 1.5 million m3. On average, 100 liters per day per inhabitant of the country, in Chisinau - 350 liters per day, if necessary, according to UN standards, 1000 liters per day. The poorest water resources southern regions of Moldova, where in some places only 17-18 l/day per person. Most of the developed water reserves are in the Dniester valley. In the Prut valley and in the south of the country, there is a shortage of groundwater. In terms of chemical composition and quality, only a third of groundwater resources meet the main requirements of the standard " Drinking water". About 20% of the total reserves can only be used for technical water supply due to the increased content of fluorine, nitrates and sulfates, excessive mineralization, and bacteriological contamination.

History of Moldova from ancient times to the present day

moldova, moldova, moldovan, we are moldovans, entry, ethnogenesis of moldovans, about the moldovan language, belonging, ...
4:20 min.

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    Moldova (river in Romania)- Moldova (Moldova), a river in Romania, a right tributary of the river. Siret (Danube basin). The length is 205 km, the basin area is about 4.3 thousand km2. It originates in the Eastern Carpathians, in the upper reaches it has a narrow and deep valley, then the valley expands to 35 km. ... ...

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    Moldova- I Moldova (Moldova) river in Romania, the right tributary of the river. Siret (Danube basin). The length is 205 km, the basin area is about 4.3 thousand km2. It originates in the Eastern Carpathians, in the upper reaches it has a narrow and deep valley, then the valley expands to ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Nature of the Republic of Moldova- Satellite photo of Moldova physical map Moldova Moldova is located in the extreme southwest of the East European Plain, in the second time zone, and occupies most the interfluve of the Dniester and Prut, as well as a narrow strip of the left bank ... ... Wikipedia

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    Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic- This article lacks links to sources of information. The information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

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