Protective screens for solid waste landfills. Insulating mixture for municipal solid waste landfills, method for its production and method for disposal of municipal solid waste Material for the insulating layer at the landfill

Registration N 2826

2.1.7. Soil, cleaning of populated areas, production and consumption waste, soil sanitary protection

Sanitary rules SP
"Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste"
(approved by resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2001 N 16)

1 area of ​​use

1.1. These sanitary rules were developed on the basis of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, art. 1650), Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000, N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295), and establish hygienic requirements for the device, maintenance and operation landfills for municipal solid waste.

1.2. The requirements of these rules are mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities are related to the design and operation of landfills for municipal solid waste.

1.3. State sanitary and epidemiological control over compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with applicable law.

2. General provisions

2.1. Landfills for municipal solid waste (MSW) are special facilities designed to isolate and neutralize MSW, and must guarantee the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population. At the landfills, the static stability of MSW is ensured, taking into account the dynamics of compaction, mineralization, gas release, the maximum load per unit area, and the possibility of subsequent rational use of the site after the closure of the landfills. Landfills can be organized for any size settlements. It is recommended to create centralized polygons for groups of settlements.

2.2. The selected site for the landfill should have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with its sanitary rules.

2.3. The organization operating the landfill develops the regulations and mode of operation of the landfill, instructions for receiving household waste, taking into account the requirements of industrial sanitation for those working at the landfill, monitors the composition of incoming waste, keeps a round-the-clock record of incoming waste, monitors the distribution of waste in the working part of the landfill , the technological cycle for waste isolation is provided.

2.4. Municipal solid waste landfills accept waste from residential buildings, public buildings and institutions, trade enterprises, public catering, street, garden and park estimates, construction waste and some types of solid industrial waste of 3-4 hazard classes, as well as non-hazardous waste, the class of which established by experimental methods. The list of such waste is coordinated with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the territory (hereinafter referred to as the territorial TsGSEN).

2.5. Neutralization of solid, liquid and pasty wastes with radioactivity is carried out at special landfills organized in accordance with the basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety.

2.6. Burial and neutralization of solid, pasty industrial wastes (1-2 hazard classes), which contain toxic substances, heavy metals, as well as combustible and explosive waste, should be carried out at landfills organized in accordance with sanitary rules on the procedure for accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste.

2.7. Reception of the corpses of dead animals, confiscated goods from slaughterhouses of meat processing plants to landfills of solid domestic waste is not allowed.

2.8. Municipal solid waste landfills accept solid waste from medical institutions (HCF) in accordance with the rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions.

2.9. Landfills are not allowed to collect secondary raw materials directly from garbage trucks. Sorting and selective collection of waste is allowed subject to sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2.10. The territorial TsGSEN carries out sanitary supervision over the arrangement and operation of landfills in accordance with the annual work schedules, guided by these rules, as well as the hygienic standards (MAC) approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for chemicals in the soil and the estimated indicators of the sanitary state of the soil; gives an opinion on the use of the territory of the former landfill.

3. Hygienic requirements for the placement of municipal solid waste landfills

3.1. When choosing a site for a solid waste landfill, one should take into account the climatic and geographical and soil features, geological and hydrological conditions of the area. It is not allowed to place landfills on the territory of zones of sanitary protection of water sources and mineral springs; in all protection zones of resorts; in places where fractured rocks come to the surface; in places where aquifers are wedged out, as well as in places of mass recreation for the population and health-improving institutions.

3.2. The size of the sanitary protection zone from residential development to the boundaries of the landfill is 500 m. In addition, the size of the sanitary protection zone can be specified when calculating gaseous emissions into the atmosphere. The boundaries of the zone are established along the isoline 1 MPC, if it goes beyond the limits of the regulatory zone. The reduction of the sanitary protection zone is carried out in accordance with the established procedure. A sanitary survey, geological and hydrological surveys are being carried out at the site planned for the placement of a landfill for household waste. Promising are places where clays or heavy loams are found, and groundwater is at a depth of more than 2 m. Swamps with a depth of more than 1 m and areas with groundwater outlets in the form of springs are not used for polygons. It is advisable to select sites for landfills, taking into account the presence of green spaces and land embankments in the sanitary protection zone.

3.3. The site for the construction of a solid waste landfill should be allocated in accordance with the approved master plan or the project for planning and developing the city and its suburban area. It is desirable to place a landfill for municipal solid waste on a flat area, excluding the possibility of washing away part of the waste with atmospheric precipitation and contaminating adjacent land areas and open water bodies near # located settlements. It is allowed to allocate a land plot for solid waste landfills in the territory of ravines, starting from its upper reaches, which makes it possible to ensure the collection and removal of melt and storm water by constructing intercepting upland canals to divert these waters into open water bodies.

3.4. The sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with the hygienic requirements of the selected site for the construction of solid waste landfills is issued by the territorial Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

3.5. The landfill consists of two interconnected territorial parts: the territory occupied by the storage of solid waste, and the territory for the placement of household facilities.

3.6. The arrangement of solid waste landfills should be carried out in accordance with the established procedure for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste.

3.7. A pit is planned for the entire area of ​​the storage area in order to obtain soil for intermediate and final isolation of compacted solid waste. The soil from the pits is stored in dumps along the perimeter of the landfill.

3.8. Taking into account the volume of annual atmospheric precipitation, the evaporative capacity of soils and the moisture content of stored solid waste, the possibility of formation of a liquid phase in their thickness - a filtrate - is taken into account.

3.9. For landfills receiving less than 120 thousand m3 of solid waste per year, a trench scheme for storing solid waste is recommended. The trenches are arranged perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds, which prevents the spread of MSW. The soil obtained from digging trenches is used for backfilling after filling with MSW.

3.10. The base (bottom) of the trench in climatic zones where leachate formation is possible should be at least 0.5 m buried in clay soils.

3.11. The length of one trench should be arranged taking into account the time for filling the trenches:

a) during the period of temperatures above 0°C for 1 - 2 months;

b) during the period of temperatures below 0°C - for the entire period of soil freezing.

3.12. Storing solid waste in water in swampy and flood-filled areas is not allowed. Prior to using such sites for a solid waste landfill, they should be backfilled with inert materials to a height exceeding by 1 m the maximum level of surface or flood waters. When filling, a waterproof screen is arranged. In the presence of groundwater at a depth of less than 1 m, an insulating layer is applied to the surface with preliminary drying of the soil.

4. Hygienic requirements for the arrangement of the economic zone of the landfill

4.1. The economic zone is arranged to accommodate an industrial and amenity building for personnel, a garage or a shed for placing machines and mechanisms. The staff will be provided with drinking and domestic water in the required quantity, a room for eating, a toilet.

4.2. The territory of the economic zone is concreted or asphalted, illuminated, has a light fence.

4.3. At the request of the territorial Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, at the exit from the landfill, a control and disinfection unit is provided with a concrete bath for the undercarriage of garbage trucks, using effective disinfectants approved for use by the Russian Ministry of Health. The dimensions of the bath must ensure the processing of the undercarriage of garbage trucks.

4.4. A light fence is arranged along the perimeter of the entire territory of the solid waste landfill. The fence can be replaced by a drainage trench with a depth of more than 2 m or a shaft no more than 2 m high.

4.5. The minimum illumination of working cards of the first stage is 5 lux.

4.6. In agreement with the hydrogeological service and the territorial TsGSEN, control wells are arranged in the green zone of the landfill. One control well is laid above the landfill along the groundwater flow (control), 1 - 2 wells below the landfill to take into account the impact of MSW storage on groundwater.

4.7. Entrances for vehicles and tanks for drainage or pumping out of water before sampling are arranged to the facilities for quality control of ground and surface waters.

5. Hygienic requirements for the operation of solid waste landfills and their conservation

5.1. Storage of MSW is allowed only on the working map and in accordance with the instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste. Intermediate or final isolation of the compacted layer of solid waste is carried out in the summer period daily, at a temperature of + 5 ° C - no later than three days from the time of storage of solid waste.

5.2. In winter, due to the complexity of excavating the soil, slag, construction waste, broken bricks, lime, chalk, plaster, wood, cullet, concrete, ceramic tiles, gypsum, asphalt concrete, soda, etc. can be used as an insulating material. materials can be used in the summer.

5.3. Portable mesh fences are installed as close as possible to the place of unloading and storage of solid waste, perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds, to retain light fractions of waste that spill out during unloading of solid waste from garbage trucks and are moved by bulldozers to the working map.

5.4. Regularly, at least once per shift, the waste retained by portable shields is collected and placed on the surface of the work card, compacted from above with an insulating layer of soil.

5.5. Upland intercepting bypass channels that divert ground and surface runoff into open water bodies are subject to regular cleaning of debris.

5.6. Once every ten days, the service personnel of the landfill and the special vehicle fleet inspect the territory of the sanitary protection zone and adjacent lands to the access road, and in case of contamination, they are thoroughly cleaned and delivered to the working maps of the landfill.

5.7. On the territory of the landfill, MSW incineration is not allowed, and measures must be taken to prevent spontaneous combustion of MSW.

5.8. The closure of the landfill is carried out after filling it to the prescribed height. At landfills with a service life of less than five years, dumping in the process is allowed by 10%, exceeding the prescribed vertical mark, taking into account subsequent shrinkage.

5.9. The last layer of waste before closing the landfill is finally covered with an outer insulating layer of soil.

5.10. The arrangement of the upper insulating layer of the landfill is determined by the stipulated conditions for its subsequent use during the closing of the landfill.

5.11. The territories of the zones used to create a forest park complex in the system of suburban agriculture, as hills for skiing or viewing platforms for viewing the area, have an outer layer thickness of at least 0.6 m.

5.12. To protect against weathering or washout of soil from the slopes of the landfill, it is necessary to plant them in the form of terraces immediately after laying the outer insulating layer. The choice of species of trees and shrubs is determined by local conditions.

5.13. When using the territory of the former landfill for non-food open warehouses, the thickness of the upper insulating layer must be at least 1.5 m. The upper layer of waste before covering it with insulation must be compacted especially carefully and evenly.

5.14. The use of the territory of the recultivated landfill for capital construction is not allowed.

6. Production control over the operation of the landfill

6.1. Control over the acceptance of waste to MSW landfills in accordance with the approved instructions is carried out by the laboratory service of the organization that services the landfill.

6.2. The laboratory service systematically controls, according to the approved schedule, the fractional, morphological and chemical composition of waste entering the landfill.

6.3. On the basis of these sanitary rules (according to clause 2.3), the organization servicing the landfill develops instructions for industrial sanitation for personnel involved in ensuring the operation of the enterprise. The specified instruction is coordinated with the territorial TsGSEN.

6.4. For the landfill, a special program (plan) of production control is being developed, which provides for: control over the state of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soil, noise levels in the zone of possible adverse impact of the landfill.

6.5. Technological processes must ensure the prevention of pollution of ground and surface waters, atmospheric air, soils, excess of noise levels above the permissible limits established in hygienic standards.

The program (plan) for the production control of the MSW landfill is developed by the owner of the landfill in accordance with the sanitary rules for production control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

6.6. The production control system should include devices and structures for monitoring the state of ground and surface waters, atmospheric air, soil, noise levels in the zone of possible influence of the landfill.

6.7. In agreement with the territorial TsGSEN and other regulatory authorities, the state of groundwater is monitored, depending on the depth of their occurrence, pits, wells or boreholes are designed in the green zone of the landfill and outside the sanitary protection zone of the landfill. The control facility is laid upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow in order to take samples of water, which is not affected by the leachate from the landfill.

Above the polygon at surface water sources and below the polygon at drainage ditches, surface water sampling sites are also designed.

The content of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, calcium, chlorides, iron, sulfates, lithium, COD, BOD, organic carbon, pH, magnesium, cadmium, chromium, cyanides, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, barium, dry residue, samples are also examined for helminthological and bacteriological indicators. If in the samples taken downstream a significant increase in the concentrations of analytes compared to the control is established, it is necessary, in agreement with the regulatory authorities, to expand the scope of the determined indicators, and in cases where the content of the analytes exceeds the MPC, it is necessary to take measures to limit the intake pollutants into groundwater up to the MPC level.

6.8. The production control system should include constant monitoring of the state of the air environment. To this end, it is necessary to conduct quarterly analyzes of atmospheric air samples above the exhausted areas of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the content of compounds that characterize the process of biochemical decomposition of MSW and pose the greatest danger. The volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of the volume of samples are substantiated in the project for the production control of landfills and agreed with the regulatory authorities. Usually, when analyzing atmospheric air samples, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene are determined.

In the event that atmospheric pollution is established above the MPC at the border of the sanitary protection zone and above the MPC in the working area, appropriate measures must be taken taking into account the nature and level of pollution.

6.9. The production control system should include constant monitoring of the state of the soil in the zone of possible influence of the landfill. To this end, the quality of the soil is controlled by chemical, microbiological, radiological indicators. From chemical indicators, the content of heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, organic carbon, pH, cyanides, lead, mercury, arsenic is studied. As microbiological indicators, the following are studied: total bacterial count, coli-titer, proteus titer, helminth eggs. The number of chemical and microbiological indicators can be expanded only at the request of the territorial TsGSEN.

7. Hygienic requirements for waste used in the reclamation of quarries

7.1 Spent quarries, artificially created cavities are collections of polluted storm water and drains. In order to return this territory to a state suitable for economic use, its reclamation is carried out.

7.2. It is allowed to backfill quarries and other artificially created cavities using inert waste, MSW and industrial 3-4 hazard classes. When using any types of waste, their morphological and physico-chemical composition must be determined. The total amount of food waste should not exceed 15 percent. The basis for waste disposal must meet the requirements of the established procedure for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste.

7.3. The size of the sanitary protection zone for a reclaimed quarry is taken equal to the size of the sanitary protection zone for MSW waste transfer stations and must be at least 100 meters from the nearest residential area. The reclaimed quarry should have light fencing and temporary household facilities to ensure the performance of work.

7.4. The territorial Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service carries out sanitary supervision over the work during the reclamation of quarries in accordance with these sanitary rules.

8. Hygienic requirements for the conditions for receiving industrial waste to landfills for municipal solid waste

8.1. The main condition for the possibility of receiving industrial waste to solid domestic waste landfills is compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air, soil, groundwater and surface water.

The main sanitary condition is the requirement that the toxicity of a mixture of industrial waste with household waste does not exceed the toxicity of household waste according to the analysis of water extract.

8.2. Industrial waste of the 4th hazard class, accepted without restrictions in quantitative terms and used as an insulating material, is characterized by the content in the water extract (1 liter of water per 1 kg of waste) of toxic substances at the level of a filter from municipal solid waste (MSW), and according to integrating indicators - biochemical oxygen demand (BOD_lopn) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - not higher than 300 mg/l, have a homogeneous structure with a fraction size of less than 250 mm.

8.3. Industrial waste of hazard class 4 and 3, accepted in limited quantities (no more than 30% of the mass of municipal solid waste) and stored together with household waste, is characterized by the content of toxic substances in the water extract at the level of the leachate from MSW and BOD_20 and COD values ​​of 3400-5000 mg /l O2.

8.4. The issue of the amount of the indicated wastes accepted to the solid domestic waste landfill is decided by the organization operating the landfill, in agreement with the territorial Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and approved in the prescribed manner. The sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the joint storage and disposal of industrial waste and MSW is issued by the territorial Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service on the basis of analyzes of laboratories accredited (certified) in the prescribed manner.

8.5. The organization in charge of the landfill for municipal solid waste ensures safe storage and disposal of waste in sanitary and hygienic terms.

During the decomposition of MSW, filtrate and biogas are formed. In case of insufficient isolation of the landfill, the leachate enters the environment, namely the soil, and from there - into groundwater or surface runoff. This leads to pollution of the natural environment with substances such as salts of heavy metals, various hydrocarbons, etc.

Most landfills for solid waste disposal are located close enough to large settlements (to minimize transport costs). At the same time, the issue of environmental protection becomes decisive, which, in turn, is closely related to the design of the landfill, the quality of the materials used, their installation, etc.

In the early 1970s In Germany, the law “On the responsibility of regional and local authorities for waste management” was passed, which determines the beginning of the transition from “wild” landfills to centralized landfills for waste disposal. The administrative regulations for the Waste Management Act (TAA) and the Technical Guidelines for the Treatment and Disposal of Waste (TASi) today in Germany provide for stringent requirements for the landfill construction system.

Usually, natural materials such as clay and pebbles are mainly used in the construction of a landfill. At the same time, so-called geosynthetic materials have been developed that provide highly effective isolation of the landfill body from the environment.

Comparative characteristics of natural (system I) and geosynthetic (system II) materials are given in Table. 17.1 and in fig. 17.1.

Comparative characteristics of natural and geosynthetic materials


Layer thickness, mm

System I

fertile soil

Drainage pebble

Pebbles for gas removal

Not standardized

Drainage pebble

High Density Low Pressure PE Film

Clay with a filtration coefficient of more than 10 9 m/s

Total insulation thickness

System 11

fertile soil

Secudren drainage material

insulating material bentofix

Not standardized

Drainage pebbles with drainage pipes

Protective gsotxstyle secutxx

Carbofol from high density polyethylene of low pressure

Bentofix with filtration coefficient 5*10 11 m/s

Leveled compacted base

Total insulation thickness

Bentofix is a universal mineral-based insulating material. Reinforced fiber mineral-based synthetic coating is a self-insulating protective membrane with a combined structure. Bentofix consists of three layers:

  • bearing geofabric;
  • bentonite powder (insulating element) about 1 cm thick;
  • covering staple fiber geotextile needle-punched seal.

Rice. 1/.1.Schematic diagrams of landfills, made in accordance with the Directives EU system I(a)and with the use of geosynthetics - system II(b)

A durable and wear-resistant non-woven geotextile seals and protects the pure bentonite layer for long-term performance. Bentofix contains the highest quality natural sodium bentonite, which has a high degree of water absorption. This means that bentonite absorbs water inside the crystals and is saturated with moisture (up to 90%), due to which the residual pore spaces of the mineral are closed, after which the filtration coefficient is 109 m/s. The process of effective water absorption by bentonite lasts about a day. After hydration, bentofix becomes an effective barrier to liquids, vapors and gases.

Carbofol - This is an insulating cover that is made from high density low pressure polyethylene (IIDPE). It can be produced in various thicknesses (from 1 to 3 mm) with a smooth or structured surface 5.1 and 9.4 m wide. Carbofol as a geomembrane provides complete isolation from various liquids, including toxic ones. Its use as an integral part of the waterproofing of the base protects groundwater from pollution.

Secutex is a needle punched staple fiber nonwoven geotextile used as a separating, filtering, protective and drainage layer. It is made from 100% synthetic fiber for durability. Secutex is used as a protective layer that protects the geomembrane from mechanical damage. This material is used in many areas of civil engineering, including hydraulic, road, landfill and tunnel construction. The use of secutex as a separating layer prevents intermixing of layers of dissimilar materials. As a result, the top fill layer and the underlying layer retain their integrity for a much longer period of time than would be possible in any other way.

Secudren is a three-dimensional drainage system consisting of a drainage core and at least one filter layer of non-woven textile material. The filter layer protects the drainage core from the penetration of soil particles (siltation), at the same time it does not interfere with the circulation of gases and water. All layers are firmly bonded to each other. Secudren has found wide application in solving the problems associated with the drainage of water and gases that arise during the construction of roads and landfills. If, during the construction of polygons, a secudren is placed directly on top of the geomembrane, then it can simultaneously perform three functions: filtration, protection, and drainage. Depending on the required throughput and intended use, the filter geotextile and the drainage core can be sized optimally. The materials from which the drainage rod and geotextile fabric are made can be selected depending on the aggressiveness of the application environment.

SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the field of environmental protection and can be applied in the case of repeated use of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal sites. The insulating mixture for municipal solid waste landfills - MSW - contains ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and gas cleaning waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste, soil in a mass ratio preferably equal to 0.2-4.5: 0.2-4.5: 2.9-10.5. The mixture preferably has a moisture content of 30-60% by weight. The method of its production consists in mixing ash and slag wastes from heat treatment of municipal solid waste with a moisture content of not more than 30 wt.% with soil with a moisture content of not more than 60 wt.% until a homogeneous mass is obtained. From the resulting mass, two shafts are formed with a height of 50 cm to 100 cm and they are placed with a gap relative to each other with a perpendicular orientation relative to the prevailing wind direction. The feed is carried out into the above gap at a minimum low pressure of gas cleaning waste from the thermal treatment of MSW with a moisture content of not more than 30 wt.%. Next, the formed mass is leveled and all components are mixed until a homogeneous mass with a moisture content of 30-60 wt.% is obtained. At all stages of preparation, the moisture content of the formed masses is monitored. The resulting homogeneous mass of the insulating mixture contains ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste, soil in the above mass ratio. SUBSTANCE: method of disposal of municipal solid waste at MSW landfills includes layer-by-layer placement of waste and insulating layers from an insulating mixture. In this case, an insulating mixture is used containing ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste and soil in the above mass ratio. EFFECT: obtaining an insulating mixture with characteristics that make it possible to increase the efficiency of its use, reduce the time of the process of obtaining a mixture, reduce the harmful effects on the environment during the method of disposal of municipal solid waste. 3 n. and 4 z.p. f-ly, 5 ill.

Drawings to the RF patent 2396131

The present group of inventions relates to the field of environmental protection, namely to an insulating mixture for municipal solid waste landfills, a method for its production, as well as a method for the disposal of solid waste, in particular domestic, industrial, at MSW landfills using the specified mixture and can be applied with repeated use of landfill sites for municipal solid waste (MSW).

Known insulating mixtures for solid waste landfills and methods for their production (RU 2059034 , 1996, RU 2184095 , 2002, RU 2162068 , 2001, RU 2006130 451, 2006, RU 227882, 2006). There are also known methods of disposal (neutralization) of municipal solid waste at landfills (RU 2006109 899, 2007, EN 1792350, 1991, EN 2247610, 2005, EN 2014164, 1994).

At the same time, these mixtures are characterized by multicomponent nature and, as a result, the complexity of their preparation. The described methods for the neutralization of municipal solid waste at landfills are characterized by the complexity of the technology.

Closer to the proposed insulating mixture is an insulating mixture, which is a soil and is used in the method of neutralizing municipal solid waste at landfills (MSW) using layer-by-layer placement of waste with insulating layers (RU 2330733, 2008).

However, over time shrinkage of said mixture occurs. The latter leads to such a consequence as the ignition of municipal solid waste. In addition, the low efficiency of soil use is due to the fact that the latter has a high filtration coefficient, which leads, in particular, to groundwater pollution.

The objective of the invention is to create an insulating mixture that improves the reliability of isolation and disposal of waste that meets environmental and sanitary standards.

The problem is solved by creating an insulating mixture for municipal solid waste landfills - MSW, containing soil and additionally containing ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and gas cleaning waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste.

Preferably, the insulating mixture contains ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste and soil in a mass ratio equal to 0.2-4.5:0.2-4.5:2.9-10.5, respectively, while the mixture has a moisture content of 30- 60 wt%.

The technical result lies in the fact that the described insulating mixture is not prone to shrinkage, and also ensures the prevention of fire and initiation of an explosion of municipal solid waste at the landfill.

Closer to the method of obtaining an insulating mixture for municipal solid waste landfills is the method according to patent RU 2271882, 2006.

Said insulating mixture contains clay, waste lime material and oil sludge with the following component content, wt %: clay 10-60, waste lime material 15-40, oil sludge 25-40.

A known method of obtaining an insulating mixture is carried out as follows.

Oil sludge is mixed with clay in various proportions by a bulldozer, stored and left for 30-40 days to adsorb the oil part of the oil sludge in the pores of the clay. After 30-40 days, the resulting mixture (clay + oil sludge) is additionally mixed with spent lime material (chemical water treatment sludge or slaked lime sediment).

The disadvantage of this method lies in the insufficiently high efficiency, due, among other things, to the significant duration of the process of adsorption of the oil part of the oil sludge in the pores of clays, which is at least 30 days.

The objective of the invention in terms of a method for producing an insulating mixture for solid waste landfills is to reduce the time spent on the process of forming a mixture that provides increased reliability of isolation and disposal of waste that meets environmental and sanitary standards.

The task is achieved by the described method for obtaining an insulating mixture for solid waste landfills - MSW, which consists in mixing ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste with a moisture content of not more than 30 wt.% with soil with a moisture content of not more than 60 wt.% to obtain homogeneous mass, then two shafts with a height of 50 cm to 100 cm are formed from the resulting mass and placed with a gap relative to each other, after which they are fed into the gap at a minimum low pressure of gas cleaning waste from heat treatment of municipal solid waste with a moisture content of not more than 30 wt .%, after filling the gap, the formed mass is leveled and all components are mixed until a homogeneous mass of the insulating mixture with a moisture content of 30-60 wt.% is obtained, while at all stages of preparation, the moisture content of the formed masses is controlled to maintain its values ​​in the above range.

In this case, it is desirable to place the shafts with a perpendicular orientation relative to the prevailing wind direction.

Preferably, the resulting homogeneous mass of the insulating mixture contains ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste, soil in a mass ratio equal to 0.2-4.5:0.2-4.5:2.9-10.5, respectively.

The technical result achieved in this case is to reduce the time spent on creating an effective mixture.

Closer to the described method of disposal of municipal solid waste at landfills is the method according to patent RU 2330733, 2008.

This method includes the preparation of the base of the landfill, the installation of enclosing structures, the construction of an impervious screen, a drainage system for collecting and cleaning the leachate, as well as a gas collection system, layer-by-layer placement of waste with soil insulating layers, and arrangement of an insulating coating on the surface of the formed landfill.

The territory of the landfill is divided into working sections in the amount of at least three. Each section of the polygon is formed independent of the others. Filling with waste of each subsequent section begins upon completion of filling the previous one.

The extraction and processing of waste from the area of ​​the first filled section and its preparation for refilling is carried out during the period of filling the last section with waste, then the waste is re-placed on the prepared area of ​​the first section, while simultaneously extracting and processing waste of the second section and preparing it for refilling, after whereby the cycle is repeated in the sequence of the initial filling of the sections. The ratio between the average duration of filling one section and the number of sections is found by mathematical dependence.

The disadvantages of the method are its multi-stage and low degree of isolation due to the use of soil as insulating layers, which, as you know, have low performance characteristics.

The objective of the invention in terms of the method of disposal of municipal solid waste at landfills is to create a disposal method that provides increased reliability of isolation and disposal of waste that meets environmental and sanitary standards while simplifying it.

The task is achieved by the described method of disposal of municipal solid waste at landfills by layer-by-layer placement of waste and insulating layers from an insulating mixture containing soil, in which, according to the invention, a mixture containing additional ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and gas cleaning waste is used as an insulating mixture. from heat treatment of municipal solid waste.

Preferably, an insulating mixture is used containing ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste and soil in a mass ratio equal to 0.2-4.5:0.2-4.5:2.9-10.5, respectively, while the mixture has a moisture content 30-60 wt.%.

The essence of the described group of inventions is illustrated in Fig.1-5, which schematically shows the production of an insulating mixture for solid waste landfills, and the following example, illustrating but not limiting the invention.

The feedstock for the preparation of the insulating mixture is ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of MSW and gas cleaning waste from the heat treatment of MSW. Soil (soil), including dump soil, is used as an additional diluting material.

The ash and slag wastes of heat treatment of municipal solid wastes and gas cleaning wastes of heat treatment of municipal solid wastes used in the preparation of the mixture are obtained as follows.

Municipal solid waste is subjected to combustion in the combustion chambers of boiler units. Ash and slag waste from the heat treatment of municipal solid waste is a mixture of slag formed in the combustion chamber and boiler ash, which is carried away with flue gases and separated from the latter in the convective zone of the boiler.

Gas cleaning wastes are wastes from cleaning flue gases generated during the combustion of municipal solid waste. In this case, the flue gases are subjected to semi-dry cleaning in an installation consisting of an absorber and a bag filter.

The ash and slag waste and gas cleaning waste used in the preparation of the mixture have the following characteristics: humidity - no more than 30 wt.%, fractional composition preferably no more than 100 mm, radiation background not exceeding natural.

The used soil (soil) has the following characteristics: the radiation background does not exceed the natural one, in terms of sanitary and epidemiological indicators it meets the requirements for the quality of soils in the territory of populated areas, the humidity is not more than 60 wt.%, the fractional composition is preferably not more than 250 mm.

The process of preparing an insulating mixture is based on mixing ash and slag waste and gas cleaning waste from the thermal treatment of MSW with soil (soil), including dump, is carried out according to the technology described below.

In this example, the mass ratio of ash and slag waste:gas cleaning waste:soil is used, respectively, equal to 2.0:5.0:10.0.

The process is carried out on a specially designated site.

The preparation of the mixture consists of two stages.

At the 1st stage, soil (soil) and "Ash and slag waste from thermal treatment of MSW" are brought to the production site and unloaded alternately (figure 1). Further, using tractor equipment, mixing is carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Due to the humidity of "Ash and slag waste from MSW heat treatment" and the dryness of the soil, the components are uniformly mixed.

After mixing with a tractor, two shafts 50 cm to 100 cm high are formed from mixed components with little space, i.e. a gap between them. The shafts are preferably oriented with respect to the prevailing wind so that the direction of the wind is perpendicular to the direction of the shafts (FIG. 2).

At the 2nd stage "Waste gas cleaning from the heat treatment of MSW" served from the tank semi-trailer hose hose with a diameter of 100 mm at extremely low pressure in the space (gap) between the two shafts (figure 3). The use of low pressure prevents the formation of a cloud of dust.

In the production process, “Gas cleaning waste from MSW heat treatment” is moistened with water to prevent dusting. When moistening, the moisture content of the mixture is measured to exclude its waterlogging.

The moisture content of the mixture of soil and "ash and slag waste from MSW heat treatment" contributes to dust sticking to the "ash and slag waste from MSW heat treatment". There is an absorption by "Gas cleaning waste from MSW heat treatment" of moisture from "Ash and slag waste from SDW heat treatment".

As the space is filled, the hose hose is moved to the unfilled side and both shafts and "Gas cleaning waste from MSW heat treatment" are leveled by the tractor (figure 4). Next, all components are mixed by a tractor until a homogeneous mass is obtained. At all stages conduct operational control of the moisture content of the mixture.

The finished insulating mixture is collected by a tractor for easy loading (figure 5).

To control the quality of the resulting insulating mixture, samples are taken and transported in accordance with SP "Determination of the hazard class of toxic production and consumption wastes", section 3.

The produced insulating mixture for solid waste landfills is loaded by a loader into dump trucks and delivered to the consumer at the solid waste storage site. The production of the mixture takes about two hours.

The resulting insulating mixture has the following characteristics:

hazard class for the environment - 5;

hazard class for human health - 4;

humidity - from 30 to 60 wt.%;

color - gray-brown, with a dark brownish tint; it is pressed well, it is not explosive.

The described method of disposal of municipal solid waste at landfills is carried out by layer-by-layer placement of waste and insulating layers.

Determine the section of the work card that is not covered with an insulating mixture. A fresh layer of MSW waste is compacted by landfill equipment to a layer thickness of preferably 2 m. Then, the insulating mixture is delivered by dump trucks to the compacted area. The mixture is evenly leveled by tractor equipment over the selected area. After leveling, the insulating layer is compacted by landfill technology to a thickness of preferably 25 cm. New waste is delivered over the compacted insulating layer by landfill technology. As the waste accumulates, it is leveled over the area of ​​the working map and compacted again to a layer thickness of preferably 2 m. Then, the insulating mixture is delivered by dump trucks to the compacted area and the cycle is repeated. When ensuring compaction of MSW by 3.5 times or more, it is allowed to reduce the thickness of the insulating layer to 15 cm. -01 "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste" and "Instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste", approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on 02.11.96, agreed with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia on 10.06.96 No. 01-8 / 1711.

The impact of the production of an insulating mixture for solid waste landfills by the described method on the environment is minimized, in particular, for the following reasons:

Production is located at the landfill, on an isolated site;

Eliminates the need to use containers;

Eliminates the need to use warehouses for the placement of raw materials (components) of the insulating mixture;

Provides protection against wind blowing of raw materials (components of the mixture) due to the natural moisture content of the mixture, the creation of barriers (rollers during production) and moistening of raw materials during the production process.

Thus, the described group of inventions makes it possible to create an effective insulating mixture for the disposal of solid domestic waste at landfills, to reduce the time for the process of obtaining an insulating mixture to at least two hours, to reduce the harmful impact on the environment when carrying out the method of disposal of solid domestic waste at landfills using the above insulating mixture.


1. An insulating mixture for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills containing soil, characterized in that it additionally contains ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and gas cleaning waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste.

2. The insulating mixture according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste and soil in a mass ratio of 0.2-4.5: 0.2-4.5: 2.9-10.5, respectively, while the mixture has a moisture content of 30-60 wt.%.

3. A method for producing an insulating mixture for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, which consists in mixing ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste with a moisture content of not more than 30 wt.% with soil with a moisture content of not more than 60 wt.% until a homogeneous mass, then two shafts with a height of 50 to 100 cm are formed from the resulting mass and placed with a gap relative to each other, after which gas cleaning waste from the heat treatment of municipal solid waste with a moisture content of not more than 30 wt.% is fed into the gap at a minimum low pressure , after filling the gap, the formed mass is leveled and all components are mixed until a homogeneous mass of the insulating mixture with a moisture content of 30-60 wt.% is obtained, while at all stages of preparation, the moisture content of the formed masses is controlled to maintain its values ​​in the above range.

4. The method according to claim 3, characterized in that the shafts are placed with a perpendicular orientation relative to the prevailing wind direction.

5. The method according to claim 3, characterized in that the resulting homogeneous mass of the insulating mixture contains ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste, soil in a mass ratio of 0.2-4.5:0.2-4.5:2.9-10, respectively. ,5.

6. A method of disposal of municipal solid waste at landfills by layer-by-layer placement of waste and insulating layers from an insulating mixture containing soil, characterized in that a mixture containing additional ash and slag waste from thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and gas cleaning waste from thermal treatment is used as an insulating mixture. processing of municipal solid waste.

7. The method according to claim 6, characterized in that an insulating mixture is used containing ash and slag waste, gas cleaning waste and soil in a mass ratio of 0.2-4.5: 0.2-4.5: 2.9-10, respectively, 5, wherein the mixture has a moisture content of 30-60% by weight.

The invention relates to the field of environmental protection and can be used for intermediate isolation of compacted layers of municipal solid waste placed at landfills.

Known insulating materials: natural soil, construction waste, lime, chalk, wood, cullet, concrete, ceramic tiles, gypsum, asphalt concrete, soda and other materials (Sanitary rules SP "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste).

However, the use of natural soil to isolate the layers leads to the disturbance of landscapes. Dug deep quarries and dumps of soil destroy not only the lands to be developed, but also the surrounding territories, while the hydrological regime of the area is disturbed, water bodies and soil are polluted. Soil development in winter is difficult due to freezing. Waste from the construction industry has a different granulometric composition and, as a rule, requires crushing and screening before use.

Known mixture for the neutralization and lithification of domestic and industrial waste, bottom sediments, sludge and oil-contaminated soils, including aluminosilicate rock, lime and Portland cement, dispersed organic sorbent in the following ratio, wt.%: aluminosilicate rock 55-80, lime 5-10, Portland cement 10-30, dispersed organic sorbent 5-30, while peat, wood flour, crushed agricultural waste, such as chaff, and also sapropel can be contained as a dispersed organic sorbent (patent RU No. 2184095 dated 27.06.2002).

The disadvantages of the known mixture is its multicomponent and, consequently, the complexity of obtaining.

An insulating mixture is known containing ash and slag waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste, gas cleaning waste from the thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and soil in a mass ratio preferably equal to 0.2-4.5: 0.2-4.5: 2.9-10, 5 (patent RU No. 2396131 dated 10.08.2010).

The disadvantage of the known material is the complexity of the technology for obtaining an insulating material.

The objective of the invention is to obtain a material that makes it possible to isolate compacted layers of municipal solid waste at landfills all year round without the use of natural materials while simplifying the technology for its production, expanding raw materials.

The problem is solved due to the fact that the material for the intermediate insulation of compacted layers of municipal solid waste at the landfill is the final slag formed during the production of ferrovanadium by the aluminosilicon thermal method.

The final slag formed during the production of ferrovanadium by the aluminosilicon-thermal method is a fine powder.

Granulometric composition: fractions no more than 2 mm - 95.0%, fineness up to 300 mm no more than 5.0%, the presence of moisture no more than 10.0%.

It has a color from white, bluish, olive to gray.

The mineralogical composition of the slag consists mainly of merwinite and two-calcium silicate. Along with this, melite, periclase, and metallic ferrovanadium are present. Slag is currently not disposed of, but is placed on industrial sites in the form of dumps, which are often located in floodplains and in close proximity to settlements. In this case, there is a backlog of territories, pollution of water bodies and soil at a considerable distance from the waste disposal site. The company is charged for waste disposal.

According to the passport for production waste, ferrovanadium production slag is an industrial waste of hazard class IV, characterized by the content in the water extract (1 liter of water per 1 kg of waste) of toxic substances at a level lower than the filtrate from municipal solid waste, and according to integral indicators - biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 20) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - not higher than 300 mg/l. Due to its structure, it is well compacted and, as a result, inconvenient for making loopholes and holes, prevents birds, rodents and moisture from entering the working fluid of the landfill, reliably isolates MSW from contact with insects. The combination of calcium, silicon and magnesium oxides in it ensures the creation of an alkaline environment, which also favorably affects the conservation of household waste and the suppression of the pathogenic microflora of the landfill.

The material for intermediate insulation of compacted layers of solid waste at the landfill is obtained as follows.

In the production of ferrovanadium by the aluminosilicon-thermal method, a final slag is formed. Slag after melting is poured into a slag carrier and taken to the technological site of the plant, unloaded in the form of a massive body. The slag is slowly cooled on site at ambient temperature (+40 - -30°C). In this case, the slag self-disintegrates with the formation of particles from 0.01 to 2 mm. Next, the slag is screened, while the slag fraction of more than 250 mm is removed, which is sent for crushing in a jaw crusher to sizes less than 250 mm. This size is regulated as the largest fraction of the material allowed for use as a bulk material at landfills. In the total mass of the feedstock, the fraction to be crushed is no more than 3%. The material that fully satisfies the granulometric composition undergoes magnetic separation, in which the metal inclusions of ferrovanadium and ferrosilicon are removed. Mechanical action does not change the chemical composition of the slag.

For the obtained material, studies were carried out in accordance with SP "Sanitary rules for determining the hazard class of toxic production and consumption wastes" at the "Center for Hygiene and Epidimology in the Perm Territory", FR. 1.39.2007.03222 and FR.1.39.2007.03223 at the Center for Analytical Research and Metrological Support of Environmental Measurements. Conclusions were obtained on classifying the material for transfer to the 4th hazard class. The content of toxic substances in the water extract at a level below the filtrate from municipal solid waste, the integral indicator - biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 20) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - does not exceed 300 mg/l.

In accordance with SP "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste", the resulting material meets the requirements for materials intended for pouring compacted layers of solid waste at the landfill.

Thus, the slag formed during the production of ferrovanadium by the aluminosilicon-thermal method does not require complex technological conversions, the volume of material requiring additional crushing does not exceed 3% of the total mass, and can be used to isolate MSW layers all year round.

Therefore, the claimed invention makes it possible to obtain a material for intermediate insulation of compacted layers of MSW at a landfill without the use of natural materials using a simple technology, at low economic costs, and to expand raw materials.

Material for intermediate insulation of compacted layers of municipal solid waste at the landfill, characterized by the fact that it is the final slag formed during the production of ferrovanadium by the aluminosilicon thermal method.

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The invention relates to the field of environmental protection. A material for intermediate insulation of compacted layers of municipal solid waste at a landfill has been proposed. The final slag formed during the production of ferrovanadium by the aluminosilicon-thermal method is used as the material. The invention provides for obtaining a material that makes it possible to isolate compacted layers of municipal solid waste at landfills all year round without the use of natural materials, and the expansion of raw materials. 1 tab.

The main method of processing municipal solid waste today is their burial at specialized landfills. To avoid negative impact on the environment during the construction of such structures, special protective screens are used, which can be installed both on the base and on the sides of the landfills.

In addition, it is possible to create different combinations when designing protective screens, which directly depends on the degree of harmful effects of waste in landfills. It should also be noted that there are certain territorial building codes developed for each region, compliance with which allows you to design screens with the highest degree of protection.

Materials used

  1. The first layer consists of surface soil and serves to accommodate the root system of vegetation, which in turn additionally performs the function of protection against wind or water damage.
  2. The second layer of the upper insulating coating of the landfill for municipal solid waste is covered with a ball of natural (sand, gravel, their mixture) or synthetic materials. The drainage ball serves to prevent vegetation roots from entering the protective screen system, as well as to drain surface water and smooth out subsidence phenomena.
  3. The next layers are laid materials that remove biological gases and prevent water pollution.

When equipping landfills for solid waste with protective screens, it is allowed to lay mineral materials for waterproofing, but not less than two rows of raw materials with a thickness of a quarter of a meter each. At the same time, it must be remembered that for landfills that contain stronger pollutants, laying more layers is required, including synthetic ones, since not every mineral waterproofing is able to protect the landfill from the formation of holes from escaping biogas, leading to subsidence. The surface of the synthetic ball is protected from mechanical damage by applying non-woven geotextile to it. Under the layers of insulation is a drainage containing a system for collecting and eliminating biological gases.

When choosing a geomembrane, it is necessary to pay attention to its physical properties, such as the degree of resistance to breakdowns, the amount of thermal expansion, the discharge resistance to destruction, resistance to bacteria and fungi, and so on. A landfill equipped in accordance with all the rules will be able to protect the environment for a long time from the negative impact of the waste it contains.

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