Thomas Neuwirth: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts. Conchita Wurst (Tom Neuwirth) - biography, information, personal life

Conchita Wurst is the stage name and likeness of singer Thomas Neuwirth, coined in 2011. Who would have known that in a few years it was he (or she) who would win the Eurovision 2014 contest.

Childhood and family of Conchita Wurst

Wurst's hometown is Gmunden in Austria. Birth name is Thomas Neuwirth. After birth, the boy lived in a small village in Styria. Women's clothing has attracted him since childhood. Already in adolescence, the young man realized that he was attracted exclusively to men. Because of this, Thomas had to experience the condemnation of society at an early age. He recalls that at school he tried to go to the toilet when no one was there.

Finishing school, Neuwirth began to dream of show business. The first step towards a career was participation in one of the talent shows. Its name is "Starmania". Among aspiring pop artists, the young man took second place. The first place in 2006 was given to Nadine Beyler.

It is known that Thomas in the same 2006 made a statement in which he announced his belonging to a gender minority.

The beginning of the career of Conchita Wurst

Encouraged by his success at the competition, Thomas created his own boy band, but it did not last long. Since he was attracted to women's clothing and dressing up since childhood, he decided to make his dream come true and enrolled in a fashion school, for which Thomas went to Graz. In 2011, Neuwirth graduated from this school.

The next step in the career of a novice performer was participation in a well-known casting show, namely, in "Big Chance". The show was broadcast by the Austrian channel ORF. It was there that Thomas first appeared before the audience in the form of a woman with a beard. He came up with a stage name for himself - Conchita Wurst. One of Celine Dion's compositions was chosen for the performance. Conchita took only sixth place on the show.

Thomas liked the image of a woman on stage, and he began to use it in his subsequent performances on stage and television.

The history of the appearance of the image of Conchita Wurst

The appearance of Thomas in the image of Conchita is not accidental. A man who experienced bullying and discrimination as a teenager decided to speak up for acceptance and tolerance. Having created the image of a woman with a beard, he pursued the goal of showing people that everyone should be perceived not by appearance, but by what he is, what he is “inside”.

Conchita Wurst at the Eurovision final

A woman with a beard is a vivid statement of the singer, designed to discuss the concept of "normality" and "otherness". Tom \ Conchita wants to convey to society that it is important to respect the right of a person to live the way he wants, provided that no one is harmed. One of the Berlin gay magazines called the image of Conchita a gender joke.

Wurst's beard is not quite natural, Thomas tints it to enhance the effect. The black beard is complemented by a long wig with curly curls and bright makeup.

For Death, the singer came up with a pseudo-biography. He believes that there are two separate biographies in parallel - one of his own, as Thomas Neuwirth, and the second - a fictional biography of Conchita Wurst. According to the singer, her homeland is the Colombian mountains, not far from Bogota. Conchita's childhood passed in Germany. Speaking in the image of Conchita Wurst, the singer demands that he be addressed precisely as Conchita.

Participation of Conchita Wurst in Eurovision

In 2012, Conchita took part in the selection for Eurovision, but ended up in an honorable second place. Austria was represented by a hip-hop duet, which at the competition itself was not only in the lead, but did not even make it to the final.

Video: Conchita Wurst returns to Austria with a "victory for tolerance"

In 2014, it became known that Thomas Neuwirth would represent Austria, or rather, he was in the image of Conchita Wurst, it was under this name that the participant was announced. There was no selection contest, it was the decision of ORF TV company. I must say that this news caused a mixed reaction in Austria. The collection of signatures against the participation of the singer / singer in this popular international music competition has begun. More than thirty-one thousand people signed up for this protest on Facebook.

In Belarus, they planned to cut out Conchita's performance during the broadcast, but the representative of the competition said that this was prohibited by the rules, the violation of which could lead to the fact that Belarus simply would not be allowed to participate in Eurovision.

As already known, Wurst won. According to the President of Austria, by this the singer proved that tolerance has won in Europe. The outrageous singer performed the composition "Rise Like a Phoenix".

After the performance, the singer said that her dream had come true at the competition. She managed to prove to people that society is able to perceive and evaluate the performer, not paying attention to his belonging to sexual minorities. This, according to the diva, is the way to change the world and the consciousness of people, and this is only the beginning of the journey.

After the victory of the Demise Wurst, a wave of indignation swept across the planet, many shaved off their beards, at least slightly reminiscent of Conchita's beard.

Recall that in 2014 Russia was represented at the competition by the Tolmacheva sisters, who got seventh place, and in 2013 - Dina Garipova.

Personal life of Conchita Wurst

Thomas Neuwirth's father supports him. It is known that he is the owner of a company that manufactures meat products. In honor of Conchita, he named one of the varieties of sausages.

Conchita\Thomas's partner is dancer Jacques Patriac. Back in 2011, young people announced that they had been married for four years.

Conchita Wurst (b. 1988) is one of the most extraordinary stars of the world stage. The female alter ego of Austrian pop and drag queen Thomas (Thomas) Neuwirth. In 2011, Thomas created the image of a “woman with a beard”, called it Conchita, and in 2014 he won the Eurovision international music contest. The transvestite not only shocked the audience, but also proved to the whole world that a person is not always enclosed in a shell and subject to public opinion.


Thomas was born in the small Austrian town of Gmunden on November 6, 1988. His father is Armenian by origin, his mother is Austrian. The boy's childhood years were spent in the small village of Bad Mitterndorf in the province of Styria in southeastern Austria.

Already in early childhood, Neuwirth began to show interest in women's clothing. T-shirts and shorts attracted him less than dresses with heels. And instead of chasing a ball with the boys on the street, Tom arranged photo shoots.

As a teenager, he realized that he was not attracted to girls, but to guys. In a small village of three thousand people, Thomas fully felt fear for his homosexual thoughts and feelings. He experienced discrimination and humiliation from other teenagers. It got to the point that Neuwirth, due to constant ridicule, was even afraid to go to the toilet. Later, the boy found a way out for himself and asked for leave from the teacher in the middle of the lesson, when he knew for sure that there would be no one in the restroom.

It was then that Thomas wanted to devote his life to the fight for the fact that every person is worthy of self-determination, and gay people should have the same rights as everyone else.


Thomas was eighteen years old when he decided to participate in one of the most successful and famous casting shows in Austria - "Starmania" (third season). Beginning pop musicians perform in this project. Neuwirth was second, and singer Nadine Beyler won. Such success inspired the guy, and he decided to make his way to the big stage.

The following year, 2007, Tom joined the boy band "Jetzt anders!" (this is a vocal pop group of several guys of attractive appearance, aimed mainly at teenage girls). The team did not last long - a few months.

Leaving music lessons for a while, Neuwirth entered the Fashion School in the Austrian city of Graz. After graduating from the establishment in 2011, Tom immediately decided to become a member of the next Big Chance casting show.

Creating the image of Conchita

The project "Big Chance" was held on the television channel "ORF". Here, for the first time, viewers saw the image of a “woman with a beard” invented by Thomas. He sang the composition of the Canadian singer Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" and ended up only sixth. This did not upset the singer at all, especially since Thomas understood something else: the image he invented shocked the audience, it should not be abandoned, but it must be applied further.

Conchita Wurst continued to participate in German and Austrian television programs. For example, on the RTL channel (Germany), the “bearded woman” in the company of other star participants went to the Namibian desert, where she took a real survival course in the Wild Girls show. And in the project “The Most Difficult Jobs in Austria”, Conchite had to master the profession of a fish processor.

Created "bearded woman" was not an accident. Tom remembered being bullied at a young age, he knew firsthand about discrimination. The purpose of the female image with a beard was to convey to all people: everyone should be perceived by what a person is like inside, and not by appearance. It does not matter where he was born and what orientation he has, the main thing is what is happening in the soul of this person. On the part of people there should be respect for the human right to live as one wants, if it does not cause harm to others.

Thomas not only came up with Conchita, but also created a separate biography for her. She was born among the mountains of Colombia, not far from the capital - Bogotá. Shortly after her birth, Wurst moved to Germany, where she spent her childhood and adolescence. Conchita's father's name was Alfred Knack von Wurst, and she was named after her grandmother. "Wurst" is translated from German as sausage, so many publications derisively called the singer "bearded sausage".

Tom Neuwirth immediately made a statement that he and his stage image are two completely different destinies and lives. They just work together and defend their own interests. When Thomas puts on the image of Conchita, asks to address him as “she”, “frau”, during this period in crowded places Wurst visits women's public toilets, and when Neuwirth is not in character, he goes to the men's restrooms.

Conchita grows a real beard, and to enhance the effect, tints it with eye shadow. The volume of the singer's chest was created due to the push-up bra, and her hair is an ordinary wig. Thomas sometimes takes up to four hours to create an image and apply makeup.

Hard road to fame

Participation in television projects brought fame to Conchite, she became quite a prominent figure in Austria.

In 2012, Wurst took part in the Austrian qualifying round to represent her country at the Eurovision Song Contest in the Armenian capital of Baku. The composition "That's What I Am" was presented, which received 49% of the audience's votes. She lost only 2% to the hip-hop duo Trackshittaz, who went to Armenia, but did not even make it to the final part of the competition.

In 2013, the Austrian public broadcaster Österreichischer Rundfunk decided not to conduct a preliminary national selection and send Conchita to Eurovision 2014. Many protests and disputes immediately arose, and on the largest social network Facebook even created a group called “No Conchite Wurst at Eurovision!” In a few days, the number of participants in the group was already in the tens of thousands, they began to fill it with humiliating and homophobic posts. Although the group was originally created not against Wurst herself, but against her participation in the competition without a national qualifying round.

Serious disputes began in the country - can a travesty artist participate in international events at all? Opponents of Conchita completely forgot about the music and her voice, pouring out all their negative emotions against the personality and image. The comedian and singer who represented Austria at Eurovision 2003, Alf Poyer, made a loud statement in which he said: “If someone cannot understand whether he is a man or a woman, then he should not go to the competition, but to a psychiatric hospital.”

But then the media intervened and began to remind the Austrians of other "ambiguous women" who had previously taken part in Eurovision:

  • 1998 - Israeli transsexual singer Dana International (1st place);
  • 2002 - Slovenian drag queen trio "Sestre" (14th place);
  • 2007 - Ukrainian Verka Serdyuchka (2nd place).

As a result, Conchita still took part in the international competition.

Sensational victory

In May 2014, Wurst traveled to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, to represent Austria with the song "Rise Like a Phoenix". The singer got into the second semi-final, where on May 8 she scored 169 points and took first place. A day later, on May 10, the final took place, in which Conchita won with a total of 290 points. For the second time in the history of the contest, Austria has won Eurovision. Prior to that, in 1966, the composer and singer in the style of pop and chanson Udo Jürgens won.

The maximum number of points (12) Conchite was given by several countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Finland, the Netherlands, Greece, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, Israel, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Portugal. Wurst turned out to be sentimental and met each highest score with tears in her eyes.

Despite the fact that in Russia they have a negative attitude towards "non-traditional sexual minorities", the audience still put Conchita in third place, and for some time her composition even headed the Russian charts and ratings.

After Eurovision

At the Austrian airport, Wurst was greeted by hundreds of fans. In the country, the reaction to her victory was mixed. Conchita was congratulated by many politicians and representatives of almost all political parties (except for the far-right Freedom Party). The winner of Eurovision 1966, Austrian Udo Jurgens, admitted that he was shocked at first, but when he watched one talk show with Conchita, he was extremely surprised at how pretty and intelligent she was.

There were also many negative reviews. An Austrian member of the European Parliament said he was ashamed of his country. On one of the Serbian channels, Eurovision was called a "freak show". Many television channels even stopped broadcasting the competition as soon as it became clear that Conchita Wurst could win. Conservative politicians talked about the degradation of Europe.

After a sensational victory at Eurovision, Wurst recorded the album "Conchita", which included the composition "Heroes" ("Heroes"), dedicated to all fans. So the singer expressed her gratitude to those who supported her. The album was released in 2015 and was certified platinum a week later. In the following 2016, the singer went on a tour of German, Austrian and Swiss cities.

Model career

Having won Eurovision, Wurst received many invitations from famous couturiers to try herself as a model for very decent fees.

In the summer of 2014, the famous photographer and fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld arranged a photo shoot of Conchita in the Givenchy collection for the CR Fashion Book. Couturier said that he likes Wurst, and not only because of her gorgeous voice. Conchita did something that no one had dared to do before. She managed to give the concept of "travesty" a completely different meaning, delighting many with her own story and path to success - from a teenager with a traumatized psyche to a sought-after celebrity. Moreover, Lagerfeld said that Wurst can confidently claim the title of fashion icon of the future.

In this photo shoot, along with the extravagant Conchita, Lagerfeld's muse, top model Ashley Goode, who was nine months pregnant at that moment, participated. Carl explained his choice of models for shooting by their originality and ability to turn the established notions in the world of fashion and beauty.

Conchita Wurst also made a splash at Paris Fashion Week, becoming a muse for another famous couturier, Jean-Paul Gaultier. The show ended with the appearance of the Austrian singer in a black wedding dress. Gauthier, an open homosexual, directly told reporters that he was a passionate admirer of Conchita and during the song contest sent 76 SMS for her to the Eurovision vote.

Personal life

Conchita Wurst is legally married to burlesque dancer Jacques Patriac. They live in Austria.

After the enchanting performance of Conchita at Eurovision, Patriak repeatedly said in an interview that he was infinitely proud of his soulmate and her victory at the prestigious song contest. Jacques also stated that Wurst gave him hope and helped him believe in himself.

After Conchita won Eurovision, some politicians started talking about allowing Austrian gay couples to adopt. The couple hope that in the near future one of the children may be lucky. Jacques and Conchita really want to have a child, which their financial well-being will allow to feed and raise without difficulty.

The book "I, Conchita: my story"

At the beginning of March 2015, Thomas Neuwirth presented his autobiographical book entitled “I, Conchita: my story” in Berlin at the Soho House Hotel. In it, Tom told what was his path from a homosexual boy to a world-famous travesty singer. He described in detail what kind of discrimination he had to face, how they whistled behind his back and threw insults after him. At the same time, the singer admitted that all the ridicule and bullying influenced him, but did not embitter him.

During the presentation of the book, Neuwirth told how exactly in his life there was a recognition in non-traditional orientation. According to him, it happened during the interview. It turned out that he confessed to journalists earlier than his own parents. For those who are going to do the same, Thomas gave advice that it is better to do the opposite - first inform the relatives, and only then the newspapers.

As for Tom's parents, they have already gone through the most difficult period and now fully support their child. In an interview with one publication, they called Conchita a daughter.

All conservative countries are shocked by the winner of the international song festival "Eurovision-2014", which was the transvestite Thomas Neuwirth, performing under the strange pseudonym Conchita Wurst. But he was not always a "bearded woman", when he was a child, and then a teenager, but from early childhood he began to show a mania for dressing up. In this article, you will find out what Tom Neuwirth looked like before his transformation into Conchita Wurst and some more interesting facts.

Everyone has already seen Thomas Neuwirth after turning into a bearded diva Conchita Wurst, but let's see how he looked before:

An audience of 170 million watched this amazing performer triumph with a winning 290 points

This is little Thomas Neuwirth before turning into Conchita Wurst, from early childhood he liked to dress up in women's clothes

Who would have thought that the craving for dressing up in women's clothes of a little boy from Austria would help him win the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest 2014

The house was the only safe place for the boy where he could dress up in women's clothes.

Prior to becoming Conchita Wurst, Thomas sang in a boy band called "Jetzt Anders", in English "Now Different"

Young clean-shaven Thomas Neuwirth on the set of the video

He gained his first popularity thanks to his participation in the Austrian TV show "Starmania" (Starmania)

Thomas, 2006

In the bar

Thomas Neuwirth posing with his childhood photo

Soon this cutesy young man will turn into Conchita Wurst

And here she is, the winner of Eurovision 2014

Thomas first appeared before the public in the image of Conchita Wurst in 2011, winning the competition, as a result of which he began to represent Austria at Eurovision 2014.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky was extremely outraged by the victory of Conchita Wurst at Eurovision 2014, as well as most of the inhabitants of Russia. He said, "Her victory means the end of Europe. They don't have men and women, they have this."

Conchita Wurst during her blue dress appearance at the Miss Candy event in 2012

When asked if he had anything to say to Vladimir Putin about the law banning homosexual propaganda, he said, "I don't know if he's watching this now, but I want him to know that we can't be stopped!"

At a fashion presentation in Vienna 2013

25-year-old Thomas Neuwirth as Conchita Wurst on a park bench in Vienna, 2012

Winning Eurovision 2014, Conchita Wurst earned 25 million pounds (~ 1.484 billion rubles)

Vienna, April 2012

Conchita Wurst in January 2014

2011 in a Viennese nightclub

year 2012

Glamorous bearded diva Conchita Wurst on a pink carpet during a charity event in Vienna

Conchita Wurst for Valentine's Day 2012

In the image of Conchita Wurst, Thomas Neuwirth won second place on the show "The Big Chance" in 2011

At a fashion presentation in 2013

At the Miss Candy event in Outside in 2012

Mom Conchita Wurst 52-year-old Helga Neuwirth

"When Tom was a teenager, it was a difficult time, especially when he said he was gay. It was hard for me to live in a small town where people don't think it's normal," said Helga Neuwirth.

When getting a tattoo, Conchita said he wants to experience pain like his mother during childbirth

Conchita Wurst with her parents Helga and Siegfried Neuwirth in southern Austria

After the victory and recognition, the inhabitants of Conchita Wurst's hometown welcome him with open arms.

The song that brought Conchita Wurst victory at Eurovision 2014:

Conchita Wurst is perhaps the most scandalous character in modern show business. The victory at the Eurovision Song Contest brought the bearded woman deafening popularity. The reaction of the world community was mixed. But a few years ago it was impossible even in a nightmare to imagine that huge halls would applaud a woman with a beard.

Origins of Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst is the stage persona of an Austrian singer named Thomas Neuwirth. In the small village of Strii, this then-boy Thomas Neuwirth lived from birth. Even at a very young age, he repeatedly tried on his mother's dresses and high-heeled shoes. Then he realized that he was sexually attracted exclusively to men.

In the village, the guy had a hard time, because he did not think to hide his views. Tom Neuwirth has been open about being gay since high school. “In 2011, I once saw my reflection in the mirror, and I really liked myself. I had stubble, my eyes were made up, I realized that I had never looked so good, ”said Thomas, so the idea of ​​​​creating the image of a Cuban bristly beauty, which he called Conchita Wurst, was born.

Star career of Thomas Neuwirth as Conchita Wurst

The frail gay boy was of no interest to anyone. And then Thomas Neuwirth headed for shocking. Having painted on his thin beard, he put on a woman's dress and, clattering his heels, went to conquer the big stage as a drag artist. Neither the hero of "Hello, I'm your aunt" by Alexander Kalyagin, dressed as a woman, nor Jack Lemmon with Tony Curtis from "Only Girls in Jazz", caused such a sensation as Thomas Neuwirth with his image of Conchita Wurst. The first song contests did not bring first places, but the image became recognizable. In social networks such as VKontakte and Facebook, heated battles erupted over whether Thomas Neuwirth performed sex change operations. At first, the artist was mysteriously silent, but the international Eurovision Song Contest lifted the veil of secrecy over the double life of Conchita Wurst.

Conchita Wurst

No artist in the history of the contest has been so discussed as a woman with a beard, whose name was Conchita Wurst. Some countries even wanted to cut the time when Conchita Wurst performed from the air. But the organizers considered this a manifestation of homophobia towards representatives of sexual minorities, and threatened those who wished to be excluded from the competition. Song lovers from all over the world had to contemplate a monster with slender legs and facial hair. And "oh miracle!" Tom Neuwirth won the 2014 competition.

A huge scandal erupted. Ardent defenders of moral values ​​let all the dogs down on the singer. He, rubbing his beard and flapping thickly painted eyelashes, proclaimed himself the defender of natural manifestations in man. And he said that the sex change operation is the last thing. Before and after the Eurovision festival, he will remain a bearded gay in women's attire. And Conchita Wurst dresses very provocatively, judge for yourself by the following examples:

  • Without underwear. Specially on stage, Conchita Wurst comes out in tight-fitting outfits, under which there is no underwear. She seems to be answering a question about the operation. In the light of spotlights on the video, the outlines of modest manhood are frankly visible.

  • Neckline. The deep neckline on the dress ends at the level of the navel. What he shows is hard to say. Indeed, in the video and photo, the virginally naked male chest is clearly visible. Conchita Wurst reports that with all the craving for change, she will remain so, because she is the way God created her, and after the operation, naturalness will be lost.

  • Makeup. Conchita Wurst tints her beard for expressiveness. The star jokes that after shaving, she looks 12 years old. It is painted within an hour, and the wig is always ready in perfect condition. She doesn’t want to change her hair color, since blonde hair does not go well with dark stubble.

Life after Eurovision

Continuing to bathe in the rays of glory and receive multiple insults in his address, a man, or rather, a woman with a masculine nature, Conchita Wurst, is trying to turn over all biblical values. According to the artist's interview, we can conclude that he is not at all opposed to children studying sexual minorities at school, and pictures of lesbian and homosexual families printed in books. After the competition, Thomas/Conchita is eagerly awaited in many countries of the world at various concerts, TV shows, TV programs. The only exceptions were some countries of the former USSR:

  • Russia. The strange image here seems frightening and repulsive. “This stage image is an insult to the majority of the population of Russia, and indeed of any other country,” said politician Vladimir Medinsky, organizing a collection of signatures among the population so as not to let the monster into the country.
  • Belarus. The Belarusians refused to air the artist's numbers and created a "Belarusian answer" to Conchite Wurst in the form of a zombie group "Sweet Brains".
  • Ukraine. Aspiring to Europe in the easiest ways, the country invited Miss Wurst to various shows. “Quarter 95” is a comedy show that met a world star.

Personal life of a bearded woman

The personal life of the star is strange and ambiguous. It is difficult to understand which events from it relate to Thomas himself, and which are associated with the image of Conchita Wurst.

  • Parents love Thomas/Conchita. They often accompany the star on the red carpet. The father is engaged in the production of meat products. He even vociferously named a variety of sausages after Conchita Wurst. This is indeed a sign of stardom.

  • Her husband. Since two individuals of different sexes live in one person at once, if you ask if Thomas has a husband, he will answer no. But the spectacular Conchita is married. Her husband is the handsome burlesque dancer Jacques Patriac. The couple loves to pose in front of camera lenses. In the photo they are happy and smiling.

  • Children. With children, the situation with the singer is not very clear. “I want to record a new song album, but I don’t know about children yet, I’m only 26 years old and I’m still waiting for my chance,” the artist says mysteriously. Since in Europe it is allowed to adopt children into homosexual families, the dreams of a bearded mommy can come true.

Tom Neuwirth, the newly minted defender of all “other” and “natural”, has become a guiding star for many transsexuals. Thousands of halls furiously applaud the woman with a beard Conchite Wurst. “This is the end of Europe,” said one of Russia's well-known statesmen, although even the presidents dance wildly with Verka Serdyuchka, the same drag artist.

Video: Conchita Wurst - victory at Eurovision 2014

Thomas Neuwirth is the most famous transvestite in the world. In 2014, this man managed to win a resounding victory at Eurovision under the name of Conchita Wurst. The image of a bearded woman, which the outrageous guy tried on, captivated millions of viewers. What else can you tell about this extravagant personality?

Thomas Neuwirth: the beginning of the journey

The future famous singer was born in Austria, it happened in November 1988. Even as a teenager, Thomas Neuwirth realized that he liked dressing up as a woman. The guy associated himself more with the opposite sex than with his own. Of course, the Puritan society condemned his unconventional tastes, the young man constantly became the object of bullying and ridicule, but this did not break him.

The experience experienced in childhood helped Thomas realize what exactly he wants to devote his life to. He decided that he would fight for the people's right to self-determination, choice of orientation.

First successes

Back in 2006, Thomas Neuwirth first attracted public attention. Without makeup, he performed in the third season of the Starmania show. The casting show provided young performers with the opportunity to showcase their talent. The talented young man then managed to take second place, only Nadine Beyler was ahead of him.

The first serious victory made the young man believe in himself. He seriously thought about conquering the big stage. Around this time, Neuwirth openly admitted to being gay. Then he became the founder of the controversial musical group Jetzt anders!, but this group did not last long. The defeat did not make the future star give up the dream of fame and fans.

The birth of an image

Already after the young man graduated from the Graz Fashion School, Conchita Wurst was born. Thomas Neuwirth made every effort to breathe life into a vivid image. His heroine acquired her own biography, according to which she was born in the mountains of Colombia, spent her childhood in Germany. From German, the word "wurst" is translated as "sausage". It is not surprising that the press awarded the singer with the nickname "bearded sausage", which only causes a smile from Thomas himself.

Neuwirth likes to emphasize that he and Conchita are completely different people. Only such factors as age and height coincide, everything else is different.

Path to glory

In 2011, Thomas Neuwirth made his stage debut as the flamboyant and extravagant Conchita. He took part in the television project Die grosse Chance, which allowed the aspiring singer to acquire his first fans.

Further, Conchita Wurst performed in the show "The Hardest Job in Austria", the participants of which were forced to work in a fish factory. This was followed by his enchanting appearance in the television project "Wild Girls", in which Thomas had to fight for life in the deserts of Namibia.


Conchita Wurst quickly conquered the world. As a result, Thomas Neuwirth realized that he was ripe for participation in Eurovision. With his speech, he hoped to convince the whole world that people have the right to self-determination.

The singer's first attempt to break into the competition was a failure. In 2012, another performer was preferred to him. However, Thomas's efforts were nevertheless crowned with success, it was he who had the honor to represent his country at Eurovision 2014. This decision angered many viewers, about 30 thousand people opposed it. However, he did not prevent the bright Conchita from going to the competition. For his performance, Thomas chose the melodic composition Rise Like a Phoenix.

The fight turned out to be hot, until the last it was not known whether the “bearded woman” would be able to bypass the duo from the Netherlands. As a result, the victory nevertheless went to Madame Wurst. Shortly after the resounding success, Thomas released his debut album Conchita, dedicating the song "Heroes" to his dedicated fans.

life behind the scenes

As already mentioned, sexual orientation is not a topic that Thomas Neuwirth tries to avoid in conversation. The singer's personal life is not a secret to the public. An extravagant guy openly meets with representatives of his gender, which he actively encourages other homosexuals to do.

In 2011, it became known about the singer's romantic relationship with a burlesque dancer. Moreover, Thomas admitted that for the past four years he and Jacques Patriac have been legally married. Evidence of his honesty was the confirmation received from other famous people. Neuwirth and his common-law spouse do not hide anything from the public. They are happy to publish joint photos, never refuse an interview.

There is little information about the further creative plans of Conchita Wurst. Of course, Thomas plans to release new albums. Also, the extravagant singer will continue the fight for the rights of sexual minorities, which he has been successfully leading for many years now. He is confident that he will be able to make the world more tolerant.

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