Modern multiple launch rocket systems. Multiple launch rocket systems. Attention! The tornado is coming


Multiple launch rocket systems

The priority of Russia in the creation of multiple launch rocket systems (PC30/MLRS) is beyond doubt among specialists. In addition to the Katyusha salvo that stunned the Nazi army near Orsha, there is also an official document confirming this priority. This is a patent issued in 1938 to three designers - Gvay, Kostikov and Kleimenov for a multi-barreled installation for firing rocket charges.

They were the first to achieve a high level of combat effectiveness of unguided rocket weapons for that time, and they did this through its salvo use. In the 1940s, single rockets could not compete with cannon artillery shells in terms of accuracy and accuracy of fire. The firing of a multi-barrel combat installation (there were 16 guides on the BM-13), which produced a volley in 7-10 seconds, gave quite satisfactory results.

During the war years, the USSR developed a number of rocket-propelled mortars (the so-called MLRS). Among them, in addition to the already mentioned Katyusha (BM-13), were BM-8-36, BM-8-24, BM-13-N, BM-31-12, BM-13SN. Guards mortar units, armed with them, made a huge contribution to achieving victory over Germany.

In the post-war period, work on jet systems continued. In the 50s, two systems were created: BM-14 (caliber 140 mm, range 9.8 km) and BM-24 (caliber 140 mm and range 16.8 km). Their turbojet shells rotated to increase accuracy in flight. It should be noted that at the end of the 50s, most foreign experts were very skeptical about the future prospects of the MLRS. In their opinion, the level of combat effectiveness of the weapon reached by that time was the limit and could not provide it with a leading place in the system of rocket and artillery weapons of the ground forces.

However, in our country, work continued on the creation of the MLRS. As a result, in 1963, the Grad MLRS was adopted by the Soviet Army. A number of revolutionary technical solutions, first applied on the Grad, have become classic and are repeated in one way or another in all systems existing in the world. This primarily applies to the design of the rocket itself. Its body is made not by turning from a steel blank, but by technology borrowed from sleeve production - by rolling or drawing from a steel sheet. Secondly, the projectiles have a folding tail, and the stabilizers are installed in such a way that they provide rotation of the projectile in flight. Primary twisting occurs even when moving in the launch tube due to the movement of the guide pin along the groove.

The Grad system was widely introduced into the ground forces. In addition to the 40-barrel installation on the chassis of the Ural-375 car, a number of modifications were developed for various combat use options: Grad-V: for airborne troops, Grad-M - for landing ships of the Navy, Grad -P" - for use by units conducting a guerrilla war. In 1974, to ensure higher cross-country ability in joint operations with armored units, the Grad-1 system appeared - a 36-barreled 122-mm installation on a tracked chassis.

The high combat effectiveness demonstrated by the Grad MLRS in a number of local wars and conflicts attracted the attention of military experts from many countries. Currently, in their opinion, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) are an effective means of increasing the firepower of ground forces. Some countries mastered the production by purchasing licenses, others purchased the system from the Soviet Union. Someone just copied it and began not only to manufacture, but also to sell. So, at the IDEX-93 exhibition, similar systems were practically demonstrated by a number of countries, including South Africa, China, Pakistan, Iran, and Egypt. The similarity of these "developments" with the "Grad" was very noticeable.

In the 60s, a number of changes took place in military theory and practice, which led to a revision of the requirements for the combat effectiveness of weapons. In connection with the increased mobility of troops, the tactical depth at which combat missions are carried out and the areas on which targets are concentrated have increased significantly. Grad could no longer provide the possibility of delivering preemptive strikes against the enemy throughout the depth of his tactical formations.

This was only possible with a new weapon that was born on Tula soil - the 220-mm army multiple launch rocket system "Hurricane", put into service in the early 70s. Its tactical and technical data are still impressive today: at ranges from 10 to 35 km, a volley of one launcher (16 barrels) covers an area of ​​over 42 hectares. When creating this system, experts solved a number of scientific problems. So, they were the first in the world to design an original cluster warhead, worked out the combat elements for it. Many novelties were introduced into the design of combat and transport-loading vehicles, where the ZIL-135LM chassis is used as a base.

Unlike Grad, Uragan is a more versatile system. This is determined not only by the greater range of fire, but also by the expanded range of ammunition used. In addition to the usual high-explosive fragmentation warheads, cluster warheads for various purposes have been developed for it. Among them: incendiary, high-explosive fragmentation with ground detonation, as well as submunitions for remote mining of the area.

The latest development adopted by the Russian army, the Prima system is a logical development of the Grad system. The new MLRS, compared to the previous one, has a 7-8 times larger area of ​​destruction and 4-5 times less time spent in a combat position with the same firing range. The increase in combat potential was achieved through the following innovations: an increase in the number of launch tubes on the combat vehicle to 50, and much more effective Prima shells.

This system can fire all types of Grad projectiles, as well as several types of completely new increased-efficiency ammunition. So, the high-explosive fragmentation projectile "Prima" has a detachable warhead, on which a fuse is installed not of a contact, but of a remote-contact action. In the final section of the trajectory, the MS meets the ground almost vertically. In this design, the high-explosive fragmentation projectile of the MLRS "Prima" provides a circular spread of striking elements, increases the area of ​​​​continuous destruction.

Work to improve the combat capabilities of multiple launch rocket systems in Russia continues. In the opinion of domestic military experts, this class of artillery weapons is the best fit for the new military doctrine of Russia, and indeed of any other state seeking to create a mobile and efficient Armed Forces with a small number of professional military personnel. There are few samples of military equipment, the few calculations of which would control such a formidable striking power. When solving combat missions in the nearest operational depth, the MLRS has no competitors.

Each type of rocket and artillery armament of the Ground Forces has its own tasks. The defeat of individual remote objects of special importance (warehouses, command posts, missile launchers and a number of others) is the business of guided missiles. The fight, for example, against tank groups, troops dispersed over large areas, the defeat of front-line runways, remote mining of the area is the task of the MLRS.

The Russian press notes that new modifications and samples of this weapon will have a number of new properties that make it even more effective. According to experts, further improvement of reactive systems is as follows: firstly, the creation of homing and self-aiming submunitions; secondly, the interface of the MLRS with modern reconnaissance, target designation and combat control systems. In this combination, they will become reconnaissance and strike systems capable of hitting even small targets within their reach. Thirdly, due to the use of more energy-intensive fuel and some new design solutions, in the near future, the firing range will be increased to 100 km, without a significant decrease in accuracy and increase in dispersion. Fourthly, the reserves for reducing the number of personnel of the MLRS units have not been fully exhausted. Automation of loading operations of the launcher, carrying out the necessary preparatory operations at the combat position will not only reduce the number of members of the combat crew, but also reduce the time for the system to be rolled up and deployed, which will have the best effect on its survivability. And finally, the expansion of the range of ammunition used will significantly expand the range of tasks solved by the MLRS.

Currently, about 3,000 Grad installations are in service with foreign states. GNPP Splav, together with allied enterprises, offers interested foreign customers several options for upgrading this system

1998 was a significant year for the lead developer of Russian multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) - the State Research and Production Enterprise Splav and OAO Motovilikhinskiye Zavody. 80 years have passed since the birth of the outstanding designer of the MLRS Alexander Nikitovich Ganichev and 35 years since the adoption of his offspring - the Grad system. These anniversary events were widely celebrated in Tula and St. Petersburg. Anniversary gift was the appearance of improved Grad and Tornado systems. When they were created, a new organizational technology for the interaction of enterprises was also implemented: SNPP Splav with related enterprises develops weapons and translates ideas into concrete samples, and the State Company Rosvooruzhenie ensures the promotion of these weapons on the foreign market.

VINITI 08-2004 p.28-36

Development of Russian multiple launch rocket artillery systems (MLRS)

A. F. Gorshkov

Analysts note that historically, since the time of the legendary David with a sling in his hand, weapons have undergone a long evolution in the development of properties in terms of range and effectiveness of destruction from a slingshot and shield to modern long-range destruction systems. War, as this evolution progressed, gradually turned into an increasingly complex combination of maneuver and fire on the battlefield.

In World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union developed generally pragmatic and workable, but distinct, concepts of war, maneuver, and massive firepower. The German theory of "blitzkrieg" provided for operations of deep invasion into enemy territory, mainly on the basis of operational-strategic surprise. However, if the enemy's defense was pre-consolidated and well prepared, the blitzkrieg strategy was useless and was defeated. Clear examples of this are the defeat of the German armed forces under the blows of the Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941, near Stalingrad in December 1942 - February 1943. and near Kursk in the summer of 1943.

The Soviet strategic concept of "deep offensive operations" provided for two phases of offensive operations: a breakthrough of the enemy's defense front and the subsequent conduct of deep maneuver operations with concentrated efforts to defeat the opposing groupings of enemy troops. From the Soviet point of view, the first phase of a deep operation - an operational breakthrough - was considered the most important and critical to the success of the entire operation.

The German command, in contrast to the Soviet approach, according to analysts, in planning their operations, as a rule, did not attach much importance to the "breakthrough" phase, based on the prejudice that this breakthrough would be achieved by the very fact of the appearance and aggressive massive offensive of German troops on one or another selected sector of the front.

Analyzing the modern strategy of "deep operations" that has been preserved in the Russian army since the Second World War, analysts were surprised to find that almost nothing has changed in the views and approaches of the Russian command since then, and therefore, in their opinion, it makes a lot of sense to analyze this Russian strategy anew against the backdrop of current and future trends in the organization and conduct of combat operations in new generation wars.

According to Soviet views, tanks are the tool for conducting deep operations, and howitzer and field artillery, in other words, powerful fire impact on the enemy on the narrow front of the breakthrough, is the tool for the operational breakthrough of troops.

According to modern American views, the instrument for an operational breakthrough and success in any military operation is mainly aviation - a powerful fire impact by strike forces of tactical and ground attack aircraft. An example is the use by the commander of the American and coalition forces, General N. Schwarzcompf, of the method of a massive air offensive, which ensured a decisive breakthrough of troops in Operation Desert Storm in the war against Iraq in 1991. The operational breakthrough phase in this operation continued six weeks. For comparison, the blitzkrieg phase of the German troops lasted only three days.

According to the Soviet strategy of the period of the Second World War, the successful solution of the task of an operational breakthrough consisted in a massive artillery impact in cooperation with tactical bomber and ground attack aircraft.

There are two main ways to concentrate firepower:

Massaging artillery fire by concentrating barrels in the breakthrough area;

Coordinating fire maneuver with barrels of artillery batteries/groups from different firing positions and concentrating fire on a given section of the battlefield.

However, during the last war, the troops of the Red Army were poorly equipped with radio equipment and radio communications, especially at the level of grassroots units and subunits. Therefore, the control and coordination of the concentrated fire of groups of cannon artillery, mortars and rocket-artillery multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) for a breakthrough had to be carried out not by radio, but according to pre-agreed clear and strict time schedules for firing.

American troops led the way in organizing artillery fire, with more advanced radio controls and the ability to quickly organize massed artillery fire in support of infantry from afar, from covered positions, widely dispersed over numerous firing positions on the battlefield.

A great advantage for conducting effective artillery fire has been and remains the deployment of artillery observer posts at the forward positions of the troops. These observers have the ability to call artillery fire on the enemy from any battery from afar. Emphasizing this position, the American retired Colonel R. Killerbrew, who at one time served as deputy director of the US Army after Next Program, wrote: “It happened that a simple observer lieutenant, having a control system, suddenly acquired the ability to organize without delay a massive artillery fire on the enemy on a whole front." It was the artillery fire of the American troops, according to the colonel, that the German troops were more afraid than the fire of other armies: "As soon as we discovered the Germans, we could immediately inflict concentrated destructive artillery fire on them, and under favorable conditions and depending on the level of interaction with tactical aviation on the battlefield were able to integrate air power and artillery strike."

Achievements of the Soviet Armed Forces in the development of rocket artillery. To achieve a successful operational breakthrough of troops in the course of a deep military operation, as the experience of the American troops shows, operational coordination of the fire of numerous batteries widely dispersed on the battlefield is required in such a way that, when fired, battery shells from different positions fall in one place in the enemy’s position more or less simultaneously. This is necessary in order to inflict maximum fire damage on the enemy, bring him into a state of shock and ensure a successful breakthrough of troops at the appointed place and at the right time.

The Soviet troops, lacking such capabilities, found a solution to this most important task in the creation of MLRS (Multiple Launched Rocket Systems) multi-barreled rocket-artillery multiple launch rocket systems and the massing of their fire in narrow sections of the front in a short time. The famous Soviet rocket launchers "Katyusha" and the so-called "Stalin's organs" - multiple launch rocket systems with a caliber from 82 to 300 mm - in the USSR were mastered by industry, delivered to the troops in huge quantities and made it possible to bring down on the enemy at selected breakthrough points thousands of shells from monstrous rate of fire. It should be noted that the Germans also created and delivered to the troops a number of multiple launch rocket systems of the Nebelwefer family, but in much smaller quantities. The US Army also experimented with similar 4-5-inch caliber rocket systems, but preferred the use of cannon artillery.

It must be borne in mind that conventional artillery receiver systems and MLRS batteries (MLRS), firing unguided projectiles, covering the sector of the upcoming breakthrough of troops with volleys, left many craters on enemy positions, but only a small number of hundreds and thousands of shells hit targets. But with the massive use of artillery fire, the enemy’s defense in a narrow section of the breakthrough was seriously suppressed, and this, as a rule, was enough to achieve the goal of a breakthrough, as the experience of the Second World War showed. However, after this war, military experts came to the conclusion that it was necessary to find an alternative to the wasteful massing of artillery fire, to find a way and weapons for accurate targeted destruction of targets.

In the era of the "cold" war, the problem was solved by the use of tactical nuclear weapons. But in the 1970s, politicians and the military returned to the concept of conducting conventional (non-nuclear) wars, and in order to solve the problem of effective fire damage and achieve a breakthrough of troops, the concept of "precision" (point) destruction by guided weapons - shells and missiles was developed.

This concept was first approved by the Armed Forces of the USSR, where extremely effective multi-barreled multiple launch rocket systems of the 9K58 "Smerch" type with guided missiles were created and put into service, and new laser-guided guided artillery munitions for howitzer barrels were put into service. and cannon field artillery. Thanks to the large-scale military-technological progress in the Soviet Union in the 70s, a number of more advanced MLRS rocket-artillery systems (MLRS) were consistently created and deployed in the troops for arming the Soviet army, starting with the well-known BM-21 Grad system, which, however, it still used unguided rockets, almost identical to the unguided rockets of the Great Patriotic War period. The BM-21 MLRS system was intended for massive fire on area targets. This system became the standard weapon of the Soviet army and the armies of the USSR's allies in the Warsaw Pact (OVD) and in many developing countries. Shortly after the BM-21 "Grad" at the end of the 70s, the Soviet Union created a more advanced multi-barreled MLRS system 9K57 "Uragan", which had twice the firing range as the "Grad" system, but it was also based on the use of unguided rocket projectiles. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union created a fundamentally new 9K58 Smerch MLRS system, whose rockets already used simplified inertial navigation and stabilization systems (INS), which significantly increased the accuracy of hitting targets with missiles.

MLRS 9K58 was developed in the state research and production association "Splav" in the city of Tula (which also created the previous MLRS systems - "Grad", "Uragan", "Prima"). In 1987, the MLRS 9K58 "Smerch" was adopted by specialized front-level brigades of the Soviet Army.

The 9K58 "Smerch" rocket systems brigade at the front level organizationally consists of three battalions (divisions) of the 9K58 MLRS; each battalion (division) consists of three batteries of mobile launchers (PU); the MLRS battery includes two mobile 12-barrel combat vehicles with 300-mm caliber launchers and one transport-loading vehicle. As a result, a battalion (division) of three MLRS 9K58 batteries has six combat vehicles with launchers (72 barrels), three transport-loading vehicles; in the brigade - 27 installations, including 18 combat launchers (216 barrels) and 9 reloading vehicles.

In 1989, the modernized MLRS 9K58-2 "Smerch" appeared in service with the Soviet Army, which gradually replaced older systems.

The re-equipment of the front-line missile and artillery brigades of the Soviet Army with the modernized Smerch MLRS gave conventional fire weapons fundamentally new combat capabilities - increased accuracy and range of massive fire impact and "precision" hitting targets ranging from 20 to 70 km. Rocket and artillery brigades of the Smerch MLRS are intended to reinforce armies and even divisions operating in the main attack or operational breakthrough axes. The main targets for the destruction of this type of MLRS are parts of armored and mechanized troops, command posts, airfields of tactical aviation and combat helicopters, positions of air defense forces and means and other objects of high significance and value.

Currently, the Smerch MLRS systems are in service with the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian armies. A number of such systems were exported to foreign countries - to Kuwait (27 systems), the United Arab Emirates (6 systems).

In 2002, the Indian army conducted a series of firing tests of the modernized Smerch-M MLRS with an automatic missile preparation system for firing, an improved launcher and an increased firing range of up to 90 km.

The finalized and established system of MLRS 9K58-2 "Smerch" includes:

Fighting vehicle type 9A52-2 (12 barrels of 300 mm caliber), capable of firing any type of missiles;

Transport-loading vehicle 9T234-2;

Mobile command, control and communication point with the information and control system "Vivari" (C), equipped with computers of the E-715-1.1 type. The "Vivari" system was developed by NPO "Kontur" in Tomsk; it consists of one or two computers for calculating target coordinates data, aiming and missile ballistics for each launcher. The mobile command post is equipped with radio communications, including satellite, with subordinate units and higher headquarters.

The 12-barrel launcher is mounted on an 8x8 wheeled chassis equipped with a powerful diesel engine, which provides the combat vehicle with increased cross-country ability in off-road and rough terrain conditions.

The Smerch combat vehicle is capable of launching all 12 missiles in 38 seconds and simultaneously covering an area of ​​672,000 square meters with salvo shells.

High accuracy of destruction (maximum error - 220 m at maximum range; declared circular probable order deviation

120-150 m) is provided by the INS/gyro stabilization system for missiles and guidance in the active phase of the missile flight, and in the final segment - by the system of rapid rotation of the missiles about the longitudinal axis. Missiles can be launched directly from the cockpit of the KP vehicle or remotely. For the 9K58-2 Smerch MLRS, several types of guided missiles have been created that can be launched from its launcher:

UR 9M55K, equipped with a cassette (cluster) warhead with 72 submunitions (1.81 kg each), which is designed to destroy manpower and unprotected objects;

UR 9M55F, equipped with a detachable fragmentation warhead (95 kg of explosive) to destroy light armored vehicles, fortifications and manpower;

The 9M55K1 UR is equipped with a containerized warhead with five Motiv-ZM armor-piercing elements, each of which is equipped with a two-channel IR search / homing system for attacking a weakly protected part of armored vehicles from above.

The Motiv-ZM submunition is a variant of self-aiming munition with an SPBE-D sensor fuse, which is used to equip cluster aerial bombs. Each such combat element has a mass of 15 kg, overall dimensions 284x255x186 mm; submunitions are ejected from the containerized warhead and descend onto the object from above with the help of a parachute.

A two-channel IR system with a 30-degree field of view searches for targets by thermal radiation, primarily tanks; detecting a target, the sensor directs the charge to its least protected upper part and detonates the charge on the target. A sensor fuse detonates a warhead above the target at an altitude of about 150 m.

The warhead is equipped with a copper armor-piercing plate-rod 173 mm long and weighing 1 kg, which, when the warhead explodes, is given a flight speed of 2000 m / s and the ability to penetrate 70-mm armor protection when hit at an angle of 30 °.

The MLRS 9K58-2 also uses very effective guided missiles of the following types:

UR 9M55C (S) 300-mm caliber, equipped with thermobaric warheads designed to destroy unprotected manpower or troops in poorly protected shelters, as well as armored vehicles with lightweight armor protection. Thermobaric HCG has a total mass of 243 kg with an explosive of 100 kg; the diameter of the volume of the thermobaric field during the explosion is 25 m, the temperature is over 1000 ° C;

UR 9M55K4 300-mm caliber is equipped with a containerized HCG for remote setting of anti-tank minefields and barriers. Each containerized HCV missile is equipped with 25 anti-tank mines, each weighing 4.85 kg (the mass of explosive mines is 1.85 kg); minefield self-destruction time - 16-24 hours.

The Tula NPO Splav also developed a new 9M528 guided projectile for use in the improved Smerch-M MLRS. This rocket uses a composite high-energy fuel, which allows you to increase the maximum range of missiles up to 90 km.

For the 9M528 projectile, in addition, two new navigation and guidance systems have been developed:

a) a full-scale inertial system (INS), operating throughout the missile's flight from launch to hitting the target, which reduced the maximum error (deviation from the aiming point) at a maximum range of 90 km from the previous 220 m to about 90 m;

b) a system for correcting the flight trajectory by radio during the period of observation of a flying missile by a radar.

Both of these guidance systems were tested, but according to observers, neither of them was adopted.

The authors in their review note that in recent years there have been reports of the development of miniature unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicles (mini-UAV) of the P-90 type, which are equipped with stabilized television cameras and GPS / GLONASS navigation systems for reconnaissance, to launch from the Smerch MLRS. battlefields and transmission of intelligence information in the form of a TV picture at the command post of the commander of the Smerch MLRS formation in real time. The R-90 miniature reconnaissance vehicle, like 9M55K guided missiles, has a flight range of 70 km; the reconnaissance device is capable of transmitting information for up to 30 minutes, and then self-destructs.

Guided artillery shells of high-precision destruction. Based on the same operational-tactical requirements and technological concepts that were used to create guided missiles / shells and ammunition for the Smerch MLRS in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, guided artillery shells of the Krasnopol / Krasnopol-M family and "Kitolov-2" for high-precision destruction of point and small targets/objects at increased firing ranges. Precisely controlled high-precision weapons like the Krasnopol/Kitolov, according to experts, are necessary at the critical stages of the operational breakthrough of troops in an offensive against the enemy's strong defenses. High-precision means of destruction with an increased firing range make it possible to effectively destroy the most important and significant targets / objects of the defending enemy, which can prevent the breakthrough and offensive actions of the attacking troops. Such targets include fortified pillboxes-bunkers, fortified firing positions of artillery and other combat systems, tanks dug into the ground. In addition, such means of destruction can also provide a solution to the combat tasks of isolating the zone of a breakthrough operation from the deployment of reserves and means of strengthening the defending enemy. In operations to isolate a breakthrough combat zone, the efforts of high-precision weapons of destruction, as a rule, should be aimed at achieving a delay in the movement of tank columns (effectiveness is achieved by pinpoint defeat of the front and end tanks in the column or the destruction of bridges along the route of enemy armored columns).

Since high-precision weapons should be used in the zone of a combat operation to break through the enemy’s defenses and to its entire depth, the range of destruction with such weapons should at least be equal to the depth of the troops’ zone of action for a breakthrough, i.e., be about 10-20 km. In this zone, targets can be identified and assigned to artillery or MLRS units by reconnaissance and special forces operating behind enemy lines or in the forward echelon of breakthrough troops. In conditions of the need for direct fire support of attacking troops at distances from several hundred meters to 5 km, targets for hitting high-precision projectiles can be assigned by artillery reconnaissance of the forward echelons of the advancing troops. Foreign military analysts believe that since in the Soviet, and now in the Russian army, fire support for advancing troops is carried out, as a rule, according to pre-developed plans for artillery and air fire support, which are developed and approved by the command at the front level, the Krasnopol ammunition should be used mainly at the direct request of the troops on the battlefield in order to immediately remove obstacles in the path of the attacking troops.

In accordance with the operational requirements and needs of providing the divisional level of troops with effective controlled means of fire impact on the enemy when breaking through his defense, division commanders should have such means of destruction, therefore, howitzers of 152 mm caliber were chosen as a combat system, which in the Soviet troops formed the basis of divisional artillery (art systems of the divisional level). In terms of its dimensions, the 152-mm howitzer projectile allows you to place a laser control / targeting system in its body.

The Krasnopol laser-guided projectile has been developed since the late 70s at the design bureau of the Tula Instrumental Plant (KBP) - now the KBP of the state unitary NPO.

The developers of the projectile faced a lot of technical problems, which delayed the development of the project for 10 years. The greatest difficulty was the creation of a projectile control / guidance system that would withstand extremely high shock loads when the projectile was fired. The designers chose the laser guidance principle, in which the system required the minimum required number of elements moving in it. The control/guidance system for the Krasnopol howitzer projectile was eventually created and adopted by the Soviet army around 1987.

However, foreign experts find it difficult to determine the scale of serial production and supply of guided missiles with a laser guidance system to the troops of the Soviet army, since already at the end of the 80s the Soviet defense industrial complex began to experience serious financial difficulties, which significantly limited the deployment of serial industrial production of guided munitions and weapons in general.

The Krasnopol guided projectile (Russian index 2K25; type ZOF-39) consists of a 1.3 m long projectile body, which is equipped with an integrated laser guidance system and is loaded with explosives in two versions: normal (standard) and lightweight. The mass of a standard explosive charge is 6.3 kg. The standard ammunition load of such projectiles is 50 rounds (projectile-charge) for each howitzer battery.

The control system "Krasnopol" includes:

Aiming / control synchronization system when firing type IA35;

Control (command) computer type IA35K;

Surveillance system type IA351;

Laser sight type ID 15. All these systems are portable.

The ZOF-39 guided projectile is equipped with folding wings, a semi-active homing system, which is protected by a removable cap when fired, and an electronic flight control and targeting mechanism based on laser sensor signals.

The ZOF-39 projectile can be fired by 152-mm D-20 howitzers or towed howitzers of the same caliber, or by 2SZM/2SZM1 "Acacia" howitzers and 2S19 "Msta-S" self-propelled howitzers.

In the case of using the projectile with the Msta-S installation, the main disadvantage of this self-propelled howitzer is that the projectile is not suitable for the automatic loading system in its dimensions and it has to be manually loaded into the gun breech, which significantly reduces the rate of fire.

The advantage of this SGU is that the time for preparing data for firing the installation is only 1.5 minutes, which is less than the time for a comparable American 155-mm howitzer self-propelled gun "Copperhead", firing projectiles with a laser guidance system.

The combat cycle of firing guided projectiles of the Msta-S howitzer mount and other howitzer artillery systems begins from the moment a target is detected and its tracking begins with the help of the 1A351 surveillance system. This system is capable of detecting stationary or moving targets and providing targeted fire at targets moving at speeds up to 10 m/s. Data on the target and its movement parameters from the surveillance/tracking system (1A351) are sent to the 1A35K control computer, which generates data for aiming and firing Krasnopol guided projectiles. Firing data is transmitted to installations/batteries via radio channels.

When the howitzer is fired, the 1A35 synchronization system receives a reverse command (signal) to launch the projectile; the 1A35 pointing synchronizer, on this signal, activates the ID 15 laser aiming and pointing system.

Synchronization of the process of launching the projectile and its guidance ensures the timely start of laser irradiation of the target approximately 10 s before the projectile hits the target. If the laser sight turns on a little earlier, then the projectile guided along the beam tends to descent (deviate) from the ballistic trajectory and may not reach the target due to a lack of kinetic energy. If the laser is turned on later, then there may not be enough time to correct the projectile's flight path.

Until the target is captured by the laser sight, the projectile on the flight path is controlled by the built-in miniature inertial system (INS) according to the data generated by the 1A35K computer relative to the fixed aiming point. In this case, the real target must be located within 1000 m from this fixed aiming point, otherwise the projectile cannot hit the target.

Since the time delay for the start of laser irradiation of the target is very long (10 s before the projectile meets the target) and, with the current level of development of electronic countermeasures, it can be used by the enemy to counteract laser guidance, therefore, the operator of the laser sight must, in order to avoid counteraction, keep the beam of the laser sight not on the target itself , and at a point a few meters away from the target and about 5 seconds before the projectile approaches the target, transfer the laser beam exactly to the target, ensuring an accurate hit on the target.

The probability of a projectile hitting a target is about 90% in clear weather conditions or when clouds are at high altitudes. The probability of hitting the target is reduced to 70% with cloud cover at altitudes of less than 1000 m and up to 40% - below 500 m.

The firing range of projectiles guided by a laser beam is from 5 to 22 km. At the same time, the limiting condition for firing and pointing is the need to set the position of the beam in space parallel to the firing line (plane) with an allowable angular deviation from it by no more than 20 .

In the 90s, a new improved modification of the projectile appeared in the Russian Armed Forces - the Krasnopol-M. The length of the projectile body was reduced to 0.95 m, which corresponded to the standard length of 152/155-mm howitzer projectiles and facilitated the use of ammunition in a combat situation, since the new projectile was already fully suitable for the Msta-S automatic loading system in its dimensions.

"Krasnopol-M" is offered for export in two versions:

Option M-1 (export version of 155-mm caliber);

M-2 variant (152-mm caliber projectile for the Russian Armed Forces and for export).

The firing range for the M-1 has been reduced to 18 km; M-2 - up to 17 km. The remaining characteristics of the new version ("Krasnopol-M") are identical to the previous modifications.

The 155-mm M-1 variant was exported to India (1000 rounds and 10 sets of "C 2 ISR" control systems were delivered) and to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The 152mm M-2 variant was exported to China.

During tests in India, Krasnopol-M showed low properties - out of six test firings, only one was successful. However, in the process of studying the results of these firings, it was found that since the firings were carried out in mountainous and highland conditions, at different heights above sea level of howitzer firing positions and target locations, this height difference and, accordingly, air density at different heights created problems for the functioning of the laser system and the accurate guidance of projectiles on targets.

An analysis of the results of test firing in India made it possible to significantly improve the projectile and its guidance systems, and quite satisfactory results were already obtained at the next test firing.

In addition to the Krasnopol URS, a whole family of laser-guided guided artillery shells was created in Russia, many of which were tested in range conditions and offered for export. However, for a number of objective reasons, they entered the arsenal of the Russian army only partially and in very limited quantities.

The Design Bureau of the Tula NPO has developed a version of the 120-mm guided projectile "Kitolov-2", the design of which was based on the Krasnopol project. This projectile is intended for the D-30 howitzer artillery system and the 2S1 Gvozdika howitzer. The Design Bureau of the Tula NPO also created a version of the universal URS " Kitolov-2M for the "Nona" family of universal 120-mm howitzer mortars.

The 152-mm URS ZOF-28 "Centimeter", developed by the Moscow research and engineering center Ametekn, is considered by Western experts as a competitor to the URS "Krasnopol". The Ametekn Center also created the 240-mm URS "Smelchak" for the heavy 240-mm self-propelled howitzer-mortar 2S4 "Tyulpan". The performance characteristics of all these new types of guided missiles are almost identical to the performance characteristics of the Krasnopol URS.

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On November 19, 1942, a strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops under the code name "Uranus" began near Stalingrad. Cannon and rocket artillery played one of the key roles in the battle for Stalingrad. In memory of the merits of this type of troops in one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War, November 19 began to be celebrated as the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery (RV&A).

The offensive of the Red Army began with a massive artillery shelling. Of the entire range of artillery weapons used in the Battle of Stalingrad, it is worth mentioning separately the BM-13 field multiple launch rocket system, nicknamed "Katyusha".

"Katyusha" marked the beginning of the development of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) of the country.

  • Soviet multiple launch rocket systems "Katyusha", 1942
  • RIA News
  • George Zelma

Today, the MLRS is part of the RV&A along with self-propelled and towed cannon artillery, mortars and tactical missile systems. The MLRS consists of a combat vehicle with a launcher based on the chassis of a tractor or tank, a transport-loading vehicle, a control vehicle and rockets.

Child of the Cold War

During the Cold War, options for a full-scale clash between the USSR and the NATO bloc were seriously considered. It was assumed that a colossal amount of manpower and equipment would be used in the conflict, as well as weapons of mass destruction.

To repel the threat in the form of large concentrations of enemy forces, a weapon with an area defeat was required, capable of stopping an offensive at distant approaches. For such purposes, the most suitable MLRS.

During the years of the Cold War, a powerful combat potential in the field of missile weapons was accumulated in the USSR. Systems are constantly being developed and upgraded.

In particular, the MLRS ammunition load was improved - by improving the characteristics of the range and accuracy of the flight of rockets, increasing the caliber of missiles, expanding the range of types of ammunition used, as well as gradually moving towards corrected rockets.

The chassis of the tractors was also modified, which were supposed to provide the vehicle with sufficient cross-country ability and speed. The fire control and navigation systems were improved, here progress was towards increasing the automation of the operation of the MLRS.

According to the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), by 1991 the USSR had 8,000 rocket artillery units (including the reserve) against 426 units from the United States. At the same time, Soviet MLRS were superior to foreign counterparts in many respects.

Made in USSR

The development of a new MLRS began in 1959 at Research Institute No. 147 (now - JSC NPO Splav, part of the Rostec Corporation). In 1963, the 9k51 Grad was put into service, in the same year mass production of MLRS began at the Perm plant named after. Lenin.

"Grad" uses 122 mm unguided rockets launched from 40 rails. The Ural tractors, as well as the ZIL-131, were used as chassis.

On the basis of the Grad MLRS, a number of modifications were created, in particular, the Grad-V and Grad-VD airborne mounts, 9k59 Prima with 50 guides. For the Navy, the BM-21PD "Damba" was developed to combat naval saboteurs and submarines, as well as "Grad-M" for installation on ships.

"Grad" uses the widest range of unguided projectiles: high-explosive fragmentation, incendiary, smoke, lighting, training, cluster, cumulative, mine-laying. The minimum firing range of the Grad MLRS is 5 km, the maximum is 20 km.

The high intensity of fire, coupled with a large affected area, makes it possible to effectively use the Grad against enemy manpower and armored vehicles. After launching a rocket salvo, the installation can quickly leave the firing point, avoiding return fire.

Following the "Grad", NPO "Splav" created a MLRS with improved characteristics - "Hurricane". In 1975, 9k57 "Hurricane" (caliber - 220 mm) with 16 guides adopted weapons. For the first time in the world, a projectile with a cluster warhead with fragmentation submunitions was developed for the Hurricane.

The composition of the MLRS "Uragan" additionally includes a vehicle for topographic surveys and a direction-finding meteorological complex.

A volley of one combat vehicle covers an area of ​​more than 42 hectares. Fire can be fired at a distance of 8 to 35 km both singly and in volleys. "Hurricane" uses a wide range of unguided projectiles: high-explosive fragmentation, mine-laying, cluster, thermobaric, incendiary.

The creation of the 9k58 MLRS "Smerch" (caliber - 300 mm) with 12 rails became the crowning achievement of the heavy rocket artillery of the USSR.

The development of "Smerch" was carried out by NPO "Splav", in 1987 the system was adopted.

The composition of the MLRS "Smerch" additionally includes a vehicle for topographic surveys and a direction-finding meteorological complex.

For the Smerch, corrective rockets with an inertial control system were developed, which made it possible to reduce the dispersion of shells by a factor of three compared to an unguided rocket, while doubling the accuracy of fire. The range of fire of the Smerch is from 20 to 90 km, the area of ​​​​the affected territory can reach 70 hectares.

In 2017, the bicaliber version of the Uragan, Uragan-1M, was adopted (calibers 220 and 300 mm). Unlike previous generation systems, Uragan-1M is charged by completely replacing the package with guides.

According to the IISS, at the beginning of 2017, the Russian army was armed with 550 Grads, 200 Hurricanes and 100 Tornadoes.

This Russian trio of MLRS is in great demand abroad and is exported to dozens of countries.

The tornado is coming

Today in Russia there is an active renewal of the missile forces due to the commissioning of a new family of MLRS "Tornado" based on the BAZ-6950 chassis.

"Tornado" has two modifications: "Tornado-G" - modernization of "Grad" - and "Tornado-S" - modernization of "Smerch".

  • 122-mm multiple launch rocket system 9K51M "Tornado-G" ("G" - "Grad") - an upgraded version of the MLRS 9K51 "Grad"
  • RIA News

The new missile systems take into account all the shortcomings characteristic of similar equipment of the previous generation. The features of the new family of MLRS are the presence of an automated guidance and fire control system, the integration of weapons into the GLONASS satellite system, improved electronics and on-board equipment, as well as the ability to fire special long-range projectiles.

"Tornado" has increased accuracy, and can also operate as part of a link under the guidance of a single control center.

At the moment, new types of projectiles are being developed for both modifications of the MLRS. Of the unusual, one can note a 300 mm caliber projectile with an unmanned aerial vehicle in the warhead capable of reconnaissance after launching from a rocket.

MLRS "Tornado-G" was put into service in 2012, and "Tornado-S" - in 2016. Now the systems are being delivered to the Russian army.

Generational change

Russian MLRS are superior to foreign counterparts in many ways, experts are sure. Their updating will allow Russia to maintain its leadership in this type of weapons in the future. Military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told RT about the role of the MLRS in the system of the Russian Armed Forces and the prospects for the development of missile forces.

According to him, the MLRS in the Russian army is one of the advanced means of fire destruction. Recently, the MLRS of the previous generation has been intensively replaced by the Tornado family. Purchases of "Tornado-S" and "Tornado-G" are included in the new state arms program.

“Now there is an active development and adoption of a new ammunition load for these systems. It is especially worth noting the creation of guided missile munitions, which will have to remove the main drawback of the MLRS - low accuracy. A new generation of guided projectiles with an individual guidance system will make it possible to classify the MLRS as a high-precision weapon," Murakhovsky said.

The expert emphasized that the MLRS are included in the general reconnaissance and combat contour of the Russian army.

“According to the organizational and staff structure, the Grads operate as part of the rocket artillery divisions of tank and motorized rifle brigades and regiments, the Hurricanes correspond to the army kit, and the Tornadoes are part of the district subordination. MLRS are an extremely effective defensive and offensive weaponry, significantly increasing the combat potential of the formations to which they belong, ”summed up Murakhovsky.

Multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) are weapons known even to amateurs and people who are not interested in military affairs. If only because the famous Katyusha guards mortars belong to them. After all, no matter what anyone says, it was the Katyushas (BM-13) that became the first real MLRS, embodying all the main performance characteristics of this type of weapon: small size, simplicity, the ability to simultaneously hit targets over large areas, surprise and high mobility.

After 1945, the Soviet army received a number of samples of rocket artillery, developed taking into account the experience of the past war, such as BM-24 (1951), BM-14, 200-mm four-barreled BMD-20 (1951) and 140- mm 16-barrel MLRS BM-14-16 (1958), as well as its towed 17-barrel version RPU-14 (on the gun carriage D-44). In the early 50s, a fairly powerful and long-range MLRS "Korshun" was developed and tested, but it never went into production. However, all these installations were, in fact, only variations of the BM-13 Katyusha - that is, in fact, battlefield machines.


Finally, in 1963, the world's first second generation MLRS system. It was the world-famous BM-21 "Grad" with a caliber of 122 mm, which still has no equal in the world in terms of manufacturability. The technical solutions that arose during the development of the Grad, one way or another, are repeated in all systems existing in the world - for example, the “folding” plumage, which ensures the compactness of the guide block.

And most importantly, perhaps, the dignity of the machine, which distinguishes it favorably from, to be honest, many samples of domestic weapons, is a large modernization reserve. For example, over the past 40 years, the range of the Grad has been increased from 20 to 40 km. Modifications of the system were created for the Airborne Forces and the Navy. In 1965, within three months, the Grad-P light portable MLRS with a firing range of 11 km was put into mass production. Soon she passed the "combat tests" in Vietnam, as a result of which the Vietnamese guerrillas laid down the saying: “How glad I am when the Hail falls!”.

And today "Grad" is the most effective multiple launch rocket system in the world according to the totality of technical, tactical, economic and military-logistical characteristics. It is no coincidence that it was copied - legally and illegally in many countries. For example, in 1995, 32 years after its creation, Turkey decided to put it on stream.
Back in 1964, when the production of the Grad was just beginning to be mastered, its designer Ganichev began developing a more powerful multiple launch rocket system. Its development was completed in 1976 - so the troops received the "Hurricane" with a range of 35 km and with cluster munitions.

Not stopping there, at the end of the 60s, specialists from NPO Splav began designing a 300-mm MLRS with a firing range of up to 70 km. However, they were denied funding - Defense Minister Marshal Grechko personally pointed out to the lobbyists of the MLRS from the GRAU that the Soviet budget was not bottomless. As a result, work on the creation of third-generation systems dragged on for almost 20 years.

Only in 1987 did the 300-mm MLRS " Tornado»:
- firing range increased to 90 km;
- topographic referencing began to be carried out automatically through satellite systems;
- a system for correcting the flight of a rotating rocket was used using a gas-dynamic rudder controlled by an individual electronic unit;
- Smerch was equipped with a fully mechanized loading system using disposable transport and launch containers equipped at the factory.
This weapon can be considered the most powerful non-nuclear weapon system in the world - a volley of six Tornadoes is capable of stopping the advance of an entire division or destroying a small town.
The weapon turned out to be so perfect that many military experts talk about the redundancy of the Tornado. And, by the way, NPO Splav, according to experts, is developing a new MLRS, which so far has the code name Typhoon. Everything rests only on money - which is much less in the budget now than in the days of Marshal Grechko.


After the Second World War, little attention was paid to the development of MLRS in the United States. According to Western military theorists, this type of weapon could not play a significant role in the future Third World War. Almost until the beginning of the 80s, the American MLRS were inferior to the Soviet MLRS. They were considered as weapons almost exclusively of the battlefield and infantry support and were rather a development of the direction that the German Nebelwelfer represented. Such, for example, was the 127 mm Zuni. Curiously, the main technical requirement was the universal nature of multiple launch rocket systems, equipped with conventional aircraft rockets.

Only in 1976, by order of the military department, the development of a new MLRS, designed to eliminate the gap from the "potential enemy", began. This is how the MLRS appeared, developed by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control and put into service in 1983. We must pay tribute - the car turned out to be very good and convenient, surpassing the Soviet Hurricanes in terms of automation and autonomy.

The MLRS launcher does not have traditional permanent rails, which are replaced by an armored box-shaped truss - the “rocking part” of the launcher, where disposable launch containers are placed, thanks to which the MLRS can easily use shells of two calibers - 227 and 236 mm. All control systems are concentrated in one vehicle, which also facilitates combat use, and the use of the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle as a chassis increased the safety of calculations. It was the American MLRS that became the main ones for the countries - allies of NATO.

In recent years, the PLA has acquired several types of new jet systems that are noticeably superior to the previous ones - the 40-barrel WS-1, the 273-mm 8-barrel WM-80, the 302-mm 8-barrel WS-1, and, finally, the largest caliber in world - 400-mm 6-barrel WS-2.
From this number, it is necessary to single out the 300-mm 10-barreled A-100, which is ahead in a number of indicators even of the domestic Smerch, with a firing range of up to 100 km.
In a word, the PRC has a very combat-ready and powerful weapon in the face of the MLRS.


However, not only major military powers produce MLRS. The military of very many countries wished to obtain such a powerful means of warfare, which, moreover, is not subject to various international restrictions.

Gunsmiths were the first Germany, who in 1969 delivered the 110-mm 36-barreled MLRS LARS to the Bundeswehr, and is still in service in two versions (LARS-1 and LARS-2).

They were followed Japanese, in 1973, following the usual national policy of doing everything alone, began production of 130-mm MLRS, put into service two years later under the name "Type 75".

Almost simultaneously, the former Czechoslovakia developed the original RM-70 machine - 40 122-mm caliber guides, equipped with the world's first automatic reloading device (in another version - two 40-round packs, guides on the same platform).

In the 70s in Italy created a series of MLRS FIROS caliber 70-mm and 122-mm, in Spain- Teruel caliber 140 mm, with anti-aircraft weapons.
Since the beginning of the 80s South Africa 127-mm 24-barrel MLRS Valkiri Mk 1.22 ("Valkyrie"), specially designed for the South African theater of operations, as well as MLRS melee Mk 1.5, is produced.

Not distinguished as if by a developed engineering idea, Brazil created in 1983 the Astros-2 MLRS, which has a number of very interesting technical solutions and is capable of firing five types of missiles of various calibers - from 127 to 300 mm. Brazil also produces the SBAT MLRS, a cheap launcher for firing aircraft NURS.
AT Israel in 1984, the LAR-160Yu MLRS was adopted on the chassis of the French light tank AMX-13 with two packages of 18 guides.

Former Yugoslavia produced a number of MLRS - heavy 262-mm M-87 Orkan, 128-mm M-77 Oganj with 32 guides and an automatic reloading system (similar to the RM-70), as well as a light Plamen MLRS, a licensed copy of the Chinese "Type 63". Although their production has been discontinued, they are in service and were actively used in the Yugoslav conflict of the 90s, showing good results.

North Korea promptly copied (simplified) the Soviet complex "Uragan", creating a 240-mm MLRS "Type 1985/89". And, as is customary in this country, she began to sell it to everyone who could pay, and then she sold the license to her longtime partner, Iran. There the complex was redone once again and received the name "Fajr". (By the way, MLRS in Iran manufactured by a company called Shahid Bagheri Industries - that's right, this is not a joke.) In addition, Iran produces Arash MLRS with 30 or 40 guides of 122 mm caliber, very similar to the Grad system.

Even Egypt Since 1981, he has developed the Sakr (Falcon) MLRS, a 30-barreled pirated copy of the same Grad.
Of the most recent stands out indian The 214-mm Pinaka multiple launch rocket system, which was the result of many years of efforts by the Indian military-industrial complex to create its own production of MLRS. The system is designed to perform combat missions in specific Indian conditions, with an emphasis on difficult terrain and mountainous terrain, as well as based on the requirements of the fastest possible change of positions. Military trials began in February 1999, and in the summer of the same year, combat use took place - during the Indo-Pakistani conflict in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.


It must be said that many modern military theorists consider the MLRS to be a kind of dead-end type of weaponry, whose heyday falls on the era when strategists were preparing for the Third World War. And in the current local conflicts, their power, as already mentioned, is greatly excessive. Moreover, in terms of their cost and complexity, modern MLRS are approaching operational-tactical missiles and require sufficiently trained personnel for their maintenance.

For example, during the Arab-Israeli conflicts, even the Syrians, not to mention the Hezbollah militants, managed to miss when firing MLRS not only at Israeli troops, but even at city blocks.
However, although the MLRS are not "gods of war", they are not going to retire yet.

Foreign multiple launch rocket systems

The successes of the Soviet Union in the creation of the MLRS undoubtedly had an impact on other states, the most development of which was only in 1970-1980. were able to create modern samples of this formidable weapon.

MLRS is one of the effective means of field artillery of the ground forces. The most important advantages of these weapons are the surprise and high density of fire against area targets both in the offensive and in defense in any weather, day and night. With the advent of cluster warheads (CUs), MLRS got the opportunity to inflict complete damage on manpower and equipment over the entire missile distribution area when firing in one salvo. The positive qualities of the MLRS also include the ability to maneuver with fire, the high mobility of self-propelled launchers (PU). reducing their vulnerability to artillery fire and air strikes, simple design, relatively low cost.

One of the main tasks of the MLRS abroad is the fight against armored vehicles using cluster warheads equipped with self-aiming, homing, cumulative fragmentation cluster elements (KE) and anti-tank mines (ATM).

Multiple launch rocket systems are in service with the US Army. Germany. Japan, Spain, Israel, China, South Africa, Austria, Brazil and other countries.

A bit of history

For the first time, MLRS were used in combat conditions by the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (WWII). In turn, foreign samples of rocket artillery, which appeared during the Second World War and in the post-war period, were significantly inferior in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics to the Soviet MLRS. German towed six-barreled mortars were significantly less effective than the Soviet BM-13 MLRS, both in salvo size and maneuverability. In the United States, field rocket artillery began to develop in 1942.

In the post-war period, rocket artillery began to take root in many foreign armies, but only in the 1970s. Germany became the first NATO country in which the MLRS LARS entered service with the ground forces, which meets modern requirements in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics.

In 1981, the United States adopted the MLRS MLRS, the production of which began in the summer of 1982. The program for equipping the army with this system was calculated for many years. The main production of the MLRS system was carried out at the Vought plant in East Camden, pc. Arkansas. It was planned to produce approximately 400,000 missiles and 300 self-propelled launchers in 15 years. In 1986, to equip the NATO bloc, an international consortium for the production of MLRS MLRS was organized, which included firms from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy. However, 8 period from 1981 to 1986. Germany, France, Italy and others continued to complete their programs to create MLRS of their own designs.


The MLRS system is designed to destroy armored vehicles, artillery batteries, accumulations of openly located manpower, air defense systems, command posts and communication centers, as well as other targets.

MLRS MLRS includes a self-propelled launcher (PU), missiles in transport and launch containers (TPK) and fire control equipment. The artillery part of the PU, mounted on the tracked base of the American BMP M2 Bradley, includes: a fixed base mounted on the chassis body; a turntable with a swinging part fixed on it, in the armored box-shaped truss of which there are two TPKs; loading and guidance mechanisms. The necessary rigidity of the installation at the firing position is provided by turning off the suspension of the undercarriage.

The armored cabin accommodates a calculation of three people: commander, gunner and driver. Fire control equipment was also installed there, including a computer, means of navigation and topographic location, as well as a control panel. The fire control equipment of the MLRS MLRS can be interfaced with automated fire control systems for field artillery. The overpressure created in the cockpit and the filter-ventilation unit protect the crew from gases generated during firing and from damaging factors during the use of atomic and chemical weapons.

The MLRS launcher does not have traditional rails. Two TPKs with missiles are placed in an armored box-shaped truss of the oscillating part of the launcher. They are a pack of six fiberglass tubular rails mounted in two rows in an aluminum alloy box truss. TPKs are equipped with missiles at the factory and sealed, which ensures the safety of missiles without maintenance for 10 years. Pre-launch preparation of missiles for firing is practically not required.

The fire control system uses signals from satellites of the global navigation system of the US Department of Defense, allowing the crew of the MLRS to accurately determine their position on the earth's surface before launching missiles.

After the introduction of installations for firing into the fire control equipment, the guidance of the launcher is carried out on command using electro-hydraulic power drives. In case of failure, manual drives are provided.

The missiles consist of warheads, solid propellant rocket engines and a stabilizer that deploys in flight.

Warhead MLRS MLRS can be multi-purpose or anti-tank. The multi-purpose warhead is designed to destroy manpower, weapons and armored vehicles. Such a warhead is equipped with 644 M77 cumulative fragmentation KE with armor penetration of 70 mm. The anti-tank warhead is equipped with six self-aiming SADARM spacecraft (armor penetration - 100 mm) or 28 anti-tank mines of the AT-2 type (armor penetration - 100 mm). At the same time, work continued on the creation of the TGCM FE. BAT, as well as high-explosive KE and anti-helicopter mines.

In 1990, the US Army adopted the ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) tactical army missile, designed for use with the MLRS MLRS. In 1986, LTV (USA) received an order for the development of this rocket, and in February 1989 its mass production began. Events in the Persian Gulf led to the deployment in 1991 of these missiles in Saudi Arabia.

Self-propelled launcher MLRS MLRS on the tracked base of the American BMP M2 "Bradley" (above); ATACMS MLRS MLRS missile launch (left)

Anti-tank mine AT-2

Installation using MLRS anti-tank mines AT-2

In 1984, in relation to the ATACMS missile warhead equipment, the Electronics Systems division of the American company Northrop began the development of the BAT (Brilliant Anti-Tank) CE. The abbreviation "BAT" is translated as "bat" and carries a certain semantic meaning. Just as bats use ultrasound for orientation in space, so CE VAT has acoustic and IR target detection sensors in the GOS.

CE VAT is capable of detecting and tracking moving armored targets with the subsequent use of an IR sensor to target vulnerable areas of tanks and other armored vehicles. BAT cassette elements are designed to equip warheads of ATACMS (Block 2) missiles. After ejection from the warhead KE VAT, a free fall begins. The mass of each element is 20 kg, the length is 914 mm, and the diameter is 140 mm. After separation from the rocket, the KE VAT uses an acoustic sensor system consisting of four probes, the action of which is differentiated in time to detect and track units of armored vehicles. KE WAT can hit targets in difficult meteorological conditions with low clouds. strong winds and even with high dust content of the atmosphere.

The MLRS system was created by the LTV Missiles and Electronics Group, which includes Atlantic Research Corporation (producing solid propellant rocket motors), Brunswick Corporation (producing launch containers), Morden Systems (creating fire control systems) and Sperry-Vickers (producing a PU drive), To detect targets at long ranges, the American company Boeing Military Airplane has developed a remotely piloted Robotic Air Vehicle-3000 (RAV-3000) launched using the MLRS MLRS. The RAV-3000 UAV is equipped with an air-jet engine. The MLRS is equipped with twelve RPVs that can be launched simultaneously. Before launch, RPVs are programmed to perform various tasks, including searching for targets, taking into account electronic countermeasures. The RPV is placed in a container at the factory and can be stored for five years without maintenance.

Production of MLRS MLRS for NATO

The United States does not miss the slightest opportunity to make money on the arms trade. An exception is not the action of the Americans to introduce the MLRS MLRS in all NATO countries. It was envisaged in advance that by 2010 this system would be unified not only for the American army, but also for all countries of this military bloc.

In 1986, within the framework of the NATO bloc, an international consortium for the production of MLRS MLRS was formed. which included firms of the USA, Germany, Great Britain. France and Italy.

Serial production of MLRS systems in Europe is carried out by the Tactical missiles division of Aerospatiale (France) under US license.

Characteristics of the MLRS system

Missile system

Combat crew 3 people

Combat weight 25000 kg


Type Chassis BMP M2 "Bradley"

Engine power 373 kW

Maximum travel speed 64 km/h

Mileage (without refueling) 480 km


Number of launch tubes 12

Rate of fire 12 rounds in 50 seconds


Caliber 227/237 mm

Length 3.94 m

Weight 310 kg

Firing range 10–40 km

Warhead With KE or PTM

Fuze Remote

MLRS system at the exercises of the German army

Rocket launch MLRS MLRS

Rocket with cluster warhead:

1 - explosive device; 2 - cumulative fragmentation FE: 3 - cylindrical polyurethane block; 4 - fuse; 5 - nozzle, 6 - stabilizer blades: 7 - solid rocket engine; 8 - over-caliber nozzles.

ATACMS missiles in the Persian Gulf

The events in the Persian Gulf clearly showed how effective the use of MLRS was there. During the fighting, over 10,000 conventional missiles and 30 ATACMS missiles with a range of 100 km were fired from the MLRS.

A total of 30 ATACMS (Block 1) missiles were fired at armored targets in the Gulf War. The warheads of Block 1 missiles contain 950 M74 cumulative fragmentation cluster elements. The flight path of the ATACMS missile is not completely parabolic: in its descending section, the missile is controlled aerodynamically, which prevents the enemy from detecting the launch point. The direction of movement of the rocket when fired can deviate from the direct direction to the target at an angle of up to 30 degrees, in azimuth. The height and ejection time of the cluster elements of this rocket are programmable.

Before the start of hostilities, ATACMS missiles were deployed in Saudi Arabia, from where they were launched at air defense facilities and rear services on enemy territory. At the same time, the combined use of MLRS with M109 and M110 batteries was always observed to provide direct fire support for forward units. Representatives of the Iraqi armed forces reported that the effect of such fire was simply devastating, as after a week-long bombardment of B-52s. Thus, when conducting counter-battery fire from the MLRS for 10 minutes, 250 people were killed by one battery.

Based on the experience of conducting the war in the Persian Gulf, the maximum firing range of the MLRS MLRS when using KE missiles was increased from 32 to 46 km. To achieve such a firing range, it was necessary to reduce the length of the warhead by 27 cm, and lengthen the solid fuel charge by the same amount. Warhead XR-M77 (with extended range) contains two less CE layers (518 pcs.). But the decrease in the number of ECs is offset by an increase in firing accuracy, which ensured the same efficiency of the new missile. Prototypes of the new missile were tested in November 1991 at the White Sands test site (USA). The development of this missile was caused by military operations in the Persian Gulf

Self-propelled launcher system HIMARS

Unloading the self-propelled launcher of the HIMARS system from the military-technical cooperation C-130


At one time, the American company Loral Vought Systems was engaged in the creation of an artillery rocket system for increased mobility (HIMARS), designed to meet the needs of the US Army in a light mobile version of the MLRS MLRS. which can be transported by C-130 Hercules aircraft.

The existing MLRS MLRS installation can only be transported on C-141 and C-5 aircraft, but not on C-130 aircraft due to its large overall dimensions and weight. The ability to transport the HIMARS system on a C-130 aircraft was demonstrated at a missile range in New Mexico. According to Loral, it will take 30% fewer flights to transfer the battery of the HIMARS system, compared with the transportation of the battery of the existing MLRS MLRS.

The HIMARS system includes the chassis of a medium tactical truck (6x6) weighing 5 tons, on the aft part of which a launcher with a container for 6 MLRS missiles is mounted. The existing MLRS MLRS has two containers with missiles and a mass of 24889 kg, while the HIMARS system has a mass of only 13668 kg.

The containers of the new system are the same as in the mass-produced MLRS MLRS system. The HIMARS system has a single block of six MLRS missiles and the same characteristics as the MLRS MLRS system, including the FCS, electronics and communications systems.

Trends in the development of foreign MLRS

The creation of the European consortium MLRS-EPG led to the replacement of obsolete MLRS in NATO countries by the MLRS system. It can be assumed that the MLRS MLRS will be imposed and put into service not only to NATO countries. For this reason, the MLRS, created in Germany, France, Italy and other countries, after the adoption of the MLRS, became the property of history. All of them were inherent in the already known general design and circuit solutions.

Launchers consist of artillery and running gear. The artillery part includes: a package of a certain number of barrels, a swivel frame, a pedestal, lifting swivel mechanisms, electrical equipment, sights, etc.

MLRS missiles have a solid-propellant engine operating on a small section of the trajectory. The fight against armored vehicles led to the equipment of missiles with cluster warheads with cumulative fragmentation KE or with anti-tank mines. At one time, remote mining in European countries was given great attention. Sudden mining of the terrain prohibits or hinders the maneuver of enemy tanks, while simultaneously creating favorable conditions for destroying them with other anti-tank weapons. Setting the guidance angles and their restoration from shot to shot is carried out automatically using power drives.

Among the shortcomings inherent in the MLRS, especially older designs, are the following: significant dispersion of ammunition: limited ability to maneuver fire due to the difficulty of obtaining short firing ranges (since the rocket engine runs until the fuel burns out completely): structurally, the rocket is more complex than an artillery shot ; shooting is accompanied by well-marked unmasking signs - flame and smoke; there are significant breaks between salvos due to the need to change positions and reload launchers.

Consider the features of some foreign MLRS. created before the penetration of MLRS in various countries

Missile launch ATACMS MLRS MLRS

MLRS LARS-2 on the chassis of a 7-ton off-road vehicle of the German army during exercises;

110-mm 36-barrel MLRS LARS (below);

MLRS LARS (Germany)

In the 1970s Germany was the only NATO country that had the LARS (Leichte Artillerie Raketen System) multi-barreled multiple launch rocket system in service with the ground forces. MLRS LARS is a 110-mm 36-barreled self-propelled launcher. which was developed in two versions, with one package of 36 barrels and with two packages of 18 barrels each.

A 7-ton army cross-country vehicle was used as a chassis. The driver's cab has light armor to protect the windows from gas jets of shells. Warheads of LARS missiles were equipped with the following ammunition: AT-2 anti-tank mines, fragmentation elements and smoke bombs.

But despite the modernization, by the 1980s. MLRS LARS in terms of firing range, caliber of missiles and their effectiveness against various targets no longer met the new requirements. However, as a means of quickly setting mine explosive barriers in front of advancing enemy tanks, MLRS LARS continued to be in service with the German army.

As a result of the modernization carried out in the early 1980s, the LARS MLRS was named LARS-2. The new system is also mounted on a 7-ton off-road vehicle. MLRS LARS-2 is equipped with devices for checking the technical condition of missiles and fire control. The maximum firing range is 20 km.

The LARS-2 MLRS battery includes the Fera system, which includes special sighting missiles, a radar for tracking their flight trajectories. The radar together with the computing unit are mounted on one vehicle. One system "Fera" serves 4 launchers In the warheads of sighting missiles, reflectors and amplifiers of radar signals are installed. 4 missiles are launched sequentially at a set interval. Their flight paths are automatically monitored by radar. The computing unit compares the average value of the four trajectories with the calculated ones and determines the corrections that are introduced into the settings of the sighting devices. This takes into account errors in determining the coordinates of the target and the firing position of the launcher, as well as deviations of meteorological and ballistic conditions at the time of firing from the actual ones.

Characteristics of the LARS system

Combat crew 3 people

Combat weight 16000 kg


Type Vehicle MAN

Engine power 235 kW

Maximum travel speed 90 km/h

Mileage (without refueling) 800 km


Number of launch tubes 36

Vertical pointing angle up to +55 degrees.

Horizontal pointing angle ±95 degrees.

Type of fire Large, small series, single fire

Rate of fire 36 rds/18s

Reload time Approximately 10 min.


Caliber 110 mm

Length 2.26 m

Weight 32…36 kg

Firing range 20 km

Warhead With KE or mines AT-2

Fuse Percussion (remote)

MLRS LARS-2 in combat position


The ASTROS II MLRS, which is in service with the Brazilian ground forces, fires three types of missiles of various calibers (127, 180 and 300 mm), depending on the type of target. The missiles have a high-explosive fragmentation or cluster warhead. The MLRS battery includes a fire control vehicle, from four to eight launchers and one transport-loading vehicle for each installation. The chassis of a ten-ton TECTRAN off-road vehicle is used as the chassis of all battery components. The fire control vehicle was equipped with: a Swiss fire adjustment radar, a computing device and a radio communication facility.

The Brazilian company Avibras, during Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf, did not miss the opportunity to test its ASTROS II MLRS, which was equipped with three types of warheads. ASTROS II MLRS can fire three different types of missiles: SS-30. SS-40 and SS-60 for different firing ranges. These missiles carry dual-action ammunition (to combat armored vehicles and manpower) with an effective area of ​​destruction, depending on the installation of an electronic fuse at a certain trigger height. Avibras has developed three new warheads that allow increasing the types of targets hit at long ranges, which. according to the firm. can to some extent replace the use of aviation in such cases. The first option is a high-explosive incendiary warhead equipped with white phosphorus to combat manpower, quickly lay a smoke screen and destroy material objects. The second version of the warhead is designed to install three different types of mines: anti-personnel mines with a range of 30 m to destroy material objects and anti-tank mines that can penetrate 120 mm armor. The third variant of the warhead provides combat operations to prevent the use of airfields by the enemy and carries a significant number of cluster elements with a delayed action fuse and a powerful TNT charge, which provides penetration of reinforced concrete with a thickness of more than 400 mm. In this case, the radius of the crater formed in the concrete coating is 550–860 mm, and the depth of the crater is 150–300 mm. In addition, according to the firm, such munitions, by prohibition, also ensure the destruction of aircraft, hangars and equipment for the restoration of aviation equipment.


In Spain, in 1984, the TERUEL-3 MLRS was created, including two launch containers (20 tubular guides each), a fire control system, survey and communications equipment, and meteorological equipment. The MLRS control equipment and the calculation of five people are placed in the armored cab of a cross-country vehicle. The MLRS includes an ammunition transport vehicle capable of transporting 4 containers of 20 missiles. The fire control system includes a computing device that determines the initial data for firing and the amount of ammunition depending on the characteristics of the target. The missile can be equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead or a cluster warhead with cumulative fragmentation AE or anti-tank (anti-personnel) mines.

In total, the Spanish ground forces were previously scheduled to deliver about 100 TERUEL-3 systems.


MLRS RAFAL-145 (France)

MLRS RAFAL-145 was put into service in 1984, the launcher consists of three packages of tubular guides, the total number of which is 18. The caliber of the rocket is 160 mm. The maximum firing range is 30 km. the minimum is 9 km. The mass of the rocket is 110 kg, the mass of the warhead is 50 kg. PU is mounted on the chassis of the car. The equipment for launching missiles and firing control is located in the cockpit of the vehicle. The cassette warhead of missiles can be equipped with cumulative fragmentation KE or anti-tank missiles.


Italian MLRS FIROS-30

MLRS FIROS-30 (Italy)

In 1987, the Italian company SNIA BPD commissioned the FIROS-30 MLRS army, which includes: launchers, 120-mm unguided rockets and a transport-loading vehicle. PU contains two interchangeable packages with 20 tubular guides in each, lifting and turning mechanisms, as well as a missile launch system. PU can be placed on a car or tracked armored personnel carrier, or on a trailer. The maximum firing range is 34 km. Warhead missiles can be high-explosive fragmentation, fragmentation or cluster, equipped with anti-personnel or anti-tank mines.

Ways to improve the combat characteristics of foreign MLRS

The main directions of development of foreign MLRS are: increasing the range and improving the accuracy of shooting; increase in fire performance; expansion of the number of tasks solved by the MLRS; increased mobility and combat readiness.

The increase in firing range was carried out by increasing the caliber of missiles, the use of high-energy rocket fuels and the use of lightweight warheads. As a rule, with an increase in the diameter of the engine, the mass of the solid fuel charge increases, which increases the firing range. Thus, increasing the caliber of the American MLRS MLRS from 227 to 240 mm made it possible to increase the firing range to 32 km. In another case, by reducing the warhead mass from 159 to 107 kg, it was possible to increase the firing range to 40 km.

The increase in firing accuracy was achieved through the creation of cluster homing and self-aiming elements, as well as the use of automated fire control systems (ACS) for the MLRS battery, the use of special sighting missiles, the supply of launchers with automatic aiming recovery systems, and the improvement of designs and manufacturing technologies for launchers and unguided missiles.

Automatic fire control systems for MLRS batteries significantly reduce the time to prepare for opening fire and increase firing accuracy due to less “aging” of data on target coordinates. After receiving an order to hit the target, its coordinates are entered into the computer system. The fire control system indicates the launcher that will most effectively complete the task, calculates for it the installation of sighting devices and warhead fuses. transmitting them over encrypted radio channels.

The use of devices for automatic input of corrections and installation of a sight to compensate for the inclination of the launcher on the ground eliminates the need for its leveling and hanging on jacks or other supporting devices. It is enough to turn on the braking device of the chassis and turn off its suspension. At the same time, the time for transferring the launcher from the traveling position to the combat position and vice versa is reduced to 1 minute. which is very important for MLRS. strongly unmasking itself at the time of volley fire.

The dynamic loading of the launcher during the salvo changes its position on the ground and causes elastic vibrations of the structures, often with increasing amplitude, as a result of which the guidance angles go astray. The use of a system for automatically restoring launcher pointing angles from shot to shot increases the accuracy of shooting and reduces the dispersion of missiles when firing in one salvo.

An increase in the fire performance of the MLRS was carried out by mechanizing the loading and reloading of launchers. automation of guidance and launch systems, the use of automated fire control systems, devices for selecting the type of warhead from among the missiles loaded in the launcher.

Loading mechanization is based on the use of pre-equipped guide packages, truck cranes, cranes of transport-loading machines. The most promising solution is the charger, which is part of the PU design.

The expansion of the number of combat missions solved by the MLRS is being achieved. mainly, the creation of various types of main and special warheads of missiles. To increase the effectiveness of missiles at the target, most of the warheads are carried out by cluster.

Improving the mobility and readiness of the MLRS is ensured by the creation of self-propelled launchers based on tracked or wheeled vehicles with high cross-country ability, the use of modern means of topographic location, the use of high-speed mechanisms for transferring launchers from traveling to combat position and vice versa, mechanizing the loading process of launchers and automating guidance and fire control systems.

Land forces of NATO countries with modern MLRS are capable of:

Effectively hit with missiles with high-frequency clusters significantly outnumbering enemy artillery;

Install anti-tank minefields at a great distance;

To hit advancing armored columns of the enemy with the help of homing and self-aiming spacecraft.

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