Sergey Kristovsky and Natalya Zemtsova: exclusive footage from the wedding. The new life of the musician of the Uma2rman group: Sergey Kristovsky left his wife and four children Was in childbirth

Vladimir Kristovsky, whose work as part of the Uma2rmen group is admired by a huge number of people in Russia and in near abroad, until recently, was an example for his fans also as a faithful husband and father. The artist never made a special secret from his personal life, so fans always had the opportunity to be happy for their idol. By setting the appropriate parameters in the search bar, you can easily find in world wide web photos of not only the singer himself, but also pictures wife of Vladimir Kristovsky Valeria of Rome .

In the photo - Vladimir Kristovsky with his wife Valeria Rimskaya

The relationship between the singer and his future wife began at the dawn of the group's popularity, in 1998. Shyness prevented Vladimir Kristovsky from making an acquaintance with Valeria, whom he first saw on stage in Nizhny Novgorod during the performance of the KVN teams. But a little later, overcoming his embarrassment, he managed to arouse friendly sympathy in the girl, which soon grew into a real feeling. The couple got married. As time went on, the group, of which Vladimir Kristovsky is a member, became more and more popular. Over the years, Valeria Rimskaya became a mother four times, giving birth to her husband beautiful daughters. The nickname stuck tightly to Kristovsky father of many children, to which he only joked that four children are not the limit, because he also wants a son. The singer considers his daughters - Yasmin, Stanislav, Miya and Uma - his main heroic deed in life.

In the photo - Vladimir Kristovsky, Valeria Rimskaya and their four daughters: Yasmin, Stanislava, Mia and Uma

However, time and fame changed Vladimir Kristovsky and his wife, and their relationship changed after them. The moment came when the marriage cracked. After 17 years of marriage, the couple decided to leave. Many attribute responsibility for this step to Valeria Rimskaya, others to Vladimir Kristovsky himself. Be that as it may, last year their marriage officially ceased to exist.

In the photo - Vladimir Kristovsky and Olga Pilevskaya

Some fans of the singer are sure that another woman is involved in this whole story. And there is reason for this opinion. Vladimir Kristovsky was repeatedly seen with aspiring actress Olga Pilevskaya. Their relationship began long before the official dissolution of the singer's marriage, although many of Kristovsky's friends claim that the musician began to look for consolation on the side only after he became free from past ties. hide now new love no longer makes sense. Now fans are discussing with might and main whether Vladimir Kristovsky is ripe for a new marriage. The network also got information about the alleged pregnancy of Olga Pilevskaya. Well maybe this is the start of a new one happy family. And perhaps Vladimir Kristovsky will wait for the desired son.

The popular soloist of the group " [email protected]» Vladimir Kristovsky did not immediately become. In his youth, when music as a profession was only a dream for him, he came to the capital from Nizhny Novgorod and offered his songs to various producers. Among others was Ivan Shapovalov. Kristovsky slept and saw how popular then and very unusual for Russian showbiz Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina sing his songs from the stage. However, Shapovalov did not see this.

All other producers also rejected the warm ironic hits of the provincial. And then he returned back to Nizhny, to his wife and children.


The wife was then the first and only. The faithful and wise Valeria married Vladimir at the age of 18. She supported her beloved throughout the entire time of their life together. Whispered sweet words, called talented, followed him wherever he went. Together with him, when luck turned to face Vladimir, Valeria moved to the capital. Together with him was 17 long years.

During this time, four charming girls were born to the spouses, who inherited their parents' cheerful disposition and easy character. Vladimir and Lera gave them unusual names: Yasmina, Mia, Stanislav and, of course, Uma. Photos of the funny four from time to time get into the press, including in scandalous materials.

hard decision

In particular, one of the first notes that upset the singer's fans was the news of a divorce so suitable friend friend of Lera and Vladimir. This was in 2013. Both spouses gave interviews to the press, each said that the divorce after 17 years happy marriage- an extremely sad event.

Everyone knew that Kristovsky had a muse - Olga Pilevskaya. However, even taking into account the new relationship, it was difficult for Vladimir to part with Valeria. He said that the feelings did not go away, they just grew out of love into a strong friendship. He was convinced that even after the divorce, the spouses would remain devoted friends, but still for rehabilitation after hard decision went to Germany, where he received psychological help.

Valeria was no less worried. It didn’t even fit in her head that such a loving and sincere person as her husband, after almost two decades of marriage, after four of the most beautiful and kind gifts in the world - charming daughters - could go to another woman. She suffered this shock for a long time.

New life

Olga Pilevskaya found herself between two fires. The feelings that flared up between her and the married man were hard to contain. Love is different. The girl, as best she could, supported her beloved and tried to improve relations with the delightful four of Volodya's daughters.

After some time, Kristovsky married his muse, but for a long time nothing was heard about Valeria's personal life. However, two years later it turned out that she did not live as a recluse: happy photos of Lera with a stranger and children appeared on the social networks of Vladimir's ex-wife - at the registry office.

Despite the outfit - both adults were wearing jeans and shirts, it was clear who the bride was here. Valeria got married for the second time, however, despite the strong friendship promised by Kristovsky, she did not invite him to the wedding. Only the daughters of the Kristovskys enjoyed the ceremony with their own eyes.

After both established a personal life, the couple really began to maintain a relationship - after all, they have four wonderful children, with whom dad often and enjoys spending time. And in 2016, Kristovsky became the father of a boy for the first time. In a marriage with Olga, his son Fedor was born. “Now I have a whole hockey five,” the happy dad grabbed on social networks.

In the March Caravan of Stories, the leader of the cult group Uma2rman spoke about his divorce. Like, the relationship turned into friendship, parted in a civilized way ... Is it necessary to be silent if for you this “civilization” is that a man who has fallen out of love gently straightens the noose on your neck before knocking a stool out from under your feet with one blow? Love usually has two truths, divorce, as it turned out, too.

Vova, after he left the family, according to his strange fantasy, settled a stone's throw from us. It was impossible to resist this. And every time I went to the store, I thought in horror: “If I look up now and see them, what should I do? Run away? Pretend you don't know?" I was not ready for almost everything - to part with Vova, to face him and his woman nose to nose, to build own life. She raised her head only six months later, but how! I even got insolent before we met! Although this particular idea, let's not take away the laurels from the man, belonged to Kristovsky.

Vova decided that everything had calmed down and it was time for us to get to know each other, they say, why, if not relatives, we live nearby, the children scurry back and forth to visit, we need to build bridges ... I entrusted this matter to our mutual friend Zhenya, for some reason leaning on the beginning of spring and trips to the country.

Evgenia began to persuade me. I didn’t understand a little the connection between the change of seasons and the need to get to know each other: sowing season, or what? Will we plant cucumbers together in the country? It seems like Vova will come out onto the porch and say: “Oh! My grandmothers! Both! They're digging… Spring!” But Zhenya did not back down: "Let's buy pies, and behave yourself, well, really, not strangers." She, Zhenya, is very good and kind. And I have, alas, a tendency to arrange a circus with horses out of everything ...

We bought pies, let's go. We sit for round table- Vova, pale Zhenya, completely white Olga and me. And silence. I drink tea alone, from the movements in the atmosphere only Kristovsky's twitching eye. "How are you?" - I'm interested in order to portray at least some kind of conversation. - “Okay, okay, do you want to show the house?” We looked at the house.

Photo: from the personal archive of V. Kristovskaya

In the process of examination, Zhenya either pushes me with his elbow, or steps on my foot - he is afraid that I would blurt out something undiplomatic. We sit next. Vova, unable to calm his eyes, sternly asks: “How are the children?” “Children,” I say, “well. In the evenings, however, they cry, they ask: “Where is the folder?” Everyone turned pale, Zhenya nearly hurt my leg, and I, shaking with laughter, announced that I would probably go home. We met and that's fine. We didn't meet again. Except for Vovka's birthday. He invited me, I arrived, presented cardboard horns, everyone laughed, one birthday boy did not appreciate the joke ... I confess, I could not resist.

I don't think we should face each other! At least because of the inevitable embarrassment. And it’s not worth making a big Swedish family out of all of us. At least I don't have that need.

Building friendship is also unlikely to succeed, I put too much into this concept. I don't feel any jealousy or resentment. In principle, you don’t feel them in relation to a completely stranger.

Yes, and I have four children! It is they who bring compote to me when I have a temperature, read books to me and show me their scribbles. To me! Isn't that a win? Everyone got their own from this story. I am even grateful that this time my husband quickly packed up and disappeared, because everything could drag on, as it has already happened ... And then I would definitely go completely crazy and lose myself. In general, thanks to Vova for everything!

... We got married, one might say, spontaneously. We dated for a year, and my mother came up with a rationalization proposal: “Here, you are with a man, and I am worried about you.

During this time, four children were born in the Kristovsky family: the eldest Yasmin is now 15 years old, Stanislava is 10, Mia is 8, and the youngest Uma is 6. According to Valeria, living together was always difficult, but finally everything began to fall apart after the birth of Uma. “Sorry, but I’m not at all interested in you, you’re taking care of children - so do it,” recalls the words of Vladimir Valery. “When Uma was one year old, her husband, instead of coming at 8 in the morning, sometimes stopped coming at all.” It soon became clear that Vladimir had moved to another apartment, but at the same time he did not admit that he had someone: “It seemed to me that I was standing on a stool, they were about to kick it out from under my feet, and my husband was carefully straightening a noose around my neck." Approximately in such circumstances they lived for two years, and then Valeria forced Kristovsky to tell about new woman, and he finally left the family.

“I turned to a psychotherapist because my weeks of preparation turned out to be useless,” Valeria told the 7 Days portal. - Inside, everything was compressed in a lump, turned over, changed places.

Children were able to forgive dad - they often spend time together

It seemed to me that I - full mirror Wow, and now I no longer exist. I was pulled out of a state of complete stupefaction by a psychologist. I went to appointments for 5 months, 3 times a week, like a job.” Kristovskaya plunged into the virtual world, registered on all possible dating sites, joined the game and laughed all night long. “I was catching up on the topic of flirting and had a lot of fun. The virtual life was followed by quite a real one.

Apparently, Olga Pilevskaya won the trust of the children of Vladimir Kristovsky

It turned out that there are many men, they are very different and some do not even faint from the information about four children. Trained as a designer. met with the masses interesting people. I bought red lipstick, which I never had. I started dressing like a human. Vova now does not cause me any emotions at all. We communicate, of course, very little, but calmly. True, all is well. I wear red lipstick, I wear high heels, I go out on dates, and my heart is open to love.”

Olga Pilevskaya starred in many clips of the group Uma2rmaH.

Lyubov Novoselova / Photo: Instagram, RIA Novosti / Scanpix

The eldest son of Natalia Vodianova first appeared on the podium

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