Ruskeala waterfalls: Akhvenkoski and others. How to get there? Photo. Ruskeala waterfalls and marble canyon in korelia

I feel that my story about him will last many times longer than the 23-day trip itself lasted. :)
In fact, my story about Karelian part our big tour is coming to an end. Only a day and a half left, a beautiful and important part (however, there were no others!) - a trip to Ruskeala to the waterfalls and to the mountain park to the Marble Canyon and transfer from Sortavala to Vyborg.
When I go into an album with Ruskeala photos, I simply dissolve in it. I experience indescribable feelings, looking at this Karelian splendor. There are different thoughts: the desire to see again, to see even more ... Today I complained that they did not see the Italian Quarry, to which my husband replied: "Oh, come on! There will be a reason to return." Knows me. :) Sweet bliss immediately spilled into my soul...
I present to you an overview post about the tenth day of our trips to Karelia in which I will tell

  • how we visited the Ruskeala waterfalls,
  • what they saw and what they didn’t see in the Ruskeala Mountain Park and why,
  • is it worth it or not to go to the zoo of ungulates at the recreation center "Black Stones".

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Day 10

The day started with lots and fast, one might say, conditional,breakfast on rented apartment. Cookies, tea. Get dressed. Moved towards Ruskeala.
The sights of Ruskeala - waterfalls and Marble Canyon - are located on the same highway - A130. From Sortavala to Ruskeala waterfalls 27 kilometers, then along the highway, after five kilometers - Marble Canyon. On the map it looks like this:

We got on a good road, we did not notice how.

It is impossible to drive through Ruskeala waterfalls, already from the road you can see a parking lot, a pond and one of the waterfalls.

The stand at the parking lot says "Achinkoski Waterfalls". Ruskeala waterfalls is a new name, Ahinkoski is an old Finnish name.

Ruskeala waterfalls - ennobled landmark of Karelia (as well as ) - cafe, parking, information stand, toilets (not so hot, but there are),for the convenience of lifting tourists to the waterfalls, ladders were laid,

They climbed, looked


And our journey along the A130 highway to one of the main attractions of Karelia - the Mountain Park "Ruskeala" - continued.

There are no problems with pointers to it. But such a pointer can be quite misleading.

The fact is that the Ruskeala Mountain Park is not only the Marble Canyon. Thinking so, many do not reach the Italian quarry, the Ruskeala failure " underground lake"But these are amazing objects !!! By the way, we didn’t get there, but for other reasons. Somehow everything turned out chaotically, we didn’t even understand how.
This is what it looks like scheme of the Mountain Park "Ruskeala"(from the site and its environs. Looking at her, I understand - we have something to strive for, why return to Karelia again.

We parked our car in an almost full parking lot. We went to the checkout.

There we were offered a boat ride in the Marble Canyon. I immediately refused (I am terrified of such boat trips), my husband decided to go for a ride. Sonya is with him. Well, what happened - we bought one ticket for a boat trip (400 rubles - the price for a boat!), One - a regular trip (150 rubles). And so they split up.
This was our mistake. I had to wait for my "boatmen", and then go for a walk in the park all together.

  • First, together "it's fun to walk across the open spaces." Well, it's more interesting, that's for sure. Solo swimming is categorically not my thing. The degree of pleasure from the visible decreases at times.
  • Secondly, there were places where I was scared alone on the route.
  • Thirdly, I was in a hurry, seeing that mine had already "left", having rolled over, and did not go where I had to go - the failure and the Italian Canyon.
  • Fourthly, I gave my camera to my husband, thinking that it was from the boat that the most the best views and walked around with his camera. And the color rendition of his camera is worse than mine, alas ... Photos from Kostya came out with a gulkin nose - either row, or take pictures, and those that turned out turned out not very well. At times, my little treasure picked up the camera.

In general, my first advice is, do not do as we do - do not split! Second - do not bet on photos from the water. Photos from above are more effective and there are much more opportunities for different angles.
And now the photos.
She put her people on the boat, waved her hand and followed the route. Not a mother, but a viper. She sent the child, but did not swim herself.

In fact, I was in such a panicky, “frozen” state that I couldn’t see anything around. I did not even read the inscription in large letters "Exit from the route." The fact that I saw her is a fact (well, the photo is mine!). But also the fact that I did not even suspect that I was going to reverse side, true truth. And what was my surprise (to put it mildly) when a month later I looked at my photos of the Marble Canyon and saw this photo.

Well, the photos of the Marble Canyon, taken by Kostya and Sonya for a couple.

The first rowing in my life was not so easy. :)

"Under the curtain" looked like souvenirs. Good souvenirs, but the prices are kind of insane. So they didn't buy anything. Nothing at all. :(Even books.

By this time it was 3:30 p.m. on the clock. We decide to drive all the same to the recreation center "Black Stones", where the zoo of ungulates is located.

From the highway at the turn to the zoo there are signs. It's hard to get past.

They sawed along the primer at a speed of 20 km / h. The ride is still the same.

The system of visiting the zoo seemed very strange to us. Just like that, without excursions, they are not allowed to go there. With a tour, the cost, if I'm not mistaken, is 250 rubles per person. In addition, the group had to wait. By this point it was starting to drizzle. Well, it's like that, to the heap. There was no decisive moment. In general, we turned around and sawed back 10 kilometers along the dirt road. In fact, it would be necessary to pave the way. It is not serious to invite people somehow and not create any conditions.

- These are three waterfalls formed on the Tohmajoki River, three kilometers from the village of Ruskeala. Tohmajoki waterfalls are not as high and full of water as the White Bridges or Kivach, but they have some amazing beauty and elegance of their own.

The height of the water fall on them varies between 3 and 4 meters. Tourists heading to the Ruskeala mountain park definitely stop to look at these beautiful waterfalls, take a photo against the backdrop of a waterfall, or simply enjoy the sound of water in a cozy shady gazebo.

The highest and largest of the Ruskeala waterfalls is the Akhvenkoski waterfall. The height of the water fall in it reaches 4 meters. In translation, "Akhvenkoski" means "Perch Rapid". This waterfall is clearly visible from the road, parking for cars and buses with tourists, covered gazebos, a toilet, souvenir shops and even a shop with tourists are organized on its territory. smoked fish caught nearby. He gained particular fame thanks to the 1972 film The Dawns Here Are Quiet. Ruskeala waterfalls also served as scenery for the film "The Dark World", after the filming of which, a model of a chopped hut remained at the very source of the Ahvenkoski waterfall.

The Tohmajoki river is rich in rapids, and due to the fact that the river is very winding, many picturesque waterfalls can be seen in one walk, for example, the Ryumyakoski waterfall roars downstream. It is quite difficult to get to it by car, and until recently it was not difficult to walk. The Ryumäkoski waterfall is what remains of the old Finnish hydroelectric power station, but now there are construction works on the site of the ruins and getting close to the waterfall itself is quite difficult.

Moving closer to Ruskeala, you can see another waterfall of the Tohmajoki River. In the place where the river crosses the road already in the village of Ruskeala. The turbulent current of the river, hitting the stones, foams the water, spreads splashes and noise for many meters around.

How to get to Ruskeala waterfalls.

How to get here is detailed in the article about how all the Ruskeala waterfalls are also marked on the map, and the landmarks by which to find them.

Karelia is the place to see pristine nature and enjoy the beauty of the Ruskeala waterfalls and the Marble Canyon. Read about it in the article.


This region is called the country of numerous lakes and rivers, the pearl of the Russian North. Karelia with its relict forests and bottomless lakes attracts beauty lovers.

Here the lakes are blue, the rivers are rapids, and the rocks are harsh. Nature is distinguished by untouched purity. Admiration is caused by the Marble Canyon and Ruskeala waterfalls, which are a reserve and custodian of folk art and antiquity.

Ruskeala park

It is a natural landmark of Karelia. Translated from Finnish, it means "brown or brown rock". The location of the Ruskeala mountain park is the vicinity of the village of the same name. The center of the composition is the Marble Canyon, which is currently a natural monument and cultural heritage countries.

The canyon is four hundred and sixty meters long and up to one hundred meters wide. Depth in some places more than fifty meters. The quarry is filled with groundwater, the transparency of which reaches fifteen to eighteen meters.

In addition to the Marble Canyon, there are other interesting places which can be reached along the paved paths. The park is equipped with viewing platforms, lighting, rope descents. Signs are placed everywhere so that tourists do not get lost. It's always clean and tidy here.

The history of the formation of the Marble Canyon

Ruskeala is a village in the Sortavalsky district of Karelia. Its history begins at the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the Swedes were engaged in the extraction of marble. After the lands were annexed to Russia, at the end of the Northern War, all work was suspended. But Petersburg palaces had to be decorated, marble was required. Its mining resumed in the second half of the eighteenth century.

Decorated with Ruskeala marble St. Isaac's Cathedral, Mikhailovsky Castle. Later, the Primorskaya and Ladozhskaya metro stations were lined with it. The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by a war with the Finns. When they left our country, the marble quarries were flooded. These places were no longer used for industrial purposes. Tourists did not visit them either.

How was the mountain park created?

The beginning of the nineties is the second birth of Ruskeala. One of the private firms took the liberty of equipping a marble quarry for a tourist complex. Here they began to lay routes, build hotels, parking lots for cars. Specialists have developed programs for excursions and organizing leisure activities for future tourists. This is how the Ruskeala mountain park was created - favorite place for the rest of tourists from different parts of Russia.

marble canyon

Marble Canyon and Ruskeala waterfalls are a sight of Karelia. The canyon is clearly visible before entering the park. The sight surprises with its beauty. The rugged banks are framed by sheer gray-white marble cliffs that break right into crystal-clear turquoise water, similar to the Northern Lights.

Currently, only one mine remains unflooded. It is clearly visible from above if you climb the hiking trail. It can be seen if you make a trip across the lake. Using a boat, you can get to any of its places, and even swim under the rocks. The park can be visited at any time of the year, only the schedule changes. In winter, the water in the canyon is covered with ice. As soon as darkness falls, artistic lighting turns on. The canyon at this time is extraordinarily beautiful, it glows bright colors different shades.

The Tohmajoki River features many waterfalls and steep rapids. There are three waterfalls in the Ruskeala complex. The largest and most beautiful is the Ahvenkoski waterfall. It is called the Okunev threshold or the waterfall at the three bridges. The banks of the riverbed, where the waterfall drains its waters, are rocky. But there is a small area with a sandy beach. It is used by tourists as a beach.

Driving along the highway, the banks of the river overgrown with pines and firs are clearly visible. This is an impressive sight. Car parking is organized here, gazebos for recreation, shops selling souvenirs are built.

If you go down the river, you can see the Ryumyakoski waterfall. It is difficult to get to it, so tourists go to see the beauty on foot. This waterfall is the remains of a Finnish hydroelectric power station. On the territory of Ruskeala village there is another waterfall. Noise and splashes of foaming water are carried throughout the district.

Ruskeala waterfalls got their name from the village located next to them. The waterfalls are powerful, full-flowing, with a height of rapids up to three or four meters. They are characterized as flat. Ruskeala waterfalls are famous for the fact that such a box-office film as “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was filmed in these places. The filming of the film "The Dark World" also took place here.

Tourists admire the Ruskeala waterfalls from the observation deck. But if you cross the river on the bridge and go deeper into the forest, you can see the waterfalls from the other side. Natural beauty is simply mesmerizing.

Tohmajoki freezes in December, but the waterfalls continue to live until February. Ruskeala waterfalls are beautiful in winter: falling streams of red water hit the stones with force. Foam spray freezes icicles on tree branches. Peat water resembles silky hair braided into a braid. Looking at the water, the soul is cleansed, as if bells are ringing or a fire is burning, the sparks of which pierce the heart.

How to get from St. Petersburg to the city of Sortavala?

Ruskeala waterfalls and Sortavala Marble Canyon can be visited by car, regular bus or fixed-route taxi. The distance from the cultural capital of the country to the city of Sortavala is three hundred kilometers. From him to Ruskeala - thirty. The whole journey takes up to four and a half hours.

If you have a desire to visit the Ruskeala waterfalls, read the article on how to get there. Traveling by car is the most common mode of transport. First you need to get to the city of Priozersk, following the highway of the same name. Then turn onto the A-129 highway and drive to the city of Sortavala. From here, along the A-130 highway to Vartsila, from where the road leads directly to the village of Ruskeala. Travel time from the city of Sortavala takes twenty minutes.

If for some reason a trip by a private car does not suit you, you can take a regular bus, which leaves from the Devyatkino metro station every day at ten in the morning. People go back to St. Petersburg by the same bus, which departs from the city of Sortavala at sixteen o'clock. Flights are daily. If you have the funds, you can go on a trip by taxi. Flights are daily. You stop any taxi, agree on a price, and go.

Ruskeala or, as they are also called, are a cascade of small lowland waterfalls near the village of Ruskeala, on the Tokhmajoki River. The largest of the waterfalls - Ahvenkoski - reaches a height of 4 meters. If you go on an excursion to the famous, be sure to look at them along the way. Those who like to travel on their own will also find them without difficulty: the waterfalls are visible from the road.

Why do these places attract tourists so much? The fact that it was here that the scene from the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was filmed, the one where Zhenya died. And more recently, in 2010, the waterfalls served as a "decoration" for another film - "The Dark World", after the filming of which a chopped hut remained on top of one of the waterfalls.

fans extreme species Sports also do not bypass the waterfalls: in the spring and summer, they are rafted on kayaks.


Although the waterfalls do not differ in impressive size, they look very beautiful against the background of the surrounding landscape. The water in them runs quite quickly and noisily, but you can even see small fish. The red color of the ledges, which strikes some tourists, is due to the presence of iron salts. You can climb up along a small path winding along boulders and pines. Be careful: in some areas you can fall down!


How to get to the waterfalls near Ruskeala?

Parking for cars and tourist buses is organized near the waterfalls. It also houses wooden gazebos for relaxation and a gift shop.

What to buy

The store offers a traditional set of souvenirs - magnets with views of Karelia, ornaments made of Karelian birch and shungite, amulets and much more. On the opposite side, locals offer tourists jams and jams from seasonal berries. So, a seven-hundred-gram jar of cloudberry jam in 2014 was sold for 1,500 rubles. Such high prices were explained by the end of the season (the first decade of August). Therefore, if you want to enjoy Karelian berries, you need to arrive early. Otherwise, the prices for souvenirs are about the same everywhere.

How to relax

If you come with a tourist group, then most likely you will be given a maximum of 10 minutes to see the waterfalls. During this time, it is quite possible to have time to climb two thresholds and take memorable photos. If you are traveling on your own, then you can go higher - there will be sand beach. However, most vacationers after a walk around the surrounding places prefer to swim below.

The Tohmajoki River is one of the major water arteries northern Ladoga. It originates from Lake Ruokojärvi near the border with Finland and flows into Lake Ladoga near the village of Helyulya. The length of Tohmajoki is about 40 km. There are many rapids and small waterfalls on the river, called Ruskeala waterfalls.

The nature of the rapids is different, there are classic, rocky rifts with chaotic ramparts, there are also steeply dipping, local rapids. Among the waterfalls, perhaps the most beautiful is Ruskeala Ahvenkoski waterfall.

Waterfall Akhvenkoski in Ruskeala

Translated from Finnish, its name means "Perch Threshold". locals sometimes referred to as "the waterfall at the three bridges". At this point, the winding river Tohmajoki crosses the road three times. It is located not reaching 3 km to the village of Ruskeala. The waterfall is clearly visible directly from the road, there is a well-equipped playground, gazebos. Near the waterfalls there is a car park equipped with benches, sheds and a toilet.
The picturesque waterfall attracts the attention of everyone passing along the road, so autotourists often stop here for a short rest. The bathing scene of one of the heroines of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was filmed on this waterfall.

Waterfall Ahvenkoski- This whole complex of four waterfalls at the flood of the Tohmajoki River. In spring and early summer, there are numerous groups tourists and lovers active rest on catamarans and kayaks. Many groups pass the waterfalls themselves. The height of the waterfalls is about 3-4 meters.
On the way to, before reaching 4 km to the village, an inconspicuous Forest Road, which leads to the Ryumäkoski Waterfall. Down to the waterfall Ahvenkoski do not drive by car. Part of the road is swampy. The last 200 meters will have to go on foot. There used to be a Finnish hydroelectric power station on this waterfall. The old buildings of this hydroelectric power station have been preserved to this day. In the near future, this small hydroelectric power station may be restored.
Upstream of the river, in the village of Ruskeala itself, the Tokhmajoki river crosses the road again, revealing the water rifts of another group of rapids.
Although these Karelian waterfalls are not as high as the Yukankoski on the Kulismajoki River, their picturesqueness leaves no one indifferent.

Waterfall Ahvenkoski photo

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