The first surah sent down to the Prophet Muhammad. Reasons for sending down the verses of the Holy Quran. What does the word "Quran" mean?

27 Ekim 2016 - 12:27 - Viewed 8332 times.

Reading the Qur'an strengthens our iman, purifies the heart and helps us to approach our Creator through His words. Below are 100 interesting facts about the Quran that you might not know.

1. What does the word "Quran" mean?

2. Where was the Qur'an first revealed?

In the Cave of Hira (Mecca).

3. On what night was the first revelation of the Qur'an sent down?

In Laylatul Qadr (Night of Predestination. in the month of Ramadan.

4. Who sent down the Qur'an?

5. Through whom was the revelation of the Qur'an revealed?

Through the Angel Jabrail.

6. To whom was the Quran sent down?

The last Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

7. Who took responsibility for the preservation of the Qur'an?

8. Under what conditions can one touch the Qur'an?

The person who touches the Qur'an must be in a state of ritual ablution.

9. What is the most read book?

10. What is the main theme of the Quran?

11. What are the other names of the Quran according to the Quran itself?

Al-Furqan, Al-Kitab, Al-Zikr, Al-Nur, Al-Huda.

12. How many surahs of the Qur'an were revealed in Mecca?

13. How many surahs of the Qur'an were sent down in Medina?

14. How many manzils are there in the Quran?

15. How many juz are there in the Quran?

16. How many suras are there in the Quran?

17. How many parts are there in the Qur'an?

18. How many verses are there in the Quran?

19. How many times does the word "Allah" appear in the Qur'an?

20. What scripture is the only religious text where the language of its revelation, including dialects, is still used today?

21. Who is the first hafiz of the Qur'an?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

22. How many Khuffaz (Hafiz.) were there at the time of the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him)?

23. How many verses after reading which should one perform sajda?

24. In which sura and verse was the first mention of sajda?

Sura 7 verse 206.

25. How many times does the Qur'an mention prayer?

26. How many times does the Quran mention almsgiving and saadaq?

27. How many times in the Quran does the Almighty refer to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as YaAyuKhanNabi?

28. In which verse of the Qur'an is the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) named as Ahmad?

Sura 61 verse 6.

29. How many times is the name Rasulullah mentioned in the Qur'an?

Muhammad (peace be upon him) - 4 times. Ahmad (peace be upon him) - 1 time.

30. The name of which prophet (peace be upon him.) is mentioned in the Koran the most?

The name of the prophet Musa (peace be upon him) - 136 times.

31. Who was the Katibiwahi (recording the divine revelation) of the Qur'an?

Abu Bakr, Usman, Ali, Zayed bin Harith, Abdullah bin Masud.

32. Who was the first to count the verses of the Koran?

33. On whose advice did Abu Bakr decide to put the Qur'an together?

Umar Farooq.

34. By whose order was the Qur'an put into writing?

Abu Bakr.

35. Who adhered to the recitation of the Quran in the style of the Quraysh?

36. How many copies compiled by Uthman have survived in the present?

Only 2 copies, one of which is kept in Tashkent, the other in Istanbul.

37. What surah of the Koran did the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) utter during prayer, upon hearing which Hazrat Jabir bin Musim converted to Islam?

52 Surah of the Qur'an At-Tur.

38. After the recitation of which sura by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), one of his enemies Utba fell on his face?

The first five verses of Surah 41 Fussylat.

39. According to the Qur'an, which is the first and oldest mosque?

40. What two groups does the Koran divide humanity into.

Believers and non-believers.

41. About whom in the Qur'an did Allah Almighty say that his body will remain a warning example for future generations?

About Pharaoh (10:9192).

42. Besides the body of the pharaoh, what will be left for future generations as a warning example?

Ark of Nuh.

43. Where did Nuh's ark end up after it crashed?

To Mount al-Judi (11:44).

44. The name of which companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Qur'an?

Zayed bin Harisa (33:37).

45. The name of which relative of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Qur'an?

His uncle Abu Lahab (111:1).

46. ​​The name of which Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is mentioned by the name of the mother?

Prophet Isa: Isa bin Maryam.

47. What truce was called Fathhum Mubin and took place without a fight?

Hudaybiya agreement.

48. What names are used in the Qur'an to refer to Satan?

Iblis and Ash-shaitan.

49. Which creatures does the Qur'an refer to as Iblis?

To the genies.

50. What types of worship were prescribed by Allah for the people of Bani Israel, which were continued by the Muslim mind?

Namaz and Zakat (2:43).

51. The Qur'an repeatedly speaks of a certain Day. What is this day?

Judgment Day.

52. Who were those people with whom Allah Almighty was pleased, and they are pleased with him, as it is said in the Qur'an?

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (9:100).

53. What surah is called the "Heart of the Qur'an"?

Suru Yasin (36)

54. In what year did vowels appear in the Qur'an?

43 Hijri.

55. Who were the first people who studied the Koran?

Askhabu Suffa.

56. What is the name of the university where the faculty of the Koran was first opened?

Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

57. How are those who were chosen by the Almighty to carry His message to mankind mentioned in the Qur'an?

Nabi (Prophet) and Rasul (Messenger).

58. What should a person be like from the point of view of the Qur'an?

Mu'min ("Believer"). If “iman” and “Islam” have the same meaning, namely, if “Islam” is understood as the acceptance by the heart of all the precepts of Islam, then every mumin (believer) is a Muslim (submissive, surrendered to Allah), and every Muslim - there is a mumin.

59. What is the measure of human dignity according to the Qur'an?

Taqwa (God-fearing).

60. What is the biggest sin according to the Quran?

61. Where in the Qur'an is water called the place where life originated?

Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 30 (21:30)

62. Which sura of the Qur'an is the longest?

Sura al-Baqarah (2).

63. Which surah of the Qur'an is the shortest?

Al-Kawthar (108).

64. How old was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when the first revelation was sent down to him?

65. How long did the Prophet (peace be upon him) receive revelations in Mecca?

66. How many years were the suras of the Koran sent down to the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Medina?

67. Where was the first surah of the Qur'an sent down?

68. Where was the last surah of the Qur'an sent down?

In Medina.

69. How many years did the revelation of the Qur'an take?

70. What sura is read in each rak'ah of prayer?

Al Fatiha.

71. What sura is defined by the Almighty as a dua?

Al Fatiha.

72. Why is Surah Al-Fatiha at the beginning of the Qur'an?

This is the key of the Holy Quran.

73. Which surah of the Holy Qur'an was revealed in full and became the first in the Qur'an?

Surah Al-Fatiha.

74. Which woman's name is mentioned in the Qur'an?

Maryam (r.a.).

75. Which sura of the Qur'an contains the maximum number of instructions?

Sura al-Baqarah (2).

76. Where and when did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Jabrail (peace be upon him) meet for the second time?

Friday, Ramadan 18 in a cave on Mount Hira.

77. What was the period between the first and second revelation?

2 years and 6 months.

78. What surah does not begin with Bismillah?

Sura at-Tauba (9)

79. In which sura of the Qur'an is the Bismillah repeated twice?

Sura an-Naml (verses 1 and 30).

80. How many surahs of the Qur'an are named after prophets?

Sura Yunus (10);
Sura Hud (11);
Sura Yusuf (12);
Sura Ibrahim (14);
Sura Nuh (71);
Surah Muhammad (47).

81. In which part of the Qur'an is the ayat al-Kursi?

Sura al-Baqarah (2:255).

82. How many names of the Almighty are mentioned in the Qur'an?

83. What names of people who were not prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an?

Luqman, Aziz and Zulkarnain.

84. How many Companions participated in the creation of a single mushaf of the Koran during the reign of Abu Bakr (r.a.)?

75 Companions.

85. What book is memorized by millions of people around the world?

Holy Koran.

86. What did the jinn who heard the verses of the Qur'an say to each other?

We heard a unique speech that shows the true path, and we believed in it.

87. What is the most popular translation of the Koran in Russian?

Translated by Osmanov, Sablukov, Krachkovsky.

88. How many languages ​​has the Koran been translated into?

More than 100 languages.

89. How many prophets are mentioned by name in the Qur'an?

90. What will be our position on the Day of Judgment according to the Qur'an?

Each of us will be in a state of anxiety and restlessness.

91. Which prophet mentioned in the Qur'an was a prophet in the fourth generation?

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

92. What book canceled all the old rules and regulations?

93. What does the Quran say about wealth and wealth?

They are a test of faith (2:155).

94. Who, according to the Qur'an, is "haatamun nabiyin" (the last prophet)?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

95. What book tells about the creation of the world and the end of the world?

96. What is another name for the city of Mecca in the Qur'an?

Bakka and Baladul Amin.

97. What is the name of the city of Medina in the Koran?

98. According to the Qur'an, whose people are named as "Bani Israel"?

The people of the Prophet Yakub (peace be upon him), also known as Israel.

99. Which mosques are mentioned in the Koran.

There are 5 mosques mentioned in the Quran:

a. Masjid al-Haram
b. Masjid ul Zirar
in. Masjid ul-Nabawi
Masjid ul-Aqsa
e. Masjid Cuba

100. Names of which angels are mentioned in the Qur'an:

The Quran mentions the names of 5 angels:

a. Jabrail (2:98)
b. Mikail (2:98)
in. Harut (2:102)
Marut (2:102)
d. Malik (43:77)

Sayda Hayat

Assalamu alaikum.QURAN:

1. What was the last surah revealed? Nasr
2. How many women are mentioned in the Quran by name? one
3. About which surah did the Prophet say that it is the heart of the Qur'an? Yasin
4. What surah will intercede in the grave when it is read? Al Mulk
5. The Prophet Muhammad said: Whoever read this surah has read a third of the Qur'an. What sura are you talking about? Ikhlas
6. What are the sacred scriptures? Koran, Torah, Gospels, Psalms and scrolls
7. The Prophet Muhammad said: Whoever reads this sura every day, need and poverty will not touch him. What sura are you talking about? falling
8. What is the longest verse in the Quran? In Surah Qorova, ayat 282 about debt
9. What suras were sent down from witchcraft? Dawn and People
10. What is called in the Qur'an both drink and medicine? Honey
11. Of the one hundred and fourteen suras of the Qur'an, only one does not begin with the words "In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful." What sura are you talking about? About Surah "Repentance" (At-Tauba)
12. What suras or verses are called Medina and Meccan? Before the Hijra, Meccan, and after the Medinan
13. Allah in the Holy Quran said: O Prophet! Why do you forbid yourself what Allah has allowed you to please your wives? What did the Prophet forbid himself? Honey
14. The Qur'an mentions that the wives of two prophets will end up in hell. Who exactly are we talking about? About the wives of the prophet Nuh (Noah) and the prophet Lut (Lot)
15. The Prophet Muhammad said: do not turn your houses into cemeteries, truly Satan avoids the house in which the surah is read ... ..? What sura was mentioned? Bakara
16. How many verses are there in the Quran? 6236
17. Which sura is called the mother of the Qur'an? Fatih
18. Under what caliph was the Koran put together? Abu Bakrom
19. What surah did Ibn Masud read when he first went out to call on the polytheists? Arrokhman
20. Imam al-Shafi'i said: If this one sura were sent down, then it would be enough for the people ... what sura are we talking about? Asr
21. What surah is read every Friday? Kahf
22. After reading which surah did Umar bin Khattab convert to Islam? Taha
23. What verse did Abu Bakr recite to Umar bin Khattab after the death of the Prophet? 144. Muhammad is only a Messenger. Before him, too, there were messengers. Can it be that if he dies or is killed, will you turn back?
24. There is a verse in the Qur'an… “O my father! I saw eleven stars, the sun and the moon. I saw them bow down to me." Who contacted the father? Yusuf
25. What is the name of the plant mentioned in the Qur'an as the food of the inhabitants of Hell? Zakkum
26. What are the suras with the name of insects? Ants, Spider, Bees
27. Allah said about the Prophet “He frowned and turned away…” What was the name of the man who caused the Prophet to frown and turn away? Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum
28. The Prophet said: Whoever memorizes the first 10 verses of this Surah, Allah will save him from the Dajjal. What sura are you talking about? Kahf

1. The Prophet Muhammad said: "The best of you is the one who studies the Qur'an .... Continue the hadith? ... and teaches it to others"
2. The Prophet said: "Three signs of hypocrisy, if you tell a lie, do not keep your promise, and ... Continue? Break the contract"
3. What was the first temptation of the sons of Israel (Israelites) according to the hadith narrated by Muslim? Women
4. The Prophet said: "Religion is a manifestation of sincerity." We asked: "In relation to whom?" He said: ... continue? "In relation to Allah, and to his Book, and to His messenger, and to the rulers of Muslims and to all Muslims in general"
5. The Prophet said: "Not the one who is strong who conquers many, only he is strong ... continue? Who is able to restrain his anger"
6. The Prophet said: "Two words are loved by the Merciful, light on the tongue and heavy on the scales ... Which ones? Subhanallavabihamdihi subhanallahilazym"
7. According to the hadeeth, when a person dies, all his deeds stop except for 3? for sadaqa-jaria (continuous alms), the useful knowledge that he passed on to people, and the child who will read the dua after him
8. In one of the hadiths, the prophet said: ... "Shouldn't you be pointed out by means of which you will love each other? What did the Prophet advise? Spread salaam"
9. Hadith: “A woman is like a rib… continue? If you try to straighten it, you will break it”
10. It is reported that Abu Hurairah said: "My most beloved friend (the Prophet) advised me to do three things that I will not give up until my death. (He advised me) to fast three days a month, take an extra morning / spirit / prayer and ... continue? go to bed (only) after performing witr"
11. The prophet said about prayer, this prayer is the best that is on this earth. What kind of prayer are you talking about? Sunnah before Fajr
12. It is narrated from the words of the mother of the faithful "Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that (once) she said:" O Messenger of Allah, we consider jihad to be the best thing, so why not take part in it? "The Prophet said:" No! The best jihad for you is...? impeccable Hajj"
13. The Prophet said: "If I were not afraid that it would be difficult for my ummah, then I would order it to be done before every prayer." What is it about? Sivak
14. The Prophet said: "Allah will not speak to three on the Day of Resurrection, will not look at them and will not purify them, and a painful punishment is prepared for them." "Lowering (the edges of clothes to the ground), reproaching (people with their good deeds) and ... Continue? Selling your goods with the help of false oaths"
15. What was the name of the companion who narrated the most hadith? Abu Hureyra
16. According to the hadith, there will be two angels in the grave of a person. What are their names? Munkar and Nakir
17. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: "Most of all, I fear that you will be struck by a small polytheism." What did the Prophet mean? window dressing
18. The Prophet said: "You should not envy anyone except two, a man whom Allah has taught the Qur'an and who reads it night and day, and? ... a man to whom Allah has bestowed wealth and who spends it properly"
19. The Messenger of Allah was asked: "What is the best income?" What did the Prophet say? "The one that a man earned with his own hands"
20. The Prophet, passing by two graves, said: "These two people are not punished for major sins." For what sins did they receive punishment? "He was not afraid of spraying najas, spreading gossip"
21. The Messenger of Allah said: “Let one of you who sees the blameworthy change it with his own hands, ... supplement the hadeeth? if he cannot (do) this (let him change it) with his tongue, and if he cannot (and this), then with your heart, and this will be the weakest (manifestation) of faith. (Muslim.)
22. Almost all collections of hadith begin with this hadith. What hadith are you talking about? Hadith about intentions
23. In one of the hadiths it is said that the Prophet freed Safiyya from slavery and gave her as a bride price ... What did he give her? Freedom
24. The Messenger of Allah said: "In the stomach (of such a person) who drinks from a silver vessel, there will be ... What will happen? the flames of Hell will rustle!"
25. The Messenger of Allah said: "The sign of a good practice of Islam by a person is his refusal of what ... refusal of what? does not concern him"
26. Abdullah bin Umar said that the Messenger of Allah took me by the shoulders and said: “Be in this world (like) as if you ... Continue? stranger or traveler
27. The Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed, it has reached the people from the words of the first prophecy (the following): if you do not feel shame, then ... continue? do what you want"
28. The Messenger of Allah said: “Let the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good or be silent, and let the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day show respect to his neighbor, and let the one who believes in Allah and on the Last Day... Continue? He welcomes his guest well"

PROPHET MUHAMMAD (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
1. How many times did the angels cut the Prophet's chest? 4
2. How many battles did the Messenger of Allah participate in? nine
3. In what battle was the Prophet wounded and his tooth broken? Uhud
4. What was the first thing the prophet did when he arrived in Medina? Built a mosque
5. How old was the Prophet when he first went to Sham with his uncle Abu Talib? 12
6. What was the name of the cave in which the prophet liked to retire? Hira
7. What are the names of the children of the Prophet? Qasim, Abdullah, Ibrahim, Zeynab, Fatima, Ruqaiya, Um Kulthum
8. For how many years did the prophet call in Mecca in secret? 3 years
9. Who among the relatives of Muhammad most tried to hinder him? Abu Lahab
10. Why was a certain year called the year of tribulation? Death of Khadija and Abu Talib
11. What was the name of the animal on which the Prophet was carried from Mecca to Al-Aqsa? Buraka
12. What was the name of the cave in which the Prophet hid with Abu Bakr from the mushriks? Saur
13. What did the polytheists promise to the one who catches the Prophet? 100 camels
14. To what food did the Jewish woman add poison to poison the Prophet? Lamb shoulder
15. How many times did the Prophet perform Hajj? one
16. How many times did the Prophet make Umrah? 4
17. What did the Prophet call the first mosque in Medina? Cuba
18. What kunya did the Prophet have? Abul Qasim
19. What was the name of the Prophet before Islam? Amin, Sadiq (Honest, Truthful)
20. What was the last instruction of the Prophet Muhammad? His words: "Prayers, prayers and take care of your slaves"
21. How old was Prophet Muhammad when his mother died? 6 years
22. When was the Prophet Muhammad born? April 22, 571 AD
23. How many years did Prophet Muhammad and Khadija live in marriage? 24 years
24. When was the obligation of the Prophet Muhammad and all other Muslims to perform five daily prayers? While traveling at night (mi`raj)
25. How many uncles of the Prophet converted to Islam? 2
26. To whom did the Prophet go with Khadija after he saw Jabrail? What is his name? Waraqa bin Nawfal
27. What was the name of the monk who informed Abu Talib that Muhammad would be a Prophet? Bahira
28. Where did the Prophet stay when he first stopped in Medina? Abu Ayyub al-Ansari

1. Who brought the news of the Queen of Sheba to Prophet Suleiman? Hoopoe
2. Which prophet was swallowed by the Whale? Yunus
3. Which of the prophets was sent a test in the form of a long illness? Ayyub
4. What trade did the prophet Idris master? tailor
5. To which prophet was the she-camel sent? Salih
6. How many years did Prophet Yusuf spend in prison? 7 years
7. Which of the prophets was the most noble (good kind)? Yusuf
8. Who was the first of the prophets to write the word "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim"? Suleiman
9. To what people was the prophet Hood sent? Aditam
10. What was the name of Yusuf's father? Yakub
11. At what age did Ibrahim die? 175
12. Which prophet did Allah send to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Loot
13. How did the sons of Yakub treat their brother Yusuf? Thrown into a well
14. What was the name of Ismail's mother? Hajjar
15. To whom was Prophet Salih sent? Thamudites
16. Which of the prophets was a blacksmith? Daoud
17. What trade did Prophet Nuh master? A carpenter
18. On what day did the prophet Adam enter paradise? On Friday
19. Which of the family of Nuha did Allah drown in the water? wife and son
20. What number of sons was the prophet Yusuf? eleven
21. Who was the army of Suleiman? Genies, people, birds
22. Which prophet's name means "He shall live"? Yahya
23. What animal was the prophet Yakub afraid of that could harm his son Yusuf? Wolf
24. Name five great prophets? Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, Muhammad
25. The appearance of the source of Zam-Zam is associated with the name of which prophet? Ismail
26. What plant did Yunus hide under after he was freed from the belly of the whale? Pumpkin
27. The story of which prophet Allah called the most beautiful in the Qur'an? Yusuf
28. To which prophet was the psalter sent down? Daoud

1. How many years was Abu Bakr Caliph? 2 years
2. Whom did the Prophet adopt? Zeid bin Harith
3. Because of the death of which companion did the throne of Allah sway? due to the death of Sa "da bin Mu" aza "
4. Who was the scribe of the Prophet Muhammad? Abdullah bin Rawaha
5. Who was called the "Sword of Allah"? Khalid bin Walid
6. Why did one of the Companions receive the kunya of Abu Hurairah? he had a kitten
7. Who was called "The Lion of Allah"? Hamza
8. What was the name of the Ethiopian slave who killed Hamza? vakhshi
9. How many years was Umar bin Khattab caliph? ten
10. Who was the first preacher in Islam sent to Medina? Musab ibn Umayr
11. What was the name of the Companion, his parents and his children who were Companions (3 generations)? Abu Bakr
12. Which woman in the history of Islam was the first martyr who fell for her faith? Sumaya bint Khayyat
13. What was the name of that companion of the prophet who enjoyed his special trust? Hudhayfa Ibn Yaman
14. How old was Abu Bakr when he died? 63
15. Who killed Umar Ibn al-Khattab? An Iranian slave named Abu Lu'lu'a
16. Who was the first person in the history of Islam to use the mail? Umar Ibn al-Khattab
17. Which of the men was the first to believe in the Prophet Muhammad? Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
18. Who became the first ambassador to Islam? Usman Ibn Affan
19. Who was the first born companion after moving to Medina? Abdullah bin Zubair
20. Who was Zubair bin Avwam to Prophet Muhammad? cousin
21. Which woman was the first to believe in Prophet Muhammad? Khadija bint Khuwaylid
22. Who suggested to the Prophet to order women to wear Hijab? Umar bin Khattab
23. Which of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad was known as the best interpreter of the Qur'an? Abdullah Ibn Abbas
24. Who is the head of the fallen for the faith? Hamza Ibn Abd al-Muttalib
25. Who will continue to be called the first muazzin in Islam until the Day of Resurrection? Bilal Ibn Rabah
26. Which caliph became the builder of the first Islamic fleet? Usman Ibn Affan
27. Who was the first caliph in Islam to call for military service? Umar Ibn al-Khattab
28. Who occupied, under Prophet Muhammad, a position similar to that of Harun under Musa? Ali Ibn Abu Talib

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) before his prophecy retired to the cave of Hira, which was located near the city of Mecca. There he meditated on the Majesty of Allah.
On the night of Monday of the month of Ramadan in 610 AD, while in a cave, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) surrendered to Allah with all his heart and at that time, by order of Allah, one of the main Angels, Jabrail, came to Him and said to Him: "Read." The angel repeated this three times. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) asked Him: “What should I read?”. In response, the Angel Gabriel gave Him five verses. Thus, the first revelation was given to our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). This was the beginning of the revelation of the Holy Quran.
Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) received his first revelation at the age of 40. The first verses that were transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) are verses from Surah Al-Alaq:

إِقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِى خَلَقَ خَلَقَ اْلاِنْسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ

إِقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ اْلاَكْرَمُ الَّذِى عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَم

عَلَّمَ اْلاِنْسَانَ مَالَمْ يَعْلَمْ

Meaning: “Read, O Muhammad, with the Name of Your Lord, the Creator of all things. He created man from a clot (blood). Read: Your Lord is the Most Generous. He is the One who taught man to write with the kalam (pen). He taught a man what he did not know” (96/1-5)
From the revelations received, it became known that Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is the last Messenger of Allah. The Quran was sent down by verses, sometimes whole suras. In total, the Koran was sent down in 23 years, in Arabic, and has come down to our days through the most reliable channels. Basically, the verses were sent down in connection with some event or the emergence of any issue. These events and questions are called "sababu nuzul", which means "the reason for sending down."
According to the time of sending down, the Surahs are divided into Meccan (610-622gg, 86 suras) and Medina (622-632gg, 28 suras), which are mostly longer than the Meccan ones. During the Meccan period, which lasted 13 years, verses relating to matters of faith and morality were sent down. The content of the verses was aimed at combating polytheism. But it should be noted that during this period, suras were sent down most of all, in which stories from the life of the prophets are told. The verses revealed at this time constitute one third of the Qur'an. In the year 622 miladi (Christian reckoning), the hijra occurred when Allah Almighty allowed the Muslims to leave Mecca and move to Medina. And it was here that more verses related to religious injunctions and legal issues were revealed. On the one hand, many verses dealt with issues of ibadat, jihad, family law problems, inheritance, and on the other hand, the provisions of the criminal procedure code, punishments for various offenses, muamalat and international law were considered. This is explained by the fact that the Islamic state was born in Medina, and now there are opportunities for the practical implementation of God's laws.
The last verse sent down to our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was the verse from Surah Al-Baqarah:

وَتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّىكُلُّ نَفْسٍ

مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لاَ يُظْلَمُونَ

Meaning: “Fear the day when you will be returned to Allah. Then each person will be rewarded according to his merits. And no one will be offended" (2/281)
The Qur'an contains 114 Surahs (chapters) and Surahs are made up of verses (sentences). The shortest Surahs contain three verses, and the longest (2nd Surah Al-Baqarah) contains 286 verses. There are 6666 verses in the Quran. The Qur'an opens with Sura Al-Fatiha, containing the shortest and most succinct formulations of the foundations of faith, and ends with Sura "Nas." The text of the Qur'an is also divided into 30 juz (parts) for convenience.
The Qur'an is a miracle, the like of which cannot be created. Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “There was not a single prophet who - so that people would believe in him - would not be given the ability to perform a miracle. The greatest miracle given to me is the Qur'an sent down by Allah. Therefore, I hope that on the Day of Judgment I will be such a prophet who will have the most followers ”(Bukhari, Fazail Quran, 1; Muslim, Iman, 70).
Almighty Allah emphasizes that all who deny the truth will not be able to create not only ten suras, even one sura (See sura Hud, 11/13; al-Baqarah, 2/23; Yunus, 10/38). Although the challenge to create something similar to Divine revelations was thrown 15 centuries ago, and to this day no one has been found to answer it.
The Amazing Properties of the Quran

1. The Quran has an incomparable style and height of eloquence. The verses of the Qur'an are read so smoothly that there is nothing like it in the Arabic language. The syllable of the Koran is sometimes read on such a high, at the same time, hard note that frost runs through the skin. An example is the following verse:
"People! Feel reverent fear before your Lord! After all, the shaking (of the earth) with the advent of the Hour is a great event (of the Universe). On the Day you see him, every mother who nurses her baby will forget about him, and every pregnant woman will lay down her burden; and you will see drunken people, although they will not be drunk, and this (will be because) the punishment of Allah will be terrible ”(Sura Hajj, 22/1-2).
2. The meaning of the Qur'an always remains the same. It cannot be changed, made any additions or amendments. Allah Almighty guards His word.
“Verily, this Book is majestic! And lies cannot approach her either from the front or from behind. Indeed, this is the message of the One Who is wise and worthy of all praise ”(Sura Fussilat, 41 / 41-42).
“We, verily, sent the Book (as a guide to people) and we will, verily, watch over its safety” (Sura al-Hijr, 15/9).
3. The Qur'an contains truthful reports about the peoples who have inhabited our planet for a long time. In particular, the tribes Ad and Samud are reported; about the peoples of the prophet Lut, Nuh and Ibrahim (aleihissallam). It also tells about Musa and Pharaoh, about Hazrat Maryam and the birth of the Prophets Isa and Yahya. The fact that the book sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) - who could neither read nor write - contains reliable historical information of ancient times, once again proves the Divine origin of the Koran.
Objectively conducted archaeological and paleontological research will contribute to more and more new discoveries.
4. The Quran contains information about future events and future discoveries. For example, it is reported about the liberation of Mecca, that in the future Islam will become a world religion, superior to others. And it all really came true. The following story is clear evidence of this.
In the battle that took place in 614 between Byzantium (professing the Christian faith) and Iran (its subjects were fire worshipers), the Byzantines were defeated. Of course, the Muslims were greatly upset by the defeat of the Ahlu Kitab (People of the Book), while the Meccan pagans rejoiced with joy, saying: "As the Iranians defeated the Byzantines, so we will defeat the Muslims." In response, Allah revealed the following verse:
“Defeated the Eastern Romans in the nearby lands (to you). But after defeating them (again), they will be defeated (to be) ”(Sura ar-Rum, 30 / 2-3).
Indeed, in 622 the Byzantines inflicted a crushing defeat on the Persians.
5. Much attention is paid to progressive science in the Qur'an. Messages about scientific discoveries (now discovered and which mankind has yet to discover) were brought to the attention of people as early as 15 centuries ago. This can be cited in the following examples from the Qur'an:
a) Water is the basis of life. In the verse of the Qur'an it is reported: "And they brought every living creature out of the life-giving moisture?" (Sura al-Anbiya, 21/30).
Thanks to this verse, the question of the basis of the life of all things was resolved. This verse can be understood in different ways: "That all living things were created with water" and "The source of all living things is water." Remarkably, both concepts are quite consistent with progressive scientific thought. Everyone knows the axiom that the source of life is water and the basis of the cells of every living being is water. There is no life without water. When asked if there is life on any planet, the first thought that comes to mind is: “Is there water?”
b) Allah created everything in pairs. This applies to people, animals and plants. Modern science has long proven that all plants have both male and female cells. The Quran says the following about it:
“And in pairs he brought forth fruits in twos” (Sura al-Rad, 13/3).
Other verses state:
“We have created all sorts of things together, maybe you should think about it!” (Sura al-Zariyat, 51/49).
“Praise be to the One Who in pairs created everything that life on earth gives birth to!” (Sura Yasin, 36/36).
From the last verse it becomes clear that Allah created non-living creatures in pairs. This idea is prompted by different poles on the magnet, the structure of the atom, the presence of positive and negative energies.
No less striking is the picture of plant reproduction by pollination. This discovery, made relatively recently, was reported by the Koran 15 centuries ago. This is indicated by the following verse:
“We send fruitful winds to you” (Sura al Hijr, 15/22).
C) One of the common theories of the creation of the universe is that scientists believe that the earth and other planets once separated from the sun. However, the Quran states the following:
“The unbelievers do not see that heaven and earth were one mass, which We cut into pieces” (Sura al-Anbiya, 21/30).
Surah Yasin tells about the movement of the Sun:
"And the sun completes the path for the period determined for him" (Sura Yasin, 36/38).
This verse explains that the movement of the sun occurs in its own, strictly defined orbit. The sun moves along with other planets to its specific place or moves, obeying the special temporal laws of the universe. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the meaning of the word "mustakar" given in this verse.
6. The Qur'an discusses and summarizes the main features of problematic issues relating to the daily life of people. As well as those that may arise in the process of life. Provisions have been developed relating to deeds and ibadat, issues of justice, virtue and morality, legal and economic issues, family issues and women's rights. That is, the Koran incorporates all the principles that are of great importance for a normal life, both for an individual and for society as a whole. In addition, the Koran defines the forms and conditions for the practical use of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam).
And the opinion that the Holy Quran contains only borrowings from earlier writings, especially from the Torah and from the Gospels, should be considered in the light of existing factors. Of course, the religious themes of the Qur'an and these books largely coincide; a factor is also the fact that it refers to the same Prophets that are spoken of in the Bible - but to argue on the basis of this that the Qur'an simply borrows from earlier writings would be fundamentally wrong. To begin with, let's take at least how the very essence, the very foundations of religion are presented in the Holy Quran, neither the Old, nor the New Testament, nor any other book manages to come close to those great and noble truths that are revealed in the Holy Quran. Further, let us recall how the stories of the Prophets are told in the Bible and how they are told in the Holy Quran: he clearly seeks to correct its mistakes - just like in the case of the main postulates of religious teaching. In the Bible, many Prophets of the Almighty are represented by people who are guilty of the most terrible sins: she tells how Abraham (Ibrahim) lies and how he casts out Hagar (Khadija) and her son, how Lot (Lut) enters into an incestuous relationship with his daughters, how Aaron (Harun) creates a calf for worship and leads the people of Israel to him, so that he will honor him, as David (Dawud) commits adultery with his wife Uriah, as Solomon (Suleiman) worships idols; The Holy Quran does not accept any of these statements, most of them categorically denies in it, the good name of the Prophets is restored, and their memory is cleared from erected slander. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), who did not know how to write and read, managed, by the will of Allah, to correct those mistakes, due to which a shameful stain lay on the reputation of those who carried out the prophetic mission.

The first five verses from Surah al-‘Alaq were sent down first. Allah Almighty said in them:
“Read in the name of your Lord, who created all things. He created man from a clot of blood. Read, because your Lord is the most magnanimous. He taught with a writing stick - taught a man what he did not know. (Sura al-‘Alaq, verses 1-5)
After that, the revelation stopped for a while, and then the first five verses from Surah al-Muddasir were sent down. In them Allah says:
"O wrapped up! Rise and exhort! Praise thy Lord! Cleanse your clothes! Avoid idols!" (Sura al-Muddasir, verses 1-5)
It is reported that the mother of the faithful ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said in a long hadith about how the first revelation was sent down:
“... this continued until the truth was revealed to him when he was in a cave on Mount Hira. An angel appeared to him and ordered: “Read!” - to which he replied: “I can’t read!”. al-Bukhari, 3; Muslim, 160.

Then the first five verses from Surah al-‘Alaq were sent down. It is also reported that Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
“Once I was walking along the road and suddenly I heard a voice from the sky. I raised my head and saw an angel appearing to me in a cave on Mount Hira, sitting on a throne between heaven and earth. I got scared of him, came back home and said: “Cover me, cover me!” - after which Allah Almighty sent down the verses, which said:
“O wrapped up! Arise and exhort, and magnify your Lord, and cleanse your clothes, and avoid filth ... ”” al-Bukhari, 4; Muslim, 161.
It is also reported that Abu Salama ibn ‘Abdu-r-Rahman asked Jabir:
"Which of the Qur'an was revealed first?" Jabir replied: “These are the verses: “O wrapped up!…”” Then Abu Salama said: “But I was told that the verses were sent down first. “Read in the name of your Lord, who created all things…” Jabir replied: “I only told you what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said. He said: “I stayed for some time in a cave on Mount Hira, and then began to descend from there ...””. And at the end of the hadith it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I said to Khadija:“ Cover me and pour cold water over me. And then the verses were revealed to me: "O wrapped up! Rise and exhort! Praise thy Lord! Cleanse your clothes! Avoid idols!" al-Bukhari, 4924; Muslim, 161.
Jabir said that the verses from Surah al-Muddasir were sent down first, meaning that they were sent down first after the break that occurred in the revelation, or he meant that these verses were sent down first after after the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has already become a messenger. Indeed, after sending down the first five verses from the al-‘Alaq surah, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) became a prophet, and after sending down the verses from the al-Muddasir surah, he became a messenger. Therefore, the scholars say: “Allah made him a prophet by sending down the verse “Read!”, and made him a messenger by sending down the verse “O wrapped up!”.

Two types of revelation of the Qur'an

The revelation of the Quran is divided into two types:
1 - Sending down an verse without any reason - (ابتدائي) that is, there was no obvious reason for sending down this verse. This is how most of the verses of the Qur'an were revealed. For example, the words of the Almighty:
“Among them are those who promised Allah: “If He bestows us from His bounty, then we will certainly begin to distribute alms and be one of the righteous.” (Sura at-Tauba, verse 75)
There was no clear reason for this verse to be sent down. It simply speaks of the position of some hypocrites. As for the fact that in some tafsirs it is written in a long story that this verse was sent down because of Sa'lab ibn Khatib, this story was mentioned by many interpreters of the Qur'an and it is told by many preachers, but it is unreliable.
2 - The revelation of the verse for any reason - (سببي) that is, before the revelation of the verse, something happened, and then because of this event, the Koran was revealed. The reasons may be different. For example, any question that Allah answered. As, for example, Allah says: “They ask you about the new moons. Say: "They determine the intervals for the people and the Hajj." (Sura al-Baqara, verse 189)
There could also be some event that needed clarification or warning.
“If you ask them, they will certainly say: “We were just chatting and having fun.” Say: “Have you mocked Allah, His verses and His Messenger? Do not apologize. You became disbelievers after you believed.” (Sura at-Tauba, verses 65-66) These verses were sent down regarding one of the hypocrites. During the march to Tabuk he said: “We have not seen big gluttons, liars and more cowardly in battle than these readers of the Koran”, referring to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions reciting the Qur'an. This reached the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the verses descended, and this hypocrite came to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to apologize. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) answered him: “Have you mocked Allaah, His verses and His Messenger?” See Tafsir ibn Kathir, 2/368; "Tafsir al-Tabari", 10/172.
Also, the verses were sent down due to some event, the position (hukm) of which people should have known.
For example, the words of Allah:
“Allah has already heard the words of a woman who entered into an argument with you about her husband and complained to Allah. Allah heard your dispute, because Allah is Hearing, Seeing. Those of you who declare your wives forbidden to you speak words that are reprehensible and deceitful. Their wives are not their mothers, because their mothers are only the women who gave birth to them. Verily, Allah is Forgiving, Forgiving. Those who declare their wives forbidden to themselves, and then recant, must free one slave before they touch each other. By this you are admonished, and Allah is Aware of what you do. If anyone fails to do this, then he must fast for two months without a break before they touch each other. And whoever is not capable of this, he must feed sixty poor people. This is done so that you believe in Allah and His Messenger. Such are the limits of Allah, and for the unbelievers there is a painful torment.” (Sura al-Mujadala, verses 1-4)

Benefits of knowing the reasons for the revelation of verses: Knowing the reasons for the revelation of the verses is very important, since many benefits follow from this.
First benefit:
An explanation that the Quran was sent down from Allah Almighty, since the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked certain questions, and sometimes he did not answer them himself, waiting for a revelation from Allah Almighty. It also happened that the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not know about any event until the revelation descended.
For example, the words of Allah Almighty:
“They will ask you about the soul. Say: “The soul came into being by the command of my Lord. You are given very little to know about it.” (Sura al-Isra, verse 85)
Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:
- Once, when we, together with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), leaning on a bare palm branch, were walking through the ruins of Medina, we met a group of Jews. Some of them began to say to others, "Ask him about the spirit," and some others said, "Don't ask him, for whatever he says, you won't like it!" Others said: “We will definitely ask him!” whereupon one of them stood up and asked: "O Abu-l-Qasim, what is a spirit?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) remained silent, and I said to myself: “He is being sent down a revelation,” and stood between him and the Jews so that they would not interfere with him, when the revelation was over, he said: “And they will ask you about the spirit. Say: "The Spirit is from the command of my Lord, but you have been given only a little knowledge." al-Bukhari, 125; Muslim, 2794.
Another example is the verse:
"They say, 'When we return to Medina, the mighty among us will surely drive out the lowly ones from there.'" (Sura al-Munafiqun, verse 8)
Zayd bin Arkam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:
“I took part in one of the military campaigns and heard ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul (the head of the hypocrites) say: “Do not waste anything on those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they run away from him. Verily, when we return to Medina, the mighty ones will certainly drive out the despicable ones from there!”
And I conveyed these words to my uncle (or: ‘Umar), who, in turn, conveyed them to the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He called me to him, and I told him about everything, after which the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, sent for 'Abdullah Ibn Ubayy and his companions, who swore that they did not say this, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him Allah and salutes, did not believe me and believed 'Abdullah and his companions. Because of this, I was seized with a sadness that I had never felt before. I was sitting at home, and my uncle said to me: “You only wanted to ensure that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, considered you a liar and hated you!” - but then Allah Almighty sent down a sura, beginning with that ayat, which says: “When the hypocrites come to you ...”, as for the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, he sent for me, read this sura, and then said: “Indeed, Allah has proven you right, O Zayd!”
al-Bukhari, 4900; Muslim, 2772.
Second benefit:
Understanding how Allah took care of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and protected him. An example of this is the words of Allah Almighty: “The unbelievers said: “Why was the Qur'an not sent down to him in full at one time?” We did this to strengthen your heart with it, and we explained it in the most beautiful way. (Sura al-Furqan, verse 32)
Also, as an example, one can cite the verses revealed after people accused Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) of adultery. Allah Almighty sent down verses to protect the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and cleanse him of what the liars tried to pollute him with.
Third benefit:
Understanding the care of Almighty Allah for His servants, as He dispelled the grief of believers and helped them in difficult situations. An example is the ayat of tayamum. It is reported that the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “Once, when we, together with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, set out on a journey and reached Baida (or : Zat al-Jaisha), my necklace thread broke. Upon learning of this, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stopped to look for him, and the people who were with him did the same. There was no water in these places, and some people who participated in the campaign came to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and said to him: “Don’t you see what ‘Aisha did? She forced the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and (all other) people who did not have water with them to linger in a waterless area! greets, woke up and it turned out that no one had water, Allah sent down an ayat about cleansing with sand (tayyamum), after which people performed such cleansing. As for Usayd bin Hudair, he exclaimed: “O family of Abu Bakr! This is not the first blessing sent down to you!” al-Bukhari, 334; Muslim, 367.

Fourth benefit:
If a person knows the reason for sending down the verse, then he will be able to correctly understand it. An example is the words of Allah Almighty:
“Verily, as-Safa and al-Marwa are one of the ritual signs of Allah. Whoever makes a hajj to the Kaaba or a small pilgrimage, he will not commit a sin if he passes between them. (Sura al-Baqara, verse 158) And the words “he will not commit a sin if he passes between them” as if they indicate that this rite is neither desirable nor obligatory (mubah). It was narrated from 'Asim ibn Sulayman who asked: "I asked Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) about as-Safa and al-Marua, and he replied:" We considered that this was from the affairs of the jahiliyyah, so when he came Islam, we left this rite. But Allah Almighty sent down: “Verily, as-Safa and al-Marwa are one of the ritual signs of Allah…” Muslim, 1278. Therefore, the verse was sent down not to point out the ruling (hukm) of this rite, but to point out the wrongness of its abandonment, since they considered it to be from the affairs of the jahiliyah.

It is also reported that ‘Urwa, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him, said:
- Once I turned to 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, with the question: "What can you say about the words of Allah Almighty" Verily, as-Safa and al-Marwa are from among the rites of Allah, and therefore for those who perform Hajj or die there is no sin in going around them. And whoever does good of his own free will, let him not doubt that, verily, Allah is Thankful, Knowing””? I swear by Allah, this can be understood in such a way that there will be no sin on the one who does not go around as-Safa and al-Marwa. In response, ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “How bad is what you said, O nephew! If your interpretation of this verse were correct, it would say: “There is no sin in not bypassing them,” but this verse refers to the Ansar, and before becoming Muslims, they performed the hajj for the sake of the idol Manat, nicknamed The “mistress”, whom they worshiped at the mountain al-Mushallal, and at the same time, the one who entered the state of ihram for the sake of this idol considered it sinful to go around as-Safa and al-Marwa. When they accepted Islam, they asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and they said about this: “O Messenger of Allah, verily, we have always avoided bypassing as-Safa and al-Marwa as a sin,” and then Allah Almighty sent down ayat, which says: “Verily, as-Safa and al-Marwa are from among the rites of Allah ...” 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, also said: Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and no one should refuse it! Al-Bukhari, 1643.

Meccan and Medinan verses

The Koran was sent down to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in parts for 23 years. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spent most of this time in Mecca. Allah Almighty said:
“We divided the Qur'an so that you read it to people slowly. We sent it down in parts." (Sura al-Isra, verse 106)
Therefore, the scholars divided the verses into two parts:
1 - Meccan verses - (المكي)) are the verses sent down to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) before his relocation (hijra) to Medina.
2 - Medina verses - (المدني)- these are the verses sent down to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) after his relocation (hijra) to Medina.
Based on this, we can parse the verse:
“Today, for your sake, I have perfected your religion, completed My mercy on you, and approved Islam as your religion.” (Sura al-Maida, verse 3)
This verse refers to the Medinan verses (as it was sent down after the migration), despite the fact that it was sent down on Arafat (that is, not in Medina) in the farewell Hajj. ‘Umar said: “We know this day and the place where this ayat was sent down to the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. It was Friday when he stood at Arafat. al-Bukhari, 45; Muslim, 3015.
How to distinguish the Meccan verses from the Medinan ones?
You can distinguish them in two ways:
1 - Style (way, method) - (الأسلوب) most often in the Meccan verses there is a harsh style and strict treatment, because most of those to whom these verses are addressed are arrogant and turn away. They could only be contacted in this way. For example, you can read the suras "al-Muddasir" (No. 74) and "al-Qamar" (No. 54).
As for the Medinan verses, they most often use mild treatment, because most of those to whom these verses are addressed accept the truth and obey it. For example, you can read the sura "al-Maida" (No. 5).
Also among the Meccan verses, short verses predominate, in which strong arguments are given, because most of those to whom these verses are addressed are stubborn people. Allah Almighty treats them as they deserve. For example, you can read Surah at-Tur (No. 52).
As for the Medinan verses, they are most often long. They mention rulings (ahkams). For example, you can read the verse about debt from Surah al-Baqarah (ayat 282).
2 - Subject (subject under consideration) - (الموضوع)
- Most often, the Meccan verses affirm monotheism (tawhid) and correct belief (‘aqidu), namely monotheism in worship (tawhid al-uluhiyya) and faith in the Resurrection, because most of those to whom these verses are addressed denied these things.
As for the Medinan verses, most often they explain various types of worship and relationships between people, because most of those to whom these verses are addressed have already firmly understood monotheism and the correct belief.
Also, the Medina verses speak of jihad, its rulings, as well as the situation of hypocrites, since jihad was legalized in Medina, and hypocrisy became obvious.
Why was the Qur'an sent down in parts?
There is a lot of wisdom in this:
First, Allah Almighty strengthened the heart of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah Almighty said:
“The unbelievers said: “Why was the Qur’an not sent down to him in full at one time?” We did this (that is, sent it down in parts) to strengthen your heart with it, and we explained it in the most beautiful way. Whatever parable they brought to you (to lead people astray from the path of Allah), We revealed to you the truth and the best interpretation. (Sura al-Furqan, verses 32-33)
Secondly, the Qur'an was sent down in parts so that people could easily memorize it, understand it and act in accordance with it. Allah Almighty said: “We divided the Qur'an so that you read it to people slowly. We sent it down in parts." (Sura al-Isra, verse 106)
Thirdly, Allah Almighty awakened fervor in the believers so that they acted in accordance with the Qur'an. The people waited in grief until the following verses descended to them.
Fourthly, shari‘ah was sent down gradually and eventually reached perfection. An example is the verses about the prohibition of alcohol, to which people are accustomed and love. Therefore, it was difficult for people to immediately give up alcohol, and at first Allah Almighty said:
“They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: “There is a great sin in them, but there is also benefit for people, although there is more sin in them than good.” (Sura al-Baqarah, verse 219) This verse prepares people to accept the prohibition of alcohol in the future. A reasonable person will immediately understand that one should not approach that, the sin of which is greater than the benefit.
Then the verse was sent down for the second time: “O you who believe! Do not approach prayer while drunk until you understand what you are saying. (Sura an-Nisa, ayat 43) Almighty Allah ordered people to stop drinking alcohol during the periods of prayers. Then for the third time it was sent down: “O you who believe! Verily, intoxicants, gambling, stone altars (or idols), and divining arrows are the abominable acts of Satan. Stay away from her, you may be successful. Indeed, Satan wants to sow enmity and hatred among you with the help of intoxicating drinks and gambling and turn you away from the remembrance of Allah and prayer. Won't you stop? Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and beware! But if you turn away, then know that only the clear transmission of the revelation is entrusted to Our Messenger.” (Sura al-Maida, verses 90-92) In this verse came an absolute ban on the use of alcoholic beverages, as the souls of people have already prepared for this.

Sequence (tartib) of the Qur'an

It is about reading the Qur'an in order, as it is written and learned by people. There are three topics to consider here:

1 - The sequence of words in the Qur'an - it is imperative to read the words in the verses in order, it is forbidden to rearrange them, reading them in some other way. For example, Allah Almighty says:

﴾ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ ﴿

"Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds." (Sura al-Fatiha, verse 2)
It is forbidden to read this verse:

(لله الحمد رب العالمين)

"Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds."

2 - Sequence of verses in the Qur'an -
according to a more reliable opinion, it is imperative to read the verses in the suras in order, it is forbidden to change their places, reading it somehow differently. For example, Allah Almighty says:

﴾ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (3) مَالِكِ يَوْمِ ﴿

"To the Gracious, the Merciful, the Lord of the Day of Retribution!" (Sura al-Fatiha, verses 3-4)
It is forbidden to read this verse:

(مالك يوم الدين الرحمن الرحيم)

"Lord of the Day of Retribution! Merciful, Merciful."

It came from Imam al-Bukhari from ‘Abdullah ibn Zubayr that he spoke with ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) regarding the words of Allah Almighty:
“If any of you dies and leaves behind wives, then they must bequeath them to be provided for for one year and not be driven away.” (Sura al-Baqara, verse 240)

And this verse was annulled by another verse: "If any of you dies and leaves behind wives, then they must wait four months and ten days." (Sura al-Baqara, verse 234) ‘Abdullah ibn Zubayr asked:
“Why did you put the annulling ayat before the one to be annulled?” ‘Uthman replied: “O son of my brother! I left everything the way it came." al-Bukhari, 4530.
It is also reported from the words of ‘Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him),
that sometimes the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent down several verses from different suras and he called those who wrote down the verses, saying to them: “Put this verse in that sura that says such and such.” Ahmad, 399; Abu Dawud, 786; an-Nasai in Sunan al-Kubra, 8007; at-Tirmidhi, 3086.
3 - Sequence of suras in the Qur'an -
The order of the suras in the Qur'an is established by ijtihad and is not obligatory when reading. Hudhaifa ibn al-Yaman (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
that he prayed with the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) one of the nights. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recited Surah al-Baqarah (No. 2), then Surah An-Nisa (No. 4), and then Surah Ali ‘Imran (No. 3). Narrated by Muslim, 772.
Also narrated by al-Bukhari in the form /mu‘allaq/ from Ahnaf that
he read in the first rak'ah sura al-Kahf (No. 18), and in the second - sura Yusuf (No. 12) or sura Yunus (No. 10). He also mentioned that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab did the same in the morning prayer.
Sheikh ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah said: “It is permitted to read this surah before that one, and it is also permitted to write them in that order. Therefore, the Companions (may Allah be pleased with him) had a different order of suras in the scrolls, but then they converged in the order of suras during the reign of 'Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) and this became the sunnah of the righteous caliphs, and we have a hadith, in which says that their Sunnah must be followed.

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