Pendulum for recognition of pathogenic zones. Dowsing. How to determine geopathogenic zones in an apartment. How to diagnose a dangerous place in the apartment

5.1. Some methods for detecting geopathogenic zones

How to detect geopathogenic zones? Today, devices have already been created that allow this to be done. But there are few devices, and there are many geopathic zones. Therefore, in different cases, one should use those methods that allow solving the problem in the simplest and at the same time effective way.

Of the currently known methods for detecting geopathic radiation zones, it is advisable to single out four - helium, dowsing, magnetic differential and laser. The first two can be considered widely tested, the last two - only tested, for their application it is necessary to create appropriate field devices ...

Helium method for detecting geopathogenic zones

The helium method for detecting geopathogenic zones was once proposed by Academician V.I. Vernadsky, who bequeathed "to study helium and the breath of the Earth." I.N. Yanitsky, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of the Center for Instrumental Observations of the Environment and Geophysical Forecasts, conducted long-term studies of this problem. He established that it is helium that reveals the faults of the earth's crust much more clearly than any other geophysical methods. And atmospheric processes are largely determined by the dynamics of the earth's crust.

Several questions arise here: why do faults occur in the earth's crust at all, why helium is released in this case, and, finally, how this is connected with earthquake prediction.

The answer to the first question is that the Earth, like all celestial bodies, continuously absorbs the ether from the space surrounding it. This ether is partially absorbed by ethereal vortices - protons, the stability of the structure of which is limited. The excess mass accumulated by them after a certain value is discarded, under favorable conditions, new nucleons are formed from such excesses, a new substance is formed.

Evidence that new matter is continuously formed in the bowels of the Earth is the established fact of the expansion of the Earth and the release of new matter in the world system of rift ridges. This means that nuclear reactions are taking place in the depths of the earth, as evidenced by the release of helium, the nuclei of which are alpha particles, consisting of four nucleons - two protons and two neutrons.

Alpha particles are released from the nuclei of atoms because the binding energy of nucleons inside an alpha particle is an order of magnitude greater than the binding energy of nucleons between alpha particles. Indeed, if the binding energy of nucleons in an alpha particle is 28.3 MeV, i.e. 7.1 MeV per nucleon, then the binding energy of alpha particles with each other is about 1.5 MeV per nucleon, these bonds are weaker and are destroyed more easily.

The accumulation of matter in the mass of the Earth, caused by the absorption of ether, leads both to mechanical stresses, i.e. to the stresses of the electron shells of atoms, which in turn transmit stresses to the nuclei of atoms, and to the destruction of interatomic and intermolecular bonds. This causes the appearance of faults, rock shifts, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. And since the absorption of the ether by celestial bodies will occur as long as the substance exists, this means that all these phenomena will always exist, and there are no hopes that they will stop one day. Therefore, the task is to know about them, predict and, if possible, minimize the negative results of their actions.

Dowsing method for detecting geopathic zones.

The easiest way to detect local geopathogenic zones is to use the dowsing method, which is available to almost everyone, but requires a little training. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the search for zones is carried out using the so-called "framework", which means metal wires bent at a right angle, best of all - knitting needles with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 40 cm with a pointed one end. 1/3 of the length of the spoke is bent at right angles to the rest. With a short part with a pointed end, the needle is inserted into the body of a conventional fountain pen instead of the core. The long end must be blunted for safety reasons. The frame is ready (Fig. 2).

The operator takes a frame in each hand, tilts them slightly forward so that they are parallel to each other (Fig. 1a, b), and bypasses the site or room.

The sensitivity test of the operator can be done by holding the frames up to the wall. Approximately, 30-40 cm from the wall, the frames will begin to diverge (Fig. 1c).

Above the geopathogenic zone, the frames will intersect themselves without any desire of the operator (Fig. 1d).
When leaving the zone, the frames become parallel again.

For people with a weak own biofield, the frames do not work, because the angle of deflection of the frames directly depends on both the field strength of the zone and the strength of the operator's own biofield. However, the vast majority of people have the potential for dowsing, but a little training is required to work with frames. This can be mastered by almost anyone.

A variant of the dowsing method is the detection of zones using a pendulum - a metal object suspended on a silk thread.

The operator holds in his hand a thread 40-50 cm long, on which a metal object is suspended, best of all - a golden ring. Having calmed the pendulum over a place free from the zone, the operator slowly moves his hand to the place under study. If it hits geopathogenic radiation, the pendulum begins to make circular motions, which indicates the presence of a geopathic zone in this place, as well as that the radiation has a vortex structure: a metal object with high etherodynamic resistance experiences an accelerating force from circular ethereal flows , which cause the pendulum to make circular motions.

The dowsing method for detecting geopathogenic zones is one of the simplest and most affordable methods, but it has a significant drawback - subjectivity. This disadvantage is connected, firstly, with the fact that not all people have a frame or a pendulum, since here it is necessary that the operator himself has a sufficiently strong own biofield, and, secondly, that the operator has completed at least a minimum training course or workout. The dowsing method, in addition, causes distrust among skeptics who see in it elements of dishonesty and anti-science.

However, the method can be recommended for detecting relatively small areas in apartments, offices and work areas. Taking into account that there are an absolute majority of such zones, and their negative impact on people is quite noticeable, it is advisable to train dowsing operators and apply the dowsing method, regardless of the bias of skeptics.

To improve the reliability of studies, it is advisable to conduct studies by two or three independent operators and compare the results of their studies, which will undoubtedly increase their reliability and the degree of confidence in them.

Magnetic differential method for detecting geopathic zones.

The magnetic differential method for detecting geopathic zones is based on the fact that the Earth's magnetic field in places of geopathic radiation is distorted both in magnitude (value) and in direction. Given that the boundaries of geopathogenic zones in the horizontal plane are quite clearly defined, a method can be recommended for detecting the difference in the readings of two magnetic field sensors at points spaced 1-1.5 meters apart. In this case, it does not matter whether the Earth's magnetic field at these points differs only in magnitude, only in direction, or in both parameters together. Here the fact of non-uniformity of the magnetic field at these points is important.

This method can be used in the same place as the dowsing method, but it is more expensive, this is its disadvantage. Its main advantage is that this is an instrumental method, its readings do not depend on the abilities of the operator.
The device can be recommended as a portable device for detecting local geopathic zones in apartments, work and office premises, in factories, etc.

Laser method for detecting geopathogenic zones

The laser method for determining ethereal flows was developed by V.A.Atsyukovsky and tested in laboratory conditions during studies of the ethereal wind. The method is based on the fact that the laser beam is bent under the pressure of the ethereal flow on it, just as a cantilevered beam is bent under the action of a wind load. The deviation of the end of the laser beam is proportional to the density of the ether flow and the square of the flow velocity and the square of the length of the laser beam (Fig. 5.2).

The deviation of the laser beam spot from its unperturbed position is fixed by two pairs of photodiodes or photoresistors, respectively included in two bridge electronic circuits. One pair of photodiodes (photoresistors) is located horizontally and fixes the beam deflection in the horizontal plane, the second pair is located vertically and fixes the beam deflection in the vertical plane.

To increase the sensitivity of the device by increasing the length of the laser beam, reflection of the beam from mirrors with surface reflection can be used.

The method can be recommended for measuring the direction and speed of ether flows and their changes in mines, on the surface of the earth, on water and under water, in air and in space, both on fixed bases and on moving objects of various purposes.

This device fixes the displacement of the ether in two directions - horizontal and vertical, therefore, to determine the direction and speed of the ether flows, two devices are needed, located in a horizontal plane perpendicular to each other. Recording of indications of deviations of the laser beam from the neutral position can occur continuously and automatically and be processed continuously if necessary.

Graviinertial geophysical system GGS

For a short-term (3 min. - 1 day) instrumental forecast of the EZ based on new ideas about the physics of the source, E.V. Barkovskii (IPE) developed the Graviinertial Geophysical System (GGS). This monitoring and measuring system makes it possible, with 100% probability, to "not miss" the EQ precursor, which is realized within a radius of 50-60 km from the observation point. Dozens of precursors of nearby and distant seismic events have been registered.

The system includes two tiltmeters, a seismogravimeter, a seismometer, a geophysical integrator, a barograph, a thermal variometer, a control panel and a registration unit.

Purpose of the system:
- prediction of close (up to 50 km) earthquakes in various geophysical fields, control and registration of their short-term precursors (gravitational disturbances, gravity impulses and seismogravitational oscillations);
- registration of distant, near and local earthquakes in a wide range of frequencies, as well as micro-earthquakes, microseisms, atomic explosions, etc.;
- comprehensive research in the epicentral zone of "unrecognized" earthquakes for the purpose of identification;
- identification of tectonic faults active in a given epoch;
- forecasting of other natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods, droughts, landslides, etc.) based on control of the geological environment;
- registration of geodynamic processes (terrestrial tides, movements of the earth's crust, landslides, sinkholes, etc.);
- studies in the area of ​​the projected construction of large engineering structures in order to determine the suitability of the site for development according to geodynamic and seismotectonic features.

5.2. Some methods of neutralizing geopathic radiation

Choosing the location of responsible objects

The choice of a rational dwelling, in which a person spends most of his life, is a primary condition for ensuring the safety of life. The well-being and health of a person depends on the specific place in which the office and work premises, apartment, house, cottage or cottage are located. A person is everywhere surrounded by beams of energy radiation invisible to the eye, which affect him. Such radiations were described by the Indians four thousand years ago, but their nature has not yet been elucidated, and only now, with the advent of etherodynamics, has it become possible to understand this.

The entire surface of the Earth is divided into "sick" and "healthy" zones. Energy lines with a width of up to 20 cm and a step of 2-2.5 m are located from North to South and from East to West (Hartman grid) and the second group of lines rotated with respect to it by 450 with a step of 3-4 m (Harry grid) . At the intersection of these lines, energy amplification occurs and "sick areas" are formed that are dangerous to human health.

Water interrupts the radiation of these networks: there is no radiation above water bodies.

Zones around churches, as a rule, always have a positive effect on people. Churches have never been built on geopathic zones, apparently, the builders were able to determine them. But another explanation is also possible: churches, due to the peculiarities of their architecture, neutralize the radiation of geopathogenic zones, and this opens up additional opportunities for studying this physical phenomenon. Unfortunately, official science has not gotten around to researching geopathic zones so far.

When choosing sites for the construction of especially important facilities such as nuclear power plants, chemical, oil refineries, metallurgical plants or launch sites, it is necessary to carry out geological mapping of underground faults using the helium method. Regardless of this, the sites should be surveyed by several independent dowsing operators, each of which should independently draw up site plans with zone marks for their subsequent comparison with each other and making a decision. If by this time a magnetic differential instrument has been developed, then its readings should also be recorded in a similar way and used in comparing measurements.

Neutralization of geopathic radiation

It is practically impossible to destroy a source of geopathic radiation located deep in the earth, there are no real means for this, but there is no particular need for this, because in most cases it is not the sources themselves that harm, but their radiation.
The vast majority of geopathogenic zones emit weak constant radiation, and it is this radiation that is present in most apartments, work and office premises, harming the health of millions of people around the globe.

The easiest way to deal with the influence of geopathogenic zones is to rearrange sleeping and working places in places where there are no such zones. In principle, this is possible, since most of the zones have small dimensions of units and fractions of a meter. But it is really difficult to do this, since apartments, offices, and workplaces at enterprises have already been organized, rearrangements are extremely undesirable, and often impossible.

Some inventors have developed various neutralizers of geopathic radiation, made, and in some cases tested their mock-up samples. These are, as a rule, flat metal structures in the form of spirals, lattices, mirrors, pyramids or some crystalline minerals several centimeters in size. Checking the effectiveness of such neutralizers showed that they actually reduce the intensity of geopathogenic radiation, but not completely. In addition, most of them are difficult to manufacture and expensive, their selling price ranges from one to several thousand rubles. This is primarily due to the complexity of their manufacture.

It should be noted that the common and basic mistake of these inventions is that they all assume a regular structure. As a result, one regular structure (geopathogenic vortex radiation of the ether) is modulated by another regular structure (neutralizer), which leads to the creation of a third regular structure at its output - a transformed vortex, the intensity of which is less than before entering the neutralizer, but as such is preserved.

Therefore, the task is to create an irregular structure of the neutralizer, which would not allow organizing a new regular structure of the ether flow at its output. These requirements are satisfied by ordinary entangled insulated metal wire, commonly used for winding transformers. In a tangled ball of such a wire, there are enough empty gaps through which the ethereal stream will penetrate. At the same time, there are enough metal surfaces in it, near which the ether flow is decelerated, which converts elementary laminar radiation flows into gradient flows that form microvortices of a toroidal structure. These microvortices will scatter in all directions, destroying the main vortex and thus neutralizing geopathic radiation.

Studies of the effect of such neutralizers, made of 100 meters of thin insulated wire with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.2 mm and flattened into a cake with a diameter of 5-8 cm, showed that geopathic radiation disappears immediately after such a device is placed on the floor or on the ground. neutralizer. But this radiation disappears above the neutralizer and remains under it for some time, which once again confirms that the source of such weak geopathogenic radiation is not space, but the body of the earth.

If such a neutralizer is placed on the zone and immediately removed, the zone will be restored in about five minutes; if you hold it in the zone for an hour, then recovery will occur only in a day or two. In this case, the zone under the neutralizer also disappears. If the neutralizer is lying all the time, then the zone no longer appears, at least as long as the neutralizer is in place. But if you remove it, the zone will recover after a while.

Given the effectiveness of such a neutralizer, its absolute passivity and therefore harmlessness, as well as its exceptional cheapness (in manual execution, its selling price is 50 rubles, in serial production it can be significantly less), it is advisable to conduct official tests with such a neutralizer and recommend it for serial production. production.

For better safety, it is advisable to seal the wire in any insulator (paper, cardboard, cement, ceramics, concrete, plastic, etc.), after which the neutralizer is ready for use.

The neutralizer can be used directly in the room when placed on the floor - under the carpet, under the bed, under the table or under the chair, in which case the wire can be sealed in a thick paper envelope. However, it is best to place the neutralizer in the basements of houses, then it is advisable to seal it in a concrete, plastic or ceramic cake.

Presumably, such neutralizers can significantly secure road traffic in the so-called "damned" sections. In this case, on the road, it is necessary to lay neutralizers every two meters along the sides and in the center of the road, rolling the wire directly into the asphalt. For road neutralizers, it is advisable to use a transformer varnished wire with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm and a length of 100-150 meters, winding it into a chaotic lump and then flattening it into a cake with a diameter of 10-15 cm. No more than one centimeter thick. The total number of neutralizers per kilometer of the road will be from 2 to 5 thousand, depending on the width of the canvas. The same can be recommended for shafts, here it is advisable to mount neutralizers not only on the floor, but also on the walls and ceiling of adits. This, in any case, can save mines from the occurrence of spontaneous fires.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of road neutralizers can, unfortunately, be made only on the basis of accident statistics, which, after the installation of neutralizers, should either stop altogether or be significantly reduced.

The fight against poltergeists in the premises can be done in a similar way, with the only difference that in each room it is advisable to place several pieces of room neutralizers on the floor and on the walls with a step between them of 1-1.5 meters. Since poltergeists are temporary phenomena, after some time (approximately 2-3 weeks) all neutralizers can be removed until the next time, which may not be.

In the already constructed especially dangerous objects around them and in the basements, it is advisable to lay neutralizers like road ones. In the case of an ethereal surge, these neutralizers can significantly weaken it or even completely eliminate it. At the same time, unlike apartments, neutralizers must be firmly fixed on the floor, best of all, in basements.

Organization of observations of earthquake precursors.

The above proposals do not give guarantees that strong local earthquakes will not occur, therefore, it is necessary both to study in the area of ​​the projected construction in order to determine the suitability of territories according to geodynamic and seismotectonic features and to study the built-up areas of industrial zones and residential areas in order to identify possible tectonic ruptures under them and determine the degree their activity, as well as equipping geodynamically unfavorable territories of large cities with special geophysical instruments for monitoring the state of the geological environment.


1. Currently, several methods for detecting geopathic radiations have been created:
- helium method, based on the study of helium radiation from the depths of the Earth and allowing to detect underground faults, which are the main source of etherodynamic emissions and earthquakes that lead to disasters;
- dowsing, differential magnetic and laser methods that allow detecting weak geopathic radiation that is harmful to human health;

These methods are not perfect and over them, as well as over other methods for detecting geopathic radiation, it is necessary to continue research work.

2. Methods have been developed to minimize the negative consequences of geopathogenic natural phenomena:
- recommendations on the survey and selection of construction sites for especially critical civil, industrial and military facilities;
- recommendations for the neutralization of geopathic radiation using wire neutralizers of a chaotic structure;
- recommendations on the rules of conduct for crews of aircraft and ships caught in geopathogenic zones.

These methods are preliminary, work on them needs to be continued.


It follows from the material presented that one of the main reasons for the massive deterioration in human health, as well as the cause of many accidents and disasters, are geopathogenic phenomena occurring throughout the globe. These phenomena are associated with etherodynamic phenomena, first of all, with the continuous absorption of the ether by the Earth (as well as by all celestial bodies) from the surrounding outer space. This means that such phenomena will accompany the entire history of the Earth and will never stop. This implies the need to conduct research both in the field of identifying the specific causes of each of the negative events, and in determining the correlation of such phenomena with geological, atmospheric and space factors, and the investigation of all kinds of accidents and disasters should be conducted not in the system " man - machine ", and in the system" nature - machine - man ».

Particular importance must be given to the theoretical substantiation of the physical essence of geopathic phenomena based on etherodynamic ideas about the structure of the physical world. This means that modern fundamental science is obliged to reconsider its attitude to the existence in nature of the world physical environment - the ether, recognize its existence and come to grips with the study of all processes, one way or another connected with the ether and having an etherodynamic nature. In physical theory, the etherodynamic direction should become a priority.

At present, the first ideas about the etherodynamic essence of geopathogenic phenomena have appeared and some recommendations have been developed for the detection of geopathogenic zones, for predicting geopathogenic phenomena and for minimizing and even preventing undesirable consequences of such phenomena. However, this is clearly not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out research work aimed at both collecting the necessary information and studying geopathogenic phenomena, as well as creating an instrumental base and developing the creation of the necessary methodology for predicting geopathic phenomena, minimizing and preventing undesirable consequences.

On the basis of a new theory - ether dynamics, it is necessary to carry out appropriate research in all those areas to which etherodynamic processes may be related, such areas are, first of all, cosmic and geological processes. The result of theoretical and applied research should be the refinement of certain provisions of a number of regulatory documents or even the revision of some of them. This applies, first of all, to SNiPs (Building Norms and Rules), including the rules for choosing construction sites for especially critical facilities, the rules for laying routes for ships and aircraft, instructions for crews in case of emergencies, and a number of others.

Given the urgency of the problem, it is necessary to create Federal Center for Geophysical Forecasts and Safety to ensure the safe and trouble-free operation of all sectors of the national economy of the country, to prevent the implementation of projects that pose a direct danger not only to the environment, but to all life on Earth. Under the patronage of such Center objects of all branches of the national economy should be located both at the stage of site selection for future facilities under construction, and at the stage of constructed and operated facilities.

When buying an apartment, in most cases, factors such as the location of the house, neighbors, transport interchange, etc. are taken into account. Few people think about whether there are geopathic zones in the apartment, few know how to determine them.

What does a geopathogenic zone mean and how can it be dangerous? This concept appeared not so long ago. Cases have been established when for several decades the inhabitants of a certain house suffered from constant illnesses, suicides and death. Skeptics considered this a coincidence for a long time, but the constant misfortunes with the residents of the "cursed" apartment or house will involuntarily make you wonder why this is happening?

Maybe the place is cursed?

In reality, corruption and curses, whatever they may be, are like an impact from within the planet. It is provoked by cracks in the earth's crust and heterogeneous areas. Scientists call them geopathogenic, translated from the Greek language - this is "the land that brings suffering."

The manifestation of anomalies in the apartment

Geopathogenic impact always manifests itself in the lives of those who live within the influence of anomalous zones. Family relationships, health and life in general are under their influence. The heterogeneous crust of the Earth causes such conditions as insomnia, migraines, dizziness, constant and inexplicable fatigue, mental excitability. "Cursed" housing makes people feel groundless fears, depression and loss of appetite.

If such signs are identified, measures must be taken, otherwise you can become a victim of an incurable and neglected disease. Unfavorable zones are surrounded by negative energy, which can poison the lives of many generations. Often, family members living in such apartments begin to die from cancer in a chain. To get rid of the bad influence of geopathic areas, it is enough to move to another place.

5 Ways to Recognize Bad Zones

Geopathic zones in the apartment: how to determine? This question is especially relevant in our time. There are several indirect signs indicating the presence of anomalous areas.

  1. Animals and small children are especially sensitive to geopathogenic influence. Therefore, if an animal or baby does not want to stay in a certain room, this is a reason to think.
  2. The cat instantly recognizes a “bad” place in which she will never play and sleep, but will regularly enter this territory.
  3. If indoor plants in a certain room begin to wither and dry for no apparent reason, this may be provoked by geopathogenic influences.
  4. Unfavorable areas can be identified using a regular wax candle. If in any place the light begins to rush about, hiss and give a black precipitate in the form of soot, this indicates the accumulation of "dark" energy.
  5. Equipment in areas with a disturbed biofield constantly fails.

Is it possible to get rid of bad influences?

Few people have the ability to easily move to a new place. What to do if the housing is located in the anomalous zone?

  1. You should not panic. The site of the apartment just needs to be visited as little as possible, if possible. When this place is located near a wall or in a corner, you can put a cabinet there. There should not be a bed, table or refrigerator in this part of the housing.
  2. Geopathogenic zones in an apartment - how to identify and neutralize if the place cannot be bypassed? You can lay carpet on it. On the wrong side of the material, it is necessary to stick a foil in the form of a lattice. And, finally, you need to increase motor activity, develop intellectually and spiritually.

Since the discovery by scientists of the laws that explain the electromagnetic nature of the environment on Earth, a huge number of phenomena that are hardly explainable from the point of view of fundamental science have been recorded. One of the most difficult to explain phenomena is the presence of places where people feel the sharply negative influence of the bioenergetic environment.

It can be caused by both natural and artificial external factors. Basic science has no theory to explain such anomalies. In the few works of scientists, the negative impact of the environment on humans is explained by the impact of the geopathic zone.

In this article

Official information

The geopathogenic zone (from the Greek geos - Earth, pathos - suffering, genesis - origin) are areas of the earth's surface, stay on which negatively affects vitality, mood and health. There is, but has not yet been documented, the hypothesis that the elements of the zones can be considered places on Earth where significant zones of high electromagnetic and infrared radiation, places of accumulation of harmful substances are recorded.

Primary information about the physical nature of the mysterious phenomenon can be obtained by watching the video here:

Geopathic zones, places with negative energy signs, are located in the nodes of the network - a kind of system of lines of force covering the Earth. For the first time, the existence of the network was announced in the forties of the last century by the director of the Munich Bioclinical Institute, Dr. Ernst Hartmann.

Symbolic representation of the Hartman network

The main direction of Hartman's research was geomagnetic anomalies, about which there was little reliable information and even less evidence of existence. The scientist put forward a theory about the presence on the planet of a network of intersecting energy lines. Such a network of conditionally rectangular shape suggests the presence of places with direct - favorable (cells) - and with the opposite - detrimental (lines and nodes) - influence on the bioenergy. Earth, according to Hartman, is not the only place where such a network exists. It is only a part of the overall energy system of the Universe.

The size of the network cells is 2 (from north to south) x 2.5 (from east to west) m. The cells are compressed in the direction from the equator to the poles. There is an assumption that the negative impact of such sites on living organisms is associated with the interaction of groundwater and gamma radiation emanating from rocks during periods of special activity - during volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Another hypothesis is based on the action of physical fields that form a special type of perturbation - standing waves.

Evidence of Existence

There is no documented evidence of the existence of geopathogenic zones. But scientists are trying to sum up the mysterious phenomena and tie together inexplicable facts. Gustav von Pohl, a physician from Germany, was the first to try to explain geophysical anomalies at various points on the earth's surface.

In the early 1930s, he published the results of his research in an authoritative medical journal covering the problems of cancer treatment. Von Pohl established that mysterious phenomena are observed in various parts of the earth's surface. The conclusions of the researcher were based on the assertion that the sleeping places of patients who died of cancer were located inside the geopathic zone.

A few decades later, Ernst Hartmann began to seriously study this problem. The result of the research was a voluminous medical report. In it, Hartman for the first time called cancer a disease of the location, which directly affects the decrease in the protective functions of the human immune system. Ten years later, in 1960, the researcher published the book "Diseases as a problem of location", which became a kind of guide for studying the influence of geopathogenic zones on the health of people, animals and plants.

The researchers deduced several conditional categories:

  1. Various geological structures (mineral deposits, tectonic faults, zones of influence of eruptions and earthquakes).
  2. Zones of active human activity using sources of electromagnetic energy (mines, wells, hazardous materials burial sites, nuclear waste burial sites).
  3. Field (spots observed from space).

There are hypotheses that in addition to the Hartman network, the Earth is covered with several more plexuses of energy lines:

  • Peiro network (cell size 4x4 m);
  • Kurri network (cell size 5x6 m);
  • Witman network (cell size 16x16 m).

Interposition of Kurri and Hartman networks in residential premises

The walls and roofs of buildings are not an obstacle for such networks, since the movement of radiation does not depend on external sources of influence. The places of their numerous intersections are especially unfavorable for humans. Belief in the presence of such paranormal phenomena is akin to belief in omens. For example, you can not put a bed in the place where the cat first entered the new house lay down. Hartman explained this by the habit of animals to stay for a long time where the lines of the network intersect.

Using knowledge about the location of geopathic zones, it is possible to adjust the design and arrangement of the main structural elements in the living space.


The human body is a complex biological structure, the laws of activity of which, despite the abundance of information, are not fully understood. It is unlikely that this will ever be possible. People do not tolerate a long stay in places with abnormally high environmental pollution - air, water, soil. Thanks to various studies, it has been established how geopathogenic zones affect living organisms.

On people

The Austrian doctor K. Bahler devoted 15 years to studying the problem of finding people with health disorders in geopathic zones. For the research, 11 thousand people were involved, prone to cancer of various stages - infants, children and adults. The conclusion was that in all patients the sleeping places were in geopathogenic zones for a long time.

Hartman's nets have the most detrimental effect on people with pronounced signs of immune system disorders.

It is generally accepted that if for several days, weeks, months in a row a person, by the nature of his life, is forced to stay inside the geopathogenic zone for at least three hours a day, he has negative feelings:

  1. Weakness and irritability.
  2. Inexplicable fear of the surrounding reality.
  3. Headache and heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Blood anomalies and VSD.

Such periods of disorders of the basic vital functions in people who are in the nodes of the Hartman network are cyclical. requires the use of non-standard methods, therefore it is more lengthy and complex.

The World Health Organization is conducting research on the growth in the number of diseases directly related to the long stay of people in technopathogenic zones - man-made anomalous formations. The curves of the diagrams of nervous, immune and cardiovascular diseases invariably go higher and higher.

A sharp increase in the number of electromagnetic zones around people (an increase in the number of smartphones), pollution of air, water and land by human waste products lead to the fact that doctors have long put aside a number of so-called systemic diseases - cancer, polyarthritis, severe neuroses, sclerotic disorders of the brain.

On animals

Dogs sleep only where the influence of negative energy is reduced to zero. Cats, on the contrary, use places for rest where the accumulation of such energy is maximum. In ungulates (sheep, horses, cows), under the influence of adverse radiation, the percentage of infertility, leukemia, and mastitis increase. Pets in such areas suffer from constant feather loss and other physical anomalies.

But the bees, the hives of which are located in the locations of unfavorable zones, give more honey. Thus, the factors of the impact of geopathogenic zones on living organisms will have to be studied for a long time and in detail.

On plants

The influence of geopathogenic zones on biological structures can be easily identified in plants. Perennial trees with a highly developed root system are massively prone to dichotomy (bifurcation). The percentage of such forms in coniferous plants in places with favorable bioenergetics is no more than 0.5–1.0. Within geopathogenic zones, it increases to 25, and sometimes up to 50.

dancing trees

Other negative signs in plants are various curvature, growth asymmetries and twisting of crown elements. The researches of scientific institutes of the Russian Federation dealing with the problems of flora and the study of mineral resources are indicative. The percentage of various anomalies in the compared "good" and "bad" habitats ranges from 10 to 60.

How to determine the location

Mathematical expressions apply. The maximum intensity in the zone is observed at the very surface of the Earth. The decrease in activity as you move away from the source of adverse radiation occurs extremely quickly, it is inversely proportional to the squared distance covered.

Instruments used in dowsing

The error in cell sizes in the Hartman network is only 10–20 centimeters. Below five meters from the Earth's surface, the grid lines can no longer be fixed. Various distortions are also possible. The boundaries of the zones are determined using two main methods.

Dowsing (biolocation), frames and pendulums

In order to find signs of a geopathic zone in the study area, it is required. A heavy object on a long thread, slowly moving through the space under study, will be absolutely motionless in the heart of the cell of the Hartman network. Having reached the line, the pendulum begins to swing. The oscillation amplitude is maximum at the intersections of the lines - the nodes of the cells.

A dowser, as the researcher of pendulum deflections is usually called, can quite accurately indicate the points of location and weaves of the network. In modern scientific interpretation it is called dowsing.

Electromagnetic field detectors (EMF detectors)

A dangerously high level of radiation can also be determined by a completely scientific method - using radiation detection devices (electromagnetic field detectors).

They register fields with extremely high frequencies, sources of naturally and artificially created electromagnetic radiation.

Means of protection

Having received information about the presence of signs and the strength of radiation inside the geopathic zone, it is necessary to determine the methods of protection.

According to the type of impact, devices and objects that can be used to compensate for the consequences of negative impacts are divided into active and passive.

Here are just a few of the declared ways to protect yourself from unwanted contact:

  1. The presence of materials in the room that absorb various types of radiation. It can be felt, wax, other substances with high viscosity, sound and energy absorption.
  2. Installation of devices capable of rejecting harmful radiation - decorative metal grids or mirrors.
  3. Design items with elements in the form of pyramids or cones, which simultaneously perform the functions of an energy trap.
  4. Installation of devices capable of compensating or converting negative radiation.

An extreme way to deal with negative consequences is to leave the geopathic zone and avoid possible contacts as much as possible in the future.

How to use the acquired knowledge

To reduce the number of contacts, it is necessary to take into account the available data when locating newly constructed buildings and structures. On the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the provisions of the "Building Norms and Rules" (SNiP), before starting the design and construction of facilities, it is necessary to conduct studies for the presence of anomalous energy signs. Binding of objects to a place is carried out taking into account the results of the measurements.

There are various ones capable of determining the boundaries of anomalous zones. In 1992, an electronic device was patented that receives electromagnetic impulses - an indicator of geopathic anomalies (GGA). However, in most cases, the impact is perceived by a person at a subconscious level.

How to independently find unfavorable places in your apartment:

By more prudently treating their health and daily routine, correctly using knowledge about the nature of anomalous zones and methods of exposure, people will be able to minimize the consequences of negative contacts.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

We've all heard of these zones. They are also popularly called "dead" places, where being a person is not only harmful, but also extremely dangerous. And this is true, because the literal translation of this word means: geo - earth, pathos - torment, genesis - origin. In other words, it means a place where a person suffers, suffers.

It is believed that faults in the earth's crust are to blame. For a person who spends a long time in such a zone (in a house, office, apartment), there are often headaches, insomnia, dizziness, irritability, nightmares, loss of appetite, constant fatigue, incomprehensible fears, diseases, etc.

There is an opinion that most of the serious diseases that are considered to be “hereditary” are not necessarily inherited, but are often characteristic of a particular place of residence - apartments, houses, and leave as soon as a person moves to a new place of residence.

How to identify geopathic zones?

You can calculate the presence of geopathic zones in the apartment yourself. It is enough to turn off all electrical appliances and slowly walk around the entire apartment, observing your feelings. You will be uncomfortable in the place where the channel passes. Usually there are pain in the temples, ringing in the ears, dizziness, heaviness in the legs. The appearance of a feeling of anxiety or emptiness also indicates that you have found an area with negative radiation.

If you or your relatives have diseases that for some reason are not treatable, or you have the above symptoms, it is worth checking your housing for the presence of negative zones in it. Here are some tests to help you.

1. If a dog or cat does not want to be in a certain place, do not force them. Perhaps that is where the geopathic zone is located.

2. Cats do not like to stay in the geopathic zone for a long time, but at the same time, they like to enter it for a short time and, moreover, with enviable constancy! You need to watch your pet for a few days. Having determined the geopathogenic zone in the house, it should be avoided.

3. The geopathogenic zone with its negative energy suppresses any vital activity. Therefore, if in some part of the house your favorite houseplants do not grow well or die for no reason, it is also worth drawing conclusions.

4. If your electrical appliances constantly fail, but at the same time they work normally in another part of the house, this may also mean the presence of an unfavorable geopathogenic zone.

5 . Take a wax candle and place it on the supposed problem area. If the candle at the same time melts unevenly, hisses, smokes black, perhaps this is a geopathic zone.

6. To determine the geopathogenic zone, you can use a pendulum (a load suspended on thread). Before work - the pendulum is programmed for the task "how to determine the geopathic zone" and the answers are "yes" - "no", for example, "yes" - clockwise or moving back and forth, "no" - counterclockwise or moving left and right .

Having previously determined the presence of bad zones in the room, you can additionally check your suspicions. It is quite simple to do this - put a vase of flowers there and put the exact same bouquet of flowers in another place in the room.

The rapid death of one bouquet will indicate that your suspicions about the presence of a negative zone are not groundless.

Even better, this test is done with seeds - put bean, wheat or cucumber seeds in two plates, moisten them and watch them germinate. Most of the seeds in the geopathogenic zone die or germinate poorly, look weak.

How to neutralize geopathic zones?

What to do if a place with negative energy is found in the house? Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate it; one can only try to neutralize the negative influence.

First of all, it is necessary to remove from this place a sofa, a bed, as well as everything that is somehow connected with food - a refrigerator and a stove, otherwise, your food will absorb all this negative energy.

Having determined where the negative node is located in your house and place flowers, a copper circle, a mirror with the reflection surface down, a consecrated icon, a pyramid there. Put an antique, flower or sideboard in this place and do not go back to this place.

Psychics advise making an energy shield at this place by placing a small, thin metal grate on the floor. If this is not possible, make a lattice of ordinary food foil and glue it to the floor, and cover the place itself with a carpet (in other words, this is called shielding), and again put a glass vase, flower or wooden chest of drawers there, i.e. do this to avoid this place.

There is another method that is used by bioenergetics to neutralize geopathogenic zones. Fasten the wire vertically behind the headboard, it will begin to "take" the radiation onto itself. The upper part of the wire must be bent in the opposite direction from itself. The longer the piece of wire used, the greater will be the radius in which geopathic radiation will be neutralized.

Use any method to block the flow of pathogenic radiation and prevent its impact on your body.

In order for any person to independently determine a place where he could fully relax and work fruitfully without compromising his health, he should independently
be able to determine the location of geopathogenic radiation.

In order for the skills of determining geopathogenic zones to be fixed in the easiest way, you need to ask someone who knows how to do this to point you to one of the geopathic zones. Contact with this zone will be safe if it is not repeated from day to day.

You need to tune in to this zone. In order to be able to arbitrarily tune in to the pillars of geopathic radiation, you need to try to catch at least some visual, thermal, gravitational, auditory or tactile sensations from the object that you need to tune into with the usual sensations of your body.

It is best to settle down, sitting in front of the geopathic zone in its immediate vicinity - 30 - 50 cm from it. Try to tune in to it arbitrarily, as it seems more convenient to you. You can touch it, listen to it, look at it, and so on.

Once you have tuned in to geopathogenic radiation, it will not be difficult for you to determine it in a familiar place with your own senses. If, through intense attention and strong concentration of the mind, you manage to catch at least a little the differences between geopathic radiation and the background by touch, this means that you can determine geopathic radiation anywhere with the help of a pendulum or a frame.

The pendulum is not a device that itself determines the source of any radiation, including geopathic. The pendulum only enhances the sensitivity of your subtle bodies a hundred times. And the true device for determining any radiation is your own abilities, which can be trained in skills and in the ability to concentrate on the type of energy that needs to be isolated and evaluated right now. That is why you need to be able to tune in to the right kind of energy.

It's like tuning a TV or receiver to the right frequency. In the simplest, but somewhat distorted view, geopathic radiation is a Hartman network and a number of other networks, which are called diagonal. The Hartman network is oriented to the cardinal points, and its presence is most likely associated with the conditional axis around which our planet is now rotating. Diagonal networks, most likely, were tied to those conditional axes along which the planet rotated earlier.

These networks are three-dimensional structures of gravitational anomalies, which, when projected onto terrain planes or floors in rooms, look like more or less regular networks, approximately like in a notebook for mathematics. The lines of such intersections are called geopathogenic lines. The places where they intersect are called geopathogenic zones. The squares of Hartman's zones most often have sides of 2-2.5 meters, somewhere more (3-4 meters), somewhere less (up to 1 meter). The width of the geopathogenic line is 10 - 20 cm; sizes by area in geopathic zones, as a diametrical section of an average ball.

These are the most commonly used data. The pendulum, located above the geopathogenic line, will oscillate along this line. Above the geopathogenic zone, the pendulum will rotate according to the gimlet rule. If the pendulum is located above the outflow of the column of gravitational perturbation (positive, or oncogenic zone), then it will rotate clockwise. If a geopathogenic zone causes inflammatory changes, then it is located at the point where the gravitational flow enters the earth, and the pendulum above it will rotate counterclockwise (negative zone).

So that geopathogenic zones do not destroy the etheric bodies of people, it is necessary, if possible, to be less often in the locations of geopathogenic zones. The most destructive effect is exerted by those zones that act on organic objects daily for more than 3 hours. Therefore, we recommend everyone to dowsing the places where they sleep, work, study and rest all the time.

In places where people go from time to time, for example, at the theater or in a cafe, or with friends, you can not control the place where you were asked to sit. Such short-term exposure to geopathic energies will not harm you. If you are embarrassed to ask someone to show you the places where geopathic lines and zones come out, then you can “feel” them yourself.

To do this, make a trial version of the pendulum from cheap materials, take the pendulum in your working hand, which should be located in front of you and raised to the level of the shoulder joint and slightly bent at the elbow joint. Hold the pendulum by the thread with your thumb and forefinger. In this case, the back of the hand should be facing up. In this way, you should slowly, step by step, at intervals of 10 - 15 cm, move around the room until the pendulum "give out" at least some reaction.

At first, it will "hit" an invisible obstacle (many experts call this effect "sticking" to themselves), and then it will begin to move. If the pendulum begins to swing, it will swing along the geopathogenic line. At the intersection of geopathogenic lines - in the geopathic zone - the pendulum must perform rotational movements. If your sensitivity is high from Nature, then the pendulum will oscillate with a very sweeping amplitude.

If you manage to determine the geopathic lines and their intersection zones, then this gives you the opportunity to map the geopathic anomalies of your home. To perform this action, in addition to the pendulum, you will need a piece of chalk or a remnant of soap and a compass. A compass is needed to determine the directions North-South and East-West. The lines of the most common geopathic anomalies run parallel to these directions.

And when you start dowsing an object, then first of all you should determine the lines of gravitational anomalies passing along the North-South and East-West directions. Along the geopathic line, the pendulum will reciprocate (swing) in the hands of the dowsing operator. Above the intersection of such lines, the pendulum will rotate.

Please remember that humans, animals and plants should not stay long on geopathic lines and at their intersections. These places will hit not only biological objects, but also equipment, and even capital walls. Surely you have seen vertical cracks on the walls in subway tunnels or when removing wallpaper in rooms. In most cases, these cracks coincide with gravitational anomalies.


Geopathogenic zones are places where physical fields and their properties change. These changes are associated with the activity of rocks, the rotation of the Earth, lunar attraction, and the presence of tectonic faults in the earth's crust. Various researchers have discovered different types of regularities in the distribution of geopathogenic zones on the Earth. These are the so-called grids, the most famous of which is the Hartman grid (its lines run strictly from north to south, and the size of each cell is approximately two by two meters). But still, underground water flows have the most adverse effect on the health of people and animals. The rocks in these places are in a stressed state, their crystal lattice is deformed. At the same time, the rock begins to emit electromagnetic radiation, which is still little studied, but clearly harmful to all living things. These radiations are easy to detect using a special device called revines (radio wave indicator of the stress-strain state of rocks). Or use frames for this purpose. The readings of the device and the reaction of the frame in the hand of an experienced biolocator completely coincide. As observations show, most geopathic zones are dynamic, not static, they seem to pulsate, breathe, sometimes narrowing, sometimes expanding. It is believed that information and energy channels of the earth coincide with geopathogenic zones, therefore it is here that all sorts of paranormal and unusual phenomena take place, up to a poltergeist. Of course, it is better to stay away from geopathic zones. At least, do not put a bed in such unfavorable places, do not arrange a workplace, do not store food and medicine. But how do you determine exactly where they are? According to professionals, it is better not to walk with frames without proper training. Even the most experienced employees consider this occupation unsafe and always try to work together, or even three, so as not to be left alone with this unpleasant, often unpredictable phenomenon. The fact that there are such “bad” places in the apartment can be guessed, say, by the behavior of pets. For example, if the aquarium is in a geopathic zone, the fish may die. It is more difficult to focus on cats: after all, they are free and walk, as you know, on their own. Depending on their mood and condition, the cat can choose different places in the owner's apartment. Most similar to the human reaction of the dog.

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