Khokhols about the plane crash. Ukrainian social networks are wildly rejoicing at the plane crash in Russia. And at this time

You can't change geography. You can build a border wall and dig a moat. Stop flights and even trains. But they will still be there. Every fifth passenger car in the summer Crimea has a yellow-blue number and codes of mainland Ukraine. Up to four million guest workers with "trident" passports. Relatives, acquaintances and Kiev friends who start calling again.

We are doomed to be with these people. But how? After the tragedy in the Sinai desert, you are looking for the answer to this question with particular pain.

Our liberals should be proud of like-minded people on the banks of the Dnieper. Wild, unimaginable joy overwhelmed the Ukrainian "Europeans" immediately after the news of the disaster with the liner, which was carrying more than two hundred people from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. Including 25 children, which only added to the celebration of the "great ukram".

The wreckage of Airbus had not yet cooled down, as the zombies of Ukrainian social networks began to dance on the bones. Maidan Halloween 2015 was a success. Schadenfreude flares up even in feigned condolences.

“Today I have a holiday, there are 230 fewer bastards, I’m especially glad that from Peter,”- writes a certain RashaMast Dai.

“Znayomiy vchora zhak moved. Axis of the hedgehog Skoda. Translated from the language - a friend of the hedgehog moved yesterday, that's a pity for the hedgehog ...

An incredible number of likes in the national network caused this post: “To my asshole, everything is worth the liquidation and self-elimination of carriers in the mutational gene of Kazlamordich. The stench deserved it. I will say one thing - the earth is self-cleansing in such a way.

The excitement of jubilation is such as if they won a personal victory, which they literally fostered, they themselves begged from the devil.

“It’s a pity that this one is not Kharkiv, not Kharkiv’s russo-wool,” an activist of the Azov battalion frankly exclaims. Clarifying, they say, the death of the “Katsap Kharkov cotton wool” is yet to come. A little earlier, the Garny lad posted a photo of a huge swastika that burned two weeks ago on the central square of Kharkov

“Guys, we are preparing jokes about dead Russian tourists, I want a holiday in the feed,”- a certain Pasha Petrishenko calls on his brothers. His photo in a personal account is a selfie with a deputy of the Rada, an adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko.

Addressing the Russians, the journalist of Radio Liberty Pavlo Khrishin proposes to calculate "how many more such planes need to be shot down in order to rid the world of you." Sadistic pathologies can be studied from the comments on the leading national information portals - Ukrainska Pravda,,

Many express themselves openly. Facebook, Twitter, Ukrainian pages of other social networks are full of obscene abuse against the victims of the disaster.

"The more Russians die, the less they will come to us,"- Viktor Sokolov, a resident of Kiev, hastens to express himself.

Naturally, versions are gnawed. The first is personal revenge. Putin. The President of the Russian Federation is commemorated here every day and for any reason. So, the “gods of goodness”, ISIS* and the Syrian opposition are taking revenge on the evil Kremlin god. Ukr-Internet refers to its own sources in the ranks of the ISIS avengers.

The second version is that the FSB orchestrated the catastrophe. Their plane was shot down on purpose to divert attention from the Malaysian Boeing and to show that Russia itself is suffering from terrorists. “They want to fool the world community for forgiveness for the Boeing!” Such nonsense also goes with a bang, thousands of users “liked” the version.

Many are happy to talk about the terrorist attack inside the plane. Good shahids brought down a bad Russian liner. The phrase "I hope it was a terrorist attack" is repeated very often.

And of course, the independent public was completely delighted with the discussion of the topic, allegedly Airbus was shot down by Russian combat aircraft. “Lapotniks from a gas station can’t manage something more complicated than a cart,” “Katsaps decided that ISIS militants were flying on the plane.”

Lean faces and poorly hidden joy in the eyes - this is how TV news anchors talk about the death of Russian tourists. But Internet forums and social network statuses are already an undisguised revelation, an open valve of hatred.

Actually, nothing new. A year and a half ago, even before the bloody battles of Donbass, their Internet also exploded with jubilation. Remember the May 2 burnt Odessa. No one thought to bring the perpetrators of the monstrous ritual murder to justice. They became vice-speakers, parliamentarians, did good business in the civil war.

Lovely first-year girls who poured Molotov cocktails into bottles near the Kulikovo field continue their happy students.

Later, there will be a network celebration in the shelled Mariupol and funny jokes to photographs of women's bodies torn apart by air bombs in Luhansk.

No matter how much it would like, Russia will have to evaluate all this seemingly virtual emotion. Desperately sharp columnist "KP" Alexander Grishin:

- They can not be called neither scum, nor bastards, nor scum. Because both those and others, and the third ones are still people. And these - these are no longer people. They walk, eat, recover, read, write, talk. They are worse than cannibals and worse than animals. Call them whatever you like, but they are not people, but non-humans. Ghouls, ghouls, evil spirits.

… But there is also a teddy bear and yesterday's flowers under the walls of the Russian consulate in Kyiv. Few mourning roses. However, people brought them.

The ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, a well-known politician from Kherson expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims of the disaster Alexey Zhuravko. He sincerely asks for forgiveness for the scum of his compatriots.

“Inside of me now are feelings of deep grief and boundless shame and anger. 224 people died. Terrible tragedy. Kingdom of heaven! At the same time, in some segments of the Ukrainian Internet, it is almost a holiday... I strongly ask the Russians and all citizens of the world not to associate these scoundrels with Ukrainians in any case! On behalf of 99% of Ukrainians (alas, 1% of 40 million is exactly a few hundred thousand), I apologize for the miserable evil spirits that gloat over grief,” the politician wrote.

Calls on compatriots to composure Head of the International Service of the Political Department of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR V. Brig:

"Don't waste your strength and nerves, and don't react to the scum rejoicing at the death of civilians on the plane."

“They rejoiced at the thousands of deaths in the Donbass. Creatures shedding crocodile tears about the Holodomor rejoiced that our pensioners were left without a livelihood. They rejoiced at the blockade, on which their military leadership and volunteers profited. They rejoiced that our children were sitting in bomb shelters, and were indignant that Russia dared to send humanitarian convoys, ignoring the cries of the West and local bastards.”

“Having blessed his leadership for murder, violence, robbery and looting, personally killing and torturing, helping those who came here a thousand kilometers - to someone else's house - to restore their order; every flawed idiot wrapped in a Petliura rag must remember that karma is a serious thing. Sooner or later, retribution is coming. Amen".

Read related news:

Read all the news about the crash of the Russian plane in Egypt

* The "Islamic State" (ISIS) by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 was recognized as a terrorist organization, its activities in Russia are prohibited

December 26 was declared a day of mourning in Russia in connection with the Tu-154 crash in Sochi, which killed 84 passengers and eight crew members. International leaders expressed their condolences to Russia, people bring flowers and candles to the building of the Alexandrov Ensemble, the Ostankino television center and the building of the Elizabeth Glinka Foundation.

However, Ukrainian officials have not yet commented on the tragedy.

For example, on the website and in the Facebook account of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, only a congratulation on Catholic Christmas was published. Even a day after the tragedy over the Black Sea, not a word about the crash of the Russian plane.

Ukrainian officials who comment on the situation in neutral tones are in the minority.

“Whether it was a terrorist attack or some kind of aircraft malfunction, I think it’s too early to say. In any case, the only thing I don’t like is the fact that, indeed, the Russian ambassador to Turkey died recently under well-known circumstances - and today the plane. This may have certain consequences for the world community, ”SBU head Vasily Hrytsak said on the air of the 112 Ukraine TV channel.

But the “weighted” statements of Ukrainian officials about the Tu-154 crash are rather an exception.

Ukrainian officials, commenting on the tragedy over the Black Sea, do not hide their gloating.

One of the most scandalous was the opinion of Yuri Biryukov, Poroshenko's adviser.

He apparently decided to "witty" link the death of a Russian military aircraft and another tragedy - the fatal poisoning of dozens of people in Irkutsk. On his Facebook page, the official wrote: “The plane of the Russian Defense Ministry crashed ... There was only one desire - to take a bottle of Hawthorn to the embassy of the horde.

The Ukrainian parliamentarians did not stand aside either. The non-factional people's deputy, the country's representative in PACE, Borislav Bereza, admitted that he was "not happy and not upset" because of the crash of the Russian plane.

The official explained his position as follows: Tu-154 passengers "flew to entertain" the Russian military in Syria, who allegedly "destroyed the infrastructure of Donbass."

“I am not happy about the crash of a Russian plane and the death of its passengers. But I don't get upset either. They flew to entertain and film the Russian military. It is quite possible that those who previously killed Ukrainians in Donbass tortured our citizens, destroyed infrastructure, and then moved to Syria,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

And the mayor of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk) and a close associate of the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, Boris Filatov, went even further. He rejoiced at the death of the passengers on board the Tu-154, writing on Facebook that "instead of celebrating the liberation of Aleppo," the musicians and the military "will be in hell."

Not everyone is gloating

It is noteworthy that many subscribers of Biryukov, Bereza and Filatov fully agree with their statements - the posts of Ukrainian politicians on Facebook have collected hundreds of comments. But there are those who express sympathy for the tragedy and accuse Ukrainian officials of inhumanity.

In the comments under Poroshenko's adviser's post, user Peter Efimov reminded the Ukrainian official:

“Dr. Liza, who died in a plane crash, founded the first hospice at the Oncological Hospital in Kyiv in 1999. What did Biryukov do good for Ukraine?”

“A disgrace,” Andrey Zhbanov comments. - Only a moral freak and a bastard can rejoice in the death of another person. This will definitely not be welcomed anywhere in the world.”

“Sane people will take it with compassion, in a Christian way, and will not arrange a sabbath on the bones. Unfortunately, Biryukov, you lack sanity, as well as Christian morality, ”concludes another subscriber.

Some subscribers of Borislav Bereza, in response to his attack, questioned the mental health of the Ukrainian politician.

“Make some idiotic assumption that “it’s probably possible that such people flew there,” and, based on your ridiculous conjecture, develop some kind of schizo theory about the reasons for the lack of compassion. You don’t have sympathy for the reasons given, you don’t have it simply because you are mentally not quite healthy, ”concluded the user under the nickname Dima Spb.

“Borislav, you can’t hate a nation,” Igor Kievsky comments on Bereza’s post. - Imagine that in Europe they will know your reaction as the official representative of Ukraine in PACE. You spoke very short-sightedly."

Ukrainian officials were also accused of being "non-European" and that they were "lost in cruelty."

Flowers are brought to the Russian embassy in Ukraine, lamps are lit there and notes are left. Many, including well-known Kievans, write words of condolence to the victims of the tragedy.

“Ukrainians mourn together with the Russians for those who died in a plane crash over the Black Sea. And this pure-hearted reaction best of all reflects the closeness of our peoples, it demonstrates that the attempts of representatives of the "party of war" to provoke enmity, to sow the seeds of discord and hatred turned out to be futile. Ukrainians and Russians were, are and will forever remain fraternal peoples. In such tragic moments it becomes obvious. I offer my condolences to the families and friends of the victims. On my own behalf, on behalf of the Public Movement “Ukrainian Choice – Right of the People”, on behalf of millions of Ukrainians who today mourn the irreparable loss,” politician Viktor Medvedchuk wrote on Facebook.

Former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Spiridon Kilinkarov also expressed his sympathy and condolences.

"Tu-154. Tragedy, grief, irreparable loss - the sky took the talented, the sky took the best! Our condolences to the families and friends of the victims,” he wrote on his Facebook.

“A terrible tragedy near Sochi. Sincere condolences to family and friends, as well as to all Russians! Bright and eternal memory...,” adds ex-deputy Irina Berezhnaya.

Russian officials also reacted to the statements of Ukrainian officials. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, pointed out that the reason for such a reaction is that “people supported by nationalists and radicals” are in power in Ukraine.

“We don’t understand the reasons why official Kyiv rejoices at the death of 80 servicemen?! We understand these reasons very well and have been talking about them for a long time: in Ukraine, people came to power supported by nationalists and radicals. That's all the reasons. They are now understood not only by us, ”Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page.

Condemned the statements of Ukrainian officials and the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. “But there are those who openly gloat over the death of innocent people. In Kyiv, ordinary people carry flowers to the building of our diplomatic mission, and officials carry "Hawthorn". The purpose of their vicious attacks is to unleash wars, destroy states, kill millions of people, ”he commented on Instagram.

And Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Dmitry Rogozin, commenting on the attack of Poroshenko's adviser, called him a "moral freak."

“Poroshenko’s adviser is mocking… The souls of these moral freaks have long been poisoned by the “hawthorn of Russophobia.” Nothing sacred,” Rogozin wrote on his Twitter.

Residents of Kyiv carry flowers and candles to the building of the Russian Embassy in connection with the Black Sea. "The people of Kiev express their condolences over the crash of the Russian Tu-154 airliner in the Black Sea," the Russian diplomatic mission said on Twitter.

Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense crashed in Sochi: details

According to the TV channel "Zvezda", on one of the plates, which the people of Kiev installed near the embassy, ​​the inscription "We grieve, condole, Ukrainians who love Russia." At the same time, there has been no reaction from Ukrainian officials yet.

Meanwhile, messages appeared in the Ukrainian-language segment of social networks in connection with the plane crash. "But I'm sad! The capacity of the TU-154 is 180 passengers, what kind of buoy do they fly half empty?" — wrote the user @yurapop2.

“Already 92 corpses in the Tu-154. The trend is positive,” writes @FPfaino."Good morning, Ukraine. Merry Christmas!" - also says in one of the tweets of this public.

Most Internet users have criticized such messages. “The malevolent scream of crests due to the fall of the Tu-154 is explained by severe mental trauma caused by the sublimation of an unsatisfied visa-free visa,” writes Philip Maslovsky ( @soulstray).

Advisor to the President of Ukraine Yuriy Biryukov, commenting on the crash of the Russian Tu-154 aircraft over the Black Sea, announced his desire to take a bottle of "Hawthorn" to the Russian embassy. “The inhabitants of the neighboring horde sincerely do not understand the reason why we rejoice at the death of 80 servicemen of the horde army. The plane of the Russian Defense Ministry crashed ... There was only one desire - to take a bottle of Hawthorn to the embassy of the horde,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

Users were outraged by such statements about the tragedy. Thus, the actor Efim Shifrin called mockery from Kyiv unthinkable and recalled that "on the day of the death of completely peaceful people, it is customary to either mourn or be silent."

"Our dear neighbors on the map. I never did this. I never allowed myself such appeals. But this is unthinkable, this is no good: the culture of any people, the ethical ideas of any community do not allow mockery of the dead. It's so obvious, that on the day of the death of completely peaceful people, it is customary to either mourn or remain silent. Please, choose the second option: it will not require any moral efforts from you. I know that many of you are believers. It is difficult for me to accept such commentary as part of the rite. Please shut up…" the actor wrote on his Facebook page.

Recall that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already expressed condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection with the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft. Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano also expressed condolences to the families of the victims and sympathy to the entire Russian people. "To all of Russia, Italy's most important partner, I express my condolences on behalf of our country," the minister said. US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft also expressed condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the Tu-154 crash near Sochi.

Now the Russians, who learned about the crash of the Tu-154 in the Black Sea, on board which, presumably, was Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Lisa, are bringing flowers to the building of the Fair Aid Foundation, which she headed. Among them are colleagues, neighbors and all human rights activists who are not indifferent to the numerous good deeds.

Residents of Moscow with flowers also went to the building of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. Representatives of the city authorities and the clergy came to honor the memory of the dead.

The plane of the Russian Ministry of Defense Tu-154, carrying 84 passengers and eight crew members, crashed on the morning of December 25 in the Black Sea. The wreckage of the plane was found 1.5 km from the coast near Sochi at a depth of 50-70 meters. Among them are journalists from Channel One, NTV and the Zvezda TV channel. Also on board was the head of the International Public Organization "Fair Aid" Elizaveta Glinka. Most of the passengers were artists of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Aleksandrov.

Yesterday's tragedy stirred up not only Russians, but the whole world. The TU-154 disaster, in which 92 people died, turned into a kind of test of humanity. Particularly distinguished themselves, of course, non-brothers from Ukraine. What people who fiercely hate Russia and its citizens did not write on social networks.

"A Christmas gift", - as stated by the Odessa activist Victoria Siberia.

Other representatives of the Maidan intelligentsia, including officials, did not lag behind her. In addition to mocking the death of artists and the military, some "kinds" of Ukrainians also offered to bring fish food to the Russian embassy in Kyiv or hawthorn tincture in order to "capture a historical moment."

The only thing that pleases is that there were not so many such non-brothers, not counting the ardent representatives of the new fascist regime. Already on the afternoon of December 25 in Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa, city residents began to bring flowers to the Russian consulates together to honor the memory of the dead.

In Odessa, the pilgrimage continued until late in the evening, and even today Odessans come to the embassy with flowers, candles and notes: Odessa is mourning.

Kharkiv residents also do not lag behind their compatriots, bringing flowers to the Russian consulate in an unceasing stream. The Book of Sorrow at the Embassy is full of sincere condolences: "Kharkov mourns with you". In addition, many of the residents of the First Capital apologize to the Russians for the behavior of their, so to speak, fellow citizens: "People live here too."

In turn, the residents of Kyiv also express their condolences to the Russians: "Russia. Kyiv mourns with you.”

So who are the Ukrainians? Humans or nonhumans? It seems that it is impossible to judge everyone for the actions of individual, so to speak, individuals. Those who rejoice at the tragic death of the Russians are definitely worthy of at least censure, and at the maximum - part 1 of article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( "Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as the humiliation of human dignity"), which happened to the scandalous liberal journalist Bozhena Rynskaya.

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