Julian Dassin - biography, photos. Julian Dassin - biography, photos Does the surname Dassin help or hinder in a career or in life

And Ksenia Listova, official representative Julien in Russia and CIS countries. Here I will say that it was VERY scary! :) But Julien is so beautiful that you want to communicate with him for a long, long time. It would be great to get to his concert, but nothing is clear with Moscow yet. Read!

Original taken from Dassin, son of Dassin

Joe Dassin has said many times that he will leave the stage at 40. Glory, world tours, gold and platinum discs - everything is already there, it's not a pity to leave. In 1978, the son Jonathan was born, it was possible to deal only with the family.
But ... In July 1978, Dassin, the only foreign artist, was invited to Moscow to a gala concert in honor of the opening of the Cosmos Hotel. He sang there together with Alla Pugacheva. Homeland of ancestors (both grandfathers and grandmothers of Dassin emigrated at the beginning of the twentieth century from Russian Empire) met the famous singer with adoration. The audience at the concert at Cosmos, who did not know French, sang along with Dassin. And he decided to give a grandiose tour throughout the USSR, from Siberia to Leningrad. The sudden death of the singer from a heart attack in August 1980 cut everything off.
And now, in 2016, Dassin, Julien Dassin came to Moscow again, younger son singer.

He wants to complete what his father did not have time to do. The Russian tour will begin in the heart of Russia, Siberia, where Dassin Sr. so wanted to get. Julien prepared the program "A toi" / "For you" together with the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the National Guard of the Russian Federation under the direction of Viktor Eliseev, concerts will be held in Europe and Russia in 2017.
Julien spent three days in Moscow - negotiations, interviews, shooting for the New Year's light, rehearsals with the Ensemble. Moscow in December ordeal for a European, but Julien managed everything, although for this he had to leave the car and go down to the subway. Despite a busy schedule, Julien gave exclusive interview for the community of Moscow bloggers moscultura , thanks to the assistance of Ksenia Listova, Julien's official representative in Russia and the CIS countries.
The interview at the Marriott Aurora Hotel, where we met with Julien and Xenia, began with a question about the Moscow winter.

EAT: Julien, how do you like Moscow?
Julien Dassin: I really like how the city was decorated. It's Grandiose!!! Grandiose! This is not the case in France.
EAT: Does it look like Europe? Or is it already in Asia? 
Julien Dassin: Everything here is HUGE! The city is huge, the roads are huge, the buildings are huge, the scenery, respectively. Our Champs Elysees is a small road for Moscow. I see small streets decorated like the Champs Elysees and so on every street.
EAT: Very nice! Julien, you will perform in Russia not for the first time?
Julien Dassin: Yes, the second... no, the third time.
EAT: Do you remember your first impression of Russia?
Julien becomes very serious.
- Oh, it was a very strange feeling! I have Russian roots, and so I got off the plane and put my foot on MY land, on the history of my origin. And what I felt - culture, nature, city, it was in the very heart, inside of me.

EAT: Have you been to Odessa (the birthplace of Julien's great-grandfather, Samuel Dassin)?
Julien Dassin A: Yes, but unfortunately very little. It was a short visit, I would like to return there, see this city, its houses.
EAT: Julien, your father died when you were very young. Tell me, did you have a cult of your father in your house - portraits on the walls, some articles, something like that?
Julien Dassin: Oh no!!! Both father and grandfather always separated work and home very strongly. Father's gold discs, records, all of that long years lay in huge boxes in the garage. And my brother feels the same about it (laughs) but I changed everything! I got everything, hung it on the walls, now I see it all every day.
EAT: You, probably, have been told all your life about the great father, that you look like him? Did you ever want to give it up, didn't protest, even as a teenager?
Julien Dassin: No never. This is my family, what created me, raised me.

EAT: I know that Joe Dassin was very fond of Courchevel. Do you do any winter sports?
Julien Dassin: Oh, yes ... I even studied at such a school for a while - we had regular lessons for half the day, and the second half we rode skiing.
EAT: Wow, cool!
Julien Dassin: Well… to be honest, not really. Tired of school twice as much 
EAT: And now you ride?
Julien Dassin: Yes, skiing, water skiing in summer.
EAT:(with enthusiasm) Do you want to ride during the tour of Siberia, in Shergesh?
Julien Dassin: Actually, I'm not allowed to deal with the contract extreme views sports during the tour! (laughs) but if I break my arm, I have a second one!

EAT: Pets - cat or dog?
Julien Dassin: DOG! Jack Russell Terrier!
EAT: Does he jump high like in the movie The Mask?
Julien Dassin: Yes, yes (shows up and down with his hand), jumps like a ball! I recently moved out of Paris from Paris, I now have a garden, and now, in my opinion, he is much more pleased with this garden than I am.

EAT: Julien, you said about Paris and I immediately complex issue- Don't you think that everything that is happening now, in France, in Europe, in general in the world, is some kind of return to the Middle Ages, to dark times?
Julien Dassin: Well, times are changing and we have to change. I do not think that evil and violence will win. It's in everyone's heart... I'm a singer, I have to give people joy, good mood. Even if a person has grief or trouble, everything around is bad, but he will come to my concert and leave it with a smile, happy, which means I was able to do something.
EAT: Will you perform your own songs at the concert?
Julien Dassin: Not! Only father's songs and also songs by Piaf, Charles Aznavour, songs that come from the heart.
EAT: Russian people know them and love them very much! Julien, your father died in August 1980, and the great Russian singer Vladimir Vysotsky died a month before. For many Soviet people these two events came together, it was a "black summer" when two great people left. Do you know something about Vysotsky?
Julien Dassin: Yes, I know that name. All French people know that he was married to Marina Vlady.

EAT: Do you have relatives in America, maybe cousins?
Julien Dassin: Yes, but we hardly communicate. Yes, Christmas cards.
EAT: So your whole family is in France?
Julien Dassin: Yes, the whole family. Grandfather had to flee America during the McCarthy Act. He was blacklisted and was a well-known Hollywood director.
EAT: Were you close to your grandfather?
Julien Dassin: Certainly! He raised me, gave me everything. Everything family that the family has accumulated over generations.

EAT: Have you ever thought how the life of the family would have been if they had not left Russia?
Julien Dassin A: No, probably not. What's the point? Nothing can be changed... (thinks) Although I can say for sure that my father would not have become a singer. After all, he sang almost by accident (laughs) in America, he sang "French" songs, and when he returned to France, he said that he sang "American". You know, my great-grandfather was a hairdresser (probably, after all, a barber, according to the French word “barbara”, which Julien says several times ) and someone told him that he should go to America, where the roads are built of gold! He went to America, but never found the golden road, and died as a barber too. And my great-grandmother was Russian, but we don’t know where, she played the violin. So maybe they should sing. Be sure to sing, but at home, for themselves.

Julien is not yet married. And he believes that he can meet his love in Russia, he says that he really likes Russian women. By the way, in 1979 in Moscow, Joe Dassin also met and fell in love with a Russian woman. Oh French... But my wife was at home little son and the romance was platonic. I asked Julien if he believed that true love can you meet after the concert, meeting with fans, or walking along the streets of Moscow? Instant response:
Julien Dassin: Yes, of course yes! Love can be found at any moment, and it will be real!
EAT: What should be the woman you love?
Julien Dassin: Just by itself, real, everything should come from the heart.
EAT: Will you be able to walk around Moscow?
Julien Dassin: Oh, I don't know…. Yesterday we managed to walk along the surrounding streets, but there is a lot to do. But I will still see Moscow, I'm a tourist. But a very busy tourist!
EAT: Julien, will we hear from you in Moscow? I would love to attend your concert.
Julien Dassin: I don’t know, now we are definitely deciding about Siberia and then we will move back from there.
EAT: We are looking forward to it!
From myself I will say that I am very grateful to Ketevan ketosha and Ksenia Listova for the opportunity to meet Julien Dassin. He's wonderful! :) Very cute, lively, the four of us laughed continuously, despite the fact that Julien does not understand Russian, and I do not speak French. Ksenia translated my questions into English, the English we have with Julien is about the same - believe! very bad, as we immediately found out at the beginning of the interview, and Julien was translated from English into French by his producer Thierry, and then everything was reversed :) So the conversation was long and very lively, sometimes all four spoke three languages ​​at the same time. I left the hotel absolutely enchanted. Joe Dassin was a great singer and so wonderful that his songs are alive and Russian audiences will be able to hear them live in the 21st century.
Click on the link to watch Julien's interview for TV channel "Zvezda"
Listova Ksenia, company

Dassin Julian Dassin Career: Musician
Birth: USA
November 5th would have been the 70th birthday of French singer Joe Dassin. But he suddenly died out in 1980, before he reached forty-two. Dassin was born in the same year as Vladimir Vysotsky and died less than a month after the death of the "Tagansky bard".

Valentin Gaft, in one of his poems, then exclaimed in his hearts: “And let the radio tell us that Joe Dassin has died, and let him be silent that his own Vysotsky has died. What is Dassin to us ?! Annoyance was understandable in relation to the time that was then in the Soviet yard. But the charming lyricist of the French stage, frankly speaking, fell into Gaft's arm without fuss.

Dassin's intonation was consonant and understandable to our public (moreover, without knowledge of the language of Hugo and Dumas) no less than the style of Vladimir Semenovich. She was responsible for certain reservoirs of the soul. For something aching, bright and sometimes unrealizable. For example, Dassin's "Champs Elysees" sounded to fellow citizens the same saga about an unattainable dream, about a fairy-tale world, as later the famous "Nautilus" "Good Bye, America!" The demand for Dassin in Russia today is beyond doubt, and it is not surprising that we have not missed his date. On the eve of November 5, the Kultura TV channel showed the only of the last triumphal concerts of the singer in 1979 in the Paris Olympia, and on November 8, at the popular Legends of Retro FM festival in Olimpiysky, 28-year-old Joe's heir Julian will perform as a special guest Dassin. On the eve of his arrival in Moscow, he spoke with an Izvestia columnist.

Q: Julian, I don't think you'd be surprised if large number questions addressed to you will touch your famous father. Moreover, November marks the 70th anniversary of his birth. How was this date met in France?

Answer: We don't have a tradition of celebrating birthdays extensively. Rather, we are sensitive to death anniversaries. On such days, people remember the departed artists, their work, the times when they performed.

Q: Is Joe Dassin still popular in his homeland? Or is he still in the shadow of the names of the legendary French chansonniers - Brassens, Beko, Brel?

A: My dad, in my opinion, during his lifetime under no circumstances was as popular in France as he is at the moment, in the last five years. His songs are often heard on television, radio, they are abundantly used in various films and commercials. Many of our contemporary popular artists - Roque Voisin in particular - include compositions from the repertoire of Joe Dassin in their repertoire. And Mika ends her concerts with the hit "Les Champs-Elysees".

Q: Why did you and your brother Jonathan put on a musical about your father two years back in Canada and not in France?

A: We were contacted by a Canadian producer who was interested in this project. And we remember that our father really liked to tour in Canada and exactly in this country shake the premieres of his songs. So we gladly agreed to define the musical there. However, today he no longer goes on stage.

Q: Joe Dassin died when you were only six months old. How does he currently appear in your thoughts, and are you in contact with any of his friends and acquaintances?

A: My father is still prominently present in my life. I recreated his work office in my apartment - complete with his gold discs, his paintings and favorite photographs. When you enter this room, you get the feeling that dad is still there. I still often see Claude Lemel, his friend and author of many of his lyrics. But, unfortunately, many of my father's friends are no longer alive.

Q: As you grew older, did your mother, Christine Delvaux, try to ask about her father and why her relationship with Joe at the end of their lives so escalated and led to a stormy divorce?

A: My mother did not expand on this subject under any circumstances, and my brother and I have no desire to ask her such questions. Moreover, a lot about her relationship with her father has already been said in the press, and, in my opinion, the number of these testimonies and stories sins with exaggerations. It is difficult to judge any romantic story if it does not concern you personally, if you have not experienced it from the inside.

Q: Do you think the producers pushed you to musical career, counting on an attractive PR move: did the offspring of Joe Dassin go the way of his father, or did they really see an outstanding performing potential in you?

A: I think having the surname Dassin at your disposal, if you want to get out on the stage, is more of a minus than a plus. Since you are doomed to be compared with the one who glorified this surname. Besides, I don't have a producer, I only have a manager. And, in the end, the audience always makes the verdict on the artist, no matter what his name is.

Q: In Russia, your dad is still very popular. Do you want to define a musical based on his songs in our country? A similar performance based on the songs of the AVVA group had a happy moment with us, and in general in Russia in current time there is a craving for retro. You will quickly see for yourself, because you are going exactly to such a festival. By the way, what attracted you to "Legends of Retro FM"?

A: The performance about the father, the one we are currently preparing, will be presented to the Russian public in 2010. On Internet forums of fans of Joe Dassin as dogs of uncut registered users from Russia. My dad loved your country, and we really want the Russian public to see a play about him. The invitation to the "Retro FM" festival is another opportunity for me to promote my father's songs, to present them the way he would do if he were alive. I am proud that the organizers of such a major festival remembered him.

Q: You will perform in front of thousands of people at the Olimpiyskiy. Have you ever hummed in stadiums before?

A: This is the first time I will sing for such a large audience. This is an honor for me and, I confess, that at the current time I'm a little worried.

Q: What song will you perform as a "virtual duet" with Joe Dassin, and who is the author of this number?

A: I will sing "Et si tu n "existais pas" ("If it weren't for you") in a duet with my father and I will sing "Salut" solo. In France, I recorded the TV program "Impossible Duets". It was liked by the representatives of "Retro FM" , and thus the idea was born to build such a number in the "Olympic".

Joe Dassin was loved almost more in Russia than in France itself. The news of his untimely death in August 1980 shocked everyone. On November 5, 2008, he would have turned 70. And the other day, Joe Dassin's son, Julian, performed for the first time in Moscow at the Legends of Retro FM festival. The correspondent of "Labor-7" managed to talk with Dassin Jr.

How would you define the place that your father occupied among the famous chansonniers? After all, he was neither a pure performer, like Yves Montand, nor a bard, like Jacques Brel.
- It seems to me that the father was, so to speak, folk singer. He passionately loved his work and people. He sang to help people live, - so he himself said.
- What kind of relationship did father have with his colleagues - Montand, Gainsbourg, Adamo?
I don't remember him having any particularly close relationship with them. His friends are, first of all, Carlos, Jeanne Munson, Henri Salvador (colleagues and close people of Joe Dassin, who often performed with him, starred in his videos. - "Labor-7"). Artists who exuded the joy of life.
- The French are often cruel to their own stars. They say that Mireille Mathieu was often received all over the world (and in Russia) much warmer than in France. Was this cruelty also manifested in relation to the father?
- It was not the French who were cruel to my father, but some part of the press, the so-called "intellectuals", who reproached my father for the fact that he often sang songs that were too frivolous for their taste.
- Is it happiness to be the son of a great artist?
- First of all, it is pride. It will never replace the possibility of live communication with the father, but it allows you to continue to live with him in your soul.
- Do you love him? Or is it some other feeling? Are you not annoyed that he spent so much energy on divorces and other personal conflicts?
How can you not love your father? I love him first of all as a person, and, of course, as an artist. I was only six months old when Joe left us, and I have no right to judge what he went through. I am not interested in what the press of that time wrote about him, I want to preserve in myself his image of a man in a white suit and with a radiant smile.
- Joe Dassin gave the impression of a prosperous person, but not quite self-confident inside. Did you inherit any of his traits?
- Like him, I'm pretty self-absorbed and shy. I think I inherited his heightened sense of duty and perfectionism. And like him, I love people, I love to sing for them.
- And what do you condemn in it?
- Of course, I do not blame, but it seems to me that he was too absorbed in his work. I gave him everything and, perhaps, passed by some moments of my own happiness.
- I read that he was buried according to Jewish laws - was he an orthodox Jew? Why was my father buried in Los Angeles?
- Joe was not so much religious as prone to the observance of traditions. He also wanted to educate us in these traditions, because he gave great importance the spirit of the family, kind. He is buried in Los Angeles, because his parents lived there at that moment and he once grew up in this city. Joe said, "I'm French at heart, but American by passport."
What relationship do you have with brother Jonathan? Are you strong friends?
We are very close, we see each other regularly. We are currently working on a new play that will be released in 2010 on the 30th anniversary of Joe's passing. This will be the only official performance with our participation, associated with the name of Dassin.
- What do you think of the Russian public?
- I can't explain why, but it seems to me that the Russian public especially responds to beautiful melodies and love songs. Perhaps the whole thing is in the cold climate from which she is so saved? I was in Russia at the age of three and have not retained my memories of that time. I am very happy that I was invited here again, and I hope to find new friends here ... I also look forward to visiting those places that dad especially loved.
- Does Joe Dassin have grandchildren?
- Not yet, unfortunately. Neither my brother nor I have found our other half yet. Maybe it will happen in Russia?
Joseph Ira Dassin (real name of the singer) was born on November 5, 1938 in New York in the family of a Jewish theater actor, future famous film director Jules Dassin, and violinist Beatrice Lohner. During the McCarthy "witch hunt" the family moved to Europe. Joseph achieved his first success in France in the 1960s with the song "Les Champs-Elysees". He sang about 300 songs in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Greek. He was married twice and divorced twice. The second wife, Christine Delvaux, gave birth to the singer's sons Jonathan (1978) and Julian (1980). Joe Dassin died on August 20, 1980 in Tahiti from a heart attack.

Julien Dassin (Julian Dassin)

Children of talented parents do not always have the opportunity to fully reveal their inner potential. Several things can interfere with them. Firstly, it's hard to get out of the shadow of a famous father or mother. Children can be evaluated for many years not on their merits, but in terms of the degree of similarity or dissimilarity to eminent parents. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test.

Secondly, not all children are ready to make efforts to achieve their own results, having everything in literally at hand. A pleasant exception to the rule was Julian Dassin - the son of the famous French performer Joe Dassin, who is rightly compared with the famous "Taganka bard" Vladimir Vysotsky.

The producers were skeptical about the chances of the son of an eminent father to enter the French stage. The manner of performance and style of Joe Dassin were so unique in form and content that the public could simply not accept anyone else. As often happens, life put everything in its place.


Parents always help children, literally and figuratively, take the first steps in life. Julian Dassin was no exception in this regard. In order to tell about himself to the French public, he decided to give this public a gift. In 2011, previously unpublished recordings by Joe Dassin were released, and with them the music world heard several compositions by the chansonnier's son.

No wonder they say that good deeds are rewarded. The French appreciated the work so positively young musician that the producers decided to try to work with him. The most difficult thing was the selection of repertoire for Julian. On the one hand, I did not want to make him a double of the famous father. On the other hand, too much difference could alienate the audience.

Solomon's decision was prompted by fate itself. The network got a few amateur recordings of Julian Dassin. In just a few days, the audience liked them so much that further searches for a creative image for young man turned out to be unnecessary. Young, handsome, lyrical, charming - all this was said about Julian. Many eminent performers of the French and European scene wanted to perform with him.

The first successful duet was a concert with Florence Xote, held in the suburbs of Paris. Completely different in type and style, the vocalists complemented each other so well on stage that it was impossible not to notice. Over the next three years, Julian recorded several MP3s, each of which took high positions on the national and European charts.

Julian Dassin at your event

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