Ukrainian folk games for children. Physical entertainment "Ukrainian carousel of outdoor games" for younger preschoolers. Ukrainian outdoor game

Many children have little idea of ​​what they can do away from computers and the Internet. The maximum that they are familiar with is snowballs, catching up, sledding. And there are many interesting outdoor games that you can play both in winter and summer. So…


Rules of the game: children are divided into a driver (hlibchik) and other participants, who are divided into pairs and become, holding hands, one after another. The leader is having a dialogue.

Bake-bake the chlibchik, - the chlibchik cries out.
- Will you bake? - ask the children from the last couple in the row.
- Bake!
- Will you run away?
- I'll see!

Then the children from this pair should scatter in different directions in order to dodge the bunny, again join hands and stand in front of the first pair. Khlibchik, on the other hand, must catch one of them and prevent the pair from connecting.

What develops: leg muscles, intelligence, coordination in space.


Rules of the game: the sorcerer extends his hand palm down, the participants hold their index fingers under it. At the expense of “one, two, three,” the sorcerer must grab someone by the finger, and the participants must prevent this and scatter to the sides. The sorcerer must catch up and touch any of the participants. The one who was “grimed” should freeze with his arms spread apart. He is enchanted, other participants who touch him can cast a spell on him, but the sorcerer does not sleep ... A player enchanted three times becomes a sorcerer himself.

What develops: leg muscles, speed, coordination in space.

Round Khreschik

Rules of the game: the game begins with the phrase: “Chur, play the Round Horseman! To stand on the mountain, not to be caught! Children are divided into pairs, standing in front of each other (two extreme and one in the middle).

The task of the children from the "extreme" pairs on the team is to change places, forming new pairs, and the participants in the middle pair must catch someone. As soon as he caught - a partner from the middle pair and the one caught, from the extreme should run to them with all his might. Whoever runs first, forms an extreme pair with his partner, the rest stand in the middle.

What develops: dexterity, reaction speed.


Rules of the game: children choose a driver (heron). The rest of the players become frogs. Starting position: the heron is sleeping (the player leans forward with his hands on his knees), at this time the rest move, imitating the jumping movements of frogs. Suddenly the heron wakes up and, having called out, starts catching frogs. Attention: the heron can only move with long strides on straight legs, without bending the knees, and the frogs hop on their haunches. The one who rises from the frogs to his full height becomes a heron.

What develops: leg muscles.


Rules of the game: the driver becomes his back to the players. Suddenly, he should shout out the name of some color (red, blue, yellow), the players quickly find him on their clothes and hold on to the color so that the driver can see. Those who do not have the named color on their clothes begin to run away. Whoever the driver catches, he becomes him.

What develops: knowledge of colors, leg muscles, reaction speed, coordination in space.

Vovk and goats

Rules of the game: the wolf is leading, the rest are goats. A large circle is drawn on asphalt/snow/sand with chalk, and around it, at a distance, small circles ("houses"), 1 less in number than the number of players. On the count of “three”, the kids from the big circle run through the houses, the one who did not get the house must run away from the wolf. If the goat runs around the big circle 3 times and is not caught, then the wolf must stop the pursuit. If the wolf caught up with the goat, he becomes the leader.

What develops: speed, coordination of movements, leg muscles.


Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Inside the circle is the driver. Covering his face with his hands, he slowly moves in a circle, asking:

— Whose gate?

- Whose are these?

— Taras.

— Let me go?

- We won't let go!

After that, the driver, shouting “Bov”, runs at someone, trying to break his closed hands and run out of the circle. If the hands open, then this pair should catch up with the driver. The one who catches up with the driver becomes him himself.

What develops: dexterity, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

Irina Puzikova

Physical entertainment

« Ukrainian outdoor games fair»

for kids younger preschool age

instructor of FC Puzikova I. F., 2013-2014 G.

Target: getting to know the traditions Ukrainian people.

Tasks: - introduce outdoor games of Ukrainian children;

Activate the speech of children using poems;

Contribute to the education of interest in other peoples.

Attributes: Ukrainian doll; wolf mask; carousel(pole with colorful ribbons attached to it); a long rope to mark the circle; rings according to the number of children Ukrainian songs.

Children enter the gym Ukrainian music. There is a doll in the middle of the hall.

Leading: Hello guys, girls and boys! Who is waiting for you in the hall? (doll) That's right, only it's not just a doll, but Ukrainian toy. And her name is Oksana. Get to know her, tell her your names (children answer). That's where we met. It's time for us to play. Doll Oksanka invites you to Ukrainian round dance.

A game "Round dance" (2-3 min.)

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a teacher with an attribute (multi-colored ribbons on the staff). Each child takes a ribbon and stretches it a little. Under Ukrainian music children go in a circle, forming carousel. At the signal of the teacher, carousel spins to the other side. Children are invited to wave the floor to the music with Oksanka's hand, jump from foot to foot.

Leading: Very beautiful we got a carousel, and our doll Oksanka liked it! You guys know what's on Ukraine there are many different birds, including quails. We'll play a game now "Quail".

Ukrainian outdoor game

"Quail" (2-3 times)

The players stand in a circle, legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body. One player in the middle of the circle is a quail. To the words of the people songs:

Oh, the quail has a headache -

all participants together raise their hands up, touching their fingers on both sides of the head, and repeat words: "Yes, my head hurts"- Lower your arms along the body.

into words:

Oh, the quail's knees hurt -

everyone leans forward and touches their knees, and on repeat words: "Yes, my knees hurt"- are straightened.

The host continues:

Oh, the wings of a quail do not hurt, -

all players raise their hands to the sides and repeat words: "Wings Don't Hurt"- "scatter", run around the hall.

then the facilitator calls other parts of the body, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Perform movements beautifully, in accordance with the text.

Leading: Ukrainian forests are very dense and there are many animals in them. Wolves also live there. Guys, does the wolf like to eat goats? Are goats afraid of wolves? Well done, you all know! I suggest you play the game "Wolf and goats".

Ukrainian outdoor game

"Wolf and goats" (2-3 times)

On one side of the hall, a circle with a diameter of 3-4 meters is fenced off with a rope. On the other side, there are rings according to the number of children. The host plays the role of the Wolf, the children are goats who jump inside the circle to the sound of a tambourine. On command "One two Three!" the children run and occupy the rings, the Wolf catches the kids who did not have time to take "house".

Complication: the role of the Wolf is played by a child; you can remove one ring; the goat that didn't get it "house" runs in a circle from the wolf (3 laps) Tired Wolf stops the chase.

Leading: We got a fun game, really, guys! And now the Oksanka doll invites you to ride with her carousels!

mobile game« Carousels» (2-3 times)

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, with words they begin to walk in a circle, speeding up step: Barely, barely,

spun carousels;

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Then the pace slows down:

Hush, hush, don't rush

stop the carousel!

The children stop.

One, two, three - Oksanka on carousels!

(children carefully pass the doll to each other in a circle, "rolling on carousels» first to the right, then to the left to cheerful music)

Leading: The guys and the doll played enough, had fun! It's time to say goodbye to Oksana. Don't forget fun games and play in a group! Goodbye!

Children leave the hall to the music.

Ukrainian folk games for preschoolers


Before the start of the game, a sorcerer is chosen. To do this, one of the players extends his right hand in front of him, palm down, the rest substitute one index finger under it. On the command "One, two, three!" or at the end of the rhyme, everyone withdraws their fingers, and the player with an outstretched hand needs to grab someone's finger. One whose finger is thus grasped three times becomes a sorcerer. Everyone scatters, and the sorcerer tries to catch up with someone and touch his hand. Caught freezes, spreading his arms to the sides. Other players can disenchant it by touching it with their hand. However, the sorcerer watches his victim, and as soon as someone removes the spell, he tries to re-strike them again. In addition, he tries to bewitch those who dare to rescue a comrade.

Rules of the game. The bewitched player remains in place. Bewitched three times himself becomes a sorcerer, and his predecessor joins the fleeing.


The game requires a small rubber ball and an open area. In the ground, on the same line, not far from each other, they dig a series of holes - stoves (if the soil is soft, then the holes can be squeezed out with a heel or a ball). The stoves are made shallow so that a ball can roll over them. The number of stoves corresponds to the number of players.

Players stand on both sides of the line of stoves, each near their own stove. The end players become facing each other, they start the game.

The end player rolls the ball over the stoves. If the ball does not remain in any of the holes, then the second extreme player rolls it back. When the ball gets stuck in someone's oven, all the participants in the game quickly scatter in different directions, and the one in whose oven the ball ended up throws it at one of the participants in the game, the kicked one catches the ball and, in turn, hits another player with it. In this case, it should be thrown from the place where the ball overtook the player. This continues until someone misses. Then everyone goes back to their stoves. The one who missed, exchanges stoves with one of the extreme players and starts the game from the beginning.

For the second miss, a line is drawn near the “mazun” stove, and for the third miss, a nest is made and a wand is planted. For each further miss, a chicken stick is stuck near the stove. When someone has five chickens, they hide them, and the owner of the quoit must find them and distribute them to the rest of the players, that is, catch up and touch them with a stick. All other players run away from the quote. The game starts over.

Rules of the game. The number of players is from five to seven. Everyone has their own stove, near which misses are noted. You need to hit the ball from the spot and only at the feet. At the end of the game, the owner of the kvochka salutes until he has no sticks left.


All who wish to play, holding hands, stand in pairs (pair by pair) at some distance from the player who does not have a pair. It is called Khlibchik (bread).

I bake, a bee xl і butt! (He shouts.)

And in and bake? (Asks the back couple.)

AT and ne h u!

BUT vtechesh ?

marvel !

With these words, the two back players run in opposite directions with the intention of connecting and standing in front of the chub. And he tries to catch one of them before they join hands. If he succeeds, he, together with the one caught, makes a new pair, which becomes the first, and the player left without a pair turns out to be a chub. The game is repeated in the same order.

Rules of the game. The last couple can run only after the end of the roll call.

Krugl and th bastard

The game begins with one of the children shouting out:

- Chur, in the "Round Khreschik" grate and !

On the mountains і stand and , spіymanim not b at wat and !

Two couples stand facing each other at a distance of twenty paces and invite the third couple to stand in the middle. The players of the extreme pairs, who stand one against the other, try, bypassing the middle pairs, to connect into new pairs. One of the pair runs to the right, and the other runs to the left. The players of the middle pair prevent them, catch the runners. If the player of the middle pair has caught one of those who runs across from his side, the partner of the caught and the partner of the catcher rush to their aid. The one who runs first, together with his partner, becomes an extreme pair, and the other two players stand in the middle. When the run is completed successfully, the game continues.

Rules of the game. Six people take part in the game. It can be played by children from middle preschool age.

Fox and hare

Children stand in pairs at different ends of the playground facing each other, holding hands. One is chosen as a hare, the other as a fox. The hare hides from the fox, hurries to some pair and turns its back to one of the players. He becomes a hare and runs away, and in the same way wants to become in the middle of another pair. Meanwhile, the fox is trying to catch him. The one caught becomes a fox, and the fox becomes a hare, and the game continues.


The players stand in a circle, legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body. One player in the middle of the circle is a quail. To the words of a folk song:

Oh, the quail has a headache

- all participants together raise their hands up, touching their fingers on both sides of the head, and to repeat the words: “Yes, the head hurts,” they lower their hands along the body. To the chorus:

- There was, there was a quail,

There was, there was a gray-winged -

Dchildren join hands and walk in a circle to the left, and quail points to the right. Everyone stops at the last word. To the words:

Oh, the quail's knees hurt -

ATthey lean forward and touch their knees, and to repeat the words: “Yes, my knees hurt,” they straighten up. The words and actions of the chorus are repeated. The host continues:

Oh, the wings of a quail do not hurt -

ATall the players raise their hands to the sides and, to repeat the words: “The wings do not hurt,” they lower them down.

To the words: “The birds got up and flew away!” Everyone is running in circles.

Rules of the game. Perform movements beautifully, in accordance with the text.


The players stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder. One of them in the middle of the circle is a gardener. He sings:

Oh, poppy on the mountain,

Under the mountain!

The players join hands and, stepping back, increase the circle by the width of their arms laid aside. To the words:

Poppies, poppies, poppies,

Golden heads! -

all participants take a step in place, waving their arms back and forth. To the words:

You become so

As on the mountain poppy -

everyone squats and shows with their arms outstretched in front of their chests what a poppy has grown. Then standing up they ask: - Gardener, gardener, did you water the poppy?

The gardener replies: "I watered."

To the chorus:

Poppies, poppies, poppies,

Golden heads! -

everyone takes a step in place, waving their arms, and at this time the gardener walks in the middle of the circle and imitates the actions of watering poppies. To the words:

You become so

As on the mountain poppy -

everyone standing up shows how the poppy has grown: they raise their hands to the sides, the palms turn up, the fingers are slightly bent - imitate a poppy flower. To the chorus:

Poppies, poppies, poppies,

Golden heads! -

all the players lower their hands and take a step in place, waving their arms.

Then they ask:

gardener, gardener,

Is poppy ripe?

The gardener replies: “Rapture!”

All participants in the game repeat the song from the beginning, narrow the circle with small steps, join hands and slowly raise their hands up. To the words: "Become so!" - show how ripe the poppy head is.

Rules of the game. Movements are performed in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

On the mountain lion

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. One - the leader stands in a circle with a "poppy" in his hands ("poppy" can be any object: a pear, a wreath, a flower, etc.). Children standing in a circle clap their hands and say:

    On the mountains lion, lion,

Pі d poppy, poppy!

Moї loveand children, rob the axis like that!

While pronouncing the words, the leader walks inside the circle and stops for the last word near any player. He must show any movement, and everyone else should repeat it. The one who showed the movement becomes the leader.

In the river gop

Two lines stand one against the other at a distance of one and a half to two meters. The leader gives the command:

To the beach, gop! - everyone runs back. Often the leader repeats the same command several times. In this case, everyone should stand still. For example:

In the river gop! - everyone runs forward.

In the river gop! - everyone is in place. Whoever runs back is out of the game.

The game continues until the last player in one of the lines is out.

Wolf and goats

Children's Ukrainian gamewolf and goats for younger children. A playground of 15-20 meters is suitable for the game. A circle with a diameter of 4-8 meters is drawn on it, and beyond it there are still circles with a diameter of 1 meter at a distance of 1-2 meters.

Small circles are houses for kids. The circles are drawn one less than the goat players. The wolf is chosen according to the counting rhyme. At the beginning of the game, the wolf is outside the large circle, and the kids are inside the circle. On the count of three, all the kids run out of the circle and occupy the houses.

The kid that did not get the house runs from the wolf between the big circle and the houses. The wolf must catch the goat, but if the goat runs around the circle 3 times, then the chase stops and everyone remains in their places. If the wolf catches the goat, they change places and the game starts again.


This game was recorded in Ukraine in the last century by P. Ivanov (in the Kharkiv region) and P. Chubinsky (in the Poltava region). In our time, the existence of the game was found in Vinnitsa and Ternopil regions. Boys and girls usually play 10-15 years old (sometimes older), 10 or more people.

Description. Holding hands, the players form a circle. The driver, chosen according to the counting rhyme, becomes inside the circle. Leaning on the hands of the circle, he tries to separate them, saying: "Bov." He repeats this until he opens someone's hands, after which he runs away, and the two who open their hands catch (salat) him. The one who catches becomes the leader.


The driver must separate the hands of those standing in a circle without the help of his hands.
The driver can be salted until he runs away from the circle at an agreed distance.
Variant (recorded in the Vinnitsa region in 1948). The driver, who stands in the middle of the circle, covering his face with his hands, bends over the joined hands (“gates”) of the two players and asks:

"Whose gate is this?" They answer him, for example: "Petra."

"Whose is this?" - "Taras", etc.

Then the driver approaches any “gate” and asks:

"Let me go." - "We won't let you in!" He goes to two or three more "gates". Finally, he shouts out: “Strike, bell, strike! Break the cloud!" - and tries to break through some "gates". With luck, he runs away, and the two, through the "gates" of which he broke through, catch up with him. The one who catches up becomes the driver


A gamecats suitable for younger children. For the game you will need: players from three to ten people, a handkerchief to blindfold, a limited playground and 6 to 10 sticks, which willcats .

At the beginning of the game, a driver is chosen and blindfolded. They give him cat-sticks in his hands and two players begin to twist and drive him in different directions, trying to confuse, knock down the landmark. Then one of the escorts says: “put two cats” and the driver must put 2 sticks on the ground. And so they drive him until he spreads out all the sticks.
Then they return him to the starting point, untie his eyes, and without prompting he must find and collect all the cats. The best player will be the one who, without prompts, will find all the sticks the fastest. Then the next driver is chosen, and the game begins again.
According to the rules, the driver cannot be taken outside the playing area.
You can prompt him with the words: warm, hot, cold, cool.
If the player cannotlong to find the last cat, then he is shown it, and he loses.


Kvach is an old folk and widespread game. A gamekwach suitable for teenagers. The number of players is 3 or more. The game will require a ball and a playing field with agreed or delineated boundaries. The rules of the game are quite simple. One driver is selected, who runs with the ball trying to hit them in the runaways. The one in whom he got to take his place.
Players are not allowed to touch, kick or hit a ball that has fallen to the ground. Players are not allowed to run beyond the established boundaries of the playing field except for the driver (for the ball). If the player runs out, he takes the place of the driver.

One of the varieties of the game of kwach involves the following rules: the driver must hit the ball with all players andlast the player it hits becomeswinner , afirst leading


You need at least 3 people to play dodgeball. Of these, 2 bouncers (bouncers) and one driver. The players are divided into two teams.

Two players from one stand at a distance of about seven to eight meters opposite each other. They have a ball. Two players from the other team move between them. The task of the first is to throw the ball with each other, hit the opponents and knock them out of the game. At the same time, you need to throw so that the ball, not hitting the target, could be caught by a partner, and not fly away every time to nowhere.

The task of the second is not to let yourself be knocked out. If you catch a flying ball, one life is added to you. You get, for example, five lives, and to knock you out of the game, you need to hit you six times. If the ball bounced off the ground and hit the player, it didn't count. The place of the knocked-out players was occupied by other members of the team. When everyone was knocked out, the teams changed places


squares - This is a very popular game in Ukraine. To play, you will need a small area in the form of a square and a ball. The playing area is divided into four equal parts and a circle with a diameter of about a meter is drawn in the center.

Play can be from two to eight players, depending on the size of the playing field.
If two or three people play, then each occupies one square and when the ball hits an unoccupied square, a point will be awarded to the one who sent the ball there.
If there are 8 players, then each square is occupied by two people and played in teams.
If four players are playing, then each occupies a square and can play two on two or each for himself. When playing in pairs, players can pass and help each other.
Before the start of the game, they agree on the maximum number of points and the players occupy a square. One of the players starts the game by throwing the ball into the center of the circle so that it bounces onto one of the four squares. Next, the player on whose field the ball hit must beat it off with his foot to another field, after one touch of the ball with the ground. If the ball touches the ground twice, the player scores one point and the players move one space clockwise or the player is out of the game. The player who gets the point starts the game again by throwing the ball over the circle, and if he misses three times in doing so, he gets another point.

In this game, points scored lead to loss. The ball is hit with all parts of the body except for the hands. The player must not touch the ball twice on his court, but he can be rescued by a neighbor by jumping on one foot and scoring with the other foot

Team hide and seek

Team hide and seek - this is like an analogue of simple hide and seek, they were widespread in the century before last in Ukraine. This game is very well suited for large groups and older children.
To play team hide and seek, it is necessary to accurately establish the boundaries of the playing area. Players from 10 people or more. According to the rules, all participants are divided into two teams, approximately equal in strength, and a leading intermediary is selected.
Intermediary Lead will have to enforce the rules, and with the help of a draw, decide which team will hide first. The team that fell out to look for is called the driver.
A place is also chosen, which will be a horse. It can be a tree, a bench, a table, a fence, a stone, etc. The team of drivers should gather near the horse and close their eyes, the other team is hiding at this time, the mediator leader is watching everyone at this time.
As soon as the team hid, he gives a signal, and the driving team begins to search for those who hid and guard the horse at the same time. The team that hid should quickly and preferably quietly break through to the horse and catch him.
command hide and seek , the drivers must catch and tarnish those hiding and prevent at least one of the opponents from breaking through to the horse and touching it. Otherwise, the game will be lost and everything will start all over again.
If the driving team catches all the opponents, then the teams change places and play again

Four forces

According to the rules of the game, the participants stand in a circle, in the middle of which the leader stands. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words:"Earth" , "water", "fire" or"air" .

If the driver said a word"Earth" , then the one who caught the ball must quickly (while the driver counts to five) name any domestic or wild animal.

At the word"water" the player answers with the name of some fish, aquatic creatures.

At the word"air" are called birds.

At the word"the fire" everyone should wave their hands. Then the ball is returned to the driver.
If the player managed to name her word or made a mistake, he “pays” the phantom, or they change places with the driver and the game continues.

A variety of such games will provide an opportunity to choose the appropriate option. for every child taking into account his inclinations and preferences. Ukrainian outdoor games will be a great way to actively spend time, improving the physical shape of the child.


This game requires very little inventory - just one rope that needs to be tied to a fence, tree or other immovable object. This rope will be the "rod" on which the "fish" is caught. One of the players is chosen as the "bait", he must hold on to the free edge of the rope and catch the "fish" with it, that is, other players. The rest of the participants must “take the bait”, that is, touch the driver, but not let him catch himself. When one of the players is caught, he becomes the "bait" and the game continues. This fun is great for any time of the year and can be played both indoors and outdoors.

Hidden bell

This game is also well suited for any season and any place. It needs a small bell, which the participants, standing in a circle or in a line, will pass to each other. It is important to convey the bell so that it does not ring. The driver must determine who has the call. The one who gave himself away by ringing becomes the leader. This fun is great develops observation and reaction time.

Jumping sparrows

This fun game is best played on a playground where you need to draw a circle about 6-8 meters in diameter. The participants of the game stand behind him, they play the role of "sparrows". The leader is located in a circle, his task is to prevent the “sparrows” from collecting “grains”, that is, not to allow them to enter the circle. "Sparrows", jumping on one leg (you can also hold a bent leg with your hand or play in pairs), try to jump into a circle. The central player "pecks" them (touches with his hand), the one who was touched by the driver leaves the game. The goal of the sparrows is to stay in the circle as long as possible. The driver can be changed, choosing the fastest and most dexterous of the children.


This game is convenient because a whole group in the kindergarten (20-30 people) can play it. One of the participants is chosen by the “tongue” of the bell, the others form the bell itself: they join hands and stand in a circle. The children in the circle move clockwise or counterclockwise, and the “tongue” must break out of the circle, that is, separate the hands of the players. He has three tries in total. As soon as the driver breaks out of the circle, he must run to a flag or other conditional mark at a distance of about 50 m. While he is running, the rest of the participants should try to catch up with him and touch him. The one who does this last becomes the leader. This fun is a great substitute for physical education. She excellently develops the ability to work in a team (do not miss the driver from the circle), and also develops the will to win.


This original game can be played in large groups. The only equipment that is needed for this fun is a twig of willow or other tree. The participants of this game form a loose circle, they hold their hands behind their backs and pass a twig to each other. In the center of this circle is the one who drives. His task is to find a branch and snatch it. When the driver manages to capture the twig, the one from whom he took it becomes in a circle, and the game starts again. With the help of this game, you can cultivate observation, speed of reaction and endurance.

Folk Ukrainian games perfect for fun at different times of the year, they do not require complex equipment and are very entertaining for children. Children can play them without adult supervision, organizing themselves into teams and choosing a driver on their own.

Folk games, which are known to us as fun, as a form of physical training, are a kind of school of vihovannia, which forms poetic thoughts and mystetsky relish. Grabula was foreseen by the first people as a part of a folding ritual, a kind of mav on the method to intensify human energy for the greatest influx on the phenomena of nature and life. The verbal text igor, like a contagion, for example, in the spring games, may have primary meaning, the old hour was only one of the warehouse elements, and that is not the most common, in the complex of rhythmic movement, gesture, viguku. In the collective action, magic rituals, the call to the acceptance of roses and the growth of growing creatures, the main meaning of the movement was imitation. Springs play at that hour, if the stinks were growing magic spirits and victorious as mature representatives of the family, they can be called vegetative. Pіznіshe stinks spend their magic sense and go over to the category of youth and childish amusements.

The study of the city provides rich material for establishing the historical foundations of the formation of the Ukrainian nation, the root of its roots, viruvanie and tradition. For example, a variant of a child's grie at the blind man's blind man's - "kit-baba" is nothing else, like a trick from the ritual, like the dedications of the Rozhanitsa and, singing, beating the women, like they were checking the children. Adzhe smysl gri pov'azaniya iz lovinnyam dіtini, and glibshe - iznachennym statі budneї ї dіtini, і navіt poza readiness "kitsі-babi" - hands stretched forward - vydpovidaє image on old embroidery Rozhanitsy. But the last time is the “crooked tank”, which may be the beginning of spring games. The girl, holding hands, tumbles with a long rope between three children planted on the ground, or just there, where the conductor is pulling. Crim Rukh, there is no meaning for the grit. Verbal support does not lead to the ritual of pochatkovym zmist - the awakening of the energy of the roses, the growth of such іmіtuєtsya. Crimea to the cult of spring ancestry, spring games have motives of love. In the rich verbal accompaniments of the spring mountains, elements-symbols of both main motives of these actions are heard. Tse mozhe buti is the head character of the flu ptah Kostrub - the magical spring-maker, bury someone who symbolizes the victory of the sun over the cold; the gatekeeper is a foot-and-mouth disease, yaki let them out or they take away a young girl. If there is a foot-and-mouth disease, then this gris knew their ancient myths and ritual sounds about sacrifice, as we know in fairy tales. Sprat of spring igor, yakі we are guided, confirm tse.


The girl and the lads are divided into two equal groups. The graves from the first group sleep and step on the opponents, roaming forward the sprats of the small ones and re-entering, the graves of the other team rejoin, win the same ruhi.

And we millet shone, shone,

Oh, divas, Lado, they shone, they shone.

And mi millet witopchem, witopchem,

Oh div, Lado, witopchem, vitopchem.

But how do you wipt, wipt?

And we let go of horses, let go.

And my horses are zapping, we're zapping.

What do you need lapati, lapati?

Oh shovkov net, net.

And we will buy my horses, we will buy them.

And for what do you buy it, buy it?

And we have a hundred silver, a hundred silver.

Do not take thousands, thousands.

And mi ladies, girl, girl.

And we take the girl, take it.


Children make stakes, in the middle - willows. The ring is collapsing, everyone is sleeping, splashing in the valley.

Kish, kish, washer,

Don't peck the cannabis.

My cannabis

Dribni, greenery,

At the virchiki,

Do not take yourself

Brothers are not given.

Springs are thrown at the children, they have made a stake, the stench is roaring. The one whom the springs to anger, occupies the same place, and the game begins anew.


The girls are getting picked. One group is robbed for foot-and-mouth disease, the others join hands, lead a round dance and sing:

Oh, don't sit, foot-and-mouth disease,

In the pea place,

May you get a girl,

Like a quail,

Kotru maesh,

You take your own.

Yak don’t know

You'll die right away.

Tomorrow early

We hide at the hole.

Let's bake pies,

Let's remember foot and mouth disease.

But still, foot-and-mouth disease,

Don't hesitate

Worship your lord.

Chi old, chi small,

Chi me, young.

Having overslept, they sing, and the foot-and-mouth disease chooses the fight from the girls and bows. The girl gives me a little present. The children continue the game until the foot-and-mouth disease is protected from the skin, the participant takes gifts. Let the girls start by heart and ask for gifts from the foot-and-mouth disease:

Lizard, dove,

Give me my skinny

What I spun, zaroblyala,

I walked with foot and mouth disease.

The foot-and-mouth disease tries to make the girl laugh, but she is guilty of marveling in her eyes and not laughing, otherwise the foot-and-mouth disease will not give a gift.

It is not easy to follow the deep walks of the mountains that are not associated with calendar rites, and their connection with rituals, the shards of most of these rituals have become good games, not being taken from the practice of grown-ups. Ale, being surprised to some childish amusements, you can remember the elements of witchcraft, testing, worshiping sacrifice. Tsikavo, that the singing kіlkіst igor saved a clear rozpodіl on “girls” and “cottons”, which also indicates the old age of them. How much pedagogical dotality of fun, we can say with a song, that a child’s play is the greatest manifestation of a systemic approach to the development of a child, for which the physical, aesthetic, rozumov and moral formation of the particularity of love to practice are one of the most important.

Let's look at the figures from these mountains, name some of the most prominent in literature and spogadiv didusiv and grandmother.


Vovk, shepherd, mothers and geese are roaming. Mati trohi aside - at home. Shepherd to his wife in the field of geese to graze. Vovk to sit between mother and field, de geese. Mother begins to click:

Geese, geese, home!

Vovk over the mountain!

Syria, white, hairy! Tick ​​fast to hati!

The geese are ticking, and the geese are catching. Whom you capture, bring home. Mothers rear the geese, and, not having finished one, turn to the shepherd:

De goose?

What did you buy?

Mati b’є shepherd and anew ask Yogo to graze the geese. So doti continues until all the geese are caught. Turning around with the remaining goose, the shepherd knows that he has taken the geese for a long time. Mati proponuє choose geese, go to the vovka.

Chi did not bachili our geese?

Hі, not bachiv (geese at the right hour ґelґotyat).

And what is it?

That then boil the borscht (geese hiss).

What about hissing?

Porridge to live.

Let me wonder, - mother vіdshtovhuє vovka, - maybe our geese.

Knowing your geese, open your hands, like you squeeze them tightly. Whoever does not roztulyat, that one will be a vovkom.


The girls stand in order and join hands. One of the girls, gospodarka, starts a group, rushing to anyone from the right-handed girls:

Hello, godfather! What are spoons sweet?

And the opolonik?

So don't forget, darling.

At the same time, the state gift tries to hit the girl with a vine, and she is guilty of falling into the hands of other girls and becoming a left-hander. Gratvaє, docks all the girls will not be in the order that is on the cob gri. Todі gospodarkoy plunder іnsha.


The girls become in pairs one after another, the girl in front of them says:

Burning, burning, stump!

The rest of the couple feeds:

What are you on fire?

I want red girls.

To you, lady young.

At these words, the rest of the couple split up, trying to get back in front of the front couple, and that one tries to evil some of them. Yakshko spіymaє - the one who loses without a bet, will be “burning”, like not - the game is repeated again.


Boys and girls are warming. Whom to rob with Panas, tie up the eyes with a husk, lead to the middle and wrap, nourishing:

Panase, Panase, What are you standing on?

On the stone!

What are you selling?

Catch the chickens, that's not us.

They let Panas in, and they themselves break out. You begin to catch children, and the one you taunt becomes Panas.


Boys roar. To recline on the earth "city" (chotirikutny, meter by meter), then we mourn on clubs, who will be in the crowd in the city (upper), and who will be near the field (lower). To the one who starts, in the middle of the city, a treasure of a turk (a tree, I’ll stick a stick 30 cm from both sides) and b’є її with a stick so, if the turk is underfoot, hit it again at 10 gil). Tsurku needs to beat the doti, the docks won't fly out of town. If you can’t hit a gravel with it, you’ll earn 10 gil, if you kill it, you’ll get another ten gil and so on. Take one of the lads from the fields and throw them into the city, slaying it in front of that city, where the turk lay, two croques to the city. Like a turk in the fall in the city, b’є advancing gravel from the quiet, which is located near the city; in the fall, the posture of the city - continue to grati the first and b’є tsurka from that month, de won fell. Vіn graє doti, while the opposite team is not in the її in the city.

"Citizens" by their own will lead a rahunok gil, until the turk is thrown into the city by the skin of them. Let's sweat the "clearing" by itself, trying to get more gils.

Peremozhtsі drive the turk into the ground, and peremozhtsі vytyagyuyut її out of the earth with their teeth.


Ten round clubs with a length of 30-40 cm - skraklіv - put either in the check order, or in an order of five pieces. Vіdrakhovuyut 25-30 krokiv, signifying the middle of the wіdstanі ("butter"). Gravity throw clubs through the whole distance through the sky. If the first gravel is cracked, then the next thrower will be “oil”. Win the one who wins the most scrabbles.


The lads are warming, like they are melting one by one at the roof of the house on a 2-meter walk. The head and back are healed, and the gravel, which stands behind, is torn apart, re-stripped through the skin and stays in front, so sling everything in hell.


Gravtsі plunder s-help yourself the grandfather Makar, who is guilty of knowing what the stench is to work. Children come out of the sky, make a wish for a robot: sew, pick berries, dance thinly. Having guessed, go to the bottom and say:

Hello, dear Makara!

Hello kids. De buli, what did they do?

Children say so, that they tell you a little: in the city, in the garden, in the hut, it’s thin, and show that the stench was robbing. If I guess, everyone ticks, and I catch them; whom you take in, that one becomes a didus. And if you don’t guess, the children know what they worked for, and they keep ticking.

As you can see from the aiming of the butts, the games were variably manipulative and risky for the time of fate, until then we did not include such a kind of fun, like guessing riddles, which was superbly wide among the people. So itself, as it appeared, folk games with the ball of the like of the former. The balls fought from the creature's wool, they soaked and swung at the bottoms, if the ball was sheathed with a skin. They prepared and balls from the outline of straw, so sheathed themselves with a skin. Before the game, the ball was blessed, so that it became important, as it is necessary for the game.

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