Signs prediction about the fate of man. How to recognize the signs of fate. How to understand the signs of fate from everyday events

Certificates of predictions to great people contain pages of history. Many of these incredible cases, which have remained in the memory of posterity, are very instructive. And although it is impossible to grasp the immensity, it can be definitely stated: in every country of the world, in every period of time, there were wonderful predictors whose words came true regardless of whether they believe them or not.

So, in 1039, the Monk Gregory of the Caves met the brother of Vladimir Monomakh, Prince Rostislav Vsevolodovich, who was going to the Caves monastery for blessing for the war against the Polovtsians.

Noticing that some of the warriors were laughing at him, the saint advised them to pray: “You should have lamented and asked for prayers, but you are doing something that is displeasing to God. Do you know that the wrath of God will soon come upon you? All of you and your prince will soon find death in the water.”

Rostislav Vsevolodovich, worried about this prediction, nevertheless replied: "I can swim well, die yourself." The holy elder was tied hand and foot and thrown into the water. The monks searched for his body for several days, but did not find it. However, a week later, going into his cell, they found the body of the monk there, still wet, but radiating light (at present, the holy relics are in a cave not far from the Pechersk Monastery).

The Polovtsians were defeated by the Russian regiments. On the way back, Vladimir Monomakh swam across the Stugna River, and his brother Vsevolod died in its waves. Thus the prophecy of the saint was fulfilled.

Tsar Vasily III also did not want to listen to the predictions. In order to marry Elena Glinskaya, the king decided to send his first and legal wife, Solomonia, to a monastery. At that time, it was customary to petition for a new marriage to the patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria and Jerusalem.

As expected, all three saints resolutely refused to give their blessing to this criminal act, and one of them, Patriarch Mark of Jerusalem, in a response message to the Russian Tsar, explained the reason for the refusal: “If you dare to enter into a law-criminal marriage, you will have a son who will surprise the world with his ferocity.

Basil III, however, decided to do things his own way. The son born from a marriage with Elena Glinskaya, who entered the pages of history under the name of Ivan the Terrible, was indeed an extremely cruel ruler.

As for Ivan the Terrible himself, his heir, according to the prediction of St. Basil the Blessed, learned about how he was to ascend to his father's throne. At a time when the famous holy fool and prophet Basil the Blessed was dying, Ivan the Terrible, together with both sons and his daughter, Princess Anastasia, came to say goodbye to him.

As you know, the eldest son of Ivan the Terrible was Tsarevich Ivan, who was considered the heir. What was the surprise of all those present when St. Basil the Blessed on his deathbed predicted that the younger Tsarevich Fyodor would reign, and not Ivan the seamstress. Everything happened just as the holy fool predicted, although nothing, it would seem, foreshadowed filicide.

One day Ivan the Terrible arrived in Pskov to begin merciless executions there. At that time, the famous holy fool Nikolai was in Pskov. He went out to meet the king and began to persuade him not to shed human blood. “Don’t touch us, leave, otherwise you won’t have anything to leave on.” The obstinate king did not heed the advice. At the very hour when the first convict was executed, Ivan the Terrible's favorite horse fell. When the king was informed of this, he was horrified and immediately left the city.

Among the Russian saints, in general, there were many seers. So, once the Monk Gennady in Moscow visited the noblewoman Yulia Feodorovna. Seeing her daughter Anastasia, he said to her: “You, a beautiful and fruitful branch, will be our queen!” Indeed, in 1548 Anastasia became the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

And here is how Ivan the Terrible received the last prediction in his life. Subjected to bouts of madness, the tsar, unexpectedly for everyone, ordered the twelve most famous soothsayers (sorceresses, or witches, as they were then called) to be brought to the tsar's chambers. In response to the king's question about the day of his death, they said that the monarch would die on March 18. Ivan the Terrible, laughing at the prophecy, ordered them to be put in a "stone bag" until that date.

On the morning of March 18, the tsar ordered the messengers to be told that the day of death had come, and he felt the best he could, and therefore, for their lies, the sorceresses were sentenced to death by burning. Upon learning of their bitter fate, the old women screamed that the day was not yet over. As Grozny's contemporaries wrote, nothing on that day foreshadowed misfortune.

Indeed, the king felt great and more than once commemorated with unkind words the witches who had driven such fear into him. At dinner, Ivan the Terrible even sang a few songs and played chess. Suddenly, clutching his chest, the king lost consciousness and almost immediately died. Thus, the prediction of the sorceresses came true.

France also had its own prophets. The royal astrologer of the Bourbon dynasty predicted the future King Louis XVI to be afraid of the 21st. However, despite all the precautions that the king took, it was on these days that all sorts of misfortunes happened to him.

At the very beginning of the revolution on June 21, 1791, the French royal couple attempted to leave revolutionary France, but they failed to accomplish their plan - they were captured in Varenie. On September 21, 1792, the Convention by a special decree abolished the monarchy in France and proclaimed a republic, and a year later, on January 21, 1793, the French king was guillotined. So the prediction of the astrologer came true.

If kings and kings are often distrustful, then poets and writers, as a rule, listen very sensitively to mystical revelations and tend to trust fate. Once, while still studying at the Lyceum, Pushkin visited the famous fortune-teller Charlotte Kirchhoff. After that, the poet seemed to be transformed: he began to pay attention to various trifles, to attach importance to signs. And in response to the reproaches of friends, he literally said the following:

“Being so superstitious made me one case. Once I went with Nikita Vsevolozhsky to walk along Nevsky Prospekt, from pranks we went to a coffee fortune teller. We asked her to tell fortunes to us and, not to mention the past, tell us about the future. “You,” she told me, “these days will meet with your old acquaintance, who will offer you a job; then you will soon receive unexpected money through a letter; thirdly, I must tell you that you will end your life with an unnatural death.”

No doubt I forgot both the fortune-teller and the fortune-teller that day. But two weeks after this prediction, and again on Nevsky Prospekt, I met with my old friend, who served in Warsaw under the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich and went to serve in St. Petersburg; he suggested and advised me to take his place in Warsaw, assuring me that the Tsarevich wanted this.

Here is the first time after fortune-telling when I remembered the fortune-teller. A few days after meeting with a friend, I actually received a letter from the post office with money, and could I expect them? This money was sent by my lyceum friend, with whom we, who were still students, played cards, and I beat; he, having received an inheritance after his dead father, sent me a debt, which I not only did not expect, but also forgot about it. Now the third prediction must also come true, and I am absolutely sure of this.

The third prediction that the poet heard from Charlotte Kirchhoff was as follows: “Perhaps you will live a long time, but only if you beware of a white man, a white horse and a white head at the age of 37.”

Many of the poet's contemporaries pointed out in their memoirs that on the eve of his 37th birthday, Pushkin was concerned about this prediction.

It is known, for example, that in 1927 he wrote an "evil" epigram on A. Muravyov, a fair-haired handsome man. This epigram appeared in the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine, edited by M. Pogodin. “How could we not pay for the epigram,” the poet told him. “I have a prediction that I must die by a white man.”

In addition, for a long time there was talk that Pushkin, having met Dantes shortly before the duel, jokingly told him: “I once saw your cavalry squadron. Looking at your snow-white uniform, blond hair and white horse, I remembered a strange prediction. One fortuneteller told me to beware of the white man on the white horse. Are you going to kill me?"

Tormented by thoughts of death, Pushkin involuntarily searched for it everywhere. At the same time, was the famous fortune teller so right? Pushkin died on January 29 at 2:45. Charlotte Kirchhoff was wrong by almost 6 months.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, when the Russian army, having defeated the army of Emperor Napoleon, glorified in battle, entered Paris, several Russian officers-nobles, having nothing to do, decided to visit the famous fortune-teller Maria Lenormand. As is customary in such cases, she told each of them what she expected in the future. These were the most general phrases - about inheritance, about career, about marriage, etc.

But when the last officer approached Madame Lenormand, she raised her eyes to him and shuddered. No, she did not tell him that he would live happily ever after with his family, and also what successes he would achieve in the military field. She uttered a single phrase: "Death awaits you on the gallows."

Sergei Muraviev-Apostol, who was promised such a strange future, chuckled. “Madame,” he said. “In our country, nobles don’t die on the gallows. We have abolished the death penalty.”

It didn’t fit in his head how he, a representative of an ancient family, a descendant of a noble family, a brilliant officer, could end his days in a noose. But now, 14 years later, Muravyov-Apostol, along with the other four participants in the December uprising, had an ominous noose thrown around his neck. Was he thinking about Madame Lenormand at that time, remembering her prediction?

One of Lenin's comrades-in-arms, a communist, a Bolshevik who played a prominent role in the history of Russia, N. I. Bukharin, while in Germany on the occasion of the conclusion of the Brest Peace, together with a friend, decided for fun to visit a famous soothsayer. The fortune-teller, barely looking at Bukharin, immediately said: "You are being executed in your own country."

Naturally, this seemed so implausible that Bukharin asked again: “So the Soviet power will not last long?” “I don’t know,” came the answer, “how long Soviet power will last, but death will overtake you precisely in Russia.” It is known from history that almost twenty years later, on the orders of Stalin, Bukharin was arrested, then an investigation was conducted, and, finally, a sentence was pronounced: the death penalty.

Back in 1979, the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that Indira Gandhi would come to power, but not for long, because death would end her reign. Indeed, early elections were held in India soon, in which I. Gandhi won, while all other politicians considered her chances equal to zero. Four years later, on October 31, she died at the hands of her personal bodyguard.

In January 1945, the famous American fortuneteller Jane Dixon predicted to Winston Churchill that he would be defeated in the upcoming elections. This prediction seemed more than ridiculous - Winston enjoyed great popularity among the people.

Yes, and the politician himself, barely hearing this, exclaimed: “The British will never reject me!” But everything happened as Dixon predicted: in the elections held 6 months later, Churchill was defeated and was forced to leave his post.

In 1968, during a breakfast attended by the American soothsayer Jane Dixon, one of the guests mentioned that a protest march had begun in Washington, led by Martin Luther King. Jane, after thinking for half a minute, exclaimed, “But Martin will never come to Washington. He will be shot in the neck. He will be the first, and the next - Robert Kennedy.

Indeed, a few days later, Martin Luther King was killed, and exactly as the fortune teller predicted.

In addition, D. Dixon said that Robert was never destined to become the head of the country. “It will happen because of the tragedy that will happen in a week at the Ambassador Hotel.” On June 5, a week later, at the Ambassador Hotel, Robert Kennedy was shot in the head.

1. When you walk down the street and see a feather lying on the ground, pick it up and bring it home, you can put it in a vase, you can hang it or even just put it. This is a powerful amulet given to you by heaven. Notice such signs of the Spirits. (Karagay)
2. Collect rocks from rivers. They have great power and energy! (Karagai)
3. To feed on the energy of the sun, it is necessary that the sun be at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizon. It is necessary to fold the thumbs and forefingers of two hands to make a triangle and look through this triangle at the sun. Then the energy will penetrate into your body as much as possible! (Karagay)
4. Try your best to help others. If you cannot bring joy, then at least do no harm. (Karagay)
5. Take care of your life, do not take risks at the life-death level ... Death can joke, but her jokes are flat and vulgar. (Karagai)
6. Go ahead and don't look back! What was, then leave it, everything has its lesson, what you needed once you can let go. (Karagai)
7. Difficulties ... a formality! Serious difficulties serious, but a formality! There is a sky, it is sometimes behind the clouds, but it is worth making an effort (to get on a plane) and above these clouds is the same blue sky. Peace to all! (Karagai)
8. To get closer to a dream, sometimes it is enough to take at least one step. Do not be afraid of difficulties, they always are and will be. White road to you all in all your endeavors! (Albert Talipov)
9. Your first moral principle should be the refusal to harm anyone. This principle in your life should be very firm: "I will never harm anyone." Think ... (Karagay)
10. When you become the source of happiness for sentient beings, you yourself will become the happiest. And if you become a source of suffering for others, you will be the first to become unhappy. Think... (Karagay)
11. Spend at least an hour a day in silence ... You need it just like communication. (Karagay)
12. The ability to love the highest that is on earth. Know how to love everyone, even your enemies! (Karagay)
13. Do not throw garbage into water bodies. No. The water spirit can get very angry. To appease the Spirit of Water, you can throw bread, milk, coins into the water. (Karagay)
14. Usually we call our past golden time, golden days. This is mistake. It is very important to understand that every coming moment in your life is just that golden time. (Karagay)
15. It is very easy to create the causes of suffering, but it is not easy to create the causes of happiness. To burn down a big house, there is no need to learn, even children can do it. And in order to build a big beautiful house, you need to know a lot. Think about it. (Karagay)
16. The Summer Solstice is the highest point in the celestial circle of the Sun, when, having reached its peak, the Sun gives us all its Power. It is good to meet this day in a cozy place by the water. Bathing in the river, the lake will be cleansing. You can also make a supply of water from a well, a key - water is considered healing. (Dmitry Ilyin)
17. There is no perfect religion and faith, there is no worst of them, God is one, so pray to whomever you want, but remember very important commandments: live according to your conscience, respect your ancestors, love. (Karagay)
18. If you have a goal to change the world, first change yourself. Learn to possess the energy of joy and the energy of love. These are the main moments and experiences of a person. Smile, laughter, joy have great power. When you learn this, you will discover “love” for yourself (Albert Talipov)
19. Wild trees have no place in the garden and garden. They are good in the front garden, at the gate and at the gate. If the plot is large (more than 25 acres), then wild trees can be planted along the entire fence, or as a hedge. Wild trees suppress the growth of cultivated plants: chaos fights order. For example, a birch draws moisture from the soil within a radius of 30 meters, in spruce, in general, the root system is superficial and the higher the spruce, the larger the area it collects nutrients. In addition, spruce, like oak, attracts lightning. (Dmitry Ilyin)
20. Break birch branches. Put some of them in a vase to decorate the house, which will create a bright and kind atmosphere. Finely chop a few branches, but do not use a knife or scissors. Put the fragments of twigs in earthenware, glassware and pour boiling water for at least 3 hours. If you find lemon or orange zest, add it. When infused, dip a cotton or gauze swab into the infusion and wipe yourself after an evening bath. You will feel the effect yourself. (Dmitry Ilyin)
21. There is such a very good saying: "The hand of the giver will not fail." Whenever possible, try to give money to the poor and the needy. It doesn’t matter what amount it will be, the process itself is important. (Albert Talipov)
22. Life is a damn short amount of time. Do not waste it on swearing and tears, foul language and alcohol! You can do good, give birth to children, relax and do a lot of other nice things! (Karagay)
23. Rain ... It can control the feelings and emotions of a person ... it can remind him of any moments of his life ... or, on the contrary, wash away all memories. Rain can cleanse. When everything is very bad ... I go out and just stand in the rain ... (Albert Talipov)
24. If your loved one began to get angry with you, if you are not to blame - hug him and hold him tightly, he will calm down. (Karagay)
25. Respect your ancestors, whatever they may be. (Karagai)
26. If you feel bad at heart and you feel lethargic, just sing ... Sing what your heart desires. She sometimes also wants to speak out ... (Albert Talipov)
27. Treat everyone with respect and do not put yourself above anyone, even if you help someone. This is very bad. If selfishness begins, megalomania, you have to hit yourself on the ground and lower yourself from heaven, because nothing good will come of this. (Karagay)
28. People of all classes, different sexes and ages turn to me, and almost everyone has the same problem or the root cause of the problem - the roots are lost, the roots with the earth and with the ancestors. Remember the dead, no matter what they were during their lifetime, they are wiser than you, the Spirits help you later. Bake pancakes, cakes, put a chula in the khuree, go to the temple ... (Karagai)
29. Always remember: there is no the most faithful religion, there is no most correct faith, the most intelligent priests of certain cults. God is one. God is the top of the mountain, and different faiths and religions are approaches to this peak. Pray to whomever you want, but know that your main goal is not to be without sins, but to reach and know God. (Karagay)
30. If you decide to do something, then do not doubt yourself. Fear makes you deviate from the right path, for this is the main tool of all evil. At the same time, do not lose hope if something does not work out the first time. Every small victory brings you closer to the big one. (Albert Talipov)
31. Remember one very important thing in life: everyone gets what they deserve. Don't allow problems into your Soul, into your thoughts, then the problem will not reach your body. (Karagay)
32. True love is always free. The first sign of vampirism is that a loved one, for some unknown reason, has cooled off towards you, but continues to use your feelings, i.e. you see that he is pleased with it and he encourages you to express your love, you need to carefully analyze your relationship. And, if you realize that you are addicted, start getting rid of it. After all, addiction is not love, and it should not have any value for you. (Aygo Aidana)
33. Acquiring the Power, the shaman enters into a special relationship with it, reminiscent of the act of hunting, so the fate of the shaman is the Way of the Hunter. Sometimes it happens that the hunter and the victim change places, so that this does not happen, first train your hunting instinct, and then hunt. (D. Ilyin)
34. No magic can make a person love someone who is indifferent to him. The love spell only binds the victim to the initiator, forcing him to experience unconscious discomfort when trying to leave or somehow end the relationship. This discomfort, in the end, harasses a person, drives him to despair, deprives him of health and gives rise to a feeling of hatred for the object of affection. Don't joke with love spells. You can destroy a person's life, and with it your own. I wish you a lot of true love! (Aygo Aidana)
35. Life can turn to face you, maybe in a different place, but few people understand that you yourself turn it. All evil thoughts towards others turn around to you. All envy also comes, in the end, to you. And why is it necessary? Live calmly and measuredly ... You can’t envy, and there’s no reason to.. Well, that person has a big car, but his face will not get better from this car ... Gold is generally a dirty metal, it has nothing to envy. Smile more often and passers-by, loved ones and even life itself will smile at you too. (Karagai)
36. If you want to be respected, treat others with respect. Respond to good with kindness; repay evil with indifference. The person who caused evil will suffer more because you did not pay attention to it (Albert Talipov)
37. Don't drink alcohol at all. Alcohol destroys the body, brain, and soul. If you are a shaman or an esoteric, or someone else who does these things, and you drink, it means that you will soon run out of all your strength, the Spirits will punish you. Alcohol really kills, don't be stupid. In order to relax, there is a bath, in order to have fun, there are songs, in order to find a common language, there is tea, and in order to get to know a woman closely, there are, after all, sweets ... (Karagay)
38. When you're in a bad mood, don't take it out on others. They don't deserve it. (Karagai)
39. In case of heart pain, try not to lie down, but sit in a more comfortable position for you. Breathe deeply and forcefully stroke the tips of the little fingers and the center of the palm. It is advisable to massage before the onset of pain, at least once every 2 days for 10-15 minutes. (Albert Talipov)
40. When looking for your soul mate, never listen to anyone, they say, the wrong person, the wrong figure, the wrong class ... Listen only to your heart and think with your head, and not with what is below. (Karagai)
41. Now is the most tick season. There is an excellent plot (great-grandfather gave it to me). At the entrance to the forest, stand up and say out loud: “I am in the forest, a tick is out of the forest”, emphasis on I and OUT. Ticks won't fit, and even if they do, they definitely won't bite. (Karagay)
42. Smile, smile more often and give smiles to people passing by! This will give both you and your interlocutor strength and energy. (Karagay)
43. Value your personal space and the space of others. Never impudently come too close to strangers, they can be very uncomfortable at the energy level ... (Karagay)
44. Never regret anything, it's superfluous. Everything that happens happens by the will of the Spirits and everything is for the better. (Karagai)
45. Stones that look like animals cannot be taken without a rite, otherwise you can invite trouble. If you find such a stone and want to take it with you, then contact the host spirit of the place with a request to take the stone and make an offering to it. Then cover the stone on the ground with a white cloth... (Kagarai)
46. ​​To protect yourself from bad influence on the Internet, the photo on the avatar must be taken in front of a fire or in smoke, then reading information is extremely unlikely, including exposure. (Karagai)
47. Smoking. Two monks sat at the entrance to the temple and smoked. One asks the other: “Why is that? Here the Master allowed you to smoke in the temple, but I didn’t ... ”The other answers,“ How did you ask Him? - "Well ... Master, can I smoke during meditation? he said sharply NO "-" Here .. and I asked if I could meditate while smoking? And he said Yes…” (this parable was told to me by a student of Osho in India), you can treat smoking in different ways and the same will be the impact. It is better, of course, not to smoke, but if you smoke and are not going to quit, do not read what they write on the packs, because this is programming yourself for the occurrence of a disease. Do not smoke a pack a day out of habit, but only when you want ... And as much as you want. Don't treat it like a bad habit that's killing you, and smoking will actually do less harm. (Karagai)
48. Listening to good music, you cleanse yourself of the negative energy accumulated during the day. Music is a kind of meditation that can bring you to a sense and harmony with yourself (Albert Talipov)
49. In order to breathe better, so that the heart does not press, know how to cry ... (Karagai)
50. If you quarrel with a person, and he says nasty things to you, curses you, and you start to feel bad about yourself, you can make a return (return to the person the negativity that he sent to you), out loud - “your speeches are on your shoulders, your thoughts on you and hung *** name **. (Karagai)
51. Your strength is in your thoughts. Never think badly about a loved one in anger, otherwise you yourself without meaning it will bring trouble on him. Thoughts are one of the sources of hidden energies of consciousness. Every thought generates an action, if not for yourself, then for the world as a whole. (Albert Talipov)
52. To make people reach out to you, go to meet them! Be altruistic, it will give you strength, energy, perhaps it will be counted in the next lives, but it will definitely affect you very well, but do not confuse sincere altruism with selfish (I think you understand me ...) (Karagai)
53. Being a shaman, I always respect other religions. Tomorrow the Orthodox have a "parents' day", it is necessary to remember all the dead. To commemorate a person, you can make ritual cakes “pova” (flour, water, salt, fry in sunflower oil) and eat them with the words “I eat a thorn, I eat a thorn, I eat a thorn.” These cakes, like pancakes for Christians, are funeral, cult and ritual food, they should be eaten with special reverence and should not be thrown away. (Karagay)
54. If you feel that the situation that has developed is unsolvable, raise your hand higher, then abruptly release it with the words “fuck it ...” and think again! As the Great said, “even if you were eaten, you have two choices” (Karagay)
55. Learn to love, learn not to be offended, and if you are offended, then quickly forgive! Be happy, love each other! (Karagai)
56. When a woman buys food, she buys future days of happiness for her family. Each fresh, beautiful, ripe and pleasantly smelling vegetable or fruit is a day of happy and peaceful life in this family. The man, for his part, must provide the woman with money so that she can choose the best quality products. A family that saves on groceries becomes poor and unhappy, since saving on groceries is saving on the happiness of their own relatives. (Aigo Aigan)

Who eats quickly, he works just as quickly. A lazy person eats slowly and for a long time.
After eating at the table, you can’t unbelt or unbutton a button on your trousers - you will be a widow.
If the peas do not stop boiling after being removed from the heat, it is good.
You can’t sit down at the table as the thirteenth - there will be big troubles.

Picture taken from

A man was expected for dinner and he did not come, shake the tablecloth over the table - he will definitely come.
People put needles crosswise opposite the heart - protection from damage and evil.
They make a path along the threshold with salt - this serves as protection against thieves and not good people.
A pin pinned on anything and anywhere on a person's clothes protects him from the evil eye.
It is impossible to bake pancakes in front of strangers or strangers - otherwise they will not ask.
If you borrowed your pancake pan, return it to the owner with the last pancake.
Nails are cut on Tuesday or on Friday - so that money would flow.
We start the day, morning with the right foot - then luck will not leave you this day.
When playing cards, you sit with your back to the moon - you will lose to your opponent.
To cure a cough, you need to inhale - the smoke from an extinct candle, which is used to light a lamp.
From a toothache: if you see a new moon, stand in the opposite direction and read the Our Father. The pain will subside.
To find a cross on the road is a misfortune to be.
To give something over the threshold is always - to problems, unfortunately,.
In order for things to go well, do not start them on Wednesday, Monday or Friday.
If you want to repay your debt, do not try to do it on Monday - the whole week will be at a loss.
To be healthy and happy - you need to wash yourself with water on Thursday from silver dishes, before sunrise
The nose was combed from the side - wait for the fast news, scratched the tip of the nose - you will drink and listen to the news. It is always carried over and itches - to the news of the deceased.
The elbow itches - you sleep in a new place.
Itched - they will scold you for a long time, lips - wake up kissing.
A crow bathes in the yard - a sign of misfortune.
If for the first time a newborn is placed in the cradle on its left side, it will be left-handed.
When leaving someone else's house, you accidentally caught on - soon you will be visiting again there.
You go to a new house for a visit, take salt, an icon and pastries - so that this house always keeps well-being and peace.
You can not sweep or wash the floor after the departure of relatives - with this you can wash them forever from this house ..
The book you are reading should not be left open - you will forget everything that you have learned or read in it.
Leaving a knife on the table at night - to quarrels and troubles in the family.
Do not sweep the crumbs off the table with your hand - there will be no money.
At sunset, money is not counted - you won’t reduce the calculation for a long time.
Wrap the cut place with cobwebs - everything will heal quickly. A cut received on a new moon will not heal for a long time.
If a dog has bitten, you need to burn its fur and put it on the wound, everything will heal very quickly.
It is advised to keep a small bag on a table under a tablecloth - so that there are no losses in the house and money is not transferred in vain.
It is necessary to give a beggar woman - silver, a beggar - copper, otherwise you yourself will be a beggar.
Do not whistle in your house - whistle all the money.
If you see a spider in the morning - this is sadness for the whole day; in the afternoon - to pleasure and love; in the evening - to vain hope; at night - to troubles, worries.
To see a spider and be very frightened at the same time - to bad news soon, on the contrary, do not be afraid - everything will be fine.
Who at the first swallow in the spring will wash himself with milk - he will be white.
Men, in order not to attract trouble to themselves, are not advised to shave and pick up cutting signs after sunset. Otherwise, troubles are definitely guaranteed.
After the sun has set, do not give or transfer money from hand to hand to people - there will be misfortune in your house, to avoid this, if necessary - throw money on the floor, the one who needs it is intended - he must collect it from the floor .
The girl will prick herself with a needle - she will hear praise.
If a girl puts shoes with socks apart, she will never find a pair.
Do not say anything bad at night looking, especially with a young month - everything can come true.
Do not throw out the water in which the child was washed - after sunset, the child will get sick.
Bees only sting sinners.
To break a mirror is a disaster, take its fragments out of your house and immediately - if possible, buy a new one in return.
Finding sharp, cutting objects is a very bad omen, do not pick them up from the floor.
A magpie appeared near the window - guests will come to your house, and if a patient lives in this house, he will soon be healthy.
If, when fishing in the summer, the pike takes the bait from the depths of the river - a sign of the onset of cold snaps.

Superstitions exist as long as a person lives. And the forms of their manifestation are very many-sided, sometimes you can even not notice: is it superstition. But what exactly is superstition? Even Mendeleev once remarked: "Superstition is certainty, not based on knowledge."
Let's think about it, let's see how things are with such prejudices in real life. And here it turns out that in all superstitions - and there are a great many of them! - believe and continue to believe millions of people, regardless of any of the most categorical explanations from eminent scientists and other sensible, knowledgeable specialists. What is superstition? A hard-to-explain phenomenon of human consciousness? The desire of other people to make their lives easier by shifting the solution of some life difficulties to the "pointing finger" from above? Mental dead ends and labyrinths of an ignorant mind? Or maybe it is some kind of constant companion of our consciousness? There are many opinions about superstitions. Known, for example, are the sharp assessments of superstition expressed over the centuries by prominent thinkers. Here are some of them: Plato said that "A man who has become stupid from superstition is the most contemptible of people." Jean Jacques Rousseau considered superstition "one of the most terrible scourges of the human race." Emile Zola said this: “Superstition is dangerous, to admit its existence is even a certain cowardice. To be tolerant of it - doesn't it mean forever reconciling with ignorance, reviving the darkness of the Middle Ages? Superstition weakens, stupefies.
Difficult, extremely complex is the path of our mind to the knowledge and development of the world around us. In order to obtain any knowledge about nature or about oneself, a person has to wade through the wilds of the incomprehensible, mysterious, which often seems miraculous. And of course, at the same time, people were constantly mistaken, made incorrect assumptions, and often directly explained any sacrament as a manifestation of illusory supernatural forces. Such, in fact, is the nature of superstition. Superstitions prophesy grief and joy, worries and pleasures, long and short life to a person ... How many of them - these prejudices are in the arsenal of human imagination! Superstitious people are saved from such additional daily worries and doubts only by the fact that each of them believes only a few signs or fortune-telling and does not pay attention to all the rest. Or they just don't know about them. What if we put them together? Yes, if you put them together, you get a gigantic picture of the darkest delusions of man. There are so many superstitions that it is simply impossible to somehow accurately group and classify them. Only very conditionally can be said about some of the main directions.
Gone are the days when man was on his knees before the unknown. Since then, the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities have expanded immeasurably. But, like hundreds of years ago, life often asks a person riddles, frightens the unknown, puts him in a difficult position. And here our consciousness holds a difficult test for the high title of "reasonable man."

Since ancient times, people have been predicting events according to folk signs and signs observed in the surrounding world. Folk omens and superstitions exist in order to explain and foresee what may happen in the near future and have time to prepare.

The right palm itches for profit, the left - for loss. The right palm itches - to receive, the left - to give money. The elbow itches - to grief. The neck itches - to a feast or to a beating. The back of the head itches - to sadness.

Itching in the leg - to the good news.

The bridge of the nose itches - to the deceased, the nostril - to christening, on the side - to the news, the tip of the nose - to wine. The nose itches - look into the glass.

The eyebrow itches - to bow, to a date, to tears. The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, the left - with a hypocrite.

The left eye itches to tears, the right eye - to look at anyone.

Cheeks itch or burn - to tears.

Hiccupping, you need to say: "Good, so remember, and evil, so full."

You sneeze on an empty stomach on an empty stomach on Monday - for a gift, on Tuesday - for visitors, on Wednesday - for news, on Thursday - for praise, on Friday - for a date, on Saturday - for fulfillment of desires, on Sunday - for guests.

In the right ear it rings - to good news, in the left - to bad news.

Ears itch - to the news, to the rain.

Roosters sing at the wrong time - there will be new decrees.

Lips itch - to kisses.

Folk omens and superstitions

Soles itch - to the road.

The cat itches - it washes away the guests (calls).

If, leaving the house, you catch on, you will soon be there again.

If you choke in someone else's house, you will be there again in a year.

Whoever's ear is on fire, they talk about him. If the right ear is on fire, they are telling the truth, if the left ear is a lie.

You bite your tongue - someone scolds.

The girl will hurt her elbow - the single guy remembers.

After the departure of a person from the house, they do not sweep the floor for three days. If you sweep, then the one who left will not return.

If a woman, sweeping the floor, sweeps someone with a broom, then people will dislike him.

A milk tooth that has fallen out of a child is thrown onto the stove with the sentence: "Mouse, mouse, you have a bone tooth on you, give me a root."

Wandering lights in the forests, swamps, cemeteries indicate treasures buried there. In the place where the treasure lies, you can see a candle or a golden rooster. Then you need to say: “Church, churn. Holy place - mind God and mine. If this is not done, then the treasure will go into the ground to a great depth.

After you wash yourself, you can’t shake the water off your hands: the devils breed from this. How many splashes fall, so many devils will be.

If a person hiccups, then someone remembers him. To find out who exactly remembers, they think of one of the acquaintances, moisten the little finger of the right hand with saliva and draw it along the right eyebrow; if there is a hair on the finger, it means that the one to whom it was thought of remembers.

The cuckoo is a prophetic bird. There is such a popular sign that how many times it cuckoos, so many years you will live in the world. If for the first time in a year you hear a cuckoo behind you, you will die.

A star falling from the sky signifies the death of the righteous. At the same time, they say “Amen” three times and are baptized.

To get rid of hiccups, you need to say: "Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone."

About a thing that had just been at hand and suddenly disappeared, they say: “Lukanka covered it with his tail.” If something is lost, then they “tie up the devil’s beard”: they tie a handkerchief around the leg of the table, saying: “Damn, damn it, play it, but give it back again!”

If the fisherman catches a small fish, he will cut the market with the words: “Send your father, send your mother, send your aunt!” and release it back into the river so that larger fish are caught.

If a magpie sits near the window, then there will be guests soon, ”and if there is a patient in the house, then he will soon recover.

If a lot of jackdaws and crows gather on the roof of the house, then there will be a wedding in it.

If you kill a spider, forty sins will be forgiven.

If you look closely, you can see on the moon an image of how Cain kills Abel.

Aspen is a cursed tree, Judas hanged himself on it. The leaves on the aspen tremble, as Judas trembled with fear, and in autumn they turn red, which should remind of the blood shed by Jesus Christ for people.

Prediction of events in life

If a person has moles on his body, especially those that he cannot see (for example, on his back), then he is destined to be happy.

Whoever has coarse hair on his head has an angry disposition. A person whose eyebrows have grown together on the bridge of his nose, according to popular belief, will not be happy.

Who looks like his mother, he is happy.

How many wrinkles a person has between the eyebrows above the nose, so many times he is destined to be widowed.

If a person is ticklish, then he is jealous.

The hair on the head crackles and sparkles - a sign of a passionate nature.

There is such a superstition that if a married woman does not wear earrings in her ears, then she is destined to become a widow. It is a sin for widows to wear earrings.

If a girl pricks her finger while sewing, then she is in love.

In May, you can not get married or get married. If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life.

If a bachelor sleeps a lot, then he will drink a crooked-eyed wife.

If one of the spouses loses the wedding ring, then he is destined for a quick death.

If two people say the same word at the same time, it means that soon there will be guests, or at least a stranger will come.

If four people, greeting or saying goodbye, give each other their hands crosswise, then there will be a wedding.

Whoever walks, stepping on the footsteps of a person walking in front, will take away this person's strength.

If a person is mistaken for someone else, then he will soon have some profit.

If two people yawn at the same time, then they should drink vodka together.

A guy who doesn't top up his tea in a cup will have a wife with thick lips.

There is such a popular sign that if you drop a fork or spoon from the table, then a woman will come, and if a knife - a man.

They don’t laugh at the table, otherwise the demon will shit in the food.

Don't eat off the knife, you'll be angry.

If after dinner you leave half-eaten pieces of bread from your slice on the table, then you leave your happiness there.

If any food is oversalted, it means that the cook has fallen in love with someone. If you put a knife on the table with the tip up, then something bad will happen.

If the person who was expected for dinner did not arrive on time, then you need to shake the tablecloth on the table - and he will certainly come soon.

Those who eat quickly work quickly, while those who are lazy eat slowly. Experienced owners, when hiring a worker, first put him to feed in order to get an idea of ​​​​his qualities, and only then they entered into an agreement.

According to superstition, you can not give salt to another, otherwise you will quarrel with him. In order not to quarrel, you need to laugh while serving salt.

If someone gives another a needle, then you need to lightly prick him so as not to quarrel.

Keys should not be put on the table, otherwise there will be a quarrel in the family.

If a girl spills something on the table while eating, then she will have a drunkard husband.

If a husband and wife eat in the dark, their child will be a thief.

You can’t spit, otherwise you’ll be licking a hot frying pan in the next world.

You can’t spit in the fire - in the language of “fire” (pimple) it will jump up.

If saliva accidentally gets on the clothes of someone who spits, then some vain rumors will circulate about him or he will have a new thing.

When you sit on a chair, you can’t cross your legs and swing your leg - you swing the devil.

If you whistle in the house, it will be empty.

It is not good for a single man to sit on the doorstep - no girl will marry him.

On the threshold they do not greet and do not say goodbye, so as not to quarrel.

If you go to visit someone, you need to sit down at home and sit for a while so that they are well received there.

When they yawn, cross or cover their mouth so that some unclean force does not penetrate through it.

You cannot sew clothes on a person, otherwise you will sew up his mind.

Whoever plays with his hat will get a headache.

They often do not remember their boss for fear that he will not come angry.

In order to beg something from someone, you must first walk around this person three times.

It is not good to give money in the evening, there will be no money.

On Monday, money is not loaned so that it does not melt like wax throughout the week.

If you interrupt the reading of a book, then do not leave it open, otherwise the devil will read the book, and you will forget everything that you have read.

In the evening, they do not take out the garbage from the house so that there is no quarrel.

If a person has fun and laughs on the eve of a big holiday, then on a holiday he will cry and be bored.

If you accidentally put on some of your clothes inside out, you will be beaten.

If you are going to go somewhere and put on some clothes on your left side, then some kind of trouble awaits you.

These are the popular signs and the most famous superstitions, let them help you anticipate what may happen in the near future and take action.

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