arusha national park. Arusha is the colorful tourist capital of Tanzania. Entertainment and attractions of Arusha

Despite the fact that Arusha National Park is one of the smallest Tanzanian parks, it is very picturesque and has the greatest topographical diversity. Arusha's main attractions include the Ngurdoto Crater, often referred to as the mini-Ngorongoro Crater, located in the eastern part of the Momela Lake National Park. A little to the west is Mount Meru. The western and eastern parts of the protected area are connected by a narrow road, in the middle of which is the Momel Gate. The heights of the park area vary between 1500 meters - 4500+ meters. In Arusha, there are various vegetation zones that serve as habitats for many animals.

The Ngurdoto crater is surrounded by forests, while the bottom of the basin is a swampy flat area. To the west of the caldera is the Serengeti Ndogo (Small Serengeti) - a vast area of ​​open grasslands and the only place in the Arusha National Park where you can find herds of Burchell (savannah) zebra.

Momela lakes, like many reservoirs of the Great Rift Valley (aka Rift Valley), are shallow and alkaline lakes. There are a wide variety of water birds and especially a lot of flamingos. The lakes are fed by underground rivers. Due to the difference in mineral composition, various algae grow in the reservoirs of the lake system, due to which the Momela lakes are painted in different colors. The above factors also affect the preferences of birds choosing "their" reservoir, even if the neighboring one is just behind a narrow strip of land. Mount Meru is partly covered with dense forests, and partly is a bare rock. In the center of the mountain there is an impressive crater.

The fauna of the Arusha National Park is very diverse. You are sure to meet zebras, water and wading goats, giraffes, klipspringers, hippos, elephants, buffaloes, mongooses, hyenas, warthogs, dik-diks, baboons, vervet monkeys and fat-bodied colobus monkeys here. There is even a chance to see a leopard. Only there are no lions and rhinos in Arusha - the poachers did their best.

Although travel companies usually take no more than one day of the tour for a tour of Arusha, for a more or less complete acquaintance with the nature of the national park and its inhabitants, it will take at least two days. This time can be devoted to a small walking tour and canoe safari.

The main entrance to the park area is located at Ngongongare Gate, about ten kilometers from the highway. The administration is located a little further (about 14 kilometers) - at Momela Gate. You will have to deal with the administration when booking places in the sanatorium, organizing camping, ordering the services of a guide and a porter for climbing Mount Meru. There is another entrance to the territory of the Arusha National Park - at Ngurdoto Gate, in the southeastern part of the reserve. All gates are open from 06:00 to 18:00. It is allowed to climb Mount Meru from the side of the park area, there is a pedestrian track that runs around part of the perimeter of the Ngurdoto crater (although neither foot nor vehicles are allowed to go down to the swampy bottom of the caldera).

The best map of the national park is the MaCo Arusha National Park map, which is widely distributed throughout the tourist infrastructure of the protected area. You can leave the car at any rest house / sanatorium in Arusha (about a hundred dollars, for a full-fledged all-inclusive safari you will have to pay about two hundred). If you arrive at the park without a car, be aware that most holiday homes organize sightseeing trips with their own vehicles. The cost of such tours starts from 70 dollars (transport only). If you arrive in your car and go to visit Mount Meru, you will have to leave the car at the Momela Gate (where you will have to pay for parking). A cheaper option is to park your car at the Momela Wildlife Lodge.

Arish Park itself has several good gravel roads. Almost all the main natural attractions of the protected area (open to tourists) and popular viewing platforms can be reached by car. Most gravel roads are designed for all types of road transport. On the rest, traffic is not prohibited, but the passability of some roads deteriorates during the rainy season and only a powerful jeep can drive there. At Hatari Lodge, a rough, nasty road begins, leading to the highway to Nairobi. The highway exit is at Longido.

How to get there by public transport:

A daily bus runs from Arusha to Ngare Nanyuki village (10 kilometers north of Momela Gate). From Arusha, the bus leaves around 13:00, from Ngare Nanyuki around 07:00. The driver can drop you off at the park gate. Or you can take any bus between Arusha and Moshi and get off at the Usa River village stop, and from there walk about one kilometer eastward. From the Usa River to Arusha, you can try to hitchhike. From time to time there are cars driving through the park in Ngare Nanyuki. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to rent a car on the territory of the protected area - none of the resorts in Arusha provides such a service. If you are planning to climb Mount Meru, please note that it is not possible to rent a car at the Ngongongare Gate, where you have to pay to enter the NP. And Momela Gate, where you can hire a guide and pay for climbing the mountain, is located 14 kilometers from Ngongongare Gate. Moreover, pedestrian traffic is prohibited on this 14-kilometer section.

The city of Arusha is located in northern Tanzania, at the foot of Mount Meru, at an altitude of 1540 meters above sea level, surrounded by coffee and banana plantations.

In the words of Bill Clinton - "African Geneva" - was, like a city, founded in 1900 by German colonists. At first, Arusha became a small military settlement. Since 1967, the city can rightly be called the economic capital of East Africa. Here is the headquarters of the East African Community, which includes Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. It is in Arusha, as one of the most famous international centers in Africa, that world-class meetings and negotiations are held. At one time, many famous political figures spoke here, including UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and former South African President Nelson Mandela. The city also houses the building of the International Tribunal for the Rwanda Genocide.

Arusha is a bustling, rapidly developing city, one of the country's significant commercial, banking and tourist centers. It has everything that a big city can offer tourists: a wide selection of restaurants, cafes, bars, casinos, nightclubs and many other entertainments of a special, African type. But this is at night, and during the day you can make amazing purchases: Makonde figurines, exotic jewelry, various souvenirs and masks of various tribes, some of which are quite worthy of taking a place in the museum.

It seems that time here combines the past, the present, and the future: on the streets you can meet local residents - Masai in bright national clothes, tourists from different countries.

The main advantage of Arusha over other cities is that the city is located in the center of the tourist attractions of northern Tanzania: Kilimanjaro, Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti National Park and game reserves. Air taxis also fly from Arusha to Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika.

The choice of safaris is almost unlimited: morning, afternoon and night classic safaris, eco safaris, off-the-beaten path safaris, hot air balloon safaris, camel safaris, horse safaris, mountain bike safaris.

The climate is equatorial monsoon. Throughout the year, temperatures in Arusha range from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius. Rains are more common from November to May. The rainiest months are March, April (especially), May, November, December. The best time to visit the country is from December to mid-March and from July to November. The main rainy season falls on the end of March - May.

Just 32 km from the city of Arusha is the Arusha National Park, which was described by Sir Julian Huxley as a "pearl" among the parks. It contains three attractions: Momela Lake, Mount Meru, and Ngurdoto Crater. On clear days, the majestic peak of Mount Kilimanjaro is visible from anywhere in the park. The flora and fauna are varied from forests to swamps.

The park is famous for being home to 400 species of birds, both native and migratory, and black and white colobus monkeys. Other animals are often found in the park: baboons, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, hippos, leopards, hyenas, zebras and many species of antelope.

Meserani snake park is located 20 kilometers west of the city. Many snakes and other reptiles can be seen in the park.

Mount Kilimanjaro (5895 m) is located 50 km northeast of the Arusha National Park. This is the only snow-capped peak in Africa and its highest point. On the slopes of the mountain is the Kilimanjaro National Park, which is famous for its tourist routes to the famous extinct volcano. Climbing it is very difficult and requires serious physical preparation, but they are worth it. Hiking takes about 4-6 days. The most popular routes on Kilimanjaro are Maranga and Mahama. Marangu is considered easier to climb, while Mahame offers paths through forests and wild natural areas.

The northern safari, starting from Arusha, includes Tanzania's main tourist attraction, the Serengeti National Park. It was founded in 1951 and covers an area of ​​14.8 thousand square meters. km. This is the only national park in the world where natural seasonal migrations of wild animals take place. The peaks of migration occur during the periods from May to July and from January to March. Gazelles, zebras and wildebeest in search of food and water move 800 km throughout the park and beyond, followed by predators. The Serengeti is home to 35 species of mammals, including elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions, giraffes, rhinos, antelopes and zebras. Local landscapes vary from low grassy communities in the south of the park to tall grass savannahs in the center and forested areas in the north. In the Serengeti, there are lakes Lagaya and Magadi, where flocks of flamingos can be seen on the banks.

The Ngorongoro Nature Reserve borders the Serengeti. Its area is 8 thousand square meters. km. The reserve has a huge volcanic caldera - the largest in the world. Its diameter is 22 km, its area is 250 sq. km, and the walls of the caldera rise to a height of 610 m. Lake Magadi is located at the bottom of the caldera. The Maasai people live in the vicinity of the Ngorongoro Crater. By visiting their villages, you can get acquainted with the culture and customs of this ancient people.

Ngorongoro is a very popular place, there are always a lot of cars with tourists. About 30,000 animals live in the reserve - lions, leopards, hyenas, ungulates, hippos, two-horned rhinoceros and many birds. In Ngorongoro, the world-famous Olduvai Gorge is located, where the skulls and bones of a skilled man, about 1.5 million years old, were discovered. The gorge stretches for 8 km and is part of the East African Rift Valley. Here is the Museum of Anthropology and Human Evolution, which presents the remains of the predecessors of modern man, the remains of prehistoric animals and mammoth tusks.

Lake Manyara National Park is located near Ngorongoro. Here you can see rare lions that can climb trees. In the western part of the park is the East African Rift Valley, which rises above the lake. Flamingos, storks and herons live on the shores of the lake. You can watch birds here only from a distance, because it is difficult to move along the banks due to the viscous soil. The park is also open at night for observing nocturnal species of animals.

Just south of Lake Manyara is the Tarangire National Park. Most of it is covered with forests. It is best to go here during the dry season - from July to September, when animals gather along the banks of the river of the same name, which flows through the park. The territory of the park is the only place in Tanzania where you can see animals such as the oryx and the giraffe gazelle, which can go without water for a long time.

Surrounded by banana and coffee plantations, at the foot of Mount Meru is the city of Arusha. It is considered the third largest city in the country and at the same time the main tourist center.

It is not for nothing that Arusha is called "African". Firstly, here are the headquarters of many international organizations (African Wildlife Fund, the East African Community, the International Tribunal for Rwanda). And secondly, the city itself is multinational - in addition to native Africans, Arabs and Indians, Americans and Europeans live here. The composition of religious confessions is no less diverse - Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Hinduism and other religions coexist in Arusha. And most importantly, they all get along peacefully with each other in this colorful African city.

Good weather always reigns in Arusha. The air here is dry and mostly cool. The minimum temperature is +13°C, the maximum is +30°C. From June to February, during the high season, it is usually warm, averaging +25°C. Arriving here in November-December, be prepared for precipitation. The rainy season lasts from March to May.

In general, tourists arrive in Arusha all year round. The best time to visit this area depends on the purpose of your trip. To visit Mount Meru, people go to Arusha from June to February. If you want to admire the "roof of Africa" ​​- majestic - come here from December to February. And tourists who visited Arusha in May have the opportunity to see the annual migration of artiodactyls - zebras and antelopes.

Entertainment and attractions of Arusha

- perhaps the most popular entertainment in Tanzania. And the town of Arusha is considered the starting point from which you can get to any nature reserve located nearby (Tarangire parks, or). And just 30 km from the city there is a small park, which also bears the name. Various types of safaris that you can imagine are practiced here: morning, afternoon and night safaris, horse and camel safaris, hot air balloon and mountain bike safaris, eco-safaris, etc. In addition, among the popular tourist routes originating in Arusha, one can name trips to the crater, expeditions to Kilimanjaro, visiting the Messerani snake park, the Arab Fort, Spice Island.

In addition to the natural attractions of the city, its cultural heritage is very interesting. Museum of Natural Evolution, Museum of the Arusha Declaration, which is part of the Museum of Tanzanite will be a good pastime for history lovers. A trip to one of the neighboring villages of Arusha, where the Meru and Masai tribes live, will also be exciting. This will allow you to see African life with your own eyes and learn more about the local natives. Lovers of nightlife will also like Arusha. It is worth visiting the popular nightclubs Colobus Club, Velocity, Blue Triple "A".

Hotels and restaurants in Arusha

In Arusha, you can find establishments with both a traditional European menu and a classic one (unsweetened bananas, goat meat, papaya vodka). Among the expensive restaurants, Onsea House and Redds should be noted. For a snack in the city center, local cafes Café Bamboo and Jambo Coffee House, located on Boma Road, are suitable. Albero`s Italian restaurant and Thai Stiggy`s Thai Restaurant have a good reputation.

Accommodation in Arusha can be found, as they say, for every taste and budget. Popular hotels are The Arusha Hotel, Onsea, Karama Lodge, Ngurdoto Lodge. The first two are located in the center of Arusha, and the second pair (as well as many other good establishments) is located outside the city, in the direction of Kilimanjaro International Airport. This option is preferable due to the beautiful view of the volcano. It should also be noted that the prices for accommodation in the same hotels vary markedly depending on the season (high, low and the so-called "green" - the rainy season).

Shopping in Arusha

Since Arusha is a real Tanzanian center of pilgrimage for tourists, shopping here is quite interesting. The hospitality of the vendors and the huge range of souvenirs and handicrafts makes Arusha's shops and markets very lively. Here you can buy ebony masks, tingatinga paintings, traditional Maasai blankets, Tanzanian coffee and tea, tanzanite jewelry, Kangi national clothes or plain Swahili t-shirts.

Shopping can be done both in the shops located in the area between India Road and the Clock Tower, and in the Central Market, between Sokoine and Somali streets. Inexpensive souvenir trinkets can be purchased at roadside tents outside the city, and high-quality souvenirs from manufacturers can be purchased at Antique Makonde Carvers, which specializes in woodcarving.

Experienced tourists recommend that you definitely bargain with sellers in order to bring down the price of the product you like. You will have to pay for purchases in cash - ATMs are rare in Arusha. For shopping, it is best to allocate a whole day to calmly walk through the shops and markets, look at the goods, compare prices.

How to get to the city of Arusha in Tanzania?

Arusha can be reached both by plane and by train. There are two airports here (a small one in Arusha itself and a large international one 45 minutes drive from the city). In addition, there is a railway connection with the settlements of Dar es Salaam, Tanga (Tanzania) and Mombasa (Kenya).

It is best for a tourist in Arusha to travel by taxi, which can be hired on any street, especially in the city center (Boma, India, Makongoro, Joel Maeda streets). A trip around the city will cost you inexpensively, at 1-2.5 dollars. If you wish, you can rent a car: the car rental company is located in the western part of the city.

Arusha is a city of about 400 thousand people in the northeastern part of Tanzania in East Africa. It is considered the beginning of the popular safari tourist destination.

general information

Arusha (locally called it "City A") is located at the foot of the fifth highest mountain in Africa, Mount Meru. Due to its high position above sea level, the city has a pleasant climate and a lot of vegetation.

Arusha is not a particularly attractive city for tourists, and for them it is nothing more than a forced stop before the safari begins. However, the natural charm of the Tanzanians and the hustle and bustle of a vibrant city mean there's plenty to do in Arusha for those tired of cozy hotel rooms.

Arusha is home to the International Tribunal for Rwanda. The Arusha Declaration was also signed there.

How to get there

By plane

The airport is located at a distance of about 60 km (45 minutes) from the city center. The cost of a taxi ride is $50, but many airlines provide buses for free or at a cost of $10.

Arusha Airport is located on the outskirts of the city and serves only domestic flights, mainly to Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam, as well as charter flights. Air viva has regular flights between Arusha and Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar and Kilimanjaro. You can see how much air tickets cost for your dates.

A visa on arrival can be obtained at Kilimanjaro International Airport for 50 or 100 (for some states) dollars.

By bus

Express buses run to Arusha from Nairobi (, 6 hours, daily at 8.00 and 14.00, opposite the Parkside Hotel, $ 35), Dar es Salaam (12 hours) and Kampala (Uganda, 17 hours). There are also direct flights from Mwanza, Tanga and Lushoto. Some companies sell first class tickets, which are a little more comfortable, although it's worth noting that the standards are basically the same as most African bus companies. Shuttle taxis also run between Arusha and Moshi, and they are much more convenient than buses. Tickets for some of them can be ordered on


Arusha - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Yekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season. When is the best time to go

Arusha - monthly weather


Arusha - monthly weather


The cost of food, lodging, transportation, etc.

Currency: Euro, € US dollar, $ Russian ruble, rub Tanzanian shilling, TSh

Main attractions. What to watch

Sunrise on Mount Meru (4667 meters)

This may take 2 - 4 days, depending on your fitness level. There is no need for guides, but you must have an armed ranger with you. It can be cold, so bring warm clothes and sleeping bags.

Climb Mount Meru

A professional guide will help you to do this comfortably and with pleasure, in addition to armed foresters. He will tell you about the weather, wild animals and help you conquer the summit. The guide will also instruct about acclimatization, altitude sickness and make sure the food is prepared. The guides will also help you carry your luggage.

Most guides work for local travel companies, so the best solution is to find a reputable travel company where you can find the right guide.

Arusha has a large number of restaurants and fewer establishments dominated by Indian cuisine. Prices range from less than a dollar for street food to $15 for a main course at a high-end hotel.

Africafe Coffee House. Old Boma Street (near the Clock Tower). Works from 8.00 to 20.00. Stylish cafe, good assortment of coffee, delicious pastries (like carrot cake and muffins), breakfasts, burgers, salads. Despite the name, they serve natural coffee, not instant African coffee. Sometimes there is wi-fi. From 2,500 Tanzanian shillings.

Alberos Treehouse. Haile Selassie Street (two blocks east of the Clock Tower on Nyerere Street, +255 653 575 507. Open from 11.00 to 23.00. Italian pizza and pasta, barbecue on weekends. Pizza delivery is available every day. From 10,000 Tanzanian shillings.

Bayleaf. 102 Vidjana Street. An elegant European-style restaurant with delicious, albeit expensive, dishes. You can sit both inside and in the garden. From 20,000 Tanzanian shillings.

Big Bite. Swahili Street, +255 754311474. An upscale Indian restaurant that has been operating in Arusha for over 20 years. Excellent food. You can also take food with you and order it at home for free. The owners are very friendly and helpful. 10,000 Tanzanian shillings (about $3.75).

Cafe Bamboo Restaurant. Expensive restaurant/cafe in terms of locals, but cheap enough for many tourists. Serve snacks such as samsa, potatoes, kebabs. There is also Western, Indian and traditional African cuisine. Locally popular with tourists.

Chinese dragon. Good place with Chinese food in Arusha, prices are average: 10,000 - 15,000 TS.

Khan "s Chicken on the Bonnet. Pakistani barbecue, also has chicken, beef, lamb, various salads and flatbreads. Perhaps the best barbecue in town (competes with Nick's Pub BBQ in Njiro). Two points: one in the city center, which serves as an auto repair shop during the day and a barbecue place in the evening, and the second, newer, is located in the cinema in Njiro. 4,500 - 9,000 Tanzanian shillings ($3 - $7) per person.

L "Oasis Lodge. Not far from idara ya maji, Sekei (via Moshi / Nairobi streets), +255 757 557 802 ( [email protected]). From 7 am until late. Nachos, cold drinks in the garden or by the pool. Groups of less than 10 people do not need to book.

The Lively Lady Bar & Grill. Opposite the train station, on the way to Arusha Backpacker's, +255 713 650777 ( [email protected]). From 17.00 to midnight, 6 days a week (day off - Sunday). Small traditional rock bar in the city center. There is good European and Indian cuisine, and a wide selection of drinks and good rock will brighten up your evening.

McMoody "s. Open from 7.00 to 22.00 7 days a week. A large assortment of fast food right in the city center. They also have a branch on Njiro Street near the cinema. Breakfast will cost 1,400 Tanzanian shillings ($ 1). These are eggs, bread , tea or coffee.

Onsea House Restaurant. +255 787 112 498. Known as the best French/Belgian restaurant in East Africa. Suitable for romantic dinners or holidays. Better to book tables in advance.

shanga river house [email protected]), POB 15938, Dodoma Street (on the way to Arusha Airport), +255 689759067 ( [email protected]). Open from 9.30 to 4.30, ( [email protected] - [email protected]). Shanga is located on Tanzania's oldest coffee plantation in Arusha next to the national park. Ask about the Pink Balloon project. Friendly amazing place - the staff will just surround you with care and warmth. Shanga employs 50 people with disabilities to work in workshops, converting glass, aluminium, paper and tires into original and quality products. Shanga is the River House restaurant and Shanga shop, where you can buy unusual gifts at attractive prices. The River House Restaurant is open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, lunch is by reservation only. A lunch of wholesome local products is served at the pagodas by the river. Coffee and tours can be ordered before and after dinner. This is a quiet place away from the hustle and bustle of Arusha, where you can have a good time.

Via Via Cultural Cafe. Old Boma Street (in the gardens of the National Historical Museum, next to the AICC building). Quiet and pleasant place in an amazing garden, surrounded by forest. Popular among the staff of the International Tribunal for Rwanda. Every Thursday night there are concerts and parties. Cultural tours can also be booked here. From 6,000 Tanzanian shillings.

Fifi's Restaurant. Temi Street (200 meters down from the clock tower on the left side of the street), +255774301007. Open from 7.30 to 21.00. A brand new restaurant that offers a variety of high quality dishes, fresh pastries and the best coffee in town. The restaurant has two halls with a delightful seating area. Free secure parking for visitors.

Rivertrees. River Trees Street, Usa River (Kilimanjaro Airport), + 255 73 297 1667. Rivertrees is one of the best pizzerias in town and serves delicious rustic food. It is good to make appointments there, as well as to stop on the way to the airport or back. Locals often gather there to drink, eat or relax. Free wi-fi. Rivertrees takes its name from the magnificent trees that surround the open lawns and lush gardens on the banks of the Usa River (the village is also named after). There you can watch sports matches on satellite TV in the open air. The hotel has 22 rustic-style rooms throughout the complex.

Kitty Moto. Makao Mapya area. It is better to take a taxi: 3,000 TS from the bus station or Nakumatt supermarket and 5,000 from the city center. Second floor, Seuri Guesti Hostel, next to the Premier Palace Hotel (not The Palace Hotel in another part of Arusha). Lunch and dinner - until 9 or 10 pm every day. This restaurant only specializes in pork dishes. You don't see that often in East Africa, especially at this price. One of the best dishes there is grilled pork with herbs (like spinach). And the richest source of carbohydrates is ugali - a dish made from cornmeal. You will also be served French fries (in East Africa they are called chips) or chapatis (like thin pita bread). English is taught in Tanzanian schools but it is a remote place so be patient and if there are any communication problems ask Steven or Mbosi. Steven is the owner, he belongs to the Maasai people. He is an interesting and friendly guy. He speaks excellent English. Prices: 10,000 - 20,000 Tanzanian shillings for two.

The drinks

Arusha has many interesting bars and restaurants. Generally, the best food is Indian, thanks to the city's large subcontinental community. Liquid Blue in Njiro and Big Bite on Swahili Street are among the most popular Indian restaurants.

And to try nyama choma - Tanzanian fried meat - you can go to Nick's Bar in Njiro. There are also countless bars where foreigners are usually welcome. Not very adventurous tourists have a direct path to Via Via, which stands on the site of an old German fortress This is an interesting cultural center and part of a public organization that trains locals in the hotel business.

For those who for some reason don't want to meet the locals, there is also a wide selection of bars and restaurants that are easy to find.

As for nightclubs, AQ Club, "Babylon, Velocity, Colobus Club, Maasai Camp, Triple A, 777 and Polygon Triangle are popular among locals and foreigners. They open late at night and close late at night (or early in the morning). In pickpockets and sex workers operate in such places, so caution will not be superfluous.

Security. What to watch out for

Arusha's security is average by African standards, but precautions still need to be taken. Walking at night is not welcome - it does not matter, alone or in a group. There are many taxis, but it's best to negotiate the price before the trip (there are no meters in the cars, and this makes it easier to inflate prices at the end of the trip).

Avoid motorcycle taxis, especially at night in front of clubs. It will be easy for thieves to take advantage of this opportunity. In the city center (on Sokoine street) and in certain areas (along the old Moshi street), attacks on tourists often occur, especially when they are with backpacks or bags. Make sure you book a taxi when you arrive or leave the city (since gangs usually know when and where travelers arrive) and don't take a bag with you on a walk into the city.

Barkers almost always pester foreigners. It can be scary, especially when they grab and chase you, but they are usually harmless. In this case, don't stop, slow down or make eye contact, just say "hapana asante" (no thanks) if they ask or offer you something. The hassle will be much less if you do not come into contact with them.

When walking in any non-central part of the city, it is recommended to take a guide with you. The bridge on Old Moshi Street is notorious for robberies, and although it is often patrolled by the police, it is best not to walk across it. If you sit alone in a park near a bridge, a policeman will immediately come up to you and insist that you leave.

Things to do

You can go on a wildlife safari tour in the Arusha National Park, which is located on the slopes of Mount Meru. There, on the slope, is the village of the Maasai tribe, from which you can go on a camel trip. This is a great opportunity for adventure, exploring the wildlife and Maasai culture. You can also see Kilimanjaro from Mount Meru on clear days.

Cultural excursion to nearby villages

Tanzania's official tourism website can arrange a cultural excursion to nearby villages for 15,000 to 50,000 TS. For the sake of such trips, it is worth going to East Africa, and communication with the population will complement the safari. Some of these villages (Ilkidinga, Ngiresi) are within an hour's walk from Arusha. Some others are within an hour's drive (Monduli Yuu, Longido, Mulala, Tengueru, Ilkurot, Oldoño Sambu).

In these places, you can learn a lot about the Maasai tribes and the Meru living nearby, about grazing, agriculture, and the local economy. Listen to stories and legends. There are also some good hiking trails near Mount Meru where you can see beautiful waterfalls. There are camel safaris in Longido. By nature, they are flexible, so you can take an hour-long walk or a walk that lasts all day. In some places you can rent accommodation or set up a camp.

Be aware that the guide may ask you to donate money to a charity, school or orphanage. Some unscrupulous conductors put this money in their pocket, so it is better to give it directly to a trustworthy charitable institution. The conductor will provide you with information.

Cinema “Century”

In the cinema "Century" they show films for 5 - 7 thousand Tanzanian shillings (3 - 5 dollars). It is part of a new complex on Njiro Street, which also houses modern and prestigious restaurants: the popular Indian restaurant Khan’s, the McMoody’s steak bar and the Spice Retreat restaurant, which serves Ethiopian, Tanzanian, European and other dishes. It is not safe to walk along Njiro Street at night, so it is best to avoid walking. A taxi to / from the city center will not cost more than 4 thousand Tanzanian shillings ($ 3).

coffee tour

Coffee tour, Nkoaranga village (30 minutes drive from Arusha towards Moshi), +255 784 420 342/+255 784 416 317 ( [email protected]). Private tours are made on request. The coffee tour is hosted by a local coffee company on the slopes of Mount Meru. The guide will show you a small family farm and roastery where you can follow the path of the coffee bean. 15 - 45 dollars (depending on the number of people).


Safari is definitely something to try if you can afford it. There are many tours for different budgets. The most expensive ones provide a trip to the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, to places where nature is almost untouched by man. Cheaper excursions - to nature reserves and parks - last less and are also profitable. If there is any journey that can change the outlook on life, then this is an African safari.

Few guides can hold a conversation on any topic, so you can take a guide with you.

Do not overpay for housing - you will still be given the same conditions that you would have received for the usual cost.

Shopping and shops

The markets in the city center are the place to go. Bargaining is possible and necessary: ​​prices can range from cheap to overpriced for tourists, depending on the goods and how much interest you show.

In these markets you can find almost everything - from food and clothing to knick-knacks for friends and family. Batik and silk in bright colors deserve special attention. They are usually sold in rolls, but once you get home, you can use them for just about anything. The kikoi worn by local women also makes excellent skirts.

Maasai needlewomen make beautiful jewelry that they sell to tourists, often to pay for their children's education. If you happen to visit there, you will certainly need to buy something, as these products are very beautiful and they make original gifts.

The Maasai market is a place created by local Tanzanians to sell handmade items. There you can buy ebony and mahogany products, as well as paintings by local artists. Here you can bargain, and depending on this, prices can vary greatly.

How to move around the city

Taxi. What features exist

Taxi is an affordable and cheap form of transport, but make sure you and the driver agree on a price before departure (no more than 5,000 for a trip within the city center and 8,000 for outlying areas at any time of the day).

Rent a car if possible. Most companies provide their own drivers. You can find out the conditions for renting a car and prices.


The main mode of transport is dalalala, minibuses, which are found everywhere on the main routes of the city. They are cheap (0.25 cents) and are a fixed price for all trips in the city (beware of those who will demand more from you because you are a foreigner). Dalaladal is very crowded and therefore the level of security is not very high. Accidents with this mode of transport are not uncommon, and often with serious consequences for passengers. The victims of pickpocketing are both locals and tourists. This happens instantly, so keep valuables in a bag on your lap.

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