Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic for children. Animal life of the Arctic - mammals, birds, predators and marine animals living in the Arctic. polar white goose

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was the educator of the 2nd qualification category MBDOU No. 40 "Bell" Anikina N.V. Fryanovo village 2013

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Program objectives: To acquaint children with the peculiarities of nature, living creatures of Antarctica and the Arctic. Reveal knowledge about animals: appearance, characteristics, habits. To develop interest in the knowledge of nature and the world around us; Develop general cognitive abilities: the ability to observe, describe, make assumptions and offer ways to test them, find cause and effect relationships. Raise a caring attitude towards animals and birds.

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Penguins are flightless seabirds. The largest of the modern representatives is the emperor penguin (height - 110-120 cm, weight up to 46 kg), the smallest - the small penguin (height 30-45 cm, weight 1-2.5 kg). Penguins eat fish. Under water, penguins make almost no sounds, and on land they communicate through screams that resemble the sounds of a pipe and rattle. Penguins nest in large colonies. Both parents alternately take part in incubation of eggs and feeding of chicks. The chicks feed on fish and crustaceans that are half-digested and regurgitated by their parents. The young take refuge from the cold in the lower folds of the parent's abdomen.

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The polar bear is the largest of the predatory mammals. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 1 ton. Usually males weigh 400-450 kg, body length 200-250 cm, height at the withers up to 130-150 cm. Females are noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest bears are found in Svalbard, the largest - in the Bering Sea. It hunts seals, bearded seals, walruses and other marine animals. Despite the seeming sluggishness, polar bears are fast and agile even on land, and easily swim and dive in the water. Very thick, dense coat protects the bear's body from cold and getting wet in icy water.

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The walrus is a large marine animal with very thick skin. These huge, clumsy on land animals inhabit the Far North, live mainly near the coast. The upper fangs are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards; Most weigh between 800 and 1700 kg, some can weigh up to 2000 kg. Noticing the danger, the sentry wakes up the rest with a roar or jerks, the animals rush into the sea, almost simultaneously go under water and can stay there without air for up to 10 minutes. The food of the walrus consists mainly of mollusks and other benthic invertebrates, sometimes walruses eat fish. In some cases, walruses can attack seals.

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Tulle is a mammal. About 20 species of these animals are known. Several types of seals are known. The length of the seals is from 170 to 180 cm, and the weight is from 120 to 140 kg. They huddle in colonies, which can consist of up to ten thousand individuals. Distributed widely; especially numerous in subpolar latitudes. Most species form haulouts on the ice. Seals feed on fish and crustaceans. Hunting for them, seals dive to a depth of 200 m

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The reindeer is an artiodactyl mammal. It eats not only grass and lichens, but also small mammals and birds. Wide hooves allow you to move through loose snow and dig it in search of food. This deer quenches thirst with snow for 9 months a year. People domesticated reindeer, and they differ from wild animals in that they are accustomed to people and, in case of danger, do not scatter to the sides, but gather together, hoping for the protection of people. From deer people get milk, meat, wool, horns, bones, use them as mounts.

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The white owl or polar owl is the largest bird in the tundra. The basis of its nutrition is made up of mouse-like rodents, primarily lemmings. In a year, one owl eats more than 1600 lemmings. It also catches hares, small predators (ermine), birds (white partridges, geese, ducks), does not neglect fish and carrion. The owl does not hunt near the nest, so the birds willingly settle in the vicinity of owls, which defend their territory from other predators.

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The fox or polar fox is a small predatory animal resembling a fox. The basis of food is small rodents, especially lemmings, as well as birds. It feeds on both washed ashore and caught fish, as well as plant foods: berries (blueberries, cloudberries), herbs, algae (seaweed). The arctic fox has well-developed hearing and sense of smell; somewhat weaker - vision. The voice represents a yapping bark.

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Internet resources: seal .ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B6&pos=19&rpt=simage&img_url=http%3A% walrus %D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0 reindeer fox ch?text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD penguins D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D0%BC%D0% B5%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8F&pos=22&rpt=simage& 2F-%2F-%2FPolarBearsTomBrakefield400.jpg polar bear D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0&pos=30&rpt=simage&img_url= snowy owl

Student 1 "B" class Ulrich Sophia. Project leader: Chichulina S.A.

A project about the features of the ice zone. Natural conditions of the Arctic and Antarctica. About the animal world, which has adapted to life in a harsh climate.



Project: Wildlife of the Arctic and Antarctica

Project prepared by: Ulrich Sophia,

student 1 "B" class

MBOU secondary school No. 88

with UIOP

Project leader: Chichulina S.A.

Objective of the project : Acquaintance with the Arctic, Antarctica; with the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the Arctic region; with animals of the Arctic; their appearance, lifestyle and habits.

Animal world of the Arctic.

ARCTIC - the northern polar region of the Earth. There is an ice zone on the islands of the Arctic.

The sun never rises in the arctichigh above the horizon. Its rays skim over the surface of the earth, giving it very little heat. That is why here is the realm of ice and snow. Cold gusty winds roam the silent expanses of snow. The islands are covered with a thick ice shell. Only in some places on the islands it is not there, but even here the land freezes many meters deep.

What a miracle - miracles: the heavens caught fire!

Oh, it burns - a flame burns over sparkling ice!

Who lit the wonderful fire, the golden bonfire of heaven?

There is no one behind the cloud. It's light from the sky.

Winter in the Arctic polar night. For several months in a row the sun does not appear at all - darkness! The moon is shining in the sky, the stars twinkle. Sometimes there are amazingly beautiful auroras - like a multi-colored, iridescent curtain sways in the dark sky.

And yet even the coldest and most inhospitable parts of the Earth are inhabited.

Few living creatures have adapted to life in the difficult conditions of the ice zone. On the stones of the islands are found LICHEN , similar to scale. In some places you can see MHI . They do not form a continuous carpet here, but grow in bunches.

POLAR BEAR - the largest predator in the world.The skin of polar bears is very thick and waterproof. In addition, all polar animals have a dense layer of fat under their skin. The skin of this bear is very dense, waterproof and completely white, thanks to which it easily finds shelter among the whiteness of the surrounding ice.All animals of the Arctic are afraid and therefore respect the polar bear. He attacks seals, seals, walruses. Its strong teeth are familiar to polar dolphins, and the arctic fox always feeds near this mighty beast, getting leftovers from the master's table. The polar bear swims well, dives, runs fast. The whole life of this predator, especially the male, passes in wanderings through the ice fields. Among the ice, he feels most confident, easily swims through wide openings, finds his way through seemingly impassable heaps of hummocks. Bears spend part of the year on land. In autumn they come out to the mountainous arctic islands. Having chosen a secluded place in a hollow or on a hillside, the female lies down in a shallow hole in the snow, leaving the blizzard to take care of the shelter. The blizzard sweeps a large snowdrift over the she-bear. In it, she finally completes the construction of the lair, spends the whole winter, gives birth and feeds cubs with milk. In the spring, together with the grown-up babies, the mother goes to the sea ice and continues the journey interrupted in the fall.

FOX . The animals of the Arctic would have lost a lot if there were not such a predator as the arctic fox among them. Thanks to its beautiful fur, this animal is known far beyond the cold region. The fox is a very small animal. But this kid is very hardy and fast. In addition, he loves to travel. It can be found in almost all corners of the Arctic. He often accompanies the polar bear, prudently keeping a respectful distance from the powerful predator.

REINDEER. A beautiful, fast, graceful animal, dressed in a warm short coat, and even having branched horns on its head, is none other than a reindeer. He lives in the cold tundra, feeds on reindeer moss, which is also called reindeer moss, and feels quite comfortable in the Arctic region. The reindeer also inhabits many islands of a huge cold reservoir. Reindeer have very wide hooves. Thanks to them, he easily breaks the snow in winter and gets to the withered vegetation hiding in a snow coat.

The most numerous inhabitants of the vast expanses of the harsh North are birds.The rocky shores are almost entirely covered with auks, puffins, arctic terns, gulls, and guillemots. Their excited voices can be heard at a great distance. Many birds do not build nests, but lay their eggs directly on bare stones. Sheer cliffs are a safe haven from predatory animals. Birds feed mainly on fish..

With the onset of winter, all birds fly away to warmer climes. Only white partridges and snowy owls remain in the Arctic. Partridges feed on bush buds, and snowy owls prey on partridges. From the cold of birds protect the subcutaneous layer of fat and thick plumage.

PINK SEAGULL - seemingly fragile creation. However, this bird feels quite at ease both in the harsh tundra and above the sea surface covered with drifting ice.

In this row, you can putCommon eider- northern duck. It is not difficult for her to dive into icy water to a depth of 20 meters.

The most ferocious and largest among birds is POLAR OWL. It is a ruthless predator with yellow eyes and white plumage. It attacks both birds and rodents. It can also eat a cub of a larger animal - for example, a polar fox.

guillemots - the most common inhabitants of bird colonies - noisy colonies of sea birds on the steep rocky shores of the northern seas. They lay only one large green or blue egg. And they incubate him almost continuously. Before leaving the cliff ledge and flying out to sea, the bird hands the egg to a "husband" (or "wife") already waiting in line to incubate them.

In summer, in the seas of the Arctic Ocean, many tiny green ALGAE . They feed on worms and crustaceans. The accumulation of worms and crustaceans attracts a variety of fish.

From the detachment of cetaceans, living in the Arctic, of undoubted interest in the first place is NAVRAL . He owes such popularity to his long horn, which sticks out right from his mouth. This horn reaches a length of 3 meters, and its weight is 10 kg. It is nothing more than an ordinary tooth that has grown to such a huge size. This tooth does not cause any inconvenience to a mammal, but why it is needed - there is no definite answer, although there are a lot of different assumptions.

bowhead whaleis a relative of the narwhal. But its size is many times larger, and instead of a tooth, it has a whalebone and a huge tongue in its mouth. It is with his tongue that he licks plankton stuck in the whalebone plates. This huge animal is absolutely harmless; it has been living in northern waters for many thousands of years. It reaches a length of 15-18 meters. Like many other whales, instead of teeth, it has special plates in its mouth - “whalebone”. They serve to get food.

killer whale belongs to the family of dolphins, the most intelligent, good-natured and safest creatures on earth in the minds of people. What about good nature is unknown, but as for the brains, the killer whale is smarter than any dolphin. Her intelligence is in second place after the human. She is the smartest animal on the planet. This mammal lives in all seas and oceans, but has a much greater predilection for cool and cold waters than for warm ones. Prefers to live in the Arctic Ocean. . It rightfully occupies one of the first places among the strongest and largest marine predators. She is a frequent visitor in Arctic waters. From her sharp teeth, not only belugas die, but also walruses, seals and seals.

BELUGA , or polar dolphin, is also a representative of this company. This is a large animal. Beluga loves to eat fish very much.

Among the ice of the Arctic Ocean there are SEALS and WALRUS . They spend most of their time in the water, so they are well adapted for swimming and diving. They forage in the water, and rest and raise their young on land or on ice floes. Walruses and seals are kept from freezing by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Seals feed mainly on fish. And the walrus is also edible molluscs from the shells, since it has strong lips that allow them to be sucked. Walrus is often usedtheir tusks for self-defense and attacks on other animals. After all, he is a real predator and can easily eat a gaping seal or seal.

Seals - these animals of the Arctic constitute a special cohort and have been living in the Arctic region for more than one thousand years. These include the harp seal, which has a very beautiful pattern on the skin.

SEA HARE - one of the largest seals.

SEALinferior in size to the sea hare, but it has very beautiful and expressive eyes. The ringed seal also belongs to this friendly company. She is smaller than her brothers, but more mobile and knows how to dig holes in the snow.

LEMMING - this small rodent, slightly larger than the mouse, is of great importance for the animal world of the Arctic. Almost all animals feed on it, and the population of the snowy owl directly depends on its abundance. In those years when there are few lemmings, birds of prey do not nest at all. The arctic fox also loses interest in traveling if the number of small rodents increases dramatically. Reindeer also eat it, although their diet mainly consists of plants.When winter comes and snow falls, a relatively calm and prosperous life begins for lemmings - the most characteristic small rodents for the tundra. In summer, they become prey for many animals and birds. Arctic foxes and snowy owls, ermines and gulls feed on them and feed their offspring. Even the polar bear, if he finds himself on land, catches and eats lemmings. In autumn, these rodents move to the lowlands and spend the winter under the cover of snow, in warm nests made of grass stems. Here, under the snow, they are well provided with food - various plants - and successfully reproduce.

Both birds and animals feel the lack of heat even in summer in the Far North. They have adapted to use it economically and protect themselves from the cold. Geese and ducks, protecting their eggs from cooling, line their nests with a layer of fluff.The very appearance of Arctic animals testifies to the incessant struggle with the cold. Thick, very long fur of the polar fox - arctic fox, polar bear, reindeer, thick and dense plumage of guillemots and other sea birds or, conversely, very loose plumage of a white owl that retains a lot of air, a thick layer of subcutaneous fat in seals protect animals from heat loss . Animals put on very thick and dense fur or plumage in the fall, on the eve of the arrival of a long, harsh winter. Keeping warm many Arctic animals helps and compact physique. They are characterized by the small size of the protruding parts of the body - short legs, ears, in birds - beaks. (Compare, for example, the arctic fox and the fox.) The large size of the entire body of many Arctic inhabitants also gives them advantagesin saving heat.

Most animals and birds in winter are white or very light in color. In some, such as the white owl or polar bear, it persists all year round. This coloration is often considered patronizing, helping predators to hunt and their victims to hide from danger.

Animal world of Antarctica.

ANTARCTICA . The coldest continent on the planet (in winter - 89 °) The highest continent on Earth (average height 2000 meters) The strongest winds on Earth are observed (34 meters per second). The country of the cruel sun (half a year - polar day, half a year - night). There is no permanent population here.

Most of Antarctica is a desert, devoid of both vegetation and animal life. Vegetation in the Antarctic is found almost exclusively along the margins of the mainland and on the near-Antarctic islands, while the rich and unique fauna is associated mainly with the Antarctic waters and partly with the marginal strip of the mainland.

Of the land plants on the mainland itself, only mosses, lichens, lower algae, fungi and bacteria are found. The most richly represented are lichens, of which there are about 300 species. They can be found on all ice-free land areas. Mosses are also quite widespread, especially on the islands, where even small peat bogs form. In total, there are about 80 species of mosses in Antarctica.

The peculiarity of the animal world of Antarctica is directly related to its climate. All animals live only where there is vegetation. And excavations have shown that dinosaurs once lived on this mainland.

Conventionally, all Antarctic animals can be divided into two groups: terrestrial and aquatic, and there are no completely terrestrial animals in Antarctica.

The waters around the mainland are rich zooplankton , which is the main food for whales and seals, fur seals and penguins. And they also live here ICE FISH - amazing creatures that have adapted to life in icy water.

Some of the most famous animals in Antarctica are WHALES : killer whales, sperm whales, blue whales and fin whales. These are very smart animals. Previously, they were mercilessly exterminated because of whalebone (he went mainly to corsets for fashionistas), ambergris, which was needed to fix the smell of perfume (the smell could last for many days), as well as because of fat and bones.

BLUE WHALE refers to mustachioed. This is the largest whale found in Antarctic waters and the largest mammal on our planet. Larger than hippos and elephants. Baleen whales also belong to fin whales are close relatives of the blue whale. Both of them feed on plankton.

Toothed areSperm Whales and Killer Whales.The sperm whale has a very large head. This is what makes him different from other whales. And killer whales are distinguished by their rapacity. They are dangerous to seals and penguins.

Roundworms and blue-green algae inhabit the fresh waters of the lakes, as well as copepods and daphnia.

Most of all in Antarctica seals. Leopard seals, elephant seals and Rossa also live on the coast.

The penguins are being huntedSEA LEOPARDS.This is one of the dangerous species of local animals. They devour both penguins and their fellow seals.

The seals include SEA ELEPHANTS. They weigh several tons and could easily crush anyone. But there is no need to be afraid of them, they are not aggressive and do not chase anyone. Yes, this is understandable. Try to run after someone who is lighter than you. Elephant seals show aggression only during the mating season. Then it is better not to approach them.

Fur seals and Weddell seals also live in the Antarctic Circle. Weddell seals are the only ones left to winter on the mainland. The rest move north to warmer places.

Of the dolphin family, there are only small groups of black-and-white or sand-colored dolphins, known among whalers under the name"SEA COWS".

The birds of the Antarctic are exceptionally peculiar. They all live near the water and feed on fish or small marine animals.

Of these, the most remarkable PENGUINS - birds with short wings, similar to flippers, which enable them to swim perfectly, but not to fly. From a distance, penguins, with their upright posture, resemble humans. They feed on fish, shellfish and crustaceans. Adult birds eat food only in water, where they feel much better than on land. There are 17 species of penguins living in Antarctica. The most common type is small ADELI PENGUIN. The biggest - EMPEROR PENGUIN, its mass reaches 50 kg. This large bird breeds its chicks during the harsh Antarctic winter.

Penguins can be safely called the brand of this mainland. Of course, you won’t immediately understand about them whether they are birds or animals. If animals, then why do they have wings. And if birds, then why don't they fly. In fact, these are not flying, but floating birds. Something similar to people, probably in their curiosity, but also in the fact that they are almost the size of a person and walk straight.

Penguins, catching up with fish or running away from marine predators (killer whales and sea leopards), who love to feast on them, these birds under water can reach speeds of up to 20 km per hour.

Penguins live in large colonies. There, in order to bring out the chicks, they break into pairs. In emperor penguins, the female lays an egg, almost always one, and the male carries it between her paws until the chick hatches. Adélie penguins build nests and lay their eggs there. They build nests from small stones. But here you have to watch very carefully so that the neighbors do not steal these pebbles, because there are not enough of them in Antarctica.

Conclusion : The Arctic and Antarctica are a unique place on Earth.Few living creatures have adapted to life in the difficult conditions of the ice zone.The peculiarity of the animal world of Antarctica is directly related to its climate. All animals live only where there is vegetation.

All inhabitants of our planet should take care of nature, its inhabitants, because some of them are on the verge of extinction.

Dear colleagues, in the middle and senior groups there is a thematic week "Animals of the Arctic", during which the teacher plans a variety of games, conversations, drawing on the topic. The presentation "For children about the animals of the Arctic" is aimed at introducing children to the inhabitants of the North Pole.

Educational presentation "For children about the animals of the Arctic" for older preschoolers

Presentation Tasks

  1. Introduce children to the natural conditions in the Arctic;
  2. Find out how animals adapt to different environments;
  3. Activate the dictionary, promote the development of mental processes.

Presentation progress

Globe work.

Slide 2.

There are places on our planet where snow lies almost all year round, it is very cold and summer comes for only 2-3 weeks. I wonder who can live in permafrost, if only lichens and mosses grow in cold lands? By the way, these places are called the Arctic and Antarctic, or the North and South Pole.

slide 3, 4.

What is the Arctic?
This is the undivided realm of ice and cold. The icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, endless tundra, rocky islands with steep, ice-covered shores - this is what the Arctic is all about. Everything here looks harsh, gloomy and unfriendly. Strong icy winds, fogs, heavy snowfalls, polar days and nights are integral parts of this region. But among the eternal ice and snowdrifts, a full-blooded life is seething.

Slide 5, 6, 7.

The polar bear is the most powerful and powerful land predator on the planet. Neither lions, nor tigers, nor brown bears can compare with him. Drifting ice is the home of the polar bear. Nature carefully covered the body of a polar bear with warm white fur. The skin of the beast is black or very dark. Beneath it is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.


In the north, a white bear lives, (they walk in a circle)
But only, like a brown one, he does not suck honey. (torso twists)
Our Umka is trying to catch a fish, (depict fishing)
To eat deliciously and live - do not grieve. (stroking their belly)

Slide 8, 9, 10.

Walrus. This pinniped has a very broad muzzle. Thick and long mustaches grow on the upper lip. The eyes are small and nearsighted. The walrus really sees very poorly, but his sense of smell is excellently developed. There are no external ears, and short yellow-brown hair grows on the skin.

Slide 11, 12, 13.

A characteristic distinguishing feature of seals are V-shaped nostrils. From them you can immediately recognize this animal, regardless of the color of the skin. The coloring is different. It contains brown, gray and red tones.

When swimming in the water element, seals use their hind limbs as a depth rudder and do not use them for rowing under water.

slide 14.

Guess the riddle:
What kind of predator is in the Arctic,
With silky valuable fur,
Swims great in summer
Not afraid of a person?
And be careful in winter
And leads the night life
Building burrows in piles of snow,
Circling in labyrinths.
He looks like a fox
Barks from afar at a bird...
Both the hunter and the sly one,
Who tell me? ... (Arctic fox)

The arctic fox cannot boast of large sizes. In this beast, the soles of the paws are securely covered with hair. Prudent nature did this so that the animal would not freeze them. The ears are also wrapped in thick fur and are quite small. This does not prevent the fox from hearing perfectly.

slide 15.

He also has an excellent sense of smell, but his eyesight, like all dogs, is not sharp. The muzzle is shortened, the body is squat. If you need to give a voice, then the polar fox yelps. It can also growl to scare the enemy.

slide 16.

With the onset of cold weather, the tundra becomes hungry. Fluffy predator is forced to leave their homes. Part of the arctic fox rushes to the north into the Arctic ice zone.

Slide 17, 18, 19.

The reindeer's diet consists mainly of plants. In the first place is reindeer moss or reindeer moss. The animal takes it out from under the snow coat, scattering it with its hooves. Other lichens, grass, and berries are also eaten. Deer and mushrooms do not disdain. Eats eggs of birds, gaping rodents. It can also eat an adult bird, if it has the opportunity.

Fizminutka: "The deer has a big house."
The reindeer is a faithful helper and breadwinner of man. Domestic and wild deer look no different from each other. The difference is only in behavior - some are afraid of people, others are not, considering them to be their protectors.

slide 20.

The polar bear, reindeer and walrus are listed in the Red Book of Russia. To ensure that these animals do not become extinct and there are more of them, nature reserves are being created in Russia. There, animals are protected, their characteristics are studied, conditions are created for life and reproduction.
Take care of animals!

Final part

Working with the Red Book.

Continuing to introduce children to the animals of the northern regions, look through.

Antarctica is a continent with harsh climatic conditions. The temperature in most of the mainland never rises above freezing, and the entire continent is covered in ice. However, the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is one of the most amazing ecosystems on Earth and is home to many incredible creatures.

Most animals are migratory, because the climate of the continent is too difficult for permanent residence and wintering.

At the same time, many species are found only in Antarctica (animals that live in only one area are called endemic) and have managed to perfectly adapt to the harsh environment. Since Antarctica was only discovered 200 years ago, native species are not accustomed to the company of humans, which leads to one of the most surprising features of Antarctica's wildlife: people are as interesting to them as they are to people. For visitors, this means that most animals can be approached and won't run away, and for explorers, the opportunity to better understand the fauna of Antarctica. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Antarctic treaties prohibit touching wild animals!

In this article, we have compiled a list with a brief description and photos of some famous representatives of the fauna of the coldest continent on the planet - Antarctica.

Read also:



Whales are one of the most mysterious and amazing creatures on Earth. The blue whale is the largest animal ever to live on the planet, weighing over 100 tons, they easily outweigh the heaviest dinosaurs. Even the "ordinary" whale is huge and is considered a truly impressive creation of nature. Whales are huge but elusive mammals and difficult to study. They are highly intelligent, with complex social lives and complete freedom of movement.

Whales belong to the order of mammals, called, along with dolphins and porpoises. They are the same mammals as people, dogs, cats, elephants and others. That is, they cannot be called fish. Whales breathe air and therefore must rise to the surface at regular intervals to take a breath. They give birth to live young, which stay with their mother for a year and feed on her milk. Whales are warm-blooded and have a skeleton similar to that of a human (albeit heavily modified).

Whales of Antarctica are called all whales that spend at least part of the time of the year near the coast of the continent. These include:

  • Blue whale (Average length of an adult male is 25 m, females - 26.2 m. The average body weight of an adult is 100 - 120 tons);
  • Southern right whale (Average length 20m and weight 96t);
  • (Body length 18 m, weight - 80 tons);
  • (Length from 18 to 27 m, weight 40-70 tons);
  • sperm whale (average length 17 m, average weight 35 tons);
  • Humpback whale (Average length 14 m, weight - 30 tons);
  • (Length - 9 m, weight - 7 tons);
  • Killer whale (Body length from 8.7 to 10 m, weight up to 8 tons).

Kerguelen fur seal

The Kerguelen fur seal belongs to a family known as eared seals. (Otariidae), which includes fur seals and sea lions.

In appearance and manner, these mammals resemble a large dog. They are able to pull their rear flippers under their body and lift their weight with their front flippers, so they are much more flexible on land than other pinnipeds.

Males reach a mass of 200 kg and 4 times more than females. They are limited mainly to the subantarctic islands, with 95% of the population on South Georgia Island.

Sea leopard

Named the leopard seal because of the spots on its body, it is one of the largest predators in Antarctica. The weight of males is up to 300 kg, and females - 260-500 kg. The body length of males varies between 2.8-3.3 m, and females 2.9-3.8 m.

The diet of sea leopards is very diverse. They can eat any animal they can kill. The diet consists of fish, squid, penguins, birds and seal pups.

Sea leopards are not skilled divers, compared to other marine mammals. The longest dive does not last more than 15 minutes, so the animals stay close to open water rather than diving long distances under continuous ice. They are able to swim at speeds up to 40 km/h.

crabeater seal

Crab-eating seals are believed to be the most numerous large mammals on the continent. Adult individuals weigh 200-300 kg and have a body length of about 2.6 m. Sexual dimorphism in these seals is not pronounced. These are rather solitary animals, however, they can lie in small groups, which gives the impression of a social family. Real communication is possible between mothers and their babies.

They do not feed on crabs, despite their name. Their diet consists of 95% Antarctic krill, the rest is squid and fish. They are well adapted for catching krill due to the teeth that form a sieve to catch prey from the water.

Since crabeater seals feed mainly on krill, they do not need to dive deep and for long periods. A typical dive to a depth of 20-30 m lasts about 11 minutes, however they have been recorded at a depth of 430 m.

Weddell seal

Weddell seals are mammals that live on the ice. The weight of adults varies between 400-450 kg, and the body length is 2.9 m (for males) and 3.3 m (for females).

They feed mainly on fish, as well as squid and invertebrates in much smaller quantities. Weddell seals are excellent divers, able to dive to a depth of 600 meters and spend up to 82 minutes underwater.

It is rather difficult to estimate the size of the population of these animals, since they live near the Arctic Circle and on drifting ice.

southern elephant seal

Southern elephant seals are the largest of all seals and show marked sexual dimorphism. The weight of males varies in the range of 1500-3700 kg, and females - 350-800 kg. The body length of males is 4.5-5.8 m, and females - 2.8 m.

The diet consists mainly of squid, but fish is also present (about 75% squid and up to 25% fish). Males tend to move further south in pursuit of their prey.

Southern elephant seals are impressive divers, diving to a depth of 300-500 m for 20-30 minutes. They are found throughout Antarctica, all the way to the deep south.



Antarctic tern

The Antarctic tern is a typical member of the tern family. It is a small bird 31-38 cm long, weighing 95-120 g, and with a wingspan of 66-77 cm. Its beak is usually dark red or blackish. The plumage is mostly light gray or white, there is a black "cap" on the head. The wingtips of this tern are greyish-black.

They feed on fish and krill, especially when they are in Antarctica. Terns notice their prey from the air, and then dive into the water after it.

Antarctic blue-eyed cormorant

The Antarctic blue-eyed cormorant is the only member of the cormorant family found in Antarctica. They live along the South Antilles Ridge and the Antarctic Peninsula, deepening to the south. These cormorants are characterized by bright eye color and an orange-yellow growth at the base of the bill that becomes especially large and bright during the breeding season. Body weight is 1.8-3.5 kg, while males are slightly heavier than females. The body length varies from 68 to 76 cm, and the wingspan is about 1.1 m.

They feed mainly on fish, often forming a "trap" of tens or hundreds of birds that repeatedly dive into the water and help each other catch fish. These cormorants are able to dive to a depth of 116 m. While swimming, they hold their wings tightly to their bodies and use their webbed feet.

white plover

The white plover is one of two species in the genus Chionidae. She prefers a terrestrial lifestyle. When walking, he nods his head like a dove. Body weight varies from 460 to 780 g, body length is 34-41 cm, and wingspan is 75-80 cm.


The Cape dove belongs to the petrel family. Its weight is up to 430 g, the body length is 39 cm, and the wingspan reaches 86 cm. The color of the feathers of this bird is black and white.

The Cape Dove feeds on krill, fish, squid, carrion, and offal from ships, if available. Usually they catch prey on the surface of the water, but sometimes they dive shallowly.

snow petrel

Snow petrels are white birds with black beaks and eyes. They are about the size of a dove and are perhaps the most beautiful of all Antarctic birds. The body length is 30-40 cm, the wingspan is 75-95 cm, and the weight is 240-460 g.

They feed mainly on krill and must always be close to the sea to have access to food. They are found along the coast of Antarctica, and are known to nest far inland (up to 325 km from the coast), in mountains that jut out from the surrounding ice.

wandering albatross

The wandering albatross is the bird with the longest wingspan (3.1 to 3.5 m). This bird can make long flights for 10-20 days, up to 10,000 km, using hardly more energy than when sitting on the nest.

The average weight is from 5.9 to 12.7 kg, males are approximately 20% heavier than females. Body length varies from 107 to 135 cm.

The basis of the diet is fish, squid and crustaceans. The bird hunts at night on the surface of the water or diving shallowly. Wandering albatrosses follow boats and vessels of any type where food is dumped. This is especially true for fishing vessels that throw fish waste overboard.

South polar skua

The south polar skua is a rather large bird. The average weight of males is 900-1600 g and they tend to be slightly smaller and lighter than females. Average length: 50-55 cm and a wingspan of 130-140 cm. They breed in continental Antarctica and breed far south. These birds have been recorded at the South Pole.

They feed mainly on fish and krill, although penguin eggs, chicks and carrion may also be included in the diet, depending on the habitat. South polar skuas have been observed stealing fish from other bird species.

Southern giant petrel

The southern giant petrel is a bird of prey from the petrel family. Their weight is 5 kg, and the body length is 87 cm. The wingspan varies from 180 to 205 cm.

The diet consists of dead seal and penguin carcasses, carrion, squid, krill, crustaceans, and offal from ships or fishing boats.

Most often, these birds are found on the Antarctic and subantarctic islands. They nest outdoors in the Falkland Islands.


emperor penguin

Emperor penguins are the largest penguins in the world, with an average weight of about 30 kg (but can reach up to 40 kg), and a height of 1.15 m. Males and females have similar body colors and sizes. The back and head are black, the belly is white, the chest is pale yellow, there are bright yellow spots in the area of ​​the ears. Like all penguins, they are wingless, with a streamlined body and wings flattened into flippers for a marine habitat.

Its diet consists mainly of fish, but may also include crustaceans and cephalopods. When hunting, these birds can stay underwater for up to 18 minutes and dive to depths of 535 m. It has several adaptations for this, including unusually structured hemoglobin, hard bones, and the ability to reduce metabolism.

The emperor penguin breeds in cold environments. The species has adapted in several ways to counteract heat loss: feathers provide 80-90% insulation, and it has a layer of subcutaneous fat that reaches 3 cm thick; downy undercoat, in combination with plumage, plays a decisive role in keeping the bird warm; the feather cleaning process is vital in providing insulation and in keeping the plumage oily and water repellent.

king penguin

The king penguin is the second largest penguin species after the emperor. Growth is from 70 to 100 cm, and weight is from 9.3 to 18 kg. Males are slightly larger than females. The plumage of king penguins is much brighter than that of their close relative of the emperor species, but is otherwise similar.

King penguins eat small fish and squid. They can dive to depths of 100m, but have also been seen at depths of over 300m. Fish make up 80-100% of their diet, except during the winter months of the year.

King penguins breed on the subantarctic islands, in the northern regions of Antarctica, as well as on Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands and other islands with a temperate climate.

subantarctic penguin

The subantarctic penguin, also known as the gentoo penguin. It is easily recognizable by the wide white stripe running across the top of its head and its bright orange-red beak. This species has pale webbed feet and a fairly long tail, the most prominent of all penguins.

The gentoo penguin reaches a height of 51 to 90 cm, making them the third largest penguin species, after the two giant species: emperor and king penguins. Males have a maximum weight of about 8.5 kg, just before molting, and a minimum weight of about 4.9 kg, before mating. In females, the weight ranges from 4.5 to 8.2 kg. This species is the fastest underwater, reaching speeds of up to 36 km/h. They are perfectly adapted to very harsh climatic conditions.

Subantarctic penguins feed mainly on crustaceans, with fish making up only about 15% of the diet.

Other animals

Antarctic krill

Antarctic krill is a member of the euphausian order, common in the Antarctic waters of the Southern Ocean. It is a small crustacean that lives in large groups, sometimes reaching a density of 10,000-30,000 individuals per cubic meter. Krill feed on phytoplankton. It grows to a length of 6 cm, weighs up to 2 g, and can live for about six years. Krill is one of the key species in the Antarctic ecosystem and, in terms of biomass, is probably the most common animal species on the planet (about 500 million tons, which corresponds to 300-400 trillion individuals).

Belgica antarctica

Belgica antarctica is the Latin name for the only flightless insect species endemic to Antarctica. Its length is 2-6 mm.

This insect has a black color, thanks to which it is able to absorb heat for survival. It can also adapt to changes in salinity and pH, and survive without oxygen for 2-4 weeks. At temperatures below -15 ° C, Belgica antarctica dies.

Beyond the 65th parallel. This is where the Arctic begins. It affects the northern extremities of Eurasia and America, adjoining the north pole. If eternal winter reigns in the latter, then in the Arctic there is summer. It is short-term, makes it possible to survive for about 20 species of animals. So, here they are - the inhabitants of the Arctic.



Outwardly, little distinguishable from a hamster, also applies to rodents. The animal weighs about 80 grams, and reaches a length of 15 centimeters. Lemming fur is brown. There are subspecies that turn white in winter. In the cold, the animal remains active.

Lemmings - Arctic animals feeding on plant shoots, seeds, moss, berries. Most of all northern "hamsters" love young shoots.

Herbivorous lemmings themselves are food for many inhabitants of the Arctic

musk ox

It lives mainly in the north of Greenland and the Taimyr Peninsula. The number of the species is declining, therefore, in 1996, the musk ox was listed in the Red. The closest relatives of the northern giants are mountain sheep. Outwardly, musk oxen are more similar to bovids.

The approximate height of the musk ox is 140 centimeters. In length animals of the Red Book of the Arctic reach 2.5 meters. There is only one species on the planet. There used to be two, but one has died out.

These giant bulls are on the verge of extinction and are protected by law.


Recently separated into a separate species, it no longer belongs to the common hare. The Arctic has short ears. This reduces heat loss. Thick, fluffy fur also saves from the cold. The body weight of the Arctic hare is greater than that of the ordinary one. In length, a resident of the North reaches 70 centimeters.

On the photo animals of the Arctic often eat woody parts of plants. This is the basis of the hare's diet. However, the favorite dishes are kidneys, berries, young grass.

You can distinguish the Arctic hare from the usual one by shorter ears.


Unlike other deer, they have variable hooves. In summer, their base resembles a sponge, cushioning on soft ground. In winter, the pores are tightened, dense and pointed edges of the hooves become pronounced. They cut into ice and snow without slipping.

There are 45 species of deer on the planet, and only the northern ones grow antlers, regardless of whether it is a male or a female. Moreover, males drop their hats by the beginning of winter. It turns out that deer are harnessed to Santa's sleigh.

In reindeer, both males and females wear antlers.


arctic fox

Otherwise referred to as the polar fox, belongs to the canine family. Of domestic animals, it resembles a Spitz dog. Like domestic quadrupeds, arctic foxes are born blind. The eyes open after about 2 weeks.

Animals of the Arctic zone good parents and partners. As soon as the female's belly is rounded, the male begins to hunt for her, feeding the chosen one and offspring even before birth. If someone else's litter is left without parents, foxes who find puppies adopt babies. Therefore, 40 cubs are sometimes found in the holes of polar foxes. The average size of a fox litter is 8 puppies.


Wolves are born not only blind, but also deaf. After a few months, puppies become powerful, ruthless predators. Wolves eat their victims alive. However, the point is not so much in sadistic inclinations as in the structure of the teeth. Wolves can't kill their prey quickly.

Scientists wonder how man tamed the wolf. Modern grays are not amenable to training, even growing up in captivity, not knowing the wild life. For now, the question remains unanswered.

Polar bear

It is the largest warm-blooded predator on the planet. Stretching up to 3 meters in length, some polar bears weigh about a ton. Up to 4 meters and 1200 kilos, a giant subspecies waved. He left fauna of the Arctic.

Polar bears may or may not hibernate. The first option is usually chosen by pregnant females. Other individuals continue to hunt, mainly on aquatic inhabitants.

Marine animals of the Arctic


There are 9 types of them in Russian territories, all - animals of the arctic and antarctic. There are seals weighing 40 kilograms, and there are about 2 tons. Regardless of species, seals are half blubber. It warms and provides buoyancy. In the water, seals, like dolphins, use echolocation.

In the Arctic, seals are hunted by killer whales and polar bears. The young are usually eaten. Large seals are too tough for predators.

ringed seal

The most common Arctic seal and the main delicacy of polar bears. If the latter are included in the list of protected species, then this does not threaten the seal population yet. According to approximate estimates, there are 3 million individuals in the Arctic. Tendency to increase in numbers.

The maximum weight of a ringed seal is 70 kilograms. In length, the animal reaches 140 centimeters. The females are slightly smaller.

sea ​​hare

On the contrary, the largest of the seals. The average weight is about half a ton. The length of the animal is 250 centimeters. In structure, the hare differs from other seals in its front paws, almost at shoulder level, shifted to the sides.

Possessing powerful jaws, the sea hare lacks strong teeth. They are small and wear out quickly. Old seals often have toothless mouths. This complicates the hunt for fish - the basis of the predator's diet.


A sort of dolphin with a horn instead of a nose. It seems so. In fact, the horns are long fangs. They are straight and pointed. In the old days, the fangs of narwhals were passed off as the horns of unicorns, supporting the legends about their existence.

The price of a narwhal tusk is comparable to the cost of elephant tusks. In sea unicorns, the length of the canine can reach up to 3 meters. You will not find such elephants in modern times.


Being one of the largest pinnipeds, walruses grow only meter-long tusks. With them, the animal clings to the ice floes, getting out onto the shore. Therefore, in Latin, the name of the species sounds like "walking with fangs."

Walruses have the largest baculum among living creatures. It's about the bone in the penis. A resident of the Arctic "shows off" a 60-centimeter baculum.


It is the largest not only among modern animals, but also ever lived on earth. The length of the blue whale reaches 33 meters. The mass of the animal is 150 tons. Here what animals live in the arctic. It is not surprising that whales are a desirable prey for northern peoples. Having slaughtered one individual, the same Evenks provide the settlement with food for the whole winter.

Scientists believe that whales evolved from artiodactyl mammals. It is not for nothing that shreds of wool are found on the bodies of sea giants. And whales feed their offspring with milk for a reason.

Birds of the Arctic


This is a native inhabitant of the glacial expanses. The feathered medium-sized, weighs up to one and a half kilos, stretches 40 centimeters in length. The wingspan is absurdly small, so it is difficult for the guillemot to take off. The bird prefers to rush down from the rocks, immediately picked up by air currents. It takes off from the surface after a 10-meter run.

The top is black and the bottom is white. There are thick and thin beaked birds. They are divided into 2 separate subspecies. Both have nutritious faeces. They are eaten with pleasure by mollusks and fish.

pink seagull

The inhabitants of the North poetically call her the dawn of the Arctic Circle. However, in the last century, the same inhabitants of the Arctic, in particular the Eskimos, ate seagulls and sold their stuffed animals to Europeans. For one they took about 200 dollars. All this reduced the already small population of pink birds. They are included in the Red Book list as an endangered species.

The length of the pink gull does not exceed 35 centimeters. The back of the animal is gray, and the breast and belly are similar to the tone of a flamingo. The legs are red. The beak is black. The same tone "necklace" on the neck.


It likes hummocky tundra, but is also found in the Arctic. Like the common one, the white partridge belongs to the black grouse family, the order of chickens. The Arctic species is large. In length, the animal reaches 42 centimeters.

Densely feathered paws help partridge survive in the north. Even the fingers are covered. The bird's nostrils are also "dressed".


Nests on rocky shores, painted black. There are white markings on the wings. The bird's sky is bright red. The paws have the same tone. The length of the cleaner reaches 40 centimeters.

Guillemots are numerous in the Arctic. There are approximately 350 thousand pairs. The population feeds on fish. Nests on coastal rocks.


A frequenter of the northern bird markets. Breeds in large colonies. They can be located both near the water and at a distance of up to 10 kilometers.

Lurik is short-beaked and as if dressed in a tailcoat. The breast of the bird is white, and everything is black on top, like the bottom of the abdomen. The head is also dark. The size of the dandy is miniature.


Belongs to oatmeal, miniature, weighs about 40 grams. The bird is migratory, from warm countries it returns to the Arctic in March. The males arrive first. They are preparing nests. After the females arrive, the mating season begins.

In terms of nutrition, buntings are omnivores. In summer, birds prefer animal food, catching insects. In autumn, snow buntings turn to berries and mushrooms.

snowy owl

Among the owls, the largest. The wingspan of the feathered reaches 160 centimeters. Like many animals of the Arctic, it is white as snow. This is a disguise. The noiselessness of flight is added to external invisibility. This helps the owl to catch prey. Mostly lemmings become her. For 12 months, an owl eats more than one and a half thousand rodents.

For nests, snowy owls choose hills, trying to find a dry place without snow.

The polar owl is the largest member of the owl family.

In contrast to the 20 species of bird animals in the Arctic, there are 90 names. So saying about the animals of the Arctic, most of the time you devote to birds. To study them, as well as the area itself, began in the 4th century BC.

Reports of Pytheas from Marseille have been preserved. He traveled to Tula. That was the name of the country in the far North. Since then, the general public has become aware of the existence of the Arctic. Today, 5 states claim it. True, everyone is interested not so much in the unique nature as in the shelf with oil.

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