Proverb do not take out dirty linen in public. Three reasons why you should not wash dirty linen in public! See what is "to wash dirty linen in public" in other dictionaries

Our ancestors said: "Do not wash dirty linen in public when the sun has set." Here lies such a meaning - all things need to be done during the day, and at night only bad deeds are done. The Slavs believed that during the day, while the sun is shining, the gods see, but at night in our world they are not manifested and do not see. So you don't have to do anything at night. That's why thieves go at night. But, the idea is immediately given that the Slavs considered litter to be something like a Navi creature and therefore threw it far from home without looking and you can’t even look at the east and the sun during such a thing.
Sor was used by witches for sabotage:

In the spring, during cleaning, you need to throw rubbish collected from the house at the boundary of the one you want to harm and say: “All the bugs, but the fleas to you!” and run from this place without looking back.

It is impossible to burn rubbish from the house - the dark ones will spoil the fire. So there is a belief in the village of Polesie: “to throw rubbish into the fire to go blind by spring” or else “to throw rubbish into the fire, the sheep will be covered with scabs” ...
If a girl sweeps the floor poorly, the groom will be crooked ”(broken, ugly). If they wanted to fence themselves off from a bad person, then they threw a piece of coal from the oven or household rubbish after him. If the family moved to a new place, they swept everything out of the house and took a handful of garbage with them. It was believed that litter connects our world with the world of our ancestors, and so the connection with them will not be interrupted. Garbage in the new house was thrown into a corner, which was visible as you enter the door. If household members, relatives or dear guests have gone on a long journey, then you can’t get out for three days - they may not come back. The same thing happens when a man goes to the army or to the war.

It is impossible to take revenge on the trail of a person who left the house, and even sweep rubbish into the street. And of course, you can’t clean up the house when the patient is lying: “don’t sweep when the sick person is lying, otherwise you can sweep it out with garbage.”
From the point of view of maintaining a single space at home and its security in interaction with the outside world, rubbish cannot be swept out, this breaks the protective barrier, the same applies to talking about home and home. The true deep meaning of the saying: “do not wash dirty linen in public” means: keep domestic relationships a secret, otherwise you will break the protective barrier of the house and cause trouble! In this case, the word litter is used in the meaning of squabbles, swearing, quarrel, that is, everything is junk, do not put gossip on display. In fact, swearing in the house gives rise to waste energy, and apart from how rubbish you can not call it.

Considering that the Russian language is the language of images and reflects the true content of things, their role, one can understand the true meaning of the saying. Therefore, you should not tell outsiders about your quarrels, you will cause laughter and attract someone else's energy into the house, which can lead to illness and failure.

As I wrote earlier, quarrels in the family are normal, for a person in his holistic form, this is a completely natural phenomenon. However, each person perceives conflicts in his life in his own way, according to his internal idea of ​​them, which may be too biased towards them. It is impossible to react painfully to conflicts with people, this is too much moral cost, even when we are talking about scandals in the family, it is still worth it to be simpler. This simplicity should be in the conclusions that you need to draw after the scandal, when your head has cooled and becomes cold, and you are able to reason rationally. All that needs to be done is to find a place where two egos collide, or three or more, depending on the scale of the scandal. It is this collision of unconsciously raging selfishness that leads to thunder and lightning, just as the collision of clouds leads to a similar one, literally.

But all this must be understood and worked on in order to prevent such a scenario in the future. You do not want to constantly quarrel and swear, just because of the dissatisfaction of your ideas about how the other person should act, provided that you do what you want? I hope you are not supporters of tyranny in the family, because for a family in its normal view, this is completely unacceptable, although people live like this, but this life is far from happy. But in this article, I am not going to focus on the procedure for resolving family quarrels, but, as the title implies, we will talk about the spread of family quarrels to the outside world. I strongly do not recommend doing this, knowing full well that so many, especially women, do just that. Of course, you can discuss your family problems with some people who can help in resolving them, these are mostly psychologists, and these should be professional psychologists who are not interested in the conflict of the two sides.

In fact, no problems should be shared at all, unless your goal is to mislead someone. But if you do it sincerely, telling everything about yourself, then you point out to other people your weaknesses. And they can take advantage of it. Of course, not all people will use this to somehow harm you. For example, the same psychologists will not use your problems and weaknesses against you. But many can do it. People, you know, are such creatures that it is not always possible to rely on them, even if they are your best friends. Any quarrel is able to reveal everything that is hidden in the depths of a person, the more emotional it is, the more sincere a person is in his explanations. Everything that he would not say in his right mind, he says on emotions, that is, unconsciously, and thereby points to everything that sits in him. Of course, sometimes you need to let off steam, because undigested food in the form of mental discomfort just asks to come out, but what is the price of such behavior? If you cry into your girlfriend’s waistcoat, talking about your family problems, it’s not a fact that she uses it for her own selfish, but rather selfish purposes. After all, what is dangerous about a friend - he knows a lot about you, you trust him and you have some stereotypes regarding friendship. But an outsider, there is an outsider, I call those, first of all, those people who are not ready to bear responsibility for you.

If a member of your family, whoever he is for you, husband or wife, parent or child, bears at least some responsibility for you, he is worth a thousand irresponsible friends and girlfriends. But when you complain to them, when you tell them about the negative behavior of a member of your family, you belittle his significance to their level, to the level of a stranger to you, moreover, you belittle yourself. Think about the meaning of any of your complaints, at least of a family nature, at least of some other, that you thereby show to other people. If, say, you work at a job that is terrible, you hate it, your boss is the last beast and treats you accordingly, then why don’t you quit, why do you allow yourself to do this, why do you torture yourself? So, you yourself are no better? You would do the same to others if you had power over them. Think about such a motive, and not about the fear of being left without a job and, as a result, without a livelihood. After all, this is what most people justify their passivity in such situations. It is easier for people to discuss their problems, rather than solve them, it is easier for them to justify their passivity by shifting responsibility for their bad life to others than to simply take it and change it. The same can be said about the member of your family who makes you dissatisfied. Who do you discuss, condemn and complain about to people who only pretend to be worried about you? It is your husband, wife, child or parents, how can you discuss it with other people, how can you allow people who are more concerned with their own welfare than yours to touch your private life? If this is not a specialist, then you can be sure that no one will understand your problems, rather they will be used against you, or, at worst, they will defiantly sympathize with you, nothing more.

How can you go for it? I will answer you as, only unconsciously. This is how you can do it without realizing that whatever you identify with is part of your own nature. As I understand it, many of my readers should not once again say that the world inside each of us actually projects the world around us, because every second one will tell me that he knows this and understands this. I won’t argue about the first one, you really can know this, but about understanding ... Here you should think better, dear friends, maybe you just think in such a way that you understand something that you have heard somewhere before or read about it? How can this be understood, say, by a mother who scolds her child in public, does not understand that his behavior is the result of her upbringing, her attitude towards him, and, in essence, herself. And a husband or wife who scolds his other half and considers him or her real rubbish, do these people understand, who, with their personal qualities, have attracted people who correspond to them, that they themselves are no better?

No, they don’t understand this, and therefore they shift the responsibility onto those who allegedly treat them incorrectly, only people treat you the way you allow them to do it, and if there is a person negative for you in your family, you have become the reason his appearance. Of course, it’s difficult to accept this, I understand this very well, I took it here and shifted everything to you, to those who read this article, and it may not be very pleasant for you to read, but how much allows you to understand about yourself, right? ? The issue of taking out quarrels from the hut can be approached from different angles, the possibilities of a person’s reasonableness are quite wide, you can always identify many aspects from which you can then draw conclusions and develop a final concept on this matter. But no matter how you approach this, it will still turn out that you do not need it, it is not beneficial for you. Right or wrong, this is not the point, I'm not a priest to you, and I'm not going to tell you how you live. But I think each of you wants to live more efficiently, more colorfully and interestingly, and therefore you should know about those things that are worth observing for the sake of such a life.

You can’t show weakness, you can’t expose your wounds and show them to strangers, even your best friends, especially your best friends, who thereby actually hold you at gunpoint. If there is a problem in your family, if you have a scandal, you should solve it, and not someone else. Why do you need consolation, why do you need this flattery, beyond which there is nothing, why do you need other people to accept your weakness, do you really want to be weak, do you need pity and, like, understanding? Why do you need this infection, it will not allow you to keep the situation under your own control, will not allow you to make decisions independent of anyone, you are actually destroying your freedom, taking out a quarrel in public. Why are you doing this, what do you ultimately want, think about it carefully before you give this question a pre-prepared banal answer, because the deeper you delve into this, the faster you will come to that understanding, guided by which I am now about I tell this. Isn't it easier to think about any problem, especially a family one, from the point of view of your participation in it.

Like the triangle of fire, any event in your life is not complete without your participation, as well as a situation that leads to something. You may not be able to control other people, influence them properly, force them to do your will and behave in the way you need, but you can control the situation and yourself. I understand that the desire to change other people, to bring them into line with your ideas about the world around you, so that they ideally fit into your paradigm, is strong enough. You, of course, are the right person, this is actually so, I say this without any sarcasm, because you must correspond to yourself and your interests. But other people don’t care about you, it’s not that they don’t want to be good for you, for example, in a family this desire can be quite sincere, they simply cannot be ideal models for your understanding. And what do you expect from those to whom you blame your family problems, so that they help you correct your life, so that they undermine your husband, your wife, your children or your parents, what should they do?

In the minds of people, there can be a picture so unique in its form that the probability that it will ever be reflected in the outside world is zero. The inadequacy of this picture, in principle, in itself is already a problem for a person, because, firstly, it makes his life seem inferior to him, and secondly, it deprives him of the opportunity to adequately respond to the conditions of the outside world. Only one thing is missing, to show others what your problems are, how inadequate and helpless you are, and this can be done if you talk about problems in your personal life. If a person tells me about problems in his family, intensely focusing my attention on the sources of these problems that are not related to him. That is, on other people, circumstances, and God knows what else, even on the mistakes of nature, I naturally look, first of all, at the shortcomings of this particular person. I'm not saying that everyone understands it the way I understand it, well, people feel your weakness, feel your vulnerability, feel your blood, you can put it that way when you tell them about your problems.

And if a person is smart, if he understands what I'm telling you about here, then whoever he is for you, the temptation to take advantage of the situation in his favor is too great for him. You see how many aspects can be identified in the information that is called not for other people's ears and eyes. In the Danish kingdom, everything is in full openwork, this is what position you should adhere to in life, this is a recommendation, not an instruction, if you do not want to show your weakness and stupidity, stick to it. If you don’t give a damn about this, you can ring the whole district about how bad everything is for you, what an unhappy family you have and life in general. But by doing so, you will not only give pleasure to so many people who are so afraid of someone else's happiness and are so happy about other people's troubles, but also give them the opportunity to take advantage of your weaknesses. Taking a quarrel out of the hut is a leak in your ship, both in the family, if the quarrel is family, and in your own, if you have a problem of a different kind, but it is connected with other people whom you consider guilty of it.

That is, this is a weak side in your personal qualities, which becomes the property of other people, which drowns you as a strong personality, turning you into a victim. Here is another comparison that can be made, given the importance of information about the negative aspects of your life, which allows the outside world, with all its selfish components, to enter your life. Any person in life is looking for opportunities for himself, consciously or not, but he does it, this is natural for our nature, sharpened for survival. And you give people such opportunities by spreading information about yourself that is absolutely unnecessary for them, thereby giving them some of the power over their lives. Next time, think carefully before making information about the situation in your family public, and no matter who you are talking about, to whom and what you tell, think about why you are doing this and what it can lead to.

Not everything has to be bad, some people like to pour out their problems on each other, for them this is a kind of detente, but as I wrote above, such a detente can be too high a price. For where there are people with their own problems, family or any other, there are opportunities for other people. Whether they will use them or not, you cannot know, for a strange soul, as you know, is dark. But you and I know, being people versed in psychology, that every person is selfish by nature, and if the question arises about his or your interests, the majority will choose their own interests, to the detriment of friendship and even kinship. So why give people opportunities, why open the door for them to enter your personal life, given the fact that they can do it without your knowledge, when they need it?

Take rubbish out of the hut take out / take out the rubbish from the hut Razg. Usually with negative Talk about quarrels, troubles that occur between loved ones. From noun. with meaning faces: son, friend ... does not take out rubbish from the hut.

Fulfilling the duty of a noble heart, she speaks of us with respect and modesty ... reproaches carefully, does not take rubbish out of the hut. (A. Pushkin.)

He [Khlopakov] is cautious, he does not take out rubbish from the hut, he will not say a bad word about anyone. (I. Turgenev.)

... Yes, speak quickly - we will not take out the rubbish from the hut ... What is said, then it died in me. (P. Melnikov-Pechersky.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what is "to wash dirty linen in public" in other dictionaries:

    Take rubbish out of the hut

    take the rubbish out of the house- See gossip... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999 Synonym dictionary


    Take rubbish out of the hut- Razg. Disclose what. secrets, talk about quarrels, troubles that occur between close people, relatives. FSRYA, 446; BMS 1998, 543; BTS, 176; FM 2002, 402; Yanin 2003, 78; Mokienko 1990, 95; SHZF 2001, 51; ZS 1996, 67 ...

    Get the noise out of the way- Psk. Unapproved Disclose information relating to internal strife, quarrels, troubles. /i> Noise rubbish, rubbish. SPP 2001, 82 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Take out the rubbish beyond the threshold- Sib. The same as taking out dirty linen from the hut. FSS, 37 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Take rubbish out of the hut- COP, a (y), m. Small dry waste, small garbage. Sweep with. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    take out the rubbish from the hut- disclose troubles, quarrels concerning only a narrow circle of people. The expression is usually used with negation as a call not to disclose the details of such rubbish (no need to take rubbish out of the hut). The expression is associated with the ancient custom of not taking out the garbage ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    Take the rubbish out of the hut- TO TAKE LADY FROM THE HUNT. TAKE LADY FROM THE HUNT. Razg. 1. Disclose quarrels, squabbles, squabbles that have occurred in the family or between close people. It did not escape Naumovna's eyes that something was wrong between the daughter-in-law and Trofim, although they hid it. Guess... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    TAKE LADY FROM THE HUT- who Disclose information about what l. troubles concerning a narrow circle of their faces and therefore hidden from strangers. This implies family quarrels, squabbles, troubles, etc., as well as conflicts in a group of people united by some kind of people. common to… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Shadows of the past Resentment, Kuzin V. In the lives of many Christians, resentment is an integral part. Sometimes we don't want to accept that...

Do not take rubbish out of the hut.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what "Do not take out rubbish from the hut." in other dictionaries:

    Litter revenge and bury in a corner! Do not take out the rubbish from the hut! See MYSTERY CURIOSITY…

    Do not take out rubbish from the hut, but save under the bench (and into the oven), do not gossip. Wed Izmet (Tversk, Pskov) gossip. Wed The main thing is not to take out rubbish from the hut and that everything that happened between us remains and dies like in a grave. Pisemsky.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    - (and save under the bench, that is, don’t spread family news. Peasants don’t sweep rubbish into the yard or street, but throw it into the oven when they flood it, because the litter, like the trail, the healer can send damage). See LANGUAGE SPEECH... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (yes to the oven) do not gossip Cf. Izmet (Tversk, Pskov) gossip. Wed The main thing is not to take rubbish out of the hut and that everything that happened between us remains and dies like in a grave. Pisemsky. The churning sea. 3, 15. Cf. He's so shy...


    TAKE OUT OF LASH FROM PUBLIC- who Disclose information about what l. troubles concerning a narrow circle of their faces and therefore hidden from strangers. This implies family quarrels, squabbles, troubles, etc., as well as conflicts in a group of people united by some kind of people. common to… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Husband. rubbish, squabbles, dust and fluff, trimmings, worthless and abandoned remnants, applied by feet, and dried mud; upholstery, small change, everything that is swept out of housing or thrown away as unusable. Litter from the construction site, garbage. Combed (horny) rubbish gives fat ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    In conversations everywhere (good), but nowhere in business. Not the hostess who speaks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup. I'm telling you not to be stupid, but you take it into account! Whoever interprets less, yearns less. Hack, smooth, but don't tell anyone! More to say... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    I. (inosk.) object of love, lovers To make (someone) fall in love with oneself to make one feverishly tremble, languishing with expectation Cf. To shiver (for whom) to worry, to be sad. Wed Sulfur duck my hunt, red girl my sweetheart. Wed What do you think? Isn't there... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - (inosk.) I will not tell anyone Cf. Yes, tell me, we won’t take out rubbish from the hut ... Al don’t you know me? What is said is dead in me. Melnikov. In forests. 1, 4. See, do not take out rubbish from the hut, but roll it under the bench. See grave... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

PHOTO-1L Is there any statistics that would determine how many families broke up due to the evil language of the wife, gossip and scandals that were put on public display, made public and forever crossed out not only sincerity in the relationship of spouses, but also the possibility of correcting something after a public lynching of the opposite side. I think the numbers would be depressing.
The most interesting thing is that a simple negative discussion of a husband in a conversation with a girlfriend, as a disclosure of the secret, is also equated with a scandal.
HORRORS OF OUR TOWN: I'm going to work in public transport and I listen to a strange conversation, which seems to consist only of short remarks, but involves in complicity and involuntary empathy of all the passengers of the minibus stuck in a toffee. Despite the fact that the woman sitting in the front seat says almost nothing, the picture of the conversation emerges as offensively obvious and recognizable. As always!
- Galya, hello, how are you?
- …..
- Yes, what are you?!
- What is he?
- And you?
- And what did he say?
- No, well, you imagine! Here, freak! And what did you say?
- You're a fool! Three times fool!
- I can not talk. It got on my nerves so much. And now what?
- That's a bastard!
- I have a nervous breakdown. I can't talk, I'm on the bus....

For an hour, while we were stuck in a traffic jam, a meaningful telephone conversation between two bosom friends continued in the same vein. What were they talking about? Not hard to guess. All about the same. About his own, about women's ...

Take rubbish out of the hut- disclose troubles, quarrels concerning only a narrow circle of people. The expression is usually used with negation as a call not to disclose the details of such quarrels (no need to take dirty linen out of the hut). (Handbook of Phraseological Units)

Bringing dirty linen out of the hut is, of course, a tempting occupation. Why? Yes, because at this moment you are not alone and have the right to count on sympathy, empathy, fleeting love, which you, apparently, lack in the family. Otherwise, why would it be necessary to resort to the help of the audience?
But there is at least

THREE REASONS, according to which it is categorically not recommended to "clean up dirty linen in public".
First, it's dangerous
Folk expressions carry a huge charge of the traditional ideas of our ancestors about good and evil and the moral grain of humanity and common sense. In mystical terms, this was expressed in their belief that an evil person could allegedly send trouble to the owner of the house by uttering special magic words over the garbage from his dwelling. According to an old belief, damage to a person can be caused by trimming nails, combed hair, and any garbage from his house, so rubbish was usually swept under the threshold, and then burned in the oven. To take dirty linen out of the hut meant to bring trouble to your house.
This is how our ancestors motivated the need to hide from those around them the intimate side of their lives, that which touched very closely the person himself, in order to exclude the intrusion into his world, bringing pain, suffering and sadness into it.
Naive pagan protection from the evil eye, corruption and slander can be explained by simple psychological motivations.
THE HORRORS OF OUR TOWN: “One friend met a wonderful man, they got married and lived in perfect harmony, but he was a Jew. And another friend at the meeting says: I've heard that Jews sometimes have a smell, tell me is it true? The girlfriend answered that no, she never noticed anything ... The second one again persistently began to ask, "say, well, at least a little bit they are different and the skin smells different" and the first girlfriend just to get rid of it said "maybe a little bit." the second friend gave it to her husband and he chopped all the furniture in the apartment leaving a note "So that you don't smell of anything Jewish." The family broke up."
To take dirty linen out of the hut means to feel like a victim, the sad image of which requires worship and reverence. BUT there is a huge share of risk, this victim in the end to become. Invite trouble on yourself in full. Only by the efforts of their own language. Since the thought is material, but the word uttered after the thought is doubly material.
The image of the victim is sometimes so attractive that a woman dresses herself up in it with pleasure and tells everyone right and left about how unlucky she was with her husband, and how bad he is, and how she gets a daily nervous breakdown from this. Can you imagine? And you? And he? Here, bastard!
“Call a person a piglet, and he will grunt” - it turns out the most real programming for negativity.
By doing this, in principle, she does not even suspect that she is completely cutting off her path to happiness, not being able to appreciate what she has.
“What we have, we don’t store, if we lose, we cry,” is a well-known proverb here. After all, by discussing our loser with others, we reinforce the negative, encode it for repeated failure, stick a label to it. Yes, and to his family life, too. Because how can she be happy in principle with such a scumbag.
ADVICE: If you already dreamed of a prince, but somehow it didn’t work out, and fantasies dry up in the bud. I suggest not to translate good. And direct them in a creative direction. Come up with a new image for your unlucky husband. And suddenly he "grunts" the way you would like. By your, by the way, efforts and prayers, he can generally successfully move from complete losers to geniuses. There would be a desire. And love, of course. Because without love, all this will be just a bitter pill from complete disappointment in life.
My old friend, with whom I often discussed my family affairs, once very wisely and firmly set my brains in one single phrase. When I tried to complain about my own and was about to put on the usual hackneyed record of revealing monologue, she said:
- If he is so bad, why are you living with him?
- Why should I leave him because of the scattered socks or what? I was surprised.
- And if you don’t want to quit, you sleep with him, you spend his money, you turn your cheek for a kiss, then why are you shameful in front of people. As you see it, so it will be!
At that time I even, I remember, was offended at her for her harshness.
By the way, she never said a single bad word about her husband. Although he did not work for a long time and seemed strange to me. "Do not take dirty linen out of the hut!" - a useful and for some reason forgotten by many people's anti-crisis method of dealing with garbage in family life was the motto of her life. What was behind the door of their house, what they talked about, how they coped with difficulties, what they promised each other, who took out the trash can and washed their socks - this remained a secret with seven seals. But when a friend fell seriously ill and spent three months in the hospital, her house did not collapse, the children did not starve, she was not even fired from her job, because he took her transfers home and carefully visited the hospital. Twice every day, morning and evening.

And then I envied her kindly and realized what her secret was. The secret of family happiness is in accepting your life option with love and gratitude, regardless of what friends and acquaintances may say about it. What difference does it make to you, in essence, what they think about you, how they react to the ups and downs of your family history, if you live the main moments of your life not with them, but with HIM. The person closest to you. Be good to him, love him, cherish him and meditate so that your bright dreams of his genius will someday come true. And who knows, what if… they will someday come true.

Secondly, litter is an indicator of your defeat
Someone from the wise said that every woman deserves the man who is next to her.
It is she who allows him to be a parasite, a rude, an alcoholic, a loser or a hero, a researcher, a breadwinner, a support.
She, like a tuning fork, tunes the family flute and sets the weather in the house.
Why is it considered good form for some women to discuss the closest person with their friends? Why do they often say not the most pleasant things about him? Looking for excuses? Want to look taller?
It probably makes them seem better than him.
But, by and large, only confirms their own unsuccessful choice. Or the inability to build relationships.
"Ah, leave it! Tired! - the reader will say, who is already under the eyeballs got the responsibility for everyone and everything. Again, it's the woman's fault. He is a lazy person - she did not drive him off the couch. He likes to drink - she brought it! He walks - his wife could not satisfy. How many dogs can be hanged on it!
And our reader will begin to dream of a fabulous man who knows how to make decisions and be responsible for his actions, a breadwinner and a protector, a calm and balanced embodiment of her best hopes, “so that she doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and always gives flowers ...” and further along the text of the famous song . Fill your head to the top with these fantastic dreams and wait for a miracle. In parallel, discussing and condemning the surrounding men for their laziness, rudeness, stupidity, stinginess and other shortcomings. Everyone discusses: neighbors, acquaintances, girlfriends. Why is she worse? Strangers why not discuss! But she will never have such a thing and cannot be, because she is waiting for the real thing. And dreams to the fullest!
Dreaming, dreaming, but in the end he gets the wrong thing. And so, a mediocre one, who, by the way, has the same vices that it was so pleasant to discuss with others.

Thirdly, making dirty linen is not a panacea
Well, you scratched your tongues, took your soul away, received a wagon of sympathy and a tank of solidarity tears. They fixed in their brain the image of a scoundrel who is no match for you, splashed out ... And then they came home, and there he sits!
Sitting cute on the porch
With a facial expression
Expresses that face -
Than sit on the porch
What will you do? After all, you need to continue to live with him ... But is it necessary?
Some are quick to dot the i's and cut the Gordian knot in the standard trivial way. "Out of sight, out of mind". Divorce seems to be a panacea, a way out, the only way to rectify the situation. The “new” applicant for a hand and heart is seen almost as an icon that you can pray for. But in close contact with living together with him, it may turn out that he, in fact, is not particularly different from the old one. And something even worse.
“I changed the awl for soap,” the woman thinks and falls into another depression. He puts on himself a cross and a black stigma on the whole male gender. Now you can grind your tongue without getting tired. And not only with friends to discuss them all.
What's the point? Is it long enough?
Anyway, one day you want something normal, humane, humane. Love, after all. And the woman will again tune in to a miracle and begin to wait.
But you can wait a long time, and a very long time, so that life will pass. When the clock persistently chimes about the need to solve the problem, when it is already over 30, 40, 50 ..., then another organ in the brain turns on, and the bar decreases. And the dreamer thinks in a more real way about the most elementary marriage to the most ordinary neighbor boy, with whom she once sat at the same desk or studied at the same institute. And he turns out to be completely without foreign gloss, wealth and other coveted male virtues. Normal. As everybody.
At first, she will diligently attribute non-existent virtues to him. Composing epithets for your unearthly love and presenting your meeting with him as a completely extraordinary situation, looking like a scene from a love story. He will finish the details, shade inconsistencies, close his eyes to obvious flaws. And then calm down. Well, at least there is one!
Unlucky, but your own!
Well, it’s not a sin to discuss the unlucky one with your friends. Like just now. Bitter, but like everyone else.
And the usual cart will roll along the putrid swamps of the old blah blah blah. Round. And so all my life ... Do you like this prospect?
I do not like!? That's what I don't like!
So whenever I feel like telling someone that my husband is completely incapable of putting his damned socks back in place, I put a big barn lock on my mouth.
And imagine! He finally learned how to throw them into the laundry basket. Blimey! It hasn't even been twenty years...

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