Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich age. Biography of Lev Leshchenko. Musical career of Lev Leshchenko

Lev Leshchenko is one of the masters of the Soviet, and later Russian stage. An outstanding singer, artist, talented teacher. A native Muscovite, whose birth fell on the harsh war years (02/01/1942).

Childhood and parents

Most likely, Lev Leshchenko inherited the talent of the singer. His grandfather was also famous for his voice, he sang in the church choir and played the violin superbly. His father successfully graduated from high school and became an accountant at one of the Moscow factories. In the Finnish war he was drafted into the Red Army, served and received an offer to continue his service in the NKVD.

In childhood

In those days, such appointments were not refused, and Valerian Leshchenko made a brilliant military career. He already met the Great Patriotic War, being the commander of a special purpose regiment. He served in the hottest sectors of the front, received many awards.

In the post-war period, he continued to serve in the state security, from where he retired. He died in 2004, a few months before his centenary.

Lev Leshchenko lost his mother early. She died at the age of 28 at the height of the war. The father had to take his little son to him and entrust the care of his adjutants. So the childhood of the future famous singer passed in a harsh military environment: in a soldier's uniform, rigor and discipline. Fortunately, the war soon ended, and the father moved the boy to a more suitable environment.

In youth

Music and singing were taught by his grandfather, with whom the boy had the warmest relationship until his death. He also instilled in his grandson a love for both folk and classical music. Playing the violin did not attract him too much - the mischievous and agile child simply did not have enough perseverance, but he studied singing diligently and very willingly.

Becoming a singer

Soon the father receives a new appointment and moves to Moscow. There, Leo has a stepmother, and after a while, a younger sister, Valechka. In Moscow, he goes to school, where he successfully combines his studies with many other interesting and creative activities: he attends an art school, sings in the Pioneers' Palace, plays in a brass band, and even actively goes in for swimming.

In young age

But in adolescence, the young talent succumbs to the persuasion of the choir leader and leaves all other hobbies to focus only on singing. He becomes a soloist and participates in all performances and concerts. Most of all, he likes the repertoire of the legend of the Soviet stage of those years, Leonid Utesov.

Leshchenko simply could not imagine his life without a stage. Therefore, it was decided to become an artist after school. He twice applied to Moscow theater universities, but did not pass the exams. In the breaks between admissions, he earned his own money as a stage worker, absorbing the atmosphere of the theater.

His plans were violated by conscription into the ranks of the Soviet Army. The dream of the future artist was the sea and a striped vest. But then his father intervened in his fate, helping to ensure that his son was assigned to serve in the tank troops stationed in the then GDR. There they quickly learned about his talent and were appointed soloist of the military ensemble. And so his army years passed.

Star Rising

After serving in the army, Lev Leshchenko returns to Moscow and again submits documents to GITIS. This time he is already much more confident in himself, as he managed to gain experience in performing on the big stage. And even the fact that the reception had already ended did not become an obstacle to being listened to and immediately included in the student lists.

Already in the second year of study, Leshchenko, on the recommendation of one of the teachers, was invited to work in the operetta theater. There he had the chance to learn acting from outstanding singers and artists. During the holidays, he toured the country as part of a troupe, and in parallel with his studies, he managed to earn extra money at the Mosconcert.

But the real fame for the young singer came in 1972, when he received awards from two international song festivals at once - Golden Orpheus and Sopot. Already by this time known in the Soviet Union, after these victories he became a real celebrity, moreover, of an international level.

After returning from festivals, he begins touring the country a lot in the most prestigious concert halls. Repeatedly speaks in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses before statesmen of the highest rank. Already in 1977 he became an honored artist of the RSFSR, and a year later he received the Lenin Komsomol Prize from the hands of Brezhnev.

Career Peak

The finest hour for Leshchenko was the recording of a song that sounded at the closing of the XXII Olympic Games, when the famous Olympic Bear soared over the Moscow stadium in Luzhniki, saying goodbye to Muscovites and athletes from all over the world. The song remained a popular hit for a long time and sounded from almost every window.

For the performance of the song and active participation in the cultural program of the Moscow Olympiad, Leshchenko will receive the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

For the next decade, he continues to actively tour, recording new records and songs on radio and television. He is a permanent participant in the traditional popularly beloved programs "Blue Light" and "Song of the Year". Many songs of those years were included in the "golden fund" of the Soviet stage, are still known and loved not only by older generations, but also by young people.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Leshchenko heads the state music agency, which actually takes over the functions of the former Mosconcert. It turned out that he had the talent not only of a singer, but also of a manager. He brilliantly oversees the process of organizing tours of famous performers and musical groups. Under his leadership, creative evenings of Soviet and Russian pop stars, music festivals and combined concerts are held.

There is practically no time left for solo touring activities, but he often appears on TV screens and performs at all important concerts. At the same time, Lev Leshchenko began an active teaching career. Thanks to his pedagogical talent, such young performers as Katya Lel and many others opened up to the country.

Personal life of Lev Leshchenko

Today Lev Leshchenko, despite his age, continues to teach. He writes songs for the largest Russian corporations and performs at their corporate parties, which he himself organizes. Now he closely cooperates with such giants as Lukoil, Gazprom, etc. Vagit Alikperov has been his close friend for many years.

All his life he has been actively involved in sports: playing football, basketball, swimming, running. By the way, he is the honorary president of the Triumph basketball club. Previously, he often took part in friendly matches between pop stars and football stars.

In the summer of 2018, Lev Valeryanovich became one of the mentors of the song show "Voice 60", to which he gave a lot of strength, and in the fall he stood up for the rapper Husky, when he was arrested immediately after the performance.

The first marriage of Lev Leshchenko with the singer Albina Abdalova lasted 10 years and broke up due to the mutual jealousy of the spouses. And with his second wife, Irina Leshchenko, he lives to this day.

With wife Irina

This beautiful woman is the most mysterious other half of the Russian pop star. She has never been a regular character in the gossip column, does not appear at star parties and almost never gives interviews. She does not like publicity, most often being closed from prying eyes. She likes to watch more than to participate. But at the same time, she has been the wife of the nightingale of the Russian stage, Lev Leshchenko, for more than 35 years. So, get acquainted - Irina Leshchenko.

Childhood and family ties

Little Irinka was born in 1954 in a family of diplomats. Her grandmother was Greek. It was she who inherited her daughter's amazing beauty with big sad eyes. But the girl found out about this already as a schoolgirl. It was a family secret, because her dad was a Soviet diplomat, and at that time foreign relatives were not welcome. If information about this leaked out, dad's career would end, and the whole family would have no future. Therefore, for many years the whole family lived in nervous tension.

Genealogical tree of the family

Irina's parents came from simple peasant families with many children. It was, as they were called, "rural intelligentsia." They left their relatives quite early to get an education. They met at the Institute of Steel and Alloys. And after receiving diplomas, the couple was assigned to Sverdlovsk, where Kaleria Gavrilovna, Ira's mother, cooked steel. A few years later, Ira's dad went to study in Moscow. When a daughter appeared in the family, dad was sent to the Berlin Trade Mission. Irinka was only three months old. The family lived in Germany for five years. For the girl, it was a time of round-the-clock happiness, because her mother was always there, she did not work in those years, raising her daughter.

The future Irina, who for many years has been interested in fans of her husband's talent, was fond of mathematics, an interest in which her mother instilled in her. First she learned to count, and then to write. Harmonious relations reigned in the family, great love was constantly felt.

Parental education

Irina Leshchenko received a very strict upbringing as a child. During her youth, there was a belief that affection could spoil a growing child. Ira, being a teenager, quite sincerely believed that she was very ugly, because she had dark skin (like a Greek grandmother). And at school, relations with classmates were not very optimistic. The guys could not forgive Ira for the beautiful things that her father brought her from abroad. Among her peers, she did not feel comfortable.

It was the parents who chose the profession for Irina. Irina Leshchenko, whose photo has been decorating the pages of glossy publications in recent years, while still Bagudin, began to study the economy of foreign countries at Moscow State University. True, she sewed well and was sure that she would become an excellent fashion designer. Since during her studies at the university Irina Leshchenko chose the second one, she went to Budapest for an internship. For the first time in her life, she had traveled so far away from her family.

Breath of air

In Soviet times, ideas about this country were very modest. The students' knowledge of the language practically did not go beyond the old Hungarian textbook, which was created for military translators. It suggested words, for example, "drink", "grub". And instead of the usual “hello”, you should have greeted the interlocutor with the call: “Freedom, comrade!” It was with such baggage that Irina Bagudina found herself abroad.

Despite such ridiculous things in modern eyes, for the girl it was a new life, a kind of breath of freedom. Like other international students, she was assigned to the embassy. All the guys were constantly checked, suspected, if they found allegedly guilty, then they were expelled. But it was here, abroad, living in such unusual conditions, that Ira felt independent, responsible for her life.

“Who came to us?!”

Irina's acquaintance with her future husband, Lev Leshchenko, took place absolutely unexpectedly. The girl had a vacation that she spent in Sochi, staying at the Zhemchuzhina Hotel. One day, she and her friend were walking along the lobby of the hotel, when this friend excitedly said to her: “Oh, who came to us? This is Lev Leshchenko!” Having followed her friend with her eyes, Irina saw an interesting one who was just checking into this hotel. She was one of the few who did not know the singer, and his name did not say anything to Irina. By that time, Lev Valeryanovich had already performed several of his hits.

The singer drew attention to a pretty girl, her outfit and jewelry in her hair are clearly not of Soviet production. In addition, he was surprised and even a little offended that she did not recognize him and looked without admiration. By the way, a little later, when they began to visit restaurants, the girl was surprised that her new acquaintance was greeted there as a native. Lev Leshchenko and Irina Leshchenko met in the elevator of that very hotel, but none of them thought that the resort romance that had begun so suddenly could have such a long and happy continuation. She had a beloved man in Hungary. He had a long marriage behind him.

The origin of feelings

Despite the fact that Irina immediately made a strong impression on the singer, at first he was worried: what if this was some kind of recruitment operation, because the girl’s clothes are foreign, and in the bathroom of the room all shampoo creams are completely imported. But then she said that she was studying abroad.

Irina Leshchenko, whose love story is striking in its beauty and simplicity, immediately trusted her new acquaintance. She was then 22 years old, and he was already 34. She still remembers that somehow a feeling of warmth and security arose immediately. He was so unlike other young people - boorish and rude, not able to beautifully look after.

And yet, Irina flew away without saying goodbye, without leaving him any of her coordinates. She was sad that she would have to spend the rest of the holidays in her parents' empty apartment. But Irina's friend suggested that she stay with her for a few days before leaving for Budepasht. The very next day after her move, her Leo stood on the threshold of this apartment, who came to this friend in the hope of meeting Irina there.

Moscow holidays

They spent only three days together - "crazy Moscow holidays." There were evening walks in Moscow, trips to restaurants ... And then Irina had to return to Budapest.

Lev Leshchenko was already married at the time of his acquaintance with Irina. His first wife was a singer and theater actress. It was a student marriage, they studied together at GITIS. Now, when Irina Leshchenko is asked questions about this, she replies that she knew about her husband's marriage at that time, but she did not feel any anxiety about this, because since he met her, it means that everything went wrong there. By the way, after the start of their relationship, Lev Leshchenko left his first wife and moved in with his parents.

Their next meeting took place only six months later, when Irina arrived in Moscow. From her friend in Sochi, she learned that Leo is now also in Moscow and is looking for her. Irina allowed her friend to give Lev Valerianovich her phone number.

He called very quickly. From that moment on, they were always in touch. Leshchenko called his beloved in Budapest, sent her long letters full of tenderness. Irina answered him the same.

Irina's only marriage

So the months of their "love on the phone" passed. As a result, Lev Valerianovich uttered 13 thousand rubles (at that time it was the cost of the Volga).

The wedding was played after Irina returned home, in 1978. The girl always dreamed of getting married once and for all. And so it happened.

Their family life began rather uneasy. The newlyweds first rented a room, and then bought a cooperative apartment. Irina Leshchenko began the arrangement of the family hearth. She learned to cook deliciously, she sewed curtains herself, and arranged comfort in the house. Gradually, everything began to improve in their house. Irina entered graduate school, even passed. And suddenly the biggest misfortune in her life happens to her - she ends up in the hospital. She had to be treated for a very long time, then get out of this difficult psychological state, and then be treated again. But things didn't go the way they wanted.

Alas, Irina Pavlovna has something to regret. After all, many women truly find themselves only after they become mothers. Like, for example, a popular blogger and founder of the educational project for children and adults "Big Turtle", the namesake of Irina Pavlovna - Irina Shalimova. Leshchenko, Irina, unfortunately, was deprived of the happiness of motherhood. Her dream never came true.

Irina Leshchenko, the wife of Lev Leshchenko, due to health problems, was never able to give birth to a baby. The couple did not give up, fought for a long twelve years, went to the doctors. The husband behaved perfectly, as Irina did not hope. He constantly supported her and persuaded her not to rush and gain strength herself to start. All possible treatments and procedures have been tried. But, unfortunately, they did not bring the desired result.

Irina Leshchenko, biography, whose children (who were never born, unfortunately) often arouse increased interest among curious inhabitants, did not give up. She realized herself in a different way. Irina tries to always be close to her husband, remaining for many years a support and support for him. At the beginning of their marriage, she went on tour with him, replacing the dresser. Later, speaking two foreign languages ​​and having a university degree, she stopped thinking about creating her own career and disappeared into her husband.

The secret of a happy family life

Time passed, gradually everything began to improve. A new period began in the work of Leshchenko. In 1990, he created and became the head of the theater of variety performances "Music Agency".

Today, when their marriage is over three decades old, Irina says that her husband has never reproached her for anything in all this time. And Lev Leshchenko himself once in an interview told the secret of a happy family life: never humiliate your spouse and never spend your holidays separately.

Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich is a man whose name speaks for itself. Because he conquered Russian and Soviet citizens with his magnificent baritone. At the same time, it often turns out that both grandmothers and their granddaughters admired the singer. Since Leshchenko's talent and his subtle humor does not fade over the years.

Lev Valeryanovich received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, since his contribution to the development of the culture of our country is simply colossal. At the same time, the man was not a representative of the golden youth, he simply set goals for himself and achieved their fulfillment at any cost.

Every person, starting from kindergarten, knows and loves the heroic song - the memory of all generations - "Victory Day", which Lev Leshchenko has been performing for several decades.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lev Leshchenko

Many fans sincerely would like to clarify many of the physical parameters of their pet, including his height, weight, age. How old is Lev Leshchenko is also not a universal secret for a long time, since anniversary baritone programs come out with enviable regularity.

Lev Valeryanovich was born in 1942, so he was already seventy-two years old. Lev Leshchenko: a photo in his youth and now does not confirm his passport age, since he is fit, active, handsome and youthful.

According to the sign of the Zodiac - Aquarius - Leshchenko has such character traits as inconstancy, dreaminess, mystery, activity, but the Eastern horoscope gave her the sign of a self-confident, hardworking, stable, persistent, charismatic Horse.

Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich is a real surname, since many people could not believe that a person could wear such sonorous data. As well as the fact that the man gave more than 10,000 concert programs and managed to record almost seven hundred songs.

Lev Leshchenko's height was one hundred and eighty centimeters, and his weight does not exceed sixty-seven kilograms. By the way, the great singer will live for a long time, since his father lived up to ninety-nine years in a sober mind and bright memory.

Biography of Lev Leshchenko

The biography of Lev Leshchenko began from the moment he was born in the capital of our Motherland at a time when a terrible war was going on around the world. The boy's parents had nothing to do with the world of theater or music.

Father - Valerian Leshchenko - went through the entire Great Patriotic War, he served in the State Security Committee and the border troops. By the way, before the war, he was educated at a gymnasium and worked as an ordinary accountant at a vitamin factory.

Mother - Claudia Leshchenko - did not live long in this world, because she died a year after giving birth.

Sister - Yulia Leshchenko - was born four years after the marriage of their father and mother, nothing more is known about her.

Sister - Valentina Leshchenko - half-father, because she was born by a stepmother, to whom the guy was always grateful. The difference between brother and sister was seven years, but the guys were incredibly friendly. Valya received a higher education, gave birth to a daughter, Valeria, and got married, but Leo constantly helped her in everything. At the same time, last year the woman was hospitalized due to complications from a cold, so she is undergoing rehabilitation.

Little Leva grew up without a mother, so his father attached him to his own border unit, while Adjutant Andrei Fisenko became a nanny for the son of the regiment. The four-year-old wore a uniform, walked on army skis and marched with the soldiers.

After that, he settled in Sokolniki, where he went to school and several circles at the same time, because in addition to vocals he also studied in a brass band, choir, recitation circle and swam in the pool. Moreover, at the insistence of the choirmaster, Lev began to engage only in vocals, abandoning the rest of the classes.

The highlight of Leshchenko's performances was the performance of Leonid Utesov's songs not only at school concerts, but also at citywide events. But the guy failed to enter the theater school, so he worked either at the factory as a mechanic, or as a stage worker at the Bolshoi Theater. At the request of his father, he did not get to the Morflot, but to the tank troops, and even to the group of Soviet troops in Germany. There he continued to sing, led amateur performances and concerts, and after the service he entered GITIS and began to serve at the Operetta Theater, touring as part of a concert brigade throughout the USSR.

In 1971, Leshchenko joined the State Radio and Television of the Soviet Union as a soloist, in which he constantly became the winner of most competitions. Among the patriotic hits that have been recorded since 1975, one can most certainly include “Victory Day”, “The Ballad of Mother”, “In dazzling white”, “Where have you been”, “Let's talk”, “For that guy”, Nightingale Grove, Meadow Grasses, Old Maple, Goodbye, Moscow!

In addition to his solo career, Leshchenko performed compositions in duets with Tolkunova and Senchina, the Megapolis and Lyceum groups, Alsou and Jasmine. He starred in the films "Yurkin Dawns", "Old Songs about the Main", "Doomed to Become a Star", "The Way to Saturn", "Looking for the Dawn".

Lev Valeryanovich has written several memoirs, he is a prominent public figure, who in parallel is a corporate poet for several industrial giants.

Leshchenko is fond of football and tennis, basketball and swimming, and also enjoys collecting parodies of himself. He is involved in charity, helping orphanages, kids with disabilities and gifted basketball players.

Personal life of Lev Leshchenko

The personal life of Lev Leshchenko has always been under the gun of his friends, fans and ill-wishers. At the same time, the man was always considered prominent and talented, therefore he was known as the first groom in the USSR.

By the way, Leshchenko often said that he loves absolutely all women, since performing for them is eroticism, a kind of mystery and the spread of such vibes from which new fans are born.

For a long time there were rumors that Lev Valeryanovich in different years of his life had affairs with his partners, but he calls Tolkunova, Chursina, Sviridova, Apina and Koroleva his mothers and sisters on the stage, but far from mistresses or spouses. Although he often says that he falls in love with every stage partner, considering them his favorites.

Family of Lev Leshchenko

The family of Lev Leshchenko was unusual, since he lost his mother early and almost never saw his father, since he served in the KGB. At the same time, the boy was raised by his father's colleagues, that is, he was considered the real son of the regiment. By the way, Leva's only friend was his paternal grandfather Andrei, who loved music and often played an old violin for his grandson. He infected his grandson with singing, as well as love for Leonid Utyosov, whose songs grandfather and Leva sang in a duet.

By the way, the Leshchenko family is quite old, since it originates from a great-grandfather-serf who became a baker in the White Church. Leva had a stepmother - Marina Leshchenko, who raised him and put him on his feet, so the man is still grateful to her.

Children of Lev Leshchenko

The children of Lev Leshchenko never appeared in this world, although the man was happily married twice. At the same time, the man officially said that he never wanted children, because he was busy with a career.

However, his ex-wife Alla Abdalova, against the backdrop of a frank conversation, admitted that she was pregnant from Leshchenko, but had several abortions from him, because the singer never said that he loved her, and the woman wanted to be sure in the future.

Alla claims that she now regrets this, because she could have given birth to a son, and then also two twin sons from her husband, if she had consulted with him and talked heart to heart.

At the same time, the second wife, Irina, was much younger than her chosen one, but she had problems with women's health, so she could not give her soulmate the children he dreamed of.

The ex-wife of Lev Leshchenko - Alla Abdalova

The ex-wife of Lev Leshchenko - Alla Abdalova - appeared in the life of the singer when he was in his third year, and she was in her fifth year at GITIS. At the same time, Alla was a year older than the guy, since he entered the university after the army.

The guys met in a dance class when Leo said that Alla or Albina is incredibly similar to the singer's niece. At the same time, the girl asked for a visit to look at little Lera, and her stepmother decided that this was his future wife.

After classes, Leo accompanied Alla home, and then she saw him off, and then everything was repeated again, often until dark. Before legitimizing relations in 1966, young people lived together for seven years, but not in the same house, but secluded either with Leo's parents or with Albina's sister.

The guys organized their own ensemble "Old Maple", and many of Leshchenko's songs were completely performed with the light hand of his wife, for example, he did not like "Victory Day" so much that he flatly refused to perform it in public until Albina asked for it.

The woman was not only the wife of the artist, but also recorded with him in a duet the compositions “Old Maple”, “Yurkin Dawns”, “Song of Young Neighbors”. She worked for a long time at the Mosconcert, retired, and now lives alone, sings in the temple and abuses alcohol.

At the same time, in a few interviews, she says that she herself let go of her beloved Leshchenko in 1976, since he began to cheat on her with the younger Ira Bagudina. She had not seen her husband for three decades, even on television.

Lev Leshchenko's wife - Irina Leshchenko

Lev Leshchenko's wife, Irina Leshchenko, came from a family of diplomats, she lived in Germany all her childhood and received a higher economic education at the University of Budapest.

At the same time, young people met in 1976 in Sochi, where Ira spent her holidays. However, the girl lived in Hungary, so she did not know who Leo was, so she mistook him for a mafia leader. Leshchenko admitted that the beautiful Irishka, who was twelve years younger than him, became his love at first sight.

For several weeks, the man did not return home, but when he returned, he saw the suitcase collected by his wife. The marriage was concluded in 1978, and Irina made some sacrifices. For example, she moved from Budapest to the USSR, and also changed her occupation.

Irina Leshchenko worked for a long time as an assistant director in her husband's famous theater.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lev Leshchenko

Instagram and Wikipedia of Lev Leshchenko exist in the official mode, since all the information from them is up-to-date and reliable. The fact is that from a rather extensive article on Wikipedia, you can clarify data on childhood, education, the origin of the family, hobbies, training at GITIS. There is also information about the work, discography, filmography, books, parodies and social activities of Lev Valeryanovich.

16,000 people have already subscribed to Leshchenko's Instagram, but he does not operate in official mode. Therefore, no one will bear any responsibility for the relevance of the information.

On Tuesday night, Valerian Leshchenko, the father of People's Artist of Russia Lev Leshchenko, died at the age of 100. Valeryan Andreevich died at home. At that time, his son was not with him: Lev Leshchenko is now on tour.

As the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper writes today, Valeryan Andreevich was a retired military man, colonel of the border troops, participated in two wars: the Finnish and the Great Patriotic War, for which he was awarded government awards.

According to relatives, two things were the main things in his life - service and family. Everyone who knew Valerian Leshchenko will remember him as a patriot, a man of great courage, decent and responsible.

It was not possible to contact Lev Leshchenko, and the journalists called his best friend Vladimir Vinokur: “Leva was on tour in Chisinau - this bitter news was told to him at night, and he immediately bought a plane ticket. Now I also can’t contact Leva. Mobile unavailable: apparently it is still in flight."

“Needless to say: his father, Valeryan Andreevich, was a historical man,” Vinokur noted. “Former career officer who defended Moscow in 1941. happened to him. After all, until the last days, as far as I know, Valeryan Andreevich felt well, was in his right mind, dreamed of how he would celebrate his anniversary this year - after all, he did not live to see his centenary for only a few months. It's a pity."

The funeral service will take place on March 4, 2004 at 11.00 am at the address: Moscow, Tsyurupy street, 31 (mortuary of the Institute of Morphology). The funeral will take place at the Mashkinsky cemetery.

According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Leshchenko learned the news of his father's death from his wife in the afternoon. There was no way to cancel the concert - all tickets were sold out. Leshchenko held a rehearsal at 16.00, after which he locked himself in the dressing room. Exactly at 18.00 he went on stage. The concert, which lasted more than two hours, the artist "worked out" in such a way that no one in the crowded hall guessed about his experiences, the newspaper notes. There were no flights to Moscow in the evening. The singer flew home only yesterday, March 3.

Later, Lev Leshchenko told the Izvestia newspaper about his father:

My father was from Lyubimovka, near Kursk, he graduated from a gymnasium in Kursk. After the revolution, he went to work at the state farm as a simple worker. The Civil War found him a fifteen-year-old boy with a gymnasium education. In 1931, my father came to Moscow on a referral, where he began working as an accountant at a vitamin plant in Krasnaya Presnya. Five years later I met my future mother Claudia Petrovna Fedoseeva, a native of Ryazan. Four years later, the elder sister Julia was born.

In 1939, as a graduate of special military courses, my father was given the rank of lieutenant, and he went to the Soviet-Finnish war. And in 1940, having been demobilized, he returned to his vitamin plant. But not for long. On the second day after the start of the Great Patriotic War, my father, as a senior lieutenant of the reserve, appeared at the Sokolniki military registration and enlistment office, where he received a referral to the special forces. My father visited us quite regularly, supplying the whole family with food from his service ration, which was a huge help at that time.

As soon as he was informed that a son was born, he immediately rushed home, taking with him a loaf of bread, a quarter of alcohol, and some other food from his ration. Alcohol was diluted with water, all the necessary washings and washings were made, after which I was wrapped in diapers and arranged a small family feast. And a year or two later, my father made a decision - in order not to be torn between service and home, he brought me, my mother and sister to Bogorodskoye, where he settled in a barrack for the families of officers. I remember on rare days when he came home from work, they woke me up late at night and our conversation began, during which he let me play with his pistol and saber.

Fate did not offend him: ninety-nine years also means something. With this, we seem to have complete order in our family, they say: it's all about the genes. But I think that at the same time one must also be able to dispose of such a valuable inheritance, not to squander it on trifles. Intelligence was in his blood - even being a very old man, he would certainly get up if a woman entered the room. My father was an unusually modest man. He gave his all to his family and service.

According to Russian media

The artist whose songs never get old is Lev Leshchenko. His motives are sincere, sincere and warm. The singer's path to the stage was not easy and thorny. This was reflected in his work.

Artist's family

The biography of Lev Leshchenko is a series of events that played an important role in his development as a person.

The singer's family comes from the village of Nizy, Sumy district, Kharkov province (later they moved to the village of Lyubimovka, Kursk province). The artist's grandfather Andrei Vasilyevich Leshchenko was a gifted musician. He sang in the church choir, played the violin and participated in the performances of the group formed at the factory where he worked. It was the grandfather who laid the foundation for the creative development of his grandson. Andrei Vasilievich was the first to notice the boy's talent and pushed him to a pop career. Under his guidance Lev Leshchenko studied the first notes. The singer still remembers his grandfather with a kind word.

Father Valeryan Andreevich moved to Moscow in 1931. He worked as an accountant at a vitamin plant in Krasnaya Presnya. There he found the war. First Finnish, and then World. Hero of the Great Patriotic War, he connected his whole life with military service. He began his career as a career officer and thus reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. At the same time, he possessed an amazing gift - any musical instrument easily played in his hands.

Lev Valeryanovich was born in 1942 on February 1, in Moscow, at a time when trouble was as close to home as possible.

The artist's mother passed away in 1943 (she died at the age of 28). In 1948, my father married for the second time, and a year after the wedding, another child appeared in the family - the younger sister Valentina.

The childhood of the singer

Unsweetened was childhood during the war and after it. Everyone lived in small rooms, in the cold and hunger. The biography of Lev Leshchenko also has sad pages - difficult military and post-war years. In those years, the children of soldiers were called "sons of the regiment." From childhood, Lev Valeryanovich was brought up by the army.

When his father was not around, he was replaced by foreman Andrey Fisenko. The boy ate in the soldiers' canteen, wore a uniform and walked in formation. From an early age, the child was attracted to music, so Leo attended various circles that were associated with singing. He became a frequent visitor in the classroom choir. His talent was noticed by the teacher and took the student to the radio, where he made his first recording.

Young years

After graduating from school, Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko tried to enter a theater institution of higher education, but he did not succeed. But the craving for art did not pass, and the young man got a job in the theater. There he performed various kinds of work, but everyday work in such an atmosphere was not wasted.

The guy diligently memorized excerpts from operas in languages ​​in which he did not understand anything. Then for some time the young man worked at the factory, after which he was drafted into the army. There he returned to music again. The leadership noticed the guy's talent, and he was sent to the ensemble, where he became a soloist. Already during the service, he was preparing to enter the institute. He succeeded in this, and in the second year of study he was invited to the Operetta Theater. There Leo got his first role, which consisted of two words. Then he began touring with concert tours.

creative way

Since the middle of 1960, the biography of Lev Leshchenko has been inextricably linked with creativity. He becomes an artist of the Moscow Operetta Theater, and then - a radio and television vocalist of the Union. His work is appreciated: the singer receives titles and awards, among which is the Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

He had the honor of closing the 1980 Olympics, which took place in Moscow. In 1990, on his initiative, the "Music Agency" was opened, the main work of which was the organization and presentation of musical meetings. Also, the singer shares his experience with young artists. He teaches at the Musical Pedagogical Institute - he taught many representatives of the modern stage.

The biography of Lev Leshchenko is described by himself in the book "Apology of Memory". Also on the square of stars, in front of the concert hall "Russia", he has his own star of fame. The singer is a performer of more than 50 songs. Also in his work there are more than 15 duets recorded with famous stars. Among them are Anna German, Valentina Tolkunova and Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Often, the singer was credited with novels with beautiful actresses. And yet, Irina Bagudina and her husband Lev Leshchenko received the title of an exemplary couple. The couple's personal life is an example to follow.

First divorce and second perfect marriage

Now Leshchenko is rightly called the most faithful husband of the stage. And it is true. The musician lived with his second wife for more than 30 years.

But his first marriage fell apart. His first wife was singer Albina Abdalova, with whom they studied together. Then for the first time Lev Leshchenko fell seriously in love. The spouses did not have children, although Albina later spoke about abortions. They lived together for 10 years, after which they broke up. The singer met his second wife in 1976.

The girl's name was Irina Bagudina, and the singer realized that from now on his heart belongs to this young woman. The lovers registered their relationship in 1978. Since then, they have been inseparable. Even today, the artist considers her the most beautiful woman in the world. The only reason for jealousy is his work. However, this did not become a problem for the woman who gave her heart to a star named Lev Leshchenko. The couple's children were not born.

Songs that permeate time

It is important to note that, apparently, it is precisely because of the childhood spent under the explosion of bombs that the artist manages to convey the emotions of that terrible time so vividly. This is especially true of the song, which has long become an integral part of the parades held in honor of May 9 - "Victory Day". And you can not imagine this song performed by another artist. It is interesting that the author of the words, Vladimir Kharitonov, did not build great hopes for the future of his work, although the composition clearly reflected the mood of everyone who was touched by the black wing of the war.

Other songs that can already be called folk have gained no less popularity: “Don't cry, girl”, “Not a minute of peace”, “Goodbye! From all train stations” and others.

Today Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich performs at various concerts and tours the world, delighting his fans with his work.

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