What are the full names and titles of members of the British royal family. Prince William (Prince William): biography Son of Prince William for the Queen of England

Princess Diana (1961-1997) was the first wife of Charles, heir to the British throne. Her family life officially lasted from 1981 to 1996. But the couple have been living separately since 1992. The initiator of the divorce was the Queen of England Elizabeth II. It took place in 1996, and a year later the princess died in a car accident. This woman was very popular all over the world. More than 20 years have passed since her death, but people remember Diana and speak warmly of her. In 2002, the BBC conducted a poll to rank the best Britons. In this list, consisting of 100 eminent surnames, our heroine took 3rd place.

Charles, Diana and their children: younger Harry and older William, 1987

Charles and Diana had 2 sons - Prince William (b. 1982) and Prince Harry (b. 1984). These are adults now. The eldest is married, and his marriage is very successful. He married Catherine Middleton. She was born in 1982, so the spouses are the same age. The wedding ceremony took place on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was attended by 2000 people. It was not a simple wedding, but a historical event. It is not at all excluded that Catherine will eventually become Queen of England. After the wedding, she received the title of Duchess of Cambridge.

I must say that the children of Princess Diana from an early age were distinguished by uncontrollable characters. But after the mother and father divorced, the boys became softer and more docile. The death of their mother that followed had a very hard effect on their psyche. However, the father always tried to surround his sons with attention and care.

Left to right: Elizabeth II, Prince William, his wife Catherine Middleton and Prince Harry, 2012

After 8 years, he married Camille Parker-Bowles. The stepmother's relationship with William and Harry from the first days was established quite friendly. Camilla always tried to be kind and affectionate. As for Katherine, she is remarkable not only for her beauty. This woman is distinguished by sanity and in everything subordinates personal interests to the requirements of the royal court. Elizabeth II loves her very much. At least no less than Diana once loved.

The friendship between William and his future wife began in 2002. But they were friends, then they cooled off towards each other. Only since 2007, their relationship has become stable. On November 16, 2010, the couple announced their engagement. Thus, the eldest of the children of Princess Diana found his other half. The family life of young people proceeds calmly and happily.

A huge event not only for the country, but for the whole world was the birth of a son to this crowned couple. The boy was born on July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time. He was born at St Mary's Hospital in London, where his father was born 31 years ago. In accordance with ancient custom, a special messenger delivered the good news to Buckingham Palace. But in the 21st century, he no longer rides a hot horse, but drives a car.

The weight of the baby was 3.8 kg. He was given the title of Prince of Cambridge, named George. Full name - George Alexander Louis. Again, in accordance with custom, all children of Great Britain born on the same day as the heir to the throne receive a silver coin. It symbolizes memory and happiness. The city crier informs about the historical event, and the sensational news immediately spreads around the world. England strictly honors ancient traditions, which causes great respect among the inhabitants of the planet.

But the crowned couple was not limited to one child. In October 2014, it was officially announced that the second child would be born in April 2015. Catherine Middleton and her husband got it wrong quite a bit. On May 2, 2015, at 8:34 local time, a girl was born. The weight of the newborn was 3.71 kg. The charming baby was named Charlotte. Her full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. Thus, the heirs of the English crown had a girl.

The third child was born on April 23, 2018. It's a boy named Louis. Full name is Louis Arthur Charles. He was born at St. Mary's Hospital at 11:01 local time. The weight of the newborn was 3.8 kg. His full official title is HRH Prince Louis of Cambridge.

As for the youngest son Harry, he has proven himself in public life from the very best side. He is a good athlete and played for the junior team in a polo championship in faraway Australia. He graduated from the military academy, was in Africa. In 2007-2008 he took part in the fighting in Afghanistan. Since September 2012, he again ended up in this country. He fought bravely, flew combat helicopters. In January 2013 he returned to England. But this applies to public affairs, but in his personal life, the prince could not decide on the lady of his seat for a long time.

From 2004 to 2010, Harry was friends with Chelsea Davey (b. 1985). This is the daughter of a millionaire from Zimbabwe. She looks like a fragile blonde, but she is great with horses. Can ride without a saddle. Easily deals with poisonous snakes - strangles them with his hands. That is, the lady is desperate and is not afraid of the devil or the devil. At the same time, she received an excellent legal education and works in a prestigious law office.

Cressida Bonas

Everything seemed to be going to the wedding, but then Chelsea changed her mind. The officialdom of the royal court was not to the liking of a woman accustomed to a simpler life. Harry met Cressida Bonas after the breakup. This is a legacy model. Her mother Mary Gay shone on the catwalk in the 70s of the last century and did not get out of nightclubs. She married 4 times, and the apple, as you know, does not fall far from the tree.

This is to the fact that Cressida inherited from her mother all the main character traits. Friends call her "wild thing". Harry's life with her would hardly have been quiet and peaceful. But, fortunately, the children of Princess Diana always had prudence. The relationship between the model and the prince was never serious. In addition to the “wild thing”, the youngest member of the royal family had fallback options until the summer of 2016. This is Melissa Percy and Flea-Brudenell-Bruce.

Harry and Melissa Percy. The girl can't even buy herself shoes, but Harry is a nice guy: money is not the main thing for him

But all these relationships died, as in August 2016, Harry started an affair with American actress and model Meghan Markle. This information was officially confirmed in November of the same year. And on November 27, 2017, the 36-year-old actress and Harry officially announced their engagement. The wedding took place on May 19, 2018 at Windsor Castle in St George's Chapel.

The prince has long dreamed of a family and has said more than once that he wants the same wife as his older brother. Catherine Middleton is like an older sister to him. She even replaced his mother in some ways. This is ideal for the offspring of the royal family. Beautiful appearance, sanity, willingness to subordinate his personal life to the interests of the reigning dynasty.

Prince Harry with his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

According to Harry himself, he loves to mess around with children and wants his wife to give birth to many children for him. And this desire began to come true on May 6, 2019. Early that morning, Megan gave birth to a boy. He became the 7th pretender to the British throne. They named him Archie Harrison. But it seems that the couple will not be limited to one child. There will be other charming kids in the royal family.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the children of Princess Diana and the grandchildren of Elizabeth II are worthy successors of the royal dynasty. In this matter, the proud British can be absolutely calm. Over time, the throne will be occupied by self-sufficient and noble people who care about the good of their nation.

The article was written by Vyacheslav Semenyuk

0 June 21, 2012, 11:35 am

Prince William

Today, the Crown Prince of the British Throne (he is second only to his father Charles in the order of succession) and the Duke of Cambridge are 30 years old!

Last year in ours, we talked in detail about Prince William. Many people know that he was born in St. Mary's Hospital and became the first British crown prince to be born outside the royal palace. The first child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana instantly became the darling of the press, which remains to this day. Just look at William's childhood photos - what a cutie!

Prince William with parents

William and Harry saddle their first horses

William with his mother and great-grandmother

He studied at a boarding house in Berkshire, then at Eton, where he studied geography, biology and art history and was actively involved in sports. After graduating from college, William took a short break from his studies and went to travel, wanting to gain life experience.

Then he entered the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where he met the love of his life - now the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine. Their last April became one of the main and highlight events of 2011, and until now their wedding is called the "dream wedding".

William is not just a crown prince and a devoted husband, but also (in 2008 he was ordained a Knight of the Garter), a pilot, military man and philanthropist (the other day, along with Kate, he fed in the reserve).

Since childhood, he dreamed of saving people!

This year, we have selected 10 little-known or interesting facts about Prince William that everyone should know:

1. When Prince William was seven years old, he told Princess Diana that he wanted to become a police officer so he could keep an eye on her. And the five-year-old replied that he could not, since he would have to become king.

Diana with sons

2. When William was 13, he was crazy about a supermodel. In 1996, Princess Diana invited her to the palace for tea during Easter, fulfilling the young prince's cherished dream.

3. It is worth saying that 1996 was a good year for William on the personal front! This year for Valentine's Day, he received over 90 valentines!

4. As a child, William's parents called him a "wombat" (an Australian marsupial animal - approx. "Gossip"), which is consonant with his name.

5. In honor of the 21st birthday of Prince William, the national postal service Royal Mail issued a postage stamp with his image in the United Kingdom. Over twenty million of these stamps were sold throughout the country!

6. It was Prince William's idea to sell over 70 dresses from his mother, Diana of Wales, for charity. At Christie's auction in New York, the total amount of dresses sold was $ 5,700,000. Mom would be proud of him!

Diana was a real fashionista!

7. In 2005, William received a Master of Arts degree in geography from the Scottish University of St. Andrews and a second-class honors degree. This is the highest academic achievement among the heirs to the British throne!

8. Prince William and his father Charles cannot fly on the same plane, as the crash of their plane could take the lives of two pretenders to the throne at once.

9. Two days after the announcement of his engagement, William, as a rescue helicopter pilot, took part in an operation to rescue a man stuck in the mountains during a storm with chest pains. A real hero!

Prince William

Prince William (full name - William Arthur Philip Louis) Born June 21, 1982. Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus, eldest son of the Prince of Wales Charles and his first wife, Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. Second in line to the British throne.

William was the first crown prince to be born outside the royal palace - he was born at St Mary's Hospital in London. He became the object of attention of the paparazzi as soon as he was born: already at the exit from the maternity hospital, Diana and Charles fell under the lenses of cameras of numerous photographers who wanted to be the first to take a photo of the heir.

On August 4, 1982, the Prince was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace and given the name William Arthur Philip Louis.

From 1990 to 1995, the Prince attended Ludgrove School in Berkshire. In this boarding school, William did everything on an equal basis with the rest, even shared a room with four other students. At school, he was the captain of the hockey and rugby teams, was fond of swimming, played football and basketball well, and also represented the school more than once in cross-country running marathons.

After school, William entered the famous Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. The prince was always a diligent student and received good grades both in core subjects and in education, in addition, he easily found a common language with his peers. Thanks to sociability, natural tact and modesty, with an absolute absence of arrogance, he quickly acquired friends and acquaintances. True, in college he lived in a separate room and used a separate shower - but not out of arrogance, but for security reasons.

When William's parents divorced in August 1996, the prince took it hard. He was always closer to his mother than to his father, but Princess Diana talked a lot with her children even after the divorce. Even after the divorce, she continued to be considered a member of the royal family and lived in Kensington Palace, doing a lot of charity work.

The big blow in the prince's life came on August 31, 1997, when his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris.

The prince learned about the tragedy only on September 1 from his father, as Prince Charles forbade children to have a radio in the house. No matter how hard it was for him to cope with the grief that fell upon him, William found the strength to take part in organizing the funeral. He and his brother, Prince Harry, followed the mother's coffin in a funeral procession all the way to Westminster Abbey, where the funeral took place. After the death of his mother, William voluntarily visited a psychoanalyst. During this period, William's long-standing dislike of the press escalated to the limit: he blamed the paparazzi for the death of his mother.

In July 2000, after graduating from Eton College, the prince, like many students, decided to take a year off from his studies. He traveled a lot, visited Chile, visited African countries after his mother (Princess Diana was actively involved in charity), and even worked on an English dairy farm.

After a year, Prince William chose his future path: he decided to enter the prestigious St. Andrews University in Scotland, and soon became a student. The prince celebrated his coming of age (according to British law, it comes at 21 years old) with an African-style party, which he held at Windsor Castle under the supervision of the queen herself.

The Prince's thesis in 2005 was devoted to coral reefs. He graduated with very good results (although not with honors), and in this he surpassed his father, a graduate of Cambridge.

According to William himself, he spent four happy years in St. Andrew. For some time after graduation, William worked and was engaged in socially useful affairs, for example, he represented Her Majesty in New Zealand, in the cities of Wellington and Auckland at celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

In May 2006, Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He received his commission in December 2006 and joined the Royal Cavalry as a Second Lieutenant.

In this regard, his career does not differ from that of his male ancestors, starting with Henry V, since in Great Britain the monarch formally heads the country's armed forces.

In 2009, after graduating from the RAF Flight School in Cranwell, he was transferred to the Royal Air Force and promoted to Captain (Flight Lieutenant). He is currently serving as a rescue helicopter pilot. In December 2011, he participated in the operation to rescue Russian sailors from the sinking ship Swanland.

Prince William Height: 191 centimeters.

Personal life of Prince William:

The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place on April 29, 2011 at the London Collegiate Church of St. Peter's in Westminster Abbey. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams officially proclaimed Prince William and Kate Middleton husband and wife, and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain awarded the young couple the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

On July 22, 2013 at 4:24 pm local time, Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a boy. The weight of the newborn was 3.8 kilograms. On July 24, 2013, it was announced that the name of Prince William's first child was George (Georg) Alexander Louis.

On September 8, 2014, a royal official announced that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were expecting their second child. The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, on May 2, 2015 at 8:34 am in the presence of her husband. At birth, a weight of 8 lb 3 oz (3.71 kg) was recorded.

September 4, 2017 . Although rumors that the couple is expecting a third child appeared much earlier.

He is a fan of the Birmingham football club Aston Villa. Rooting for Aston Villa, William began while studying at Eton. He is the President of the Football Association of England.

While at school, he was a fan of the American band Linkin Park.

William, as a member of the royal family, has his own coat of arms, based on the coat of arms of Great Britain, which he received on his 18th birthday.

Quadruple shield: in the first and fourth fields, the coat of arms of England - three golden leopards with azure weapons in a scarlet field, in the second field, the coat of arms of Scotland - in a golden field with a scarlet double inner border, sprouted with lilies, a scarlet rising lion with azure weapons, in the third field, the coat of arms of Ireland - a golden harp with silver strings in an azure field. On top of the shield is a silver titel with three ends burdened with a scarlet scallop shell (escalope).

Around the shield is the symbol of the Order of the Garter.

Shield holders: on the right - British, crowned with an open crown of children of the heir to the throne, a lion with a silver title (as in a shield) around the neck; on the left - a Scottish unicorn with a crown of the children of the heir to the throne and a silver title (as in a shield) around the neck.

The shield is crowned with the crown of the children of the heir to the throne, with a peer's cap inside.

Above the crown is a golden royal helmet. A gold bait lined with ermine. Crest: gold, crowned with an open crown of the children of the heir to the throne, a leopard with a silver title (as in a shield) on the neck, standing on the crown of the children of the heir to the throne.

On June 21, William Wilhelm Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, or simply Prince William, celebrates his 34th birthday. The heir to the British throne is constantly in the spotlight of the press, but choosing the most interesting facts from the life of the prince is not an easy task. ELLE succeeded.

As a child, William was full of nicknames. A few survived in history: Wills, Big Willie, P-Willie, as well as the Wombat and the Prince of Sobs. William was called Wombat simply because of the similarity of the word with his name, but where the “Prince of Sobs” came from can only be guessed at.

William's childhood dream was to be a police officer. When he was seven, he told his mother about it. "Why do you want to be a cop?" Diana asked. "To keep an eye on you," the boy replied.

William suffered the death of Diana so hard that he was offered the help of a psychoanalyst. The prince accepted her and visited a specialist for some time.

As a teenager, William dreamed of one of the soloists of the Spice Girls - Emma Bunton. She was replaced first by Pamela Anderson (whose poster in the image of "Baywatch" adorned the door of the prince's room), and then Cindy Crawford. He eventually met Cindy - thanks to his mother, Princess Diana, who invited the top model to dinner at Buckingham Palace.

William and Kate Middleton met at the University of St. Andrews, where they both studied. Kate, by the way, was in love with her future husband even before they met - as her college friends recall, there was a photograph of the prince in her room.

The relationship of the future spouses at one time did not go beyond friendly, at least William did not take any steps towards. Kate decided to take the initiative on her own. No sooner said than done: in March 2002, she took part in a university charity fashion show. William sat in the front row. Middleton, dressed in a transparent dress, paraded in front of a friend. The prince was impressed, the ice was broken, the notorious friendship reached a new level.

Officially, the romance of William and Kate was recorded in the media in 2004. And three years later, the couple broke up at the request of the prince, who decided that he was not yet ready for a long-term relationship. Middleton found herself in a rather humiliated position, helped by the press, who dubbed her Waity Katie, "Waiting for Katie." However, Kate did not suffer for long: a few months later, the prince asked his friend for forgiveness and offered to get back together. According to the media, William was advised to do so by his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth.

Kate and William did not want to tell Charles about their engagement until the last minute and did so only two hours before they went to the press with this news. Charles was not offended.

Before asking Kate for a hand and a heart, William carried an engagement ring with him for three weeks. In the end, he nevertheless decided and proposed to his girlfriend on the shore of a lake on a mountain slope in Kenya. “I heard a lot of sad stories about how all these marriage proposals ended, but, no, everything went well with us,” he later recalled.

On his last night as a bachelor, William slept only half an hour. And not because he was worried: all night long the cries and congratulations of the Londoners who had gathered in the square in front of the palace could be heard from the street. As a result, in the morning, William, according to him, was seized by a panic: he imagined that he would definitely stumble somewhere and flop in front of everyone at the most crucial moment. But everything worked out.

William speaks three languages ​​- French, Irish and, for some reason, Swahili.

Seven years ago, the prince lost his home - however, only for one night, which he spent in a box under one of London's bridges. This was not a spontaneous rebellion by William, he did not want to shock anyone: sleeping in a box was part of a charity event organized by a foundation that helps the homeless.

With finances, the prince is doing well: when he turned 30, William received 10 million pounds from his mother's will.

William loves to go to the cinema, but understandably doesn't do it often. However, he was seen at screenings of "Bachelorette Party in Vegas", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", "The Avengers".

William is a big fan of sweets. The first ones on his wishlist are ice cream, banana cream, cold chocolate cake. The latter, by the way, the prince demanded for his wedding. As for food in general, William is not too gourmet, as, indeed, Kate: the spouses' favorite dishes are stuffed potato skins, pizza and pasta.

The prince has flaws. First, he's a terrible cook. “Trying to impress Kate and put together a fancy dinner, every time I regretted it. Everything in the kitchen burned and overflowed, ”admitted William. And the prince is a bad dancer and any step on the dance floor is a real torment for him.

William is very calm about alcohol and can easily do without it. According to rumors, in this sense, Kate has gone far ahead.

The prince's favorite among cars is the Land Rover. Very patriotic.

Prince William was born at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London on June 21, 1982. He is considered the first crown prince to be born outside the royal palace. Already at the exit from the hospital of William and his parents, Diana and Charles were met by a huge number of photo and video reporters who sought to be the first to capture the heir to the English throne.

The prince's christening took place on August 4, 1982. He was named William Arthur Philip Louis. The ceremony was performed at Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

William is the eldest grandson of the Queen of Great Britain, the son of Prince Charles of Wales and Princess Diana, his first wife.

The prince's personal life was hidden from society, so a large number of various rumors circulated about him. William was credited with novels with such celebrities as Vanessa May, Britney Spears, Claudia Slate, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson.

In November 2010, Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton announced their engagement. Their marriage ceremony took place on April 29, 2011. It was conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster Abbey. William and Kate were officially proclaimed husband and wife. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain awarded them the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

In 2000, Prince William graduated from Eton College, after which he took a break from his studies and traveled extensively. Later he entered the Scottish University of St. Andrews. He celebrated his 21st birthday (coming of age) at Winsor Castle. The holiday was held in African style. It was attended by Queen Elizabeth II. In 2005, William completed his thesis on coral reefs.

At the Royal Military Academy, the prince began his studies in 2006, where he received an officer's rank the same year. He, like his male ancestors, became a Second Lieutenant of the King's Cavalry. William is formally one of the commanders in chief of the British armed forces.

The Prince's personal coat of arms is based on the British coat of arms.

Prince William will turn 30 in 2012.

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