Stories of people who survived clinical death read online. What do people remember after clinical death. Description of events after cardiac arrest

What could be more mysterious than death? Have you ever wondered what happens to us after death? Is there heaven and hell, is there reincarnation, or will we just rot in the ground?
No one knows what awaits us there, beyond the bounds of life. However, from time to time there are testimonies of people who have been and talk about incredible visions: tunnels, bright lights, meetings with angels, dead relatives, etc.

Near death stories

Alan Rickler, 17, died of leukemia. “I saw doctors coming into the ward, with them my grandmother was wearing the same gown and hat as everyone else. At first I was glad that she had come to visit me, and then I remembered that she had already died. And I got scared. Then some strange figure in black entered ... I cried ... my grandmother said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s not time yet,” and I woke up that way.”

Adriana, 28 years old - “When the light appeared, he immediately asked me the question: “Have you been useful in this life?” And suddenly the pictures began to flash. "What is it?" – I thought, because everything happened suddenly. I was in my childhood. Then it went year after year through my whole life from early childhood to the present. The scenes in front of me were so alive! As if you are looking at them from the side, and you see in three-dimensional space and color. In addition, the paintings were moving.

When I "looked through" the paintings, the light was almost invisible. He disappeared as soon as he asked what I had done in my life. And yet I felt his presence, he led me in this "view", sometimes noting some events. He tried to emphasize something in each of these scenes. Especially the importance of love. At the moments when it was seen most clearly, as, for example, in communication with my sister. He seemed to take an interest in matters related to knowledge.
Whenever he marked events concerning the teachings, he "said" that I should continue to study and that when he came for me again (by this time I already knew that I would return to life), I should still have a desire for knowledge. . He talked about knowledge as a continuous process, and I got the impression that this process will continue after death.

Maria, 24 years old - “I died on September 22, 2000 on the operating table. The doctors hit my lungs and I died for 2.5 minutes. During this time ... In short, I later told the doctors in detail in intensive care what was happening while I was pumped out, everything, down to the smallest details, they were horrified ... But I was above them and saw everything ... Then a push in back and I flew through the tunnel, although I had a "cord" sticking out of my umbilical cord .... Approaching the light, I felt incredible pain in the sternum and I woke up. I'm not afraid of death, absolutely, it's better there than here, that's for sure.

Igor Goryunov - 15 years old. The guys arrived in the evening. They told me to take the earring off. I didn't take it off. They beat me. I fainted. Then they found me. The doctors said I was dead. I remember being in a dark well. First it went down and then up. I saw a bright light. Emptiness. Woke up with chest pain.

Retired Alexei Efremov (Novosibirsk) - received extensive burns, underwent several skin grafting operations. During one of them, his heart stopped. The doctors managed to bring the man out of the state of clinical death only after 35 minutes - an extraordinary case, since it is known that, as a rule, the term of clinical death in a person is 3-6 minutes. This is followed by irreversible changes in the brain. However, Alexei Efremov did not experience such changes. He thinks clearly and clearly.

Last year on July 4th I almost died. Fell off his motorcycle head first: pneumothorax occurred after the clavicle pierced the upper part of the lung. Then on the side of the road I lay and died.
At that time, I began to feel like I was falling into some kind of dark pool. Everything around me turned black and the world, our real world, was rapidly decreasing. It felt like I was falling into an abyss. Sounds were heard somewhere in the distance. Surprisingly, my heart was calm: the pain was gone, and the world just floated by.

What did you feel during clinical death

Various scenes from my past and images of people close to me, friends, family began to appear before my eyes. Then I woke up ... It seemed to me that I had spent several hours in this state, but in reality only a couple of minutes had passed. You know, this incident taught me to appreciate the present.

It is difficult to describe what is really happening: there is no excitement or struggle for life. You just don't understand what's going on. You feel like something is going wrong, but you don’t understand what exactly. Everything is somehow unnatural, illusory. The moment when I came to my senses was like when in the morning in a dream it seems that you woke up, washed up, made your bed and already had a cup of coffee, when you suddenly wake up in fact and don’t understand why you are still in bed? After all, a moment ago you were drinking coffee for yourself, and now, as it turned out, you are lying in bed ... It is difficult to understand whether you woke up in the real world this time.

I died about two years ago...and was dead for eight minutes. It all happened because of a heroin overdose. Yes, it was. Whatever it was, it was both scary and pleasant feeling at the same time. It was as if I didn't care - absolute calmness and indifference to everything. My heart was beating very fast, my whole body was covered in perspiration, everything was in slow motion. The last thing I remember before passing out is the guy from the ambulance yelling, "We're losing him." After that, I took one last breath and passed out.

I came to my senses already in the hospital a few hours later, my head was very dizzy. I could not think clearly and walk, everything was swimming before my eyes. This continued until the next day. In general, this experience was not so terrible, but I would not wish anyone to experience it. And by the way, I don't use heroin anymore.

It was like the feeling of slowly drifting off to sleep. All in very bright and extremely saturated colors. The dream seems to go on for hours, although when I woke up only three minutes had passed. What happened in this "dream" I did not remember, but I felt boundless peace, and my soul was even joyful. When I woke up, for a few seconds it seemed to me that I was among the screaming crowd, although there was no one in the room.

Then the vision began to return. It happened gradually, you know, like in old TVs: at first, the darkness around, it snows, and then everything becomes a little clearer and brighter. The body from the neck down was paralyzed, and suddenly I began to feel how the ability to move gradually began to return to me: first the arms, then the legs, and then the whole body.

It was difficult for me to navigate in space. It was hard to remember what happened to me. I could not understand who all these people around me at that moment, who am I myself? Five minutes later everything was back to normal. All that was left was a terrible headache.

Feeling as if you are falling into a deep sleep (in fact, you are), and when you wake up, your head is full of confusion. You do not understand what actually happened and why everyone around you is so concerned about your condition. I was inexplicably frightened, as if this state had deprived me of all courage. I kept asking, "What time is it?" and lost consciousness again. I don't remember anything except an incredible feeling of tiredness, and a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible so that this nightmare would eventually end.

It's like you're falling asleep. You can't even understand at what point you lost consciousness. At first, you see nothing but darkness, and this evokes fear and a feeling of complete uncertainty. And when you wake up, if you do wake up, then your head is as if in a fog.

All I felt was that I was falling into an abyss. Then I woke up and saw doctors around the hospital bed, my mother and a close friend. I felt like I was just sleeping. Slept terribly uncomfortable.

Clinical death testimonies

"Heaven really exists." This is the title of a book by Todd Barpoe (Nebraska), which became a hit in America's literary season in March 2011. The book tells a story that actually happened to his 11-year-old son Colton 7 years ago. When the boy was only 4 years old, his appendix burst. The doctors who performed the operation were sure that he would not survive. But Colton survived and later told his parents about how he visited Paradise when he was unconscious on the operating table. It was amazing that during his vision, the child learned something that, according to ordinary earthly logic, he absolutely could not know.

One of the most famous cases of mysterious resurrection occurred in 1987 with the crane operator Yulia Vorobieva (Donetsk). She touched an electrical cable and was shocked with 380 volts. Resuscitators failed to save her. Vorobieva's body was sent to the morgue. She showed no signs of life during this time.
A day later, interns medical students came to the morgue. And one of them accidentally felt the pulse of the “deceased”. She turned out to be alive! But the most amazing thing happened later. Vorobyova discovered unusual abilities: she began to see the internal organs of people without any effort and made unmistakable diagnoses. The crane operator became a famous healer...

So, for example, he told his father that he had met his sister in Heaven, of whose existence he knew nothing. The parents had never told the boy before that his mother had a miscarriage a few years ago.
Little Colton also said that he met his own great-grandfather in Paradise. The boy also did not meet him in earthly life, since he died long ago, but after the “Date” in Heaven, he easily recognized his great-grandfather in a photograph where he was photographed in his youth. According to Colton, where he has been, everyone is young. “You will like it there,” he assured everyone. Colton describes in detail how he heard the angels singing.

A Southampton housewife told of passing out in a store while shopping for groceries. When she was taken to the hospital and started the operation, the woman saw doctors bending over her, as well as a hospital corridor in which her brother was talking on the phone. Subsequently, the woman told everything to her brother, and he confirmed everything that she saw. As it turned out, the woman had a heart attack.

Another woman, a nurse from Plymouth, also said that one evening, while she was watching TV, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. After, almost immediately I felt that I was flying at high speed in a vertical position through some kind of tunnel. Around the woman saw terrible faces, and at the end of the tunnel - light. But the faster the woman flew, the further he got. Further, the woman recalls, she seemed to break away from her body and rose to the ceiling. Suddenly the pain subsided, the woman felt weightless, there was a feeling of bliss and lightness. Then she suddenly felt her body sharply. When the woman was taken to the hospital, they found out that she had a blockage of blood vessels and she was on the verge of death.

A resident of Portsmouth also recalled her feelings in a similar case. When she was operated on, she felt as if she was rising above her own body. And she heard a voice telling her not to look down. Light surrounded the woman on all sides. She saw her whole life, from birth. Soon the woman realized that she might not go back. And I thought of my daughter and husband. Then a voice told her that she must return. And soon she saw two nurses near her bed.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences N.P. Bekhtereva notes about autoscopic perceptions that occur in a state of clinical death and in stressful situations: but from the "name" of the soul that has separated from the body. But the body does not react, it is clinically dead, it has lost contact with the person himself for some time! .. "

1975, April 12, morning - Martha became ill with her heart. When the ambulance took her to the hospital, Marta was no longer breathing, and the doctor accompanying her could not feel her pulse. She was in a state of clinical death. Subsequently, Martha said that she witnessed the entire procedure of her resurrection, observing the actions of doctors from a certain point outside her body. However, Martha's story had another peculiarity. She was very worried about how her sick mother would take the news of her death. And just as Martha had time to think about her mother, she immediately saw her sitting in an armchair next to the bed in her house.
“I was in the intensive care unit, and at the same time I was with my mother in the bedroom. It was amazing to be in two places at the same time, and even in such a remote place from one another, but space seemed to be a meaningless concept ... I, being in my new body, sat on the edge of her bed and said: “ Mom, I had a heart attack, I could die, but I don't want you to worry. I don't mind dying."

However, she did not look at me. Apparently she didn't hear me. “Mom,” I kept whispering, “it’s me, Martha. I need to talk to you." I tried to get her attention, but then the focus of my mind returned to the intensive care unit. And I was back in my body."

Later, when she came to herself, Marta saw her husband, daughter and brother, who had flown in from another city, by her bed. As it turned out, his mother called his brother. She had a strange feeling that something had happened to Martha, and she asked her son to find out what was the matter. Calling, he found out what happened, and the first plane flew to his sister.

Was Martha really able to travel without a physical body a distance equal to two-thirds of the length of America and communicate with her mother? The mother said that she felt something, i.e. something was wrong with her daughter, but she could not understand what it was, and she could not imagine how she knew about it.

Martov's story can be considered a rare, but not the only case. Martha, in a certain sense, managed to get in touch with her mother and convey to her "a sense of unease." But most fail to do so. However, observations of the actions of doctors, relatives, including those who are at a certain distance from the operating room, are amazing.

Once a woman was operated on. In principle, she had no reason to die from the operation. She did not even warn her mother and daughter about the operation, deciding to inform them about everything later. However, clinical death occurred during the operation. The woman was brought back to life, and she did not know anything about her short-term death. And, having come to her senses, she told about the amazing “dream”.
She, Lyudmila, dreamed that she left the body, is somewhere above, sees her body lying on the operating table, doctors around her and understands that she most likely died. It became scary for the mother and daughter. Thinking about her family, she suddenly found herself at home. She saw that her daughter was trying on a blue polka-dot dress in front of the mirror. A neighbor came in and said: "Lyusenka would have liked it." Lyusenka is she, who is here and invisible. Everything is calm, peaceful at home - and here she is again in the operating room.

The doctor, to whom she told about the amazing "dream", offered to go to her house, to calm the family. The surprise of the mother and daughter knew no bounds when she told about the neighbor and about the blue dress with polka dots, which they prepared as a surprise for Lyusenka.

In "Arguments and Facts" for 1998, a small note by Lugankov "Dying is not at all scary" was published. He wrote that in 1983 he was tested with a suit for astronauts. With the help of special equipment, blood was “sucked” from the head into the legs, thereby simulating the effect of weightlessness. The medics fastened his “space suit” on him and turned on the pump. And either they forgot about it, or the automation failed - but the pumping continued more than necessary.
“At some point, I realized that I was losing consciousness. I tried to call for help - only a wheeze escaped from my throat. But then the pain stopped. Warmth spread through my body (which body?) and I felt extraordinary bliss. Scenes from childhood appeared before my eyes. I saw the village guys with whom I ran to the river to catch crayfish, my grandfather, a front-line soldier, the deceased neighbors ...

Then I noticed how the doctors with confused faces bent over me, someone began to massage the chest. Through the sweet veil, I suddenly felt the disgusting smell of ammonia and ... woke up. The doctor, of course, did not believe my story. But I don’t care if he didn’t believe me - now I know what cardiac arrest is and that dying is not so scary. ”

The story of the American Brinkley, who was in a state of clinical death twice, is very curious. Over the past few years, he has spoken about his two post-mortem experiences to millions of people around the world. At the invitation of Yeltsin, Brinkley (together with Dr. Moody) also appeared on Russian television and told millions of Russians about his experiences and visions.
1975 - he was struck by lightning. Doctors did everything possible to save him, but ... he died. Brinkley's first trip to the Subtle World is amazing. He not only saw luminous Beings and crystal castles there. He saw the future of mankind there for several decades to come.

After he was saved and recovered, he discovered that he had the ability to read other people's thoughts, and touching a person with his hand, he immediately sees, as he himself says, "home cinema". If the person he touched was gloomy, then Brinkley saw "like in a movie" scenes that explained the reason for the gloomy mood of the person.

Many of their people, upon their return from the Subtle World, discovered in themselves parapsychological abilities. Scientists became interested in the parapsychological phenomena of the “returned from the other world”. 1992 - Dr. Melvin Morse published the results of his experiments with Brinkley in the book Transformed by Light. As a result of the study, he found that people who have been on the verge of death, paranormal abilities manifest themselves approximately four times more often than ordinary people.

Here is what, for example, happened to him during the second clinical death:

I burst out of the darkness into bright light into the operating room and saw two surgeons with two assistants who were betting whether I could survive or not. They looked at my chest x-ray while they prepared me for the operation. I saw myself from a position that seemed to be largely above the ceiling, and watched my arm being attached to a shiny steel brace.

My sister smeared my body with brown antiseptic and covered me with a clean sheet. Someone else injected some liquid into my tube. The surgeon then made an incision across my chest with a scalpel and pulled back the skin. The assistant handed him a tool that looked like a small saw, and he hooked it to my rib, and then opened the chest and inserted a spacer inside. Another surgeon cut the skin around my heart.

After that, I was able to directly observe my own heartbeat. I couldn't see anything else as I was in the dark again. I heard the ringing of bells, and then the tunnel opened... At the end of the tunnel I was met by the same Being from Light as the last time. It drew me to Itself, while expanding like an angel spreading its wings. The light of these radiations swallowed me up.”

What a cruel blow and unbearable pain relatives receive when they learn about the death of a loved one. Today, when husbands and sons are dying, it is impossible to find words to reassure wives, parents and children. But maybe the following cases will be at least some consolation for them.

The first case was with Thomas Dowding. His story: “Physical death is nothing!.. You really shouldn't be afraid of it. ... I remember very well how it all happened. I waited in the crook of the trench for my time to take over. It was a wonderful evening, I had no premonition of danger, but suddenly I heard the howl of a shell. There was an explosion somewhere behind. I involuntarily squatted down, but it was too late. Something hit so hard and hard - in the back of the head. I fell while falling, did not notice even for a moment any loss of consciousness, found myself outside of myself! You see how simply I tell it so that you can understand it better.
After 5 seconds, I stood next to my body and helped two of my comrades carry it along the trench to the dressing room. They thought that I was just unconscious, but alive… They put my body on a stretcher. I always wanted to know when I would be inside the body again.

I'll tell you what I felt. It was like I ran hard and for a long time until I got wet, lost my breath and took off my clothes. This clothing was my wounded body: it seemed that if I didn’t throw it off, then I could suffocate ... My body was taken first to the dressing room, and then to the morgue. I stood next to my body all night, but I didn’t think about anything, I just looked at it. Then I lost consciousness and fell fast asleep.

This incident happened to US Army officer Tommy Clack in 1969 in South Vietnam.
He stepped on a mine. First he was thrown into the air, then thrown to the ground. For a moment Tommy managed to sit up and saw that he was missing his left arm and left leg. Clack rolled over on his back and thought he was dying. The light faded, all sensations disappeared, there was no pain. Some time later, Tommy woke up. He hovered in the air and looked at his body. The soldiers put his mangled body on a stretcher, covered him up and carried him to the helicopter. Clack, watching from above, realized that he was believed to be dead. And at that moment he realized that he had actually died.

Accompanying his body to the field hospital, Tommy felt peaceful, even happy. He calmly watched as his bloody clothes were cut, and suddenly he was back on the battlefield. All 13 guys killed during the day were here. Clack did not see their thin bodies, but somehow felt that they were near, communicated with them, but also in an unknown way.

The soldiers were happy in the New World and tried to persuade him to stay. Tommy felt happy and at ease. He did not see himself, felt himself (in his words) just a form, felt almost one pure thought. Bright light poured from all sides. Suddenly, Tommy found himself back in the hospital, in the operating room. He was operated on. The doctors were talking to each other about something. Clack immediately returned to his body.

Not! Not everything is so simple in our material world! And a man killed in a war does not die! He's leaving! He leaves for a clean, bright world, where he is much better than his relatives and friends who remained on Earth.

Reflecting on his encounters with Beings from non-ordinary reality, Whitley Strieber wrote: “I get the impression that the material world is only a special case of a larger context, and reality unfolds mainly in a non-physical way ... I think that the Luminous Beings, as it were, play the role of midwives when we appear in the Subtle World. The Beings we observe may be individuals of a higher evolutionary order…”.

But the journey into the Subtle World does not always seem to be a "beautiful walk" for a person. Doctors noted that some people have hellish visions.

Vision of an American from Roy Island. Her doctor said: "When she came to, she said, 'I thought I was dead and ended up in hell.' After I was able to calm her down, she told me about her stay in hell, about how the devil wanted to take her away. The story was intertwined with listing her sins and outlining what people think of her. Her fear increased, and the nurses were having difficulty keeping her in a supine position. She became almost insane. She had a long-standing sense of guilt, perhaps due to extramarital affairs that ended in the birth of illegitimate children. The patient was oppressed by the fact that her sister died from the same disease. She believed that God was punishing her for her sins.” Feelings of loneliness and fear were sometimes recalled from the moment when a person felt drawn into an area of ​​darkness or vacuum during near-death experiences. Shortly after a nephrectomy (surgical removal of a kidney) at the University of Florida in 1976, a 23-year-old college student collapsed due to an unexpected postoperative complication. In the first parts of her near-death experiences: “There was total blackness around. If you move very fast, you can feel the walls moving towards you… I felt alone and a little scared.” A similar darkness enveloped the 56-year-old man and “frightened” him: total darkness... It was a very dark place and I didn't know where I was, what I was doing there or what was going on, and I was scared.”
True, such cases are rare. But even if a few had a vision of hell, this suggests that death is not a deliverance for everyone. It is the way of life of a person, his thoughts, desires, actions that determine where a person will end up after death.

There are a lot of facts about the exit of the soul from the body in stressful situations and in clinical death! .. But for a long time there was not enough objective scientific verification.

Does this, as scientists say, phenomenon of continuation of life after the death of the physical body really exist?

Such a check was carried out by carefully comparing the facts indicated by patients with real events, and empirically, using the necessary equipment.

One of the first such evidence was received by the American doctor Michael Sabom, who began research as an opponent of his compatriot Dr. Moody, and completed them as a like-minded person and assistant.

In order to refute the “crazy” idea about life after death, Seibom organized verification observations and confirmed, and in fact proved that a person does not cease to exist after death, retaining the ability to see, hear and feel.

Dr. Michael Sabom is Professor of Medicine at Emory University (America). He has vast practical experience in resuscitation. His book Memories of Death was published in 1981. Dr. Sabom confirmed what other researchers have written about. But the main thing is not this. He conducted a series of studies, comparing the stories of his patients who experienced temporary death with what actually happened at the time when they were in a state of clinical death with what was available for objective verification.

Dr. Sabom checked whether the stories of the patients coincided with what was actually happening in the material world at that time. Were the medical devices and methods of resuscitation used, which were described by people who were at that time on the verge of life and death? Did the things that the dead saw and described actually happen in other rooms?

Sabom collected and published 116 cases. All of them were carefully checked by him personally. He drew up accurate protocols, taking into account the place, time, participants, spoken words, etc. For his observations, he selected only mentally healthy and balanced people.

Here are some examples from Dr. Sabom's posts.

Dr. Sabom's patient was clinically dead during the operation. He was covered with surgical sheets and physically could not see or hear anything. He later described his experiences. He saw in detail the operation on his own heart and what he told was completely consistent with what actually happened.
“I must have fallen asleep. I don't remember how they moved me from this room to the operating room. And then suddenly I saw that the room was lit, but not as brightly as I expected. My consciousness returned… but they had already done something to me… My head and whole body were covered with sheets… and then I suddenly began to see what was happening…

I was a couple of feet above my head… I saw two doctors… they were sawing my breast bone… I could draw you a saw and a thing that they used to spread the ribs… It was wrapped all around and was of good steel… a lot of tools… the doctors were called with their clamps… I was surprised, I thought there would be a lot of blood, but there was very little of it… and the heart is not what I thought. It is large, larger at the top and narrower at the bottom, like the continent of Africa. The top is pink and yellow. Even creepy. And one part was darker than the rest, instead of everything being the same color...

The doctor was on the left side, he cut off pieces from my heart and twirled them this way and that and looked at them for a long time ... and they had a big argument whether to do a bypass or not.

And they decided not to do it ... All the doctors, except for one, had green covers on their shoes, and this weirdo was in white shoes covered with blood ... It was strange and, in my opinion, unhygienic ... "

The course of the operation described by the patient coincided with the entries in the operating log made by a different style.

And here is the feeling of sadness in the descriptions of near-death experiences when they "saw" the efforts of others to resurrect their lifeless physical body. A 37-year-old Florida housewife recalled an episode of encephalitis, or a brain infection, when she was 4 years old, during which she was unconscious and lifeless. She remembered "looking down" at her mother from a point near the ceiling with these feelings:
The greatest thing I remember was that I felt so sad that there was no way I could let her know that I was okay. Somehow I knew I was fine, but I didn't know how to tell her. I was just looking… And there was a very quiet, peaceful feeling… In fact, it was a good feeling.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by a 46-year-old north Georgia man as he recounted his vision during a cardiac arrest in January 1978: “I felt bad because my wife was crying and seemed helpless, and I couldn’t help . You know. But it was nice. It doesn't hurt.” Sadness is mentioned by a 73-year-old French teacher from Florida when she talked about her near-death experience (NDE) during a severe infectious illness and grand mal seizures at the age of 15:
I split up and sat much higher up there, watching my own convulsions, and my mother and my maid were screaming and yelling because they thought I was dead. I felt so sorry for both them and my body… Only deep, deep sadness. I could still feel sadness. But I felt that I was free there, and there was no reason to suffer. I had no pain and I was completely free."

Another happy experience, one woman was cut short by feelings of remorse over having to leave her children during a post-operative complication that left her on the verge of death and physical unconsciousness: “Yes, yes, I was happy until the time I remembered the children . Until then, I was happy that I was dying. I was really, really happy. It was precisely a jubilant, cheerful feeling. "Interesting newspaper"

The light and the tunnel is a fairly popular perception of death, but, as Rachel Neuver discovered, many other strange experiences can be found in the reports. In 2011, Mr. A, a 57-year-old social worker from England, was taken to Southampton General Hospital after suffering a heart attack at work. Medics were just inserting an inguinal catheter into him when his heart stopped. The brain stopped receiving oxygen, and Mr. A died.

Rachel Neuver

Despite this, he remembers what happened next. Medics used an automated external defibrillator to try to restart the heart. Mister A heard a mechanical voice say twice, "Discharge." Between these words, he raised his head and saw a strange woman beckoning him from the corner of the room, under the ceiling. He joined her, leaving his body. “I felt that she knew me and that I could trust her, and I knew that she was there for some reason, but I didn’t know for what reason,” Mr. A later recalled, “the next second I was already next to her and looked down at himself, saw a nurse and another man with a bald head.

Hospital records later confirmed Mr. A's words. Mr. A's descriptions of the people in the room and those he did not see before he passed out, and their actions were also accurate. He was describing events that took place within three minutes of his clinical death, which, according to our knowledge of biology, he should have had no idea about.

The story of Mr. A, described in the journal Resuscitation, is one of many in which people share their near-death experiences. Until now, researchers did not assume that when the heart stops beating and stops the blood supply to the brain, consciousness does not go out immediately. At this time, the person is actually dead - although as we learn more about death, we begin to understand that in some cases death can be reversible. For many years, those who returned from this incomprehensible state shared their memories of this event. Doctors largely ignored these stories, believing them to be hallucinations. Researchers are still reluctant to delve into the study of near-death experience, mainly because they have to study something that is beyond the reach of scientific research.

But Sam Parnia, a critical care physician and head of critical care research at NYU School of Medicine, along with colleagues from 17 institutions in the US and UK, wanted to do away with assumptions about what people experience or don't experience on their deathbed. This is possible, he believes, if we collect scientific data about the last minutes of life. For four years, he and his colleagues analyzed information on more than 2,000 patients who survived cardiac arrest.

Parnia and his colleagues were able to interview 101 of them. “The goal is to try to understand their psychological experience of death first,” says Parnia, “and then if there are people who claim to remember their feelings after death, we have to determine if this is true.”

Seven Tastes of Death

It turned out that Mr. A was not the only patient who could remember something about his death. Almost 50% of the participants in the study also remembered something, but unlike Mr. A and another woman whose out-of-body adventures could be verified, the memories of other patients were not related to the real events that took place at the time of their death.

Instead, they told fairy tales or hallucinatory stories, which Parnia and his coauthors categorize into seven main themes. “Most of them have not been consistent in describing what is called near-death experiences,” Parnia says. “It appears that the psychic experience of death is much broader than previously thought.”

Here are the seven topics:

  • Fear
  • Animals or plants
  • Bright light
  • Violence and persecution
  • deja vu
  • A family

Description of events after cardiac arrest

These mental experiences range from fear to bliss. There were those who reported feeling fear or suffering persecution. “I had to go through a ceremony… and they burned me at the ceremony,” said one patient, “there were four people with me, and depending on who lied and who told the truth, he died or came back to life… I I saw men in coffins buried in an upright position. He also recalled how he was "dragged into the depths."

Others, however, experienced the opposite, with 22% reporting a feeling of "peace and tranquility." Some have seen living beings: "All plants, no flowers" or "Lions and tigers"; while others basked in bright lights or reunited with family. Some of them reported a strong sense of déjà vu: "I knew what people were going to do before they did it." Heightened senses, a distorted perception of the passage of time, and a feeling of disconnection from the body were also among the sensations reported by near-death survivors.

“It is very clear that people experience something while they are dead,” Parnia says, and argues that people actually prefer to interpret these experiences depending on their environment and existing beliefs. Someone in India might come back from the dead and say they saw Krishna, while someone in the US Midwest might experience the same thing but claim to have seen God. “If a father in the Midwest says to a child: “When we die, you will see Jesus, and he will be full of love and compassion,” then the child, of course, will see this, says Parnia, “and when he returns from the other world, he will say:“ Oh dad, you're right, I definitely saw Jesus!” It would be fair to admit that this is true. You don't know what God is. I don't know what God is. Well, apart from the fact that this is a man with a white beard, as he is usually portrayed.

“All these things: soul, heaven and hell – I have no idea what they mean, and there are probably thousands and thousands of interpretations based on where you were born and what surrounds you,” he continues. “It is important to move from the realm of religious teachings to objectivity.”

Common cases

So far, a team of scientists has not identified any patterns in the memories of those who returned from the other world. There is no explanation why some people experience fear while others report euphoria. Parnia also points out that an increasing number of people are experiencing near-death experiences. For many people, the flashbacks are almost certainly caused by cerebral edema that occurs after cardiac arrest, or by heavy sedatives administered to patients in hospitals. Even if people do not explicitly remember their death, it can, however, affect them on a subconscious level. Some lose their fear of death and become altruistic towards people, while others develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

Parnia and his colleagues are already planning further studies to try to resolve some of these questions. They also hope that their work will help expand traditional notions of death. They think that death should be considered as a subject of study - just like any other objects or phenomena. “Any objective thinker would agree that further research in this area is needed,” says Parnia, “and we have the tools and the technology. It's time to do it."

What language is understood by all Slavs?

What mistake almost everyone makes when using a table knife?

Why did women start wearing bras?

Your ton of gold floats in the oceans

There is so much gold dissolved in the world's oceans that if we managed to mine it, then every person on Earth would get a whole ton. But the problem lies precisely in the fact that any method known to us of extracting this gold is more expensive than the gold itself. While there is no technology to do it quickly and cheaply, so if you are an engineer or an inventor - this is a worthy challenge! By the way, find out who owns 11% of all the gold in the world.

Who are the "Children of the Moon"?

Cat declawing is a toe amputation

What is the rarest combination of eye and hair color in the world?

What is the "poverty trap"?

Sociologists call the “poverty trap” a situation when children growing up in poverty cannot, for this reason, receive a decent education, a well-paid profession and a decent pension, and are forced to remain on the social bottom all their lives. According to the latest data from Rosstat, in Russia the proportion of children from poor families is 26% of the total: all of them are at risk of falling into the "poverty trap".

I do not want to delve into medical terms stating clinical death. I propose to put it simply.

After it, the human soul returns to the abandoned body.

Surely there are serious differences between biological death and clinical death.

My main task was to find the fascinating stories of those who survived (according to doctors) clinical death.

Marina, age 31.

Crossing the road, I heard the creak of brakes, a powerful blow, instant pain and the lights went out.

After some time, I saw my own spread-eagled body lying on the roadway.

Suddenly, I (not the body, but what was looking at it. Apparently, this is the soul. Approx. Author) was rapidly carried into the tunnel cycle, almost to the very end (of the world).

I did not see either Heaven or Hell, and did not yet know anything about clinical death.

Say, give her one more chance.

When I “returned”, the doctors were “in the soap”.

After clinical death, no one will dissuade me that this life is a gap that separates us from the Last Judgment by a long corridor.

Alena Savelievna. Age 56 years.

I have always been sane. Read philosophy.

She survived clinical death when she agreed to a complex operation.

The doctors were fighting for my life while I was plodding between life and death.

Everything I heard about the long corridor turned out to be true.

Flying outside, I saw two arches: from one came light, and the other blazed with fire.

Suddenly, someone's strong hand literally threw me away from the penetration, and I came back.

Who it was, I cannot say.

After clinical death, I am convinced that there are two forces - God and Satan.

You have to be closer to the brightest.

Galina Petrovna. Age 39 years.

Doctors say that I experienced clinical death. I never believed in her even from the stories.

I was hit by a motorcyclist and suddenly separated from my body.

You know, some kind of lightness penetrated me, and absolute indifference to the injured body.

I remember how quickly the intensive care unit arrived, they didn’t know what to grab me for, the doctors put on some kind of mask, and all the time they pressed on my chest.

I didn't feel any of this.

I remember very clearly how the doctors let me go, apparently realizing that it was pointless to continue to fight for a cooling life.

Suddenly, someone flew up to me: God, it was the face of the mother.

So young and clean. She looked like this before her illness.

I'm afraid to lie, but it was some kind of incorporeal clot of very, very light (golden-white) energy, which blocked me from something terrible.

Perhaps, 2 forces fought for me, alternately winning.

Suddenly, the light in my eyes dimmed, and I felt a hell of a pain.

What could be more mysterious than death?

No one knows what lurks there, beyond life. However, from time to time there are testimonies of people who have been in a state of clinical death and talk about extraordinary visions: tunnels, bright lights, meetings with angels, deceased relatives, etc.

I read a lot about near-death experiences, and even once watched a program where people who survived it spoke. Each of them told very convincing stories, how he appeared in the afterlife, what happened there and all that ... Personally, I believe in clinical death, it really exists, and scientists confirm this from a scientific point of view. They explain this phenomenon by the fact that a person is completely immersed in his subconscious and sees things that he sometimes really wants to see, or is transferred to a time that he really remembers. That is, a person is really in a state where all the organs of the body fail, but the brain is in working condition and a picture of real events appears before the eyes of a person. But, after a while, this picture disappears gradually, and the organs resume their work again, and the brain is in a state of inhibition for some time, this can last for several minutes, several hours, days, and sometimes a person never comes to his senses after clinical death ... But at the same time, the memory of a person is completely preserved! And there is also such a statement that the state of coma is also a kind of clinical death ..

What do people see at the time of clinical death

Various visions are known: a light, a tunnel, the faces of dead relatives... How can this be explained?

Remember, in the film Flatliners with Julia Roberts, medical students decided to experience a state of near-death experience. One by one, young doctors embarked on an unpredictable journey to the other side of life. The results were stunning: the “comatose” met THE people they once offended…

You can return from that world. But no later than 6 minutes later.

What happens in those 5 - 6 minutes when the resuscitators return the dying from oblivion?

Is there really an afterlife beyond the fine line of life, or does it “trick” the brain? Scientists began serious research in the 1970s - it was then that the sensational book of the famous American psychologist Raymond Moody "Life after life" was published. Over the past decades, they have managed to make many interesting discoveries. At the conference "Near-Death: Modern Research", held recently in Melbourne, physicians, philosophers, psychologists and religious scholars summed up the study of this phenomenon.
Raymond Moody believed that the process of "out-of-body experience" is characterized by

the following stages:
- stopping all physiological functions of the body (moreover, the dying person still has time to hear the words of a doctor stating a fatal outcome);

- growing unpleasant noises;
- the dying person “leaves the body” and rushes at high speed through the tunnel, at the end of which light is visible;
- his whole life passes before him;
He meets deceased relatives and friends.

Those who “return from the other world” note a strange duality of consciousness: they know about everything that happens around them at the moment of “death”, but at the same time they cannot make contact with the living - those who are nearby. The most amazing thing is that even people blind from birth in a state of clinical death often see a bright light. This was proved by a survey of more than 200 blind women and men, which was conducted by Dr. Kennett Ring from the USA.
When we die, the brain "remembers" our birth!

Why is this happening? Scientists seem to have found an explanation for the mysterious visions that visit a person in the last seconds of life.

1. The explanation is fantastic. Psychologist Pyall Watson believes he has solved the riddle. According to him, when we die, we remember our birth! For the first time, we get acquainted with death at the moment of a terrible journey that each of us makes, overcoming a ten-centimeter birth canal, he believes.

“We will probably never know exactly what is going on in the mind of the child at this moment,” says Watson, “but, probably, his sensations resemble different stages of dying. Are not, in this case, the dying visions a transformed experience of birth trauma, naturally, with the imposition of accumulated worldly and mystical experience?

2. The explanation is utilitarian. Russian resuscitator Nikolai Gubin explains the appearance of the tunnel as a manifestation of toxic psychosis.

- It is somewhat similar to a dream, and in some ways to a hallucination (for example, when a person suddenly begins to see himself from the outside). The fact is that at the moment of dying, parts of the visual cortex of the cerebral hemispheres are already suffering from oxygen starvation, and the poles of both occipital lobes, which have a dual blood supply, continue to function. As a result, the field of view is sharply narrowed, and only a narrow strip remains, providing central, “tube” vision. FROM THE KP ARCHIVE
Even migraines give the effect of "split"

You can see yourself, your loved one, from the outside under other circumstances. Psychiatrist Patrick Dbavrin believes that people can experience out-of-body symptoms even with simple dental anesthesia. Split personality, which usually lasts no more than a few seconds, can be experienced with some forms of migraine and yoga. It is also often observed in climbers when they are high in the mountains and experience oxygen starvation, and in pilots and astronauts during flights.
Why do the eyes of some dying people flash pictures of their entire lives? And there is an answer to this question. The process of dying begins with newer brain structures and ends with older ones. The restoration of these functions during revival proceeds in the reverse order: first, the more “ancient” parts of the cerebral cortex come to life, and then the new ones. Therefore, in the process of returning to life of a person, the most persistently imprinted “pictures” first of all emerge in his memory.
How do writers describe the sensations at the time of death?

- The incident that happened to Arseny Tarkovsky is described in one of his stories. It was in January 1944, after the amputation of his leg, when the writer was dying of gangrene in a front-line hospital. He lay in a small cramped room with a very low ceiling. The light bulb hanging over the bed had no switch, and had to be unscrewed by hand. Once, while unscrewing it, Tarkovsky felt that his soul spiraled out of his body, like a light bulb from a cartridge. Surprised, he looked down and saw his body. It was completely motionless, like a man sleeping in the sleep of the dead. Then for some reason he wanted to see what was happening in the next room.

He began to slowly "seep" through the wall and at some point felt that a little more - and he would never be able to return to his body. This scared him. He hovered over the bed again and with some strange effort slid into his body as if into a boat.

– In Leo Tolstoy’s work “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, the writer amazingly described the phenomenon of clinical death: “Suddenly some force pushed him in the chest, in the side, squeezed his breath even more, he fell into a hole, and there, at the end of the hole, lit up something. What happened to him happened to him in a railroad car, when you think that you are going forward, but you are going back, and suddenly you find out the real direction ... At that very time, Ivan Ilyich fell through, saw the light, and it was revealed to him that his life had been not that it is necessary, but that it can still be corrected ... It is a pity for them (relatives. - Ed.), We must do so that they do not hurt. Deliver them and get rid of their suffering yourself. "How good and how simple," he thought... He searched for his habitual fear of death and did not find it... Instead of death, there was light.

Rant Bagdasarov, head of the intensive care unit of the Moscow hospital No. 29, who has been returning people from the next world for 30 years, claims that during his entire practice, none of his patients during clinical death saw either a tunnel or light.

The psychiatrist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Chris Freeman believes that there is no evidence that the visions described by patients occurred when the brain was not working. People saw “pictures” of another world during their lifetime: before a cardiac arrest or immediately after the heart rhythm was restored.

A study conducted by the National Institute of Neurology, which involved 9 large clinics, showed that out of more than 500 “returnees”, only 1 percent could clearly remember what they saw. According to scientists, 30-40 percent of patients who describe their journeys through the afterlife are people with an unstable psyche.

The secret of hell and heaven

Surprisingly, the descriptions of people who have been in the other world, even if only for a few minutes, coincide even in detail.

Hell? These are snakes, reptiles, unbearable stench and demons! nun Antonia told the correspondent of Zhizn. She experienced clinical death during an operation in her youth, then a woman who did not believe in God. The impression of the hellish torments experienced by her soul in a matter of minutes was so powerful that, having repented, she went to the monastery to atone for sins.

Paradise? Light, lightness, flight and fragrance, Vladimir Efremov, the former chief engineer of the Impulse Design Bureau, described his impressions after clinical death to the journalist of Zhizn. He presented his posthumous experience in the scientific journal of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In paradise, the soul knows everything about everything, Efremov shared his observation. I remembered my old TV and immediately found out not only which lamp was faulty, but also which installer installed it, even his entire biography, up to scandals with his mother-in-law. And when I remembered the defense project that our design bureau was working on, then the solution to the most difficult problem immediately came, for which the team later received the State Prize.

Doctors and clergy, who talked with resuscitated patients, note a common feature of human souls. Those who visited heaven returned to the bodies of earthly possessors calm and enlightened, and those who looked into the underworld could not move away from the horror they saw. The general impression of people who have experienced clinical death is that heaven is above, hell is below. The Bible speaks in exactly the same way about the structure of the afterlife. Those who have seen the state of hell have described approaching it as a descent. And who went to heaven, they took off.

In some cases, when a person was absent from earth for a very long time, he saw on the other side of the border the same pictures of hell and paradise that the Holy Scripture paints for us. Sinners suffer from their earthly desires. For example, Dr. Georg Ritchie saw killers chained to their victims. And the Russian woman Valentina Khrustaleva of homosexuals and lesbians, fused with each other in shameful poses.

One of the most vivid stories about the horrors of the underworld belongs to the American Thomas Welch, he survived after an accident at a sawmill. “On the shore of the fiery abyss, I saw several familiar faces who had died before me. I began to regret that I had previously taken little care of my salvation. And if I knew what awaits in hell, I would live very differently. At that moment, I noticed someone walking in the distance. The stranger's face radiated great strength and kindness. I immediately realized that this is the Lord and that only He can save the soul doomed to torment. Suddenly the Lord turned his face and looked at me. Only one look of the Lord and in an instant I was in my body and came to life.

Often, having been in the next world, people, like the nun Anthony, take church orders, not embarrassed to admit that they saw hell.

Pastor Kenneth Hagin suffered clinical death in April 1933 while living in Texas. His heart stopped. “My soul left my body,” he says. Having reached the bottom of the abyss, I felt the presence of some kind of spirit around me, which began to guide me. At this time, an authoritative voice sounded over the hellish darkness. I did not understand what he said, but I felt that it was the voice of God. From the strength of this voice, the whole underworld trembled, as the leaves on an autumn tree tremble when the wind blows. Immediately the spirit released me, and the whirlwind carried me back up. Gradually the earthly light began to shine again. I was back in my room and jumped into my body the way a man jumps into his pants. Then I saw my grandmother, who began to tell me: "Son, I thought you were dead." Kenneth became a pastor of one of the Protestant churches and dedicated his life to God.

Somehow, one of the Athos elders managed to look into hell. He had long lived in a monastery, and his friend remained in the city, indulging in all the joys of life. Soon the friend died, and the monk began to ask God to let him know what had happened to his friend. And once in a dream a dead friend appeared to him and began to talk about his unbearable torment, about how the unsleeping worm gnawed at him. Having said this, he lifted his clothes to the knee and showed his leg, which was all covered with a terrible worm that devoured it. Such a terrible stench emanated from the wounds on his leg that the monk immediately woke up. He jumped out of the cell, leaving the door open, and the stench from it spread throughout the monastery. Over time, the smell did not decrease, and all the inhabitants of the monastery had to move to another place. And the monk in his whole life could not get rid of the terrible smell that stuck to him.

Descriptions of heaven are always opposed to stories of hell. We know the testimony of one of the scientists, who, being a five-year-old boy, drowned in the pool. The child was found already lifeless and taken to the hospital, where the doctor announced to his family that the boy had died. But unexpectedly for everyone, the child came to life.

When I was under water, the scientist later said, I felt that I was flying through a long tunnel. At the other end of the tunnel, I saw a light that was so bright that you could feel it. There I saw God on a throne and below people, probably angels, surrounding the throne. As I drew closer to God, He told me that my time had not yet come. I wanted to stay, but suddenly I found myself in my body.

American Betty Maltz:

in her book "I Saw Eternity" describes how, immediately after her death, she found herself on a wonderful green hill.

She was surprised that, having three surgical wounds, she stands and walks freely, without pain. Above her was a bright blue sky. There was no sun, but the light spread everywhere. The grass under her bare feet was of such a bright color that she had not seen every blade of grass as alive on the ground. The hill was steep, but the legs moved easily, without effort. Around Betty saw bright flowers, bushes, trees. And then she noticed to her left a male figure in a robe. Betty thought it was an angel. They walked without speaking, but she realized that he did not know her. Betty felt young, healthy and happy. “I knew I had everything I ever wanted, was everything I ever wanted to be, was going where I always wanted to be,” she said when she returned. Then my whole life passed before my eyes. I realized that I was selfish, I felt ashamed, but I still felt care and love around me. My companion and I approached the wonderful silver palace. I heard the word "Jesus". The gates of pearls opened before me, and behind them I saw the street in golden light. I wanted to enter the palace, but I remembered my father and returned to my body.”

Surprisingly, our contemporary policeman Boris Pilipchuk, who survived clinical death, also spoke about the shining gates and the palace of gold and silver in paradise: “Behind the fiery gates, I saw a cube shining with gold. He was huge." The shock from the bliss experienced in paradise was so great that after the resurrection, Boris Pilipchuk completely changed his life. He quit drinking, smoking, began to live according to the commandments of Christ. His wife did not recognize his former husband in him: “He was often rude, but now Boris is always gentle and affectionate. I believed that it was him only after he told me about cases that only the two of us knew about. But at first it was scary to sleep with a person who had returned from the other world, as if with a dead person. The ice melted only after a miracle happened, he named the exact date of birth of our unborn child, the day and hour. I gave birth exactly at the time he named. She asked her husband: “How could you know this?” And he replied: “From God. After all, the Lord sends us all children.

When the doctors brought Svetochka Molotkova out of a coma, she asked for paper and pencils - and drew everything she saw in the other world. ... Six-year-old Sveta Molotkova had been in a coma for three days. Doctors tried unsuccessfully to bring her brain back from oblivion. The girl did not react to anything. Her mother's heart was breaking from pain - her daughter lay motionless, like a corpse. And suddenly, at the end of the third day, Svetochka convulsively clenched her hands, as if trying to grab onto something. - I'm here, daughter! Mom screamed. Light clenched her fists even tighter. It seemed to her mother that her daughter was finally able to cling to life, beyond the threshold of which she spent three days. As soon as she regained consciousness, the girl asked the doctors for pencils and paper: - I need to draw what I saw in the next world.

Alan Rickler, 17 years old.
Died of leukemia.
“I saw doctors enter the ward, my grandmother was with them, in the same dressing gown and hat as everyone else. At first I was glad that she had come to visit me, and then I remembered that she had already died. And I was scared. Then some strange figure in black came in ... I cried ... my grandmother said, “do not be afraid, it’s not time yet,” and I woke up that.”

Alexander Postremkov, 40 years old.
Died of a ruptured kidney.
“I remember almost nothing, only music. Very loud, like a march from some old movie. I was even surprised that, like, a serious operation was underway, and then the tape recorder was yelling at full speed. Then I realized that the music was getting kind of strange. Good, but strange. Some kind of extraterrestrial. I’ve never heard such a thing for sure ... it’s impossible to explain properly. The sounds are completely unhuman.”

Andrey Zagubin, 52 years old
Died of a heart attack.
“I saw myself from above and from the side. It was as if I was lifted up and pressed against the ceiling. Moreover, for quite a long time I watched the doctors and nurses try to revive me. It was funny to me: “Here, I think, how cleverly I hid from everyone here !”And then I was sucked into a whirlpool and “sucked” back into my body.”

All the memories of people who died clinical death are documented by doctors around the world.

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