The three main women in the life of Andrei Mironov and the hidden secrets that are associated with them. Andrey Mironov's wives, children The beginning of an acting career

Writer Fyodor Razzakov wrote a book about him, fragments of which we are publishing today. Many women passed through the fate of Mironov. And for sure, without them, the life and work of the artist would not have acquired the brightness that still makes people remember this wonderful actor.

Mother Maria Mironova

Andrei Mironov obeyed this woman all his life. But she, when her son was just taking his first steps, did not really believe in his abilities, she was afraid that he would not be able to become a worthy successor to the acting dynasty. Maria Mironova was distinguished by her imperious character. She married for the first time in 1932, at the age of 21. Her husband was the famous documentary cameraman Mikhail Slutsky.

Later, Mironova was invited to work at the Variety Theater, where she met her second future husband, Leningrad pop actor Alexander Menaker. Having met Mironova, Menaker decided to leave the family, she - her husband. Slutsky was in shock. But Mironova was not going to turn back. It is no coincidence that in the acting environment she was nicknamed the Witch with blue eyes.

Mironova was born on March 7, 1941 as a loud-mouthed boy, who was named Andrei. According to doctors, the boy was healthy. As the future will show, this diagnosis was only half true: he had a predisposition to aneurysm (expansion of the walls of the vessel, their weakening and thinning. - Ed.). Apparently, it was inherited by Mironov through the Menaker line: his father, his father's sister, and aunt would die from an aneurysm.

school sympathy

Andrei's first love was his classmate Galya Bulavina (Dykhovichnaya).

She was very beautiful, - classmate Lev Makovsky recalls. - From an intelligent family, my mother is a ballerina, my stepfather is the famous playwright Vladimir Dykhovichny. He sometimes wrote numbers for Mironova and Menaker. We are already used to the fact that Andrey and Galya are a couple and everything is serious with them. Parents approved of this friendship. The problem turned out to be in the character of Andrei. Firstly, he already then demonstrated that the acting profession came first for him. But they parted, already when Andrei was in his first year, because he hit on his classmate at the Shchukin school. Then Andrew tried to reconcile. But Galya did not forgive.

After parting with Galina, Mironov did not have a permanent girlfriend. He tried to look after classmates, but it did not result in something serious.

Mironov did not hide his novels from anyone, he was a moth in this matter: today one flower, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow the third, - recalls the classmate of the actor Valentina Sharykina. - Andryusha was very sympathetic to my friend Vikushka Lepko, Pani Karolina from the Tavern "13 Chairs". It was impossible not to fall in love with her: graceful, feminine, like a porcelain doll.

Andryusha invited me home several times, - says Victoria Lepko. - I remember the housekeeper said: “Andryusha, go to dinner!” And he went to supper, and I was left to sit alone. I wasn't hungry, but it hurt me. With all my sympathy for Andryusha, I understood that he was my mother's boy, it was clear. A little bit even henpecked.

Andryushino's excessive passion for the female sex came from internal self-doubt, - says Valentina Sharykina. - His parents were accomplished artists, bright personalities, it is not surprising that he wanted to prove that he himself, without patronage, can achieve a lot on stage. He often suffered from his indecision, could not feel like a victorious hero without external support and found it in female love. When they admired him, reciprocated, he grew up in his own eyes, freed himself from his parental aura and began to believe in himself.

Failed marriage with Natalia Fateeva

In the summer of 1962, on the set of Three Plus Two, Mironov fell in love with actress Natalya Fateeva. Natalya Kustinskaya recalled: “During the filming, I was settled with Fateeva in the same room, and Andryusha lived on another floor. I was filming another film at the same time. I come back in two days and I was really stunned: Andrey moved into our room! So in vain they say that he sought her for a long time. Nothing like that, they very quickly found a common language.

After filming, Mironov literally pursued Fateeva: he came to her house, watched her, suspecting that she was cheating on him with someone, and persuaded her to marry him. “Andrey and I became very friends, after a difficult break with Basov, he warmed my soul very much,” Fateeva recalled years later.

Mironov brought Fateeva and her three-year-old son Volodya to the dacha to introduce them to their parents. And Fateeva’s son managed to ask at the top of his lungs: “Mom, whose dacha is this? Is this our dacha?” Maria Vladimirovna threw all her strength into convincing her son of his desire to marry Fateeva.

And Fateeva left Andryusha because she fell madly in love with the film actor from the GDR Armin Muellershtral (he is familiar to the Soviet audience from the main role of Chris in the western Fatal Mistake), Kustinskaya concluded.

married on radio operator Kat

Mironov developed a passionate affair with actress Tatyana Egorova (years later she would write about this in her book Andrey Mironov and I). But with his first official wife, he offered to become a woman with whom he had known for a week, and even a newcomer to the Theater of Satire. Ekaterina Gradova was from a respected family and at that time starred in the TV series Seventeen Moments of Spring. Actress Vera Vasilyeva, whose husband Vladimir Ushakov was friends with Mironov, recalls:

Once Andryusha said to Volodya: “I will introduce you to one girl now. I need your advice whether to marry or not. We will go by car. You will sit in the back. If you like it, give it a thumbs up." This girl turned out to be Katya Gradova. Volodya later said: “I looked at her - she is so pretty! So we didn’t have time to move, as I already show Andrey the thumbs up. And he stops the car and says: “Vladimir Petrovich, it seems you wanted to get out here?” And he dropped me off to be alone with Katya.

We filed an application and came to his unsuspecting mother, - said Ekaterina Gradova. - Maria Vladimirovna was sitting in her room, holding her legs in the pelvis, and the pedicurist was busy near her. I was holding a giant bouquet of roses. Maria Vladimirovna said:

Hello lady, come in. Why so many roses in broad daylight?

The first wife of the actor was Ekaterina Gradova, known to the viewer as the role of "radio operator Kat". Photo:

Andrei quickly grabbed me with these roses, shoved me into the next room and was left alone with my mother. Before we applied, he didn't inform her. I just heard:

WHAT?!! - and - deathly silence. I was shaking all over with fear. And she invited me to come in. He speaks:

Andrei, sit your bride down, let her put her feet in the basin.

I sat down without saying a word, they brought me clean water. I did not understand anything, and the pedicurist Zinochka gave me a pedicure. I was chained to this ill-fated basin, everything swam before my eyes, and Maria Vladimirovna walked past me and stared at me. Then we quickly ran away...

Mother-in-law threatened to “tell me where to go”

The joint life of Mironov and Gradova did not work out from the very first days. Their union surprised many. The difference between their characters could not be hidden by anything. If with Egorova Mironov felt relaxed and gladly took her to his men's companies, then with Gradova this number did not work anymore. But it couldn't be otherwise. The actor himself was the initiator of his wife becoming the keeper of the family hearth and had no right to do anything except housework. Mironov, at the first opportunity, ran to the left, and Gradova could not do anything about it. Even her mother, secretary of the party organization of the Gogol Theater, was powerless to rein in her son-in-law walker. And she really frightened him: she threatened to declare where he should be about his anti-Soviet statements. But the effect was the opposite: Mironov was not frightened, but only further alienated from his wife and mother-in-law.

He soon learned that his wife was pregnant. They had a daughter, Masha.

Andrei was afraid to be alone with little Manechka. When I asked why, he answered: “I get lost when a woman cries,” Gradova recalled. - In general, Andrei was very conservative in marriage. He didn’t allow me to do makeup, didn’t like a glass of wine or a cigarette in my hands, said that I should be “beautiful as morning”, and my fingers should smell like berries and perfume. Not a day went by that he didn't call home three or four times. After the performance every evening flowers for mom. It seemed unfair to me. It was annoying when he answered her reprimands with complete humility: “I'm sorry! I'm a pig, a pig! I could not stand it: “You have no idea how much he loves you! He teaches me to wash, clean, cook, like you!”

His marriage to Ekaterina Gradova broke up in the days when Mironov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. When he left, he took with him only clothes and a collection of jazz records. And he came to his parents' house. Mother grabbed her heart: “God, you lost your apartment!” The two-room cooperative on Herzen Street was left to Gradova and her daughter.

Came to Golubkina with toilet and a lamp

After Andrey became interested in Larisa Golubkina. The actress lived with the playwright Shcherbinsky for six years, gave birth to his daughter Masha, whom Mironov would later adopt. His mother had been friends with Golubkina for a long time, so she approved of their relationship. After fleeing from Herzen Street, he lived in his parents' house for only two months, and relations with his mother were already strained to the limit - she continued to nag him for the loss of the cooperative apartment. A way out was found: Mironov decided to move to Golubkina on Seleznevskaya Street. For that this move was like snow on the head.

Andrei rushed in a truck and brought me an imported toilet bowl - a shortage! - a green leather armchair and an antique lamp. I laughed so hard! Golubkina recalled.

And after him came his father Alexander Semenovich and said:

Larisa, what is it?

I'm talking:

I didn’t call him, it was he who came to me, you see, even with his toilet.

Golubkina turned out to be the very woman who accepted her husband's conditions without objection: a minimum of showdown, a maximum of entertainment. True, if Golubkina accepted the first condition with pleasure, then the second was given to her with a creak.

I've been used to going to bed early all my life. And Andrei could not live without companies, she said. We didn't close the door. I didn’t drink until that time at all and didn’t know how to drink. If I drank at least a little, I immediately began to get poisoned: the temperature was up to forty degrees. I lay, suffered, cried, and he said:

You, Lariska, are simply crazy. You have to know how to drink.

Masha is one and a half, two years old, she is still small, suddenly at three in the morning friends come and bring four speakers, and here we are listening to music until the morning. Masha slept a sweet dream under the roar of speakers ...

Mironov married Larisa Golubkina, having lived with her for three years in a civil marriage. Immediately after registration, the young people went to Mironov's dacha in Pakhra. The groom's friends decided to play a trick on the newlyweds. Alexander Shirvindt and Mark Zakharov arrived at the dacha by taxi. Shirvindt climbed through the window into the bedroom and bit Golubkina on the heel. “For some reason, Larisa Ivanovna didn’t like it terribly,” Mark Zakharov stated.

Female - not laxative

Registration of relations with Golubkina did not discourage Mironov from hobbies, trips to the side. Actress Lyudmila Gavrilova played with Mironov at the Satire Theater for eight years, and they had quite friendly relations. And then suddenly a romance broke out. It happened in May 1981 when the theater was on tour in Novosibirsk.

One evening, Mironov called me: “Lucy, we were at a banquet, they fed us so much, I don’t feel well,” Gavrilova recalled. “Well, please come down to my room!” I then answered him: “Andrey Alexandrovich, I am not a laxative! If you've been fed, take a laxative."

Oh, he remembered this “laxative” all his life! Did Larisa Golubkina know about our relationship? I think she knew, and not only about them. But Larisa is a wise woman. You could read it on her face: you are still searching, but I have already found it.

This volcano of passions could adversely affect Mironov's health. After all, he had an aneurysm in his head - a grenade that could explode at any moment. He only had a little to live.

Mironov's last love was the actress Alena Yakovleva. The fact that Yuri Yakovlev's daughter had an affair with Mironov became known after Andrei's death. Yakovleva herself later admitted that "if not for his death, they would certainly have got married ..."

Mironov died in the summer of 1987 in the Baltics. On August 14, the artist played tennis in the sun, wrapped in plastic wrap to cut off the weight. And in the evening he performed at the Riga Opera House in the play "The Marriage of Figaro". He became ill right on stage. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital, but could not be saved.


Mironov could play Lukashin in "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". Ryazanov tried him, but did not approve, saying that he had so much masculine charm that no one would believe his remark “I have never been successful with women ...”. As a result, the role was given to Andrey Myagkov.

10 bright movie roles

- "Three plus two", Roman Lyubeshkin, 1963

- "Beware of the car", Dmitry Semitsvetov, 1966

- "Diamond Hand", Gennady Petrovich Kozodoev, 1968

- "Property of the Republic", Shilovsky (Marquis), 1971

- "Old Robbers", Yuri Evgenievich Proskudin, 1971

- “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia”, Andrey Vasiliev, 1973

- "12 chairs", Ostap Bender, 1977

- "Ordinary Miracle", Minister-Administrator, 1978

- "Be my husband", Victor, 1981

- "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", Johnny First, 1987


Leo appreciated the courage of the actor

Mironov very rarely used the services of understudies and stuntmen, he tried to perform all the tricks himself. Eldar Ryazanov was struck by the courage of Mironov on the set of the film "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia." The artist himself hung on the bridge, climbed onto the roof of a car traveling at high speed. He climbed out of the window of the sixth floor, clinging to the carpet, and hung on it. He himself climbed the 11-meter fire escape in a car moving at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and jumped onto another car. But Mironov was especially struck by the director when he was not afraid of the lion King in the chase scene. Before that, the lion attacked the Italian actor, scratched his back. And all the Italians flatly refused to approach the predator. And only Mironov was not afraid - he got down from the statue in the frame and approached the predator. The beast did not touch him - he appreciated Andrey's courage.

The first wife of Andrei Mironov, Ekaterina Gradova, was known throughout the Soviet Union for her successful role in the film masterpiece Seventeen Moments of Spring. This is the same radio operator Kat, with whom all men, young and old, were in love. It was her photograph that flaunted on seven-string guitars and radios throughout the country, and her biography was published in all theater magazines.

Andrei Mironov's wife - photo

Andrei Mironov often went to performances, as befits the personality of his creative warehouse. And when, while watching The Marriage of Figaro, he saw the young graceful Gradova on stage, in the role of the beautiful Rosina, his heart pounded hard. And after the performance, talking with the notorious Valentin Gaft, Andrei Mironov confidently informed him that this girl would definitely be his wife, no matter what it cost him.

Gradova initially entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages, but after studying there for only a year, she realized that her vocation was the stage. The Moscow Art Theater became the next stage in her life. During her studies, Katerina worked hard at the Mayakovsky Theater and the Satire Theater. The future wife of Andrei Mironov made her debut in the play "Talents and Admirers", which secured her wider fame, already outside the theatrical society.

In 1971, young Andrei Mironov and his wife legalized their relationship, and in 1973 their family increased by one little man - their daughter Maria was born. The actor has repeatedly mentioned in his interviews that, even in adolescence, he had dreams that his wife would be called Katya and she would give birth to his daughter Masha. And apparently the prophecy came true. By the way, the second adopted daughter of Andrei Alexandrovich Mironov, ironically, will also be the owner of the same name, but we'll talk about this later.

Mironov, presented himself to his wife, exclusively as a man of the old, traditional family upbringing. He believed that the role of a woman is raising children and cooking. Well, and all sorts of household chores, of course. And Mironov's wife was a rather famous person. The charming Katerina was followed by crowds of fans, and besides, she devoted all her free time to her beloved theater and filming.

And the family fell apart to everyone's surprise, on the contrary, from the betrayals of Andrei Mironov, which forced Gradova to expel the hypocritical spouse. He, like most men, demanded from his wife what he himself was unable to fulfill. However, after the divorce, Katerina still had strong conflicting feelings for Andrei, and she refused many gentlemen. She allowed herself other relationships only after the death of Mironov.

Mironov's new relationship

Mironov's second wife, Larisa Golubkina, no less famous than his ex-wife, became famous for her role in the famous "Hussar Ballad", the artist liked it during his first marriage, however, like many other women from their environment. But all the attempts of the womanizer failed. All the encroachments of Andrei Mironov in her direction, the young artist rejected, which only provoked the Don Juan.

Larisa Golubkina, brought up by a former teacher and career officer, did not contact a married man. The father fundamentally considered the actors to be windy and fickle people. And he didn’t want to hear anything even about the simple communication of his daughter with representatives of this profession. Yes, and Larisa herself entered GITIS secretly from her parents. However, water wears away stones. The actress could not resist the assertive Andrei Alexandrovich, and in 1977 they formed a star family.

It should be noted that before Andrei Mironov, the actress was in a civil marriage with the Soviet screenwriter Shcherbinsky, from whom she gave birth to a daughter, Masha. Giving her daughter her last name, she introduced her to everyone as the child of Andrei Alexandrovich. Yes, and Maria herself, being very small, considered Mironov her own father. Only when the daughter reached a relatively conscious age did the parents have to reveal all the cards in order to avoid misunderstandings. 14 happy years, this stellar union lasted until the sudden death of Mironov separated the artists.

The widowed wife of Andrei Mironov, in principle, never married after the tragedy, saying that after loving Andrei, she cannot perceive men as her spouses. Yes, and the artist's children had a hard time with the tragedy.

Undoubtedly, Andrei Mironov was one of the symbols of Soviet cinema, whose smile captivated the fair sex from ordinary schoolgirls and housewives to women who moved in the secular circles of the theatrical society, forcing them to literally stick to blue screens and disassemble the maestro's jokes into quotes.

Andrei Mironov was charming, incredibly talented and favored by the attention of women. There are legends about his numerous novels, women still compete and try to prove to themselves and others who he treated better, whom he should have married, and whom he married by mistake. But in his life there were three main women: mother Maria Vladimirovna and wives - Ekaterina Gradova and Larisa Golubkina.

Maria Vladimirovna Mironova

A lot can be said about this woman. She was determined, talented and powerful. We must give her credit: she was able to realize herself in all respects. She knew how to love ardently and passionately and just as ardently resist what she considered superfluous or unnecessary in her life or in the life of her own son.

Andrei Mironov treated his mother with the greatest respect, cherished her opinion infinitely, and always considered her wishes. It was to her that he brought flowers after each of his performances. He shared his experiences, victories, defeats with her, whether it concerned professional activities or personal life. Their connection defied an objective explanation, but it was strong and durable. Mom was his first listener, first critic and first adviser.

It was Maria Vladimirovna who at one time became the reason for the gap between Andrei Mironov and his girlfriend, actress Tanya Egorova. Despite Tatyana's assertions that he loved her all his life, they never became husband and wife.

Ekaterina Gradova

Andrei Mironov, after graduating from the Shchukin School, went to work at the Moscow Theater of Satire. In the office of director Valentin Pluchek, Andrey first saw Ekaterina Gradova, Kat's future radio operator from the film 17 Moments of Spring. The girl was shy, beautiful, and Andrei Mironov fell in love almost at first sight. And after the departure of Mironov, Pluchek strongly recommended to Katya not to start any intrigues with Mironov and his friends Shirvindt and Derzhavin.

Katya was determined to follow the advice, which she told Mironov on the phone. And he immediately proposed to her. November 30, 1971 they signed.

Maria Vladimirovna, who learned about her son's marriage after the fact, accepted the unexpected daughter-in-law with all the icy calm that she was capable of. But Katya, with her complaisance and thrift, rather quickly melted the heart of her mother-in-law. The birth of Maria Andreevna on May 28, 1973, named after her grandmother, finally reconciled the actor's mother with her son's sudden marriage. Moreover, Catherine turned out to be not only a wonderful hostess, but she could also refuse a new role if her beloved husband did not like her.

Katya could not come to terms only with treason. The actor's first marriage broke up when Mashenka was one year old. Maria Vladimirovna admitted later that Katya was a wonderful wife and daughter-in-law. Andrei left his new two-room apartment to his wife and daughter.

Larisa Golubkina

The actor was introduced to Larisa Golubkina by Natalya Fateeva, with whom the actor was in love. He inflamed feelings for Natalia during the filming of the film "Three Plus Two" and even complained to his mother about the indifference of his beloved, who refused to reciprocate. And in December 1963, Natalya introduced Andryusha to her friend Larisa. The actor began to look after her, even made an offer, which she refused, motivating her refusal by the lack of feelings between them.

Later, they broke up several times and met again. They were not husband and wife, but the parents of Larisa and Andrey were for some reason sure of their predestination for each other. Larisa became friends with Maria Vladimirovna, and she treated her with unexpected warmth and participation.

After breaking up with Ekaterina, Andrei Mironov lived with his parents for some time, and then, tired of his mother’s endless lamentations about the lost apartment, he suddenly took a leather chair, a floor lamp and a brand new scarce toilet bowl and moved to Larisa.

Andrey Mironov and Larisa Golubkina in the film "Three in a boat, not counting the dog." / Photo:

They were so close in spirit that the grinding process in the young family was not too painful. Larisa smoothed out all the brewing conflicts with her sense of humor and desire to avoid a showdown.

She adapted to his incredible sociability and to regular guests in the house. Larisa became her own in the circle of his friends, she knew how to extinguish his outbursts of anger and enjoy a joint vacation. No, Andrei did not turn into a monogamous at all. It’s just that Larisa was no less passionate about her career and treated his periodic novels as the costs of her profession. And in the family she learned to play second violin, giving the palm to the man.

On the hay of the Riga Theater, where Andrei played the role of Figaro, on August 14, 1987, the actor lost consciousness. He died two days later in the hospital without regaining consciousness. And it is pointless now to argue about who he loved or did not love in his life. He was a great, truly brilliant actor and left a bright memory of himself.

They lived together for 40 years, forming an extraordinary creative and family union.

Even in his youth, the leader of the Just Russia party was known as a heartthrob, and after a while it is not at all difficult to believe in such rumors. Sergei Mironov was married four times, as he himself claims, each time for great and bright love. Now Sergey Mironov's wife Olga is a journalist who has an eight-year-old son from her first marriage.

First wife - Elena Danilova

Sergey found his first love, as is usually the case, at school. Elena was the cousin of his classmate, and when she came to her relatives, the teenagers often saw each other. However, a spark between them flared up after Mironov served in the army. He entered the Mining Institute and soon after that got married. At that time he was 24 years old.

Everyone then lived in poverty, the young men on the course had one ceremonial suit, in which all the lucky ones got married, who were lucky to already find their love.

Elena received an education in the field of linguistics, got a job at Intourist and often went on business trips. The geologist Mironov was also rarely at home. However, in 1979 they had a son, who is now married and has children.

And in 1984, on one of his working trips to Mongolia, Sergei met his fellow geologist Lyuba and immediately told his wife that he was divorcing her.

The second wife of Sergei Mironov - Love

Now the politician calls the time spent traveling around the country and short meetings with Anyone the most romantic in his life.

He made jewelry from minerals with his own hands, which he himself found, and then gave numerous beads and bracelets to Lyuba - such a gesture from a man is worth a lot. In the evening he played the guitar for her, they met sunsets and sunrises together. It is not surprising that soon Lyuba became the wife of Sergei Mironov. In the romance of camp life, right on the expedition, their daughter was born.

For five years the young family lived in Mongolia, and then, in 1991, they returned to Russia. It was then that Sergei became interested in politics.

According to the recollections of others, Mironov was almost an ideal husband and father: he went for groceries, took his daughter to school, pampered his wife with gifts and attention.

But twenty years later, Sergei's personal life took a sharp turn, and he had a new wife.

Third wife - Irina

The next novel was also official. Irina got a job as a secretary in the Legislative Assembly and first became the first assistant to a novice politician, and then the chief adviser to the chairman of the Legislative Assembly. An educated, well-mannered, looking after herself woman could not help but attract the attention of Mironov. They had many common themes and interests, including fishing.

Until 2003, Mironov was officially married to Love, who did not want to give him a divorce so as not to destroy the family. But at that time, Sergey's relationship with Irina had already lasted for several years.

To his credit, he left an apartment in St. Petersburg to his second family and still maintains good relations with them, as well as with his first wife, helping his children.

A faithful comrade-in-arms, a smart, intelligent woman, holding herself with dignity in public - it seemed that Mironov had found an ideal life partner.

However, the loss in the presidential race, and then the resignation of the speakers, greatly shook both Irina's faith in her husband and his own self-esteem. In the end, he again went to another woman.

Mironov's fourth wife - Olga

The wife of the 60-year-old politician was a 29-year-old journalist from St. Petersburg. Neither age nor Olga's eight-year-old son prevented love. Sergey brings up his stepson as his own.

At the end of October, a wedding was played in St. Petersburg, and after that the newlyweds went on their honeymoon. Sergey proposed to her very romantically: he installed a billboard under the windows with a request to become his wife.

Mironov Andrei Alexandrovich is the most famous and sought-after actor of the Soviet Union, who was adored by people and appreciated by filmmakers.

This bright and handsome man often shone on the stage of theaters and performed on the stage. Andrei Mironov had a magical voice that enchanted all those who heard him at least once.

He rightfully earned the title of People's Artist of the USSR, as well as numerous orders. Streets, theaters and even an asteroid were named after Andrei Mironov. About his difficult fate, biopic films were made, which are still watched by millions of fans of his talent.

All the fans of the Soviet Union wanted to know what the handsome blond man's height, weight, age was. It was also not clear how old Andrei Mironov was, since even at forty he looked like he was at twenty with a small ponytail.

Andrei Aleksandrovich was born back in 1941 - the first war and the most difficult year. He died suddenly in the summer of 1987, so at the time of his death Mironov was forty-six years old.

According to the sign of the Zodiac, Andrei was fickle, cheerful and mystical Pisces, who have a high level of intuition. Mironov had a hypnotic gift, since the audience could not tear themselves away from the stage until the man went backstage.

The eastern horoscope gave the man the sign of the Snake and the character traits associated with it: wisdom, determination, pride, a tendency to always and everyone to help.

Mironov had a decent height of one meter and eighty-two centimeters, which on the screen and in life gave him a special attraction for the fairer sex. The man weighed only eighty kilograms.

Biography of Andrei Mironov, cause of death

The biography of Andrei Mironov began in the war year of 1941, which brought happiness and grief to the family at the same time. The baby had a Jewish father's surname, but at that time a wave of repressions related to the doctors' case swept through the country. In order not to spoil the boy's life, the parents decided to change it to the name of Mironov's mother.

By the way, the boy was born unexpectedly when his mother played in a theatrical production. She was an executive woman, so she played the play to the end and, only then, went to the hospital. Although, according to legend, Andryushka was born backstage on March 7, and his parents insisted that the date of birth be March 8. The boy was named a gift to his mother and all women for their day.

Soon after the birth of the boy, the family evacuated to southern Tashkent, but the climate of this city did not suit the child in any way. Little Andryushka was constantly seriously ill with dysentery. He was so weak that he could not move, eat, cry or even breathe. The boy was dying quietly, despite all the efforts of his mother. The wife of the famous pilot Gromov saved the baby, who got an expensive and rare medicine.

In the first grade, the boy went to a Moscow school and studied quite well, although the exact sciences were not given to him at all. He constantly ran to premieres at the cinema and was fond of collecting badges. He was the soul of any company, he easily made friends and won people over. Andrei at school showed the talent of the organizer.

Andryushka's cinematic biography almost began at the age of eleven, when he was offered the episodic role of a beggar boy in the movie "Sadko". He learned the role by heart, but he could not overcome cleanliness, so he refused to put dirty clothes on his naked body. The director yelled at him and drove him off the set.

In his youth, the boy constantly participated in amateur performances and theatrical productions. In the ninth grade, he studied at the school-studio of the Central Children's Theater. He was a creative and artistic kid, a real leader of teenage companies.

After graduation, the guy entered the famous Shchukin Theater School, which he graduated with honors. But at the entrance exam, he was so worried that blood poured from his nose. During his studies, the guy did not act in films, because he was quite serious about the ban on these actions.

After the studies were over, the young Mironov tried to enter the Vakhtangov Theater, but was not accepted there. The guy could not decide on a place of service for a long time and, finally, chose the Theater of Satire.

Filmography: films starring Andrei Mironov

The guy's filmography began in 1961, when he got the role of Petya in the film "And if this is love?", And the image of Yurka from the film "My Little Brother" brought all-Union fame. Then came offers in the movies that made him popular, "Three Plus Two", "Beware of the Car", "Heavenly Swallows", "Diamond Hand", "Straw Hat", "Tales of the Russian Forest", "12 Chairs", "Fairy Tale wanderings”, “Pathfinder”, “My friend Ivan Lapshin”.

All the tricks in the movies were performed by the great actors themselves, the guy simply did not recognize the understudies. By the way, Andrei Mironov performs songs in all his works on his own.

Mironov voiced the characters of his favorite cartoons. The actor recorded audio books and audio performances.

Andrei Alexandrovich performed in television performances, led concerts dedicated to various holidays.

Personal life of Andrei Mironov

The personal life of Andrei Mironov has always been eventful and stormy. A handsome blue-eyed blond constantly attracted the attention of the fair sex. Even while studying at school and institute, Mironov stood out for his excellent manners, gallantry, neat clothes and excellent upbringing.

When the guy began acting in films, he started numerous novels with the first beauties. The loudest of them was the connection with Tatyana Egorova, whom the actor almost married. Tatyana wrote an autobiographical book about the affair with Andrei Mironov, however, his wife clarified that this relationship meant nothing to a loving man.

There were rumors that Mironov had a stormy romance with Elena Proklova.

Andrei Alexandrovich Mironov passed away very early. The cause of death is prosaic - extensive cerebral hemorrhage. This happened after the actor fainted on the theater stage, he was sent to the neurosurgery department. Mironov spent two days in a coma and died without regaining consciousness.

Family of Andrei Mironov

The family of Andrei Mironov is creative and very unusual, since his parents were artists with a capital letter.

Father - Alexander Menaker - had Jewish roots that prevented him from fulfilling himself during the struggle against anti-Semitism. The man was unusually creative, he is a famous actor, he performed as part of the Mironov and Menaker family duet. In 1942 he became the director of the anti-fascist program "That's good!". He died five years earlier than his son, after two heart attacks his heart stopped.

Mom - Maria Mironova - a talented Russian and Soviet film and theater actress. She starred in films such as Volga-Volga, Maritsa and Tales of the Russian Forest.

The elder half-brother by father Cyril Laskari, with whom Andrey was friends all his life, became a choreographer and choreographer. He wrote wonderful books. Andrei Mironov's nephew Kirill Kirillovich Laskari is not only a poet and screenwriter, but also a marketing director of the Friday channel.

Children of Andrei Mironov

The children of Andrei Mironov were never a burden for him, they grew up in affection and love, therefore they became creative and self-sufficient people. He tenderly cared for his own daughter and stepdaughter, whom he considered his own.

Andrei Mironov surprised everyone by the fact that his babies were called the same Marishka and they were born in the same year. Both girls became theater and film actresses, they are winners of numerous prestigious awards. As children, they were friends and sisters, had many common interests and did everything together. Simultaneously, they entered the famous "Pike", but graduated from it at a different period.

Daughter of Andrei Mironov - Maria Mironova

The daughter of Andrei Mironov, Maria Mironova, was born in 1973 in the capital of our Motherland. His mother was Ekaterina Gradova, and the baby, at the age of several months, appeared on the screen in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" in the role of her daughter, whom the whole country sympathized with. During her school years, Mashenka starred as Becky Thatcher, however, the filming process did not give her pleasure, and she did not want to be an actress.

The girl graduated from drama school and starred in a number of films, including The Wedding, Day Watch, Night Watch, Owl Cry.

Andrey Mironov's stepdaughter - Maria Golubkina

Andrey Mironov's stepdaughter, Maria Golubkina, was born all in the same 1973, her mother was Larisa Golubkina, and her father was Nikolai Shcherbinsky.

The girl entered the Shchukin School, after which she became an artist of theaters of satire and drama in Moscow. She constantly hosts show programs on television and the Mayak radio station, and is also a member of the jury of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, like her famous father in 1986.

Her husband was Nikolai Fomenko, to whom the woman gave birth to a daughter, Nastenka, and a son, Ivan, but the couple divorced. Maria has been fond of equestrian sports for many years.

The ex-wife of Andrei Mironov - Ekaterina Gradova

The ex-wife of Andrei Mironov, Ekaterina Gradova, is a famous actress who became famous for her role as radio operator Kat in the bestseller Seventeen Moments of Spring. The future spouses met while studying at the school and were madly in love with each other. Katya was five years younger than her chosen one. Andrei decided to take the girl for a role in the graduation performance, and at the same time he told Gaft that this was his future wife and he had a dream about it at the age of fourteen.

Andrei Mironov was glad when his beloved woman gave him a daughter, Maria. The family broke up three years after the marriage, the reason for the divorce was different views on life. Mironov said that he needed not a movie star, but a wife and mother of his children. He demanded that Gradova leave the theater, and Catherine was not ready for this.

Andrei Mironov's wife - Larisa Golubkina

Andrei Mironov's wife, Larisa Golubkina, knew the great artist and his family long before they got married. The guys were introduced by Natalya Fateeva, saying that the guy was created specifically for Larisa. The girl was a year older than Andrei.

Larisa was taken care of by her mother for a long time, and Golubkina gave in to those who were a little older than her. She couldn't even kiss on screen because she was afraid of men.

Mironov offered Larisa to marry him countless times, but the girl did not agree. Young people entered into marriage in 1977, Larisa was on excellent terms with Mironov's parents.

The couple were often jealous of each other and quarreled, but lived together until the death of Andrei Mironov.

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