Reworked fables and fairy tales. Cool fables for adults. The fable "The Crow and the Fox", reworked

Cool fables in a new way

Trouble in the night forest
And what's the reason?
Shere Khan, you heard, I'm dead!
Get out, you bastard!
Come on, sing, well, dance
From heavenly manna!
Is it such a blessing
Did you leave unexpectedly?
The wolf and the crocodile frolic,
mooing cows
- He was the King, in fact, was,
Very shitty
Far from good ideas
Forest culture.
Let people be happy
With your skin!
There will be no blood in the jungle
And it's like
Go to him, rebuke
Because teeth...
The badger and the rhinoceros screech,
Well, like children
- Yes, he is here every corner
I marked myself
- He should have rested a long time ago
Until I'm crazy
Banging on a tree head
Spotted woodpecker
Howl the jackal at the star
Is it just necessary?
- Without him, grit, I'll find
What carrion
And let the hunters for now
Did not come out erysipelas,
I'll take a donkey with me,
Maybe it will help!
My rotten fangs
His horseshoes!
Really bad guys
We'll beat anyone! .....
Trouble was, trouble is gone
It became calmer.
Doing business in the forest
Donkey with jackal
An unprecedented offspring has gone,
And there would be peace.
That's just the forest people became
Sick and orphaned
Fangs, sharpened steel
Alien to the poet
Every fable has a moral
This one doesn't have.


The cat Vasily had a habit of walking and marking everything in a row,
Over everything that only came across, his vile performed the rite.
He was warned a hundred times, asked, even begged,
But everything, the asshole, was not enough, and here is the result, he was gone.
Morality is given to anyone to understand, remember yourself, tell another,
So that trouble does not happen, do not piss on the wires.

Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow!
And then smoothly - everyone remembers the fable.
But I'll tell you how it was
From other people's words, everything is awry.

In fact, this is our bird
I was looking, as usual, for something to steal.
Especially liked to profit,
Where unattended and at least how it shines.

Here the behavior, alas, resembles
The restless army of officials:
They act like that crow
They look what piece to snatch!

And so, once flying past a construction site,
Not communism, a little smaller,
On metal scaffolding at the counter
Cheese Brie saw - the desired piece!

It was not intended for feeding
The next uninvited guests.
A container shone nearby - it clearly means
That they thought to walk with the whole brigade!

However, having confused peaceful people's plans,
The crow dragged their Bree away.
Came to climb on gantry cranes,
But the cheese at that time, it is known, was not found!

We do not steal and do not guard,
Although on the ball, there are no words.
The fox has nothing to do with it - it is under the bullets
In vain set up grandfather Krylov!


Near a lonely standing birch,
The hare warmed the blood, cutting circles.
When the cold comes in January
You don't want to freeze - save yourself, run.

And the hare ran, making a path
So much so that the wind whistled in my ears.
Circles that way a hundred, doing a warm-up,
A couple more hundred, but not in a hurry.

But somehow lumberjacks came to those parts
Seriously got involved in the work,
Having dumped the birch shamelessly and rudely,
And that cross-eyed man froze to death at baptism.

The bunny fell victim to his own stupidity,
The frail little body was bound in a cold by ice.
He was too attached to a birch,
And look in the forest, there are so many of them growing.


Screaming Cat Sparrow:
- Tweet once, and I'll kill you!
... When the threats were fulfilled,
Without Sparrows, we would have remained.

Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
We were able to pull a cart out of the river,
Though only the Swan pulled out - that's the thing! -
With Pike, Cancer was pulled into the water.

No one knew that there was no fret -
And they gave a bonus to the whole brigade.

It's time to share the money, but how?
Let's drink them! - took the word Cancer.
And Pike shouted: “I agree! Quite!
I've been wanting a drink for a long time!"

Well, - Swan hissed, - so be it! ..
Buzzed until morning with Pike Rak.
But why two? The question is egregious.
But because our Swan is a non-drinker!


Provincial shrimp
Now a glamorous coquette.
Receptions, patty, shooting in the "nude",
Lobsters with crabs on the menu
Five pairs of unnecessary skis
Voyages to Nice and Paris,
The house is four kilometers away. From MKAD,
A wide circle of cicada friends,
Husband, black-winged bark beetle,
- Owner of factories and newspapers.

But mastered the shrimp spleen,
Such that crying at the right time, damn it!
Everything happened, I'm sorry
From the drunken bliss of satiety.

The psychologist bumblebee whispered to this:
“Fall in love! Find a bug for the summer!
Pollen to the flower! A flower on a stigma!
It will dissolve on its own
Your longing! Go ahead, baby!"
The shrimp obeyed the bumblebee.

The soul was waiting for someone!
And waited after all, that's the point!
Meet the pink infant,
Kalmar Roman. Rock musician.

And away we go ... Romance with Roman,
Singer, poet, drug addict,
A secret fire blazed:
Dorm, club, attic, basement…

Having learned about tricks, bark beetle
Decided to have a beer for lunch
And smiling, evil and crooked,
He ordered shrimp for beer.

(The flower was in the pollen for a short time!)
She was found and ... in boiling water!

This is the conflict between soul and body.
Read the tragedy Othello.


Known to all for a long time
A log sits in someone else's eye.
Well, in your own eye, however,
Some badass is sitting
Which inflates the mosquito,
Inflates a fly into a whole elephant.
And there will be an elephant over a mosquito
Buzz both in the evening and in the afternoon.

Look mosquito! What am I
I can eat you now.
The mosquito thought and said.
-Ouch! Don't make a scandal.
You will burst from anger sometime,
Then I will live richly.

Well, you can't wait, bloated,
I'm no longer an elephant, a puffed-up turkey.

Ha! Ha! Turkey! Oh I can't
You tell this to the enemy.
The mosquito said and instantly fell silent.
There was a strong bang.

Well, what kind of a prophet am I,
I gave you a lesson.

The moral of the fable is:
Don't see the log in someone else's eye.

At the virgin woman Esther,
On the last, 7th floor,
There lived a black cat Vasily -
Long time no kitten.

The old woman is the most in the world
Loved him like a mother
However, observing virtue,
The cat was not allowed to walk.

Vasily was accommodating in temper,
But still, every spring
Heart-rendingly screamed with a hoarse meow,
Possessed with a bad passion.

Granny took a broom,
Leaving your eternal tangle,
She persistently inspired: “Vasya,
Meow quieter, dear!"

And, slapping on the backside a little,
Broadcast, insanely mourning:
"Really stray cats
How much do they confuse you?

From them - only an infection and fleas,
Take away your sinful flesh.
Oh, Vasenka, how bad it is!” -
But the cat is also a cat in Africa.

As soon as the old woman took a nap,
Leaving a ball on the floor
Cat Vasenka jumped from a chair,
Shit on every corner

And jumped right out the window
(Until they drove out vzashey).
Now he's on the roof for all the cats
He sings sonnets about mice.

The moral here is worth a little -
After all, every tattered cat knows
That one who argues with nature
Gets only nastiness. Here

Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening.
“If I were a queen,” says one girl, “I would prepare a feast for the whole baptized world!”
“If I were a queen,” her sister says, “I would have wove canvases for the whole world alone!”
Third: "If only, if only ... A man would!"


The wolf was urgently taken to the hospital
A beautiful fox wife.
In such a multi-storey building,
What is called "maternity hospital".
For centuries there was a war with the fox,
And here is your wife!
The time has come for the fox
The son was to be born.
The wolf began to preen:
I got myself a light suit,
Washed with soap, combed my hair,
Wrapped up in cologne.
Caught a taxi, bought flowers,
100 grams was enough for courage,
I ate a sausage with cheese,
The wolf drove to the maternity hospital.
Arrived, they are already waiting for him
And they carry a blue bundle.
The wolf gave all the flowers to the nannies,
And he carefully took his bundle.
He got into the taxi carefully.
And ordered to go quietly.
Dear became unbearable
Find out if the son looks like a wolf.
I languished in thoughts, endured,
He decided and looked.
Slightly opened the sheet,
I opened my mouth in surprise...
Disgustingly sank in the chest,
"Well, hare," he shouted, "wait a minute!"

Spreading paws from a flower petal,
Spider - the poet read poetry arrogantly
And the breeze played with verses, slightly,
Words in the forest spread instantly.
A crowd of dung flies scurried around,
For a moment, one of them, interrupting the flight,
Quietly and with malice buzzed:
"Wow! Also for me, there was a poet."
But the spider was not embarrassed by ridicule,
Did not listen to a spider of offensive words,
He sang about love and blue distances,
About the brilliance of the lagoons of golden sands,
Like a drop of dew dripping down,
Like a ray of sunshine illuminating the east,
And speech more and more attracted the fly,
And the poor thing sobbed into her proboscis.
And the spider, in a fit of voluptuousness,
She offered to become his bride -
Star of captivating happiness
He promised to weave a dress for the wedding:
"Look how thin my thread is,
And twisted lace in intricacies.
My silks are not from a dung beetle,
And from a weaver in the tenth generation."
And the fly couldn't help but agree.
The silly rogue listened,
And then just everything, as they say,
Losses, flies, did not notice the fighter.
Do not listen to poets flies - fools.
Don't get hooked again
And take care of your slim figures.
Kiss appetizing ... in the proboscis! smack!

The reader will ask: "Where is the morality?"
Morals with a fly rolled into a web.

Dreaming about pork bones
In Ukraine, a flock of branches
So I decided: "Don't be a coward,
Run away Bug to Belarus.
If there is something to enjoy,
We'll cross the border."
Masquerading in the bushes
The bitch was there.
Month, two and three, four
They forgot to wait for her.
Suddenly Juliet appears
All curled up, dressed up,
Her hair shines like silk
And a leash in diamonds.
- Oh, I've had enough, girlfriends,
And pig bones, and ears,
And sausages, and spitballs,
And heads from fat jocks,
And goose giblets
And cold chicken.
I even got better
I weigh twenty kilograms.
- Exactly, she became like a cow,
So go again
You are not needed here at all.
-So after all barking is not allowed!
But no matter how you feed us,
Let Ukrainians bark in the media.

In the distant Ural thicket
The woodpecker hollowed out the bark of pines.
Such a simple hobby
He taught the larvae goodness.

But this dull work
Confessions from the masses cannot be found.
And the woodpecker was tormented by care -
Find something to suit.

After all, only to hammer and being able,
He was terribly envious of animals.
And, with a beak hurting from the knock,
He dreamed of becoming famous himself.

He found a simple solution
Why be somebody yourself?
And the forest population became
I do them, as a critic, to teach.

That interprets the wolf sadly:
You, gray, do not howl at the moon,
Dislikes the night light
To break his silence.

He teaches the horse boldly,
How to eat oats in the stable,
Swamp frogs skillfully
Verbal will close the diarrhea.

And even coming to Ai-Bolit,
To heal your beak a little,
Said it would be nice to have a retinue
Reduce doctors and nurses.

Listened to speeches like this
Ural forest animals
And sent the messiah to hell, -
Everyone has their own opinion.

The moral of this simple fable
Not at all fresh, not new -
The stupid woodpecker came not to the nursery,
Adults have a head.

On props, in the middle of the bedroom,
The iron chest was acquired.
Peaceful spirit of the bedchamber
The volume was full in the safe.
There are many valuable cargoes of some
accumulated in it for centuries.

A cool day, a year old,
Enters the bedroom with interest
Master wise, unique.
On the path (between the forest)
He reached this bedroom
A month warm in early summer.

"Engineering intelligence is visible!" -
He speaks in rapture.
"The straightness of angles and lines, -
The beauty of this creation.
I am convinced - to open
He must with a secret, brothers! ".

Looking back, looked back.
He takes out a pack of picks,
Thought stirred in my heart,
Started to solve the problem -
How and where can become
Safe doors open.

On right. On the left, - in turn, -
Presses the safe wall.
Mind considers derivative,
Computing the circle of the dilemma.
Looking long and hard
The way of the solution is technical.

The day expires,
The master does not output.
Here the week goes by.
A month of searching goes by.
Emaciated, everything beats,
But no solution is given!

Finally, with a sigh,
Emaciated in body and soul,
He clapped his fingers in anger,
Exclaiming: "Right!
Destroyed irretrievably
Chest with a hundredfold wisdom!

Gathering with humiliation
The "battlefield" is leaving.
In humility instructed
He goes over in his soul
Everything that I dug up for the new
A month of hard practice...

Mind occupied, did not guess -
The safe was opened by the handle.

One day a snake met God
Hear, God
give me the voice of the Nightingale!
And then I only know how to whistle and whistle
And if you knew: all my life
only dreamed about
to sing songs!

Are you a snake!? When I made you
I deliberately deceived you with my voice
So that you do not sing sweetly
And into your mouth, who
once again, did not please
But if you repent, then -
another thing!
Hold on! Now like a nightingale
you can sing
However, with evil
this gift to use - do not dare!

Thanks Lord!
I thank you for teaching
I swear to you and my poisonous tooth
I give you a cut
I will not forget the age of your kindness
And a new voice with evil
I will not use!

The Snake has a short memory
as you can see, it did!
And just open your mouth
again she shows a sting
Just crawled out of paradise -
(just at that time he flew by)
Suddenly the snake sang!
Well, what a wonder!
How beautiful it sings
And the notes are right
Sang the whole song
and without a single falsehood
You would fly, however, Nightingale,
on your way!
... And did not catch the Nightingale Serpent,
forgetting about the oath - sorry!

Friends, remember the moral:
So that the Nightingale lives longer
You should not be friends with the Snake
What's the point, that without falsehood
she sings
What if she BURNED you?
Since you were born a Nightingale,
hold on just in case
away from the snake...
And be sure that about oaths, about yours,
The snake will immediately forget

Then there will be no more Nightingale

In court, the fox made a speech.
The innocent judge haunts me forever.
Suffered by the judge and got so sick.
The fox did not want to be treated by a doctor either.

She was tried, but she continued to insult.
Honestly and with dignity did not want to answer.
Oh, how hurt her pride in court!
She asked to rest for only three weeks.

In a rude form, the cheat convinced the judge.
She suffered from the ill-wisher of the hedgehog.
Shut up fox!
The wolf convincingly asked for a friend.
I will help you as a colleague and as a friend.

The wolf was looking for a way out of a difficult situation.
For her, he constantly changed defenders.
But still, the fox did not let up.
Insults constantly refined.

How angry and screaming.
Out of sight! Go away, creatures away!
The gray wolf is unable to help the fox now.
But the bear calmly answered the fox.
Your deeds have long been noticed by the fox.

The fox in the defenders except the wolf has a jackal.
And he remembered the fox trick for a very long time.
Wolf, jackal and fox, in the end.
These are unique specimens!
You will not find such soulless animals in nature.

Once again, the fox complained to the judge.
She talked about this and that, and of course about fate.
Like, my noble pile is shedding.
The process is dangerous and will affect health.

He asks the bear to let her go to the forest with God.
Immediately the fox continued to be wiser.
She loosened up again like last time.
The fox was sent to prison at the same hour.

A cloud of sons loved.
I have always taught them well.
Hail and wind are naughty.
They weren't always smart.

The sons walked for a long time.
The wives of beauties were all looking for.
Married without thinking
immediately divorced.

The mother forgave her sons.
She adopted them, of course.
I gave them all my love.
To think, not to rush taught.

Clearly understood again.
Mother must be respected.
To avoid mistakes
I need to take advice from her.

Wind brother was smarter.
This is how he explained it to his brother:
"Mom wishes us well.
Protects from mistakes.

Always gives good advice.
Whether you want to listen or not.
Listen, don't be offended.
Make your own decision."

The brothers fly side by side.
Our earth is being decorated.
Understand that a mother is a mother.
She must be respected.

When God sent a piece of cheese to a crow,
At that time I was not in the world ...
Today I grew up, and already other children
From the fable they learn what happened next ...

Today, power is like a cunning fox,
He tells people how wise he is.
Talking about nano-miracles,
Which he was previously deprived of ...

Today everything was covered with a folk layer:
People's Front ... budget - people's ...
We build roads together with the people ...
And the brand of the people is very fashionable ...

Once again, people are proud of themselves ...
And if the cunning fox
In that fable, she took possession of the cheese ...
That in life, the authorities are proud of themselves ...
And the more that she got from the people ...

And it seems who cares.
You have to pay for the pleasure.
And flattery is boldly thrust into the people ...
In order not to be beaten in the elections of power ...

Oriole turned to Cuckoo:
“Tell me, faithful friend.
I will live in love ... with the Nightingale,
How long are we destined to be together?
The Cuckoo said to her in response:
“An idyllic duet is waiting for you.
The Nightingale is bewitched by you,
You will soon become a devoted wife.
I do not throw words into the wind,
You will live more beautiful than sweet dreams!
And why do you love Nightingale?
I would bypass this side,
They say he is no man.
Don't worry, it will be only yours!"

That same evening, somewhere by the stream,
Met the Cuckoo Nightingale.
Dawn caught them in a hot passion ...
Know that there are NO girlfriends in love!

Cool fables for adults


Think what a bastard
To deprive the cuckoo of motherhood! -
Watching the news program
Father Corncrake said. -
Look how sad she is.
Does not sleep, does not eat, and everything cuckoos:
Ku-ku. Ku-ku. Ku-ku. Ku-ku.
But madam is still in the juice!
Take, wife, under the porch
A cuckoo egg for you?
- We'll take it, of course, how not to take it!
And began to live and live
A foster child is cherished.
She grew up ... But, good,
Sometimes ran away from the family
To dances. Where the nightingales
Roulades sang until dawn.
(The cuckoo liked it all).
And then, one day, in the noise of the ball,
She lost her innocence
With the handsome Woodpecker, he is a scoundrel,
Did not take the young woman down the aisle.
And again heard on a bitch
Cuckoo bitter "Ku-ku!"
Now an owl sits with an egg.
The moral of the fable is this:
No matter how you raise a cuckoo,
Such a daughter, what a mother...


Glamorous bunny from the cottage village
I wanted to find a worthy groom.
To be rich, and not devoid of sense.
And outwardly, so as not to be disgusting. For a stroke.

But in applicants only rabbits are solid,
In whose priorities - one hookup.
And she wanted to drown in the love of the elements.
For her there was intimacy without passion - bad manners.

From chastity, the burden cannot be hidden,
And there is a shortage of worthy applicants.
"Well, where are you wandering, my lost knight,
What is generous with gifts and sentiments?

Two appeared on the horizon at once!
Of the noblest, it would seem, persons.
Tandem ruling like two playboys
They rode in search of sympathetic sweethearts.

The hare rushed to meet those noble guests.
How else? Destiny was decided.
But the suitors were provided with a departure plan -
And two eared foreheads fled from fate.

Potential suitors sparkled heels.
The cottage village was soon behind ...
"Where are you running, glamorous kids?" -
The bunny plucked the soft curlers from the fur.

But what a disappointment
When, having overtaken all these fugitives,
The bunny recognized - fake robes.
There were two scoundrel rabbits hiding in masks...

Glamorous bunny does not ride on the grass yet, -
Where can she ride, if her belly is impressive?
Difficult fate, but after all, there are edits in it, -
You look some lop-eared will pick up ...


God once sent a piece of meat to a dog, -
On the spruce poor thing perched
(What has not been done hitherto since birth -
Yes, the river has overflowed,
got ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought...
And she kept a piece of meat in her mouth ...
On that trouble with Mazay next to the boat sailed.
Mazai saw a cous, -
Mazaya "carried":
He, more comfortably intercepting the oar,
Without splashes - quietly approaches the dog,
spins the oar,
And he doesn't take his eyes off the meat...
He took aim quietly - breathing a little ...
And how the oar will hit the ears!
The dog squealed in all the dog's throat,
Went to the bottom, blood bled from the wound ...
Mazay has since lost his peace! -
The dog howled under the moon at night -
Louder than the Baskervilles was that howl!
And then she roamed home to Mazai,
He turned gray, closed, became dumb -
And so as not to be much tormented by guilt -
He began to save the hares from the flood in the spring ...
But at night without knowing why
He drowned the dogs, lowing mysteriously: "Moo-mu" ...

Turgenev, having heard everything, embellished -
Gerasim appears in his story...
And Tolkien scored the last count -
Mazai in his stories - Smeagol...
And we, not knowing the whole truth before,
Grandfather Mazai was turned into a hero!


Hot summer day in June
Forgetting about the rest for a long time
Smashing with gasoline and diesel
Per ant home log
Suddenly in a clearing near the river
he raised his eyes
It's carefree and lazy
A dragonfly dozed in the shadows
September turns into summer
Rain knocks on the window every other day
Getting yourself a sweatshirt somewhere
Rushing ant home log
And on the ferry across the river
In the shade of an umbrella, closing your eyes
Theater or disco
Dragonfly swims slowly
The damned winter is fierce
The sheepskin coat does not heat a damn thing
But the ant does not protest -
Dragging two logs through the snow
Got up to rest. I sighed heavily.
And suddenly I saw in sables
Dashing three horses in harness
rushing the dragonfly in their sleigh.
Where are you going - tell a friend
not knowing the essence of being?
For leisure
I'm going to a dinner party.
Nice to have a glass of tea
Among talented people
I love beau monde tasting the spirit
See the birth of ideas...
Having shouldered the logs again
The ant answered her like this:
"You'll see if there is Krylov
Tell him he's a f*ck."


paprigunium strakaza,
Abaldelia of the eye.
Celius leta persuasion prigal
Vodka guzzled, nagami drigal,
And work ne hatel!
Patamu and no sleeper!
And murash zavskladam bill,
In the yurt he is in sacks forcibly -
Tea, apricots, kish-mishch, persimmon...
Prepared for the winter
And the Dragonfly laughed at him,
That's guzzle, naked baltal!
Why are you laughing?
Gavarit Murash to him,
Soon water will fly from the sky,
Where is yours sitting?
Dragonfly "Ha-Ha" sang,
He flew away and flew away.
Coming soon with neb vada pachols
Dragonfly to Murash come
Wah! Salam! Maroz in the steppe!
You let me in.
A pack to the yard of the Khan
I will be your wife.
And Murash puffed on marijuana,
-Your thought I - kutykh?
For a tortilla sleeping with you?
Do you think you're so dumb?!
The whole summer just prigale,
Guzzle arak, nagami drygal,
Didn't say hello to me
Keel here! Sing songs!
There is truth in this fable,
If you want to eat delicious
Latham needs to work,


Varon smiled a rare case -
Fell on the beak from the neb cheese.
Beautiful cheese come true, round dir
There is a lot of Imelsa in odorous cheese.
Varon his cheese ne spruce on spruce,
He eats sal crown oak,
Hotel will try on the tooth
Already a heavenly souvenir.
Ne listened to odorous cheese,
Vertels is like a Rubik's cube,
On the beak of the varoni ne derzhalsa.
The sly fox ran home,
I saw the cheese on the beak of the varoni,
And stop for good
At the oak, where the birds are cluttered
To the very highest, and prayed:
- Sing, ara, don't be shy about the song,
You are the most important sdes soloist.
Varon gardils and zvezdils,
From black schnobil swalilsa cheese
On pasta sly fox.
Varon wept. And morality
The wise man has a fable like this:
Sal eat cheese on oak - ne sing!


All day, flying and buzzing,
The fly was looking for a sweet life.
Treasure every second,
While strong and not an old woman

And she's very lucky
Played all-in fly lot
To spite the enemies, to spite the friends
She found spilled honey.

Spread your wings wide
Forgetting all troubles and misfortunes
The fly dived deep
In your suddenly found happiness.

And full of sticky sweetness
Captivated by pleasure and prosperity
She died in agony
She was very, very sweet.

Accidentally flying bee
Sighed bitterly over the grave
Sometimes fate is hard!
There was not enough strength to work!


From a life too good
From boredom and excess energy
The dog killed stray cats
Somehow bit the neighbor.

The whole village was afraid of him
He is not a mongrel, a wolfhound,
The center of the rules of the ancients,
When: who is strong is right.

But the thief climbed into the yard treacherously,
When the owner was addicted
And the dog with a radiant smile
Gave the meat a fat juicy shmat.

The house was robbed, the dog got drunk,
The happy thief walks away
The owner is trembling like an aspen,
"Fate has come to pass."

The moral is simple: with such dogs
Stand guard at home.


Once a Woodpecker, who was hollowing out a hollow to order,
The idea came to mind: to leave the craft
And with the funds that he obtained by carpentry,
Buy a plot and build a new house on it.
As soon as the Woodpecker took the land and drew a project,
He immediately began to cast the foundation for the object.
Tired, the owner straightened his overworked back
And, taking with him a drawing, he sat down on a mountain ash.
While he rested dreaming big
The Cuckoo and the Cuckoo approached him, frolicking.
Kukush, although not nesting, was a bird by nature,
Rushed to prove that he is strong in architecture:
"You would, Woodpecker, instead of expensive iron and stones
I took better clay and grass - cheaper and faster.
"Indeed, why - said the owner, illuminated, -
I'll roll the boulders like a convict!"
The builder Kukush was pleased and inspired,
He sculpted walls from clay, covered the roof with reeds.
When the house was almost ready, bad weather came
And the roof was blown away by a squall, and the walls were washed away by a downpour.
Swearing, the Woodpecker began to look for an error in the drawing,
But soon he came to the conclusion with annoyance in his soul:
"My mistake was, apparently, that I listened to Kukush,
Which, bastard, - what's the house! - did not build a hut.

Added: 09/03/2012 19:38 [+0]

Alexander! The site is waiting for the promised video from you. The poems are not bad, but the obscenity somehow gives them a boost. I honestly forgot my last name. So, all my works, where there is the slightest hint of this, even veiled, they deleted. And after I invited to visit our site, gave a link, I was generally blacklisted. Yes, in fact, he didn’t impress me. The only plus that we need to adopt, and very quickly, is the ability to instantly attach video material to any text.

Odessit Added: 09/03/2012 22:12 [+0 ]

What video did I promise? I don't remember something. Poems (although these are fables, but it doesn’t matter) I was offered to post vasya_hrenov, which I did. * We need brothers, that's what, we need to start fighting for cleanliness. * - But what, is it really dirty here? I have everything stuck. but the fact that such rhymes were so boring in childhood, and we are not some kind of puritans to be baptized after each mat, if its use is appropriate and justified, why not, the main thing is not to overdo it.

about the fact that your work was deleted, I'm sure they didn't even read it.

vasya_hrenov Added: 09/03/2012 23:44 [+1]

Well, it's not permanent. Yes, sometimes you can. Bespristrast mentioned that he writes obscene poetry, I asked to post it.

Odessit Added: 09/04/2012 02:07 [+1 ]

I don't write at all, but I did write a long time ago. this is how, due to a misinterpretation, the reputation of a foul-mouthed person will be fixed for me))

vasya_hrenov Added: 09/03/2012 23:42 [+1]

Excellent verses.

I liked. Very lively. No worse than Krylov.

akuwa Added: 09/04/2012 06:23 [+0 ]

Alexander, everything is fine. I like it. Of course, a lot of peaks, well, nothing. In order not to beep, I try to edit, you won’t believe it, it takes almost as much time to remove mats as it takes to write.
I liked it, otherwise it would be so dusty, as you put it. Fables to x @ I (fig, horseradish) but the essence, of course, is the same. Dare. Who knows, but let Ivan Andreevich (Krylov) rest.

akuwa Added: 06/15/2016 12:42 pm [+1]

Wolf and Lamb

Gathered the little Lamb,
Drink water at the waterhole.
He is small, still a child,
The Wolf meets him, in a drinking bout.
Swollen, muzzle all swollen,
And with a drill rushing at the boy.
Byashka's blood froze in her veins,
-Well, everything, - he thinks, - Hana.
-The folder has two liters of potion,
The lamb says to the Wolf.
And you, after all, toil with a hangover,
Tell me, I'll drag it in an instant.
For this, you take me to the stream,
You will miss all the time.
- I agree, Byashka, your mother,
Are you still here, how long do I have to wait?
And it didn't even take five minutes.
The wolf didn't look back.
Lamb with vodka, right there.
From happiness, the Wolf sat on his ass.
Well, Byashka, you give
You are like a brother to me now.
Even when you come here
I will be glad to meet you.
Here is such a turn,
Can turn happiness.
It was necessary, just something
The wolf should splash in time.

akuwa Added: 06/15/2016 12:44 pm [+1]

Lion and Hare

Somehow Leo, walking in the woods, stepped into the shit,
Let's build a toilet! Okay, it's decided.
They sawed boards, logs, dug a hole,
Everyone worked, only Oblique, did not dig a single gram.
In general, he is kind of strange, he scored a bolt on everyone,
Almost all the time in a cast, and walked in bruises.
All the shit in the forest was collected, in a heap and burned,
In general, as a subbotnik type held.
Once again, the lion is walking along the path,
The Hare sees on the path, sat down, sits and shits.
The lion flew up to the Hare out of indignation,
And a kick in the asshole, I wanted to give him.
- Lyovochka, have mercy, how could you think,
I just caught a butterfly at my feet.
But he doesn’t take his hands off, here’s a bitch, he’s cunning,
- What is the name of the butterflies? Well, this is ... Swallowtail.
Who are you brainwashing, raise your hands,
-After all, the bitch will fly away, I'm sorry, damn it.
Well, I'm letting go, because there is no use for her,
Here the bitch flew away, but shit, then lope!

They read and taught the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And you did not want to remake them in today's manner? Of course, how! They probably tried to write their own fables, but the best thing, of course, is to write remade fables. After all, there you only need to replace the words or describe the action and characters in a different way, and leave the spirit of the fable the same.

We also decided to contribute to this not simple, but interesting work of the fabulist, and on our website we published the altered fables of Krylov and not only. Agree that our life has changed little over the past few centuries, which means that fables are relevant in our time. Read and enjoy, dear visitors!

The dragonfly and the ant fable, reworked

Hot summer day in June
Forgetting about the rest for a long time
Smashing with gasoline and diesel
Per ant home log

In the meadow near the river
he raised his eyes
It's carefree and lazy
A dragonfly dozed in the shadows

September turns into summer
Rain knocks on the window every other day
Getting yourself a sweatshirt somewhere
Rushing ant home log

And on the ferry across the river
In the shade of an umbrella, closing your eyes
Theater or disco
Dragonfly swims slowly

The damned winter is fierce
The sheepskin coat does not heat a damn thing
But the ant does not protest -
Dragging two logs through the snow

Got up to rest. I sighed heavily.
And suddenly I saw in sables
Dashing three horses in harness
rushing the dragonfly in their sleigh.

Where are you going - tell a friend
not knowing the essence of being?
For leisure
I'm going to a dinner party.

Nice to have a glass of tea
Among talented people
I love beau monde tasting the spirit
See the birth of ideas...

Having shouldered the logs again
The ant answered her like this:
“You will see if there is Krylov
Tell him he's a fool."

The fable "The Crow and the Fox", reworked

Varone, where did she live in,
Allah sent a barbecue for the weekend.
Blindamed's dirty beak in the village,
Varona sat down to eat shashlik on a chair.
And so that the meat does not get stuck in the throat,
Varona “Khvanchkari” took the bottle.

Then a fox walked past to work,
eyes-glass, like apahmelitsa.
And hearing the smell of a kebab with your nose,
ran up to the varona with such a question:

Oh jyurajeol, how good you are,
what do you eat - barbecue or manti?

It's none of your business, jurajol -
Varon said - Out pashshchel!

But our fox did not let up,
tried to prolong the conversation,
smiled on all three teeth,
lay down, fell down again,
blinked a glassy cunning eye,
squeaked and deftly moved the pelvis.

At the same time, Varone said:
What hips you have beautiful
how harasho leggings sit on them,
what a beautiful face you have.
You are more beautiful than the badger Katso!
What feathers - all the best without damage!
Oooh, and your muscle - look - Vitaly Shcherba!
Your smell is the world of Uzbekistan!
You are not a varona, you are AREL! MANTANA!

Yes, you are fantastic, jurajol!!!
You know, and I slid, you dance cool!

And the varon from such a compliment
the moral spirit fell at 22 pracent!
He could not dance from birth -
The problem was with the cardination of the movement.
And then a fox suddenly called him a dancer!
Varona stood on a chair, said: Assa !!!.
And he began to move all his body parts,
the skin in the back of his head did not flare up.
And suddenly the varona stumbled with his paw -
the chair broke - the varon fell - CRASHED !!

The shashlik fell to the ground
and half a bottle of Khvanchkara:
The cunning fox said: HURRY!!!,

Krylov's fable "Quartet" reworked

naughty Monkey,
Donkey, goat and Clubfoot Bear
They started ... but not a quartet,
They don't care about the quartet!
And it all started with a trifle:
Monkey, so, slightly, slightly
I learned to read newspapers
And she, silly, imagined
What if she is a scientist,
That must control the beast!
But let's just say that she
She wasn't the only one
Since there are many candidates
It was torn into ministers, into deputies.

After all, everyone knows that relish
Lives the one who has power!
Not long did the animals doubt
And everyone gathered in the meadow.
And the beast decided so -
Create your own government!
Then they began to judge everything, to judge,
How to create elections for them.
To have something to vote
They began to tear birch from birch.

We decided to order a woodpecker
Your animal seal.
Blueberries that were found
All wasted on ink.
Geese caught on the lake
And they plucked their feathers.
(They, after all, will grow again,
You can't write without a pen.)
While they judged and rowed,
The forest is slowly being destroyed!
When the losses are counted
All the animals groaned softly...
But Monkey did not like it,
That Clubfoot Bear has been elected!
And she began to squeal disgustingly,
That elections are illegitimate!
That everything has been set up for a long time
And without it, everything is decided!
And began to demand, again
Animal gathering in the forest to collect!
To start re-elections
I had to pick the forest again!
Does the monkey think about
What will it all turn into?
What is it to attack simple animals?
To reach only to power!
Oh, she would turn around
Oh, I would totally blow it off!
And now Monkey's dream came true,
To be chosen by the big shot!

She is now, neither give nor take,
Prime Minister! Animal mother!
And she called progress
Serving personal interests.
Even the press did not give a hint,
What about the once rich forest
He has been sentenced!
And not for a month, not for a year,
And ten years ahead!
The moral of this fable lies in this:
Don't let the Monkeys learn
Read abstruse words!
And if you choose, then Leo,
Ile Lioness to choose at last!
If only the ruler was a WISE!!!

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