Inconstant April sun snow and rain mixed. Inconstant month. Sun, snow and rain interspersed. Every day there is less and less snow. But wherever you step, wherever you look, there is water everywhere. Seems like everything. Animals and birds

Synopsis of a lesson on the world around us for grade 2 on the topic “Visiting Spring!”

Target settings of the lesson (planned results):

Personal results:

They understand the need and importance of a careful attitude of man to nature.

Interdisciplinary results:

They are able to establish cause-and-effect relationships in natural phenomena, understand the relationship between animate and inanimate nature,

Express and justify your opinion.

Able to work in pairs and in groups.

Separate important information from non-essential information.

Evaluate your work and the work of a friend.

Subject Results:

Pupils know the spring changes in animate and inanimate nature, the spring months, the names of early flowering plants.

Learn to observe changes in nature.

Lesson outline.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher : Guys, today we have an unusual lesson of the world around us. Unusual, because we have guests today. They are benevolent. May this day bring us the joy of fellowship. And we will work today under the motto: "Success gives joy."

Let's check if everything is ready for us to work successfully?

And in order for our work in the lesson to be successful, remember the rules:

Writing is smart.

Listen carefully.

Asking is to the point.

Respect others!

Work together and help each other!

2. Actualization of children's knowledge.

Teacher: In the lessons “The world around us” we discover all the diversity of nature. Let's remember what nature is like? (living, non-living) And there are other items made by human hands. Remind me, please, what is the difference between living nature and inanimate nature.(breathes, feeds, grows, reproduces, dies)

To make sure you remember well, let's play the game "Nature is not nature"

Teacher : If you hear the names of an object of wildlife - raise your hands up, inanimate nature - lower your hands on your head, and the name of objects made by human hands, clap your hands.

Tree, house, stones, chamomile, icicles, sand, butterfly, mushrooms, air, spoon, birds, water, shoes, people.

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Problem situation .

Teacher: Well done! We remembered what nature is like.Today at the lesson I invite you to visit ...

Guess who?

If the river is blue

Woke up from sleep

And runs, sparkling in the fields -

So we have come...

If the snow melted everywhere,

And the grass in the forest is visible

And a flock of birds sings, -

So we have come...

If the sun turns red

Our cheeks are red

We will be even more pleasant -

So it came to us ... (spring)

3. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Who can tell me what the topic of our lesson is.

So we're off to spring.In fact, she's walking towards us. Do you like to visit?

What do you think, what will we do when visiting spring? Your assumptions(we will play, learn something new, share our knowledge, perform various tasks). Let's definethe purpose of our lesson:repeat and bring into the system the knowledge about spring that we received earlier and in the last lesson during the excursion. Namely, to answer the question: what kind of revival (what changes) occur in nature in spring and why?

We will not waste time in vain, but we will go to visit and check your assumptions.

Will you visit alone or with me?

Imagine that we are walking, the door - what needs to be done?(knock - knock) . Next, let's show ourselves polite - say hello.

Hello, mother spring is all red!(in chorus).

Spring is a wonderful time of the year! This is an awakening!People love spring. Both adults and children are always looking forward to it. After all, this is the warmth of the warmed sun, a wonderful mood, a feeling of something special, maybe even magical.

Spring in their works is sung in their own way by artists, composers, poets.

Do you know what voice spring has? Now I will turn on the music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin "Spring Waltz". Listen, and you will surely hear the voice of spring. Music will give you the mood of what is happening now in nature. Try to imagine that along with spring you ended up in a forest, or a river, or a clearing.(music plays Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin " Spring Waltz")

And this is how the artist depicted spring Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev is a great master of landscape. The most important thing in his picture isblue sky background. Allpainting riddled with itcaptivating charm.

This is how the poet I. S. Nikitin presents us with spring

Full, my steppe, sleep soundly:

Mother winters the kingdom has passed,

The tablecloth of the deserted path dries,

The snow is gone - both warm and light.

Wake up and wash yourself with dew

Show yourself in unobtrusive beauty

Cover your chest with ants,

As a bride, dress up in flowers.

Admire: spring is coming,

Cranes fly in a caravan

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams roar along the ravines ...

Soon you will have guests

How many nests will be built - look!

What kind of sounds, for songs will pour

Day-to-day, from dawn to dusk!

( children have a printout of this poem)

Who will find more signs of spring, which the author named in his poem?


Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together,

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands,

Twisted, turned

And everyone sat down at the desks.

We close our eyes tightly

We count up to 5 together.

We open, we blink

And we continue to work.

Spring changes in inanimate nature.

List the names of the spring months in order.

Guess the riddles about the spring months, tell me what month we are talking about, and what signs of this month did you hear?

(Reading teacher)

A warm south wind blows

The sun is shining brighter

The snow is thinning, soft, melting,

The loud-mouthed rook flies.

What month? Who will know? (March)

The word March is not Russian. It came to us from Byzantium. The first month of spring is named after Mars, the god of war. Our ancestors called this month "thaw" because of the rapid melting of snow and thawed patches. In March, the snow gets damp underfoot, in the shade it is still winter, and in the sun there are drops, puddles, therefore March is also called “drip. What is another name for March?Guess yourself and paint over with a red pencil.(Children have cards on their desks: spring of light, spring of water and spring of greenery) The first victory of the sun is the spring of light. It began when the first thawed patches appeared in the fields, the first land became free. The rooks and starlings rejoiced at her and flew in.

March 21 "day and night are compared" (spring equinox)


And now the "questions from March":

a) What happens to the air temperature with the onset of spring?(rising)

(b) What does "the temperature rises" mean?(getting warm)

c) Why is the temperature rising?( the sun is getting higher in the sky).

d) Does this change the length of day and night? How?(the day is getting longer)

The spring of light has not yet ended, and the sun has already led a new offensive.

Mystery(teacher reads)

The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us in April? (April)

Tell me, what kind of spring is April?(paint over) The second victory of the sun is the spring of water.

Sun, snow and rain mixed. The impermanent deceiver is April: there are seven weathers in a day. The change of sunny days with blizzards and frosts has long been called April inventions by the people.

By the end of this month, the red sun drives away the last remnants of snow - that's why April is called a snowdrift. The ravines began to play with melt water, the first spring rain is drizzling, puddles have spread widely, spring waters are moving. Wherever you step, wherever you look, there is water everywhere. Hence another name for April - Aquarius. It seems that the whole earth, meeting spring, is in a hurry to wash itself better before putting on an outfit of green herbs, foliage and flowers.For the inconstancy of the weather, its changeable character is "capricious", "deceiver".

Nature wakes up in spring. It was the spring of the sun, water. And what is the third victory of spring?


The fields are green

The nightingale sings.

The garden is dressed in white

The bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess,

What month is this ... (May)

Our ancestors called May "herbalist", "bird whistling", May - the end of spring, the eve of summer- green spring.In May, the wind sings and the earth puts on its best dress. The earth is covered with a green carpet.May is bloom.March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers. The time is sonorous, melodious: that in the fields there is a bush, then it chirps and whistles, like a twig in the forests, so a song. The last feathered wanderers arrive at the nesting sites.

Marigold drenched with yellow glaze, blue sprouts, pink dope of wolf's bast, purple bells of sleep - herbs, fragile tenderness of violets, then the color of bird cherry and mountain ash - all this gave another name to May - pollen grass.

Call, cheerful May, but also unstable. It is extremely rare to do without cold weather. In May there are two colds: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms.

Thanks to the months for their interesting story.

Physical education minute

The game "Stomp-clap"

I call the signs of spring. If you agree, clap, if you disagree, stomp.

Days get longer in spring

Crow is a migratory bird

Birds fly south

Melting snow, ice

The sky is blue, high

Plants are blooming

Leaves are falling from the trees

Insects appear

Guys, did the sun warm the earth in the same way in all spring months?

Which spring month is the coldest? And the warmest? Why?

Has the length of the day changed?

Now let's paint the sky with words. What is it like in spring?

What precipitation falls in the spring?

What happens to the snow? What's going on withsoilin the spring? Why?

So, what changes in inanimate nature occur in spring, how are they interconnected?(Speech by Isakova Zh.)

4. Changes in wildlife.

But not only in inanimate nature changes occur with the onset of spring.Spring brings changes to the life of animals.

Fedorov M. ("Animals in the spring").

The thawing soil gives a signal to representatives of the plant kingdom. What is the name of the plants that bloom first? (primroses)

And Nastya will tell us about the spring changes in plant life.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

    Card work.

Distribute into groups



soil thawing

snow melting

first thunderstorms

arrival of birds

appearance of snowdrops

flowering plants

appearance of insects

animal moult

    Group work

Rules for working in groups:

Learn to listen to a friend

Work quietly so as not to disturb others

When you're done, help a friend

Keep your workplace in order

Here is a story about spring. But there are typos: your task is to find and correct them together.

In spring, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become shorter.
Snow is everywhere, stormy sonorous streams freeze.
The ice on rivers, ponds and lakes is covered with cracks, becomes loose, darkens and melts, ice drift begins. Ice floes float along the river, break with a crash, and melt water floods the meadows and lowlands. The flood begins.
The buds of the willow have fluffed up, and although there are no leaves yet, the whole tree seems to be shrouded in a delicate yellow-green cloud. The trees are starting to fall. Earrings on alder and hazel become brighter, fluffy. Spring flowers open in forests, fields and meadows: coltsfoot, snowdrop, lungwort.
Insects wake up after a long winter. Migratory birds fly to warmer climes. Some animals go into hibernation. They are starting to shed.
In the spring people have a lot of work. Harvest hay for the winter for pets. Early crops are sown in vegetable gardens: dill, parsley, carrots, onions. Apple and pear trees are being harvested in the orchards.

    Find the extra word. Explain your choice:
    1. March, April, May, November:
    2. coltsfoot, lungwort, chamomile, snowdrop;
    3.bear cub, fox cub, calf, squirrel;
    4.butterfly, wagtail, bumblebee, bee;
    5.tractor, shovel, rake, pitchfork.


So, what changes in wildlife occur in spring, how are they related to changes in inanimate nature?Based on your observations, tell us how the weather has changed with the advent of spring? Why is it getting warmer? What happens in this connection in inanimate nature? What is ice drift? When does the river threaten to flood? What rules of safe behavior do you know during the melting of ice on ponds and rivers? How has precipitation changed with the onset of spring? How has the soil changed?

The sun is higher than in winter -

The days got longer.

Warming -

The sky is blue, high

Clouds are white, light

Melting snow, ice

Ice drift

high water

Precipitation: snow, rain

First thunderstorm

Soil thawing


From the fact that the sun rises high above the horizon, the life of wildlife changes. Spring is coming!


Our lesson ends, and our today's journey to visit Spring.

Did you like it?

Guys! And I liked your work at the lesson!

You answered amicably and actively, so the work turned out to be successful! Well done! Clap yourself!


Inconstant month. Sun, snow and rain interspersed. Every day there is less and less snow. But wherever you step, wherever you look, there is water everywhere. It seems that the whole earth, meeting spring, is in a hurry to wash itself before putting on an outfit of green herbs, foliage and flowers.

The first smile of spring is coltsfoot. Morels appeared on clearings. Sap flow begins at birches, awakening in April. It is no coincidence that the old Russian name of the month is BEREZEN, and SNOGON.

April is high water season.

Since April, the earth has been dying - blowing with wind and warmth.

Three rains in April and one in May are worth a thousand rains.

Wet April is good arable land.

April picks up water, opens flowers.

April - the forest rings from bird choirs.

In April, wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - to a warm summer and a harvest of nuts.

A lot of juice flows from birches - by a rainy summer.

Wet April - good arable land, glorious haymaking.

Dry April portends bad things for arable land and haymaking.

The rye says: "Sown me in the ashes and at the right time," and the oats say: "Tread me in the mud, then I will be a prince."

April with water, and May with grass.

April is warm, May is cold - the year of grain.

If you sow at the right time, you will gather a mountain of grain.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

Spring rain never fails.

Furiously the river roars and breaks the ice

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us?


I I open the buds into green leaves,

I dress the trees, water the crops.

Movement is full, they call me ...


Streams rang, rooks flew in.

The bee brought the first honey to her house - the hive.

Who knows when this happens?

(In the spring.)

A hut was built without hands, without an axe.

(Bird's Nest.)

The beauty walks, lightly touches the ground.

He goes to the field, to the river and along the snow and along the flower.


There are no hands, but he knows how to build.


She comes with affection and with her fairy tale,

Waving a magic wand -

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.

Who enters the window and doesn't break it?

(Sun rays.)

I always friendly with the world. If the sun is in the window

From the mirror, from the puddle, I run along the wall.

(Sunny Bunny.)

I run to my mother-river and cannot be silent,

I am her son, and I was born in the spring.


A sturdy wooden house with a round small window,

It stands on a long leg so that cats do not climb.


Comes to us with warmth, having come a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window of grass and clay.


I all day I catch bugs, eat insects, worms.

I don’t fly away for the winter, I live under the eaves.


There is a strange doctor in the world

He heals trees, children:

Where does it hurt? Knock Knock!

Ah, I found it! Here, here!


Winged cats have appeared in the forest!

The mice groaned and hid in their burrows.

We are not cats at all, honestly:

But beware of us! - they exclaimed...



In the land of prel, in the land of prel

April kicks in.

He is with a stream in a furrow,

I'm waist deep in water.

And looks young

Filled with starling.

Wake up buddy

Let's run to the meadow!

^ M. Sukhorukova

April, April! Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.

Soon the ants will come out after the winter cold.

The bear makes its way through the forest deadwood,

The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed.

WITH. Marshak

AT April, in April the meadows are full of color.

We bring bouquets from a walk in April.

Bring some nettles home

Let grandma cook green cabbage soup.

^ V. Berestov

In the forest clearing

Sea of ​​flowers.

Snowdrops have blossomed

After winter dreams.

Next to the forest

Dream interpretation, adonis.

Starodumka, rostiki-

Colorful bouquet.

In the forest clearing

A sea of ​​flowers!

Decorate the earth

After winter dreams.

^ L. Gerasimova
Noisy on the river ice drift

Noisy on the river ice drift,

The gardener is busy in the garden,

Funny lapwings scream

The crow feeds the crows.

A warm breeze blows

The first moth woke up

And the song of the finch is heard -

Spring came! Spring came!

^ V. Alferov
Conversation with spring

Well, Spring, how are you?

I have cleaning.

What do you need a broom for?

Snow revenge from a hillock.

Why do you need streams?

Clean up the trash from the tracks!

What are the rays for?

For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything, dry it -

I will invite you to the party!

^ O. Vysotskaya


Spring is coming to us with quick steps,

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches are visible on the margins.

That's right, spring has very warm feet.

^ I. Tokmakova

Now the snow fell, then the winds howled.

And suddenly it's warm, starlings sing.

And the kidneys opened their beaks

From surprise, like chicks.

^ A. Beresnev

The sky has become bluer

Green grass in the forest.

Flock of domestic pigeons

Knitting lace in the sky.

B. Nesterepko
The singers are back

The singers are back

Our old tenants.

From invisible rays

A stream ran down from the mountain

And a small snowdrop

Grew up on a thaw

Starlings return -

Our old tenants.

Sparrows at the puddle

They circle in a noisy flock.

Both the robin and the thrush

Engaged in nesting.

Wear, wear in houses

Birds at straws.

G. Ladonshchikov

sharpening swords,

Rays descended on the river.

And when the ice was cut

The river began to ice.

^ A. Bereste
sunny april

Went out without a hat

In a coat unbuttoned April

And burned with a sunbeam

From thin icicle drops.

I took a branch on the willow edge,

Dipped her into the solar circle

And began to sprinkle freckles

On the young faces of girlfriends.

Great, eternal miracle -

It's time for the earth to wake up!

Just tell me where

Is there so much kindness and love in her?

Where does such excitement come from?

By whose power is it born?

What a pity that in the spring updates

Only people alone are not given ...

But still in the spring we are younger -

We are drawn to that square behind the stream,

Where youth passed like a passerby,

Who cares nothing.

No, she did not pass - here

Walking in a cheerful crowd

And loud starlings, as before,

They sing: “Come back home!”.

April warmed up, walked up

And loud as a new tram

I rushed along the shiny rails

May thundering with thunderstorms.

^ M. Palievskiy


The sun was rising in the sky

The owl's sun woke up:

Wake up, get up my friend

The whole earth dances around.

The squirrel is dancing, the hedgehog is dancing,

Everyone dances who can.

Well in the forest in spring -

Get up quickly! Dance with me!

^ R. Bored
Spring is red

Spring is red outside!

Why is spring-red clear?

The sun is hot, the light is bright,

Sticky bud, first leaf,

The sky is clear, the sun is red.

F. Lev

The sun dropped a golden ray,

A dandelion has grown - the first, young.

It has a wonderful golden color

He is a big sun small portrait.

^ E. Serova
House for a titmouse

To the gardener Uncle Grisha

The chick landed on the roof.

Tit is worried:

The little one might catch a cold.

He drags his granddaughter a mitten -

Small bird's house.

"The mitten is not suitable," -

The titmouse tells him.

The grandson then brought a basket,

I added some herbs.

"And the basket is no good," -

The mother tit explains.

The grandson thought ... Then

Made a house out of planks

Inaccessible to enemies

Bird enemies - cats.

Birds settled in the house

A mother tit feeds her daughter.

Carries caterpillars, bugs,

Bark beetles-worms.

Uncle Grisha is a gardener

Now he lives without worries:

Birds guard the garden

And the granddaughter is having fun.

^ M, Semenova

Cheerfully backed

Spring from the forest.

The Bear answered her,

Rumbling from sleep.

Bunnies jumped to her,

Rook flew up to her;

The hedgehog rolled after

Like a prickly ball.

Squirrel got excited

Looking out of the hollow, -

Fluffy waited

Light and warmth.

Proudly drew himself up

Enlightened boron;

On the branches of brown

The bird choir boomed.

Smiled joyfully

All transparent forest

And Frost behind the trees,

Groaning, he disappeared.

^ L. Agrachev
Ice drift

Ice drift! Ice drift!

The winter ice has broken!

Maybe it's an icebreaker

Did you walk along the Moscow River?

No, big icebreakers

Never go here.

This is from the beams of cheerful

The ice floes are slippery.

But the rays catch up with them -

Ice floes are melting, disappearing

And give space to the wave.

Ice floes give way

Sun, light and spring!

^ S. Baruzdin
We built a birdhouse

We built a birdhouse

For a cheerful starling,

We hung a birdhouse

Right next to the porch.

The whole family of four

Lives in the house

Mother, father and starlings -

Little black feathers.

Mother feeds the squirrels.

All day long the chicks cry: -

We want a supplement

A fly and a goat.

E. Tarakhovskaya
Lungwort and primrose

The lungwort blooms

She is the queen of flowers!

Next to her is a primrose

Dressed in a golden coat.

L. Gerasimova

Natalya Serdyukova
Lesson of the world around "April Aquarius"

MOU "Novoilimsk secondary school named after N. I. Chernykh"

The lesson of the world around

« April - Aquarius»

(1 class)


Primary school teacher

Serdyukova N. F.

Pedagogical goal: to bring into the system the knowledge of children about changes in nature in the spring.

Type lesson: solving a learning problem.

Planned results (subject):

The student will learn: explain the changes in nature in spring; will have the opportunity learn: observe the rules of ecological behavior in the natural environment, describe the observed objects of nature, highlight their essential features.

Universal learning activities (metasubject) :

Personal: The student will have formed: a positive attitude towards school and educational activities, interest in educational material, knowledge of the basic moral standards of behavior; the student will have the opportunity to formation: ideas about the value and uniqueness of natural peace, environmental protection, health-saving behavior

Regulatory: Learner will learn: to accept and save the learning task corresponding to the stage of learning, to understand the action points highlighted by the teacher in the educational material; evaluate together with the teacher and classmates the result of their actions; will have the opportunity learn: carry out step-by-step control over the result under the guidance of a teacher, adequately perceive the assessment of one's work by a teacher, comrades; in cooperation with the teacher and comrades, find several options for solving the educational problem.

cognitive: Learner will learn: to search for the necessary information in the textbook and manuals; understand the question asked, in accordance with it, build an answer orally; analyze the studied objects the world around highlighting their distinguishing features; establish causal relationships in the studied range of phenomena; will have the opportunity learn: focus on the possible variety of ways to solve a learning problem, draw analogies between the material being studied and one's own experience.

Communicative: Learner will learn: negotiate, come to a common decision, use the rules of politeness in communication; will have the opportunity learn: to formulate your opinion and position; build understandable surrounding statements.

Forms and methods of teaching: frontal, individual, collective; verbal, visual, practical.

Educational Resources:

Oliver Claire. Children's Encyclopedia of the Earth.

M.: Eksmo, 2010.

Sorotskaya, O. N. Educational and visual aid. –M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

Equipment: subject and plot pictures depicting animals, plants, insects, birds; specimens of the insect collection; sound recording - the murmur of a stream, the voices of birds.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

To become a friend of nature

Know all her secrets

Unravel all mysteries

Learn to observe.

Let's develop together

Have a mindfulness

And it will help you to know

Our curiosity.

(check readiness for lesson)

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

Look, there are two pictures in front of you. Can you tell me what time of year they are?

What is the similarity (difference) paintings?

(I. Levitan "March", A. Komarov "Flood")

Why do you think the artist depicted a lot of water in the second picture?

When does this happen in nature?


The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house.

And in the forest the bear woke up

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us? (April)

What happens in nature with the advent of spring?

(personal observations of children)

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.

1. The student reads a poem:

What's going on in the spring!

The birds are coming!

The snow is melting and the ice is melting!

And on the rivers - ice drift!

The grass appears

The field is alive

The downpour is pouring like a bucket!

It thunders: "Spring! Hooray!

I’ll rattle - I’ll let it go!”

What means "rain pours like a bucket"?

2. Teacher:

AT April is different: sun, snow and rain mixed. fickle April. But wherever you look, you look - everywhere ...

(children are invited to listen, imagine, feel what they hear)

The sound recording of the noise of the stream sounds

What did you hear? Seen? Did you feel?

3. In the people April called by - differently:

"birch"- Old Russian name of the month. AT April birches begin sap flow.

How do you understand the word - sap flow?

(In case of difficulty, please contact "Explanatory Dictionary")

"Aquarius"- pours water

Explain the meaning of the expression "pouring water"?

Why do you think in so much water in april?

Where is the most abundant water?

4. "Travel" to the river.

I suggest you take a look at the river and see what's going on there?

(story picture "On the river"; children's answers)

student reads a poem:

Ice is coming, ice is coming!

Long string

Third day in a row

Ice floes float...

What is the name of the natural phenomenon when ice moves * along the river?

(explaining the meaning of the expression "ice is coming *)

Student reading passage:

The first days went by April. One morning, unexpectedly for everyone, ice began to drift on the river. The ice has broken. Angrily pushing each other, the ice floes somehow slowly and reluctantly floated along the river. The laziest crowded along the shore, crackled, broke, as if grumbled: “Where everyone is in a hurry, we’ll still have time, we’ll have time ...” Three days later, the river cleared of ice.

What means "the river was cleared of ice"?

Where did the ice go?

Continue the offer:

When the ice melts, the water...

Work based on the painting by A. Komarov "New Water". A story about the changes in the life of animals.

Looking at a reproduction of a painting

Sharing what you see

What time of year did the artist depict in the picture? How did you guess?

What is a natural phenomenon called when a river overflows its banks*?

(in case of difficulty, contact "Explanatory Dictionary"; since children are just learning to work with reference literature, I make notes in the dictionary and ask them to read it)

"Flood"* - spring flood of the river during the melting of snow and opening from ice.

"flood"* - flooding of land with water that has come out of the banks.

"flood"* - rise in the water level in rivers as a result of rainfall or snowmelt.


Spring brings animals not only joy, but also troubles, and even real trouble. The spring sun has melted the snow, the ice has melted. The water rose high, flooding the bushes and tree roots. Frightened animals leave the flooded holes and try to escape from the flood. Here is the hero of the picture - the hare climbed onto the branch of an old tree. He's scared. Pressing his back against the trunk of a tree, he carefully looks at the rising water. I'm sorry for the animal in trouble. If the flood does not subside in a few days, the hare is in danger of death.

Why do you think the artist painted this picture?

What did he want to tell us?

Can humans help animals?

(children's answers, we recall the poem by N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares")

How do other animals feel in this difficult time for them?

5. Work in groups. (Children are invited to divide into two groups and choose the animal they will talk about. On the desks there are reference words prepared in advance, pictures that can be used to describe the animal, its way of life, the influence of inanimate nature on changes in life.)

1 group: a story about a fox. Protection.

Addition: There is a new addition to the fox family. In early spring, blind little foxes were born in a hole. They are still quite helpless and weak, but after a month, when they grow up a little and get stronger, the fox mother will begin to lead them out of the hole. She goes for prey and leaves the kids alone.

2 group: a story about a bear. Protection.

Addition: Back in February, cubs were born to a she-bear. There may be two. It is still cold in the forest, but in the den it is warm and cozy. And mom is nearby, As soon as the spring sun warms, and streams run, the whole bear family leaves their shelter. Mom - bear brings up babies, accustoms them to water and teaches the first skills of hunting.

Evaluation of the work of groups.


Hungry animals in spring. The fox is forced to go hunting in order to feed herself and her offspring. Easy prey - mice.

What is the fox doing? (children's answers)

(mouse *, interpretation of the word)

Where can you get bear food? (children's answers)

He destroys the anthill. He takes out ants and their larvae with his paw and licks them with his tongue. Larvae are a rich food, so the bear quickly satisfies hunger.


7. Game "Remove the excess". A story about the changes in the life of plants.

On the desks of each group are pictures with image:

Lily of the valley, dandelion, dragonfly, snowdrop

Lungwort, ladybug, marigold, snowdrop

(Children, in consultation, remove the extra item and justify their answer)

How can you name the rest of the items in one word?



The people say: « April picks up water, flowers reveals "

8. Work in groups. (Children are invited to choose a plant that they will talk about. On the desks there are reference words prepared in advance, pictures that can be used for a story)

1 group: a story about a snowdrop. Protection.

2 group: a story about mother - and - stepmother. Protection.

Evaluation of the work of the group.

Why do you think nature gives flowers to people?

(we repeat the rules of environmental behavior)

9. A story about the life of insects.

Teacher: When primroses bloom on a sun-warmed hillock, is this where the work begins? For whom?



Flying over the lawn

pat over a flower,

He will share the honey. (Bee)

What does the expression mean "domestic hostess"*, "pat"*?

The story of the students about the ground beetle, urticaria.

(children are invited to consider insects from the collection)

In the low grass in spring it is easy to find ground beetle - a large beetle "metal" brilliant coloration. The best time to look for it is in the evening, as this beetle likes to hunt after dark. Yes, yes, hunt! The ground beetle is a predator, but you can not be afraid of it, because it only eats caterpillars and slugs.

Butterfly - hives hibernated under the roof of an old barn. As soon as the spring sun warmed, she left her home.

A game "Auction".

Name as many insects as you can find in the spring.

Teacher: A lot of insects - this is a feast for ... Whom?

10. A story about the life of birds. A student's story from personal observations. (part of the project)

In the evening we saw starlings on the branches of poplars. Among the trees, dark, motionless lumps swayed lightly on flexible branches. For two days, the starlings were gaining strength and everything was inspecting last year's familiar places. Then the eviction of sparrows began. Having settled in nests, starlings began to drag moss, dry grass, feathers, down, straw and even rags there.

What birds have arrived?

How do people meet birds?

Why should a person help them?

(demonstration of photos of the action "Birdhouse")

IV. Reflection. Outcome lesson.

Hello Hello! Spring is coming down the street! She smiles at everyone! Spring is in a hurry, it does not wait!

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

She is beautiful and pure!

Waving his hand and miraculously turns around,

The river breaks the ice, is about to wake up.

The forest will wake up, bushes, grass -

Everything is revived again by the beautiful Spring!

Waving his hand, and the birds will fly.

And they will sing, they will whistle all in a row.

The cuckoo will say "coo-coo" to everyone,

Live for as long as you want.

The bear will smile awake

A small bug will wake up

Green noise, spring din -

Spring is coming to meet us!

The song "Spring, spring, spring is coming ..." Spring appears.

I am spring-red,

I wake the earth from sleep

I fill the kidneys with juice

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice from the rivers,

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest

I bring joy to people.

Presenter There are three springs in nature. The first spring - the spring of light - March. The "month" March appears (accompanied by Spring)

I - March - the morning of the year. In the old days, March was called a prothalnik. This month

livestock multiplied, chickens began to lay. The weather is changeable and cold. March water protects the face from freckles. People made up proverbs about me. March ends winter, spring begins. March sows snow and warms the sun. In March, a chicken from a puddle will get drunk. As in March, winter does not get angry, but submits to spring. In March, migratory birds began to return from warm countries. Do you know migratory birds? Solve riddles!

What is a spring black bird

Tractor almost sits on the nose?

Who is there behind the plow galloping,

Looking for worms Well, of course...

He builds his nest in the field,

Where plants grow.

His song and flight entered the poems, (lark)

This bird never

Don't build nests for yourself

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he does not remember the chicks, (cuckoo)

Arrived at the carved palace

A speckled gray singer.


Comes to us with warmth

The path has been long.

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay. (martin)

Well done boys!

The song “Winter has not passed, the snow is still lying ...”

The path of birds to their native lands is difficult and long.

And who among you knows how people prepare for the meeting of feathered friends? (building houses for


Readers (one quatrain each)

Spring comes with drops, streams murmur,

“Meet, we have arrived!” - starlings scream.

One sat down on a poplar, so funny.

We clapped our hands: “Come on, sing!”

He looked offended: “You have a house,

And we can’t even find a hut here!”

We shout to him confidently: “Starling friend,

We intend to give you a palace.

We hung him yesterday in the school garden,

You will have fun in it, you will be happy.

Be a starling, the owner - your house is not bad!

We always welcome our guests warmly!

(I. Ivanov)

Second spring - water spring - April

The "month" of April appears (accompanied by Spring).

Sun, snow and rain mixed. The deceiver-April is fickle: there are seven weathers in a day. By the end of this month, the red sun drives away the last remnants of snow - that's why April is called a snowdrift. The ravines began to play with melt water, the first spring rain is drizzling, puddles have spread widely, spring waters are moving. Wherever you step, wherever you look, there is water everywhere. Hence another name for April - Aquarius. It seems that the whole earth, meeting spring, is in a hurry to wash itself better before putting on an outfit of green herbs, foliage and flowers.

For a long time spring passed secretly from the winds and cold,

And today it slaps straight through the puddles,

Drives melted snow with hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows with green velvet.

"Soon, soon, be warm!" - this news first

Drumming on the glass with a gray foot of a willow ...

Do you know which plants are the first to delight us with their bright greenery and fragrant flowers? Guess my riddles!

No one else in the land of the forest

Can't, like her, in the spring

Dress up in three colors:

Purple, red, blue

Blooms in an oak forest ... (lungwort).

Blooms from under the snow, meets spring before everyone else ... (snowdrop)

Buds - silver, flowers - gilded,

And the skin on the branch is red in color ... (willow)

Curly-haired Vanya is standing in a clearing in the forest

In a green coat. The rich man is small, but he will give nuts ... (hazel)

I didn’t have time to dress, but I put on earrings.

I put on a dress - I lost my earrings.

Red earrings fell on the legs.

And now she is standing - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling?

Buds - sticky, leaves - odorous, fruits - flying ... (poplar)

Flowers - bees and bumblebees,

Fruits - jays and thrushes,

And a curly branch -

Place at the gazebo ... (rowan)

In the spring in the high forest - on the edges and in the wilderness -

I treat everyone with delicious, sweet juice from the heart ... (birch)

That's right, well done! In April, birch sap flow begins. Hence another name for April - birch.

On a spring day, the boy is angry

Pierce the birch bark with a knife, -

And drops of juice, like tears,

They flowed like a clear river.

(F. Sollogub)

Have you seen how birch trees cry in spring? How transparent sweet tears flow down the white trunks, and sometimes run like a stream and even a river, if someone's cruel hand seriously injures the trunk of a tree ... And then the birch trees die ... Who among you knows how to help a wounded tree? (children's answers)

It is very important to help the tree heal the wound inflicted faster. As soon as you collect the right amount of juice, cover the hole. It is useful to do this with wax, plasticine, putty.

Dance-round dance "Birches" is performed.

And finally, the third spring - the spring of green grass - May.

The "month" May appears (accompanied by Spring)

The Slavs called me grass. Rainy May has always ensured the harvest of bread. The month is named after the ancient Italian goddess Maya. The people made such proverbs about me. May is cold - a year of grain. There are two cold weathers in May: when the bird cherry blossoms, and when the oak blossoms. Even the wind sings in May. March is with water, April is with grass, and May is with flowers. Imagine for a moment a flowering meadow, a clearing in the forest. What flowers can be seen there - guess!

Ringing - no one hears, only the wind sways them ... (bells)

Like eyes on the boundary - the eyes of a baby girl -

Meekly look forget-me-nots, and among the ears of rye,

Where the moths are circling, and the grasshoppers are playing,

A friendly look is cast by blue ... (cornflowers)

A golden flashlight burned in the dewy grass.

Then it faded, went out and turned into fluff.


Sisters are standing in the field: yellow eye, white cilia, (daisies)

Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly. And who among you can say what will happen if we all pick these flowers, make huge bouquets, wreaths out of them, trample them with our feet? (children's answers) That's right, let's preserve the amazing beauty of the nature of our land!

Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,

Smelly and fresh in the hours of dawn.

Beautiful, rainbow colors

Bouquets are scattered on it.

(I. Surikov)

Lilies of the valley in the green grass.

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space

Only here the winds are noisy,

Birds calling migratory.

You will only see one

After all, there is no other in the world!

The dance "Flowers" is performed. March, April, May come out together.

Thunder struck 12 times and stood aside,

Nature gave the order to salute spring.

Order: bird cherry blossom, nettle be not evil,

Sweep the path with a silver broom for the rain.

So that every bush is melodious,

all the birds sing louder,

And the sun come out from behind the clouds

and more fun to warm up.

A song about spring is performed (at the teacher's choice).

Thank you, Spring! We are glad to meet you, your sun, blue sky, flowers and birdsong.

Thank you, good people, nice people! For your kindness, for wide fun. Let everything take its course. I wish you good health and great success in your endeavors. Many summers to you!

Hail, Spring, hail, red,

Kings and hello - your turn.

Let the whole earth rejoice and bloom!

The dance "Quadrille" is performed.

Readers (three)

Live in this green world

Good in winter and summer.

Life flies like a moth

A nimble animal runs

A bird is circling in the clouds,

Jumps on the branches like a marten.

Life is beautiful, life is around.

Man is nature's friend!

But does a person always treat nature as a friend, what do you guys think? (children's answers) And let's try to draw up the rules of behavior in nature together.

(according to the posters, prepared children formulate the rules).

Reader (or three)

There is a huge house on Earth

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

Performers of all roles in turn, according to the phrase:

Take care of the Earth!

take care

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the path

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.

The nature of native land

This house is called.

(L. Daineko)

The hawk hovering over the field

Crescent above the river expanse,

Swallow, flashing in life,

Take care of the earth

Take care! (in chorus)

(M. Dudin)

“Native song” is being performed (The cheerful sun is pouring ...)

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter!

For smiles, understanding -

This is our big success!

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say: “Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

read the text what is its topic and the main idea that makes it difficult to understand the content
this is text
Often people (lie). (Bring) whether a lie benefits (It turns out) nothing but harm a lie does not (bring). Truth always (becomes) known. (become) a liar and people don't (be) believe even truthful words
this job is %2
Write the text opening the brackets and using the necessary forms of person and number of verbs. Highlight their personal endings why you need to first find out what conjugation of verbs

the main idea of ​​this description?
Rook and swallow

One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them
stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength over
traveler, who at that very time was riding on a large

Look, - said the Wind, - how I will pounce on him: in an instant I will tear off

He said - and began to blow, that there was urine. But the more the Wind tried, the
the traveler wrapped himself more tightly in his cloak: he grumbled at the bad weather, but
drove on and on. The wind got angry, raged, showered the poor
traveler rain and snow; cursing the Wind, the traveler put on his cloak
sleeves and tied with a belt. Here the Wind itself was convinced that it
do not pull off the coat.

The sun, seeing the impotence of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind
clouds, warmed, dried up the earth, and at the same time the poor
half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun,
cheered up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak himself, rolled it up and
tied to the saddle.

You see, - then the meek Sun said to the angry Wind, - with caress and
kindness can do much more than anger.

these words, write them out in groups, highlight the root. One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength over the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road. “Look,” said the Wind, “how I will pounce on him: in an instant I will tear off his cloak. He said - and began to blow, that there was urine. But the more the Wind tried, the more tightly the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled at the bad weather, but rode farther and farther. The wind got angry, raged, showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; cursing the Wind, the traveler pulled his cloak into his sleeves and tied it with a belt. Here the Wind himself was convinced that he could not pull off his cloak. The sun, seeing the impotence of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he cheered up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak himself, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle. “You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with caress and kindness than with anger.

A winter fairy tale is nearby, just look around: multi-colored garlands on the branches of bullfinches. And behind the thicket of the forest, by the haystacks in the meadow, the sun is dozing like a red fox in the blue snow. And in the village, in the evening, if frost comes, smoke from the pipes of Russian stoves, like a grove of birches. You look around the sky and on a starry canvas you will not see stars - miracles in a sieve!

Write the lines that express the main idea.
did the author use comparisons in his poem? observe how (by what linguistic means) they are expressed?
1) knowledge of what folk sign allowed the poet to use one of the comparisons, write it out, indicate the parts of speech used.
2) write down all the comparisons, indicate the parts of speech used
please help

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