Beloved Lesha Soldat, the prototype of the hero from the series "Gangs": "I did not know that I fell in love with a killer! "they were all bandits" Lyosha soldier killer Orekhovskaya OCG

Moscow investigators are interrogating hired killers from the "Orekhovskaya" organized criminal group - former special forces officers Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldier) and Alexei Sherstobitov (Lesha Soldier). Previously, they have already received long prison terms, but the detectives expect to solve other high-profile crimes with their help.

A source in law enforcement agencies told Interfax about the active investigative work, in which the "Orekhovo" killers participate.

According to him, about a year ago, 41-year-old Alexander Pustovalov was transferred from the colony to the special block of the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center. Alexey Sherstobitov was also brought to Moscow from the colony.

"Both convicts were transferred to the capital for investigative actions, during which new episodes of the criminal activity of the Orekhovskys and, in particular, the leaders of the organized crime group Sergei "Osi" Butorin and Dmitry "Belk" Belkin, who were sentenced to life imprisonment, were revealed," explained a law enforcement source.

According to him, the testimony of Sherstobitov and Pustovalov "may help uncover a number of high-profile murders of past years."

As a result of the investigation, Sergei Butorin will be charged with new murders, he has already been transferred.

Another Interfax source said that in order for the defendants to be in the capital's pre-trial detention center, Moscow courts issued sanctions for their detention. For example, Alexander Pustovalov's arrest was extended until July 18, 2015.

According to TASS, investigators were interested in the episode with the murder of a member of the "Bauman" criminal group, with which the "Orekhovskaya" competed.

"As far as I know, this episode of the criminal activity of the organized crime group was "taken over" by the former regular killer of the Orekhovskys, Alexander Pustovalov," said Mikhail Fomin, a lawyer for one of the former members of the organized criminal group.

However, according to him, the investigation of the new episode is fraught with a number of objective difficulties. "The body of the victim of the crime has not been found, his name and surname are unknown. And in this form they are trying to investigate it," he said.

Fomin also denied the information that Pustovalov and Sherstobitov were going to testify against Belok.

We add that Mikhail Fomin represents the interests of Oleg Pronin, who was sentenced to 24 years in prison for the murder of investigator Yuri Kerez. "On this episode, the defense is now preparing an appeal," the lawyer said.

Sasha Soldier

According to law enforcement agencies, no later than 1991, a resident of Odintsovo Dmitry Belkin created a criminal group, the backbone of which was his closest friends - Sergey Filatov (Athlete), Vladimir Kremenetsky (Pilot), Dashkevich (Head), Polyakov (Tikhiy). Later, former special forces soldiers Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat) and Oleg Pronin (Al Capone) joined them.

Before becoming a bandit, Alexander Pustovalov served in the Special Forces of the Marine Corps. On the "civilian" he tried to get a job in a special rapid reaction unit (SOBR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but they did not take him. Once in a cafe, Sasha Soldat had a conflict with the "Orekhov" gangster Dmitry Bugakov, nicknamed Pirog. In a fight, Dmitry appreciated the fighting qualities of an opponent and introduced him to his boss, Dmitry Belkin. Since then, Pustovalov began not only to carry out the most important murders for the "Orekhovskaya", but was also responsible for Belkin's personal security. If the boss was away, Sasha Soldier led the militants in the Odintsovo district.

By the time the gang appeared, most of the commercial structures in the Odintsovo district were under the control of the Golyanovskaya group. She was in conflict with the "Orekhovskaya" organized crime group, the leader of which was Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester. Belkin and his accomplices joined the Orekhovsky bandits.

At the disposal of Sylvester were brigades of "Medvedkov" and "Orekhov" killers. They obeyed Sergei Butorin, nicknamed Osya. The shooting of "Golyanov's" competitors went on for almost a year, and often bystanders also suffered. So, once Al Capone was sent to the “action”, who put on a wig, false mustache and beard. Together with two accomplices, the killer came to the Mechta cafe in Odintsovo, where they opened heavy fire. As a result, not only bandits-competitors were killed, but also a policeman and an employee of the private security company guarding the cafe.

When the "Golyanovskiye" renounced their claims to the Odintsovo district, they continued to be killed out of revenge. According to operatives, having "cleared" the territory, Belok began to make appointments for local merchants. He spoke to them only once, indicating the amount of tribute. The "authority" did not recognize any "bargaining" and negotiations. If at the agreed time the merchant did not bring the specified amount, he was killed. Gradually Belkin's brigade joined the "Orekhovskaya" group. The united organized crime group has become one of the bloodiest and most powerful in the criminal world.

In 1994, Sylvester was blown up in the center of Moscow, after which a struggle for leadership began within the Orekhovskaya group. Osya and Belok emerged as the winners, having successively eliminated their competitors - the "authorities" of Kultik, Dragon and Vitokha. Following the "Orekhovskaya" began to exterminate the leaders of other groups. Once, a bandit from the "Kuntsevo" organized criminal group, Kaligin, with his fighters, drove several cars for repair to a car service station controlled by Belok. The bandits did not like the service, and then they beat the locksmiths. In response, Belkin and Osya immediately gave the order to eliminate the entire top of the "Kuntsevskaya".

Former special forces soldier Sasha Soldat, together with his accomplice Pirog, decided to set up an ambush near the cafe where the bandits gathered. For several days, the killers, dressed in overalls, portrayed road workers drinking vodka in anticipation of the necessary materials. And when Kaligin and his retinue arrived at the cafe, the "workers" shot them. After that, Pustovalov left by car, and Bugakov went to the metro station, where another bandit was waiting for him. In the subway, two policemen decided to check the documents of suspicious men, but Pirog opened fire on them. One policeman was killed and another seriously injured.

This was followed by reprisals against the leaders of the "Mazutka" group, with whom Belok and Osya did not share several outlets. Also, the killers of the "Orekhovskaya" eliminated the leaders of the "Assyrian" group - they were shot in a cafe right in front of the Moscow mayor's office.

In 1996, Axis and Belok had a conflict with the leader of the "Greek" group, Kulbyakov. For several years he helped the "Orekhovskys" to obtain Greek citizenship, and then took an advance payment of 100 thousand dollars, but did not complete the work and began to hide. One day, Osya, who was relaxing in the Santa Fe restaurant in the capital, saw Kulbyakov there. Butorin immediately called Sasha Soldat, who went to watch for the victim at the exit from the institution. When the leader of the "Greek" group got into the car, Pustovalov shot him along with the guards.

Having dealt with most of the competitors, Osya and Belok began a purge in their own ranks. Moreover, it was Belkin who was responsible for the "counterintelligence". He organized surveillance of ordinary members of the "Orekhovskaya" group, "wiretapping" of their phones, denunciation began to flourish in the organized criminal group. The constant search for enemies led to the fact that the bandits began to kill their own for the slightest suspicion: the reason was accusations of drug use, connections with law enforcement agencies, as well as the desire to leave the organized criminal group. Disrespectful statements about the leaders of the group were also followed by reprisals.

To eliminate "his" Squirrels developed a whole ritual. Members of the group were gathered in the bath for a steam bath or in the forest for a picnic. Everyone knew that such a party would end in the death of one of the gang members, but they were afraid to refuse. On the spot, colleagues attacked the victim, who either strangled her or beat her to death. Then the body was dismembered in front of all those gathered, and the remains were burned or buried in the forest. To eliminate the objectionable, Belok always chose his closest friends in the organized crime group. "Friends should be killed by friends," the fanatic declared cynically.

In 1998, Yuri Kerez, senior investigator of the 2nd department of the special prosecutor's office of the Odintsovo district, was on the trail of the Belk brigade, who was investigating a series of extortions and murders of businessmen in the closed town of Vlasikha. With the support of the MUR staff, he found out that the Belkin brigade was behind the crimes. For the first time in Russian history, a case was initiated under Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of a criminal community). Moreover, Kerez managed to arrest one of the killers, Sergei Syrov, who began to confess.

Upon learning of this, Belok came to the investigator and offered him one million dollars, demanding that the case be closed and that the traitor Syrov be handed over to the “brothers”. The honest investigator refused the offer, and then Belkin gave the order to eliminate him. Sasha Soldat again played a whole performance. For several days, the former commando was lying near one of the garbage dumps in Vlasikha in torn clothes, pretending to be a homeless person. And on October 21, 1998, the "tramp" suddenly pulled out a pistol and shot the investigator four times in the head.

Only after the murder of the detective did the law enforcement agencies seriously pay attention to Dmitry Belkin. The criminal authority had to hide, and he was put on the wanted list.

Over the next 13 years, law enforcement agencies in Russia and other countries managed to practically decapitate the "Orekhovskaya" group. Alexander Pustovalov, Sergei Butorin, Andrei and Oleg Pylev and others were arrested. Belkin was the last major "Orekhovian authority" who remained at large and was on the international wanted list for more than 10 years.

Belk was once tracked down in France, but the operation to capture him failed. It was possible to detain the Russian mafioso only on April 30, 2011 in one of the Madrid hotels. At the same time, a fake Bulgarian passport was confiscated from Belkin.

As emphasized in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, from August 1995 to October 1998, Belkin and his henchmen committed more than 20 murders in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as several assassination attempts.

Alexander Pustovalov was captured back in November 1999. In 2005, he was sentenced to 23 years in prison for 18 murders and banditry. However, the investigation failed to prove Pustovalov's involvement in another 17 murders.

On October 23, 2014, Dmitry Belkin was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was considered the direct customer of 14 murders, as well as several assassination attempts on the deputy of the Odintsovo municipal assembly, Sergei Zhurba.

Lesha Soldier

There are clear parallels in the biographies of Alexei Sherstobitov and Alexander Pustovalov. Both were security officials, who later became disillusioned with their careers.

Aleksey Sherstobitov was born into the family of a career military man and dreamed of serving all his life. From an early age he knew how to handle weapons, and after graduating from school he entered the military railway school. During his studies, he even detained a dangerous criminal, for which he was awarded an order.

Then Lesha Soldat served in the unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which provides special supplies. As Sherstobitov said during interrogations, a radical turning point in his life occurred during the days of the 1993 coup. He was returning home when protesters beat him up, believing that he, being a military man, poses a threat to democracy. Then Lesha the Soldier realized that a man in an army uniform no longer commands respect from his compatriots. Shortly thereafter, he retired with the rank of first lieutenant.

Later, Aleksey Sherstobitov, who went through hot spots and was awarded the Order "For Personal Courage", met one of the "authorities" of the "Orekhovskaya" - a former KGB officer Grigory Gusyatinsky (Grisha Severny). In 1995, Sherstobitov, on the instructions of the brothers Oleg and Andrei Pylev, who led the group after the murder of Sylvester, killed Gusyatinsky himself.

The ex-special service officer arranged for Sherstobitov to work in the private security company "Consent". There, the newcomer met with former GRU officers Alexander Cheplygin and Sergei Pogorelov, who were experts in electronic intelligence and explosives.

At first, Gusyatinsky instructed Sherstobitov to ensure the safety of several stalls, but then he was offered a new position - a full-time killer.

Later, the brigade, which included Sherstobitov, was transferred to an illegal position and reported directly to the leader of the "Orekhovskaya" Andrei Pylev.

Lesha Soldat was a master of conspiracy and disguise: going to work, he always used wigs, fake beards or mustaches. Sherstobitov left no fingerprints at the crime scene, and there were no witnesses.

One of Lesha Soldat's first assignments was the murder of the "authoritative" head of the Athletes' Social Security Fund, Otari Kvantrishvili, with a rifle. The businessman was shot dead on April 5, 1994 near the Presnensky baths.

In 1997, a killer killed Joseph Glotser, owner of the Dolls nightclub. According to Sherstobitov, the murder happened spontaneously. He drove up to the club to look around and choose the most convenient place for shooting. I stopped my car on the other side of Krasnaya Presnya Street, opposite the entrance to the club. Suddenly I saw how Glotser appeared from the door, and decided not to waste time, especially since he took a revolver with an optical sight with him “just in case”. Lesha Soldat fired from 47 meters and hit the owner of the club in the temple.

On June 22, 1999, he also organized an assassination attempt on the head of the Russian Gold company Alexander Tarantsev. Sherstobitov decided to kill the businessman from a remote-controlled machine gun at the entrance to the office.

The killers borrowed the original method of killing from the movie "Jackal": an optical sight and a portable video camera were installed on the machine gun placed in the "VAZ-2104", which transmitted the image to the operator. When Tarantsev's car drove past the "four", the self-made electronic system did not work. Half an hour later, the system turned on spontaneously, and the machine gun shot at passers-by: as a result of indiscriminate shooting, one person died and two more were injured.

In addition, Lesha Soldat is involved in the murder of Alexander Solonik in Greece, who was called "killer number one" in the press.

A case helped to reach Sherstobitov - in 2005, a conflict arose between the shareholders of the capital's NPO "Physics". From their agents, the operatives of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department learned that former members of the "Orekhovskaya" group, which had already been defeated by that time, were also participating in the conflict. Fearing that the participation of bandits in the dispute would lead to the murders of the co-owners of "Physics", in February 2006 the detectives carried out arrests. Among the detainees was 39-year-old Aleksey Sherstobitov, who himself began to testify to the investigation, because, according to him, over the past years he was “tired of running” from justice.

In 2008, Aleksey Sherstobitov was sentenced to 23 years in prison for 12 murders and attempted murders. At the same time, it was not possible to prove his involvement in many other similar crimes. It is assumed that dozens of murdered crime bosses and businessmen are on Sherstobitov's account.

The killer admitted guilt only partially. During interrogations at the MUR, Sherstobitov stated that he did not regret anything, since all his victims were unworthy of life.

In prison, Sherstobitov writes books and tries on the role of an expert in the field of the ability to kill. He believes that after his capture, resonant murders in Moscow began to be committed by "amateurs and half-educated."

In 2013, Lesha Soldat commented on the murder of the "king of the Russian mafia" Ded Khasan. Then he recalled that he had been shot six times. “And of all the shots, one hit! A wounded woman (if it’s not a ricochet) is an unacceptable oversight. They say that they worked from the Val rifle complex. From such a device, from such a distance, the work is ugly,” Sherstobitov said.

And recently, Sherstobitov commented in the same vein on the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov. According to the convict, his followers in the killer case chose almost the most unfortunate place for the assassination, illuminating themselves.

In addition, out of six bullets from a distance of several meters, only four hit a target "three times larger than a target in a standard shooting exercise, which any self-respecting military or policeman does not smear," Moskovsky Komsomolets quoted Sherstobitov's reasoning .

Alexey Sherstobitov - Lesha the Soldier

The murder of Joseph Glotser

At the beginning of 1997, one of the entrepreneurs, whose company was “protected” by the Pylevs, had a conflict with businessman Iosif Glotser, co-founder of the Rostiks network, founder of the Dolls strip club. Then bodyguards from both sides entered the battle, as a result, the victory remained with Glotser's bodyguards. Angered by the defeat, the businessman rushed to his patrons for retribution, and they decided that the best way out of this situation would be to eliminate the offender.

Joseph spent the last day of his life in the company of his brother Yuri. On January 19, the men took a steam bath in the Sandunovsky baths, dined, after which Yuri went home to watch TV, and Joseph decided to drop by his club.

Arriving at Krasnaya Presnya, where the Dolls are still located, Glotser did not pay attention to the Volkswagen minibus parked not far from the club. And Alexey Sherstobitov was already sitting in it in the company of an Orekhov militant and a driver. It is noteworthy that the liquidator did not plan to deal with Glotser on that very day: he came to study the place, taking with him a small-caliber revolver. The idea to "execute" suddenly came to Lesha Soldat's mind.

There was no opportunity to approach the victim, and Sherstobitov decided to shoot from a distance of 47 meters. Leaning on the back of the front seat and ordering the driver to duck, the killer pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Glotzer in the temple, he died instantly. Sherstobitov and company managed to leave the crime scene unnoticed.

Hunting for "Russian Gold"

In the summer of 1999, the leadership of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovo OPS decided to eliminate the president of the Russian Gold company. What was the reason for the conflict between him and the bandits is not known for certain. Meanwhile, the first attempt on the banker was made back in 1992. Miraculously avoiding death, Tarantsev significantly increased security and acquired an armored car. It was not easy to get close to such a goal, and then Alexey Sherstobitov came up with a “knight’s move”.

The killer remembered how in the Hollywood action movie The Jackal the hero of Bruce Willis dealt with unwanted people with the help of a crossbow installed in the car, and decided to use this method to eliminate Tarantsev. In ordinary tinted Zhiguli, he installed a Kalashnikov assault rifle, firing on command from the control panel, and a video camera, with the help of which it was possible to observe the course of events from a distant place.

Designed by Sherstobitov "death machine"

The killer followed Tarantsev's movements for several months. Sherstobitov decided: the porch of the building where his company is located would be the best point for the “execution” of a businessman. On June 22, the killer parked a car with a shooting device opposite the entrance to the Russian Gold office, and he himself settled in another car on a nearby street.

As soon as Tarantsev's figure appeared on the monitor, Sherstobitov pressed the button, and... nothing happened. The businessman quietly disappeared behind the front doors, and Lesha Soldier, annoyed by the failure of Lesha, after sitting in the car for some time, went home. The mechanism "woke up" only after a couple of hours. A sudden burst of automatic fire killed a bystander and wounded an office guard.

Traitor from the Kurgan organized crime group

After the failure with Tarantsev, the killer lay low. The operatives all this time doubted the existence of Sherstobitov's figure, believing that they were dealing with a collective image of a killer named "Soldier". The Pylev brothers, the leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group, detained in the first half of the 2000s, said: yes, they say, there was such a killer, but he was killed long ago.

Light on the existence of a mysterious person was shed by a colleague of Sherstobitov - a killer (Baker). In a fit of remorse and hope for a short time, he told the operatives everything he knew about Lesha the Soldier. And although the law enforcement officers, thanks to Gribkov's stories, were convinced that the liquidator exists in a single and living copy, they did not succeed in getting on his trail.

Andrey Koligov is the leader of the Kurgan organized criminal group. It was he who handed over the Soldier to the investigators

And Alexei Sherstobitov was killed by a fatal passion for a woman named Irina. Lesha Soldier, who was already married, literally lost his head from a 17-year-old beauty. Their secret relationship continued until 1995, when the killer decided: to continue meeting means to endanger the life of his beloved. And he simply disappeared.

He showed up, tired of fighting with his feelings, two years later. Then, after the murder of Glotser, Sherstobitov planned to go on a trip abroad and decided to take Irina with him. What was his amazement when he found out that his beloved had gathered down the aisle, and even with one of the leaders of the warring with the Orekhovskys. True, the wedding never took place: Sherstobitov eventually took the girl with a fake passport to the Canary Islands. Enraged, Koligov vowed revenge by killing both. But he didn’t have time - during the grandiose cleansing of the Kurgan people, he thundered into prison.

Eight years have passed since then. Returning from a trip, Alexei and Irina began to live in a civil marriage, they had a daughter. Irina got a job at a modeling agency and once even got on the cover of a fashion magazine. This magazine, by the will of fate, ended up in the hands of an abandoned fiance who spends his days in the zone.

The happy look of the traitor again awakened in him a thirst for revenge, and he, knowing that there was a hunt for the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskys, told the operatives about the identity of his rival on the love front. What happened next was a matter of technique: law enforcement officers found Irina, who did not know what her cohabitant was doing, and, having received all the necessary information, began to prepare for the arrest.

23 years for 12 murders

Lyosha Soldat ended up in the hands of operatives in early 2006. On this day, he came to visit his father, who ended up in the Botkin hospital. When he closed the car and saw policemen running towards him from different sides, he immediately understood: this time there was no chance to escape. During interrogations, Aleksey Sherstobitov did not deny involvement in the liquidation case and told everything as it is: yes, he killed, but under duress, and had long since retired. He lived a peaceful life and even found himself in the plaster craft.

The investigation managed to prove Sherstobitov's involvement in 12 contract killings and assassination attempts. On February 22, 2008, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, and in September the term was increased to 23 years. It is noteworthy that all the titles and awards received by the killer in his past, pre-criminal life, were left to him. Ironically, the Order of Courage remained with Alexei, which he received back in 1990 for his help in catching a particularly dangerous criminal.

Sherstobitov was sent to serve his term in a strict regime colony located in the Lipetsk region. They nevertheless broke up with Irina, and a 31-year-old native of St. Petersburg named Marina became the new chosen one of Alexei. Lesha Soldier married her on June 9, 2016. Now Sherstobitov is trying his hand at writing: several books have come out from under his pen.

1 comment

  1. I have repeatedly refuted the PR articles about this swindler and liar! I knew Lesha Shersobitov from the moment he appeared in the group and I will say right away that this character is not who he claims to be. This is an image artificially created by TV and the press of the people’s patient who was allegedly forced and forced to kill, but in reality all this is an excuse for the cops to give them a jury trial in order to avoid life imprisonment, which he is proud of that he charmed the jury grannies - housewives, and even the victim Glotser from whom he killed brother. Half of what he writes is pure lies. The episode of the assassination attempt on Berezovsky was invented by him from beginning to end in order to give weight to his person and avoid reprisals in the pre-trial detention center. Even the court did not consider this episode seriously. The girl he killed during the attempt on painting was not an accidental victim, and this murder was deliberate, since Lesha was lit up and these girls became unwitting witnesses to the assassination attempt, Lesha, without regret, detonated an explosive device. The fact that no one knew him and did not see him in person is also a lie, the Internet is full of videos with chaps and photos at all sorts of picnics and other events. During the attempt on Otari, he knew perfectly well who he was attempting, and now he disowns this, fearing that a “torpedo” will fly in for the murder of Otari and he will not live. This is an excuse for those who do not bother with the facts, because the killer is charged to the fullest for such serious persons and there should not be a miss, otherwise the object of the assassination will take countermeasures, hide himself and return will fly in response. Lesha gave himself away when describing this assassination attempt on Otari, it turns out that he knew Mikhail's bodyguard, but Otari himself, whom he shot first and into whose body he fired three bullets, he did not know! But who can believe in this nonsense? As for the conspiracy, I would not say with such confidence as the press writes, Lesha burned down three apartments with weapons, so moreover, there were also hostages on one, and this is his conspiracy ?! Another myth and excuse for the court is that Lesha lived in the peaceful profession of a plasterer and tied up with the past. This is not so - he was taken red-handed, so to speak, while working off another object to eliminate the director and founder of a secret research institute on Varshavskoe highway in Moscow. Then in 2006, A. Trushkin ordered the capture group to detain him when there was a danger of eliminating the object of the attempt. The result of all this lies is that Sherstobitov was believed by everyone except the COURT itself, which did not even take into account his fake award and his repentance, and if it weren’t for the jury and the victim Glotser’s speech asking for leniency, then this swindler would have rotted for life! Here is such a “Legendary” and elusive Indian “Lesha the Soldier”.

A hired killer nicknamed Lyosha the Soldier eliminated his victims for a regular salary

"Killer No. 1" - this was considered Alexei SHERSTOBITOV, nicknamed Lesha the Soldier. His crimes caused shock and awe for many years. His targets were businessmen, politicians, leaders of the organized criminal group: Otari KVANTRISHVILI, Grigory GUSYATINSKY, Iosif GLOTSER, Alexander TARANTSEV ... Lesha the Soldier also had an order to eliminate Boris BEREZOVSKY.

The prisoner sentenced to 23 years for the first time gave a frank interview to our correspondent.

- You have recently released the book "Liquidator". What did you want to say to her?

The meaning of the book was laid in the working, original, title - "Anabasis to repentance." This is also seen in the subtitle of the already printed edition - "Confessions of the legendary killer." In other words, this is the path through internal resistance, in battles with one's pride, to the recognition of what has been done and the repentance of a fallen and spiritually dead person.

In Orthodoxy, the concept of “repentance” also means an action that is the opposite of what was done. My book is just such an action, designed to debunk all the romanticism of such a life, to remove the wrapper of justifications for the events of that time. But along with this, to highlight the reasons that led young people like me, some to violence, some to prison, and some to an unknown death.

Remove the oligarch

In your book you describe how Berezovsky was supposed to be killed. Do you regret not pulling the trigger at that fateful moment?

Then Berezovsky fractions of a second separated from death. It is impossible to say whether it would have been better or worse if the bullet had hit its target. It is not for me to judge his deeds, although it is clear who he was for Russia. God be his judge. I do not regret!

- But why was it not possible to bring the matter to the end in the assassination attempt on Berezovsky?

Then the task was set by Sylvester (leader of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group Sergei Timofeev. -B.K.). He was also the mastermind behind the assassination. Otari Kvantrishvili. Solved a multi-million dollar problem: taking control of the Tuapse refinery. And, as in the assassination attempt on Otari, the execution of the assassination attempt on BAB was supervised by Kultik ( Sergei Ananievsky, the head of the Russian Powerlifting Federation at that time and at the same time the second person in the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group. - B.K.) and Grigory Gusyatinsky- The "foreman" of the Medvedkovskys, a former KGB officer nicknamed Grisha Severny. He persuaded to keep in touch through the walkie-talkie. I am categorically against clogging the air in such situations. But I had to give in.

At the very last moment, the ether exploded with screams. And with full concentration on the target before the shot, third-party senses are almost turned off. I barely heard this swearing and realized about the suspension of the operation literally a split second before the shot.

- Does it look like interference from some influential forces?

Gusyatinsky sometimes asked to do something for Sylvester, and so it was that time. I expressed my dissatisfaction with him because of the disrupted case. But he said that the order to stop the operation was given by Sylvester himself from someone's office in the Lubyanka. Think about it: who fought with whom, at whose expense, for the sake of whose interests? And who ultimately won. Or lost. Think at your leisure why, three days before the shooting at the Krasnopresnensky baths, Kvantrishvili was under surveillance by one of the departments of the same structure, and he was shot dead without interference.

- In "Liquidator" you call the owner of "Russian Gold" Alexander Tarantsev the customer of a number of murders. Including the owner of the club "Dolls" Joseph Glotser. Are you afraid of accusations of libel? Or even something worse?

I'm not afraid of the truth! The investigators who conducted our case know this information better than I do. All these years I, like any of our organized criminal groups, knew who this person was. However, to such as he, I am sure, the law is applied differently than to ordinary citizens. Mister Tarantsev- is no exception to businessmen who started in the early 90s. But compared to some of the current people who are at large and boldly flashing on the blue screen, he is just a child! I wrote about him in the book for only one reason - Alexander Petrovich's company was a very large sector of the economy of our "trade union". A lot of things closed in his company. Without it, everything said would be incomplete and would be perceived untruthfully. There are no lies in this book!

Some politicians are worse than thugs

If the 90s were carried over to our time? Imagine you have received an order for a famous politician or businessman. Let's say Chubais.

Well, if you only look from the position of that time ... Big names, then, they will search in earnest. Although there are always two sides. One will gain from this, the other will lose. I do not like politics, there is no place for morality in it: blackmail, political destruction of the enemy, set-ups. But people also choose this path themselves. To be honest, sir Nemtsov as an oppositionist is not perceived by me. He, like Chubais, one of those who handed us over to the West and actually unleashed a civil war, to which my book is dedicated. I remember well what these young reformers did in the 1990s and how it all ended. I think then I would not shoot at a politician, although time has shown that for the most part they are worse than those for whose death I was convicted.

- What do you think, the killer is a profession? Or lifestyle? Or maybe it's fate?

Here, the possible indignation of the readers of your newspaper immediately comes to mind: “We survived, the killer is being interviewed! As if there is no one more worthy! And they ask to tell about the profession!” Maybe they are right. But how then to solve this problem, if you do not talk about it?

Although “killer” is translated from English as “murderer”, I have never been a killer! A killer for sure! Because the killer receives a large fee for the execution of the order, and I did not receive money for the elimination, because I was on a permanent allowance. The amount varied depending on the financial condition of the "trade union". It came out at two thousand dollars a month, then it became five. At the same time, I have always been mainly engaged in the extraction of information - listening to phones, intercepting mobile and paging communications, surveillance, search, analysis. It was this that was part of my main duties for almost a decade and a half, and it was thanks to my main activity that the MUR investigators got the part of the archive that pleased them so much with calculations on several groups. By the way, they turned out to be more accurate and more detailed than the ones they had.

I knew about two dozen people who were professional murderers. Most of them are already dead, almost all of them are still alive, except for two who are missing. This, by the way, indicates the presence in the bodies of people who know how to fight crime. I think I will not reveal secrets if I say that psychologists did not particularly work with any of them. Except perhaps at the Serbsky Institute on a commission for some five minutes, and then for the sake of formality. In all the works where I read about the psychology of such a "profession", I found only descriptions of what killers should be. That is, something close to a certain standard. Everyone I met had a resemblance to the one described by no more than 50 percent. I’m silent about the fact that they were a little similar to each other. Of course, the reasons why they took up their craft are far from the same. Maybe this will be frank: the vast majority of them had almost nothing to do with either special structures or the army. Some didn't even serve.

I emphasize that a person who has become a killer definitely shines in a hole in the forest or a prison.

In the photo, he (on the right) is posing with Andrey PYLEV against the backdrop of the Spanish beauties (1995)

As for me, I never intended to do it for money. Moreover, the first such case was forced, as, indeed, the subsequent ones. If I was only interested in money, then after the death that overtook my former boss Grigory Gusyatinsky in Kyiv from my own hand, I would remove the brothers Andrew and Oleg Pylyov who, after the death of Gregory ordered by them, took his place. For them I was promised Yura Usatiy (Yuri Bachurin, a member of the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group. - B.K.), now also deceased, at $200,000 each. At that time, the amount is simply crazy!

- How long do you have to sit?

I was arrested on February 2, 2006. For Americans, it's Groundhog Day. Here I am more about the film. Many in prison compare their stay there with the misfortune that befell the main character: every day is like the previous one ... So, I was arrested in 2006, and my release, if the Lord wills, in 2029. The main thing is to spend every day, every hour with benefit, trying to fix at least something.


* Alexey SHERSTOBITOV was born in 1967 in Moscow.

* Hereditary officer, holder of the Order "For Personal Courage".

* He was a member of a group of former employees of the GRU, KGB, Ministry of Internal Affairs as part of the Orekhovskaya and Medvedkovskaya organized crime groups, designed to collect, process and use information, as well as to physically eliminate particular complexity.

* On account of his 12 proven murders and attempts.

How the brilliant military dynasty of the Sherstobitovs continued

Although the word "killer" comes from the English killer, that is, the killer, its sound quite recently fascinated many, it exuded some kind of gloomy romance. In fact, there was nothing romantic in the killers of the 90s. Take at least Alexey Sherstobitov nicknamed Lesha Soldier- the killer of the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group.

Carier start

Alexei was born into a family of hereditary military men - his great-grandfathers served in the tsarist army, his grandfather participated in the defense of Sevastopol, his father was a Soviet career officer. He himself graduated from a military school, rose to the rank of lieutenant - and in 1991 he was laid off, like many in those years. I had to somehow support my wife and infant.

Sherstobitov tried to shuttle, trade - but he did not succeed with commerce. Much better things went in the gym. It was there, pulling "pieces of iron", that Alexey met a former KGB officer Grigory Gusyatinsky - Griney, one of the leaders of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group, who first offered him to work as a security guard for trade tents, and then, like a well-aimed shooter, hired him to be a killer: first set him up, and then threatened that he would harm Alexei's family, and forced him to work.

So Lesha the Soldier was born.

Robot in a wig

Alexey Sherstobitov

During the first six months of the new "work" Sherstobitov killed three. For what these people were sentenced to death, no one explained to him - they did not consider it necessary. Soon his work was approved by himself Sylvester- one of the most powerful leaders of the then criminal world of the capital, who also oversaw Medvedkov's.

Medvedkovskaya met at a dacha in the Vladimir region. Sherstobitov did not like these gatherings, but was forced to attend. True, he appeared on them with a changed appearance - in a false mustache and beard, in a wig. Few people inside the gang knew what he looked like in real life.

He himself admitted that a good weapon as such delighted him, and was proud of his ability to wait - one of the main killer's craft. Aleksey, one might say, approached his tasks creatively - he chose his own weapons, and the point of observation of the object, and the passport number, and even appearance.

He received for his daily readiness to go on business two thousand dollars a month. Then two and a half. Sometimes there was an award for a specific case from Gusyatinsky himself - but this was not every time.

Side effects

When attempting to painted- thief in law by name Andrey Isaev Two little girls were hurt. When a car filled with explosives exploded, one of them died, and the other was injured and left disabled. Painted, however, managed to survive and not even suffer much - the doctors saved him.

During the assassination attempt on the head of Russian Gold Alexandra Tarantseva a failure occurred: a remote-controlled device with a Kalashnikov assault rifle did not work on time. As a result, a guard was killed and two passers-by were injured - but Tarantsev survived.

But the murder of a businessman Otari Kvantrishvili, one of the main antagonists of Sylvester, went like clockwork - and became the loudest case of Lesha the Soldier. He fired three bullets from an Anschutz carbine with a telescopic sight into the victim - and later received a VAZ-2107 car for this.

Changed the machine gun to a pen

After Sylvester himself was killed in September 1994, Sherstobitov, together with Gusyatinsky, leaves for Ukraine - for security purposes. There, he pretty soon kills the hated chief - wounds him with a sniper rifle; he lies in a coma for several days, after which he is disconnected from life support devices.

In 2003, the leaders of the Orekhovskys fell into the hands of law enforcement agencies, after which the Ministry of Internal Affairs learned about the existence of the killer Lesha Soldat. However, it was possible to detain him only in 2006. By this time, Sherstobitov had long since departed from killer cases - however, 12 murders and one attempt were proven. Alexei was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

In places not so remote, the former Lyosha Soldier discovered a gift for writing in himself; among other things, he wrote an autobiographical book, The Liquidator. Now he is serving time in a colony in the Lipetsk region. In 2016 he got married.

("artistic" here - this is tin - "the purity and sinlessness of the baby was reflected", etc. - f.)

Vova the Baker! Sherstobitov interrupted. - And how is he?
The attic is rotten, and so what will become of it. By the way, why the Baker?
When he was young, his mother worked in a bakery. Well, he ran around the area, treated everyone to rolls.
So you are also on the Nut-Medvedkov theme" - I unsuccessfully scrolled in my head the names and faces of the group of the Pylev brothers flashed in the press.
Convicted already?

Not yet. I've been here for a year or two. Only the preliminary hearings will start next week.
What's the trouble?
Basically, the 105th and 210th, the rest are small things.
How much do you expect?
I have a confession. According to the first trial, I think they will not give more than ten. According to the second, - Alexei narrowed his eyes and sighed, - in short, for everything about everything, I hope to meet within fourteen.
Wait, it's you, Lesha Soldier," I blurted out, not fully believing that I was facing a legendary killer, whose high-profile career began with the murder of Otari Kvantrishvili.
Well, yes. - Alexei somehow uncertainly nodded and smiled shyly.
However, all this uncertainty, shyness and smiling could be safely attributed to empty contemplative epithets that reflected only complete control over emotions - ideal nerves, but did not extend to character. The face, motor skills, manners were like a winding of high-voltage wires, suppressing and hiding the discharge from sight and contact. But one can only guess about this, trying on the portrait of the Soldier with fragmentary well-known strokes of his combat biography. Fake? A game? Perhaps it is easier to fake "Dog Waltz? "Moonlight Sonata" than to portray intelligence, erudition and education in the absence of the latter. Yes, perhaps also eyes! Lesha has an exceptionally transparent look, without a false chink, really a mirror of the soul, then the Soldier reflected in them the purity and sinlessness of the baby.
The jury will judge" - to ask at that moment nothing else came to mind.
Yes, accomplices asked.
And you?
I do not care. I'm in full hands, turnout with confession.
Did he himself come?
No, they accepted. For the appearance of a garage with an arsenal passed. Although, to tell the truth, I'm tired of running. You live as if suspended by the legs. Only in prison the nerves fell into place. Somewhat calmer here. You can't get anywhere from it and nothing depends on you. Sleep. Read. Fill in the gaps in education.
Mushroom so inspiredly told how you flunked Gusyatinsky.
Grisha. I thought at once to solve all the problems, it did not work out. - Alexei sighed, pouring boiling water over the tea.
Like this?
Grisha Severny - Gusyatinsky became the head of the Orekhovskys, I reported directly to him.
And the Pylevs?
Dust in his sixes went, the group was headed after the death of Grisha. I didn't have a choice. Our chiefs killed people and each other for a rudely spoken word, for a sidelong glance. A senseless bloodbath is not for me. I then directly told Grisha that I wanted to jump off. He laughed, said that it was impossible, otherwise the family would be put under the hammers. Gusyatinsky was based in Kyiv in 1995, the guards were twenty people, whatever one may say, those who want to kill him are the queue. Well, I gave my father-in-law a family to keep, so that he would take him away, and I myself would go to Kyiv with a rifle. Grisha could only be filmed from a neighboring house, at a very uncomfortable angle, almost vertically, through a double-glazed window. In general, he did well.
What did you shoot?
From small things.
Listen. - I remembered the attempt on my father. The hole in the window pane remained a memory of that day. - And what determines the size of the bullet hole in the glass?
From the power of the bullet. The lower the power, the larger the hole. If the hole is about a nickel, it means that the bullet was running out.
Kvantrishvili - also from small things"
From small things. Two shots at the end, a decent distance.
Well, you flunked Gusyatinsky, why didn't you jump off?
You jump there. After Grisha, the Dust crushed the group. They pressed me already with my family and Gusyatinsky. Damn circle. Although the Pylevs did not stop emphasizing that, they say, Lesha, we are on an equal footing, you are in share.
Was it piece work? Sherstobitov scratched the back of his head.
Salary 70 thousand dollars a month. Plus bonuses. but usually no more than salary.
Not weak, and even in the nineties.
But with these grandmas, I also bought disposable cars, equipment, weapons, and paid assistants.
What did he drive?
On the "Niva" - nimble, inconspicuous, it will crawl through everywhere, and it's not a pity to throw it off.
What will they be judged for now?
For an explosion in a cafe with random victims, for undermining a car service and an attempt on Tarantsev.
Why a cafe with service?
Ninety-seventh year. There are no orders, but the salary goes. So I had to pretend to be fussy in order to justify the money. In a cafe on Shchelkovskoye Highway, they wanted to pat the Izmaylovskys, information came that the gathering would be there. They put a device with a timer under the table.

What kind of incomprehensible stories and heroes do you have here?
Well, for example, - I randomly opened the first volume. - "Butorin (Osya), Polyansky M.A. Polyansky R.A. Usachev, Vasilchenko - on September 22, 1998 in Moscow, the murder of Meleshkin, the attempt on Cherkasov, Nikitin and other persons"?
This is an episode of "Orekhovskaya". I don't remember the details. I know that they brought down the merchant - Cherkasov, the rest fell under the distribution. Polyansky, Usachev, Vasilchenko have already been convicted, and Osya and the second Polyansky are now in the States, sitting. They should be given to Russia in the tenth year. But Osya will definitely not return here, rather, he will slaughter a neighbor there in prison and unwind for another twenty years. He can't be here.
Firstly, he is here for life squirming. Secondly, the Wasp has the blood of thieves, which means a noose.
Osya - who is this?
Sergei Butorin is the leader of the Orekhovskys.

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