Beef soup for a 7 month old baby. When can I give the first soup to the baby, cooking recipes. Pumpkin puree with turkey

According to most parents, soup is a must-have dish on a child's menu. However, complementary foods are introduced to the baby, starting with vegetables, then proceed to cereals and fruits. When can you start making soup? What recipes for this dish are suitable for feeding a baby up to a year? We will tell you in detail at what age you can offer soups to your baby, and how to cook them correctly.

Soup for a baby is an important food, so he gets used to more adult food

The optimal age of the child for the introduction of soups in the diet

From how many months can an infant be offered soup for lunch (we recommend reading:)? According to experts, it is important to wait for the stage when the baby's digestive tract is completely ready to work on digesting the dish. On average, the age when a baby can be given a liquid dish without fear is 9 months. At the same time, after consulting with a pediatrician, it makes sense to try to feed the baby with soup earlier - starting from the 8th month (we recommend reading:).

If a child is bottle-fed, he can taste a new dish even earlier - at 7 months (we recommend reading:). It should be understood that at first complementary foods should be introduced in small portions, it is desirable to bring the volume of the decoction to 100-150 ml by the end of the second week. After a year, this portion may already be 200-220 ml.

The benefits of soup for infants are obvious: liquid meals stimulate appetite, deliver nutrients to their destination, and replenish body fluids.

In addition, a decoction of vegetables and cereals indirectly helps other dishes to be better absorbed, as they stimulate the production of gastric juice. In this regard, they are called first courses, which are best eaten before eating more difficult to digest foods. Soups useful for babies:

  • with the addition of vegetables, they are a source of fiber, in addition, they saturate the body with mineral salts and organic acids;
  • dairy with cereals - rich in vegetable proteins, starch, vitamins;
  • pea or based on other types of legumes will also become a source of protein, they contain vitamins, trace elements (more in the article:);
  • with meat - the child needs animal protein, but it can be given closer to the year.

Pediatricians note that during the preparation of the first course, it is important to take into account other foods on the baby's menu. If the child has already eaten mashed potatoes or other vegetables for breakfast, it is better to prepare the soup for him with the addition of cereals.

Soup for a child is different from dishes for adults. It is important to understand that many food processing techniques are unacceptable in a children's kitchen. We have collected recommendations from experts on preparing first courses for babies:

  • It is advisable to take purified water, do not boil taken from the tap. Poor quality water will reduce the usefulness of the dish, and add toxic substances to it.
  • Children should not prepare ahead of time. Let the broth be freshly prepared, then most of the vitamins and minerals will be preserved, and the dish will be as useful as possible. For the same reason, you should not feed the crumbs with yesterday's food.
  • Vegetables that are intended for preparing a decoction are best cleaned and washed immediately before cooking.
  • Do not cook the dish on high heat. It is advisable only to bring it to a boil, then simmer at the very minimum heat, covered with a lid. This technique will allow you to save a maximum of vitamins.

The very first children's soups are prepared exclusively on water.
  • Soups for babies are cooked on water, not on broth. It is better to add meat to the dish later, by cooking it separately. Rich meat broth will be a heavy burden for the imperfect digestive system of the baby.
  • If you want to make the dish bright, with a rich taste, it makes sense to use several types of vegetables, but do not abuse salt. Lightly salting is not forbidden, but there should be a minimum amount of salt. In order not to oversalt the soup, a saline solution is used. To prepare it, you need to take 25 g of salt per 100 g of water. Use this solution for dishes at the rate of 1 tsp. per 200 g of food.
  • Most often, babies are offered pureed soups. This consistency of dishes is not only comfortable for a child who does not yet have teeth, puree food is ideal for the stomach, it is well absorbed. Watch video recipes and explore the options for mashed soups.

vegetable soups

Soups based on vegetables are the first to be offered to the baby. These dishes are easier to digest, improve digestion, they are indicated for constipation. It is important to use only proven vegetables that have not been grown with toxic substances. So that the food does not lose its nutrients, it should be cooked immediately before eating.

Zucchini soup puree with broccoli

For this dish you will need 200 ml of water or vegetable broth. You will also need:

  • zucchini, diced - 50 g;
  • broccoli - 2-3 inflorescences;

Pour vegetables into boiling water or broth, cover with a lid, cook until soft. Then knead (as an option, grind through a sieve), mix with liquid, add salt solution, bring to 100 degrees. Before giving to a child, fill with oil.

Adults will also like this dish, it includes the usual ingredients. You will need:

  • potatoes - 40 g (1 pc.);
  • carrots - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • white cabbage - 50 g;
  • butter of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Potato and carrot soup

Vegetables cut into rectangles, pour 1 cup boiling water, cook, covered with a lid, using low heat. Rub through a sieve, even more convenient with a blender, add saline, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, drizzle with butter.

Carrot soup with millet

The dish is cooked on a carrot broth, only then other ingredients are added to it. Would need:

  • carrots - 15-20 g (1/4 pc.);
  • potatoes - 15 g (1/4 pc.);
  • millet - 2 tsp;
  • salt dissolved in water - 3 ml;
  • oil of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Chop the carrots into circles, pour a glass with a quarter of boiling water. Cook under the lid until boiling, drain the broth into another bowl. Pour well-washed millet into it, boil for several minutes, add chopped potatoes. Before the end of cooking, add boiled carrots, salt solution, bring to a boil. Fill with oil at the end.

Cream soup with semolina and green peas

The dish is bright, very nutritious due to peas and semolina. Take:

  • potatoes - 20 g;
  • tomato - 20 g;
  • fresh green peas - 20 g;
  • cabbage - 20 g;
  • zucchini (peeled) - 20g;
  • green beans - 20 g;
  • onions - to taste;
  • semolina - 1 tsp;
  • oil of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Wash, peel and chop all vegetables. Pour boiling water, cook for half an hour under the lid. Grind through a sieve, add semolina, after boiling, cook for another quarter of an hour. Serve with oil.

Soups with meat and fish fillets

Many babies are happy to eat pre-chopped meat and fish. If the child does not want to eat these foods, you can prepare a decoction with the addition of one of them so that the baby gets a lot of useful substances.

We will offer several recipes for meat and fish soups for the baby. It is better to cook such soups closer to the year, so as not to burden the digestive system of the crumbs. Choose the best option and be sure to offer your child a healthy dish!

Rice with turkey meat

For this dish, turkey meat must be boiled separately, and the broth should be used in other recipes. Soup for the baby is better to cook on the basis of water. Would need:

  • potatoes - 70 g;
  • boiled turkey meat (fillet) - 30 g;
  • rice - 2 tsp;
  • carrots - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • onions - 20 g (1/2 pc.).

In boiling water (200 ml), pour washed rice, grated carrots, onions, potatoes into pieces. Boil under the lid for as long as necessary until the vegetables are soft. Add chopped meat, salt solution, bring to a boil.

With meatballs

Soup with meatballs

Children love vegetable broths with meatballs. To instill in a child a love for liquid dishes, it is quite possible to cook such a meal for a baby. You will need:

  • rabbit meat - 100 g;
  • carrots - 20 g (1/4 pc.);
  • parsley root - 20 g (1/4 pc.);
  • onion head - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • white bread - 10 g;
  • quail egg - 2 pcs. or chicken - ½ pc.

Boil the meat, grind in a meat grinder or chop with a blender along with white bread. Add half a raw egg to the mass, roll up small round meatballs. In boiling water (200 ml), add pieces of vegetables, boil. Add meatballs and boil for a quarter of an hour.

Bean with beef

Pour beans with cold water, leave for a couple of hours to soak. Then rinse, put on fire, cook until tender. Separately boil the meat. You will need:

  • boiled beef meat - 50 g;
  • potatoes - 100 g;
  • carrots - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • onion - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • boiled white beans - 1 tbsp;
  • salt dissolved in water - 3 ml.

Pour a glass of water into the ladle, bring to 100 degrees. Add chopped carrots, finely chopped onions, diced potatoes. Boil under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Pour beans, chopped meat. Boil the same amount, at the end add a solution of salt.

Rice with fish

Fish dishes occupy a special place in the children's menu. It is quite possible for a child to offer fish from the age of 9 months. For this dish, take:

  • sea ​​fish fillet (hake, pollock) - 100 g;
  • rice - 1 tsp;
  • potatoes - 50 g (1/2 pc.);
  • carrots - 30 g;
  • onion - 30 g;
  • oil of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Cut the fish and boil for half an hour. Separately, boil potatoes, carrots, onions, cut into small cubes in a glass of water. Add rice to vegetables, boil for another 10 minutes. After that, add the fish and salt solution, bring to a boil, season with butter.

Every day your baby acquires new skills, spending a lot of his energy on increased interest in the world. Therefore, meals for a 7-month-old baby already look like a whole factory of useful substances that feed the body of a little life explorer. Mom is already working in the kitchen, trying to cook the most delicate vegetable and meat dishes, and the baby enthusiastically inhales unknown aromas.

Dishes for a 7-month-old baby are already more varied. Your baby already eats vegetable and fruit purees with appetite, drinks juices with pleasure, but also loves mother's milk or his bottle with a mixture. He already receives a fairly varied menu, the periods of time between feedings are increasing, and breastfeeding (or formula milk) is kept only in the morning or in the evening before bedtime. Your baby is already sleeping peacefully all night without waking up from hunger.

It's time to supplement the 7-month-old children's menu with meat dishes. These can be vegetable soups and mashed potatoes on a decoction of meat or offal, mashed meat products and vegetables. Let's look at the basic recipes for a 7-month-old baby and write out an approximate menu for him.

Main dishes for a 7 month old baby

meat broth

For the preparation of meat broth, you can use only lean meat and offal. Meat - lean beef or veal, homemade chicken; offal - beef or pork liver, tongue. The meat must first be cleaned of veins, fatty streaks and films. Meat and bone broth is strictly contraindicated!

We wash the meat (50 g), cut into small pieces or grind in a meat grinder with a large grill. Put in a saucepan with cold water, slowly bring to a boil, having time to remove the protein foam. Cook over low heat for 2 hours. An hour before the meat is ready, we enrich the broth with a quarter of an onion and a carrot. Before turning off, we throw a pinch of parsley or leaf celery into the broth. We do not use salt.

We filter the finished broth through a two-layer gauze (this allows you to degrease the broth) and use it as a complementary food or cook vegetable soup or stew on it.

Meat puree

From the meat left after cooking the broth, we prepare meat puree. We grind boiled meat in a meat grinder at least twice, and preferably 3-4 times. We dilute the crushed mass with broth or milk from a dry mixture, or even breast milk. Add a little (0.5 tsp) butter to the meat mixture and beat well. We do not add salt.

Meat soufflé

60 g of veal (you can take the breast of a homemade chicken) cook for 2 hours. We skip twice through a meat grinder. In the resulting mass, put the egg yolk, hot milk from the dry mixture (30 ml) and 1 tsp. butter. Mix all the components of the souffle thoroughly and put in a bowl on a steam bath. Cooking 20 minutes.

* Cook's advice
The best meals for a child are prepared in a double boiler! For good digestion, your baby needs light and dietary food. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase a functional steamer in which you will prepare healthy meals not only for the smallest member of the family, but also for the largest!

vegetable puree

You can make a pure vegetable puree, or you can combine vegetables with meat. Vegetable puree does not have to be based on potatoes and carrots. Kids really like mashed potatoes based on broccoli, petiole celery, cauliflower, pumpkin or zucchini.

It should only be taken into account that a new vegetable should be given in a small initial portion in order to check the reaction of the child's body to a new product.

Boil the vegetables in the steam basket, chop them with the blades of a blender or rub through a sieve. Next, add meat broth. It is very useful for a baby to enrich a serving of puree with a teaspoon of refined olive or sunflower oil. Salting baby food is not recommended.

Milk porridge

Milk porridge for a child cannot be cooked in cow's milk. Cow and goat milk makes fragile children's kidneys work in extreme conditions. In addition, natural milk products can cause anemia, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Therefore, all the world's leading pediatricians strongly advise against giving cow's or goat's milk to children under the age of 1 year.

All recipes for milk porridges are based on milk prepared from dry milk formulas for artificial feeding.

For cereals, we use buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, corn, millet and rice. Of course, we alternate cereals. At the first feeding of a child with porridge from any cereal, we give a small portion of it and observe the well-being of the baby. If everything is fine, then every day we increase the portion.

We cook milk porridge as follows: thoroughly rinse the cereal, cook until soft in water, grind through a sieve. Transfer the resulting mass to the same saucepan and add hot milk. Simmer for another 1 minute, add tsp. butter, cool and feed the baby.

Now let's focus on the daily menu for a child of 7 months.

Children's menu - 7 months old baby

The diet of a child at 7 months is already very similar to the fractional nutrition of an adult. Our baby feeding recommendations will help you plan your day and help your baby eat a varied diet.

In the first year of a baby's life, it is very important to instill in him gastronomic tastes, which will be the basis of his eating behavior in later life. Therefore, do not use salt and sugar, let your child know the true taste of the products. He will still have time to know both salty, and sweet, and spicy and bitter!

First breakfast- Breastfeeding or formula milk.

Lunch- 170 g of milk porridge with a quarter of the yolk and 1 tsp. butter, 60-80 g fruit puree.

Dinner- 170 g vegetable puree with meat (50 g) and vegetable oil (1 tsp) or vegetable soup, fruit juice with pulp (50 ml).

afternoon tea- 50 g of fruit or vegetable puree, milk formula (150 g) or breast milk.

Dinner- breast milk or milk formula.

Your baby needs to sleep well, so don't give him heavy meals before bed, but just the usual breast milk or formula. The same applies to the first meal.

As you can see, dishes for a 7-month-old baby are easy to prepare, easy for your baby's still weak digestive system. Many mothers include fermented milk products in the menu, but this is justified only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Health to your baby, and you enjoy communicating with him!

A seven-month-old child has already tried something from “adult food”, at seven months you can slowly add new foods to complementary foods. The menu of cereals becomes more diverse, the baby can eat soups.

And so that you do not spend a lot of time thinking about what to cook for a child at 7 months old, we offer you recipes for a children's menu.

Buckwheat porridge with banana

You will need 20 gr. buckwheat groats and a medium-sized banana.

Buckwheat groats should first be ground in a blender or coffee maker, then boiled like ordinary groats in water, take 200 ml. Crumble a banana into a boiled porridge and mix it all in a blender until a homogeneous porridge. Add a little butter to a ready-made breakfast.

Rice porridge with apple

You will need 20 gr. rice for 200 ml of water and a small apple.

Finely grind the cereal before cooking. Boil in 200 ml of water.

Grate the apple or, cut into pieces, grind in a blender, in this case, porridge is added to the apple in the blender bowl, and a little butter is added to it.

Oatmeal with pumpkin

You will need pumpkin, peeled and cut into small cubes, oatmeal.

Stew 50 gr. pumpkins in 200 ml. water for about 20 minutes, then add 20 gr. cereals and simmer all this for another 20 over low heat, then grind until smooth in a mixer or blender. Ready.

This porridge recipe for feeding a baby at 7 months, like the previous two, can be taken as the basis for breakfast for a baby.

Vegetable cabbage-carrot puree

Boil carrots and cauliflower together in equal proportions, then chop the vegetables in a blender, dilute the prepared cabbage and carrot puree with the broth in which they were cooked.

Meat chicken puree

Boil chicken breast (about 50 g) and pass through a meat grinder, add half the yolk of a raw egg and a little butter and cook for about half an hour in a double boiler, it is better to dilute it with broth.

This dish for a 7 month old baby can be prepared for dinner.

Dried fruits compote

25 gr. dried pieces of apples and the same number of pears must first be poured with warm water at night, drained in the morning, and pour 500 ml of fruit. fresh water and bring to a boil. Leave the resulting compote for half an hour - an hour and you're done.

Potato soup

From the ingredients you will need a few medium-sized potatoes, 750 ml. chicken broth.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and throw them into the chicken broth, after the broth boils, cook the soup for about 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are cooked, that is, they become soft. After cooking, beat until fluffy puree with a mixer or blender.

Great lunch for a 7 month old baby, isn't it?

Carrot-apple puree

A delicious and easy dessert that can be prepared in the microwave or slow cooker.

You will need apples and carrots.

Peel the apple and cut into cubes, cut the carrots into strips and put to the apple, fill with water and “load” in the microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power. When cool, puree with a blender. The dish is light orange in color and has a sweet and sour taste.

Meat soufflé

You will need rabbit meat 70 gr. and raw egg white.

meat should be boiled for 15 minutes and chopped. Beat the protein and add to the meat. Soufflé cook for a couple or in the oven in a special mold for 15-20 minutes.

This easily digestible and easy-to-prepare dish is well suited for a 7-month-old baby's daily menu.

Pear puree

For 125 ml. water you need to take one medium pear (you can use an apple) peeled and pitted.

Finely chop the fruit and boil. You need to cook until the pear becomes soft. Drain off most of the water (leave about 1 tablespoon of liquid). Make a puree with a mixer or blender.

With the introduction of the first complementary foods, when the baby is 6 months old, many mothers ask different questions about this. A feeding calendar can help you figure out when and in what order to introduce new foods to your baby's diet. There comes a time when it's your turn to introduce your child to a dish like soup. In this article, you can find information on when to give baby soup, how to cook it correctly, what products can be used.

Dates of introduction to the menu

According to the generally accepted norms for the introduction of complementary foods, vegetable vegetarian soups appear in the children's menu after the introduction of vegetables into the diet. In fact, you offer your child vegetable purees, liquid in consistency by adding a decoction.

Opinions of pediatricians about at what age to start giving the first one differ somewhat. Some believe that the optimal age is 6-7 months. Others suggest that the appropriate age is 7-8 months for formula-fed babies and 9-12 months for breastfed babies.

Around the age of 8-10 months, when meat already appears in the baby's diet, you can add meatballs or boiled chopped fillets. From 9-10 months, instead of puree soup, you can already offer the baby the first one, the vegetables in which will be chopped with a fork. This will stimulate the development of chewing skills in the baby.

Closer to 1 year, the children's menu can be diversified with fish soup.

With the introduction of a new dish, always start with 30 ml of broth and observe the reaction. Thus, you can gradually bring the volume of the consumed product to the age norm (80-100 ml per day).

Cooking features

Soup for a child is significantly different from that which is prepared for an adult table. The first for the baby should be boiled exclusively on the basis of water, and not meat or fish broth, since so far this is too heavy food for the baby. Toxins released during cooking can overwork the pancreas and liver. Fish, on the other hand, is a strong allergen, so for now it should be postponed to a later date. Water is better to buy purified, bottled drinking water, designed specifically for feeding babies.

Start introducing these foods into your diet with vegetarian recipes. Use only those vegetables that you have already introduced to the baby's menu earlier, and to which he did not experience an undesirable reaction from the body.

The first can be prepared from several types of vegetables. It is useful to use rice, buckwheat, millet in cooking. Alternate different foods to diversify your child's taste experience.

But legumes, bay leaves, smoked meats, tomato paste, garlic and pepper are undesirable to give, as this is fraught with problems with the baby's digestion. Adding salt, spices or herbs is also an individual matter. It is recommended at the beginning of complementary foods to limit yourself only to greens - parsley, dill, etc. Always boil fresh food for every feeding to avoid getting an intestinal infection.

For kids who are just getting acquainted with this dish, it is recommended to chop vegetables with a blender or fork. Then you should add a little remaining broth to the resulting vegetable purees so that the consistency is uniform. A little later, you can switch to soups, consisting of small pieces, and the broth will help the child chew and swallow food.

After introducing meat into complementary foods, it will be possible to add meat puree or boiled chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or veal fillet to the dish. The choice depends on what your baby prefers. Try to buy lean meats. Up to a year, give preference to boneless meat.


Knowing the main features of the preparation of vegetarian and meat broths for babies, you can start cooking. We offer simple and tasty recipes that will help you diversify your baby's diet.

Soup puree

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For babies who cannot yet chew solid food, puree soup is a real find for young parents. The dish has a homogeneous texture, does not contain lumps. Thanks to this, the puree soup does not irritate the stomach and intestines of the baby, and is suitable for dietary nutrition.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. chop and boil 100 gr. any vegetables, such as zucchini and cauliflower until fully cooked
  2. pour the resulting broth into a separate container, and pass the prepared vegetables through a fine sieve, or rub with a blender
  3. dilute the puree with broth, bring to a boil again
  4. soup can be seasoned with butter (3 gr.) And grated yolk (1/4).


Soups to start complementary foods must be vegetarian. Use potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, onions and carrots. If the baby is already 9-10 months old, the finished dish can be chopped with a fork, leaving small pieces for a gradual transition to more solid food. Below is the simplest and most popular recipe.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • water - 1 l.
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 1/2 pc.
  • rice - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt to taste

Put rice and chopped potatoes into boiling water. For 10 min. before the rice is ready, add grated carrots and chopped tomato without peel. Cool the finished product to the desired temperature.

Pumpkin soup

The first pumpkin is saturated with fiber, vitamins A, E, K, ascorbic acid and trace elements. Such a dish has a positive effect on the digestive tract, removes toxins from the body.

You will need:

  • pumpkin - 250 gr.
  • baby milk - 1 liter.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • sugar, salt to taste

Combine the pumpkin pulp cut into small slices with boiling milk. It is necessary to cook until the pumpkin softens. Add sugar, salt, butter. Cool the finished product, grind it with a strainer.

The recipes are not complicated at all. In addition, you can safely change the combination of ingredients and consistency, based on the individual preferences of your crumbs.


To make chicken soup, you will need:

  • water - 0.5 l.
  • chicken fillet - 100 gr.
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • thin vermicelli - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • green onions or other fresh herbs


  1. fill the fillet with water and bring to a boil
  2. Drain the first chicken broth, rinse the meat and cook the second
  3. after that, put chopped vegetables and vermicelli into it
  4. cook until cooked, and then grind with a blender
  5. Don't forget greens before serving. Bon appetit!

Chicken soup on vegetable broth is prepared as follows. Fillets and vegetables should be cooked separately, and then the finished products with the addition of broth should be crushed with a blender.

With meatballs

To prepare the first one with meatballs, you will need:

  • veal or lean beef - 250 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • water - 250-300 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • greenery

Cooking method:

  1. pass the meat and half of the onion through the meat grinder several times
  2. combine the minced meat with the egg
  3. form meatballs
  4. cook them on low heat for 10 minutes
  5. then put the chopped potatoes, carrots and remaining onion
  6. cook until tender, before serving, you can decorate with herbs

If the baby has not appreciated the recipes and does not eat what you have prepared, try adding a few drops of lemon juice before serving. But, as with the introduction of any new products, do not rush the baby. Start giving small portions, gradually bringing them to the recommended amount. After all, breast milk remains the main food for up to a year. Be patient and one day your culinary efforts will be appreciated.

A child at 7 months has a great desire to know the world around him, he is drawn to everything adult, so he is very attracted to adult food. But the baby’s body has not yet grown strong at all, so, of course, he still cannot eat from the common table. And although some mothers brag that their baby is already eating adult food and nothing, but this is wrong.

The child's body must grow up to such food, otherwise the consequences may not affect the internal organs of the baby in the best way.

At the same time, it is also impossible to feed a child with breast milk alone or mixtures, since a growing body needs a lot of energy that milk alone cannot provide. Therefore, for the harmonious development of the baby, you need to understand how to feed the baby at 7 months, so that the products do not harm the baby, but only bring benefits.

We introduce new products

So, as was said, the basis of the baby's nutrition is still milk (breast or mixture). From the age of 7 months, experts already recommend that complementary foods be introduced, since the child's intestines must develop. Complementary foods are introduced gradually, you need to start with one spoonful of vegetable puree or porridge.

If, in addition to milk, the baby already eats vegetable and fruit puree, now the volume of puree can be increased to 150-200 ml. The same applies to cereals, the norm per day is 200 grams. We must not forget about fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt), meat and bread are being introduced.

Main course recipes

In order for the crumbs menu to be healthy and rich in vitamins, we prepare complementary foods for children for 7 months ourselves, recipes for dishes are varied, although the ingredients are limited. It is advisable to cook the products, you can steam them, without salt and spices. If at the beginning of complementary foods the products were consumed one by one, now several products can be combined, which gives a rich selection of ready-made meals.

Porridge recipes for children 7 months old are united by the need to introduce 5% porridge at the beginning. To do this, cereals (preferably rice and buckwheat) are boiled in diluted milk. If the baby is allergic to milk, then cereals are boiled in water. Porridges should be liquid, as the child's stomach cannot yet cope with thick porridges.

An example of mashed rice porridge

  • milk 2.5% - 100 ml,
  • rice - 30 gr,
  • salt solution and fructose syrup, 3 ml,
  • water - 250 ml.

Salt and sugar should not be added to the baby's food, so we replace them with a saline solution (dissolve 15 g of salt in 50 ml of water) and fruit syrup (dissolve 100 g of fructose in 50 ml of water).

Ready porridge must be crushed with a blender, or rubbed through a sieve.

Similarly, buckwheat milk porridge is cooked.

Soup recipes for 7 month old babies

Soups are given one independent feeding in the daily diet of the baby, setting aside daytime for them so that the soups are better digested. It is advisable to cook soups in vegetable broth, and ready-made meat can be put at the end.

But meat broths are also introduced into the diet, as they stimulate the work of gastric enzymes. You need to start with a teaspoon, gradually come to 50 ml. The main thing is that the meat broth is light and low-fat, so it is boiled from chicken breast or beef.

As a soup option, you can cook:

Soup puree

Boiled from cauliflower and zucchini, for its preparation you need:

  • 200 ml of water
  • cauliflower and zucchini 100 gr each,
  • saline solution - 3 ml.

Cut zucchini and cauliflower into small cubes and boil. The finished soup is crushed with a blender until smooth.

Chicken or beef broth

  • meat - 100 gr,
  • 400 ml of water
  • onions and carrots 10 gr each,
  • saline solution - 3 ml.

To prepare meat broth, we select lean meat, boil it, drain the resulting broth and, after pouring water, boil the meat again. Then add carrots and onions. All ingredients are cooked until tender. Ready broth is filtered.

Desserts for a little gourmet

Desserts for little crumbs are an integral and important part of the diet. They are based on fruit purees made from apples, pears, bananas, apricots and others. In addition to puree, the child is given raw fruits (apple, pear, bananas) to develop chewing reflexes in the baby. Fruits are rich in vitamins, which must be present in the baby's diet for the proper development of the body.

fruit puree

Fruit puree can be prepared independently, and not resort to canned puree:

  • 600 ml of water
  • fructose syrup - 3 ml,
  • pears and apples 240 gr.

Fruits are peeled and cut into cubes. All ingredients are mixed, boiled until tender. Then they are rubbed through a sieve or with a blender.

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