Parachute system operation manual d 10. Specifications. parachute, preparing them for packing




Guardsmen of the air assault unit of the Southern Military District (SMD), stationed in the Volgograd region, have begun to master the new D-10 parachutes, which entered service with the unit this year.
The personnel were trained on the installation of a new parachute and the procedure for its laying, training at the airborne complex, after which the military personnel began landing at the sites of the Lebyazhye training center in the Volgograd region.
The landing of military personnel is carried out from the Il-76 military transport aircraft, as well as from the latest army aviation helicopters Mi-8 AMTSh "Terminator" from a height of 800 m.
Press Service of the Southern Military District

The Federal Agency for the Supply of Arms, Military, Special Equipment and Materiel, acting in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, announced an electronic auction for the supply of 3,300 D-10 parachute systems.
According to the press service of Rosoboronpostavka, the military department is ready to pay no more than four hundred and six million thirty-five thousand three hundred rubles for the entire set.
The D-10 parachute system is designed for combat and training jumps in the altitude range from 200 to 4000 m at a flight speed of 140 to 400 km/h with stabilization for 3 seconds, with a total parachutist flight weight of 140 kg.


The Scientific Research Institute of Parachute Engineering (Research Institute of Parachute Engineering), which is part of the Aviation Equipment holding of the State Corporation Rostec, will present an experimental model of a modified parachute -landing system (PDS) D-10P.

The new special parachute D-10P from JSC Research Institute of Parachute Building of the Aviation Equipment Holding is designed to perform special tasks and provide emergency assistance. For the first time, the new parachute landing system (PDS) D-10P was demonstrated in the air at MAKS-2013. A little later, it was shown to the audience at the International Exhibition of State Security Means "Interpolitech-2013". The new system allows you to drop troops from a height of 70 meters when an aircraft or helicopter exits from an attack by a ground enemy.
Research Institute specialists began work on the creation of the system in 2011, and already in 2012 they successfully tested it with mannequins and people. With sufficient process assurance, testing can be completed within 2-3 months. As potential customers of the new system, special forces of Russian and foreign law enforcement agencies and rescuers are considered.

The Airborne Forces (VDV) received more than 1.7 thousand D-10 parachutes at their disposal. The largest batch of new parachutes of the tenth series entered the Kamyshin Airborne Forces unit. In addition, the Tula, Ulan-Ude and Ussuri formations received new parachute systems, the press service and information department of the Russian Defense Ministry reported.
D-10 parachutes are supplied to the Airborne Forces units to replace outdated D-6 (4th series) parachute systems or worn-out parachutes.

The Technodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation will start developing modified D-10 parachutes, one of the most popular parachutes currently in service with the Airborne Forces. The terms of reference for the new parachute system have already been prepared, and development work will begin in 2017.
Parachutes D-10, which are currently used in the Airborne Forces, will be modernized. The work will be carried out by the main developer of parachute technology in Russia, the Scientific Research Institute of Parachute Engineering (part of the Technodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation). At the moment, the terms of reference for the new parachute system have been developed, development work will begin in 2017.
“Modernization of the D-10 series 2 parachute will involve the development of a harness system with improved ergonomics, which, among other things, can be combined with modern equipment sets, such as the Ratnik, and the placement of a cargo container in front under the reserve parachute. - Says the general director of Technodinamika Maxim Kuzyuk. “The cargo container will allow the paratroopers to get more autonomy when performing combat operations, in addition, in the event of a splashdown of a paratrooper, it will be used as a raft.”
The D-10 series 2 system is designed for jumping from Il-76, An-2 and Mi-8 helicopters by paratroopers of all specialties with full service weapons and equipment (or without it), as well as by individual paratroopers or groups of paratroopers.
Holding "Technodinamika"


Serbian special forces units have adopted Russian D-10 parachutes donated by the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Brigadier General Zoran Velickovic, commander of the special forces brigade of the Serbian Armed Forces, told reporters on Tuesday.
The international tactical exercises "Slavic Brotherhood 2016" are held from November 2 to 15 near Belgrade, units of the armed forces of Russia, Belarus and Serbia take part in them. About 200 Russian servicemen are involved in the exercises.
“Last year, we received a batch of D-10 parachutes as a gift from the commander of the Airborne Forces, and just recently they were put into service,” Velichkovich said at the exercises.
RIA News

The D-10 parachute for the Ratnik combat gear will be upgraded by 2018, Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov, commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, said on Friday.
On Friday, a solemn ceremony was held in Ulyanovsk to hand over a set of the latest BMD-4M combat vehicles and Rakushka armored personnel carriers to servicemen of the 31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade of the Airborne Forces. In the presence of the commander of the troops, about 50 units of equipment were transferred to the formation.
“In 2018, it is planned to carry out development work to modernize the D-10 landing parachute system and a reserve parachute for landing personnel in the Ratnik combat set,” Serdyukov said.
He clarified that in 2018 it is also planned to complete development work to create a whole line of multi-purpose platforms and parachute-cargo systems for landing weapons, military equipment and cargo with a flight weight of 500 kilograms to 18 tons.
RIA News


By the end of the year, the airborne troops will have at their disposal more than 10,000 sets of D-10 parachute systems.
Their next batches are already in the Tula, Ivanovo, Pskov, Novorossiysk, Ulan-Uda and Ussuriysk formations of the Airborne Forces, where military personnel actively use them in the process of combat training.
New D-10 parachutes are coming to the Airborne Forces units to replace the old systems that have exhausted their resource.
They are designed to perform combat and combat training jumps from military transport aircraft (VTA) at flight speeds from 140 to 400 km/h at altitudes up to 4000 m.
The D-10 parachute is used in the Airborne Forces for the mass landing of military personnel and is simpler and safer in comparison with other parachute systems.
The area of ​​the dome of the new parachute is 100 square meters. meters, and its special shape makes it easy to turn around in the wind.
Parachutes D-10 have increased service life and service life.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

All units of the Marine Corps of the Russian Navy are equipped with the new D-10 parachutes, which replaced the D-6 system, Lieutenant General Oleg Makarevich, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy (Navy), said on Saturday on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station.
The Day of the Marine Corps of the Russian Navy (created in 1705 during the Northern War with Sweden) is celebrated annually in the Russian Federation on November 27.
“Practically all Marine Corps units are already equipped with these parachutes,” Makarevich said. According to him, the reconnaissance units of the marines of the Russian fleet are equipped with special parachutes.
The Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy noted that in 2017, Russian marines made more than 10,000 parachute jumps.
"Since 2012
RIA News

The modernization of the D-10 parachute system and the Z-5 reserve parachute for landing personnel of the Russian Airborne Forces in the Ratnik combat set will begin in March, said Vladimir Kochetkov, head of airborne training - deputy commander of the Airborne Forces for airborne training.
“As for human parachutes, in March of this year, the Renovation development work will open to modernize the D-10 parachute system and the Z-5 reserve parachute for landing personnel in the Ratnik combat kit,” Kochetkov said in an interview with the Russian newspaper. armed forces "Red Star".
According to him, now the Russian Airborne Forces use the D-6 series 4 and D-10 parachute systems for landing personnel; reserve parachute Z-5, special-purpose parachute systems Arbalet-1 and Arbalet-2
RIA News


The D-10 parachute replaced the D-6, which is in service, is simpler and safer when landing and in operation. The volume of the dome of the new parachute is 100 square meters. m instead of 83 sq. m from its predecessor, its rounded shape ensures a smooth landing.
The D-10 is designed to carry out combat and training jumps at flight speeds from 140 to 400 km/h with stabilization for 3 seconds, in the altitude range from 200 to 8000 m. jumping conditions. The mass of the new parachute is several kilograms less than the mass of its predecessor, which makes it easy to turn in the wind, perform horizontal glide, you can jump into the water with it and quickly extinguish the canopy in strong winds.
Designed to perform single and group training and combat jumps from any aircraft and helicopters at speeds from 140 to 400 km/h.
It is used with a Z-5 reserve parachute.
The system has increased performance when paratroopers descend in the air on filled canopies of the main parachutes.
The application scheme provides for stabilization with subsequent activation of the parachute by a manual deployment link or by the PPK-U 165-AD device. For an exception, it was dragged along the ground, after landing in a strong wind, uncoupling of one free end of the suspension system is provided.


Designed to perform single training and combat jumps, as well as group jumps from any military transport aircraft and helicopters. It is used with reserve parachutes Z-2 or Z-5.
The system has increased performance when paratroopers descend in the air on filled canopies of the main parachutes.
The system is put into operation by the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-ZU-D-165 device with a hose length of 0.165 m or a manual opening link.
The canopy of a non-flat round parachute with an area of ​​100 m2 provides a vertical descent speed of up to 5 m/s with a paratrooper flight weight of 120 kg. The dome uses Excelsior mesh fabric.
For an exception, it was dragged along the ground, after landing in a strong wind, uncoupling of one free end of the suspension system is provided.
Manufacturer: OAO Polet - Ivanovo Parachute Plant.



height 200 - 4000 m,
speed 140 - 400 km/h

The first step has been taken / Photo:

In preparation for the Airborne Platoon competition, Russian airborne service specialists provided the first jump of Belarusian paratroopers on the D-10 parachute system of the Russian Airborne Forces.

All servicemen of the MTR of the Republic of Belarus participating in the competitions successfully landed and worked out a practical training at the landing site.

Together with Belarusian colleagues, Russian participants of the competition also made jumps on D-10 parachute systems from AN-2 aircraft from a height of 800 meters.

The sequence of the first jump / Photo:

In total, during the jumping day, the participants of the competition made more than 100 parachute jumps.

Parachute laying by Belarusian colleagues for the first introductory jump was carried out under the supervision of specialists from the airborne service of the Ryazan Higher Airborne School of the Airborne Forces.

In the future, along with the Belarusian and Russian military personnel, paratroopers from China will also perform parachute jumps, but on their D-9D parachute systems.

The participating teams will perform parachute jumps from Mi-8 helicopters when the weather improves. Before the start of the competition, the participants of the competition plan to make up to two training jumps.

The international field training competition "Airborne Platoon" at the Dubrovichi training ground in the Ryazan region is held as part of the International Army Games - 2015.

The grand opening of the international airborne competition is scheduled for 15.00 on August 3, 2015, the day after the anniversary of the Airborne Forces, said Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Meshkov, representative of the Press Service and Information Office of the RF Ministry of Defense for Airborne Forces.

Technical reference

Landing parachute D-10- This is the system that replaced the D-6 parachute. The area of ​​the dome is 100 square meters with improved performance and beautiful appearance - in the shape of a squash.

Designed for jumps for both novice paratroopers and paratroopers - training and combat jumps from the AN-2 aircraft, MI-8 and MI-6 helicopters and AN-12, AN-26, AN-22, IL-76 military transport aircraft with full service armament and equipment ... or without it ... Throw speed 140-400 km / h, minimum jump height 200 meters with stabilization 3 seconds, maximum - 4000 meters with a parachutist flight weight up to 140 kg. Descent speed 5 m/sec.

Horizontal speed up to 3 m/s. The forward movement of the canopy is carried out by rolling the free ends, where the free ends are reduced by rolling, the canopy goes there... Dome turns are carried out by control lines, the canopy is unfolded due to slots located on the dome. The length of the lines for the D-10 parachute is different ... Lighter in weight, it got more control options ...

At the end of the article I will post the full performance characteristics of the D-10 (performance characteristics).

Parachute system D-10 many people already know that the system came to the troops ... landing showed work in the air ... there were significantly fewer convergences, because there are more opportunities under an open dome to run where there is no one ... with the D-12 parachute system it will be in this regard even better ... Believe me, it's difficult ... to create a system that opens safely, give speed to the canopy, make turns, create such control that a parachutist without jumping experience can handle it ... but for paratroopers when they go with full service armament and equipment, maintain the rate of descent and enable easy control of the canopy ...

And in a combat situation during the landing, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible shooting-shooting at paratroopers, as at targets ...

The Research Institute of Parachute Engineering has developed a modification of the D-10 parachute... get to know...

The minimum drop height is 70 meters...! We have courageous paratroopers... it's scary to walk from 100 meters... :)) it's scary, because the ground is close... and from 70 meters... it's like heading into a whirlpool... :)) the ground is very close. .. I know this height, this is the approach to the last straight line on the sports dome ... but the D-10P system has been worked out for quick opening ... without stabilization for the forced opening of the knapsack ... the pull rope is attached with a carabiner to the cable in an airplane or helicopter, and the other end with a cable to close the parachute bag ... the cable is pulled out with a rope, the bag opened and the canopy went ... such an opening system for the D-1-8 parachute, series 6 ... the possibility of leaving the aircraft at a height of 70 meters is safety while landing in combat conditions ...

The maximum altitude of leaving the aircraft is 4000 meters...

The D-10P system is designed in such a way that it can be converted into the D-10 system ... and vice versa ... in other words, it can be operated without stabilization for the forced opening of the parachute or stabilization is attached, the parachute fits into work with stabilization and forward, into Sky...

The dome consists of 24 wedges, slings with a breaking strength of 150 kg each...

22 slings 4 meters long and four slings attached to the loops of the dome slots, 7 m long, made of ShKP-150 nylon cord,

22 external additional slings from the ShKP-150 cord, 3 m long

24 internal additional slings from the ShKP-120 cord, 4 m long, attached to the main slings ... two internal additional slings are attached to lines 2 and 14.

The performance characteristics of the PDS D-10

Weight of a paratrooper with parachutes, kg 140 - 150
Aircraft flight speed, km/h 140 - 400
Maximum safe parachute opening height, m 4000
Minimum safe application height, m 200
Stabilization time, s 3 or more
Speed ​​of descent on a stabilizing parachute, m/s 30 - 40
The force required to open a two-cone lock using a manual opening link, kgf no more than 16
Speed ​​of descent on the main parachute, m/s 5
Time to turn in any direction by 180 when the lock cord is removed and the free ends of the harness are pulled, s no more than 60
Time to turn in any direction by 180 with locked free ends of the suspension system, s no more than 30
Average horizontal forward and backward speed, m/s not less than 2.6
Weight of parachute system without parachute bag and parachute device AD-3U-D-165, kg, no more than 11.7
Number of applications
with a total flight weight of a paratrooper-paratrooper of 140 kg, times 80
including with a total flight weight of a parachutist 150 kg 10
Shelf life without repacking, months no more than 3
Warranty period, years 14

Landing parachute D-10- This is a parachute landing system that came to replace the D-6 parachute. The area of ​​the dome is 100 square meters with improved performance and beautiful appearance - in the shape of a squash.

Landing parachute D-10

Designed for jumps for both novice paratroopers and paratroopers - training and combat jumps from the AN-2 aircraft, MI-8 and MI-6 helicopters and military transport aircraft AN-12, AN-26, AN-22, IL- 76 with full service armament and equipment ... or without it ... Throw speed 140-400 km / h, minimum jump height 200 meters with stabilization 3 seconds, maximum - 4000 meters with a parachutist flight weight up to 140 kg. Descent speed 5 m/sec.

Horizontal speed up to 3 m/s. The forward movement of the canopy is carried out by rolling the free ends, where the free ends are reduced by rolling, the canopy goes there... Dome turns are carried out by control lines, the canopy is unfolded due to slots located on the dome. The length of the lines for the D-10 parachute is different ... Lighter in weight, it got more control options ...

At the end of the article I will post the full performance characteristics of the D-10 (performance characteristics)

Parachute system D-10

Many people already know the D-10 parachute system, the system came to the troops ... landing showed work in the air ... there were much fewer convergences, because there are more opportunities under an open dome to run to where there is no one ... with a parachute will be in this plan is even better ... Believe me, it's difficult ... to create a system that opens safely, give speed to the canopy, make turns, create such control that a parachutist without jumping experience can handle it ... but for paratroopers, when they come with full service weapons and equipment, maintain the rate of descent and enable easy control of the canopy ...

And in a combat situation during the landing, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible shooting-shooting at paratroopers, as at targets ...

The Research Institute of Parachute Engineering has developed a modification of the D-10 parachute... get to know...

Landing parachute D-10P

golden parachute.

The minimum drop height is 70 meters...! We have courageous paratroopers... it's scary to walk from 100 meters... :)) it's scary, because the ground is close... and from 70 meters... it's like heading into a whirlpool... :)) the ground is very close. .. I know this height, this is the approach to the last straight line on the sports dome ... but the D-10P system has been worked out for quick opening ... without stabilization for the forced opening of the knapsack ... the pull rope is attached with a carabiner to the cable in an airplane or helicopter, and the other end with a cable to close the parachute bag ... the cable is pulled out with a rope, the bag opened and the canopy went ... such an opening system for the D-1-8 parachute, series 6 ... the possibility of leaving the aircraft at a height of 70 meters is safety while landing in combat conditions ...

The maximum altitude of leaving the aircraft is 4000 meters...

The D-10P system is designed in such a way that it can be converted into the D-10 system ... and vice versa ... in other words, it can be operated without stabilization for the forced opening of the parachute or stabilization is attached, the parachute fits into work with stabilization and forward, into Sky... golden parachute... :))

The dome consists of 24 wedges, slings with a breaking strength of 150 kg each...

Read the entire article in the source:

Parachute D-10

The D-10 landing parachute system is designed for training and combat jumps from the An-22, Il-76, An-26 military transport aircraft, from the An-2 aircraft and Mi-6 and Mi-8 helicopters, performed by individual paratroopers or groups of paratroopers of all specialties with or without full service weapons and equipment with a total flight weight of a paratrooper of 140 kg.

Technical and operational characteristics

Operating restrictions

Weight of a paratrooper with parachutes, kg

Aircraft flight speed, km/h

Maximum safe parachute opening height, m

Minimum safe application height, m

Stabilization time, s

Speed ​​of descent on a stabilizing parachute, m/s

The force required to open a two-cone lock using a manual opening link, kgf

no more than 16

Speed ​​of descent on the main parachute, m/s

Time to turn in any direction by 180 when the lock cord is removed and the free ends of the harness are pulled, s

no more than 60

Time to turn in any direction by 180 with locked free ends of the suspension system, s

no more than 30

Average horizontal forward and backward speed, m/s

not less than 2.6

Height of a paratrooper-paratrooper, m

Weight of parachute system without parachute bag and parachute device AD-3U-D-165, kg,

no more than 11.7

Number of uses:

with a total flight weight of a paratrooper-paratrooper of 140 kg,

including with a total flight weight of a parachutist of 150 kg

Shelf life without repacking, months

no more than 3

Warranty period, years

The D-10 parachute system allows the use of reserve parachutes of the Z-4, Z-5, Z-2 types. Parachute devices AD-3U-D-165, PPK-U-165A-D are used as a safety device for opening a two-cone lock.

Parts of the parachute system

1. Camera stabilizing system;

2. Stabilizing system (stabilizing lineless parachute);

3. Main parachute chamber;

4. Main parachute (dome with lines);

5. Suspension system;

7. Double cone lock;

8. Manual opening link;

9. Safety parachute device type PPK-U or AD-ZU-D;

10. Parachute bag;

11. Passport;

12. Auxiliary parts and details.

Camera Stabilization System

It is intended for laying the stabilizing dome with slings and the upper part of the stabilizer into it, as well as for the orderly commissioning of the stabilizing system.

The shape is cylindrical. Material - kapron advice. It consists of a base (4) and those on it: in the upper part - a carabiner (1) for attaching to a cable or extension cord in an airplane, a lashing tape (7) for catching a rubber honeycomb, protect, a cord-tie (3) for tightening the camera; at the bottom - metal rings (5) for locking with stabilizer rings.

The stabilizing system (stabilizing strapless parachute) is designed to activate the safety parachute device, ensure a stabilized descent of the parachutist and to open the main parachute.

Stabilizing system

It consists of a canopy with lines and a stabilizer with a parachute link.

The base of the dome (1) has the shape of a truncated cone with a larger base area of ​​1.5 m2, made of nylon. An exhaust device (2) is sewn onto the dome in the pole part, which is designed to ensure the filling of the dome and consists of eight pockets. Reinforcing tapes are sewn on the outer side of the dome: radial (3) - from the tape LTKP-15-185 and circular (4) from the tape LTKP-13-70. The edge of the dome is reinforced by folding the fabric to the outer side and stitched onto it on both sides with an LTKP-15-185 tape. Along the lower edge of the dome, under the radial reinforcing tapes, the ends of 16 slings made of the ShKP-200 cord are threaded and attached in a zigzag stitch. The length of the outer lines (6) in the free state from the lower edge of the canopy to the stabilizer feather is 0.52 m, and the middle lines (5) are 0.5 m. The canopy has a factory stamp (18): parachute index and year of manufacture.


Serves to prevent rotation of the stabilizing parachute and consists of two feathers (7), each of which is made by DIV_ADBLOCK68">

The triangle formed from the ribbons is closed on both sides with kerchiefs (14) made of nylon advisor. A guide ring (16) is sewn onto the power tapes between the scarves using tape (15) LTKrP-26-600, through which the parachute device activation cord is passed. On the power tapes near the buckles, arrows are applied with black harmless paint to control the correct installation and installation of power tapes on a two-cone lock.

Parachute stabilizing strapless

It consists of a dome, stabilizer and parachute link. The dome (1) has a hemispherical shape with an area of ​​1.5 m2 and is made of nylon fabric. Radial reinforcing tapes (3) LTKP-15-185 and circular tapes (2) LTKP-13-70 are stitched on the outer side of the dome. The edge of the dome is reinforced with LTKP-15-185 tape stitched onto it on both sides. The canopy is marked with a factory stamp: parachute index and year of manufacture.


Serves to prevent rotation of the stabilizing parachute and consists of four feathers (4), which are made of gray nylon fabric. On the surface of each stabilizer feather, on both sides, a reinforcing frame made of LTKP-13-70 tape is sewn. At one end of the lashing tape there is a loop for attaching to the loop of the parachute link of the stabilizing parachute, at the other end there is a mark limiting the lashing.

The triangle formed from the ribbons is closed on both sides with kerchiefs (11) made of nylon advisor. A guide ring (13) is sewn onto the power tapes between the scarves using tape (12) LTKrP-26-600, through which the parachute device activation cord is passed. On the power tapes near the buckles, arrows are applied with black harmless paint to control the correct installation and installation of power tapes on a two-cone lock.

Main parachute chamber

Serves for laying in it a dome with lines of the main parachute and for its orderly opening. The camera is made of gray nylon fabric and has the shape of a cylinder (when folded).

The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two tapes (2) LTKrP-26-600, which form a bridle in the upper part. For the convenience of laying the dome into the chamber along the upper base of the chamber and the ribbons of the bridle, we have our scarf (5). In the hem of the upper base of the chamber, a cord-tie (3) from the ShKP-150 cord is inserted and attached, which is designed to tighten the upper base of the chamber.

On the base of the camera is sewn:

Reinforcement (12) made of gray nylon fabric;

Nine straight (10) combs with ribbons (11) at the bottom for laying main parachute lines;

Honeycomb spreader (8) with honeycomb rubber (9) from knapsack cord to hold the lines in the comb;

Valve (15) with two pairs of eyelets (14) for passing through removable rubber honeycombs (16, 17) and with two pockets (21) for covering bundles of lines; for the convenience of laying the slings, the valve near the eyelets is marked - 1,2,3,4;

Pocket (22) at the top base of the chamber for threading the ends of the cord-tie.

To cover the bundles of slings laid in honeycombs, aprons (7) made of gray nylon fabric with tie ribbons (6) are sewn in the upper part of the chamber.

A ring (20) made of an elastic band 29 mm wide is inserted into the hem of the lower part of the chamber, designed to ensure an orderly exit of the main parachute canopy from the chamber.

At the lower base of the chamber, two removable rubber honeycombs are installed and an apron (19) is sewn on, which in turn, it has two more removable rubber honeycombs.

main parachute

Designed to ensure a safe rate of descent and landing of a parachutist.

Consists of the base of the dome and lines. The base of the dome consists of 24 wedges (1), which form a non-planar circle with an area of ​​100 m2. Each dome wedge, in turn, consists of seven wedges, six of which are made of nylon fabric, and one wedge (2) 50 mm wide is made of excelsior fabric, which is a mesh. The wedges are interconnected with a seam "in the lock". On the seams connecting the wedges of the dome, nylon ribbons LTKP-13-70 are stitched. The lower edge of the dome is reinforced on both sides with nylon tape LTKP-15-185. On the lower edge of the dome, all slings, except for slings No. 1A, 1B, 13A, 13B, have jumpers made of nylon tape LTKP-15-185, which are designed to prevent cases of overlapping of the dome with slings and reduce its filling time. On the basis of the canopy, between lines No. 1A and 1B, 13A and 13B there are slots (3) 1.7 m long, designed to turn the canopy during descent.

main parachute

It has 26 main lines (1) made of ShKP-150 nylon cord (including 22 lines 4 m long and 4 lines (4) attached to the loops of the dome slots, 7 m long), 22 external additional lines (2) 3 m, as well as 24 internal additional slings (3) from a kapron cord ShKP-120 4 m long.

Additional slings

They are mounted to the main lines, and two additional internal lines (3) are attached to the lines No. 2 and 14 (5).

The slings are tied at one end to the loops of the dome, at the other - to the half-ring buckles of the free ends (6) of the suspension system.

To facilitate the laying of the main parachute, on lines No. 1A, 1B and on additional line No. 24 at the lower edge of the canopy, as well as on the half-ring buckles of the suspension system, identification sleeves are sewn, made of green or blue cotton fabric, and on additional line No. 12 - red or orange.

To facilitate the laying of lines, they are marked at a distance of 0.2 m from the lower edge of the dome and 0.4 m from the half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system, marking the beginning and end of laying.

On the lower edge of the dome, to the left of the lines, their serial numbers are indicated. On the outside of the canopy, between lines 1A and 24, there is a factory marking.

Lines No. 1A and 13A, 1B and 13B are sewn with control lines (4), which are designed to turn the canopy and are made of red nylon cord ShKKr-190 in two additions. The control lines are passed through the rings (2) sewn on the inside of the free ends (1) of the suspension system. One end of the left control line is attached to line No. 13A at a distance of 1.65 m, the other end is attached to line No. 1A at a distance of 1.45 m from the half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system. One end of the right control line is attached to line No. 13B at a distance of 1.65 m, the other end is attached to line No. 1B at a distance of 1.45 m from the half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system.

When tensioning the right control line, lines No. 1B and 13B are pulled, pulling the lower edge of the dome inward. The airflow from under the hem at the hem creates a reactive force that DIV_ADBLOCK69">

The main strap is stitched from ribbons in two additions. On the left in the upper part of the main strap there are two curved buckles: the lower one is for connecting it with the left back-shoulder girth, the upper one is for attaching the left pair of loose ends.

On the right in the upper part of the main strap there are three curved buckles: the lower one is for connecting it with the right dorsal-shoulder girth, the upper one is for fastening the link of the pinning device made of the LTKP-43-900 tape and the right detachable pair of free ends, the middle one is for mounting the link dispensing device.

On the reverse side of the main strap, below the curved buckles, buckles for fastening the cargo container straps are sewn with the help of LTKrP-43-800 tape.

On the left side of the main strap, below the curved buckles, a LTKkrP-26-600 tape is sewn for attaching a flexible hose, and below, at chest level, a pocket for a manual opening link is sewn.

To attach the free ends of the intermediate suspension system of the reserve parachute, two fastening brackets are mounted in the main strap..gif" align="left" width="192" height="245">DIV_ADBLOCK71">

It is intended for laying in it the canopy of the main parachute with lines laid in the chamber, part of the free ends of the harness and placing the device.

The knapsack is made of nylon avisent or nylon fabric and consists of a base, false bottom, right and left flaps. A stiffening frame is inserted between the main and false bottom.

On the right valve there is a pocket of the device made of LTKrP-26-600 tape with tie ribbons and a pocket of the parachute device activation cord made of LTK tape with a valve. Attached to the top of the right flap is a rubber honeycomb for mounting a stacked stabilizing system on top of the pack. On the outside of the right valve there is a handle made of LTKrP-26-600 tape, which is designed to pull the right valve back when filling the slack link of the stabilizing parachute under it in preparation for making a parachute jump from the Il-76 aircraft.

Rings are sewn into the free corners of the right and left valves of the backpack, designed to hold the valves in a tightened state.

A removable honeycomb is mounted on the ring of the right valve, and a welded ring is sewn on the upper part of the backpack, on the outer side of the left valve, on the backpack, designed to secure the removable honeycomb with a tape located on the loop of the parachute link of the stabilizing system.

At the beginning of the stitching of the right flap, a wire ring was sewn with the help of the LTKrP-20-150 tape, designed to lock the fastening loop of the parachute device activation cord. On the same section of the right valve there is a loop with a button spike for the valve covering the two-cone lock.

In the upper part of the knapsack, under the fastening plate of the two-cone lock, with the help of the tape LTKrP-20-150, a ring is fixed, designed to pass through the rubber honeycomb, which fastens the stacked stabilizing system on the upper part of the knapsack. On the opposite side, there is a second loop with a button spike for a valve that covers a two-cone lock. On the left side of the satchel, one end of a flexible hose is fixed on a buckle with a toothed bridge, which is designed to accommodate the cable of the manual opening link and protect it from accidental snagging (hose length - 0.38 m).

Up on ra Me stiffness there are two round and four oblong holes. LTKkrP-43-800 ribbons are fixed in the two upper elongated holes, which end with buckles with toothed bridges and are intended for attaching the satchel to the dorsal-shoulder girths of the suspension system. In the two lower longitudinal holes, LTKMkrP regulating tapes are fixed.

Note: a stiffening frame with two windows in the upper part of the backpack is allowed. On this satchel, tapes ending in buckles with serrated bridges are fastened on the upper side, and adjusting tapes on the lower side of the windows.

On the inside of the knapsack at a distance of 0.26 m from the top there is a mark that limits the laying of the free ends on the knapsack.

Based on the knapsack, the following are scribbled:

Eight loops for fastening the backpack to the suspension system;

Two-cone lock valve;

Two scarves.

The kerchiefs are equipped with round buckles with floating bridges, in which LTKkrP-26-600 straps for fastening the reserve parachute are threaded, ending with carbines, and orange ribbons LTKkrP-26-600, which are designed to quickly release the straps for fastening the reserve parachute. On the left scarf there is a pocket for a card that replaces a passport. Above the sewing of the right scarf on the knapsack, two ties are sewn for attaching the device hose.

Two pull-up tapes are sewn on the lower corners of the knapsack, made from LTKrP-26-600 tape in two additions and designed to pull the lower corners of the knapsack to the hanging one" align ="left" width="182 height=127" height="127"> vaniya, operation, repair and completion of the parachute system.

Auxiliary parts include safety thread and safety cord ШХБ-20. The loop of the link of the stabilizing system with the ring on the knapsack, the flexible pin in the shutter of the parachute device, the shutter of the two-cone lock are hidden with a locking thread.

It is made of cotton yarn (you can use the core of the cord ШХБ-125, ШХБ-60).

With a safety cord 0.3 m long, the rings of the stabilizer feathers are hidden with the rings of the camera of the stabilizing system, while when landing from the An-2 aircraft, the Mi-8 helicopter, the ShHB-20 is used in two additions, from the Il-76 aircraft - in one addition.

The main parachute is designed to provide a safe rate of descent and landing of the parachutist.

Main dome (view from below):
1 - dome wedges; 2 - a wedge made of "excelsior" fabric; 3 - gap; 4 - attachment points and numbers of external additional lines; 5 - attachment points and numbers of internal additional lines; 6-pole hole

Consists of the base of the dome and lines. The base of the dome consists of 24 wedges (1), which form a non-planar circle with an area of ​​100 m 2 . Each dome wedge, in turn, consists of seven wedges, six of which are made of nylon fabric, and one wedge (2) 50 mm wide is made of excelsior fabric, which is a mesh. The wedges are interconnected with a seam "in the lock". On the seams connecting the wedges of the dome, nylon ribbons LTKP-13-70 are stitched. The lower edge of the dome is reinforced on both sides with nylon tape LTKP-15-185. On the lower edge of the dome, all slings, except for slings No. 1A, 1B, 13A, 13B, have jumpers made of nylon tape LTKP-15-185, which are designed to prevent cases of overlapping of the dome with slings and reduce its filling time. On the basis of the canopy, between lines No. 1A and 1B, 13A and 13B there are slots (3) 1.7 m long, designed to turn the canopy during descent.

1 - main lines; 2 - external additional lines; 3 - internal additional lines; 4 - slings No. 1A, 1B, 13A, 13B; 5 - slings No. 2, 14; 6 - free ends of the suspension system.

The main parachute has 26 main lines (1) made of ShKP-150 nylon cord (including 22 lines 4 m long and 4 lines (4) attached to the loops of the canopy slots, 7 m long), 22 external additional lines (2) 3 m long, as well as 24 internal additional slings (3) made of ShKP-120 nylon cord, 4 m long.

Additional lines are attached to the main lines, and two additional internal lines (3) are attached to lines No. 2 and 14 (5).

The slings are tied at one end to the loops of the dome, at the other - to the half-ring buckles of the free ends (6) of the suspension system.

To facilitate the laying of the main parachute on lines No. 1A, 1B and on the additional line No. 24 at the lower edge of the canopy, as well as on the half-ring buckles of the suspension system, identification sleeves are sewn, made of green or blue cotton fabric, and on the additional line No. 12 - red or orange.

To facilitate the laying of lines, they are marked at a distance of 0.2 m from the lower edge of the dome and 0.4 m from the half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system, indicating the beginning and end of laying.

On the lower edge of the dome, to the left of the lines, their serial numbers are indicated. On the outside of the canopy, between lines 1A and 24, there is a factory marking.

Lines No. 1A and 13A, 1B and 13B are sewn with control lines (4) (Fig. 26), which are designed to turn the dome and are made of kapron cord ShKKr-190 of red color in two additions. The control lines are passed through rings (2) sewn on the inside of the free ends (1) of the harness. One end of the left control sling is attached to the sling No. 13A at a distance of 1.65 m, the second - to the sling No. 1A at a distance of 1.45 m from the half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system. One end of the right control line is attached to the line No. 13B at a distance of 1.65 m, the second - to the line No. 1B at a distance of 1.45 m from the half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system.

Control lines: 1 - free ends of the suspension system; 2 - rings; 3 - main lines; 4 - control lines; 5 - rubber belt loop

When tensioning the right control line, lines No. 1B and 13B are pulled, pulling the lower edge of the dome inward. The air flow coming out from under the hem at the place of its hem creates a reactive force that rotates the dome, and it turns to the right. When pulling the left control line, lines No. 1A and 13A are pulled and the dome turns to the left.

Turning the dome to the right (view of the dome from above): 1 - the place of attachment of the sling No. 1B; 2 - place of fastening of the sling No. 1A; 3 - place of fastening of the sling No. 13B; 4 - place of fastening of the sling No. 13A; 5 - slots of the dome; 6 - air outlet direction; 7 - dome rotation direction

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