What can a column be made of? Decorative columns: do-it-yourself options. Decorative columns: finishing options

Humanity has been familiar with columns for a very long time - at least several millennia, if not tens of thousands of years. Previously, they were used exclusively as supporting structures for the vault, but today their task has changed somewhat - such a thing as decorative columns has appeared, which have become a popular decoration for human housing.

Along with popularity, this element of decor has acquired a very low cost - the manufacture of only one decorative column can result in a decent amount. You can make it cheaper, but it can really be done only at the expense of quality deterioration. There is another option, from which the quality of the column does not suffer at all, but rather wins - this option provides for the independent production of such a decorative element, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the Dream House website, we will consider in detail the options that will allow you to make decorative columns with your own hands, if not simply, then at least not very difficult.

DIY decorative columns photo

Decorative columns: types and their features in manufacturing

Almost all decorative columns that a person uses in one way or another to decorate his living space can be divided into types according to three criteria.

And the third sign by which decorative columns for the interior can be classified is the material from which they are made. It is worth talking about this in more detail, since both the characteristics of the product and the technology of its manufacture depend entirely on the material.

What to make a decorative column with your own hands: materials and their features

The choice of material should be taken responsibly - as mentioned above, the life of the columns and the complexity of their manufacture by one's own hands depend on it. Among the most common materials from which decorative columns are made today, the following types can be distinguished.

  1. Decorative foam column. We can say that this is the cheapest option, but you can not count on the full-fledged production of columns from it. Styrofoam for columns will have to be purchased. This is a kind of fixed formwork in the form of cylinders cut along. They are installed in the right place, after which their internal cavity is poured with concrete - a kind of molds that are not removed after the concrete dries. The technology for making such columns with your own hands seems to be simple, but as for finishing and operation, there are several pitfalls here. Plastering foam is very difficult - this time. And the second drawback is that it is soft (this material is great for stone or mosaic finishing, but not for plastering and painting).

    Decorative foam columns photo

  2. Decorative columns made of wood. The option is excellent, especially if you plan to use a lot of wood in the interior of the room. Making high-quality wood columns is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - at least you can’t do it with ordinary home tools. At a minimum, you need a lathe, on which the column is turned in parts, and they are already assembled into a single product by installing anchors.

    Decorative wooden columns photo

  3. Decorative plaster columns. For their manufacture, molds are needed - today this is not a problem at all. Gypsum columns are made by casting, which is very easy to do at home. This is a definite plus of this material, but besides it there are also minuses. First of all, this is a complex and painstaking technology for finishing the columns, as they say, to the standard - the gypsum product is puttied with a very thin layer in order to eliminate various kinds of shells formed during the casting process. After that, it is cleaned and only then mounted and painted. By itself, this process is simple, you just need to be patient, especially when it comes to columns of complex configuration, decorated with bas-reliefs. By the way, in almost the same way you can cast columns from concrete.

    Decorative columns made of plaster photo

  4. Decorative stone columns. This material is remarkable in that the columns made from it do not require finishing. Of the minuses, one can note the fact that they are not suitable for every interior. In most cases, they look massive and look good only in large rooms. It can be said that decorative stone columns are in some way similar to foam plastic columns - both materials are used as permanent formwork. That is, first, a cylindrical formwork is constructed from stone, similar to brickwork, which is subsequently filled with concrete. If the core of the column is reinforced with metal, then it can also perform load-bearing functions. Styrofoam columns can be reinforced in the same way.

Drywall. Here is another material that can be used to make decorative columns with your own hands. This method of making columns should be discussed separately - oddly enough, but in home repairs it is used most often.

Decorative stone columns photo

How to make decorative plasterboard columns with your own hands

Despite the fact that almost anything can be made from drywall, there are still problems with the columns of the classical cylindrical shape - it is very difficult to make them, although it is possible. They are made gradually - in the sense that at first a multifaceted structure is made with many small planes, which are subsequently smoothed out with putty. This business is by no means for home craftsmen - this is a serious job that requires capital theoretical and practical skills. It should also be noted here that in many respects the complexity of manufacturing a cylindrical column of drywall depends on its diameter - the thicker the support column, the easier it is to give it a smooth outline.

Another thing is the columns of a rectangular shape or some other angular configuration. They are very easy to make, and they are mounted according to the principle of making boxes, which are used to mask pipelines and other communications. If we are talking about decorative columns of such a section, then it is better than drywall, the material for their manufacture cannot be invented.

How to make a decorative column with your own hands photo

Decorative columns: finishing options

As you understand, not every material from which modern decorative columns are made can boast of the absence of the need for finishing. And those who have this dignity have an appearance that can please all people. In general, one way or another, the decoration of these interior elements has a place to be and cannot be dispensed with. There are not so many finishing technologies, and all of them can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

      1. Painting. The easiest and most inexpensive option for decorating columns. Suitable for almost any type of material - concrete, gypsum, wood, and, of course, plasterboard columns. Only columns made of decorative stone and similar materials are not subject to painting.
      2. Decorative plaster. This option for finishing columns is attractive in that it allows you to give the product a look that is almost one hundred percent similar to the look of natural polished stone - for example, marble, the surface of which is obtained using. For independent implementation, this is a very complex type of finish, although not hopeless - if desired, this technology can be easily mastered.
      3. Mosaic. Despite the fact that this is a good way to decorate columns, it still has one significant drawback - it is far from acceptable for every room. In principle, in some way this moment depends on the type - if it is a small natural pebble, then it is quite possible to use such material for decorating columns in halls, and other similar premises of an apartment or house.

There are other materials for finishing a clone - designers, in an attempt to jump over each other, vying with each other, offer to use a variety of non-standard materials. For example, in their opinion, it is possible to finish a column with almost any floor covering - with the same success, this element of the interior can be draped with fabric. In general, everything here is without restrictions.

And in conclusion of the topic about decorative columns, only one thing remains to be added: to say that the independent production of columns is a very laborious process that will not guarantee that you will really like the end result. If you have already decided that such decor should be in your home, then it is better to turn to professionals about its manufacture. Alternatively, the columns can be purchased ready-made - the most popular in this regard are polyurethane decorative columns, which do not require final finishing.

The interior of the apartment often includes elements of the classics. This allows you to make the home extraordinary, give it a certain spirit of romanticism and grace. If the environment contains objects that are not purely applied, but decorative, then it no longer looks boring and monotonous, but as something creative and alive. Such architectural elements as columns and arches have long been used as load-bearing structures and at the same time decorate the facades of buildings and the interior of the premises.

Arches and columns are often used in a classic interior style.

Decorative decoration of arches in your apartment

Columns and arches in the apartment today perform mainly not a supporting, but a decorative function.

An exception is the deliberate use of columns as supports in a large area.

The arch has long been considered the overlapping of the curvilinear shape of the openings in the wall, the spans between the columns and supports

Arches were used not only in the architecture of buildings, but also in the construction of bridges, and as engineering structures they were strictly symmetrical and were calculated according to the strength of materials formulas.

Each part of the arch has its own name. For example:

  • The cross section of the top is called the capstone
  • Section near the support - with a heel stone, fifth arch or impost
  • External fornix - extradosom
  • Internal fornix - intradosom

Types of arches

Arches in shape can be of the following types:

  • triangular
  • Round or semicircular
  • gently sloping
  • oblique
  • Lancet
  • horseshoe
  • Planar elliptical parabolic
  • concave etc

An arch in a blind opening in a wall is called a blind arch..

By style, these types of arches are distinguished:

Arches can be different both in shape and style.

Today, the fashion trend is asymmetrical arches.

Purpose of arches

Arches are used when they want to emphasize the organic design, the dominant smoothness of lines.

This technique is used for:

  • Building façade and railings
  • Combining two zones into one
  • Division into zones
  • Interior design elements:
    niches, windows, doors, mirrors, etc.

Combining two zones into one occurs when removing interior doors:

Arches are used to divide the room into zones
  • The living room is combined with a corridor or kitchen
  • Kitchen space - with a loggia

At the same time, the arch visually expands the space, creating a perspective. At the same time, the premises remain separate units.

Arches diversify the design of a long corridor and at the same time also divide it.

The original design of the corridor of the arched structure

A rectangular opening in a wall is also considered an arch..

arch materials

For the design of arches, different materials are used.

  • Arches made of stone, concrete, brick look monumental
  • Wooden arches are more decorative and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
    Both stone and wood are versatile materials used for both exterior and interior decoration.
  • For interior decoration, you can also use drywall, fiberboard, PVC, chipboard

These types of materials are not used for finishing external arches..

How to make an arch with your own hands

It seems that such a curvilinear structure as an arch is extremely difficult to do with your own hands.

In fact, it is very simple to make it, especially from drywall..

For this you will need:

  • U-shaped metal profile
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels
  • drywall sheet
  • Drill, jigsaw


  1. Marking the position of the arch
  2. We fix a metal profile to the wall, ceiling and floor
  3. We strengthen the frame with crossbars so that the drywall does not sag
  4. We cut a piece of the profile for the arch every 2 cm, bend it and screw it to the frame
  5. We cut drywall and sheathe the frame with it on both sides
  6. We cut the upper part for the arch with a jigsaw
  7. We produce putty surfaces and seams

Video: DIY simple arch

Columns in the interior of a modern apartment

As we have already said, columns in a city apartment are used mainly for decorative purposes today.

Columns in the interior can be both decorative elements and supporting structures.

However, in a loft-style room and wherever there are no partitions, the column can also bear the load..

The upper part of the column is called the capital, the lower part is called the base. The capital can also be a decorative ceiling decoration.

Columns are made today from materials of this type:

  • Marble, granite
  • Brick, concrete
  • Drywall
  • Polyurethane

Today, the decoration of columns and arches with artificial stone or polymer concrete is also popular.

Finishing columns with drywall do it yourself

Dry bending drywall sheet

Marble and granite are, of course, expensive materials, and they have to look for alternatives.

Columns made of lightweight drywall look like real ones. It doesn’t even come to mind right away that these are empty shells, that is, hollow objects (false columns)

In the manufacture of such columns, the most difficult thing is the frame.

The column can be rectangular or round. There is also another variety - pilasters. They refer to the columns conditionally. This is actually half of the column protruding from the wall.

Consider first how to make a rectangular column of drywall.

  1. Two bases are made from a metal profile (upper and lower)
  2. The contours of the base are compared using plumb lines
  3. The bases are fixed to the ceiling and floor with dowels
  4. Profile racks are attached to the corners of the bases
  5. All sides of the frame are reinforced with crossbars
  6. Then plasterboard is sheathed and the final finishing is finished with a plaster mixture.

Video: Do-it-yourself column decoration

How to make round columns

Round columns made of drywall are made according to the same principle. They are also easy to make with your own hands. But the manufacturing process is more laborious:

  1. First, circles are drawn on the ceiling and floor, also with the help of plumb lines.
  2. Cuts are made on the profile for the bases at a distance of 5 cm
  3. Profiles are combined with circles and fastened with dowels
  4. A sheet of drywall on one side is notched along the entire length, also at a distance of 5 cm between the notches
  5. The finished sheet is bent around the frame, the cuts are sealed with a plaster mixture and left to dry.
  6. Then attach the sheet to the guide profile
  7. Make the final finish, complementing the stucco if necessary

Polymer concrete in the interior of apartments

Column coated with liquid polymer concrete

What if drywall and stucco are not your favorite type of finish, and you prefer an interior that is more close to the natural style?
Then the columns are not made of drywall, but, for example, made of polymer concrete or artificial stone

The texture of these materials is similar to the texture of natural stone - granite.

Polymer concrete (plast cement) - a combination of concrete, epoxy resin and filler (quartz sand, granite chips, etc.)

Polymer concrete is much more expensive than conventional concrete.

Finishing the column with polymer concrete

It is easier and cheaper to first make a column of ordinary concrete, and then apply the top layer of liquid lightweight polymer concrete.

You can do it like this:

  • We assemble the bases and the frame in the same way as in the manufacture of drywall columns
    (In the bases we make additional crossbars for attaching reinforcement)
  • We insert reinforcement into the frame and sheathe it with pieces of plywood (in one of the pieces we leave a hole for pouring concrete)
  • We make concrete pouring
  • After hardening and drying, remove the plywood
  • We spray polymer concrete from the plaster gun on top of the column

It is also possible to apply a layer of polymer concrete, for example, on the countertop, on the outer wall of the fireplace, etc.

  • It is also possible to produce interior items from polymer concrete by pouring into a mold that must be pre-designed.

However, this method is expensive and requires equipment.

What complements the interior in a classic style

Columns and arches in the interior of the apartment are not the only elements in the classic style.

To complement the interior can:

  • Bas-reliefs and frescoes made of decorative plaster
  • Items in vintage style:
    • antique candlesticks and vases
    • Venetian furniture, etc.

Video: Lightweight polymer concrete

Stucco is considered an antique architectural tradition that gained popularity in ancient Greece. Despite the variety of existing styles for interior design, the desire to equip their own home with such decor has not disappeared from its modern residents.

Let's talk about how to decorate a wall surface with stucco with your own hands, using inexpensive materials.

What is stucco made from?

Once upon a time, the drawing on the wall surface was created by hand. A specially prepared solution was applied by specialists to the plaster and transformed into original patterns, hence the name - stucco molding. When molding was invented in production, stucco molding became an affordable method of decorating walls.

Metal forms allow you to create a variety of ornamental elements without auxiliary finishing. Without loss of high quality, all molds withstand at least 2000 excellent fills.

In the process of creating stucco, a positive result depends on the quality of the materials used, which include:


Ecological, maximally resistant to temperature extremes. During hardening, the mass of gypsum becomes larger, has the ability to even penetrate into small cracks. The plasticity of this material facilitates the workflow associated with gypsum decoration.

Gypsum is not difficult to process, it is for this reason that it is not difficult to give the finished product the required size. When working with stucco molding from this material, it is possible to mask surface defects, as well as various damage to elements that often appear during transportation.

When creating gypsum stucco moldings in a home workshop, it is important to shake the mold that is filled with mass to eliminate air bubbles.

Gypsum cladding also has its drawbacks: considerable weight, which negatively affects the durability of the finish. Also, gypsum does not repel moisture, but attracts it, which leads to the formation of fungus on the relief.

You can get rid of such a disadvantage if you apply a special protective agent to the stucco molding.


This type of stucco molding in the interior is distinguished by an acceptable cost, but cannot boast of exclusivity. The decoration is very fragile, requires careful handling, for this reason it is mainly used for finishing the ceiling surface and the upper part of the wall.

The production of polystyrene is carried out automatically. High quality elements are obtained by extrusion from a pre-melted composition.

Their texture does not have the granules with a pronounced contour found in the foam, which is produced by foaming. Because of this grain, the stucco loses the clarity of the ornament.

Certain molds produce extruded foam, which has a high degree of density, the durability of which is comparable to polyurethane and solid.


Obtained by combining the necessary components to obtain a gas formation reaction, resulting in foamed plastic. This material has a high degree of resistance to temperature extremes.

Stucco made of polyurethane is durable, lightweight, easy to paint, moisture resistant, has a huge assortment range, does not absorb specific aromas.

It is similar in texture and density to a natural array, but unlike it, it does not change shape and does not crack even after a long period of time.

Varieties of stucco elements

From the materials discussed above, a wide variety of products are created, as in the photo of stucco moldings on wall surfaces in the presented catalog.

Festoons and medallions

Scallops or garlands imitate the original floral decor and are arranged in the upper part of the wall surface. Medallions are panels with a pattern of color.

Niches. Mounted to wall surfaces, niche frames can be purchased separately. Often, the bottom of the overhead niches is made of frosted snow-white organic glass, which makes it possible to organize high-quality lighting.

For this purpose, a dim lighting device is installed under the glass surface, which, effectively illuminating the details arranged in the niche, emphasizes their incredible attractiveness, giving the palette an exclusive look.

Pilasters and columns

Includes several parts. The trunks are decorated with grooves to add elegance to the elements. Stucco columns are created in various styles. As a rule, columns made of polyurethane are designed exclusively for the successful design of walls, without bearing any load.

However, if necessary, hollow elements can be arranged for load-bearing. For this purpose, a metal rack is placed in the cavity of such a column, which will carry the load.

Gypsum columns must be reinforced in such cases. Stucco columns often hide various risers located along the walls in a conspicuous place in the apartment.

Brackets, pedestals

As for the first elements, they are reliable supports for shelves with books, window sills. It can be equipped at the junctions of wall and ceiling surfaces in the form of corner pieces.

Pedestals are considered supports for decorative accessories. Such stucco can withstand a load of no more than 50 kilograms. Ordinary details placed on a pedestal look exclusive and significant.

Both pedestals and brackets give the style of the room a certain zest, solemnity, ennoble the architecture, and also successfully divide the area into a functional space.

In the process of installing such parts, it is important not to forget about their proportionality in relation to the size of the room. Massive stucco molding on the wall surface will visually narrow the room, and vice versa - a small stucco molding can easily get lost in a large space.


They are used as ceiling decor in the Empire style. You can create a painting on the dome by hanging a chandelier inside, which will be a rather original solution.

Remember, well-chosen decor will transform any room. And if you decorate an ordinary wall surface with stucco molding, you can get cozy, extravagant apartments, where a lot of emotions reign - from austerity to solemn splendor.

Photo of stucco on the walls

Triumphal column - Alexander - in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 in St. Petersburg. The idea to perpetuate the memory of Alexander the First in the victory in the war with Napoleon belongs to Nicholas the First. The project of the architect Montferan, the figure of an angel - sculptor Orlovsky. 1830 - 1834

Triumphal buildings - arches with columns, glorifying the valor of warriors, originate in ancient Rome. These structures were designed to demonstrate the power of Imperial Rome. Triumphal arches with columns were erected not only in Italy, but also in the provinces to the glory of the great empire, being the conductors of Roman culture and ideology. Ancient Roman triumphal arches are free-standing gates that do not connect to the fence. The arch conditionally served as the border of one's own and another's world: moving from one world (before the victory) to another (after the victory), the army becomes invincible. The purpose of the arches is to glorify the victorious army and the commander, who was the first to pass under a specially erected arch when returning to the city after a successful military campaign. Or the arch was erected after the death of military leaders in honor of their victories. In Rome, the arches of the emperors Titus (81 AD), Semptimius Severus (end of the 2nd century AD) and Constantine (6th century AD) have been preserved - these two arches were three-span. The triumphal arch with columns of the Corinthian order on both sides is decorated with an attic with a dedication to Titus “From the Senate and the people of Rome” written on it. On the surface of the vault of the arch there are rectangular cassettes and reliefs with scenes depicting the procession of victors with trophies of Jerusalem churches. The arch is crowned with relief figures of the goddesses of victory. The arch is crowned with a statue of the emperor in a chariot drawn by four horses. The arch of Titus was not only a monument of military superiority and victories, but also a memorial - the ashes of Titus were in the attic. The Arch of Titus served as a model for triumphal arches in Europe and Russia.

Arch of Titus in Rome. Architect Domitian. Built in 81 to commemorate the victory over Jerusalem in 70 AD.

The military leaders in the Roman Empire were dedicated not only to arches, but also to columns. In Rome, the columns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius have been preserved. The stucco molding of Trajan's Column, built by Apollodorus of Damascus in 113, depicts a plot based on the Dacian wars waged by Trajan. In total, there are 2500 human figures on the column, and 59 images of Trajan. In addition to the warriors, the stucco molding of the column includes allegorical figures of Victory, the Danube (an old man), and Night (a woman with a veiled face). Moreover, the information that the stucco molding of the column conveys was more complete than written sources. The ashes of Trajan rest at the base of the column. In 117, a statue of Trajan was installed on the top, and in the 16th century. instead of it they put a statue of the Apostle Peter.

Stucco molding of Trajan's column. Rome.

Trajan's Column became the model for the columns that were built later. For example, the column of Marcus Aurelius is dedicated to the Marcomannic War (166-180). The stucco molding of the column is embossed and expressive due to the deep stone carving. In the 16th century instead of the lost figure of Marcus Aurelius, crowning the column, a sculpture of the Apostle Paul was installed.

Column of Marcus Aurelius. Rome. Column Square (Piazza Colonna). 193

Arches with columns became widespread and were erected in different parts of the Roman Empire. Interest in ancient triumphal buildings was revived along with new knowledge about ancient Roman architecture. The fashion for arches with columns came to Europe from France during the Empire period with its imperial motifs. In the 19th century by decree of Napoleon, the Vendome Column was erected in Paris (1806-1810). The column was cast from Austrian and Russian cannons on the model of Trajan's Column in Rome with a statue of Napoleon and 76 units of sculptural relief made by the artist J.-L. David (Jacques-Louis David. Jacques-Louis David. 1748-1825)

Vendôme column. architect J. B. Leper and J. Gonduin in honor of the victories of Napoleon I. 1806-1810. Paris.

The Empire style affected not only imperial France, it was also in vogue in other European countries, most often embodied in triumphal arches with columns. An example is Nelson's column on Trafalgar Square, built in 1843. In the 19th century, in 1864, a triumphal column was erected in Berlin by order of the monarch William the First as a symbol of great victories: in the Prussian - Danish war (1864), Austro-Prussian war (1866), Franco-Prussian battle (1871), architect Johann Struck, sculptors Friedrich Drake, Alexander Calandrelli, Karl Keil, Moritz Schultz and Albert Wolf.

Column in Trafalgar Square in London.

Empire, as a style, was adopted by the victorious country of France - Russia. Together with the Empire style, the style of ancient Roman triumphal structures was borrowed - arches with columns.

Note: However, arches cannot be called solely the achievement of the ancient Romans; in Ancient Russia, arches with columns were also built in honor of the victories and exaltation of the ruler, state or city. For example, Prince Yaroslav in 1037 erected the Golden Gate with an arch and a church above it to emphasize the greatness of Kyiv.

The Alexander Column in St. Petersburg (1830-1834), created by the architect Auguste Montferrand, sculptor B. I. Orlovsky, was built by decree of Emperor Nicholas I in honor of the victory of Alexander I over Napoleon, as a kind of response to the installation of the Vendome Column in Paris. In Moscow, a triumphal arch with columns was erected in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War. The triumphal arch, built in 1829-1834, replaced the wooden arch, created in 1814, built on the Tverskaya Zastava to meet the troops that returned from France after the defeat of the French army. The Moscow triumphal arch was lined with white stone. The decor of the columns and the sculpture were cast iron. Both sides of the triumphal arch are decorated with a commemorative inscription: in Russian and Latin, praising the feat of Alexander I. After the reconstruction, the inscription was replaced with another one dedicated to the restoration of Moscow after the destruction of 1812. The decoration of the columns of the new arch was developed by I. Vitali and I. Timofeev according to the drawings of O. Beauvais. The gates are decorated with allegorical images of Victory, Glory and Courage. In 1936, the arch was dismantled, and in 68 it was restored on Kutuzovsky Prospekt

Triumphal Arch in Moscow.

The Golden Gate was built in 1164 by order of Yaroslav the Wise. Kyiv.

Architects of our time, just like in ancient times, erect buildings in memory of significant historical events. For example, the triumphal column in Kaliningrad was installed in 2005 on Victory Square in memory of the victories of the Russian army and is part of the city ensemble "Two Hundred Years of Glory of Russian Arms". In addition to arches with columns, in honor of memorable events, obelisks and steles were erected in ancient Egypt, from where they spread to the Middle East. Such structures served as commemorative signs in honor of significant events and memorial monuments. Obelisks in the Renaissance began to play the role of a compositional center in urban ensembles. For example, obelisks-steles from the time of Ramses II stand on the waterfront in London, in Paris on the Place de la Concorde, in New York.

Obelisk in St. Peter's Square - San Pietro.

On Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow, the column exalting the country in the victory over fascism was replaced by an obelisk - a stele that became both a monument to the fallen and a monument to Victory.

Stele on Poklonnaya Hill. 1995

Fragment of a stele on Poklonnaya Hill. 1995

Supporting the theme of victory in the ensemble of the Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow are rectangular columns assembled into a semicircular colonnade enclosing the Monument.

The colonnade of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War symbolizes the solidity, power and strength of the country that defeated Nazism.

The history of arches with columns, their specific purpose throughout human history, requires special attention and use in modern construction. However, given that the functions of these structures were still not unambiguous, they can be used in another capacity: for example, arches with columns can be installed at the entrance to the estate, denoting the division of space between the street and private property. Well-known structures, such as, for example, in the photo below, can become a model.

The arch with columns at the entrance to Dikanka, Poltava region, was built for the arrival of Emperor Alexander I according to the project of architect Luigi Rusca.

Stucco molding of columns and arches can be made from both traditional natural materials and polyurethane.

Among the decorative elements of a modern interior, arches occupy a special place. Vaulted structures give the room space, sophistication and comfort. For any style of decorating an apartment or house, you can choose an arch design that will not only organically fit into the image of the room, but will also become its focal point, the highlight of the space.

Translated from Latin, the word "cancer" means a bend, and this is how we present the classic version of this structure. But in a modern interior there is a place for arches of various modifications made of wood, stone, brick and drywall. There are many ways to decorate your home without sacrificing comfort and a sense of spaciousness and freedom. In this publication, we will try to provide the maximum possible ideas in the design of interior arches.

The interior arch is a stylish and elegant solution for a modern interior. It is great for creating an open type design. The arch delimits the functional segments of the dwelling, but at the same time does not allow the feeling of a common space to leave the room. In any apartment or house there are rooms that can do without interior doors and only benefit from their absence. For example, combining the kitchen and dining room or living room and hallway. For some dwellings, arches are relevant as doorways for utilitarian premises. By installing arches and removing interior partitions, you expand the space, increase each functional area, but at the same time leave it in its place.

Choosing the material for the arch

The choice of material for the arch is directly affected by the composition of the structures of the walls themselves, their thickness, dimensions and shape of the arched vault. For many materials, there are limitations not only in terms of the weight of the structure, but also the complexity of creating the shape of the arch. When building an interior arch, the following materials may participate:

The easiest, fastest and cheapest way to make an arched structure from drywall. After sewing up the arched vault with this material, the final finish can be varied. It can be sheathed with wood, covered with mosaics or decorative plaster. Even use light artificial stone or wall panels that mimic brick, marble or wood.

The stone arch looks impressive, giving the whole image of the room some solidity and massiveness. Depending on the color and texture of the stone covering, the arch can be relevant in various interior styles.

The first associations of the arch with stone cladding are associated with country style, rural motifs and closeness to nature. But such a structure can be successfully integrated not only into a country dwelling. Interior classics, Provas, some varieties of country style and even modern interior design look organically with a stone arch.

The brick arch looks great in a modern interior, and it doesn’t matter if you decide to leave the masonry in its original form, treating it only with protective sprays and varnishes or painting the surface.

One of the most traditional ways to design an arch is wood trim. Such a structure will be relevant in any interior - from classic to contemporary. Elegance and comfort are brought by a wooden arch to the design of the room and it does not matter the functional background of the room itself - is it a corridor or a living room.

Arch design - a kaleidoscope of ideas for modern housing

From the point of view of the external appearance of the arch arch, the following types of such structures are distinguished:

  1. classical or Roman arch. The Romans borrowed a lot from Greek culture and architecture, but this element can rightfully be considered their invention. The arch closest to us all in shape and design is a vault with the correct radius and a semicircular shape. This design does not contain protruding joints and is famous for the simplicity and conciseness of the external image. Classic arches look great in rooms with high ceilings. If you are planning to install an arch in an ordinary apartment with a standard ceiling height, then this option is most likely not suitable for you.

One use of the classic arch is to integrate columns and piers into a circular vault design. As a rule, such structures are made of wood or stone, but for a more democratic interior, plasterboard structures can be used.

  1. British arches or structures in the style modern. Such designs differ from the classical ones in a more elongated part of the arch, the arc is straightened and has a truncated radius of the arch. For rooms with low ceilings, British arches are ideal.

  1. Arches using element ellipse do not have roundings in the corners and are a fairly popular option for decorating rooms. The spread of such structures is primarily due to the versatility of the design. It can be used both with and without columns, in rooms with low ceilings and in spacious rooms, in combination with arches of another modification.

A great way to isolate the kitchen space without reducing the usable space of the room is to use an elliptical arch with columns.

A similar design can be used to partially separate the space of a boudoir, study or dressing room located within the sleeping area.

One of the variations on the use of an ellipse in the construction of an arch is the almost round shape of the opening. Such structures are often used in spaces where, in addition to the decorative background, cancer also plays a functional role - it limits the recreation area from the workplace, for example.

  1. Slavic arch (or "romance") is, in fact, a rectangular opening with only rounded corners. This is another of the universal ways of space zoning, which will look organic both in a standard city apartment and as part of a country dwelling.

  1. Turkish the arch is reminiscent of the constructions that decorated palaces, harems and simply houses of wealthy residents during the Ottoman Empire. Of course, for such an execution of the arch, the support of the entire interior is necessary - the features of the Mediterranean execution of decoration and furniture will create a more harmonious image of the room.

  1. gothic the arch has a sharp vault. Such structures bring originality to the interior, but are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. Decorated with mosaics, stone or ceramics, Gothic arches look luxurious and become the focal points of the interior.

  1. looks like a continuation of a rectangular or rounded door. Usually, transparent or frosted glass inserts are used in the upper part, stained-glass windows, translucent plastic with relief can be used.

  1. Thai an arch (or semi-arch) is a structure in which one of the sides ends at a right angle, and the second is rounded. In this case, the radius of the circle can be any.

The cancer itself can be decorated in various ways. Lamps or LED lighting are often built into the drywall construction, thereby providing not only zoning of the room, but also highlighting the functional segment with the help of light.

The interior arch, decorated with moldings, cornices and stucco molding, is perfect for both the classic interior and its variations.

The combination of arched openings with other interior elements

The interior arch will organically fit into the interior, where rounded vaults are already used for other interior elements. For example, in a kitchen or dining room, arched niches can be used as decor or storage systems, rounded shapes of glass inserts in the fronts of kitchen cabinets and sideboards also contribute to creating a balanced image of the space.

An excellent addition to arched openings and interior vaulted structures are doors with semicircular tops. Of course, doors with round arches are more expensive than conventional models, but the cost of individual design will justify itself in the form of an original and sophisticated interior of the room.

The same can be said about rooms in which, in addition to interior arches, rounded vaults are used in the construction of windows. The elegance and elegant appearance of such a room is guaranteed.

The arch at the entrance to the living room will be in perfect harmony with the semicircular vaults in the open bookcases. The same technique can be used for cabinets closed with facades in the form of carvings or glass inserts in the doors.

Interior arch - an elegant element of the interior
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