How long does it take to cook a turkey. How to boil a whole carcass? Video recipe: Turkey soup with a cell

Separate pieces of turkey (breast, drumstick, thighs) are boiled for 1 hour, fillets - half an hour.

How to boil a turkey

Turkey in a pot

1. Pour water into the pan, put the pan on the fire.

2. After boiling, salt the water and put the turkey in.

3. Boil the pieces of poultry for half an hour.

4. Put 1 carrot, 1 head of peeled onion, pepper and bay leaf into the broth.

5. Boil the turkey for another half an hour, then use as directed.

1. Cut the turkey by separating the fillet.

2. Do not coarsely chop the meat across the grain.

3. Before cooking in a double boiler, you can marinate the meat, lemon juice, spices, soy sauce are suitable for this.

4. Put the bird on a steamer pan, be sure to salt.

5. You can use a steamer tray or foil to cook the turkey in your juices.

6. Cook the turkey for 20 minutes.

How to boil a whole turkey

Turkey - 1 carcass

Carrot - 1 piece

Onion - 1 piece

Coarse sea salt - 1 teaspoon

Black pepper - 3 peas

1. Thoroughly wash the bird carcass.

2. Remove excess skin and fat from it.

3. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan, put the saucepan on fire.

4. Peel, wash the onion, you do not need to cut it.

5. Peel, wash the carrots, chop coarsely.

6. Throw vegetables into boiling water, add sea salt and pepper.

7. Lower the turkey into the pan, making the fire minimal after boiling again.

8. Boil the turkey for three hours, do not forget to remove the foam.

9. A fork or knife will help to check the readiness, the meat is ready when it is easily pierced.

10. Turn off the heat, let the turkey rest for 15 minutes with the lid closed.

11. Transfer the finished bird to another dish.

12. Cut the turkey after cooling into portions.


– Turkey fillet in a double boiler cook for 40 minutes in a slow cooker- cook for 30 minutes.

Salad with boiled turkey

Celery - 3 stalks

Turkey - 300 grams

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces

Onion - 1 head

Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon

Yogurt - 2 tablespoons

Mustard - 1 teaspoon

Salt and pepper - a quarter teaspoon

1. Wash the turkey and put it on the boil. Wash the celery, remove its leaves and hard veins, thinly slice diagonally.

2. Wash the bell pepper, cut lengthwise next to the stalk, remove the stalk, partitions and seeds.

3. Cut the pepper into thin half rings.

Cool the boiled turkey and cut into thin sticks.

4. Prepare dressing. Peel the onion, grate on a coarse grater, mix with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, a quarter teaspoon of salt and pepper. Mix well.

5. Put the turkey, celery and pepper in a bowl, pour over the dressing and mix.

Recipes by ingredient: boiled turkey

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Turkey soup recipe | How to boil a turkey

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in how to cook a turkey. After all, it is the same bird as the chicken. But the thing is that when cooking a turkey, you need to take into account some nuances, since its meat is still different from chicken.

We bring to your attention a recipe for how to cook a turkey.

Turkey Soup - Recipe

For the preparation of the soup recipe, the approximate proportions of the products are as follows:

  • meat - 5 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • celery - 2 sticks;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

How to boil a turkey - useful tips

  1. Frozen turkey should only be thawed at room temperature before being cooked. To speed up the thawing process, meat is by no means poured with water - most of the nutrients will be lost.
  2. The turkey should be boiled whole or cut into pieces. The turkey is cut in the same way as the chicken, only the breast and back are additionally cut. Most often, drumsticks, wings and thighs are used for boiling, soup is boiled from the neck and back of the turkey.
  3. To cook turkey soup, the meat is poured with cold water and boiled for about an hour and a half (if preparing a turkey for a second course or salad), two hours (for soup) and 2.5–3 hours (for jelly), be sure to remove the foam formed during cooking . Do not cook the turkey longer than the specified time, the meat will become tough.
  4. After the disappearance of the foam, the turkey should be cooked on minimal heat, covering the pan with a lid. With this method of cooking, the turkey will cook longer, but the meat will be more juicy.
  5. An hour after the start of cooking the turkey soup, parsley, celery, onions and carrots, salt and spices are added - 5 minutes before cooking.
  6. For readiness, the turkey is checked with the tip of a knife or with a fork - the finished meat is easily pierced.
  7. After cooking, the finished turkey is left in the broth for 15–20 minutes, in which case it will be fragrant and juicy.
  8. Boiled turkey meat is cut into small pieces, laid out in bowls with soup, or fried with vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown. You can, by separating the meat from the bones, make meatballs, add meat to sandwiches or salads.

How long to cook turkey fillet?

  1. To make the turkey softer, we recommend boiling it in milk.
  2. You can cook the turkey fillet in a double boiler, it will take about 40 minutes.
  3. If you cook a turkey for children, then you need to do this. After boiling it for about half an hour, the broth is drained, vegetables are added, poured with clean water and the meat is boiled until tender.

We hope that by using our tips on how to boil a turkey, you will easily prepare a recipe for this juicy and fragrant meat.

How and how much to cook turkey meat?

The cooking time of turkey meat depends on the body part of the bird and its quantity. An important role is played by the dish that is planned to be prepared from it. The longest meat is cooked for broths and jelly. In this case, the optimal cooking time will be at least two to three hours.

Cooking time for a turkey in a regular pot:

  • fillets should be cooked for an average of 30-40 minutes;
  • a whole turkey, depending on its size, is cooked for 2-3 hours;
  • individual pieces of poultry meat reach readiness within 40 minutes.

You can reduce the cooking time of turkey meat thanks to a double boiler or slow cooker. In the first case, it will take 40 minutes, in the second - 30 minutes. In a slow cooker, meat is cooked in the “Cooking” mode with a timer set for 45 minutes.

A special method is used to prepare boiled turkey meat for a child.: first, the product is cooked for 30 minutes, then the water is completely drained and changed to a new liquid, after which the meat must be cooked for another hour. This method is recommended for newborns, young children, as well as for dietary nutrition. The body part of the bird (fillet, drumstick, thigh, etc.) does not matter in this case.

How to cook turkey meat

You can cook a lot of dishes from turkey. It is almost always recommended to pre-boil the meat until tender. In order for the turkey to lose less weight and retain its beneficial properties, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the carcass or its individual parts before starting the cooking process. This nuance will help close the pores of the meat and preserve the juice.

  • in order for the turkey meat to be softer and juicier, it is recommended to add a small amount of milk to the water during the cooking process;
  • when cutting a turkey carcass into separate pieces, it is recommended to cut the meat across the fibers (otherwise it may be tough after cooking);
  • so that after cooking the turkey is not too greasy, skin and fat are removed from the meat before cooking;
  • if the product is used to prepare jellied meat or rich soup, then pieces of meat should be chosen with the maximum amount of fat and skin;
  • if it is planned to cook the first course from a turkey, then the meat must be laid in cold water;
  • if after cooking the turkey will be used for cooking second courses, then it is recommended to put the meat in boiling water.

The process of preparing meat for cooking and cooking steps:

  • before starting the cooking process, the turkey carcass or its individual parts must be washed as thoroughly as possible;
  • depending on the further use, the meat is dipped in cold or boiling water;
  • to enhance the taste, it is recommended to add finely chopped onion to the meat;
  • during cooking, a characteristic foam may form, which must be regularly removed from the broth;
  • within 20 minutes, the turkey must be cooked over high heat, and in the second part of cooking - over low heat;
  • at the beginning of cooking, it is better to cook the turkey in a saucepan without a lid, and closer to readiness, be sure to close the container so that the broth is more rich and the meat is juicy;
  • you can make sure that the turkey meat is ready with a knife or fork (if the meat is easily pierced with a sharp object, then the product is ready);
  • during the cooking process, turkey meat should be completely immersed in water, if necessary, add liquid;
  • after the end of the cooking process, it is not recommended to immediately pull the turkey meat out of the pan, it should then simmer in the broth for 10-15 minutes.

It is necessary to salt the turkey meat during the cooking process.. Salt prevents the transfer of nutrients from the product to the water. It is necessary to salt the workpiece before the start of the cooking process. The meat is placed in already salted water. If the turkey is frozen, it must be thawed before cooking. Otherwise, the meat will become stiff.

The turkey also thought he got into the soup. So says folk wisdom. Turkey meat is not considered a popular dish on our tables, but in vain, because it is a low-calorie, very tasty, juicy and healthy product. Beginning cooks are invited to attend a cooking class. We will start it by clarifying the main question: “How much to cook turkey fillet?”.

Learning the basics of cooking

Talking about the benefits of turkey meat is endless. In short, the fillet contains a huge amount of protein and phosphorus. But there is practically no cholesterol in the turkey. Accordingly, the meat is easily digested and is not deposited on the sides and waist in the form of extra centimeters.

Turkey fillet has long been prepared by housewives who have managed to appreciate not only the benefits, but also the taste of this meat. But novice cooks are increasingly interested in how much to cook a turkey - fillets, breasts.

Generally speaking, the cooking process will take you on average from one to one and a half hours. So, you got the answer to the question of how much to cook turkey fillet until tender. Of course, it all depends on the part of the bird's carcass, as well as on its age.

Turkey fillet can be cooked in forty minutes, but on condition that the meat hit the store shelves when the bird was in its prime.

The best for children

Many mothers know that the nutrition of the child is directly related to the health and full development of the crumbs. Boiled turkey fillet will appeal to picky children. Let's find out how long to cook turkey fillet for a child. The fillet needs to be cooked for an hour and a half, only with a small nuance. After forty minutes of boiling the turkey pulp, we decant the broth and pour the meat with clean water. We continue to cook the breast for another 30-40 minutes.

Now you know how much to cook a turkey fillet for a child. True, not all kids can eat such dishes in their natural form. At their age, the main thing is that the food looks attractive and bright. From turkey fillet for crumbs, you can cook fragrant meatballs, cutlets, pate or mashed potatoes.

First, second, and compote?

This phrase from the famous comedy by Leonid Gaidai has already become popular. We hear jokes like this every day. No dinner meal is complete without a first course. And how much to cook turkey fillet for soup?

To make the broth rich and tasty, and the turkey fillet juicy and soft, follow the following rules:

  • before cooking, be sure to defrost the fillet, wash and dry it;
  • skin and subcutaneous fat is better to cut in advance;
  • bring the water to a boil and put the turkey fillet into the bubbling liquid;
  • the aroma and original taste of the boiled turkey will be given by onions and carrots;
  • in order for the broth to acquire a beautiful color, the onion can not be peeled, only after cooking it must be thrown away;
  • the broth is prepared for 1-1.5 hours until the turkey breast is fully cooked;
  • it is necessary to remove the foam from the broth, and after cooking, strain it.

A little tip: even if you are not going to use the broth right away, do not rush to get rid of it. Strain, pour into plastic containers and refrigerate. In the future, you can use this broth to make a spicy sauce or diet first course.

Diet: eat healthy and tasty

Recently, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle have become fashion trends. Properly eating does not mean infringing on oneself in gastronomic pleasure and taste delight. You can cook a tasty, fragrant, healthy and, most importantly, low-calorie first course of turkey fillet.


  • 0.5 kg turkey fillet;
  • 100 g of vermicelli;
  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  • Defrost turkey fillet, wash. It is better to cut off the skin and fat from the fillet.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and put it on the stove.
  • Bring the water to a boil and add the turkey fillet.
  • Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
  • Cook the turkey fillet for 40-60 minutes until fully cooked. If the carcass is advanced in age, then the cooking time of the fillet can last 60-80 minutes.

  • While the broth is cooking, we can peel the potatoes and carrots.
  • Wash vegetables and cut into cubes.
  • As soon as the turkey fillet is cooked, put it on a plate and cool, and send the potatoes to the broth.

  • When the boiled fillet has cooled, cut it and put it in a pan.

  • Almost at the very end, add vermicelli to the soup. Do not add too much pasta, otherwise the soup may turn into porridge.
  • Now we salt the soup and season it with spices and spices.
  • Grind the washed dill and add to the cooked soup.

A sandwich is twice as tasty with pate

You can cook many savory, delicacy and delicious dishes from turkey fillet, for example, pates, cutlets and rolls, chops, salads, appetizers, roasts. And this is not an exhaustive list of possible dishes on your home menu. For breakfast, you can serve sandwiches with pâté made from boiled turkey fillet. You just need to follow the rules for cooking the breast, and the most delicate pate is ready.


  • 0.6 kg turkey fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper mixture to taste.


  • You already know how to boil a turkey fillet. Prepare it ahead of time and let it cool down.
  • We are not in a hurry to pour out the broth, it can come in handy for us.

  • Peel the onion and cut into cubes.
  • In a frying pan, heat refined vegetable oil and put the chopped onion.

  • We cannot do without the help of kitchen gadgets. In a convenient dish or container, put the boiled turkey fillet, pre-cut into pieces, and sautéed onions.

  • Just a couple of minutes - and the pate is ready. It is best to grind poultry meat with onions with a deep blender.
  • At the same stage, the pate must be salted and seasoned with a mixture of peppers.
  • If the pâté is dry, add a little broth. Just do not overdo it, the pate should be well spread on bread and not spread.

Turkey fillet and beer: what do they have in common?

Boiled turkey is a familiar and almost everyday dish. Beer sauce can complement the taste of the breast and saturate it with a delicious aroma. Get a spicy and original dish.


  • 1 kg turkey fillet;
  • 100 g olives;
  • 400 ml of dark beer;
  • 1 st. l. sifted high-grade flour;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt, spices and herbs - to taste.


  1. Following all the rules, boil the turkey fillet.
  2. Let it cool, and then cut into beautiful equal strips.
  3. Put the butter in a frying pan and melt it.
  4. Mix melted butter with sifted flour.
  5. Stirring constantly, lightly brown the flour. It should take on a golden hue.
  6. Add dark beer to the pan, reduce the heat and cook the sauce for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Let's taste the sauce, add salt, spices, spices and chopped greens.
  8. Pour the boiled turkey fillet with the prepared sauce and serve with your favorite side dish.

There is no single answer to this question, since the cooking time of turkey meat can depend on two factors: what end product should be obtained and what part of the bird will be cooked.

  • thigh, breast or drumstick is boiled for at least one hour;
  • turkey fillet is boiled for 1.5-2 hours;
  • a whole bird is boiled for three hours.

How to cook broth on poultry meat?

If you decide to cook turkey broth, then you need to put it only in cold water and only then start cooking.

After the water with the turkey boils, you need to let it boil for another ten minutes. Next, you need to drain the water and fill in a new one. Such manipulations are necessary because most breeders pump extra birds with antibiotics and various additives that promote their growth. Therefore, such a preliminary boil will allow you to get rid of harmful substances that can have a negative effect on the body.

As soon as the water boils again, you need to observe the 10-minute interval again and let the poultry meat boil. Then you can add onions, carrots, bay leaves and peppers to give the broth an aroma and a pleasant taste.

About 15 minutes before the broth is ready, the turkey meat is pulled out and finely chopped, after which it is put back into the pan. The broth is ready.

If you want to make a second dish out of a turkey, then poultry meat can be put in already boiled water. This eliminates the need to remove the foam during cooking. The duration of cooking should also be observed depending on the size of the bird and the part of it that is being cooked.

The recipe for cooking a turkey or turkey is traditional for Americans and some European countries, in which a turkey is always cooked for Christmas. Turkey recipes are most common in these countries. Turkey dishes are usually not fatty, so you can often find dietary turkey dishes. The turkey has its own characteristics. Usually more voluminous and satisfying turkey dishes, a turkey recipe can be very simple, or it can be exquisite. Therefore, we will teach you how to properly cook a turkey, how to cook a whole turkey, how to cook a juicy turkey, how to cook a delicious turkey, how to cook a turkey fillet, how to cook a turkey leg, how to cook a turkey wings, how to cook a whole turkey, how to cook a turkey heart, how to cook turkey liver, how to cook turkey with vegetables, how to cook turkey with chestnuts and turkey with cheese, how to cook turkey drumstick, how to cook turkey cutlets, how to cook turkey breast, how to cook turkey thigh, how to cook turkey, what to cook with turkey how to cook a turkey with sauce, what can be cooked from a turkey quickly, how to cook a marinated turkey. Also, by choosing turkey dishes with photos, turkey recipes with photos, turkey recipes with photos, turkey cooking recipe with photos, turkey fillet recipes with photos, you can see all the subtleties of this process.

Roasting a whole turkey in the oven is the most common way to cook a turkey. But of course, there are other options for how to cook a turkey. The second most popular recipes with turkey are dishes from turkey fillet, turkey breast. There are different dishes from turkey meat, this is a turkey baked in the oven, a turkey in a pot. Cooking turkey fillet is convenient because the turkey breast is much larger than the chicken breast, it can be perfectly cooked in the oven and it will not be dry. An interesting recipe for cooking turkey fillet - with butter. This is a great option on how to cook delicious turkey fillet. It is better to start cooking a turkey when the turkey taken out of the refrigerator moves away from the cold a little. It is necessary to make cuts in the fillet, put pieces of butter there, rub the turkey fillet with spices and send it to the oven. Other delicious recipes for turkey fillet dishes: with mayonnaise, with oranges, with soy sauce. There is another way to cook turkey meat. This is a turkey in bacon. Cooking a turkey in this way will allow you to prepare a tender dish, you will surely get a juicy turkey. But the turkey recipe uses not only whole turkey or turkey fillet, there are other recipes with turkey: turkey breast dishes, turkey thigh dishes, turkey drumstick dishes, turkey liver dishes and other turkey dishes.

If you have minced meat, you are probably wondering what to cook with minced turkey. It can cutlets, meatballs. Another note on the question of how to cook a turkey deliciously. The preparation of the turkey should begin with the preparation of the marinade, the turkey in the marinade should stand for at least a few hours, or better, a few days in the refrigerator. We hope that having cooked this bird once, a turkey will become a frequent guest on your table, recipes allow you to cook it differently each time.

Well suited for feeding children, even those who suffer from various kinds of allergies. It is the very first meat with which it is recommended to introduce infants, while you need to know how and how much to cook a turkey for a child in order to preserve all its useful elements.

Such meat contains in its composition a large amount of protein that promotes the growth of the child's body, as well as vitamins, phosphorus and so on. In addition, turkey helps to increase immunity, so it is recommended to use it from time to time. So, for a child, you can stew, bake, boil or steam. Cooked meat is added to soups, cutlets or meatballs are made from it. At the same time, every mother should know not only how much to cook a turkey, but also how to do it correctly.

To do this, boil the meat separately for half an hour, drain the broth, add vegetables, pour new water and cook until the latter are ready. The combination of vegetables and turkey is a good combination that energizes and improves the health of the little person. It should be remembered here that it is not recommended to give broth to children under two years of age, since it is considered heavy food.

Considering how much if you need to cook the broth (which adults will use), it should be noted here that the meat is placed only in cold water and boiled for half an hour. The meat for the second courses is dipped in boiling water, covered with a lid and cooked over low heat for up to an hour and a half, while the foam is not removed from the broth. Here it is necessary to remember that the meat after cooking decreases in volume, since more than 30% of the liquid leaves it in the broth.

Consider in detail how and how much to cook a turkey.

This bird can be cooked as a whole or butchered.

1. If the turkey is cooked whole, it is placed in boiling water and boiled over medium heat for at least three hours. In the process, spices, carrots and onions are added. The cooked meat must be cooled and cut into portions.

2. For soup, the turkey must be cut, separating the breast, back, wings and thighs. Pour the pieces with cold water and put to cook on a slow fire for an hour and a half. You can add bay leaf, various roots and spices during cooking.

If we consider how long it takes to cook a turkey bought in a store, especially if it is a fillet, then it cooks much faster. So, the fillet is boiled for half an hour. To do this, it is placed in cold water and boiled for the first fifteen minutes, after which it is taken out. When fifteen minutes remain before the end of the cooking of the soup, the pieces of turkey are put back and boiled until fully cooked.

It should be noted that turkey meat is rich in amino acids, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It helps to prevent anemia, the rapid absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, the normalization of heart activity, and stimulation of brain activity. Therefore, it is recommended to consume turkey at least three times a week.

Thus, when it became known how much to cook a turkey, you can cook delicious and healthy dishes from this product, for example, “French turkey”.

This will require one turkey, a bottle of one hundred grams of honey, butter, five hundred milligrams of consommé, two hundred grams of grapes and eight pieces of medlar, as well as juice from one lemon, shallots, salt and pepper.

First of all, you need to remove the insides of the bird and scald it. Pour water into a large bowl, add a little salt and bring to a boil. Put the turkey there and cook, thus, for half an hour. The skin is removed from the grapes, the bones are removed and the bird is stuffed with it. Butter is melted in a baking sheet and shallots are languishing, after which a turkey is put there, poured with honey and fried. During frying, consommé and wine are poured in, their volume should be halved. Medlar is cleaned and laid out twenty minutes before the end of cooking. After all this, the finished turkey is laid out on a dish, while the resulting sauce is filtered, lemon juice, salt and pepper are added to it, and the bird is poured over it.

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