Deadpool how to get out of the elevator. Passage of Deadpool. Goodwill gesture

Home Sweet Home

Deadpool - one of the most reckless characters from the Marvel comics series, decided to take part in the game, the main characters of which will be himself. So, with Wolverine refused to ride his Black Bird (and yes, Domino kicked him too), the last hope for fun is an offer from High Moon Studios' Peter Del Penn. He agrees to create a superhero game! To begin with, we get up from the chair, for which we get two achievements at once. To get another free achievement, you need to look around in Deadpool's apartment:

Living room: play with the dog, talk on the phone, play the guitar, watch TV, sleep on the couch, read comics
Cuisine: let's look in the refrigerator, eat pizza, cook a mountain of pancakes
Bathroom: make a stink and kill germs
Practice room: inflate a toy, sit at the computer and check out the arsenal

We open the front door in the living room and get a package from the girl with the script.

Job number 1

Purpose of the order: Chance White. He has a small private army in his office. Go, Deadpool, go!

Once in the sewers, we press the buttons shown and perform the simplest actions - jump, double jump and combinations of weak and powerful blows. We destroy the appeared enemies. The longer the combination, the more points we get. Deadpool also has the ability to teleport short distances, allowing him to quickly and effectively dodge enemy attacks. We press the teleportation button when the corresponding icon appears above the enemy's head. This will allow you to counterattack and not disrupt the combination series. After destroying everyone, use the box. Press the button shown quickly and often to inflate the jump house. We pass further and jump down. Sneaking up on the enemy from the back, you can silently kill him. We collect so-called tokens to increase the number of points. We open the upgrade menu, select the blades of the bureaura and pump the weapon.

Climb up the stairs and jump even higher. We continue to go up the stairs, stand on the pipe and make a double jump to jump off the wall. We turn around, jump to the other side and climb up. We stand between the walls with green lights. Pushing off the walls, constantly pressing the jump button, we climb to the very top. Large gaps are easily overcome with a double jump. Jump onto the ledge while holding the jump button. We use the ladder to lay the explosives.

You can jump on the house, but its main purpose will be revealed at the end of the task.

Having got out of the sewers, we destroy enemies. Chance White is in his penthouse. We clean the hall and go to the elevators. Chance blocked them, so we return to the hall. We approach the closed grate on the right side and shoot at the illuminated electrical panel. Opponents use firearms. Hiding behind the columns, we shoot them. At the far end of the hall on the left side, the doors opened, we pass through them and go to the control room. We go down, get to the generator and turn off the electricity. A dozen mercenaries are already heading towards us. When they surround us, we perform a dispersal attack and thereby hit all enemies at once. We go up, press both attack buttons at the same time and break through the defense of stronger opponents. We clean the hall, return to the elevators.

We will use the only available elevator on the right side. While singing, the elevator will stop. We shoot at the glass, get out of the elevator and turn right. We jump off the wall with green lights and go upstairs. Focusing on the same walls, we climb to the very top. We get to the elevator cabin, shoot through the glass and open the door. We move to the TV studio, where we act very carefully. We do not climb on the rampage, as a firearm at close range does a lot of damage. Having dealt with the mercenaries, we pass into the room at the other end on the left side. The doors are open so we can keep moving. We go through the office, killing a large number of enemies. We get out into the meeting room and go outside. Turning left, jump onto the platform. We pull the lever and go up. We jump over to the next platform and thus rise higher and higher from platform to platform. We shoot enemies at the windows and through them we can climb inside the building, where we will certainly find rare tokens.

We rise to the roof and shoot the mercenaries. Soon a helicopter will appear, quickly leaning out of cover, shoot at it and run to the next safe zone. We get to the helipad, cross it from below and climb up the stairs on the other side. Having captured the helicopter, we shred the enemies from a powerful stationary machine gun. When we get knocked down, the spiritualized Deadpool jumps, thinking he can fly, but falls down.

The game has a wide variety of weapons for melee and ranged combat. Fully pumped semi-automatic beaters have a lot of power, but their ammo is quickly depleted.

Having scored a large number of points, shooting enemies with a machine gun, we get a replacement for pistols. After destroying the mercenaries, a large guard will appear. Keep a distance from him and shoot with weapons. Do not forget to use the teleport, if you suddenly did not have time to escape, and the projectile is about to hit us. We select the grenade launcher of the affected enemy and use it to destroy the enemies. We approach the door, lay the explosives and enter Chance White's office. We beat him by quickly and often pressing the button shown. We set off for a free flight, and land right on the house, which we prepared at the very beginning.

Taking risks

Marauders have fled with Deadpool's paycheck!

While Deadpool was listening to Peter's complaints about the enormously inflated budget, Chance was kidnapped. We chase the kidnappers, avoiding steam damage with the help of a teleporter. The camera switches to top view and the game turns into an 8-bit arcade game! We kill enemies and we pass through the arch from above. We open the chest in the center, take the key and return to the previous location. We unlock the door on the right side, kill enemies, and most importantly, do not intersect with fireballs. We quickly move the obstacle in the center and open the next door. Having settled matters with the budget, we return to the sewer.

Marauders blocked the path, turn left, go to the end and jump down. After shooting the enemies, we go to the left. We destroy opponents and rise upward. When the passage is littered again, we climb up, starting from the walls. After passing around, we encounter an angry green mutant. Keep a distance from him and shoot with weapons. We continue to move through the sewers. Arclight will release momentum and the platform will fall down. Before attacking enemies with a blue shell, we kill the enemy with a blue icon over it. Then Arclight herself will appear. We dodge the impulses, inflict several blows and quickly jump away. When covered with an orange shell, we follow the enemy and counterattack him.

Quickly and often press the button shown to pull yourself out of the piece of pipe. We jump over the dips and get to the idle control panel. Go ahead, Vertigo will start releasing impulses that cause nausea and dizziness in Deadpool. The wires lead on different sides, let's go along both paths and use the switches. We return to the control panel and activate it. We pass through the tunnel and get out to the suspended and rotating pipe. We climb to the highest point on the right side. We jump over to the pipe when its lower half is next to us. We move to the other side and climb even higher. We get to the platform and deal with enemies. Do not forget that the enemy with a blue icon above his head is able to regenerate, so first of all we bring down a flurry of blows on him. We use the control panel and slowly begin to climb up. At this time, we shoot opponents. We also destroy the red mutant. We quickly teleport when he fires a projectile at us.

Do not be surprised when the game turns into a good old platformer. Deadpool constantly has to deal with budget issues and he succeeds.

When she gets to Vertigo, she throws us down. We slide along the sewer pipe, collecting tokens and actively wagging around so as not to collide with the bars. Sinister kills Chance after receiving valuable information from him. Psylocke, Domino and Wolverine arrive to help. To stop Sinister, we have to go to the island of Genosha. Finally Deadpool will be able to control the "Black Bird"!


Deadpool (and some X-Men) went into hiding on Genosha. What will be next???

Oh, and Deadpool will get it for the broken Black Bird. We inspect Wolverine and give him so many slaps in the face until Deadpool runs out of arguments. Clawed X-Man hasn't regained consciousness, so we'll have to go alone. We pass through the pipe and find one of the giant Guardians. We deal with the emerging dudes. In combination attacks, we can wedge shots to increase the power of attacks. We shoot the big man, moving away from ground impulses and attacks from the air. We kill two and head to the opened passage, from where the opponents appeared. We jump down and, starting from the walls, we climb up. We get out into the open area, where using shelters, we kill enemies. Having dealt with everyone, Cable appears. He came from the future to bring important information to us. Blah blah blah, his chatter will never end, so we will interrupt it ourselves.

Waking up, we read a note that says that we should meet Cable on the northern outskirts of the city. The only incentive to come there was ... a naked fan with big breasts! We deal with a group of enemies, we pass through the open gate and immediately move behind the stone shelter on the left side. We shoot enemies and move on. Two big guys want to kill us at once. We actively run around the territory and collect ammunition. Having passed to the end, we jump onto the wall on the left side, which has no fences. We turn right, head to the center and kill the enemies. We move to the other side and, almost reaching the green gate, we push off from the wall with green lights on the right side. We jump down to the lower platform, go to the opposite side and push off from another wall. Climbing up, turn right and jump onto the platform. We go to the end, destroying the encountered opponents. We jump on the structure to the left and already from it to the very top.

An enemy floating in the air can only be killed with firearms. We approach the base of the Guardian's hand. It takes a battery to move the hand. You can find it on an island in the center (it emits blue light). We insert the battery into the hand, move it and go further. Jump down through the crack in the floor. Silently neutralize the enemy in the corridor. On the collapsed columns we rise upward. We get out to the same fan that Cable spoke about. Damn, only Deadpool indulged in pleasures, as he immediately received cabbage soup from the harbinger of the future. Sinister sat down in the tower, we immediately set off for his soul. As usual, we deal with a large number of various enemies. Cable will come to the rescue shortly. We select weapons left by large opponents.

Searching for arguments will take a minute and a half; all this time we have to slap Wolverine.

Cable left us as he had an unfinished battle in the future. Well, we don’t have to wait for him for ages, so we’ll search the Sinister tower on our own. Hmm, inside we find an attraction. We spin the wheel and we get a magnetic apocalypse. We go outside, climb higher and wait for the metal platforms to fly by. We jump on the first two, turn around and wait for the next one. You can catch on only for a flat corner on the platform. Next, jump to the center, open the door and spin the wheel. We stop it, shoot the appeared cows and jump onto the metal platform. Now we jump over to the platform that moves up and down. We carefully monitor the rest of the platforms and, as soon as they get close, we jump over to them. As soon as we were about to spin the wheel, we were immediately thrown off. On the platforms located in the order of stairs, we climb to the top of the tower. We make fun of the Sinister stuck in the chair, randomly pressing the buttons. Hooray, we won, it's time to roll the credits. But Cable suddenly appears and says that it was just a clone.

To get to the real Sinister, you have to go to the other end of the island. For this we need transport. The cable will help fix it, but we need two parts. We turn right and try to open the door. We get to the lane where the Guardian's hand lies. We climb up the debris in the corner of the building on the right side. Starting from the walls, we climb higher and higher. Then we jump down to the battery, pick it up and install it on the Guardian's hand. We lower it, penetrate the building and destroy the enemies. We climb up, pick up the battery and get out to the second hand. We lower it, and on the contrary we raise the first hand. We climb onto the second hand and with a double jump we move to the first hand, then to the building. We select the part and return to the Cable.

A new passage has opened. We go up and go for the second part. We face a group of protected enemies. Those with icons above their heads are also protected. We try to shoot them and hit them with counterattacks. We pass through the corridors and get out. We silently neutralize opponents, go to the end and pick up the battery. We return to the water and go up the concrete path. We deal with enemies, insert the battery into the hand and fire three or four shots. The path is clear, go ahead and jump down. We destroy the opponents, go up and jump over the gaps. After moving to the other side, we jump into the water. Having gone forward a little, we climb up the box and the pipe on the left side. We push off the wall and climb even higher. We jump down to the terrace, go inside and push off the wall again. We jump over the gap to the opposite side. We go down through the gap in the floor and carefully move to the battery. We select it and get to the hands of the Guardian. With it, we shoot the building and at the same time the enemies. We shift to the right and move along the terrace to the detail. We return to the Cable and give the part.

And here's Cable, disguised as a fangirl, eager to meet us.

Moving from one point to another, we shoot clones from a machine gun.

Home Sweet Home:

It all starts with the fact that Dead is tormented by garbage and does nothing, when suddenly, out of nowhere ... a game script is born!

Climb up from the bunk, then walk over to the sofa and look around the area around it. In the next room there will be a deflated doll, you can inflate it. There is an opportunity to hang around at the computer and see what Pool has in his closet with clothes. Go back to Poole's room. There click channels on the TV and play the guitar. Go to the restroom, the process is very, very entertaining, then wash your hands and wash yourself and return to your chair. In a word, stagger around the apartment examining it. You can eat pizza, pet the dog, play the imaginary guitar and call the manager. All this will lead to a scripted call on Dead's door. After the call, you should open the door and pick up your package from a buxom girl.

First job:

Deadpool's target is a man named Chance White, go ahead!

Destroy all enemies, inflate a special castle and, bypassing it, move on. Then you should kill another soldier, for this he will drop prizes for which you can buy upgrades in the "Improvements" menu. It should be recalled that not only the hero himself, but also his weapons will be improved. So you should not lower all the improvement points on any dubious ability. It is better to pump hammers, for example, for better times. Move on after purchase. Next up is the jump zone. There you will be told in detail how and where you can jump and what it will be like. Everything is very simple. Space bar - jump, pressing it twice - double jump. Further, you will fall into a trap when the grate closes in front of the GG's nose. You just need to shoot the button behind it. After that, the player must practice killing enemies while firing the pistol. After that, you should go back to the elevators. There, on the way, we come across enemies with shields, they need to be jumped over and attacked from behind. The key combination is specified by the user or remains the default. After all this, you need to shoot through the window and again jump from wall to wall, as in training.

Defeat all the villains in the hall. After the victory, new troops will arrive. They, too, must be overcome. Then, you should get to the balcony. After that, you should wait for the appearance of the helicopter. When he sits down, climb on board and wet the enemies with a stationary machine gun. It's very important to kill the guy with the rocket launcher. It won't be easy. The best strategy would be a pistol burst from around the corner, or teleporting the enemy behind his back, this is in case of melee attacks. Raise the rocket launcher. What to do next is clear.

Taking A Chance:

Marauders got away from Dead with his money. After you go forward you will see steam, it is easy to overcome it with a teleport. After that, play the old 8-bit. Defeat the skeletons and take the key to the lower room. After opening the door, push the box and go to the next one. Walk through the sewer halls until the ceiling collapses on you. Next, I focus on the green lights, jump and move towards them. Beat and kill everyone and everything until you reach the Arena. There will be waves of simple enemies. In the waves there will be an enemy who gives everyone a shield. All of them are highlighted in green, and he is a simple color. Here you should use the tactic of exclusion and kill him first, so the battle with the rest will go more quickly and smoothly. Win a fight with Elcryth. After the video inserts, Vertigo will lead you astray. The right path will be the red wires, followed by the lowering of several levers. This is followed by a series of jumps on ledges. One of them will point to a pipe that you need to jump on. Jump only when she is towards you with the bottom part that was in the water. After that, there will be a fight with Vertigo's henchmen. But in the end, he will throw you down.

Genosha (Genosha):

Dead and their X-Men heroes have arrived on Genosha. After that, there will be a fight. She features a thug that needs to be attacked while he raises his fists. After that, enemies will appear that will open the way. Next, you should reach a conversation with Kebeil.

After talking with him, there will be another fight. After it, move deep into the planet. There you will meet 4 main paths. Only the one that leads forward is true. Go to them and you will see platforms, which means that there will be a lot of jumping on the walls next. All this will lead you to a larger hand made of metal. But she won't be fed. It will lie behind Dead, on an island. This hand will open the way further.

Next, you should find the girl, for this you will need to jump into the holes several times on the way to her. And it is desirable to kill the very first enemy without hype. After all the enemies, you should press the highlighted button in the tower. Get ready for the apocalypse. After that, you should get to the roof of the neighboring building using floating platforms. There you should play the lottery. This is followed by another lottery game, and after that, acquaintance with Sinister.

After that, you should proceed into the tunnels. There, find the tighter hydraulic arm and the same battery. She is upstairs, does the blue glow indicate this? After a series of jumps, you will reach it. After inserting it into your hand, make your way along this very hand to the next balcony.

After you have passed through the building, you need to take the second battery on the upper tier. The battery is needed to break the fence with our good old hand. Next, you should carry out a series of not tricky manipulations with 2 hands in order to get to the balcony with a part of Sentinel.

Next, you should go back to the Cable, after talking with him, you should look for a new part, it is located after the steps. After that, blue enemies will attack you. Simple attacks won't help much here. A more powerful approach should be used here. For example, hammers, if they are pumped enough. Next, there will be several enemies that you need to kill without noise and dust. Next, you should find the same hand. But now she will shoot. It is necessary to fire exactly 3 shots at 3 different walls.

After killing the enemies, you should go down into the hole. There will be 2 arrows to your left. Naturally, they need to be killed and go in their direction. Next, you should jump onto the fallen beam. Many jump directly to the hand, this is not worth doing, because you do not have a battery yet.

Further, if you jump up, you can find the battery you are interested in and return to the hand. You need to insert the found charger back into your hand and shoot it to the left, into the columns to destroy them. After destruction, the second part of Sentinel will be found in their side.

Went to jail:

After the video insert, it will be necessary to shoot at everything that catches your eye. After that, you need to find Rogue. You can do this while in prison, this is where this character lives.

After that, you should open all the doors and deal with hostile mutants.

After finding the desired target, the game will show you a very cool video clip. After that, the game will introduce Dead to new opponents. These will be ninjas armed with long claws. Destroying them in close combat is very dangerous and very difficult to do.

So you should only hit them with strong weapons. Next, the players will have an extreme segment of the path, they should get over the flying clouds, then successfully go through the water and then overcome the floating piles of garbage. After that, you will need to find a chest with a new ability for Dead. After acquiring it, you should immediately use it in order to get to the top and place explosives. As the mission approaches, towards the end you will stumble upon an elevator with open doors, you should silently knock out the guards there. After watching the next video insert, you will need to fight the leader. At first glance, it is very difficult to kill him, but it is enough to press a certain key in time to make the leader stunned. You should stun him when he runs up to you. After stunning him, you should fire at him with a shotgun or Dead's plasma weapon.

Death baby:

The level will begin with the fact that the GG will need to climb through their own intestines, and then cut them. After killing the mutants, you should watch the video clip. After it, you need to quickly shoot all the barrels. After that, you need to climb the ledges to the very top, switching the levers and sit in the basket. Next comes the rail ride. In the process, you should shoot at the crawling out skeletons, and after that you need to help the Cabal in his battle with the mutants. After that, you are faced with the task of returning 3 souls. We follow straight to the altar, it will contain several unusual statues at once. All of them are made in order to pass tests with Death itself. Each of them is taken in turn, after passing tests from the previous one.

At this stage, the concentration of enemies will be maximum, so you should prepare for the worst in advance. After you still manage to reach the Sinister Citadel, you will find the ox of mutants and all other dirty tricks. And after that, an abundance of marauders awaits you. You will fight 3 at the same time. It's pretty hard. But how to overcome them you must remember yourself. After the pre-final video, you should prepare for the main battle with Sinister. Here, too, everything is quite easy and simple. It is enough just to dodge all the attacks of his clones. The most fun is that at first you will need to destroy two clones, then three, and now after all five of them at the same time. But still, they do not pose a serious danger, with the exception of their laser guns. Here you need to knock out a wedge with a wedge. That is, firing at them with your own blasters and shotgun. ALL! THE END! This is the end. Then only the very last video awaits you, after which you should press the button and stare at the epic finale of all time, followed by the credits.


If you don’t know how to complete the task, find the necessary item or defeat this or that boss in the game, then you are welcome to the section Walkthrough. Here we publish a wide variety of videos of passing each level, collaborating with users on YouTube.

We attach a small plot description of the game and a list of missions to each playthrough so that you immediately enter the course of the ongoing events described in the game. In addition, we mention the author of the walkthrough with an active link to his channel so that you can subscribe to other user broadcasts.

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Entertainment Portal Database website was created specifically to ensure that gamers and just lovers of the virtual world are always aware of any news from the world of the gaming industry, learning exactly what they need. For example, when the long-awaited strategy will be released, what add-ons are being created for it, who is publishing it, or on what platforms it will appear.

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Home Sweet Home

Deadpool - one of the most reckless characters from the Marvel comics series, decided to take part in the game, the main characters of which will be himself. So, with Wolverine refused to ride his Black Bird (and yes, Domino kicked him too), the last hope for fun is an offer from High Moon Studios' Peter Del Penn. He agrees to create a superhero game! To begin with, we get up from the chair, for which we get two achievements at once. To get another free achievement, you need to look around in Deadpool's apartment:

Living room: play with the dog, talk on the phone, play the guitar, watch TV, sleep on the couch, read comics
Cuisine: let's look in the refrigerator, eat pizza, cook a mountain of pancakes
Bathroom: make a stink and kill germs
Practice room: inflate a toy, sit at the computer and check out the arsenal

We open the front door in the living room and get a package from the girl with the script.

Job number 1

Purpose of the order: Chance White. He has a small private army in his office. Go, Deadpool, go!

Once in the sewers, we press the buttons shown and perform the simplest actions - jump, double jump and combinations of weak and powerful blows. We destroy the appeared enemies. The longer the combination, the more points we get. Deadpool also has the ability to teleport short distances, allowing him to quickly and effectively dodge enemy attacks. We press the teleportation button when the corresponding icon appears above the enemy's head. This will allow you to counterattack and not disrupt the combination series. After destroying everyone, use the box. Press the button shown quickly and often to inflate the jump house. We pass further and jump down. Sneaking up on the enemy from the back, you can silently kill him. We collect so-called tokens to increase the number of points. We open the upgrade menu, select the blades of the bureaura and pump the weapon.

Climb up the stairs and jump even higher. We continue to go up the stairs, stand on the pipe and make a double jump to jump off the wall. We turn around, jump to the other side and climb up. We stand between the walls with green lights. Pushing off the walls, constantly pressing the jump button, we climb to the very top. Large gaps are easily overcome with a double jump. Jump onto the ledge while holding the jump button. We use the ladder to lay the explosives.

You can jump on the house, but its main purpose will be revealed at the end of the task.

Having got out of the sewers, we destroy enemies. Chance White is in his penthouse. We clean the hall and go to the elevators. Chance blocked them, so we return to the hall. We approach the closed grate on the right side and shoot at the illuminated electrical panel. Opponents use firearms. Hiding behind the columns, we shoot them. At the far end of the hall on the left side, the doors opened, we pass through them and go to the control room. We go down, get to the generator and turn off the electricity. A dozen mercenaries are already heading towards us. When they surround us, we perform a dispersal attack and thereby hit all enemies at once. We go up, press both attack buttons at the same time and break through the defense of stronger opponents. We clean the hall, return to the elevators.

We will use the only available elevator on the right side. While singing, the elevator will stop. We shoot at the glass, get out of the elevator and turn right. We jump off the wall with green lights and go upstairs. Focusing on the same walls, we climb to the very top. We get to the elevator cabin, shoot through the glass and open the door. We move to the TV studio, where we act very carefully. We do not climb on the rampage, as a firearm at close range does a lot of damage. Having dealt with the mercenaries, we pass into the room at the other end on the left side. The doors are open so we can keep moving. We go through the office, killing a large number of enemies. We get out into the meeting room and go outside. Turning left, jump onto the platform. We pull the lever and go up. We jump over to the next platform and thus rise higher and higher from platform to platform. We shoot enemies at the windows and through them we can climb inside the building, where we will certainly find rare tokens.

We rise to the roof and shoot the mercenaries. Soon a helicopter will appear, quickly leaning out of cover, shoot at it and run to the next safe zone. We get to the helipad, cross it from below and climb up the stairs on the other side. Having captured the helicopter, we shred the enemies from a powerful stationary machine gun. When we get knocked down, the spiritualized Deadpool jumps, thinking he can fly, but falls down.

The game has a wide variety of weapons for melee and ranged combat. Fully pumped semi-automatic beaters have a lot of power, but their ammo is quickly depleted.

Having scored a large number of points, shooting enemies with a machine gun, we get a replacement for pistols. After destroying the mercenaries, a large guard will appear. Keep a distance from him and shoot with weapons. Do not forget to use the teleport, if you suddenly did not have time to escape, and the projectile is about to hit us. We select the grenade launcher of the affected enemy and use it to destroy the enemies. We approach the door, lay the explosives and enter Chance White's office. We beat him by quickly and often pressing the button shown. We set off for a free flight, and land right on the house, which we prepared at the very beginning.

Taking risks

Marauders have fled with Deadpool's paycheck!

While Deadpool was listening to Peter's complaints about the enormously inflated budget, Chance was kidnapped. We chase the kidnappers, avoiding steam damage with the help of a teleporter. The camera switches to top view and the game turns into an 8-bit arcade game! We kill enemies and we pass through the arch from above. We open the chest in the center, take the key and return to the previous location. We unlock the door on the right side, kill enemies, and most importantly, do not intersect with fireballs. We quickly move the obstacle in the center and open the next door. Having settled matters with the budget, we return to the sewer.

Marauders blocked the path, turn left, go to the end and jump down. After shooting the enemies, we go to the left. We destroy opponents and rise upward. When the passage is littered again, we climb up, starting from the walls. After passing around, we encounter an angry green mutant. Keep a distance from him and shoot with weapons. We continue to move through the sewers. Arclight will release momentum and the platform will fall down. Before attacking enemies with a blue shell, we kill the enemy with a blue icon over it. Then Arclight herself will appear. We dodge the impulses, inflict several blows and quickly jump away. When covered with an orange shell, we follow the enemy and counterattack him.

Quickly and often press the button shown to pull yourself out of the piece of pipe. We jump over the dips and get to the idle control panel. Go ahead, Vertigo will start releasing impulses that cause nausea and dizziness in Deadpool. The wires lead on different sides, let's go along both paths and use the switches. We return to the control panel and activate it. We pass through the tunnel and get out to the suspended and rotating pipe. We climb to the highest point on the right side. We jump over to the pipe when its lower half is next to us. We move to the other side and climb even higher. We get to the platform and deal with enemies. Do not forget that the enemy with a blue icon above his head is able to regenerate, so first of all we bring down a flurry of blows on him. We use the control panel and slowly begin to climb up. At this time, we shoot opponents. We also destroy the red mutant. We quickly teleport when he fires a projectile at us.

Do not be surprised when the game turns into a good old platformer. Deadpool constantly has to deal with budget issues and he succeeds.

When she gets to Vertigo, she throws us down. We slide along the sewer pipe, collecting tokens and actively wagging around so as not to collide with the bars. Sinister kills Chance after receiving valuable information from him. Psylocke, Domino and Wolverine arrive to help. To stop Sinister, we have to go to the island of Genosha. Finally Deadpool will be able to control the "Black Bird"!


Deadpool (and some X-Men) went into hiding on Genosha. What will be next???

Oh, and Deadpool will get it for the broken Black Bird. We inspect Wolverine and give him so many slaps in the face until Deadpool runs out of arguments. Clawed X-Man hasn't regained consciousness, so we'll have to go alone. We pass through the pipe and find one of the giant Guardians. We deal with the emerging dudes. In combination attacks, we can wedge shots to increase the power of attacks. We shoot the big man, moving away from ground impulses and attacks from the air. We kill two and head to the opened passage, from where the opponents appeared. We jump down and, starting from the walls, we climb up. We get out into the open area, where using shelters, we kill enemies. Having dealt with everyone, Cable appears. He came from the future to bring important information to us. Blah blah blah, his chatter will never end, so we will interrupt it ourselves.

Waking up, we read a note that says that we should meet Cable on the northern outskirts of the city. The only incentive to come there was ... a naked fan with big breasts! We deal with a group of enemies, we pass through the open gate and immediately move behind the stone shelter on the left side. We shoot enemies and move on. Two big guys want to kill us at once. We actively run around the territory and collect ammunition. Having passed to the end, we jump onto the wall on the left side, which has no fences. We turn right, head to the center and kill the enemies. We move to the other side and, almost reaching the green gate, we push off from the wall with green lights on the right side. We jump down to the lower platform, go to the opposite side and push off from another wall. Climbing up, turn right and jump onto the platform. We go to the end, destroying the encountered opponents. We jump on the structure to the left and already from it to the very top.

An enemy floating in the air can only be killed with firearms. We approach the base of the Guardian's hand. It takes a battery to move the hand. You can find it on an island in the center (it emits blue light). We insert the battery into the hand, move it and go further. Jump down through the crack in the floor. Silently neutralize the enemy in the corridor. On the collapsed columns we rise upward. We get out to the same fan that Cable spoke about. Damn, only Deadpool indulged in pleasures, as he immediately received cabbage soup from the harbinger of the future. Sinister sat down in the tower, we immediately set off for his soul. As usual, we deal with a large number of various enemies. Cable will come to the rescue shortly. We select weapons left by large opponents.

Searching for arguments will take a minute and a half; all this time we have to slap Wolverine.

Cable left us as he had an unfinished battle in the future. Well, we don’t have to wait for him for ages, so we’ll search the Sinister tower on our own. Hmm, inside we find an attraction. We spin the wheel and we get a magnetic apocalypse. We go outside, climb higher and wait for the metal platforms to fly by. We jump on the first two, turn around and wait for the next one. You can catch on only for a flat corner on the platform. Next, jump to the center, open the door and spin the wheel. We stop it, shoot the appeared cows and jump onto the metal platform. Now we jump over to the platform that moves up and down. We carefully monitor the rest of the platforms and, as soon as they get close, we jump over to them. As soon as we were about to spin the wheel, we were immediately thrown off. On the platforms located in the order of stairs, we climb to the top of the tower. We make fun of the Sinister stuck in the chair, randomly pressing the buttons. Hooray, we won, it's time to roll the credits. But Cable suddenly appears and says that it was just a clone.

To get to the real Sinister, you have to go to the other end of the island. For this we need transport. The cable will help fix it, but we need two parts. We turn right and try to open the door. We get to the lane where the Guardian's hand lies. We climb up the debris in the corner of the building on the right side. Starting from the walls, we climb higher and higher. Then we jump down to the battery, pick it up and install it on the Guardian's hand. We lower it, penetrate the building and destroy the enemies. We climb up, pick up the battery and get out to the second hand. We lower it, and on the contrary we raise the first hand. We climb onto the second hand and with a double jump we move to the first hand, then to the building. We select the part and return to the Cable.

A new passage has opened. We go up and go for the second part. We face a group of protected enemies. Those with icons above their heads are also protected. We try to shoot them and hit them with counterattacks. We pass through the corridors and get out. We silently neutralize opponents, go to the end and pick up the battery. We return to the water and go up the concrete path. We deal with enemies, insert the battery into the hand and fire three or four shots. The path is clear, go ahead and jump down. We destroy the opponents, go up and jump over the gaps. After moving to the other side, we jump into the water. Having gone forward a little, we climb up the box and the pipe on the left side. We push off the wall and climb even higher. We jump down to the terrace, go inside and push off the wall again. We jump over the gap to the opposite side. We go down through the gap in the floor and carefully move to the battery. We select it and get to the hands of the Guardian. With it, we shoot the building and at the same time the enemies. We shift to the right and move along the terrace to the detail. We return to the Cable and give the part.

And here's Cable, disguised as a fangirl, eager to meet us.

Moving from one point to another, we shoot clones from a machine gun.

Rattled in jail

Rogue is imprisoned in an old Genosh prison. Can our hero get to her in time?

Rogue holds on to the last of his strength. Shooting enemies, we go down lower and lower. Still, she breaks down and is caught by Blockbuster. Soon we will fall head over heels. We urgently need to set the head, but for now let's look for a hand. Movements have changed exactly the opposite. Forward is backward, backward is forward. We get to the torn off hand, then we pursue the dog who stole it. Clutching him in a corner, we take away his hand. Now let's look for Rogue. We get out into the open space, kill a couple of enemies and climb up the collapsed concrete. We jump down and move to the other side. We kill opponents, among which defective clones appear, which explode when approaching us. We keep our distance from them and shoot from firearms. We pass through the chamber on the left side, go up and move, guided by the signs on the walls. To cling to the reinforcement in concrete, we perform an instant double jump. With a slow step, we get to the urinal and finish the process of urination, after listening to Deadpool's replicas.

We move along the corridor, dealing with enemies. We arrive at the observation post, go to the last room and activate the control panel. We pass through the opened door and turn left at the fork. As soon as we had to open the door, a nasty two-dimensional image appeared before our eyes again. You can't do without a call to Peter. We deal with the clones and enter the chamber on the right side. We get out into the corridor through the broken wall. We get to a brightly lit room, destroy the enemies with protection and enter the room on the left side. We activate the control panel, go through the opened door and arrive at the party. Rogue is in the VIP zone and before getting to her, we can chat with the ladies, for which we will get an achievement. We approach the guard and complete the illusory party. We pay attention to the clones that can crawl out of any point of the wall. We clean the showers, primarily shooting the enemies in the upper positions. Soon the door will open, we kill the enemies that have appeared and go upstairs. Turning around, activate the control panel. We go down, approach the wires and, quickly and often pressing the appropriate button, open the door. We pass further, we get to the last chamber on the right side.

At least some help from these text bubbles.

We get out to the sewer stream. On the clouds with the text we move to the other side. We go to the right and get to the next stream. We pass to the opposite side, jumping on the emerging heaps of garbage. Similarly, we bypass another stream, having previously destroyed the enemies. We rise upward, bypass the lattice on the right side. We kill a large number of opponents, move to the other side and jump down. We jump on heaps of garbage and get to the threshold. We climb up the reinforcement on the right side. We jump over to the island and shoot at explosive barrels near the wall. To cling to reinforced concrete, you need to make an instant double jump, otherwise we will not jump. Open the chest and get a new ability. Now we can teleport long distances. We move to the island above us, then to the next one, jumping towards it. If the symbol that you can teleport is shown, but there is no button itself, then you need to get closer. Crossing over to the other side, we go left. We destroy the enemies, move to the right and jump down. We teleport through the capsules, rising higher and higher. We jump to the observation post, deal with opponents and climb the stairs.

We move through the capsules and move to the other side. We go all the way to the left and climb up, pushing off the walls. Climb up the capsules and jump to the one below. From here you need to make a jump to the ledge. We go to the left and soon we will find a dog. We get to it by capsules on the left side. We move through the ventilation system and get out to Rogue. We bring the camera to Deadpool while he sets one of the three bombs. We teleport to the construction at the top on the right side. We move to the next platform, push off from the wall with green lights. Behind on the left side there is a passage, we sneak up on two opponents and neutralize them. Starting from the walls, we climb up. We move to the center, jump down and, destroying the enemies, move to the right side. We go down even lower through the central passage. We go around the installation and plant the second bomb. First, we teleport to the platform, then to the structure from above, having previously jumped. We get to the last installation and plant the bomb.

We turn around and go inside. Turn right, go to the end and open the door. From now on, we are silent. The mistake is unforgivable: if we are noticed, we will have to start over. There will be no problems with the first opponent. We wait for the second at the door and sneak up when he starts moving from right to left. We watch for the third on the left or right side. We kill the last and, finally, Sinister himself. But again, Deadpool will be disappointed - it was another clone!

The only place where without careful stealth it will not be possible to advance the plot.

We enter the fight with Blockbuster. We are waiting for him to ram at us, and we are preparing to launch a counterattack. We inflict as many blows as possible on a stunned enemy. Having won, we detonate the explosives and catch Rogue. To revive her, we transfer our regeneration ability through a kiss. Playing for Rogue, we destroy enemies. Their attacks will have to be predicted, there will be no prompts on the screen. Deadpool tries to help and throws a grenade. A dog appears, catches a grenade and brings it to us.

death baby

Deep in the catacombs of Genosha, Sinister's plan is uncovered. Or not? Probably open. How should I know? I'm just text.

Press the buttons shown quickly and often to climb up your own gut. We jump onto the mercenary's head and start shooting enemies without leaving the trolley. We shoot mainly at explosive barrels. As a result, the blast wave will throw us to the lower half of the body. Death is the one with which we are never destined to be together. She reveals that Sinister is digging up mutant corpses and taking DNA samples. Our task is to stop the spirits of mutants who seek revenge. Waking up, we crash against the gate and jump off the trolley. To the left of the gate there is a passage, we go through it and climb up. We pull the lever, jump to the device from which the barrels are thrown. We release barrels until a failure occurs. We climb into the trolley and set off on a journey through a dark mine. We shoot the trolleys traveling along the neighboring rails. Arriving at the place, we help the Cable to deal with the enemies.

Death has appeared, follow her to the statues. Let's start with the gold one: select it and move to the island on the right side. We pass through the mysterious door and find ourselves in a queue. We have no time to wait, so we will hurry ahead of those standing several times. When patience is over, we chop up enemies and get a long-awaited ticket. Having passed a little on the trolley, we begin to swim on the water, while shooting from a cannon. We try to hit the pink signs and the monsters chasing the girls. In a short time it is necessary to break the established record. We return to the Cable and help him fight off the clones. We put the golden figurine in its place and take the purple one. We follow Death to the island behind us. We pass through the mysterious door and climb the stairs. We jump to the center, then even further and, starting from the walls, we climb up. Walking forward a bit, we jump down. We get to the location of the clones and silently neutralize them. Having cleared the territory from enemies, we sit in the boat. We swim to the waterfall, break down and, after swimming, we rise to the chest.

Encounters with Death are frequent, but not as long as Deadpool would like.

We call three Deadpulio. Each of them prepared a test for us. Turn left and jump over to the other side. Turning to the right, we pass into the cave and communicate with Deadpulio. Two portals appeared behind, we stand on the one that will reduce us. We return to Deadpulio, turn right and open a small chest. Now we get up on the portal, which will increase us. Open the large chest to the left of Deadpool. We also switch the lever and open a small door. Having accordingly reduced ourselves, we pass through it and complete the test. Starting from the central walls, we climb up. We pass into the cave and communicate with Deadpulio. We choose the last replica. We go back and climb the walls on the left side. Then we jump on a higher wall and pass the test at the last Deadpool. Questions may change, so below are the answers to all of them:

Scissors beats paper, rock beats scissors, paper beats rock
Bear hits ninja, ninja hits cowboy, cowboy hits bear
The leg beats the cockroach, Armageddon beats the leg, the cockroach beats Armageddon
A man beats a mouse, a mouse beats an elephant, an elephant beats a man

We return to the chest and call the spirit. We help Cable, insert the purple figurine into place and extract the green one. We follow death, we pass through the mysterious door and deal with opponents. For twenty-five seconds, we run in a circle, avoiding the radius of destruction of grenades. Using the lifts, we get to Death. Before we go further, we will destroy all the clones. Without departing from Death, we follow the darkness. We jump inside and play a two-dimensional arcade. We go down to the lever, activate it and stand in front of the opened door. To go through it, press the forward button. We go up and get to the device that releases the barrels. Below are six hearts, which means you need to hit the enemy six times with his own barrels. We push them towards the car and thereby inflict damage on it. Having won, we open the chest and release the spirit. We help the Cable to destroy the enemies, after which we go to a rendezvous with Death.

Road to victory

Meanwhile, on the surface of Genosha, the X-Men prepare to attack Sinister's stronghold.

Once on Genosha, we go to the left and, starting from the walls, we climb up. We move forward, destroying enemies. We go down and in the open space we deal first with small, then with large opponents. We rise higher, we continue to move towards the building. Through it we get out into the alley and again we jump inside. It is desirable to act silently, otherwise a large number of enemies will come running. We get out and move to the other side. We turn right, go up the stairs and cross the gap with teleportation. If the opponents began to crush us with numbers, then we will definitely move back. We get to the main doors and go into the building.

Goodwill gesture.

We shoot opponents, move to the other end of the corridor and activate the control panel. We go back, simultaneously destroying the clones. We move along the ruined building, we go down lower and lower. Then we go up, pushing off the walls, and find the Guardian's boot. It will not be possible to use it, we move along the bridge, turn left and go up the stairs. We shoot enemies, go to the end, turn right and use teleportation. We break through the door and in slowdown we shoot opponents. We go upstairs, get to the unique transport, prepare it and sta-a-a-art!

20 minutes earlier: knock down the enemy and manipulate the Guardian's hand.

Gates of Evil-ah-ah-ah-ah!

Sinister is waiting for Deadpool in his stronghold. He has a doorbell. You have a bag of shit and a lighter.

Sinister took refuge in Magneto's citadel. Jumping on the islets, we move to the other side. We are not in a hurry, but we are waiting for them to go down lower. We also use teleportation to climb up. Having reached the last island, a new task will appear. We move to two small islands, which are located between large islands. We jump towards the citadel and teleport to it. We destroy three earthquakes. Thanks to their powerful attacks from the air, we will not even have time to recover if we are next to them. Next, the side gates will open and dozens of clones will appear. We deal with enemies, running all over the territory and collecting ammunition. To restore strength, periodically run away to the main gate.

Blockbuster, Psylocke and Vertigo will be coming soon. First of all, we shoot Vertigo. The rest of us have fought before. We are waiting for Blockbuster to ram at us. We counterattack and inflict a series of powerful blows until he recovers. Psylocke has no defense, so we can attack her at any time. But do not forget that she can apply impulses that will slow us down. We also counterattack Psylocke. Then Sinister clones will appear. The Pulse Rifle is perfect against them. We strike and immediately shoot. Thus, the rifle turns into a powerful rapid-fire weapon. Having won, we watch the final video.

The character was just about to relax and unwind when the script suddenly appeared!

I advise you to get out of bed and have a good look in and behind the sofa, and then carefully inspect the bookshelf located behind the sofa. Now head to the nearby room to find a doll on the left side that needs to be inflated. If you want, then look on the Internet or take a look at the contents of the wardrobe. Then return to the room and you can watch TV. After enjoying the music, head to the bathroom. In the further passage of the game "Deadpool" you need to go to the toilet, and then wash. When you get to the kitchen, be sure to try the pizza. Then you can try on the role of a cook to drink everything that is pouring and is in the refrigerator. All this is necessary in order to increase your achievements. When the doorbell rings, hurry to open it.

Oh, I still need to frolic with the puppy and make a couple of calls using the phone in the hall. That's it, now run to open the door and pick up the package.

First task

Your target is Chance White, the head of the media center, who has many subordinates at his disposal. Good luck in this difficult task, Deadpool!

After dealing with the enemies, find the box that you need to open. In it you will see a castle that will need to be pumped up. If there is a desire, then jump, but not - then just go around it and continue moving along the tunnel. You will need to be careful and move away from opponents silently, picking up all the scattered coins. Then you can visit the upgrade menu. Then go up the stairs to the top. With each of your steps, a collision with a fallen grate is approaching, from which you now need to push off, holding it twice for a jump. Immediately jump over to the opposite side, to the place where the grate hangs. Now head upstairs, jumping from wall to wall. When you reach the ledge, use the double jump to jump over to it, and then continue through the game "Deadpool". In order to be able to cling and climb higher, you need to jump while holding the Jump key. Use this combo and climb up the stairs. After passing through it, you will exit to the cut-scene.

After you find yourself in the building, eliminate the opponents, and then head to the elevators. But before you get to them, they will close. As soon as you want to step back, the grate will immediately close. You will need to find a red panel behind the bars, at which you need to shoot while holding the scope. Now it is already possible to return, destroying opponents with a pistol along the way. When you see a door on the left side, located in the distance, then head towards it. Find the generator there, approach and lower the lever.

In the further passage of "Deadpool" it is worth using a blow called Momentum when returning. To apply it, on the Xbox you need to press - hold LB and A. Now enemies with electric sticks will come across your way, which can put a block on the blow. To be able to break through the block, you should use the following combination of strikes: XY or YX. After defeating them, go to the lift and go upstairs.

When you see a window, shoot it and move to the left until you see a green light on the horizon. When you get to that place, use a double jump on the wall, and then jump higher. Repeat the same steps on the next floor. In the further passage of "Deadpool", climbing to the next floor, you need to jump, while pushing off from wall to wall. When you get out, then break the glass of the elevator with a gun and go inside. Then you should click on the action to open the door.

In the further passage of the game "Deadpool" you will find yourself in a hall in which opponents will be waiting. Be careful, because reinforcements to the enemies will go through the same doors that you will go through. After you destroy all the opponents, you should go through the offices straight into the corridor. Finding yourself in the corridor, find the conference room and go there. Then exit to the balcony and stick to the left side. You will need to jump from one suspended platform to another until you reach a lever that needs to be pulled up. This way you will be able to go higher. There you will be waiting for another company of opponents, kill them. After that you will see a helicopter. You need to continue the passage of "Deadpool", moving behind the helicopter and hiding behind obstacles until the helicopter lands on the site. You should pass under it and climb up the stairs. Then get a machine gun and eliminate opponents. Then you will fall down.

There, too, eliminate the offenders, then get even with the enemy with a rocket launcher. I advise you not to attack him, if the level of health is not good, it is better to wait for recovery and then only attack. And you need to do this from around the corner, shooting from pistols. If you want to fight him at close range, then use teleportation on his back. After you defeat the rocket launcher, then attack the fighters yourself, including the one with the rocket launcher. After complete success, start watching the video, then take a short break to take part in the battle again, and then watch the video again.

take risks

The Marauders have escaped with Deadpool's bounty!

Move forward in order to move through the streams of steam. Here you will need to apply porting. In the further passage of "Deadpool" there will be a small excerpt from the eight-bit game. Destroy the skeleton and head upstairs to the room where you will deal with three enemies. Then open the chest to get the key. Now you can return to the room below and go to the right side to the door using the key. After that, go through the lights, move the box and head to the door.

Now you will need to go through the sewer passage, eliminating opponents along the way, until you meet a girl on your way. She will bring down the ceiling. Here you need to climb onto the walls located on the left side, and then onto the ledge on the right, illuminated by green lights. Now you can jump down and destroy the green monster. Here you have to shoot from afar, since there are no rolls, and then apply porting and attack with swords. Then head to the arena and destroy the opponents. It is worth noting that an enemy will appear here, which will usually be colored, it is he who will provide a shield to other opponents, who will turn blue. Now you need to deal with the first one so that the protection disappears, and you can destroy the rest. In the further passage of the game "Deadpool" you have to deal with Elkright. You can kill her if you launch a melee attack using porting. There should be no difficulty here.

After the cut-scene, get off the bayonet and head further. Be careful, because Vertigo can intoxicate your mind. Then you need to lower the bridge. Step on the red wires and find the remote control, activating which and lower the bridge. Then exit and jump to the left side to lower the lever. After that, go back and head to the right side. There you will find the second lever, which also lower. Now you need to return to the console, where the main lever is located, which also needs to be lowered.

When going through this stage in "Deadpool", you should go through the bridge straight to the room in which the rotating pipe is placed. Then you need to start jumping on three ledges. When you jump to the highest one, then try to climb the pipe from it at the moment when it turns towards you with its more downward end. Then quickly move forward and jump on the rest of the platforms. Then you can head to the next room.

After you deal with the enemies, climb into the lift and activate it. After leaving, destroy the next enemies and head towards Vertigo. After she leaves you, you need to collect coins by controlling the "left" and "right" keys without crashing into iron barriers. Then watch the video.

Genosha location

Deadpool and a few of the X-Men headed to the land of Genosha. What will come of this?

If you ever feel like replenishing your supply with an achievement, check out X-Man and then start hitting him until Deadpool runs out of vocabulary. Then move forward, destroying the enemies along the way. To kill the thug and continue through "Deadpool", you need to run up to him and wait for the moment until he swings, now use the teleport and attack him from behind. After you defeat him, two opponents will appear who will open a further path for you through the gate.

Go further, then you have to jump down and start jumping from wall to wall. Thus, you will be at the top. Then continue the passage of the game "Deadpool", destroying ordinary soldiers and monsters with a grenade launcher in their hands. Then a certain Cable will appear on the horizon. Find the marked button and click on it. So you can find out more about him and get an achievement. Then you can chat with him.

Deal with the opponents back and continue your way, climbing onto the ledge, from which the bullies have recently climbed down. Then go straight until you reach the intersection of four roads. You should go straight until you see two parallel vertical platforms on the right side. Start pushing off each, jumping up. You need to do double jumps, and when you find yourself on a green platform, push off, so you jump even higher. Then go right straight to the path that runs along the dome. Now it is worth running away, sticking to the left side and destroy the opponents. Then jump onto the left platform and jump from it to another. Now you need to climb even higher to kill the enemy hovering above the ground. It is worth taking a close look at the mechanical arm, or rather, at the part of the red color. This part will have a hole where the battery is inserted. Look around and on the island you will find a red battery. Now it is worth picking it up and inserting it into your hand. Then start interacting with the hand and try to bend it at the elbow. Thus, you will open your way.

In the further passage of the game "Deadpool" you need to jump through the passage and get into the corridor, which you need to go through. There you will meet another enemy, eliminate him. Then climb up the thin beams and go out into the corridor, passing through which you need to jump into the passage. You will see a girl there, hurry to her. Now it is necessary, with the support of a partner, to defeat enemies. Then head to the tower and enter. Once there, it is worth holding down the marked button to open the door. Now expect the magnetic apocalypse. Approach the steps and climb up. Here you will see a moving platform below, first jump onto it, and then onto the platform above. Then it is worth jumping onto the building, and from it - onto the platforms that will move higher. Thus, you will find yourself on the roof, where you will need to start the lottery again. Then, in the "Deadpool" walkthrough, keep climbing higher and higher until you start watching a cutscene. Here it is worth holding down any buttons so that the fun with Sinister is a success.

When you're done, go through the door. A little further you will run into tunnels in which you will have to fight with opponents and find a mechanical hand. It will require a battery. To find it, you should look up and find the blue glow. This is the battery. Then head towards it by turning left and then jumping onto the ledge. Now jump over to the next ledge, and pushing off the wall, climb even higher. Then jump to the second ledge, and, similarly, push off from the other wall to climb up. Now you are at the target, the battery is nearby. Take it and insert it into the mechanical limb, then lower it and, with its help, get to the balcony.

Continuing the passage of the game "Deadpool" go through the building and fight with opponents. Look carefully upstairs, there will be another battery. Head towards it and pick it up, killing all the enemies along the way. Then get down and head to the next hand. Apply it to the fence, which will break. After that, you can head up. It is worth going through the collapsed barrier straight to the first hand to pick it up. She will be slightly bent. Then climb up using the second hand, jump over to the first, with which you will jump to the balcony. From the very edge of the loggia will lie the first component of Sentinel.

When passing this stage in the game "Deadpool" you should return to the Cable. After you talk, climb up the stairs to another passage, after passing which you will find the next part. Then you will be attacked by blue opponents, who you need to try to eliminate not with a sword, but with something more substantial. For example, you can use pumped hammers. Having dealt with them, head further to the street, where try to overcome the enemies without making a single sound. After that, move forward and turn to the right. There you will find another battery. Then you should go back and find the plates on the left side that form the rise. Climb onto them and move up to find another hand. After you find it, you need to insert the battery there. Then find the red wire and pull it, so the hand will shoot. Repeat this twice. In the end, you will break through two walls. Then move forward and jump into the hole.

In the further passage of the game "Deadpool" you will need to climb up the stairs, but first you need to eliminate the opponents. At the top, find a hole to go down. Be careful, as there will be opponents on the left side that need to be eliminated. Then go to where those arrows were. Then jump over the boxes located on the left, but not to where the slab with the non-working hand is located, but to the opposite side, where the beam lies. Now you can go upstairs and push off the wall twice to climb higher and poke the battery. Then go outside and put it in your hand. Once the battery is inside, turn your hand to the left to shoot at the pillars. Thus, they will collapse. Now head towards the ruins and climb up, sticking to the left side. There you will find the second component of Sentinel. Continue through "Deadpool", moving along the corridor to the Cable, destroying the enemies along the way.

Getting into jail

After watching the video, start firing at everyone who comes to hand. Then attach the arm to the torso. Now you need to go in search of Rogue in prison. After you open the door, destroy the mutants. When you meet Rogue, relax by watching the video. Then you will meet a new enemy, which is a ninja with overgrown nails. It is worth noting that it is not so easy to kill him in close combat, so I advise you to use powerful weapons. Then in the passage of "Deadpool" you will witness parkour, where you first need to pass water through the clouds, and then - to go through floating debris. Next, you will find a chest that you need to open in order for the new skill to become available. Now you can use it to climb up and place bombs. When you are almost at the end of the mission, head to the elevator and open its door. Then go into the mine and silently eliminate all the guards. Before passing the battle with the leader in the game "Deadpool", you will have to watch the video. And then you need to eliminate him in this way: wait until he starts to scatter and approach you, at this moment you should press B, now he is stunned, which means that you can shoot at him from a shotgun or from a plasma weapon.

death baby

Now climb up by stepping on your guts and cutting them off. When the monsters attack, destroy them and watch the cutscene, then fire at the barrels. When you reach the ledges, climb up and activate the lever. After that, climb into the basket. Then move along the rails, shooting at the skeletons. Now you will see the Cabal, who needs help to deal with the monsters. Then you should return the third souls. In order for the passage of this task in the game "Deadpool" to be successful, head to the altar, where the statues are placed, which are worth taking, observing the order. Thus, you will be able to complete the task related to Death.

Green color: destroy the mutants encountered on your way until you reach the desired point;

Purple color: you need to solve three riddles related to ingenuity;

Yellow color: shoot balloons to score points.

Hell Gate

Congratulations, you have almost completed the passage of the game "Deadpool", there is only a little left - to find and stop Sinister. Do not worry, everything is very simple, you need to go through ledges and ruins to get to the final fight. There will be many opponents at this stage, so gather your spirit and strength. When you reach the citadel, you will have to destroy six invasions of monsters, and after that you will have to defeat three marauders at the same time. After watching the video, tune in to the battle with Sinister. To complete this fight in "Deadpool", you need to avoid clone attacks. Kill first two, then three, and then five. You should only beware of laser shots, but in general, they are not dangerous. Use a shotgun and a blaster, so you will get the victory the fastest. Then watch another video, hold B and just enjoy the epic ending with the end credits.
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