What is best against the deathclaws in. Deathclaw attack in Fallout Shelter, bunker defense organization. Mole rats and wild dogs

For many Fallout players, after the construction of the radio station, an unpleasant surprise is the increased frequency of attacks by raiders. But if it is not difficult to fight these simple bandits, then the Deathclaw mutants in Fallout Shelter can cause much more problems.

Where do Deathclaws come from in Fallout Shelter

Deathclaws in Fallout Shelter are the most powerful mutants in the game. They have incredible indicators of health points, defense and attack. A meeting with such mutants can result in the complete death of the entire population of the bunker, so it is imperative to prepare for it. Claws only come when a radio station is built in the hideout. Therefore, until the construction of this room, mutant attacks can not be afraid.

How to fight off raidersFallout Shelter, and how to kill deathclaws

The first uninvited guests in your shelter will be the raiders. At the initial stage of the game, dealing with them is quite simple. And their attack allows you to get some weapons or clothes. But with the growth of the level of the bunker, the strength of the raiders also grows. Therefore, in the future, it is desirable not to allow the attackers further than the first room, in which they need to fight back.

  • Thus, the first thing to do is to increase the strength of the bunker door. This will deter some attacks and prevent entry into the shelter.
  • The second step is to train and equip your hideout guards. For protection, it is necessary to select several people with maximum indicators of strength, endurance and dexterity. These residents must be equipped with the one you have. And arm accordingly.
  • Well, the third step. Be sure to build a room with simulators in the shelter in order to be able to pump the strength of your defenders. Send defenders to train one by one until they reach the maximum parameters.

Such a barrier in almost 100% of cases will help fight off the raiders. But the Deathclaws in the Fallout Shelter are the most powerful mutants, so with a high degree of probability they will still break through this barrier and begin to move further deeper into the shelter.

How to organize protection further

Most often, mutants will move straight ahead. The first room to be attacked after the doors is the one just to the right of the elevator. It is recommended that it be a Power Plant. With this placement, you can send residents with high strength indicators to the power plant. They will be effective in work, and no less effective in protecting against mutants. Power plant workers should also be dressed in good armor and have decent weapons.

The next object of attack is likely to be the second level, which is also recommended to place a power plant with well-equipped fighters. With this way of arranging the rooms, you will delay any attack on the first two levels of the bunker. Also, do not endanger less protected residents who work at the following levels and do not have high rates of strength and endurance.

Build first-aid posts and a research station, and produce stimulants and protection from radiation in them. When attacked by the deathclaws, the health points of villagers who do not have good armor and do not have sufficient stamina decrease rather quickly. In order not to lose an important resident of the shelter, and not to spend caps on resurrecting him, be sure to use the available healing.


The first moment when the Deathclaws attack in Fallout Shelter is always unexpected and unpleasant. Therefore, you need to prepare carefully for it. Collect and craft good armor and weapons. Train your inhabitants to the maximum possible parameters. Upgrade your vault door as much as possible. And only after that build a radio station.

Needed and received things.

We will need:
1. Hunting rifle with opt. scope is actually the most difficult drop for this task, but if you even get to Novak, then there is probably a place to get it, but as for wholesale. sight, then it can be bought from Alexander at 188 trading post or from gunsmiths.
2. Stealth-boy in a copy of 1 pc. Optional magazine "Phantom".
3. Armor-piercing cartridges for a hunting rifle, 30 pieces will be enough and optionally "spock" from the help section.
As for armor, here you can work without it, because engaging in close combat against the deathclaws is still an occupation at a level of 10 - 15. And heavy armor will slow down our movement and may even reduce our level of stealth. Basically, that's all we need.

We'll get:
1. Fat man and one nuclear shot to him.
2. Light machine gun in good condition and about 2900 service stations and a few rounds of ammunition for it.
3. Deathclaw eggs, 3 pieces.
4. + Reputation to the NCR.
5. + Reputation with the Great Khans.

Map and transition to action.

First you need to find the SLONE location and go a little further along the road towards Vegas, after you see the excavator, press against the left side of the quarry stones and our path will begin from there.

Our path of movement

Green is our way.

Red - deathclaw patrols.

Yellow is our firing position.

Blue - Location of the uterus.

White - the location of the male Deathclaw - alpha, after killing the queen.

1 - Fat man.

2 - Light machine gun, ammo and deathclaw eggs.

Path sequence.

And so, after we approached the left side of the quarry and our path is possible, the first thing we will see is an excavator, near which there is a young death claw, which you can not even pay attention to because it does not look in our direction and in the evening and night he can sleep.

Here you can start jumping, and then get close to the truck and continue the journey by turning on the "Stealth Boy", try to go the rest of the way as quickly as possible, because the "Stealth Boy" may end at the wrong moment. Deathclaw patrols can spot you, try to walk through them without them looking in your direction. Then, when you have already picked up the fat man and passed the small rod along the indicated route, you will see a queen with young deathclaws that is heading from the place where the light machine gun lies to the crane bucket. The next action is to pick up a drop from the place where she left and continue on her way.

Shooting the queen and alpha male.

After you have taken the first position, you can start shooting the uterus with armor-piercing cartridges in the head, but keep in mind that the "Stealth fight" is about to end and after each shot it is better to remove the weapon and wait a little while until you stop displaying [CAUTION] and you will not be seen again, and you will also inflict hidden.crit every time. We continue the attack in this sequence and kill the uterus.

After you have killed the queen, her husband will see that she is dead and will stand in the pond, as shown on the map above. We will need to change the shooting location to this:

You can also get here in stealth mode, and here the Phantom magazine can help us. After we got to this position, we also begin to shoot the alpha male of the claws like a uterus, but keep in mind that after the shots, the inscription [CAUTION] may not be removed from you, in which case you can kill him simply "on the clip" without releasing the fire button.

Reputation, etc.

After you have killed the deathclaws, you can go to the great khans who are located to the right and slightly above the 2nd position from where we shot, and ask them for a quest for which they give us a reputation and not a lot of covers. And you can also visit the location again: SLOWN and get the NCR reputation by telling Chavka Lewis that we killed those NPCs that he asked. At the same location, there is a dining room by Jess Wilkins, where they can share the recipe for a wasteland omelet with us.


A feature of this guide is that what is described in it can be completed on small lvl pumping GG, even on Pts. difficult level of the game and with the greatest benefit for you.

And finally, if you suddenly liked this guide, then write in the comments about which location you would like to see the trail. management.

The post-apocalyptic world simulator Fallout Shelter has already managed to gain wild popularity. Now almost everyone is building shelters, leveling up characters and repelling raiders and radroaches. The most feared and powerful enemy that you will have to fight are the Deathclaws. In Fallout Shelter, they are the last level mutants. We will now talk about how to repel their attacks and not turn your shelter into a “flying Dutchman”.

What are Deathclaws

Deathclaws in Fallout Shelter are called the most "cool" mutants. They have so much health that they can easily run through the entire shelter and kill a bunch of people. It is impossible to fight them off with bare hands. Therefore, it is highly desirable to arm the inhabitants of the shelter. The only good thing about the Deathclaws is that they only appear at high levels, when the shelter is fully built and all the people are pumped. There is one way to avoid meeting these "cuties". Deathclaws only come when the radio station is built. If there is no radio station, there are no Deathclaws. True, without a radio station, the development of the shelter will be very slow. Since new people will come very rarely. Now let's talk about how to destroy the Deathclaws in case of an attack.

In general, deathclaws are found in all parts of the Fallout shooter. Getting rid of them in the original game is very difficult. In addition, Deathclaws from Fallout are divided into groups according to the degree of "coolness". There are blind Deathclaws, legendary ones, males, queens. There are about a dozen types of Deathclaws in Fallout. So the developers of Fallout Shelter populated the game world with the most “friendly” Claws. It is much easier to deal with them than with their counterparts from the classic "shooter". How to fight them off without suffering serious losses, we will analyze a little lower.

How to fight off the Deathclaws

The Deathclaws, like the Raiders, come from the Wasteland. Therefore, for the most effective protection, first of all, you need to pump the shelter door. The stronger the door, the less likely it is to break into the shelter of any mutated reptiles. Of course, when radioactive rats and radroaches attack, there is little sense from a protected door, but they are much weaker than the Deathclaws.

The next thing to do is to put a couple of residents near the door of the shelter with the maximum pumped characteristics "Strength" and "Stamina". In addition, you need to equip these comrades with the coolest weapons. Flamethrowers are great here. An energy weapon is also a good option. If everything is done correctly, then there is a very high probability that all the Deathclaws will rest in the “hallway”. After the first attack of the Claws, the game will seem somewhat difficult, but over time you will get used to it.

Well, the final stage of protecting the shelter and its inhabitants is the arming of all the characters in the shelter. If they are not armed, then the Deathclaws will kill everyone. And very quickly. The weapon will help keep the hideout populated and deal with the Deathclaws. Don't forget about stimulants as well. Their use will increase the survivability of the inhabitants of the shelter when attacked by the Deathclaws.


In the post-war world of "fallout shelter" there are a lot of all sorts of threats. Molerats, Radroaches, Raiders, Deathclaws. They all want to eat a human being, and only you and your soldiers stand in their way. With proper protection of the shelter from attack, the visits of the Deathclaws will not be terrible. Although these are the most powerful mutants in the game. How to defeat them was written a little higher. Equip your characters better and you will not be afraid of any mutants.

The Wasteland has always been dangerous. That two hundred years ago, as now: super mutants, centaurs, wild ghouls, raiders... No one promised an easy life behind massive iron gates to a native of Vault 101.

But everyone who gets in your way to the final battles has both strengths and weaknesses. Their knowledge is the key to survival in this aggressive world.


Wild animals will come across on our way when the hero's strength is still small. Kind of like “train on cats,” the developers tell us. We will meet such cute creatures as mole rats, fire ants, dogs, radscorpions, and other generations of radiation mutations. Some creatures are similar - we will consider them together, while the rest will be worthy of a closer dissection.

Mole rats and wild dogs

On top of this monument is a Galactic News plate. Now Three Dog is broadcasting throughout the Wasteland.

These two specimens of Wasteland fauna are the first to be encountered if you point your feet towards Megaton after leaving the Vault. During the day they swarm along the northern wall, and at night they disperse in all directions. Mole rats are also found in subway stations and sewers (their nest is in the Warm Sewers, we will visit there as part of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest), and dogs roam the ruins of Washington, mainly near the Lincoln Monument and the Galaxy News building »; a few were tamed by raiders.

In combat, they are similar. Unless the mole rat has a pernicious (usually for itself) habit of attacking in a jump, and dogs try to surround with a pack. Both of them usually take one .44 bullet to the head. Keep in mind - a few mole rats are not dangerous, but three dogs are already a nuisance. Large packs are best avoided, unless you have a couple of mines lying around in your wide leg pockets. Dogs do not shine with intelligence, and it is quite possible to lure them into ticking circles.

On hard difficulty: mole rats are still weak, but dogs will have to tinker. They can just bite the unlucky adventurer, and he won’t have time to say a word. The well-known 44th is suitable against single individuals, but flocks will need to be lured into pre-set mines from a long distance.

Radscorpions and their giant cousins

We know these mutants from the village of Shady Sands, where they were systematically destroyed for the benefit of the village. Or not destroyed, but blew up the entrance to their lair.

Scorpions roam the central part of the map, usually alone. A small cluster can be found near the settlement of Gerdersheid, in the southwest. I advise you to avoid this place, because scorpions are difficult opponents, since at least they have lost the ability to poison.

Problems come from natural armor. Shooting the body with the Combat Shotgun at point-blank range does very little damage. The only more or less vulnerable spot is the sting. From the bodies of both individuals, you can take a poisonous gland, which is needed to make a silent dart launcher.

On hard difficulty: alas, my favorite mines proved to be bad. But you can use the following trick: usually there are mountains near the habitats of scorpions, climbing on which you can fire at slow creatures without loss. Grenades are fine too.


The runaway slave mason still managed to reattach Abraham Lincoln's head. Vivat!

These specimens, new to the world of Fallout, appear to have been crabs. Under the influence of radiation and FEV (forced evolutionary virus, aka FEV), they did not mutate much, retaining both the shells and most habits - however, they greatly increased in size.

Swamp Lair in the Badlands - Anchorage Memorial at the Warm Sewers. However, they surprisingly quickly coped with the development of the world around them, and, as a result, they can be found almost everywhere where there is water. Most often, swamps come across in caves, but I happened to see a few in Vaults.

In the Wasteland, there is a chance to come across three types of swamps, one stronger than the other. Ordinary mutants attack from a running start and swing their claws, hunters there are tentacles. King does not try to get close: in his arsenal - a sound cry; but he can also wave his claws on occasion. All have one thing in common: most of the body is well protected. Only the muzzle is vulnerable, but due to the peculiarities of the swamps, it is difficult to hit it. Take revenge on the kings - they do not tolerate melee attacks, and in general they are much weaker than their relatives.

On a note: the aggressiveness of the former crabs can be turned to your advantage if you stock up on a sufficient number of mines - any, except impulse ones. Practice shows that swamps most often approach in one straight line, that is, if the mines are laid out in advance, the mutant will not reach us. Such tactics, however, are not suitable for the king.

On hard difficulty: all the same mines will do, and if someone survives, we finish them off with a shotgun.


Compared to other animals, ants are relatively rare in the Wasteland. Them fiery variety worth considering in more detail.

We will first encounter them in the village of Grayditch, during the quest "They!" ("Those!"). An abandoned village can become the grave of an inattentive hero, because there are a lot of ants and they love to attack in large flocks. A jet of fire in the face is very, you know, unpleasant.

Some buildings have already completely collapsed. Others, on the contrary, still look viable.

Nothing really protects against this scourge. Even a Vault Dweller in Enclave Power Armor can go all out against a horde of fire ants. The point is not only that the fire burns the armor, but also in the nastiest property of these individuals - the habit of shooting us in the torso. As you know, a character who received heavy damage in this area falls to the ground and spends several seconds getting up. At the same time, several more ants roll in, the hero falls again, and this continues until his inglorious death.

However, there is a fairly effective way to deal with them. It is necessary to shoot at the "antennas", after which the ants begin to attack their own. It is difficult to get into the antennae, but believe me, the result is worth it.

On hard difficulty: this is where the fauna of the Wasteland will more than recoup on the hero for all previous passages! Forget about mines and close range combat: almost the only method is to run in circles and shoot at the mustache.

Animals, which we will not consider in a separate chapter - dutni and yao gai, but only because of their similarity with other specimens of the species. The former are unstable to any kind of damage, the latter really dislike fire and a shot in the face. And it's time for us to move on to a much more dangerous and large group - mutants.


We will encounter these comrades everywhere. Anyone who climbs to loot in the outskirts of the Capitol will be quickly discouraged from this hunt super mutants. A traveler in the village of Old Olney looking for a prototype medical power armor will undoubtedly come across death claws, and they rush to metro lovers wild ghouls. Fans of playing The Pitt add-on will be welcomed troggs.

There are a lot of mutants in the game, and almost every species is unique. And we will start, of course, with our old enemies ...

super mutants

Sonora Cruz and the Regulators are almost the only law enforcement institution in the Wasteland.

When two hundred years ago, the humble scientist Richard Gray went on a journey with the merchant Harold, he, of course, could not imagine that it was because of him that the world of the Wasteland would be replenished with a whole army of evil creatures. But after visiting the military base of Mariposa (or rather, falling into a vat with an experimental version of FEV), his views on the world radically changed, which, according to the newly-minted Lord, should be united under the auspices of Unity (Unity). What happened next, we know.

It is surprising that two hundred years after the death of their creator and a peaceful life in cities with people, entire hordes of super mutants have retained their militancy and equipment. However, in Fallout 3 we are not confronted with the mutants of the “Overlord Spill”, but with a new breed bred in the depths of Vault 87. They run not only there, but managed to settle throughout the Wasteland.

Super mutants are divided into four groups: ordinary, beasts, masters and hippos. The first ones usually go with wooden boards or hunting rifles (as a maximum they will get an assault rifle somewhere) and from the moment you have a more or less worthwhile weapon, they do not pose any danger. Beasts wear armor, which is quite unpleasant: among other things, the effectiveness of headshots drops a lot. Here it is better to stock up on a combat shotgun or laser rifle.

The masters wear old army uniforms - they can be easily identified by the army pilot's hat. Their main weapons are Chinese machine guns ( very serious damage), but do not disdain heavy weapons. It's best to shoot the weapon; without it the master is not dangerous.

And finally, hippos are found in strictly defined locations and are armed, as a rule, with giant clubs. Of course, we won’t be able to take it, but usually pretty good prey lies on the body of each hippopotamus: from numerous caps to nuclear charges. One accurate shot from the "Fat Man" is guaranteed to erase the monster from the face of the earth.

Fox, the hero of the Wasteland. The most useful companion in the game.

Here is a list of locations where they hide:

    Evergreen Mills, sitting in a cage.

    The Galaxy News building, during one of the mini-tasks.

    Galaxy News Building, during the main storyline.

    Tacoma Motors, parking.

    Capitol, west entrance.

On hard difficulty: it is best to use the natural stupidity of ordinary mutants: mines are still effective. If you encounter a patrol of monsters right in the Wasteland, try throwing grenades at them or using a sniper rifle. In any case, don't get too close to them!

With beasts and masters it is more difficult. Fox is very useful here: while he is portraying Alexander Matrosov, we can get around the monsters from the flank, and there nothing will prevent a fair reprisal. If you don’t have a green good man in your team, then you need at least a bunch of grenades or a rocket launcher. Well, hippos will need two shells from Fat Man.


Having lost their fighting grip in Fallout 2, these mutated chameleons are once again aggressive and strong. They are most often found in the village of Old Olney, but the Enclave also likes to carry a few with them. The mutants have their own lair, but the remnants of the US government after our heroes visit Raven Rock will arrange a massive purge there.

The famous Fat Man. Beware, deathclaws!

Case from practice: a shot from a rather battered "Fat Man" dealt 600 points of damage, I was in power armor. The deathclaw not only survived the "artillery salvo", but cut me to pieces while the hero pulled out a combat shotgun.

The main advice is to stay away from them. From their paws and a few parts, you can make a special glove for close combat. This glove is very dangerous, but there are problems with the repair - of course, because for this you need to kill another "chameleon".

It is interesting: the prototype medical power armor that lies in the sewers of Old Olney is worth the effort spent on finding it. Not only does it gradually produce Med-X, but it is also the only armor in the game that speaks to the hero.

On hard difficulty: Before riding a white horse into Old Olney, ask yourself two questions. First: do I really need this glove? And second: which funeral agency to choose?

No seriously. The most acceptable method is to climb onto the roof of one of the houses and methodically sprinkle the ground with shells from the Fat Man. You can try to find a barricade in the west of the village - it also gives a head start in time, sufficient for at least one claw.


An amazing specimen, a hovering weapon. Attacks anyone who tries to bring him to the ground.

The remnants of the once great army of the Overlord. In the first Fallout, their role was to escort super mutants on patrols and missions, as well as guarding the final frontiers of the Cathedral. They do the exact same thing here.

The largest concentration of centaurs is in the center of the southeastern part of the Wasteland, near the clusters of super mutants. They are a kind of "watchdogs" among their brethren, notifying them of danger. In this regard, it is quite rare to meet a lone centaur in the Wasteland, and if you see him on the horizon, then most likely a patrol of super mutants is also somewhere nearby. Five or six centaurs can be found in Vault 87.

For a wanderer of initial levels, a centaur is a rather unpleasant opponent, but by the sixth level of experience, he will no longer be dangerous. It attacks from a long distance (the centaur's spitting slightly emits radiation), but at the same time it slowly moves closer - which gives us a great opportunity to fire at it while it clumsily moves its legs.

And yet - a big, overweight, clumsy centaur just asks: “Grenade for me, grenade!” Mines, if any, will do. You can collect explosive devices in huge quantities in the town of Minefield, which is in the north of Megaton. We will be brought there during the quest "Wasteland Survival Guide".

On hard difficulty: the same is used.

wild ghouls

These nice guys were born because the door to Vault 12 did not close at the time, leaving the population face to face with atomic bombs. That's when the first ghouls arose, not yet wild, but not very friendly - remember the sinister Seth and the split in the Necropolis.

Many ghouls were so distorted by radiation that they lost all ability to think - they settled in metro stations and old factories. However, at least they retained some remnants of their mind - the wild ones do not attack their "civilized" counterparts.

Baby dolls "Volt-Tek" - the joy of the "power player". But finding them is a separate issue.

On a note: so that they do not touch us, you need to complete the task "Tenpenny Tower" ("Tenpenny Tower") in favor of the ghouls. Their leader Roy will give us a mask that mimics a face distorted by radiation, and the savages will not pay attention to us.

The main method of dealing with wild ghouls is a volley from a shotgun in any part of the body. Ordinary ones die immediately, but the “tramp” variety may require several shots. In addition, our old acquaintances wormed their way into this company - glowing ghouls. They have mutated so much under the influence of radiation that they themselves emit it. It is better to go out on these with something more powerful: for example, with a combat shotgun or a Chinese machine gun.

On hard difficulty: mines, mines and more mines. The Combat Shotgun and a few ticking bombs combo works perfectly in all conditions.

The inhabitants of The Pitt, the troggs, understandably threaten only those who like to walk around Pittsburgh. These are, so to speak, "wild ghouls 2.0" - they look like people and look just as frightening. Against them, you need to use a shotgun, and if it suddenly does not appear, then an auto-axe will do. Be patient: sometimes whole groups of troggs can be killed using a sneak attack.


The first mechanism that we will meet in the Wasteland will be protectron- the weakest of the entire group of robots. It fires from a laser pistol and is easily disabled after five or six shots from any energy weapon. The old Rob-Co factory has a lot of Protectrons, but they can be disabled using the central computer.

It is important: All robots have a combat restraint on their backs. We turn it off - the mechanism rushes to its own.

Brand robots "Mr Brave" guard military warehouses and small army caches. They are already much stronger than the same protectrons and can spray a careless traveler with a jet of fire, and, on occasion, shoot plasma cartridges, as if from a rifle. In addition, their armor is quite strong, and not every weapon is able to penetrate it - the plasma rifle works best. Before the appearance of plasma, a shotgun will also do. The main thing is to get closer. And, by the way, shooting at the sensor module, contrary to expectations, does not give anything significant.

The security robot is already sparkling, and I'm taking a breath - he made me run!

Wordsworth is the best
robot butler of all possible.

Our old friends "Robobrains" migrated to Fallout 3 with a minimum of changes. A few shots to the head - and that's it, no guard. Shoots usually from a laser pistol.

And finally security robots armed with a machine gun or energy and heavy weapons (varies from model to model). With them, even a twentieth-level traveler is not always able to cope. But our favorite Fox copes with them in such a way that it is a pleasure to watch.

On hard difficulty: there are two options. Either after the appearance of a laser gun on the scene, we hastily raise the skill of energy weapons, or we take an ability that allows us to turn off robots if we successfully sneak up. It will pay for itself: if it is quite possible to break through the protectrons and “brainbots”, then it is very difficult to destroy the guards and the “Braves” in a fair fight. Impulse grenades and mines are also a way out, albeit not as effective.

Only turrets remained beyond the bounds of detailed analysis, but they are usually turned off from the nearest terminal with the developed skill "Science". It's time to move on to the most numerous and dangerous group...


There are a lot of Homo sapiens in the game, and almost every type of opponent is unique. For example, clones from Vault 106 carry .44 revolvers, and raiders quite often there are grenade launchers.

For the first time, a person will have to be killed already in Vault 101. And it will be vault guard, preventing us from slipping away from the control of the Overseer. They are armed with rubber truncheons (be careful - there were also 10mm pistols) and wear very good armor - a great help at the beginning of the game.

After we enter the expanses of the Wasteland (and it's not worth talking about The Pitt), the raiders will attack us with frightening frequency. In most cases, they are moderately protected and armed (as a maximum, they bother to rob an army warehouse and get an assault rifle from there), but there are also samples with a grenade launcher - these should be feared like fire. The weakest point is the head. A shot from a sniper rifle or a burst from a machine gun is guaranteed to kill a bandit.

Moira Brown is a wonderful mechanic. Her Wasteland Survival Guide is out now, and she's spending her time doing crazy experiments.

In the abandoned Vaults we will meet crazy survivors and clones Gary. The former walk around with lead pipes and are in poor health, but the latter have a 44-caliber revolver, and the conversation with them should be short.

Sooner or later we will face soldiers, scientists and officers of the Enclave. Fighting them must be taken seriously - soldiers walk around with plasma and laser rifles, and are dressed in Tesla armor or Enclave power armor. The best tool against them is the same plasma rifle, but the beloved combat shotgun is also surprisingly effective. If you're a fan of light weapons, then don't miss the Lincoln Rifle in the Historical Museum, it sometimes surpasses all energy weapons with its guaranteed 50 points of damage. Better than her only unique "Reservist Rifle", which has an increased chance of a critical hit. Against the Brotherhood of Steel, such methods are also suitable.

The officers fire their plasma pistols, but often miss. Scientists most often simply run away from us, because they do not know how to defend themselves at all. All of them will spread across the Wasteland after our hero visits Raven Rock. I recommend to wait with this - bumping into roadblocks and patrols of the remnants of the US government is unpleasant for health.

And finally Talon Company mercenaries attack a character with high karma and meet at the Capitol, where they wage an endless war with super mutants. However, their base is Fort Bannister, where they just swarm. Each is dressed in good Talon combat armor, and is usually armed with good light weapons - assault rifles and combat shotguns. A fight with them in the early stages can end in failure, but closer to the last level of experience, they will no longer be able to cause significant harm. Their opposition is "Regulators"— is not much different.

Rokopolis on the map...

And live.

But not everyone knows that there is still a city in Fallout 3. Look at the pictures: here is its approximate location. Yes, yes, the door is just behind these rocks.

But inside there is a surprise: instead of a ruined city, a single cave awaits us. Read the raiders' notes ("We're done here. Moving out") and look at Dashwood's long-dead servant, the ghoul Argyle. By the way, do not forget to say "thank you" to him for the melee baby doll that lies very close by.

But what happened to the city? Has time so eroded its remnants that only this cave remains? Players around the world are wondering what happened in Rokopolis - this is really the mystery of the Wasteland. No weaker than bubbles in Nuka Cola!

So our analysis of all the living dangers of the Wasteland is completed. I hope that the knowledge gained will save the hero's life more than once on the way to a happy ending. Good luck playing in the endless expanses of scorched lands!

    There are several ways to kill the Deathclaw in Fallout 4, but they all boil down to the fact that in order not to let this creature get close to you, you will have to conduct a long-range battle. Select a position above, this could be the roof of a building for example, and shoot it from there:

    • Use a grenade launcher as one of the types of heavy weapons, but when using a grenade launcher, you need to remember that you should not come very close to the Death Claw, because a nuclear explosion can destroy not only the creature, but also you.
    • You can use mines, it is quite possible that the Death Claw will not come on, although the chances of course are very small, the main thing is not to blow yourself up on a mine.
    • Use homemade dart launchers, they will paralyze the creature and it will start moving very slowly, then you will have a better chance of killing it.
    • You can also shoot him in the leg with a rifle, this technique will also slow down the movement of the creature.
  • The methods of killing the Deathclaw have not changed much from the previous parts, so I can confidently provide proven methods:

    1. From a heavy weapon, such as a fat man (from the 1st shot, the death claw must lie down)
    2. Pawned weapons, for example - a cover-mine. Finding and creating e is not difficult, and e weight, along with dimensions and explosive power, is just the perfect murder weapon.
    3. Cripple the Deathclaw, thereby taking away from him the most important advantage - speed. Slow deathclaw = dead deathclaw.
  • There are several methods you can use to kill the Deathclaw in Fallout. Each of them has both a positive and a negative side.

    1. Use heavy weapons, more precisely, a grenade launcher. In this case, you need to consider the distance between you and the creature. In no case do not let him close to you, since with this nuclear explosion you can destroy both the creature and yourself.
    2. Min. In this case, you need to take into account the speed of the Deathclaw. He moves very fast and there is very little chance that he will step on a mine. But it's worth a try. The downside is also not to undermine yourself.
    3. The most reliable way. It consists in trying to reduce the speed of movement of the creature. To do this, you need to use homemade dart launchers, which, falling into the creature, paralyze his legs, he begins to barely move them. That's when you act.

    The main character in the course of the main storyline will have to face many problems that will need to be quickly addressed.

    So to overcome such an enemy as the Deathclaw is possible thanks to the knowledge of small tricks and dexterity.

    The Deathclaw is a negative character, a monster from the Fallout 4 game. To move further along the game map and complete tasks, this monster must be killed

    Remember that in close combat you will have little chance of winning. If the Talon is very close - move, do not let him kill you.

    It is best to destroy the monster from afar. Shoot him, make traps. And then sooner or later you will defeat the monster.

    To destroy the Deathclaw, you can use different methods of your choice.

    It can be a heavy weapon (in this game - a grenade launcher), but when shooting from it you need to be able to calculate the desired distance. The main thing is not to let this creature close to you, since a shot from a grenade launcher can cause mortal harm to yourself.

    You can try mines. At the same time, you also need to strain your brain - take into account the speed of the rapidly moving Death Claw. Be careful - you can blow yourself up on a mine too.

    The most reliable way is to prevent the creature from moving quickly. This can be done with darts that paralyze the legs. Forward!

    The semi-legendary animal Deathclaw was and is in all Fallout games. He wanders around Boston. It releases its claws before attacking, hence the name. This animal mutated as a result of chemical developments.

    For the first time, you can meet the animal in the story when you put on the first power armor. It's best not to get into close combat with the Talon. You need to climb onto the 2nd floor of the building, onto the balcony, in order to shoot the beast with any weapon, or you can throw grenades at it. In close combat, you need to move left and right constantly, diagonally, avoid open spaces.

    The deathclaw is a monster creature found in all parts of Fallout. In Fallout 4, the Deathclaw can be encountered after gaining the first power armor, and the goal, of course, will be to destroy it. The most important thing is to avoid close combat with him. We use any elevation (balcony, roof), wedm from there aimed fire from any available weapon, we use grenades. In the event that, nevertheless, we have to conduct close combat, we do not stop moving for a second, constantly moving diagonally to the sides and leaving the open space to places where there are at least some obstacles.

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