Combat shooting from the 200th c. Anti-aircraft missile system ZRK C200. Targeting

In essence, this is an Iranian development of the Soviet S-200 air defense system. This complex in various modifications was called "Angara", "Vega" and "Dubna.

The S-200 all-weather long-range anti-aircraft missile system is designed to combat modern and advanced aircraft, air command posts, jammers and other manned and unmanned air attack weapons at altitudes from 300 m to 40 km, flying at speeds up to 4300 km/h, at ranges up to 300 km in conditions of intense radio countermeasures.

The development of a long-range anti-aircraft missile system was started at Almaz Central Design Bureau in 1958, under the S-200A index (code "Angara"), the system was adopted by the air defense of the Soviet Union in 1963. The first S-200A divisions were deployed from 1963 to 1964 Subsequently, the S-200 system was repeatedly upgraded: 1970 - S-200V (code "Vega") and 1975 - S-200D (code "Dubna"). During the upgrades, the firing range and the height of target destruction were significantly increased.

The C-200 was part of the anti-aircraft missile brigades or regiments of mixed composition, including S-125 divisions and direct cover means.

In 1983 The S-200V air defense system began to be deployed on the territory of the Warsaw Pact countries: in the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary, which was a consequence of the 1982. deliveries of AWACS aircraft to NATO. Since the beginning of the 1980s, the S-200V air defense system has been supplied under the S-200VE "Vega-E" index to Libya, Syria, and India. At the end of 1987 S-200VE were delivered to the DPRK. In the early 1990s, the S-200VE complex was acquired by Iran.

In the west, the complex received the designation SA-5 "Gammon".

The S-200V air defense system is a single-channel transportable system placed on trailers and semi-trailers.

The S-200V air defense system includes:

General system facilities, including a control and target designation point, a diesel power plant, a distribution cabin and a control tower Anti-aircraft missile division, which includes an antenna with a 5N62V target illumination radar, an equipment cabin, a launch preparation cabin, a distribution cabin and a 5E97 diesel power station, a 5Zh51 starting battery consisting of six 5P72V launchers with 5V28 missiles and a transport-loading vehicle on the KrAZ-255 or KrAZ-260 chassis.

For the early detection of air targets, the S-200 air defense system is attached to an aerial reconnaissance radar of the P-35 type and others.

The target illumination radar (RPC) 5N62V is a high-potential continuous-wave radar. It carries out target tracking, generates information for launching a rocket, highlights targets in the process of homing a rocket. The construction of the RPC using continuous sounding of the target with a monochromatic signal and, accordingly, the Doppler filtering of echo signals ensured the resolution (selection) of targets in terms of speed, and the introduction of phase-code keying of a monochromatic signal - in terms of range. Thus, there are two main modes of operation of the target illumination radar - MHI (monochromatic radiation) and FKM (phase code keying). In the case of the application of the MHI mode, the support of the ROC air object is carried out in three coordinates (elevation angle - it is also the approximate height of the target, - azimuth, speed), and FKM - in four (range is added to the listed coordinates). In the MHI mode, on the screens of indicators in the control cabin of the S-200 air defense system, marks from targets look like luminous stripes from the top to the bottom of the screen. When switching to the FKM mode, the operator performs the so-called range ambiguity sampling (which requires significant time), the signal on the screens acquires the "normal" form of the "folded signal" and it becomes possible to accurately determine the range to the target. This operation usually takes up to thirty seconds and is not used when firing at short distances, since the choice of range ambiguity and the time the target stays in the launch zone are of the same order of magnitude.

Anti-aircraft guided missile 5V28 of the S-200V system is two-stage, made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration, with four delta wings of high elongation. The first stage consists of four solid-propellant boosters installed on the sustainer stage between the wings. Structurally, the sustainer stage consists of a number of compartments in which a semi-active radar homing head, on-board equipment units, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a safety-actuator, tanks with fuel components, a liquid-propellant rocket engine, and rocket control units are located. Rocket launch - inclined, with a constant elevation angle, from a launcher, induced in azimuth. The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation with ready-made striking elements - 37 thousand pieces weighing 3-5 g. When the warhead is detonated, the fragmentation angle is 120°, which in most cases leads to a guaranteed defeat of an air target.

The flight control of the missile and targeting is carried out using a semi-active radar homing head (GOS) installed on it. For narrow-band filtering of echo signals in the receiver of the GOS, it is necessary to have a reference signal - a continuous monochromatic oscillation, which required the creation of an autonomous RF heterodyne on board the rocket.

Pre-launch preparation of the rocket includes:

data transmission from the ROC to the starting position; adjustment of the GOS (HF heterodyne) to the carrier frequency of the ROC probing signal; installation of the GOS antennas in the direction of the target, and their automatic target tracking systems in range and speed - to the range and speed of the target; transfer of the GOS to auto tracking mode.

After that, the launch was already carried out with automatic tracking of the GOS target. Time of readiness for shooting - 1.5min. If within five seconds there is no signal from the target, which is provided with illumination from the ROC, the missile's homing head independently turns on the speed search. At first, it searches for a target in a narrow range, then after five scans in a narrow range, it moves to a 30-kHz wide range. If the radar illumination of the target is resumed, the GOS finds the target, the target is re-captured and further guidance takes place. If, after all the listed search methods, the GOS did not find the target and did not re-capture it, then the command "as high as possible" is issued on the missile's rudders. The missile goes into the upper layers of the atmosphere so as not to hit ground targets, and there the warhead is detonated.

In the S-200 air defense system, for the first time, a digital computer appeared - the Plamya digital computer, which was entrusted with the task of exchanging command and coordinate information with various CPs even before solving the launch problem. The combat operation of the S-200V air defense system is provided from the 83M6 controls, the Senezh-M and Baikal-M automated systems. Combining several single-purpose air defense systems with a common command post facilitated the management of the system from a higher command post, made it possible to organize the interaction of air defense systems to concentrate their fire on one or distribute them to different targets.

The S-200 air defense system can be operated in various climatic conditions.

Characteristic S-200V

Number of channels per target 1

Number of channels per rocket 2

Range, km 17-240

Target flight altitude, km 0.3-40

Rocket length, mm 10800

Rocket caliber (marching stage), mm 860

Launch weight of the rocket, kg 7100

Warhead mass, kg 217

The probability of hitting a target with one missile is 0.66-0.99

After the defeat of the Syrian air defense in the Bekaa Valley, 4 S-200 air defense systems were delivered to Syria, which were deployed 40 km east of Damascus and in the north-east of the country. Initially, the complexes were serviced by Soviet crews, and in 1985 they were transferred to the Syrian air defense command. The first combat use of the S-200 air defense system took place in 1982 in Syria, where an E-2C "Hawkeye" AWACS aircraft was shot down at a distance of 190 km, after which the American aircraft carrier fleet withdrew from the coast of Lebanon.

The first S-200 systems were delivered to Libya in 1985. In 1986, the S-200 systems, serviced by Libyan crews, took part in repelling an American bomber raid on Tripoli and Benghazi and, possibly, shot down one FB-111 bomber (according to Libyan According to data, the Americans lost several more carrier-based aircraft).

Thanks for the movie!
What do you want to clarify.
I don’t know about some kind of “combine”, but KECH stands for To apartment- E operational H ast.
KECh is the town, water, sewerage, and maintenance of the town, where officers and their families live.
There is also a "location", or a soldier's town, where there are barracks, headquarters, a dining room, a parade ground, warehouses, a park and a bathhouse, the tile of which is given considerable screen time. Of course, even though that tile has seen a lot of naked bodies, I don’t think that this is the most interesting object in the part, however, like the boiler room pipe.
And the most interesting thing is the firing and technical positions. Here are long-declassified pictures from the Air Defense Historian. A typical regiment of three S-200 divisions in the first picture, and a group of 5 fire divisions and a technical division in the second:

Accordingly, for each firing channel (firing division) along a hill for the ROC, plus a separate (for the entire regiment) hill for the position of a radio engineering company with a surveillance radar and a radio altimeter. Shelters for control cabins, 6 launchers each in concrete pits, next to which there are shelters for the reserve of the second salvo with an automatic loading machine.
At the position of the technical division there are disassembled arched storage facilities for missiles, tanks and filling posts for rocket fuel components, a hangar in which missiles were tested using an AKIPS vehicle, and a separately fenced bunded storage of special warheads. The location of all structures is similar everywhere, so next time I wish the expedition to explore all the interesting places in more detail. Yes, and in the next topic about the S-200, a real specialist appeared who served on such a complex. I think he will be happy to tell you more and correct me if I explained something wrong.

Thanks for the info. In principle, the idea immediately suggested itself about separate slides for the ROC of each division. But they didn’t even think about a separate company for a radio engineering company, or rather they didn’t know) Rather, we were on it. Yes, thanks for the diagrams, everything became clear. We have plans for C 75, now without a preliminary study of the mat part of nowhere.

Anti-Aircraft Missile System S-200V "VEGA"

After the adoption of the first version of the S-200 system, in addition to the ongoing intensive field tests conducted by development organizations, the operation of equipment and equipment in the troops began. The shortcomings identified during launches, feedback and comments from the combat units, made it possible to identify a number of flaws, unforeseen and unexplored modes of operation, weaknesses in the system technology. In addition, the developers created and tested new equipment that provided an increase and expansion of the combat capabilities and performance of the system.

Already by the time it was put into service, it became clear that the S-200 system had insufficient noise immunity and could only hit air targets in a simple jamming environment, with the action of continuous noise jammers. Therefore, the most important of the areas for improving the complex was to increase noise immunity.

“Even during the factory tests of the S-200 system,” recalls M.L. Borodulin, “the research work “Score” was carried out at NII-108 to create new radio interference equipment, the development of which allegedly used equipment taken from a downed American reconnaissance aircraft U-2. The aircraft, equipped with a mock-up of the new jamming equipment, was relocated to the test site in agreement with NII-108 to test its effect on the target illumination radar and homing head of the S-200 system. GOS cannot cope with some types of radio interference created by its equipment, which were not previously specified when creating the equipment, system.

Considering that the potential enemy already had equipment that created such radio interference, even in the process of testing the S-200 system, it was decided to conduct research work "Vega" in KB-1. In the course of this work, it was necessary to find ways to enable the S-200 system to fight against the directors of a wide class of special active radio interference - turning off, intermittent, and leading away in speed and range.

The work was carried out on the bench equipment in KB-1 and on the real means of the system at the training ground, where, for this purpose, with the help of NII-108, officer B.D. Gotz created a ground-based jamming complex. R&D was successfully completed and accepted by customers even before the adoption of the S-200 system into service.

After the adoption of the S-200 system into service with the country's air defense forces, the military-industrial complex decided to implement the results of the Vega research project by carrying out research and development work to modernize the firing channel and the S-200 system missile. In addition, the terms of reference for the R&D at the suggestion of KB-1 additionally provided for the implementation of target acquisition for auto-tracking by the homing head at the sixth second of the missile’s flight for firing from launch positions with large cover angles, the use of collective protection means for the combat crew of the channel’s hardware cabins from chemical and radioactive toxic substances, as well as ensuring the posting of targets through the course parameter, when the radial velocity of the target relative to the ROC became equal to zero.

The modernization of the firing channel was carried out by developing a number of new blocks and refining some of the existing ones. For collective protection against damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction, it was envisaged to seal the hardware cabins of the channel, as well as the development in KB-1 of special air coolers rolled under the cabins, to which the ventilation of the equipment was closed and the installation of filter-ventilation installations on the cabins to protect combat crews and create excess pressure inside the cabins.

The missile was upgraded by installing a new homing head and a new radio fuse on it. The upgraded firing channel was supposed to allow the use, along with the new V-860PV missile, of the V-860P missile from the original S-200 system.

To speed up work on the production of prototypes of modernized ground equipment and missiles, the 4th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense provided developers with a serial firing channel of the S-200 system and the required number of missiles of this system. At the beginning of 1968, a prototype of the modernized firing channel and the first samples of the modernized missiles were delivered to the test site.

Almost simultaneously with the start of the R&D to implement the results of the Vega research project, a joint decision of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Radio Industry was given to modernize the command post of the S-200 system's firing system in order to increase its combat capabilities.

Target illumination radar - cockpit K-1V ©
Equipment cabin K-2V outside and inside ©

Radio transparent shelters for radio equipment S-200VE air defense systems, including RPTs 5N62, were used in the air defense of the GDR ©

RPTs 5N62 in position and preparing it for transportation (lower pictures) ©,

Radio altimeter PRV-17 ©

Radar "Lena" ©

Launcher 5P72V in firing position ©

Launcher 5P72V ©

Automated loading of the 5P72V launcher with the 5Yu24M loading machine ©

Launcher 5P72V on the road train 5T82 ©

Rocket 5V28VE on a transport-loading vehicle 5Т53 ©

The second stage of the rocket 5V28VE in container No. 1 and wings in boxes on top of the road train ©
The second stage of the 5V28VE rocket in container No. 1 ©

Loading machine 5Yu24 on a road train ©

Delivery of the rocket to the starting position ©

Reloading the rocket from the TZMki to the launcher ©

Reloading the missile from the launcher to the loading vehicle 5Yu24 at the firing position ©

The modernized command post should additionally ensure the use of autonomous target designation means of the P-14F ("Van") radar and the PRV-13 radio altimeter, which, when they work together, provide sufficient target designation accuracy for single targets that does not require a sector search of the ROC, the use of the RL-30 radio relay line for receiving radar information from remote radars. In addition, it was planned to equip a more comfortable workplace for the commander of the complex and apply collective protection of the combat crew of the command post from poisonous chemical and military radioactive substances.

The P-14F radar (subsequently also the 5I84A - "Defense-14" radar) was interfaced with the modernized command post directly using a cable. For interfacing with the RL-30 and the radio altimeter in the modernized command post, there were places for installing and connecting the RL-30 equipment cabinet and the remote radio altimeter cabinet PRV-13 (later PRV-17). Ensuring the collective protection of the combat crew of the modernized command post from weapons of mass destruction was carried out in the same way as the hardware cabins of the modernized firing channel.

The modernization of the command post was carried out by the Design Bureau of the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant with the participation of Design Bureau-1. A prototype of the modernized gearbox was delivered to the test site at the beginning of 1968.

The upgraded firing channel, command post and rocket made up the upgraded S-200 system, which received the designation S-200V. As follows from the above, strictly speaking, the creation of such a system was not specified by government documents and TTZ was not issued for it. However, it is advisable to adopt not individual modernized means, but the resulting actually new system. And it promised big bonuses to the developers.

During the tests of the S-200V system, it was necessary to check only those characteristics of the firing system and the missile that had changed as a result of modernization. Therefore, in order to accelerate the adoption of the system into service, we agreed with the developers to conduct tests in one stage.

To ensure testing, four target aircraft equipped with standard active jamming equipment were manufactured and delivered to the test site for a pair of Tu-16M and MiG-19M. In addition, without the consent of KB-1, we involved in the tests the NII-108 aircraft, equipped with mock-up equipment that makes it possible to create new types of interference, more complex than those created by standard equipment installed on target aircraft. The developers of new types of active jamming were interested in testing the effectiveness of their solutions, and we were able to test the system's facilities using not only standard jamming equipment.

It was decided to create a testing commission at a "working" level - without "high" authorities, so that it could work almost constantly at the test site. It was difficult to find a responsible and technically competent chairman of the commission. It was possible to obtain consent for this work from the chief engineer of the Air Defense Forces, Major General Leonid Leonov, and agree on this candidacy with KB-1.

By decision of the military-industrial complex, the commission for testing the S-200V system was appointed as follows:

  • Chairman - Chief Engineer of the Air Defense Forces of the country, Major General Leonid Leonov;
  • deputy chairmen - head of the second department of the test site, Colonel Boris Bolshakov and deputy chief designer of the system Valentin Cherkasov;
  • committee members:
  • from the Ministry of Defense - Colonel Mikhail Borodulin, Lieutenant Colonels Alexander Ippolitov, Ivan Koshevoy, Igor Solntsev, Rudolf Smirnov, Leonid Timofeev, Evgeny Khotovitsky, Alexander Kutyenkov, Viktor Gurov;
  • from industry - Victor Mukhin, Boris Marfin, Alexander Safronov, Evgeny Kabanovsky, Vladimir Yakhno, Boris Perelman, Lev Ulanovsky.

The system was tested at the test site from May to October 1968.

As jammers for overflights of the firing complex, target aircraft and the above-mentioned NII-108 aircraft with a model of jamming equipment were used. True, the "industrial" part of the commission protested against the use of this aircraft. The head of the 4th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Baidukov, who was present at this meeting of the commission, refused to be an arbitrator in this dispute. He said: "The commission has been appointed by the military-industrial complex, which should resolve your differences." Then the "military" part of the commission decided to conduct a flyby with this aircraft, despite the refusal of the "industry" to participate in it. However, by the beginning of the flight, all the "industrialists" were already at their jobs. The flyby went well, with great benefit to all three parties.

In addition, overflights were also carried out to check the tracking of the ROC target when it passed through the course parameter.

Shooting tests on active jammers were carried out only on three target aircraft, since one Tu-16M aircraft fell into the lake during the flight.
Shooting was also carried out at the target aircraft with target acquisition by the homing head at the sixth second of the missile's flight.

In total, eight launches of V-860PV missiles of the S-200V system were carried out. Four target aircraft were shot down, of which three were active jammers. One conventional target aircraft was shot down during launch with a target acquisition by a homing head at the sixth second of the missile's flight.

Tests have shown that the firing system meets the specified requirements and can fire on a single director of any type of active jamming.

At the beginning of November 1968, the commission signed a test report in which it recommended that the S-200V system be adopted by the country's air defense forces, which was determined by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, adopted in 1969. The characteristics of the S-200V system approved by the Decree took into account the results work carried out at the range to expand the combat capabilities of the S-200 system: the maximum firing range was increased to 180 km, and the lower boundary of the affected area was reduced to 300 m. It should be noted that the military-industrial complex employee Sergey Nyushenkov played a big role in the development and organization of the issuance of this Decree.

Already in 1969, mass production of the S-200V system began instead of the S-200 system. The S-200V system has significantly increased the combat capabilities of the country's anti-aircraft missile forces in combating the directors of various types of active radio interference. Part of the design solutions for the firing channel of the S-200V system was subsequently introduced into the firing channels of the S-200 system, which were already in the army. The creation of the S-200V system was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. The laureates were I.I. Andreev, E.M. Afanasiev, G.F. Baidukov, B.B. Bunkin, V.L. Zhabchuk, F.F. Izmailov, K.L. Knyazyatov, L.M. Leonov, B.A. Marfin and V.P. Cherkasov.

The S-200V system included the following main elements.

The command post (K-9M) could operate both using the ACS mentioned above, and using autonomous target designation tools: the upgraded P-14F Van (5N84A) radar and PRV-13 (PRV-17) radio altimeters. The command post could use a radio relay line to receive traffic data from a remote radar.

The new target illumination radar 5N62V outwardly practically did not differ from the ROC 5N62. At the new ROCs, which were still produced with the widespread use of radio tubes, at the factory, improvements were made to the equipment that were carried out at the training grounds and in the troops over the years of testing and operating the S-200 Angara system complexes. A new modification of the digital computer ("Flame-KV") was used, located in the control cabin of the K-2V.

The 5P72V launcher was designed to use both the 5V21V missiles of the S-200V Vega system and the 5V21A missiles of the S-200 Angara system. The launcher was transported on the 5P53M road train and worked with all charging vehicles. The installation used a new starting automation and made improvements to the design. Serial production was carried out from 1969 to 1990. at the factories "Bolshevik" (Leningrad) and "Bolshevik" (Kyiv), because the Perm plant, after the release of two pilot plants 5P72V, transferred production to the Kiev "Bolshevik".

Anti-aircraft guided missile 5V21V (V-860PV) is a variant of the missile intended for use as part of the S-200V systems. In order to increase combat effectiveness, the missile used an anti-interference seeker of the 5G24 type and a 5E50 radio fuse.

The carried out improvements and improvements in the equipment and technical means of the S-200V complex made it possible not only to expand the boundaries of the target destruction zone and the conditions for using the complex, but also to introduce additional modes of combat operation.

The "closed target" firing mode made it possible to launch missiles in the direction of the target being irradiated and tracked by the ROC without being captured by the missile's homing head before launch. The target was captured by the GOS of the rocket during the flight - at the sixth second, after the separation of the starting engines.

Along with the implementation of the “closed target” mode, the GOS 5G24 also made it possible to fire at active jammers with a multiple transition in flight of the missile from tracking the GOS target in a semi-active mode according to the ROC signal reflected from the target to passive direction finding and homing to the radiation source - the station for setting active interference. To guide the missile to the target, the methods of "proportional rendezvous with compensation" and "with a constant lead angle" were used.

In the absence of a reflected signal from the target for 5 s, the homing head independently switched to the target search mode by speed in a narrow range. After five narrow range scans, a wide range scan began. When the ROC target was illuminated again, it was re-captured by the missile's homing head with the resumption of the homing process. In the absence of illumination, the rocket went up to self-destruct.

The K-3V launch control cabin was distinguished by the use of KPTs equipment - target illumination control ("small KIPS") to check the functioning of the GOS of missiles located on launchers. All equipment cabins provided for the possibility of collective protection of the combat crew from chemical warfare and radioactive substances.

The placement of combat elements of the S-200V system in various natural and climatic zones of the USSR made its own adjustments to the configuration of launch and technical positions. In the "northern" version, the construction of engineering structures and sheds was practiced over the sites of the technical position to reduce snow drifts of products and equipment.

Automated controls

The long range of the S-200 system theoretically made it possible to repeatedly fire at single high-altitude targets as they approached the defended object, to conduct an effective fight against group targets until their combat formations were separated when reaching the target, to fire at targets conducting a raid from different directions. According to the technical requirements specified in the design of new automated control systems (ACS) in the late 1950s and early 1960s, it was necessary to ensure their interface with the means of the S-200 anti-aircraft missile system, which was supposed to enter service with anti-aircraft missile formations of mixed composition. The command posts and automated control systems of the PBO troops, previously adopted, were adapted and finalized to ensure the joint operation of the S-200 with the S-75 air defense missile system in service with the country's air defense forces. In the early 1960s The S-125 system was also adopted for service, which required additional improvements to the automated control system.

Like air interception systems, air defense anti-aircraft missile systems and their control systems were created on the assumption of a unified territorial information support system.

The ASURK-1M automated control system for missile systems was put into service in the mid-1960s. and was used to control the actions of the S-75 complexes of all modifications and the S-125. A modified version of the automated control system ASURK-1MA, developed under the guidance of the chief designer B.C. Semenikhin, made it possible to control the actions of the S-75, S-125 and S-200 anti-aircraft missile systems of various modifications using information from external radars.

The mobile automated control system for the actions of the air defense group as part of the ZRV and air defense aviation "Vector-2" also made it possible to work with the S-75, S-125 and S-200 systems. The means of the automated control system made it possible to carry out work when it was placed both in the field and in shelters at prepared positions. The exchange of information between the command post of the brigade and fire weapons was carried out either via a cable (wire) communication line or via a radio relay channel.

The automated control system of the command post (CP) 5S99M "Senezh" (in the modernized version - 5S99M-1 "Senezh-M", the export version - "Senezh-M1E") was adopted by the air defense forces and is currently used for centralized automatic and automated control of combat operations of a grouping of anti-aircraft missile forces of mixed composition, including systems and complexes S-300P, S-300V, S-200V. S-200D, S-75, S-75M1, S-75M4, S-125, S-125M2.

The Senezh system solves the tasks of bringing the air defense grouping to combat readiness, target distribution and target designation of air defense systems and systems for aerodynamic targets, jammers, coordination of combat operations of fire weapons; automated guidance of fighters to air targets, control over the safety of flights of guided fighter-interceptors and their drive to home airfields; complex training of combat crews.

ACS "Senezh-ME"

The ACS equipment of the regiment (brigade) of the Senezh air defense missile system was developed at the Peleng Design Bureau in Yekaterinburg and is produced by the Vektor State Production Association.

Anti-Aircraft Missile System S-200M "VEGA-M"

A modernized version of the S-200V (S-200M) system was created in the first half of the 1970s.

“Instead of the B-870 rocket with a special warhead that never saw the light of day,” recalls M.L. Borodulin, “A unified rocket was set by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which in the B-880 variant could use a conventional warhead, and in modifications V-880N - special.The V-880 missile was supposed to have an improved design, increased firing range and use the same on-board equipment as the V-860PV missile of the S-200V system.

The development of the rocket was entrusted to the Fakel Design Bureau. The use of V-880 and V-880N missiles (along with V-860P and V-860PV missiles) in the S-200V system required some modernization. This modernized S-200V system was named by KB-1 the S-200M system, although we proposed a more correct name - S-200VM.

The equipment of the firing channel was modified to ensure the use as missiles with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead 5V21A (V-860P). 5V21V (V-860PV), 5V28 (V-880), and missiles with a special warhead V-880N. In case of failure of target tracking during the flight of missiles of types 5V21V and 5V28, the target was re-captured for tracking, provided that it was in the field of view of the seeker.

The launch battery has been improved in terms of the equipment of the K-3 (K-3M) cockpit and launchers to enable the use of a wider range of missiles with different types of warheads. The equipment of the command post of the system was modernized in relation to the expanded capabilities for hitting air targets using new 5V28 missiles.

In 1966, the design bureau created at the Leningrad Northern Plant, under the general supervision of the Fakel Design Bureau (former OKB-2 MAP), began developing a new V-880 missile for the S-200 system based on the 5V21V (V-860PV) missile. . According to the accepted and agreed work plans, the V-880 missile with a fragmentation warhead was to enter the State tests in 1969. The drawings were to be put into production in the III quarter of 1967. Officially, the development of a unified V-880 missile with a maximum firing range of up to 240 km was set by the September Decree of the CC CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1969.
5V28 anti-aircraft guided missiles were equipped with a 5G24 anti-jamming homing head, a 5E23A calculator, a 5A43 autopilot, a 5E50 radio fuse, and a 5B73A safety actuator. The use of the 5V28 missile provided a kill zone in range up to 240 km, in height from 0.3 to 40 km. The maximum speed of the hit targets reached 4300 km / h. When firing at a loitering target such as an early warning aircraft with a 5V28 missile, a maximum range of 255 km was provided.

Side section of the rocket 5V28. Scheme taken from

The 5D67 engine of an ampoule design with a turbopump fuel supply was developed under the guidance of the chief designer of OKB-117 A.S. Mevius. The development of the engine and the preparation of its mass production were carried out with the active participation of the chief designer of OKB-117 S.P. Izotov.

The performance of the 5D67 engine was ensured in the ambient temperature range of ±50 °C. The mass of the engine with units was 119 kg.

For the 5D67 engine, several functioning programs were provided:

  • in the maximum thrust mode until the fuel is completely depleted;
  • in the maximum thrust mode with subsequent decrease in thrust to the minimum with a constant gradient;
  • in the intermediate thrust mode (maximum 0.82), followed by a decrease in thrust to the minimum with a constant gradient.

Combinations of programs were used that made it possible to realize the maximum thrust or any intermediate one - from the maximum to 8200 kg for a given time, followed by a decrease in thrust with a constant gradient. The thrust decay program allowed flight at maximum engine thrust until the command to reduce thrust was received from the on-board software device.

The use of a combination of solid-propellant boosters and a liquid-propellant rocket engine on the rocket at the main stage made it possible to obtain a short-term high thrust at the start and the necessary thrust for flying at supersonic speed throughout the entire time on the main leg of the flight with its gradual decrease from 2500 to 700 m / s.

The development of a new onboard power source 5I47 was started in 1968 at the Moscow Design Bureau "Krasnaya Zvezda" under the direction of M.M. Bondaryuk, and graduated in 1973 in the Turaev Design Bureau "Soyuz" under the leadership of the chief designer V.G. Stepanova. The onboard power supply has been structurally modified. Switching to liquid fuel was carried out 0.4 s after the start command was given. A control unit was introduced into the fuel supply system of the gas generator - an automatic regulator with a temperature corrector. The 5I47 onboard power supply provided electrical power to the onboard equipment and the operability of the hydraulic drives of the steering gears for 295 s, regardless of the time of operation of the sustainer engine. By decision of the Interdepartmental Commission, the product was recommended for serial production, which was carried out from 1973 to 1990. The high reliability of the design and the culture of production at the Krasny Oktyabr plant (the plant produced 936 parts out of 959 included in the BIP) made it possible to carry out only a random check of 5-7% of the products.

The V-880N anti-aircraft guided missile with a special warhead was designed on the basis of the 5V28 missile using the main hardware units and systems with increased reliability: GOS - 5G24N, calculating device - 5E23AN, autopilot - 5A43N, radio fuse - 5E50N, BIP - 5I47N.

Tests of the V-880 rocket were launched in 1971. Along with successful launches during the tests of the 5V28 rocket, the developers encountered accidents associated with another "mysterious phenomenon". When firing a rocket along the most heat-intensive trajectories, the GOS "blinded" during the flight. After a comprehensive analysis of the changes made to the 5V28 missile compared to the 5V21 family of missiles, and ground bench tests, it was determined that the "culprit" of the abnormal operation of the GOS is the varnish coating of the first missile compartment. When heated during the flight of the head of the rocket, the binders of the varnish were gasified and penetrated under the fairing of the head compartment. The electrically conductive gas mixture settled on the GOS elements and disrupted the operation of the antenna. After changing the composition of the varnish and heat-insulating coatings of the head fairing of the rocket, malfunctions of this kind ceased.

The S-200M system ensured the destruction of air targets at a distance of up to 255 km with a given probability, with a greater range, the probability of destruction was significantly reduced. The technical range of the missile in a controlled mode, determined by the conservation of energy on board for the stable operation of the control loop, was about 300 km. With a favorable combination of random factors, it could have been more: a case of a controlled flight at a distance of 350 km was registered at the test site. When flying a rocket to achieve the greatest range with the transition to flight along a ballistic trajectory, in the event of a failure of the self-destruction system, it was possible to achieve a range several times greater than the "passport" far boundary of the affected area. The lower boundary of the affected area was 300 m. For the complex, shooting in pursuit was also provided.

OTHER R&D FOR S-200, S-200V and S-200M SYSTEMS

The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decreed the development of simulators for the S-200 system of all modifications and means of protecting the target illumination radar from anti-radar missiles.

The staffing of the ROC equipment provided equipment for conducting the simplest training of its calculation, but did not provide the possibility of conducting a comprehensive training of the entire combat crew of the firing complex. There was an introduction of individual rationalization proposals by officers serving the S-200 system to create simulators, but even in these cases, training was not provided with an imitation of a difficult situation.

“All modifications of the S-200 system had the simplest training equipment,” recalls M.L. Borodulin, “which made it possible to train only ROC operators, and then only in the conditions of the simplest combat air situation. The 4th Main Directorate of the Moscow Region insisted on creating a special training complex, which could provide full-fledged training of the entire combat crew of the firing complex for operations in difficult situations.The development of such a complex was assigned to the Ministry of Radio Industry by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.However, the military-industrial complex, at the suggestion of KB-1 of the ministry, was in no hurry to issue an appropriate decision, they looked for all sorts of excuses.

By the way, in KB-1 and in the military-industrial complex it became known that in one of the parts of the Moscow Air Defense District, "craftsman" officers made a simulator for their S-200 complex with more capabilities than a standard one. The deputy chairman of the military-industrial complex, Leonid Gorshkov, organized a visit to this unit. He was accompanied by Georgy Baidukov, head of the 4th Main Directorate of the Moscow Region, Boris Bunkin, General Designer of KB-1, General Shutov, Deputy Commander of the ZRV for Combat Training, and several officers of the 4th Main Directorate of the Moscow Region.

An officer of the regiment introduced the arrived group to a home-made simulator, which could not replace the given training complex, but was noticeably better than the standard training equipment. When asked by Gorshkov whether such a homemade product suits the regiment, the answer was that it suits. Inspired by this response, Bunkin declared that the troops were capable of completing what the industry had not completed, including improving training equipment. Gorshkov supported Bunkin and expressed doubts about the need for industrial development of training equipment for the S-200 systems. Baidukov gave a resolute rebuke to both speakers, saying that the Americans do not spare money for good simulators. In combat conditions, this money pays off with interest. The troops do not need handicrafts, but industrial equipment that completely solves the problem. Baidukov forced General Shutov to speak again, confirming the need to develop full-fledged training equipment for the S-200 systems for the ZRV. Thus, Gorshkov's attempt to disrupt the development of training equipment for the S-200 systems failed.

Soon after that, it was possible to achieve the start of work on this equipment, which was called "Akkord-200". The head organization for this R&D, carried out under an agreement with the 4th Main Directorate, was the Ryazan Design Bureau "Globus", the co-executor was the Design Bureau of the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant. With the help of the 2nd Research Institute, the TTZ was developed and agreed. The work began, but went sluggishly, the contractual terms were broken, despite the penalties and repeated appeals to the Ministry of Radio Industry. The prototype "Accord-200" was made after my transfer to the reserve. His further fate was sad. Joint tests of the Akkord-200 were suspended for formal reasons. Soon the work was closed, because of which the combat training of the combat crews of the firing systems of the S-200 systems suffered significantly. This was confirmed in 2001 by the downed Tu-154 by the Ukrainian crew.

By a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the development of a means of protecting the target illumination radar from homing anti-radar missiles was given. The work was entrusted to KB MRTZ under an agreement with the 4th Main Directorate of the Moscow Region. The means of protection was developed on the principle of a distracting transmitter, blocking the side lobes of the ROC transmitter with its radiation, and was named "Understudy-200". "Understudy-200" included: a transmitter placed in a sheltered semi-trailer, four explosion-proof antennas and four sheltered waveguides connecting the antennas to the transmitter. "Understudy-200" was supposed to divert all anti-radar missiles homing to the ROC along the side lobes of its transmitting antenna. The tool was developed, tested, a position was designed for it. But due to the complexity and high cost and the need for a large amount of engineering preparation of the position, it did not go into series.

To test missiles at a technical position, the Ryazan design bureau "Globus" developed an automated control and test station, which, after successful tests, went into mass production instead of the previous non-automated station.

At the initiative of the 4th Main Directorate of the Moscow Region, a new transport-loading vehicle was also developed with a significantly shorter launcher loading time. Several samples of this TZM were made, but due to the complexity of operation, it did not go to the troops.

Start SAM S-200 / Photo:

The Soviet S-200 anti-aircraft missile system changed the tactics of aviation operations and forced it to abandon high flight altitudes. She became the "long arm" and "fence" that stopped the free flights of strategic reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 over the territories of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries.

The appearance of the American high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft Lockheed SR -71 ("Blackbird" - Blackbird, Black Bird) marked a new stage in the confrontation between the means of air attack (AOS) and air defense (Air Defense). High speed (up to 3.2 M) and altitude (about 30 km) of flight allowed him to evade existing anti-aircraft missiles and conduct reconnaissance over the territories covered by them. In the period 1964-1998. SR -71 was used for reconnaissance of the territory of Vietnam and North Korea, the Middle East region (Egypt, Jordan, Syria), the USSR and Cuba.

But with the advent of the Soviet anti-aircraft missile system (ZRS) S-200 ( SA-5, Gammon according to NATO classification) long-range (more than 100 km) action was the beginning of the decline of the era SR -71 for its intended purpose. During his service in the Far East, the author witnessed repeated (8-12 times a day) violations of the USSR air border by this aircraft. But as soon as the S-200 was put on alert, SR -71 with maximum speed and climb immediately left the missile launch zone of this anti-aircraft system.

Strategic reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 / Photo:

The S-200 air defense system became the reason for the emergence of new forms and methods of action for NATO aviation, which began to actively use medium (1000-4000 m), low (200-1000 m) and extremely low (up to 200 m) flight altitudes when solving combat missions. And this automatically expanded the capabilities of low-altitude air defense systems to combat air targets. Subsequent events with the use of the S-200 showed that attempts to deceive Gammon (deception, ham translated from English) are doomed to failure.

Another reason for the creation of the S-200 was the adoption oflong-range airborne weapons such as the Blue Steel and Hound Dog cruise missiles. This reduced the effectiveness of the existing air defense system of the USSR, especially in the Northern and Far Eastern strategic aerospace directions.

Cruise missile type "Hound Dog" / Photo:

Creation of the S-200 air defense system

These prerequisites became the basis for setting the task (Decree No. 608-293 of 06/04/1958) to create a long-range air defense system S-200. According to the tactical and technical specifications, this should be a multi-channel air defense system capable of hitting targets such as Il-28 and MiG-19, operating at speeds up to 1000 m / s in the altitude range of 5-35 km, at a distance of up to 200 km with a probability of 0.7- 0.8. The lead developers of the S-200 system and anti-aircraft guided missile (SAM) were KB-1 GKRE (NPO Almaz) and OKB-2 GKAT (MKB Fakel).

After a deep study, KB-1 presented the draft air defense system in two versions. The first involved the creation of a single-channel S-200 with combined missile guidance and a range of 150 km, and the second - a five-channel S-200A air defense system with a continuous-wave radar, a semi-active missile guidance system and pre-launch target acquisition. This option, based on the principle of "shot - forgot" and was approved (Decree No. 735-338 of 07/04/1959).

The air defense system was supposed to ensure the defeat of targets such as the Il-28 and MiG-17 with a homing missile V-650 at a distance of 90-100 km and 60-65 km, respectively.

Il-28 front-line bomber / Photo:

In 1960, the task was set to increase the range of destruction of supersonic (subsonic) targets to 110-120 (160-180) km. In 1967, the S-200A "Angara" air defense system with a launch range of 160 km against a Tu-16 target was put into service. As a result, mixed brigades began to form as part of the S-200 air defense system and the S-125 air defense system. According to the United States, in 1970 the number of launchers for S-200 air defense systems reached 1100, in 1975 - 1600, in 1980 - 1900, and in the middle of 1980 - about 2030 units. Practically, all the most important objects of the country were covered by S-200 air defense systems.

Composition and capabilities

ZRS S-200A("Angara") - an all-weather multi-channel transportable long-range air defense system, which ensured the destruction of various manned and unmanned air targets at speeds up to 1200 m / s at altitudes of 300-40000 m and ranges up to 300 km in conditions of intense electronic countermeasures. It was a combination of system-wide means and a group of anti-aircraft divisions (firing channels). The latter included radio engineering (target illumination radar - antenna post, hardware cabin and power conversion cabin) and launch (launch control cabin, 6 launchers, 12 charging machines and power supplies) batteries.

ZRS S-200 "Angara" / Photo:

The main elements of the S-200 air defense system were a command post (CP), a target illumination radar (ROC), a launch position (SP), and a two-stage anti-aircraft missile.

KP in cooperation with a higher command post, he solved the tasks of receiving and distributing targets between firing channels. To expand the capabilities for detecting KP targets, surveillance radars of the P-14A "Defence" or P-14F "Van" type were attached. In difficult weather and climatic conditions, the S-200 radar equipment was placed under special shelters. ROC was a station of continuous radiation, which provided irradiation of the target and guidance of missiles on it by the reflected signal, as well as obtaining information about the target and the missile in flight. The two-mode ROC made it possible to capture the target and switch to its auto-tracking by the homing head (GOS) of the missile at a distance of up to 410 km.

ROC SAM S-200 / Photo:

joint venture (2-5 in the division) serves to prepare and launch missiles at the target. It consists of six launchers (PU), 12 charging machines, a launch control cabin and a power supply system. A typical SP is a circular platform system for six launchers with a platform for the launch control cabin in the center, power supplies and a rail system for charging vehicles (two for each launcher). Launch control cabin provides automated control of the readiness and launch of six missiles in no more than 60 s. transported PU with a constant launch angle is designed for missile placement, automatic loading, pre-launch preparation, missile guidance and launch. Loading machine provided automatic reloading of the launcher with a rocket.

Scheme of the starting position of the S-200 air defense system / Photo:

Two-stage missiles (5V21, 5V28, 5V28M) is made according to the normal aerodynamic scheme with four delta wings of high elongation and a semi-active seeker. The first stage consists of 4 solid propellant boosters, which are installed between the wings of the second stage. The second (propulsion) stage of the rocket is made in the form of a number of hardware compartments with a liquid-propellant two-component rocket engine. A semi-active seeker is located in the head compartment, which begins to work 17 seconds after the command is issued to prepare the missile for launch. To hit the target, the SAM is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead - 91 kg of explosive, 37,000 spherical submunitions of two types (weighing 3.5 g and 2 g) and a radio fuse. When a warhead is detonated, the fragments scatter in a sector of 120 degrees. at speeds up to 1700 m/s.

SAM 5V21 on PU / Photo

ZRS S-200V("Vega") and S-200D("Dubna") - modernized versions of this system with an increased range and height of hitting targets, as well as a modified 5V28M missile.

The main characteristics of the S-200 air defense system

Year of adoption 1967 1970 1985
Type of SAM15V2115V2815w28m
Target engagement range, km 17-160 17-240 17-300
Height of hitting targets, km
0,3-40,8 0,3-40,8 0,3-40,8
Target speed, m/s ~ 1200 ~ 1200 ~ 1200
The probability of hitting one missile 0,4-0,98 0,6-0,98 0,7-0,99
Ready to fire time, s
up to 60up to 60up to 60
Mass of PU without missiles, t
up to 16up to 16up to 16
Launch weight of missiles, kg 7000 7100 8000
Warhead mass, kg
217 217 217
Deployment (clotting) time, hour 24 24 24

Combat use and deliveries abroad

The combat "baptism" of the S-200VE air defense system was received in Syria (1982), where it shot down an Israeli E-2C Hawkeye early warning aircraft at a distance of 180 km. After that, the American carrier fleet immediately withdrew from the coast of Lebanon. In March 1986, the S-200 division on duty in the area of ​​Sirte (Libya) shot down three carrier-based attack aircraft of the A-6 and A-7 type of the American aircraft carrier Saratoga with successive launches of three missiles. In 1983 (September 1), a South Korean Boeing-747 that violated the border of the USSR was shot down by an S-200 missile. In 2001 (October 4), the Ukrainian S-200 air defense system during the exercises mistakenly shot down a Russian Tu-154, which was flying along the Tel Aviv-Novosibirsk route.

Aircraft E-2C Hawkeye / Photo:

With the entry into service of the S-300P air defense system by the beginning of 2000. The Angara and Vega air defense systems were completely withdrawn from service. On the basis of the 5V28 anti-aircraft missile of the S-200V complex, the Kholod hypersonic flying laboratory was created to test hypersonic ramjet engines (scramjet engines). On November 27, 1991, at the test site in Kazakhstan, for the first time in the world, a hypersonic ramjet was tested in flight, which exceeded the speed of sound by 6 times at an altitude of 35 km.

Flying layuoratoriya "Cold" / Photo:

Since the early 1980s S-200V air defense systems under the symbol S-200VE "Vega-E" were supplied to the GDR, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran. In total, the S-200 air defense system, in addition to the USSR, was put into service with the armies of 11 foreign countries.

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