Apple compote without sugar for the winter. How to close apple compote without sugar. Apple pastille without sugar

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    Dried fruit compote without sugar

    Dried fruit compote is a dessert drink made from fruits and berries. Compote is made from dried pears, apples, peaches, cherries, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, and dates.

    Dried fruit compote contains vitamins A, C, B, PP, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc.

    Beneficial features

    Sugar-free dried fruit compote has a low calorie content and saturates the body with vitamins and valuable trace elements. Due to the absence of sugar in the composition, the drink can be consumed during the diet, with a tendency to overweight and diabetes. The product helps to improve appetite, prevent colds and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Dried fruit compote has a diuretic effect and can be used in the treatment of cystitis. The drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Dried fruit compote is not recommended for intestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis. In case of violations of the digestive tract, the drink can provoke the development of diarrhea or exacerbate chronic pathologies. Also, dried fruit compote, in the production of which chemicals were used, can be harmful.

    Compote for the winter without sugar

    Now there are a lot of varieties of apples that differ in the degree of sweetness. For compotes that are twisted without sugar, you need to take exclusively sweet fruits.

    Such compotes are an excellent solution for people with diabetes. After all, they can’t use soda or nectars, but compotes without sugar can be and even useful.

    Also, sugar-free apple compote can be offered to young children who have a predisposition to diathesis.

    Apple compote from fresh apples for the winter, without sugar - recipe with photo:

    We wash the apples well, cut out the funnels on both sides and put the apples in sterile jars.

    Put the kettle on the gas and bring the water to a boil. Boiling water and pour apples.

    After 5-10 minutes, pour the water into the pan.

    We put a saucepan with drained fragrant, smelling of apples water on gas, bring it to a boil again and pour in the apples that have already been steamed once.

    We twist the apple compote with metal lids and put it upside down under the blanket until it cools completely. And the next day, the banks can already be sent for storage under the floor. This is how easy and healthy you can make apple compote for the winter from fresh apples!

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Compote is a drink loved not only by diabetics, but also by people without any problems with blood glucose levels. However, it is very important that the preparation of the presented compositions is carried out without the use of sugar. This will allow diabetics to consume such a drink throughout the year, but it is strongly recommended to prepare it according to certain rules.

How to prepare fruits or berries?

Canning involves a number of ways to preserve fruits and berries. In diabetes mellitus, we can talk about sterilization or pasteurization, which is ensured by exposure to high temperature indicators. In addition, preparation can be carried out using so-called preservatives. This list contains vinegar, salt and citric acid.

Drying can also be carried out, which implies the evaporation of water from berries and fruits, the thickening of puree from the presented components. Most often, the result is marmalade, jam or marshmallow. Another technique that is quite acceptable in the framework of diabetes is the freezing of berries or fruits. Next, I would like to draw attention to the features of preparing compote for the winter without sugar.

Preserving compote without sugar

Cooking compotes is not as easy as it seems. The fact is that for their proper preparation, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. First of all, if the drink is prepared without the use of sugar, it is advisable to choose exclusively acidic varieties of fruits or berries. Further, talking about harvesting in the winter, pay attention to the fact that:

  • it is important that the fruits are ripe, clean and free of any damage. Overripe, for example, can be used as part of marmalade, while unripe ones are used for jam or jam;
  • compote without sugar is prepared in its juice or in water. Each hostess chooses the cooking method to her taste;
  • in the event that fruits or berries are not acidic enough, citric acid is allowed.

In order for sugar-free compote to be properly prepared and survive the winter, it is necessary to sterilize or pasteurize the jars.

The period of time required for heat treatment will depend solely on the type and size of a particular fruit. Most often, some seasonal fruits are used to make compotes, namely apples, apricots, pears, peaches. The list of berries in the face of diabetes is more extensive, for example, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, cherries and many others. Next, I would like to talk about how compote is prepared in this case using the example of apples.

Making apple compote

Compote for diabetics with apples is prepared according to the standard algorithm. First of all, the fruit is pitted and the entire core is removed. In some cases, the skin can be left on, for example, when it is thin and soft. Then the fruits are cut into slices and immersed in a 1% salt solution, which is used in a ratio of one tsp. for one liter of water. This should be done for no more than five to seven minutes, after which the salt water is drained.

To prepare compotes in winter, you will need to throw apple slices into boiling water and blanch from one to 15 minutes. The presented time interval depends on the particular variety of apples. After the fruits have softened, they are transferred to cold water in order to cool. Further, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. cooled apples are laid out in jars. It is necessary to do this in such a way that the fruits fill the entire container up to the shoulders or at least 60% of the volume;
  2. the future compote is poured with hot water, covered with pre-sterilized lids and sterilized with a uniform slight boil;
  3. liter jars are processed within 10–12 minutes, two-liter jars - from 15 to 18, and three-liter jars - no more than 20–25.

It is very important that the water in the pot in which the jar is sterilized reaches their shoulders.. After the specified period of time comes to an end, the lids are rolled up. It is recommended to store a drink without added sugar in a cold place to ensure its longest storage. You can then enjoy such a compote for an unlimited period of time.

What else do you need to know?

In the presented blank, it is permissible to use a small amount of ordinary or, for example, chokeberry. If there are no appropriate contraindications, it makes sense to use a certain amount of clove buds, as well as allspice. Pay attention to the fact that the absence of sugar may imply the use of its substitutes. Regarding which varieties can be used, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

Thus, preparing sugar-free compotes for the winter is more than acceptable. Under the condition of proper preparation, it will prove useful enough and suitable for occasional use. At the same time, when preparing such a drink for diabetes, it is strongly recommended to remember what are the basic rules associated with this simple but time-consuming process.

Homemade apple compote is a fragrant drink with a slight sourness, which has gained popularity since Soviet times, when stores did not indulge in overseas fruits. Today, apples are no less in demand. Due to the varietal variety of fruits, each blank is obtained with distinctive flavor notes. Fruits are placed in a container whole or in slices, combined with spices and berries. If you prepare apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar, take less than a kilogram of fruit and about 300 g of sugar.

Drink with segments without sterilization

Any variety is suitable for a fortified drink, but it is better to give preference to late-ripening ones with dense crispy pulp. They do not lose their structure when treated with boiling water. For blanks in priority Antonovka, Simirenko, Melba, Champion, Gloucester.

For apple compote slices, hard varieties are suitable. It is recommended to cut the fruits equally so that they evenly warm up. It is better not to cut the skin, but rinse thoroughly. If you need to brew a drink with whole fruits, then take small varieties, for example, ranetki. It is convenient to use an apple cutter to remove the core. Transparent compote is best made from green apples, red varieties give a richer shade and aroma.

With the skillful use of apples, it is possible to reduce cholesterol levels

Compotes are cooked both with sterilization and without it. For the first option, capacious pots are needed, since the drink is prepared in large-volume jars. In blanks without sterilization, the method of multiple pouring fruits with syrup is used.

As a spicy additive, cinnamon and vanilla are in priority. It is better to take whole sticks and pods. Other suitable spices are cloves, cardamom, ginger root. Ginger is added only during the cooking process, otherwise the syrup will become spicy by winter. A delicious drink is obtained not from one variety, but from an apple platter.

  • How many apples per compote do you need for a three-liter jar?

For a tart taste, 0.6-0.8 kg of fruit or a third of a can is enough. You can add half the volume of the container if sweet apples are loved in the family. Sugar per 3-liter jar needs 300-400 g.

  • How much to cook compote?

To obtain a rich taste, to preserve at least a minimum amount of vitamins, boiling for 15 minutes is enough. The fruits are boiled in syrup over low heat, due to the rapid boiling, the beneficial substances in the fruits are destroyed. Sugar syrup is boiled for at least 3 minutes.

Boil fruits in syrup over low heat

Housewives often share their experience helping beginners achieve amazing compote taste without much hassle. For example, a container volume of 2-3 liters is considered optimal for harvesting. All jars and lids for disinfection are washed with baking soda. It is worth paying attention that after clogging the lids are slightly pressed inward - this is a sign of reliable sealing.

Recipe for an apple drink with sterilization

No need to look for a simple recipe for the winter from apples, any preparation is remembered quickly and is easy to prepare. Small fruits are usually rolled up whole, if there are no traces of worms on them. To extend the shelf life of the workpiece, in most cases, they are sterilized. Under the influence of high temperature, the microbes that are in the container and on the fruits die. Before cooking apple compote with sterilization, the fruits are selected and washed.


Pour water into the pan, add granulated sugar, boil for about 3 minutes. Washed apples are placed in prepared jars, poured with hot syrup, covered with lids, but not rolled up. A grate is installed in a high pan or a piece of cloth is laid, filled jars are placed. Water is poured into the pan so that it covers almost the entire jar. From the moment of boiling, sterilize for 20-25 minutes. At the end, the lids are rolled up, the jars are wrapped in a blanket, after cooling, the preservation is sent for storage in a dark place.

Delicious compote without sterilization

Preservation heat treatment is a desirable but not mandatory process. Two or three times pouring boiling water, boiling fruits, adding a slice of lemon or citric acid (on the tip of a knife) helps to eliminate the exhausting procedure.

The simplest recipe without sterilization is a 15-minute exposure of apples in boiling syrup.

Ingredients for 1 kg of fruit:

The liquid is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil. While the water is heating, the fruits are washed, cut into slices, removing the core. Apple slices and sugar are poured into boiling water. Boil the contents for 10-15 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid, let stand for 4-5 hours. You can immediately drink it, or you can close it in jars for the winter.

Classic recipe from whole Antonovka apples

If you want to cook fragrant compote from fresh apples, why not use Antonovka. This is a truly Russian variety that can survive insidious frosts and hot summers. An indisputable factor in favor of Antonovka is low calorie content. Per 100 g, there are 44 calories and 86 mg of potassium, which is responsible for the vital activity of the cardiovascular system, the balance of the alkaline and acid environment. Due to the high proportion of iron, Antonovka helps protect the body from the development of anemia. Comparative characteristics with the popular White filling variety are shown in the table. You can continue listing in favor of the variety, but it's time to dwell on the recipe that zealous hostesses like.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 8-10 apples
  • 2 liters of water and 300 g of sugar.

Fruits must be completely whole, stalks neatly cut. While the water is heating, the jars are filled with apples. After pouring boiling water, the containers are covered with lids, hidden under a blanket for 10-12 hours. Warm water is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil again, pre-filled with granulated sugar. Fruits are poured with hot syrup, the containers are rolled up with lids.

Video with a recipe from whole fruits.

3 popular recipes with apples White filling

Summer residents plant this variety to enjoy apples in August. The nostalgic taste of childhood is hard to forget, so not everyone has a priority on modern hybrids, and why change something if the variety has so many benefits. Thanks to the widest range of vitamins and microelements, with the skillful use of apples, it is possible to lower the level of cholesterol in the body, prevent a heart attack, strengthen the skeletal system and immunity in general.

White pour contains approximately 278 mg of potassium per 100 g

  • How to cook healthy compote from apples?

Fill prepared containers with apples 1/3. Pour the contents with boiling water, cover with lids, wrap in a blanket for 10-12 hours. Drain the liquid into the pan, adding 2 liters of 350 g of sugar. The contents are poured with boiling syrup, the container is rolled up. The drink is not subjected to additional sterilization in order to preserve the maximum benefit.

  • White pour and drain

Making delicious winter harvesting from plums and apples is as easy as shelling pears. For cooking, take 2-3 sour green apples, 200 g of plums (pitted), 200 g of sugar and 2.5 liters of water. Prepared plums and apples cut into slices are put in a jar, poured with boiling water. The contents are left for 20 minutes, the cooled liquid is drained, granulated sugar is added, and sent to the stove. Boiling syrup is poured into containers, twisted with lids. Plum-apple drink is perfectly stored at home without sterilization.

  • Preparation for pies from White filling

To get 1 liter of delicious preservation, take 1 kg of apple picking and a glass of sugar. The slices are covered with sugar, left overnight to form juice. In the morning, the mass is boiled for 3-5 minutes, laid out in sterilized jars.

Assorted currants and apricots

Many housewives make homemade compote, combining apples with other fruits and berries in a drink. Currants with a rich content of ascorbic acid are indispensable in the winter cold, and apricots are recognized as excellent antioxidants. Apples and currants make a pleasant vitamin drink with a long shelf life.

To prepare the blank, take 0.4 kg of blackcurrant, 0.6 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water for 1 kg of apples. The liquid is boiled with granulated sugar until a clear syrup is obtained. The fruit collection is placed in a container to the neck, syrup is added, left for 6-8 hours. Compote is sterilized for 5-15 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar. Roll up the drink, turn it upside down, wrap it up.

  • Apple-apricot compote

For cooking, take 150 g of apricots and apples, 1.3 liters of water and 250 g of sugar. Fruits are washed and dried. Apples can be cut into quarters or left whole. Bones are removed from apricots, the flesh is cut into halves. Fruits are placed in jars in layers: first apricots, then apples. Boil water, pour into a container. After 15 minutes, the liquid is poured into the pan using a lid with holes. The syrup is boiled and used again for pouring. Sugar is added for the third time, the jars are clogged.

Video: recipe with apples and apricots.

Compote for every day

Apple compote for every day is prepared according to a simplified recipe. Slightly spoiled fruits are suitable for brewing, provided that the drink will not be stored for more than 3 days.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of fruit:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 250 g sugar.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Rinse fruits, chop, remove seeds. Send to the pan, filling with water.
  2. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  3. After boiling, add sugar, cook for 20 minutes.

Another option for a drink is to add sugar after boiling and remove the pan from the stove, then let the compote stand for half an hour. In the heat, you can add a couple of pieces of ice to the glass. A fresh mint or lemon balm leaf will complement the taste of apple compote.

Compotes are a great alternative to store-bought drinks. Homemade preparations are considered the most useful, especially those made on the basis of fruits grown in one's own garden. Apple compote serves as an amazing fortified drink to maintain health.

: this and , and other delicious . But all these recipes include some amount of sugar, some more, some less. Today we turn to people who, due to various circumstances, do not consume sugar.

I offer you recipes for homemade apples without sugar. They are tasty and healthy, if desired, they can be sweetened before use by adding fruit sugar, xylitol, sorbitol, licorice root and other sugar substitutes to taste. Such blanks from sugar-free apples can be stored in the apartment in winter.

Apple juice without sugar

Extract the juice with a juicer. Pour the juice into an enamel pan, put on fire. Bring to an active boil, but do not boil, pour the juice into sterilized jars and roll up. Wrap up.

Canned apples without sugar recipe 1

Peel the apples and, cutting them into slices, put them in two-liter and one-liter jars. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water (without sugar) and, having covered with a lid, leave for three minutes, then drain the water and pour boiling water again. After repeating the procedure three times, roll up the jar with a lid.

Apples, canned without sugar recipe 2

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Blanch in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cool. Place in sterilized jars and fill with hot water. Cover with lids and sterilize: liter - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 30 minutes, 3-liter - 55 minutes. Roll up.

Jam from apples without sugar

For 1 kg of apples - 200 g of water.
Cut the apples into pieces, add water and boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously, then rub through a sieve. Boil the resulting puree until it thickens well, make sure that it does not burn. Then, in a warm form, decompose it into sterilized jars and, closing it with boiled lids, pasteurize at a temperature of 100 ° C half-liter jars - 151 minutes, liter - 20, 3-liter - 30. Apple jam can be stored for a year.

Apple pastille without sugar

Peel apples of any degree of ripeness, cut into slices, put in a saucepan, add a little water to the bottom, cover and boil over low heat, then cool and wipe through a colander. Lubricate the surface of the kitchen board with a very thin layer of vegetable oil and rub it thoroughly with a dry gauze swab. Put applesauce on the board in an even layer (not thicker than 0.8 cm - otherwise it will dry for a long time) and put in the sun or a draft. On the second day, when the puree dries a little, the board can be placed at an angle.

After three days, pry off the dry marshmallow with a knife and remove it from the board. This apple napkin should then be hung on a rope for 2 days. For long-term storage, fold the marshmallow in a pile, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar, twist tightly into a roll, put in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator.

Sugar free apple puree

Well washed, cut into small slices apples without cores and stalks, put in a saucepan, on the bottom of which a little water is poured, slowly boil for a couple under a lid until they become soft, then rub through a sieve and bring to a boil again. Pour the finished puree into well-washed and boiled jars and roll up. Kissels and sauces are prepared from mashed potatoes for dessert, meat and lenten dishes

Antonovka soaked in jars

Wash the average fruits of the Antonovka variety apples, put them tightly in jars. Prepare the filling: mix juice and cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (to taste). Pour over the apples, put wooden sticks crosswise into the jars so that they press the apples and prevent them from floating up. The filling should be 4-5 cm higher than the apples. Close with polyethylene lids. Keep cold.

Apple-pumpkin puree without sugar

1kg apples, 1kg pumpkin, 1 teaspoon lemon or orange zest, sugar optional.
Sour apples, cut into slices, and pumpkin, cut into pieces, steam in a steamer or juicer for 10-15 minutes until soft. When hot, rub through a colander or sieve, add zest or sugar to taste. Heat the puree with stirring to 90 ° C and spread it hot into half-liter jars. Pasteurize for 10-12 minutes at 90°C.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Fragrant sweet drink quenches thirst well and refreshes in summer. In winter, it reminds of warm days and provides the vitamins that are missing at this time. There are many tricks for making apple compote, which only experienced housewives know about. For example, it is not necessary to remove the skin from the fruit, because it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Before you cook apple compote in a saucepan, you should know which dishes are best to use. It is believed that it is better to take enameled dishes, because aluminum or stainless containers spoil the taste.

How to cook apple compote

How much to cook compote, what can be added, whether it is worth letting the drink brew - all this is of interest to young housewives. To get a rich taste, leaving intact most of the vitamins contained in the fruits, boil them for no longer than 15 minutes. Focus on the size of apples and their number. In addition, it is allowed to add any other fruits or berries to the compote: plums, raspberries, pears, apricots. You can put a few slices of orange in winter compote. To prepare a delicious healthy drink, you need to consider a number of rules:

  • Fruits are brought to a low boil (comote with apples is cooked over low heat). This allows you to save their useful properties.
  • The pieces must be the same size for simultaneous cooking.
  • The drink is served chilled, filtered (all components are previously removed from the dishes).

From fresh

An important point in the preparation of apple compote is to prevent overcooking. Pieces should retain their shape and vitamin composition. The duration of cooking, in addition to the size and number of fruits, depends on the variety of fruits. For example, if you use ripe Antonovka, then you only need to bring the water to a boil and remove it from the heat. It is better to boil Simirenka or Melba for 5-8 minutes.


  • apples (any variety to choose from, including paradise) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • purified water - 3 liters.

How to cook compote from fresh apples in a saucepan:

  1. Rinse, cut the fruits into pieces, remove the core.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, put on fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Add 1.5 cups of sugar, prepared ingredients, to the pan. In a boil, you can combine almost any other fruit. For example, a decoction of apples and pears is very tasty.
  4. When the water boils again, mark for 10-15 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Close the pot, letting the drink brew for 3-5 hours.
  6. The prepared broth can be preserved in order to leave a tasty and healthy preparation for the winter.

From dried

It is better to cook compote from dried fruits 12 hours before serving, so that it has time to infuse, become saturated. This will fully reveal the aroma and taste. As a rule, sugar is not used to prepare the broth, since dried fruits already give a lot of sweetness to the water. Boil the drink for 12-20 minutes, after soaking dry fruits in cold water. You can spice it up with cinnamon or citrus zest for a spice and festive flavor.


  • dried apples - up to 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • water - 3000 ml;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon - tsp

A simple recipe for making a broth:

  1. Rinse the ingredients thoroughly by draining the dried fruits in a colander.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, add dried fruits and put on a slow fire.
  3. After 15 minutes, add cinnamon and turn off the burner.
  4. When the broth is infused (12 hours), strain. Serve on the table.

From frozen

Some thrifty housewives fill the freezer with vegetables and fruits since the summer so that they can cook their favorite dishes in the winter. If you have frozen apples, you can quickly make compote or jelly with them. The first is equally tasty when served cold or hot. If served warm, it will become a non-alcoholic substitute for traditional mulled wine.


  • frozen apples - 200 g;
  • other frozen fruits - 300 g;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • clove or cinnamon.

How to cook a drink from frozen fruits in a saucepan:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Place them in a pot filled with clean water.
  3. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat and cook the ingredients for another 10 minutes.
  4. The fruits will become soft, and then it is worth seasoning non-alcoholic mulled wine with cinnamon / cloves.
  5. After 5 minutes, add sugar and let the drink brew for a couple of hours.

Video: recipe for apple compote in a saucepan

A traditional fruit drink is prepared with the addition of various berries and fruits: cherries, currants, peaches, gooseberries, pears. Both fresh and dried or even frozen fruits are used. Young mothers can prepare a natural apple drink for babies - this will be an excellent vitamin replacement for ordinary water. After watching the proposed videos, you will learn how to properly cook it in a saucepan.

For the winter

Baby without sugar

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