How many letters are there in Arabic. Alphabet. Origin of the Arabic alphabet

For our readers: the names of angels and archangels with detailed descriptions from various sources.

A friend had a son, and even as a baby he was so cute that she decided to give him a name in honor of the angel. But when she began to consult with the confessor (after all, there was plenty to choose from, there are many angelic names), he simply stunned her. It turned out that the phrase "angelic beauty" is nothing more than a colloquial expression, real angels cannot be beautiful, as well as scary, since they are the essence of a disembodied spirit.

Who are angels?

These are the spirits created by the Lord in order for them to fulfill His will and help people. In translation, this word means "God's messenger."

People don't see them. Although angels often appear in human form on icons, they can easily turn into a force of nature or an animal.

There are a lot of angels (after all, every person on earth has his own guardian), so I can’t name each one (yes, probably, the church can’t either, and there is also an opinion that they are nameless).

The Bible says that when an angel appears to a person, he often takes the form of a youth or a man. Sometimes it just fits, but often the appearance of an angel is accompanied by thunder, noise, bright light.

Angelic symbols on icons

Since an angel is an incorporeal and eternal being, one must understand that they are painted on icons only to show us the very idea of ​​​​these Lord's Warriors. And if you see an angel in the form of a young man, this means that the artist who painted the picture was trying to convey to us the perfection of an angel.

Sometimes these symbolic images are complemented by other symbols:

  • Nimbus. Grace emanating from an angel close to God.
  • Wings. A sign that angels are fast and at the right time can be in the right place, even descending from heaven. Many people think that an angel needs wings in order to fly - but the Lord endowed them with the gift to move through the air even without wings.
  • toroki(golden "ribbons" or belts in the hair). Obedience to the will of the Lord and special hearing of His instructions. Or a symbol of power, similar to the diadem of ancient rulers.
  • Staff. Messenger angels are often depicted with such a sign.
  • Eye(eye in the middle of the forehead). A sign of omniscience, omniscience.
  • Mirror(it may have an abbreviation of the name of Jesus or a cross on it). This symbol means foresight, which is owned by angels.

Classification of angelic ranks

Highest Degree:

  • seraphim. "Flaming", on the icons they are with six wings. These angels are closest to the Lord. They stand near His throne.
  • Cherubim. No, these are not cheeky babies with wings. These are four-winged angels who spread among the rest of the angels the wisdom and knowledge received from God. By the way, the cherub was also Lucifer, the rebellious angel. He rebelled against the Lord and raised a third of the angels who obeyed him. But all together they were overthrown.
  • Thrones. They serve the Creator as a throne. It is also believed that they can interfere with the decisions of rulers and judges if they risk making a mistake. Thrones are sometimes painted near the throne of the Heavenly Father. There is also a rule to depict them in the form of a wheel with wings.

Average degree:

  • dominance. These angels are created to pacify the human soul. They can help to tame your passions and emotions, elevate the spiritual above the carnal.
  • Forces. Miracle Workers. The Lord can send them to icons or people who subsequently receive a gift.
  • Authorities. Protective spirits. They can pacify evil, control it, and also protect human souls from it.

lowest degree:

  • Beginnings. These are guardian angels, but for the whole state, people or city.
  • Archangels. Angel leaders.
  • Angels. These are our personal defenders, or, to put it simply, our conscience. They are the farthest from God and closest to people.

There is a special church day for the celebration of all angelic ranks: November 8 (21). Archangels are also remembered on this day.

How is it customary to pray to angels? Prayer will sound in this video:

Archangels and their purpose

They communicate God's will to the angels. Also, the archangels constantly influence human life, because each carries something special: healing, intercession, guidance. These are teachers who teach from the inside and suggest how to do the right thing. Angels are their helpers.

Names of the highest Christian angels

  1. Michael. Archangel (the oldest of the archangels, "warlord"), the winner of the rebellious Lucifer. They pray to him when they are afraid of something. On the icons, this is a man with a pike (a banner with a cross flutters on the tip) and a date branch in his hand, a symbol of peace and tranquility. Sometimes icon painters give him a flaming sword.
  2. Gabriel. The Lord's messenger, it was he who once came to the Virgin Mary with the news that she would give birth to Jesus Christ. Signs by which this archangel can be recognized on images: a lantern (enlightenment), a mirror (faith, enlightenment), a branch of paradise (a sign of Paradise, which this archangel guards). He appeared to the Holy Virgin with a lily in his hand - a sign of innocence and purity. They pray to him for the conception of a child. His patron is considered by people who, on duty, often communicate with other people - teachers, journalists, artists. This is the only angel who is glorified not only on November 8, but also on March 26 (April 8), and July 13 (26).
  3. Raphael. Healer. It can be recognized by a vessel with drugs and a stick (ancient doctors treated wounds with such a tool). Sometimes on icons with this archangel another person appears, a young boy or youth. This is Tobiah, the Old Testament boy, whom his father sent to another city - Raphael was his guide. His patron is considered by both doctors and tourists, travelers.
  4. Uriel. God's flame. His signs: fire in his left hand (with his help he ignites human hearts, filling them with love for the Creator) and a lowered sword in his right. He is also a prophet - it was him that God sent to Noah to warn of the flood. Scientists pray to him, as he is the enlightener of minds. Finally, it is the patron saint of talented people. His name is sometimes read as Ariel, Ariel.
  5. Salafiel. His calling is prayer. This young man holds his arms crossed in front of him, constantly turning to the Creator.
  6. Yehudiel. Its symbols are a whip with three ends (punishment of sinners) and a golden crown (a reward for the righteous). He is the patron saint of monks and priests. Sometimes it can invisibly appear to those in power to tell them the right decision.
  7. Barahiel. This archangel brings heavenly blessings. His sign is white roses. He can hold them in his hand, or decorate his clothes with them. Roses are a sign of heavenly reward for the righteous.
  8. Jeremiel. As a rule, there are seven archangels on the icons (the Holy Scripture also indicates the same number). But the modern church also venerates Jeremiah, "the high ground of the Lord." On the icons, he can be recognized by the scales in his hand.

Are there angels in Islam, Judaism?

Yes! True, their names may differ from Christian ones.

  • Islam. In this religion, there are cherubim (sing songs of praise to Allah), as well as 4 angels: Mikail (the leader of the rest of the angels, the bearer of lightning and thunder), Jabrail (the prophet, communicates with the chosen people), Azrael (takes the soul from the body of the dying, and does this according to the deeds of a person - severely or mercifully), Israfiel (the sound of his horn will notify everyone of the coming of the Last Judgment).

But the Qur'an mentions several more angels: Ridvan (protects Paradise), Malik (ruler of Hell), Kariman and Katibin (record everything that a person has done; they sit on his shoulders), Nakir and Munkara (post-measurement judges of a person).

  • Judaism. Kabbalah says that there are dozens of angels, and each is responsible for something different. Archangels are commanders of 12 "their" angels. Their names are: Remiel, Sariel, Metatron, Gabriel, Peniel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Azrael. The coincidence of names with Christian angels happened because Jews revere the Christian Old Testament as part of their religion.
  • Zoroastrianism. In this religion there are archangels - Amesha Spenta. They are part of the deity, but they also have personalities. These are: Amirtat (carries immortality), Khaurvtat (responsible for health), Khshatra Vaira (power that a person dreams of), Spenta Armaiti (devotion to higher powers), Asha Vahishta (the best aspect of righteousness), Vohu Mana (bright thoughts ).

Are there female angel names?

It is believed that all angels (including archangels) are men. Michael, Gabriel ... But the church looks at angels differently: after all, these entities are asexual, that is, they cannot be men or women.

Their names end in "silt" due to the fact that this is one of the translations of the word "God".

Although, of course, if you are interested in this issue, in order to name your future daughter in honor of an angel, you can give her a name Seraphim. It will be translated as “fiery”, but it will become associated precisely with six-winged angels.

Well, there is also a wonderful female name Vlada. Translated from Ukrainian, it means "power", so it is also somewhat connected with the angelic ranks.

But besides the bright heavenly angels, there are also fallen entities who have renounced God. They give birth to demons and demons. How many? And what power can they have over people? Learn from this video:

The Christian religion has its own traditions, which originated in ancient times. Who are the Orthodox Archangels and what is their true purpose can be determined by reading the Holy Book, where you can find explanations of how everything works. However, it is worth noting that knowledgeable theologians are far from always able to decipher the texts presented in Scripture, so our article will help to understand the very basics of who the Archangels are, what their purpose lies in and more.

Hierarchy of messengers of God

Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim - are closest to us. Angels, Archangels and other powers of heaven are, first of all, the messengers of the Lord, who report on the glorious and great. Their hierarchy consists of 3 faces in each of which there are 3:

  • to the Almighty, helping to fill people with love, wisdom and righteous judgment;
  • Forces, Dominions, Authorities - help to maintain prudence, perform miracles and remove evil spirits from a person;
  • Angels, Principles, Archangels - are the closest to people, enlightening minds, strengthening faith in God, directing on the true path and controlling the universe.

The evangelists of the third order are able to reveal not only God's prophecy and the understanding of his will, but also the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the mysteries of godly belief.

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All Archangels, names and their meanings

To understand how such messengers of God act, one should again resort to the text of the Bible, which tells how the miracles of the Archangels were performed, as well as about their images and tasks that they perform. But alas, in most biblical texts there are some inconsistencies that do not allow you to get a more detailed idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe saints.

Below is the most reliable information about the messengers of the Lord, which include:

  1. The Archangel of God Gabriel (whose name means "The Lord is my strength") - is the messenger of God's fate. On miraculous images, he is usually depicted holding a mirror in his hand, as a symbol of the fact that the great martyr fully conveys the essence of what is considered the thoughts and deeds of the Almighty.
  2. Michael (meaning like the Lord) - by himself he shows all the Lord's deeds. He is mainly depicted with a sword or a spear in his hands and in a white robe. Based on the scripture, it was this Saint who first rebelled against Lucifer, which is why he is depicted in such a warlike manner. On some miraculous faces, he is shown killing a monster or a snake, which is the embodiment of Lucifer. Orthodox prayer to the Archangel Michael is offered by believers for help and intercession.
  3. The list of Archangels also includes Uriel, who is able to illuminate human minds, that is, to contribute to the development of many sciences. On church images, he is depicted with fire in one hand, and with a sword in the other.
  4. Varahail - conveys the Divine blessing. Usually represented on icons in pink robes.
  5. Jehudiel, whose name in translation sounds like the Lord's praise, is called upon to protect and encourage those believers who really deserve it.
  6. Raphael helps those in need and has the gift of healing. According to one of the legends, it was this Saint who cured the bride of the Great Martyr Tobias.
  7. Selaphiel is the supreme minister of prayer appeal.

How to ask for help from the Archangels

If an Orthodox believer wants to ask for protection and help from the Blagovestniks, then he should make special prayer petitions that can be found in holy books or asked from a clergyman.

Here is one of those prayers that need to be said in the morning hours and for the dream to come:

“Oh Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who need your help, save us, servants of God, from all visible and invisible troubles, deliver us from the horror of death and from the temptation of the devil and help us to stand before our God without shame in the hour of terrible and His righteous judgment. Great Michael the Archangel, do not deprive us of your attention, slaves of sinners, praying to you and other archangels for your help and intercession now and in the future. Help us with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Only Michael is mentioned here, because according to all the rules, it is with him that one should enter into a dialogue in the face of all the Saints, for he is the main Lord's helper who watches everything that happens around people.

The Lord is always with you!

Archangel(ancient Greek Ἀρχάγγελος from other Greek ἀρχι- - “chief, elder” + other Greek ἄγγελος - “messenger, messenger, angel”) - in Christian doctrine, one of the highest categories (ranks) of angels. In the system of the angelic hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, this is the eighth of the nine angelic ranks. In the canonical books of the Bible, only Michael is directly named as an archangel (The Epistle of Jude: 9), but, according to the traditions of the Church, there are eight archangels.

In the Orthodox Church there is a mention of eight archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Yehudiel, Barahiel and Jeremiah. Also known: Sichail, Zadkiel, Samuel, Jophiel and many others.

The celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other incorporeal heavenly forces takes place in the Orthodox Church on November 8 (21). Its establishment is associated with the decision of the Council of Laodicea, which was several years before the First Ecumenical Council and condemned as heretical the worship of angels as creators and rulers of the world.


According to the book “On the Heavenly Hierarchy” by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (V - early VI centuries), the archangel is the name of the second rank in the third, lower face of the angelic hierarchy (1st rank - angels, 2nd - archangels, 3rd - start). The names of the seven archangels and their functions are given in the XX chapter (paragraph) of the Ethiopian apocrypha "Book of Enoch" (II century BC):

Michael placed over the best part of the people - over the chosen people placed over the best part of humanity and over chaos presides over human virtue, commands the nations
Gabriel set over snakes, and over paradise, and over cherubim set over paradise, snakes and cherubs presides over serpents, over paradise and over cherubim
Raphael angel spirits people placed over the spirits of people presides over the spirits of men
Uriel thunder and hesitation angel placed over the world and over tartar presides over noise and terror
Raguel punishes the world and the luminaries gives vengeance to the world of luminaries imposes punishment on the world and the luminaries
Sarakael placed over the souls of the sons of men, who incline the spirits to sin set over the spirits that sin in the spirit presides over the spirits of the sons of men who transgress the law
Remiel Not God set over those who are resurrected Not

Probably the seven Archangels of the Book of Enoch correspond to the seven Amesha Spentas of the Zoroastrian pantheon and the seven planetary spirits of the Babylonians. According to the mystical traditions of Judaism, each archangel is connected to one of the planets. Seven Archangels as chiefs over myriads of angels (heavenly host) are also called in the Christian tradition archangels.

Seven angels are also mentioned in the book of Tobit: “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and ascend before the Glory of the Holy One” (12:15). And in the Apocalypse: "the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches" (1.20).

The doctrine of the Council of the Seven Archangels with specific names: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Yehudiel, Barahiel, - appears in the Middle Ages in the 15th century, this description was made by the Franciscan Portuguese monk Amadeus Mendes da Silva (Amadeus of Portugal, †1482), names he knew by his own revelation. In the Middle Ages, the cult of the seven angels appears in the Catholic Church and temples are built in Rome, then in Naples. Until the end of the 17th century, this doctrine of a council of 7 archangels with specific names in Orthodoxy, both in iconography and in hagiography (Great Menaion of St. Macarius of the 16th century, Lives of Saints Tulupov in the middle of the 17th century) - no. The teaching with names from the revelation of Amadeus of Portugal is included in the Lives of Saints Demetrius of Rostov under the number March 26 in the edition of 1700. In the Catholic Church itself, the doctrine of seven angels, with specific names, was rejected and returned to the worship of only three angels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, only to those names that the Council of Rome of 745 allowed to read under Pope Zacharias. Only these three names appear in the canonical books of the Bible. The Roman Council of 745 defined: Nos autem, ut a vestro sancto apostolatu edocemur, et divina tradit auctoritas, et non plus quam trium angelorum nomina cognoscimus, id est Michael, Gabriel, Raphael: alioqui de mysterio sub obtentu angelorum demonum nomina introduxit. (“But we, as the holy apostolic ministry teaches us and gives us divine authority, do not know more than three names of angels, that is, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael: otherwise the mystery of the existence of the names of angels and demons would be opened.”)

The names of Barahiel and Yehudiel are not in the Holy Tradition of the Church, these names are from the revelation of Amadeus of Portugal. The first name, Varahiel, is found in the Jewish apocrypha in the "Book of Heavenly Palaces" (between the II and VIII / IX centuries) - 14, 17 chapters: "Barakiel (Barachiel), who controls lightning", but Yehudiel is a name that does not is found nowhere at all, except for the "revelation" of Amadeus.

If you believe solely in the words of the Bible, then Michael is an archangel, Gabriel is an angel (according to Orthodox hymnography - an archangel), Raphael is an angel. According to The Third Book of Ezra, Uriel is an angel (not an archangel or cherub or seraphim), and Jeremiel is an archangel.

Kabbalah reveals the correspondence of the hierarchy of angels, forefathers and sefirot:
Michael - Abraham - Chesed, Gabriel - Isaac - Gevura, Raphael - Jacob - Tiferet.

archangel Michael

archangel Michael(Other Hebrew מיכאל, Michael- "Who is like God"; Greek Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ) - the main archangel, who is one of the most revered biblical characters.

Michael's name is mentioned several times at the end of the Book of Daniel:

  • « But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me for twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia” (Dan. 10:13).
  • « However, I will tell you what is written in the true scripture; and there is no one who would support me in this, except for Michael, your prince” (Dan. 10:21).
  • And also in the prophecy about the Last Judgment and the role of Archangel Michael in it:

Christian tradition also identifies the following references to unnamed angels with the actions of Archangel Michael:

  • appearance to Balaam: and the angel of the Lord stood in the way to hinder him» (Num. 22:22);
  • appearance to Joshua: and behold, a man stood before him, and in his hand was a drawn sword' and henceforth it is called Leader of the Host of the Lord(Joshua 5:13-15);
  • the destruction of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35);
  • the salvation of the three youths in the fiery furnace: blessed is the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel and delivered his servants” (Dan. 3:95).

The book “A Guide to Painting Icons of Saints” says that the holy Archangel Michael “ depicted trampling (trampling underfoot) Lucifer and, as a winner, holding a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which there is a white banner with a red cross, in commemoration of the victory of the Cross over the devil».

Celebration in the Orthodox Church on November 21 (November 8, old style) and September 19 (September 6, old style) in memory of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khonekh (Colossae); in the Catholic - May 8 and September 29.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel, Novgorod icon

Archangel Gabriel(heb. גבריאל - the power of God) Mentioned in the following biblical books: Dan. 8:16, 9:21 and Luke. 1:19, 1:26.

In the Bible it is called an angel, but in the tradition of the Christian church it acts as an archangel - one of the highest angels. In the Old and New Testaments, he appears as a bearer of joyful gospels. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, when offering incense, the birth of John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary in Nazareth - the birth of Jesus Christ. It is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph. According to the teachings of Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad received his revelations from him. It is depicted on icons with a candle and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Archangel Gabriel is commemorated in the Orthodox Church on March 26 and July 13 (according to the Julian calendar).

Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the "Guide to the writing of icons", " depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left". This mirror of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of the peoples, proclaims to people the secrets of God's economy, the salvation of mankind.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael(Other Hebrew רפאל, Raphael"The Lord has healed." Mentioned in the book of Tobit (3:16; 12:12-15). Raphael in Aramaic means " God's healing" or " God's healing". According to a Jewish midrash, Raphael cured the pain Abraham experienced after he circumcised himself. In Islam, the archangel Raphael is the one who will herald the Day of Judgment.

The Guide to Icon Painting states that: archangel Raphael, doctor of human ailments: depicted holding a vessel (alavastre) with medical agents (medicine) in his left hand, and a pod in his right hand, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds».

Archangel Varahiel

Archangel Varahiel(God's blessing) - not mentioned in the Bible, known only from the "revelation" of Amadeus of Portugal.

In the book " Guide to painting icons"It is reported about him:" The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the distributor of God's blessings and intercessor, asking for God's good deeds to us: is depicted as carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding at the command of God for the prayers, labors and moral behavior of people and foreshadowing bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven". White roses are a symbol of God's blessing.

Since the blessings of God are different, the ministry of this Angel is also diverse: through him the blessing of God is sent to every deed, to every good worldly occupation.

Saint Innocent of Kherson

Archangel Selaphiel

Archangel Selaphiel (Salafiel; other Hebrew שאלתיאל - "prayer to God"). Mentioned only in the apocryphal 3rd Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 5:16).

The "Guide to the writing of icons" says about him: " Holy Archangel Salafiel, prayer book, always praying to God for people and rousing people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) with a cross on his chest, like a tenderly praying».

Archangel Yehudiel

Archangel Yehudiel(praise God). This name is known only from the "revelation" of Amadeus of Portugal, his name is not mentioned in the canonical texts.

The name of the archangel Jehudiel, translated into Russian, means " Glorifier of God" or " Praise God". Guided by these translations, icon painters placed similar epithets on his images. Thus, the inscription on the fresco of the Cathedral of the Annunciation says: to have a ministry to approve people who work in Chem or, for the glory of God, to intercede for them retribution».

As explained in the Guide to the Painting of Icons, Jehudiel " depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious labors to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness to pious labors».

Innokenty of Kherson writes about him: Each of us, young and old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God. The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. In the right hand of the Archangel is not just a crown: it is a reward for every Christian who works for the glory of God».

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel(ancient Hebrew אוּרִיאֵל - “the light of God, or God is light”). Mentioned in the apocryphal 3rd book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4:1; 5:20).

According to the apocrypha - the Third book of Ezra, the archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the fall and exile of Adam. According to Orthodox theologians, Uriel, being the radiance of divine fire, is the enlightener of the darkened, the unbelievers and the ignorant, and the very name of the archangel, corresponding to his special ministry, means "Fire of God" or "Light of God."

According to the icon-painting canon Uriel " depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left».

Innocent of Kherson, in his essay on the archangels, writes the following about Uriel: As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; as an Angel of Divine fire, he ignites hearts with love for God and destroys in them impure earthly attachments».

Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel(the height of God). Mentioned only in the Third Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4:36.).

The Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikifor reports the following about him:

Based on the meaning of the name (Jeremiel - “Height of God”), theologians believe that he is sent from God to man in order to promote the exaltation and return of man to God. He is depicted holding a scale in his right hand.

see also

  • Malaika are angels in non-Christian Abrahamic religions.
  • Mukarrabun are angels of the highest category in Islam.
  • Angelic hierarchy


  1. Archangels- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  2. Akathist to the Holy Incorporeal Forces
  3. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012.
  4. Smirnov A.V. Book of Enoch. - Kazan, 1988
  5. 1 Enoch (Ethiopic) Parallel Translations. Chapter XX / Chapter 20
  6. Empore (Gesamt). Retrieved February 2, 2013. Archived from the original February 11, 2013.
  7. Debolsky G. E. Days of worship of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church. Volume 1.1837, p. 98
  8. Engel
  9. Mansi JD - Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova Amplissima Collectio Vol 012 (1692-1769) col. 384 Concilium Romanum 745 Actio tertia
  10. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other incorporeal Heavenly Powers. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012.
  11. Academician V. D. Fartusov, Moscow, Synod. Typ., 1910, p.226.
  12. Archbishop Innokenty of Kherson. Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, pp. 5-6
  13. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. 226
  14. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. S. 226
  15. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. S. 227
  16. Innokenty of Kherson. Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996. S. 14
  17. Innokenty of Kherson. Decree. op. pp. 11-12
  18. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. pp. 226-227
  19. Innokenty of Kherson. Decree. op. S. 12
  20. Innokenty of Kherson. Decree. op. S. 10
  21. Nikifor, archim. Bible Encyclopedia. M., 1891. S. 63


  • Wikimedia Commons has media related to Archangels
  • Archangel // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
  • Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and all the incorporeal heavenly powers: on the date of the holiday and the hierarchy of angels. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012. website Orthodoxy and the world
  • Archangel Michael. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012.
  • Archangel Gabriel. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012.

Collection of Angelic Names

Below is an extensive list of Angelic Names. This is part of a large collection of magical names that I have collected over the past year. The names I took from several sources, including: the book of Enoch 1 (as translated by Charles), the classic works of Gustav Davidson, the dictionary of Angels, Matthew Bunson's Angels from A to Z, and the Encyclopedia of Angels, which was released by Visible ink Press (Compiled by James Lewis and Dorothy Oliver) in addition to several sources of Medieval ceremonial magic, such as the Forbidden Rites, etc. There will also be a separate list with the names of demons. Technically, angels are different from demons, because one of them was thrown out of heaven, and the second remained near God. Naturally, things are not so simple, so the names of the fallen angels are mixed with the usual ones in this list (especially those taken from Enoch's list).

How do we decide who is fallen and who is not? If you follow the guidelines of the Medieval Church, then the only Angels that can be considered unfallen and completely legitimate are the Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Michael, they are most often mentioned in the Bible. It can be seen that these three also often appear in the sacred texts of other religions. In the Sumerian legend of Inanna's descent into Hell, Michael, Gabriel, and others stand guard over the gates of Hell. Those who would later be called archangels appear in Jewish myth as guardians who receive gifts from the goddess before she passes through all the circles of hell to reach the throne of her sister Ereshkigal. The vast knowledge of angels and demons that pass through the ages is as much a fascination for me as the various myths. I hope that many of you will find this list interesting, even if you are just watching it for curiosity. Enjoy.

List of Angelic Names:Aarin: a term that is used to describe angels who descend from heaven in search of the daughters of men to bring into the world the Nephilim appears in the book of Enoch.

Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss.
Abalim:"Great Angel", fiery guardian.
Abdiel: the courageous "fiery seraph", from Milton's Paradise Lost.
Adimus: The angel revered by the church probably descended from the first man.
Adoel: The angel who controlled the explosion that created the universe (Big Bang Angel), according to the Book of Enoch.
Af (Af): a terrible Angel, consisting of red and black flames.
Ahiah (Ahiah): semi-Angel, son of Semyaza.
Akkhazriel:"Messenger of God".
Amaliel: Protector of the weak.
Anahita: fiery female angel, associated with water and Persian myths.
Anaiel: An angel who gave knowledge to mankind, according to the book of Enoch.
Anak (Anak):"giant", a mortal with the blood of an Angel.
Anakim:"giants", a race of ferocious giants, are mentioned in the Bible as descendants of giants.
Anafiel: high Merkabah Angel, bearer of the seal.
Angelos: translated from Greek: "messenger", heavenly being.
Aphaeleon (Aphaeleon): ruler of the fallen Angels, listed in treatises on ceremonial magic.
Appolion (Appolion): Angel of the Abyss.
Arakiba: Angel from the book of Enoch.
Aralim: the "great angel" of the throne, the fiery guardian.
Araquiel: taught the signs of the earth, from the book of Enoch.
Arariel: Angel of the oceans, patron of fishermen, medieval angel of knowledge.
Arkon (Archon): The ruling angel of the material world, from the Gnostic myth.
Ariel (Ariel):"Lion of God", the spirit of the air, sources: Hebrew myths, also appears in Shakespeare.
Arioch: one of the fallen Angels, according to Milton's Paradise Lost, also appears in the work of Michael Moorcock.
Ariuk: guardian of Enoch, according to his book.
Armaros: taught mankind magic, from the book of Enoch.
Armisael: Childbirth angel.
Asaph: An angel who allegedly wrote Psalms 73-83.
Asuriel: An angel who warns of a flood from the book of Enoch.
Azazel (Azazel): taught people to make metal and mine precious stones, from the book of Enoch.
Azrael: Angel of Death, appears in the works of Layla Wendela.
Ballaton: guardian, name used in Solomonic magic.
Baradiel: heavenly prince, the angel of the city, from the book of Enoch.
Barakiel: heavenly prince, angel of lightning, from the book of Enoch.
Barattiel: supports the highest heavens, from the book of Enoch.
Befor (Bethor): Angel of Jupiter, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boamiel: Angel from the 4 corners of the sky, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boel (Boel): Angel of Saturn.
Camael (Camael):"one who sees God."
Camiel: one of the variants of the name Kamael, "one who sees God."
Kafriel (Caphriel): Sabbat angel.
Cassiel: Angel of tears and temperance, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Kerviel (Cerviel): Angel of the principalities.
Chalkidri: or "bronze serpent" or satellite of the Sun, from the book of Enoch.
Chamuel:"one who seeks God."
Chasan: patron of the air, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Daniel (Daniel):"God is my judge" is also the name of a prophet in Hebrew.
Dubbiel: protector of the Persians.
Duma (Duma): The Angel of Silence is also the patron saint of Egypt.
Empyrean: the highest heaven, heavenly fire, is mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Ephemera (Ephemera):"short-lived" angels who are created to sing the praises of God.
Exousia:"power" or "virtue", alternative to Angel, Greece.
Ezequiel: taught mankind the knowledge of the clouds, from the book of Enoch.
Gabriel (Gabriel):"God is my strength", the Angel of Judgment, one of the Angels who is introduced by name in the Bible.
Gadiel: designed to repel evil, is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Gadreel: taught people martial arts, from the book of Enoch.
Gazardiel: Angel of dawn and dusk.
Germael:"the majesty of God", the Angel of creation.
Gezaria (Gezuriya): Angel of powers.
Gibborim: a giant half-angel, "the man of glory", is mentioned in Jewish and Biblical treatises.
Gregory (Grigori): from the Greek "looking".
Gabriel: Angel of powers.
Gadariel (Hadariel):"Glory to God."
Hadramiel:"Glory to God", a variant of the name Gabriel.
Hamon (Hamon):
Haniel:"God's grace."
Haroth: twin Marot, knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian myth.
Hashmal: order leader.
Hauliel: the owner of the fiery whip, from the book of Enoch.
Hemah (Hemah): a terrible Angel, consisting of black and red flames, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Hochmael (Hochmael):"The Wisdom of God".
Irin (Irin): an alternative definition for the Nephilim, there is a belief that Ireland was named after him, as he first settled in that place.
Ishim: Angel of Ice and Fire.
Israfel: Resurrection Angel.
Ithuriel: Gabriel's messenger appears in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Jabril: Muslim version of Gabriel.
Jael (Jael): guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Dzhedutun (Jeduthun): choirmaster, gives the status of Angels.
Jehoel: leader and guardian, seraphim.
Jeremel:"God's Grace", a variant of Ramiel.
Cadmiel (Jeremiel): Childbirth angel.
Kalmiya (Kalmiya): guardian of the veil.
Kasbiel: taught the name that binds oaths from the book of Enoch.
Kasdeja: taught spiritualism and birth control, from the book of Enoch.
Kemuel: a variant of Kamael, "he who sees God."
Kerubiel: formidable angel of fire and lightning, leader of the choir of cherubs.
Kezef: Angel of Destruction.
Kochbiel:"Star of God", Angel of astrology.
Lahabiel: protector and guardian.
Lailah:"night", Angel of conception, according to Moslem treatises: female angel.
Layla: variant of Laila, "night".
Lucifiel:"luminiferous", morning star, a variant of Lucifer.
Lucifer (Lucifer): the fairest of the angels, who defied God, but was cast down for his pride.
Mahadiel (Machidiel):"God is Everywhere", from the Book of Enoch.
Madan: Angel of Mercury, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Mahanaim:"two armies", the heavenly host, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Malachi (Malachi):"God's envoy".
Malach (Malakh):"messenger", celestial being, Muslim term meaning Angel.
Mariuk (Mariuk): guardian of Enoch.
Maroth: the twin Garot, who knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian treatises.
Mastema (Mastema):"Angel of Accusation"
Matariel: Rain Angel.
Melkial:"God is Everywhere", from the Book of Enoch.
Merkabah:"chariot", the mystical path to God.
Metatron (Metatron): Angel of presence, divine archivist, mediator of God.
Michael (Michael): The sword of God and the heavenly warrior-prince, one of the archangels, whose name is mentioned in the Bible.
Mikal: variant of Michael, "Like God".
Mumiel: health guard.
Muriel: Order Angel.
Nakir (Nakir): black-skinned and blue-eyed angel of justice.
Nathaniel:"Given by God", Angel of Fire.
Nephilim: giant half-angel, "glorious man".
Nuriel: City Angel.
Onafiel: Moon angel.
Ophaniel: snake angel.
Ophanim:“wheel”, “many-eyed”, can also be attributed to snakes.
Oriel: Angel of Destiny.
Orifiel: Angel of the planet Saturn.
Pahadron: Terror Angel.
Peliel: leader of the choir of Virtues.
Penemu: taught people writing, from the book of Enoch.
Peniel (Peniel):"Seeing God"
Phanuel: Angel of presence, Angel of repentance.
Purah: Oblivion Angel.
Puriel: harsh judge.
Qaddisin:"saints", stand next to Gregory.
Kvapsiel (Qaphsiel): repels his enemies.
Radbos (Rabdos): keeper of the stars.
Raduriel: heavenly archivist, from the book of Enoch.
Raguel (Raguel):"Friend of God"
Rahab (Rahab): the cruel Angel of the sea, supposedly killed by God, angry with him for some deed.
Rahatiel: ruler of the constellations, from the book of Enoch.
Rahmiel: Mercy Angel.
Ramiel:"God's Grace", Thunder Angel.
Raphael (Raphael):"God's healing", Angel of the sun, archangel, his name is mentioned in the Bible.
Raziel: Earthquake Angel, from the Book of Enoch.
Razael: The angel of secrets, there is a belief that he was punished by God for giving the book of magic to Adam.
Remiel: vision translator, from the book of Enoch.
Rikbiel: guardian of the chariot of God, from the book of Enoch.
Ruhiel: Wind Angel.
Sabaoth: he was worshiped as an Angel in the Middle Ages, in Hebrew: Heavenly host.
Sahaqiel: guardian of the fourth heaven, from the book of Enoch.
Salathiel:"The One Who Asks the Lord"
Samael (Samael):"The Poison of God", the fearsome Angel of Death, is associated with Satan/Lucifer.
Sandalphon:"brother", Greek angel of glory and prayer.
Saraquiel: variant of the name Arakuel, taught forbidden knowledge, from the book of Enoch.
Sariel:"Prince of God", governs the spirits, from the book of Enoch.
Semalion: Announcement Angel.
Semsapiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Semiyaza: The leader of the Angels who came down from heaven to marry the daughters of men, sometimes associated with Lucifer and/or Satan.
Seraph: living fire, holy angel, the name can mean: "fiery snake."
Seraphiel: like an eagle, the chief Seraphim.
Shamsiel:"The Light of God", from the Book of Enoch.
Sidriel: Prince of Virtue, from the Book of Enoch.
Sopheriel: keeper of the books of life and death.
Soterasiel:"one who summons God's fire."
Tabris: Angel of free will.
Tadhiel: Sacrifice Angel.
Tagas: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tamiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tatrasiel: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Temlakos: patron saint of abused children, Greece.
Turiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Uriel (Uriel):"God's Flame", sometimes the Angel of Healing, sometimes the Angel of Death.
Uziel (Usiel):"The Power of the Lord", from the Book of Enoch.
Vritiel: Angel of Wisdom from the Book of Enoch.
Yahoel: protector and keeper, seraphim.
Zadkiel: Angel, his symbol is a dagger, from the book of Enoch.
Zagzagel (Zagzagel): Burning bush angel.
Zakum: Angel of prayer.
Zambrim: ruler of the fallen Angels, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Zaphkiel: faster than cherubs.
Zarall: Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Zephon (Zephon): Gabriel's messenger, mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Zophiel:"Beauty of God".
Zuriel:"The Lord is my rock."

Culture and ancient traditions give an idea of ​​the existence of guardian angels. The names of angels, their hierarchy and influence on society have a number of features.

Appearance and role in people's lives

Translated from Greek, the name of higher beings means "messenger, messenger." They were sent by God to serve people. The exact time of their appearance in our world is unknown, but they appeared on Earth before the creation of man.

Significant events in the Bible take place in the presence of messengers. Saint Gabriel was sent to the Virgin Mary with the aim of bringing important information, one of the angels released. Heavenly creatures follow human history, they are always ready to help and convey a message from above.

The silhouette of the heralds resembles a human one, the appearance of each of them depends on the rank and mission. They are depicted as winged, with wands or spheres in their hands. Messengers of God live in heaven, where there is a hierarchy of angelic ranks. Holy creatures have no gender, human relationships are alien to them. A person cannot become an angel.

Abilities of heavenly creatures

Which facilitate their mission:

  • invisibility;
  • flight;
  • putting on a material body;
  • impact on physical objects;
  • vision of the essence of man, the gift of a seer;
  • freedom of choice.

Image and attributes

The heavenly creature looks like a young man of unusual appearance, with wings behind his back. The creatures were dressed in bright linen robes intertwined with golden belts.

Most angels have two wings, with exceptions - and four-fingered Cherubim.

The image of higher creatures is filled with symbols:

  • wings signify speed and the ability to be everywhere;
  • the staff means the ability to convey the will of God;
  • the mirror represents knowledge of future events;
  • golden ribbons in the hair symbolize the obedience of God, the connection with him;
  • the third eye is a sign of the ability to know everything;
  • the halo symbolizes grace, special energy;
  • beautiful appearance means the perfection of angels, their highest harmony.

Special features are added to the appearance of creatures that correspond to their mission. Raphael was depicted with medicines, Gabriel with a branch of paradise, and Michael with a spear.

Orders of higher beings

The Holy Society follows a clear division of rights and duties. Messengers do not know meanness, they do not want to substitute the highest in rank. Their existence is filled with harmony, which proves the wisdom of God and his higher nature.

The angelic hierarchy consists of nine ranks, divided into higher, middle and lower triads.

First triad

This includes heavenly creatures that are as close as possible to God. They are admitted to the holy mysteries of the universe. Ranks of higher angels:

  1. Seraphim are six-winged creatures that revere the creator. They convey their love to people, causing them to desire confession, inspire them to faith.
  2. Cherubim revere the mind and wisdom of God, guard great secrets with their wings. They do not tolerate interference in higher affairs, they preach faith, and people's excessive curiosity for holy knowledge makes them jealous. They became guardians of the tree of life after the expulsion of Adam and Eve.
  3. Thrones exalt the majesty and glory of God, convey to mankind his omniscience and justice. Reminding them of the need to maintain a hierarchy.

Second triad

List of representatives of the Middle Sphere:

  1. The dominations sing of God's care, his ability to protect everyone. They inspire people with self-confidence, bring up the desire to develop, limit the craving for sin.
  2. Forces admire the power and skill of God, teach to respect his capabilities.
  3. The authorities control the devil, help people resist temptation and gain faith.

Third triad

Representatives of this rank are closer to the human world. It includes:

  1. The principles govern the universe, monitor the performance of the lower angels. They help in structuring society, observing the will of God. Rule over the elements.
  2. convey the good news, teach people to keep the covenants. They have access to prophecy. Heavenly creatures help to return to the true path.
  3. Angels are the closest beings to people. They give strength to go to enlightenment, protect from excesses and dangers, instill faith.

Meaning of names

Each angel was created for a specific purpose. The names of angels reflect their special mission.

  1. - fallen, contrary to the will of God.
  2. Uriel - inflames the love of God in human hearts. Enlightens unbelievers.
  3. - helps in healing, protects health, monitors thoughts and deeds.
  4. Raguel - executes punishments.
  5. Savriel - controls the creatures that tempt man.
  6. - manages celestial beings, directs to the right path.

This rank includes many other archangels. The canonical Bible mentions - the chief of the archangels, in other books - Selafiel, Jeremiel, Barahiel and Yehudiel.

Other religions

Faiths of different countries differ significantly, but in many of them there are messengers of God.

  1. In Islam, Cherubim are distinguished, glorifying Allah. Besides him, this religion describes four angels. Michael - the main one among others, the prophet Jabrail - condescends to the elect, Azrael - the ruler of the soul after death, Israfil - announces the Last Judgment.
  2. There are many angels in Judaism. There are nine archangels who command the lower creatures.
  3. In Zoroastrianism, the archangels are called Amesha Spenta, who are part of the deity. Amirtat is a symbol of immortality, Khaurvtat is the guardian of health, Khshatra Vaira - monitors power, Spenta Armaiti - personifies devotion, Asha Vahishta - the pinnacle of righteousness, Vohu Mana - the deification of light and thought.

Messengers of God in the modern world

Mythology and ancient faith do not lose their relevance at the present time.


Holy beings are present in music, games and literature. Cinema especially often uses the image of celestial creatures. List of the best films with the participation of angels:

  1. "Constantine: Lord of Darkness" - Saint Gabriel and his confrontation with Lucifer are described here.
  2. "City of Angels" - the director proves to people the presence of angels, talks about their craving for earthly goods.
  3. "Michael" - tells about the adventures of the Archangel Michael on Earth.
  4. The series "Supernatural" - gives an idea of ​​the special nature of the confrontation between Lucifer and God, interprets angels in a new way.
  5. "Angel" - talks about a vampire named Angel.

Each scenario contains a particular vision of higher beings.

guardian angels

The lower angels become protectors of life, mentors and seers. They are in the human world, transmit the will of God and warn of danger. You can see the presence of the guardians:

  • through dreams;
  • according to the combinations of numbers that often appear in life, angelic numerology deals with this area;
  • through sensations;
  • according to the body's response to certain events.

Noticing the sign of an angel, you must turn to God.

Day Angel

Since ancient times, the name of the newborn is given in honor of one of the saints. They believed that this deity would keep the baby, assist him on his life path. The name day was calculated - this is the next holiday after the birth of a person in honor of a higher creation.

The day of the angel coincides with the date of the baptism of the baby. At this moment, God will give the baby who watches over his life values ​​and protects him from dangers. On a sacred holiday, a person should visit a church, pray to his patron and ask for a prayer service for health.

Both the Greek and Hebrew words for "angel" mean "messenger". Angels often performed this role in the texts of the Bible, but its authors often give this term another meaning. Angels are the incorporeal helpers of God. They appear as humans with wings and a halo of light around their heads. They are commonly mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious texts. Angels have the appearance of a man, “only with wings and dressed in white clothes: God created them from stone”; angels and seraphim - women, cherubs - men or children)<Иваницкий, 1890>.

Good and evil angels, messengers of God or the devil, converge in the decisive battle described in the book of Revelation. Angels can be ordinary people, prophets, inspirers to good deeds, supernatural bearers of all kinds of messages or guides, and even impersonal forces, like winds, cloud pillars or fire, that led the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. Plague and pestilence are called evil angels. St. Paul calls his illness "the messenger of Satan." Many other phenomena, such as inspiration, sudden impulses, providences, are also attributed to angels.

Invisible and immortal. According to the teachings of the church, angels are sexless invisible spirits, immortal from the day of their creation. There are many angels, which follows from the Old Testament description of God - "the Lord of hosts." They form a hierarchy of angels and archangels of the entire host of heaven. The early church clearly divided nine types, or "ranks," of angels.

Angels served as mediators between God and his people. The Old Testament says that no one could see God and stay alive, so direct communication between the Almighty and a person is often portrayed as communication with an angel. It was the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Moses saw an angel in a burning bush, although the voice of God was heard. An angel led the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. From time to time, biblical angels look just like mortals until their true nature is revealed, like the angels who came to Lot before the horrific destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Unnamed spirits. Other angels are mentioned in Scripture, such as a spirit with a fiery sword that blocked Adam's path back to Eden; cherub and seraphim, depicted as thunderclouds and lightning, which recalls the faith of the ancient Jews in the god of thunder; the messenger of God, who miraculously rescued Peter from prison, in addition, the angels who appeared to Isaiah in his vision of the heavenly court: “I saw the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, and the edges of His robe filled the whole temple. Seraphim stood around Him; each of them has six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

Hosts of angels appear several times on the pages of the Bible. Thus, a choir of angels announced the birth of Christ. Archangel Michael commanded numerous heavenly hosts in the battle against the forces of evil. The only angels in the Old and New Testaments who have their own names are Michael and Gabriel, who brought the news of the birth of Jesus to Mary. Most of the angels refused to identify themselves, reflecting the popular belief that revealing a spirit's name would diminish its power.


In Christianity, the host of angels is divided into three classes, or hierarchies, and each hierarchy, in turn, is divided into three faces. Here is the most common classification of angelic faces attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite:

The first hierarchy: seraphim, cherubim, thrones. The second hierarchy: dominions, forces, authorities. The third hierarchy: principles, archangels, angels.

seraphim those belonging to the first hierarchy are absorbed in eternal love for the Lord and reverence for Him. They directly surround His throne. Seraphim, as representatives of Divine Love, most often have red wings and sometimes hold lighted candles in their hands.

Cherubim know God and worship Him. They are depicted as representatives of Divine Wisdom in golden yellow and blue tones. Sometimes they have books in their hands.

Thrones uphold the throne of God and express Divine Justice. Often they are depicted in the robes of judges with a rod of power in their hands. It is believed that they receive glory directly from God and bestow it on the second hierarchy.

The second hierarchy consists of dominations, forces and authorities, which are the rulers of the heavenly bodies and the elements. They, in turn, shed on the third hierarchy the light of glory they have received.

dominance they wear crowns, sceptres, and sometimes orbs as symbols of power. They symbolize the power of the Lord.

Forces they hold in their hands white lilies or sometimes red roses, which are symbols of the Passion of the Lord.

Authorities often dressed in the armor of warriors - the winners of evil forces.

Through the third hierarchy, contact is made with the created world and with man, for its representatives are the executors of the will of God. In relation to man, the beginnings control the destinies of peoples, the archangels are heavenly warriors, and the angels are the messengers of God to man. In addition to the listed functions, the host of angels serves as a heavenly choir.

This plan of celestial arrangement served as the basis for the creation and theological substantiation of the structure of the celestial spheres as the basis of the medieval picture of the world. In accordance with this plan, the cherubim and seraphim are responsible for the first push (Primum mobile) and for the sphere of the fixed stars, thrones - for the sphere of Saturn, domination - Jupiter, forces - Mars, authorities - the Sun, the beginning - Venus, archangels - Mercury, angels - the Moon celestial bodies closest to the Earth.

Beginnings are legions of angels protecting religion. They constitute the seventh choir in the hierarchy of Dionysius, following directly before the archangels. The beginnings give strength to the peoples of the Earth to find and experience their destiny.
It is also believed that they are the guardians of the peoples of the world. The choice of this term, as well as the term "authorities", to designate the ranks of the angels of God is somewhat doubtful, since c. The "Epistle to the Ephesians" refers to "principalities and powers" as "spirits of wickedness in high places", against which Christians must fight ("Ephesians" 6:12).
Among those who are considered "chief" in this rank are Nisrok, the Assyrian deity, who is considered by occult writings to be the main prince - the demon of hell, and Anael - one of the seven angels of creation.
The Bible says, “For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come... can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 8.38). By
classification of Pseudo-Dionysius. the beginnings are part of the third triad along with the archangels and the angels proper. Pseudo-Dionysius says: “The name of the heavenly Principalities means the God-like ability to rule and govern in accordance with the sacred order, befitting the ruling Forces, both to turn completely to the Beginning Beginning, and others, as it is characteristic of the Principality, to guide Him, imprint in oneself, as far as possible, the image of an inaccurate Beginning and, finally, the ability to express His premier leadership in the well-being of the ruling Forces .., the proclaiming order of the Principalities, Archangels and Angels alternately rules over the human Hierarchies, so that in order there would be an ascent and conversion to God, communion and unity with Him, which graciously spreads from God to all Hierarchies, is inspired through communication and pours out in the most sacred orderly order.


archangel Michael(Who is like God, Who is equal to God). Leader of the heavenly host. The winner of Satan, holds a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which is a white banner with a red cross, in commemoration of the victory of the Cross over the Devil.

Archangel Gabriel (The Fortress of God or the Power of God). One of the highest angels, in the Old and New Testaments, appears as a bearer of joyful gospels. Depicted with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended through time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Archangel Raphael(Healing of God or Healing of God). The doctor of human ailments, the chief of the guardian angels, is depicted holding a vessel (alavastre) with medical agents (medicine) in his left hand, and a pod in his right hand, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds.

Archangel Salafiel (Angel of Prayer, Prayer to God). A prayer book that always prays to God for people and arouses people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) in a cross on his chest, as if tenderly praying.

Archangel Uriel(Fire of God or Light of God). As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; as an Angel of Divine Fire, he inflames hearts with love for God and destroys in them impure earthly attachments. He is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left.

Archangel Yehudiel (Praise God, Glorifier of God). The Archangel of God Yehudiel is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious labors to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness to pious labors

Archangel Varahiel (God's blessing). The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the distributor of God's blessings and intercessor, asking for God's blessings to us: is depicted carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding, at the command of God, for the prayers, labors and moral behavior of people.


Angels live in the world of the Spirit, the heavenly world, and we live in the world of matter. Naturally, they are drawn to the house. Therefore, if you want the Angels to be comfortable with you, you need to make your world - thoughts, feelings, environment - more like their world. To paraphrase the "Epistle of James" - we can say this: draw near to the Angels and they will draw near to you. (James A:8). Angels feel good surrounded by thoughts of peace and love, and not in an atmosphere of irritation and aggression. You may not be able to get out of your head, say, a rude driver who cut you off on the road in winter. However, it is quite possible to free yourself from irritation by starting to communicate with the angels for at least a few minutes a day. Get rid of irritants first. Turn off the radio and TV, go to a separate room or to your favorite corner of nature; imagine angels (a picture of your favorite angel placed next to it helps) and communicate with them. Just tell the angels about your problems. Talk like you're talking to your best friend. And then listen. Be silent and wait for the thoughts that the angels will send you. And soon your relationship with the angels will turn into an upward spiral; they will help you feel more positive. A positive state will bring you closer to the angels.

Avdiel. The name Abdiel is first mentioned in the Bible (1st Chronicles), where he is a mere mortal, a resident of Gilead. Further, in historical and religious books, Abdiel (meaning "servant of God") is described as an angel.
The first mention of the angel Abdiel is found in the Book of the Angel Raziel, written in Hebrew in the Middle Ages. However, the most complete description of the deeds of Abdiel is given in John Milton's book "Paradise Lost", which retells the story of Satan's rebellion against God. During this rebellion, Abdiel was the only angel who remained faithful to God and refused to rebel against him.
Satan tried to convince Abdiel that it was he and his followers who were destined to rule in the kingdom of heaven, to which Abdiel objected that God is more powerful, since He created Satan, and not vice versa. Satan said that this is just another lie of the Father of Lies. Abdiel did not believe him, pushed the other rebellious angels aside and hit Satan with a "powerful blow of the sword."
Abdiel is also mentioned in Anatole France's Rise of the Angels, but here he appears under the name Arcade.

Adrammelech("king of fire") is one of two throne angels commonly associated with the angel Asmodeus, and also one of two powerful thrones present in Milton's Paradise Lost. In demonology, he is mentioned as the eighth of the ten main demons and as a great servant of the Order of the Flies, an underground order founded by Beelzebub. In rabbinic literature, it is reported that if Adrammelech is invoked by a spell, he will appear in the form of a mule or peacock.
Adrammelech, who is identified with the Babylonian Anu and the Ammonite Moloch, is mentioned in various sources, such as, for example, the "History of Magic", where he appears in the form of a horse; he is considered the god to whom the children of the Sepharavit colony in Samaria are sacrificed, he is mentioned both as an idol of the Assyrians and as a fallen angel defeated in battle by Uriel and Raphael.

Azazel(Aramaic: רמשנאל, Hebrew: עזאזל, Arabic: عزازل) - according to the beliefs of the ancient Jews - the demon of the desert.
The legend about Azazel as one of the fallen angels arose rather late (not earlier than the 3rd century BC) in the Jewish environment, and is recorded, in particular, in the famous apocryphal book of Enoch. In the book of Enoch, Azazel is the leader of the antediluvian giants who rebelled against God. He taught men to fight, and women - the art of deceit, seduced people into godlessness and taught them debauchery. In the end, he was tied, by the command of God, to a desert rock. This is what the apocryphal literature says.
In the Pentateuch and in the Talmudic literature, the name of Azazel is associated with the idea of ​​a common atonement for the sins of the people. This idea was embodied in a special ceremony: two goats were brought; one was destined (by lot) to the "Lord" as a sacrifice, the other - for the remission of sins. The latter was "released" into the desert, and then thrown into the abyss from the cliff. It was he who was called the "scapegoat". In non-Jewish translations, and later in Jewish tradition, the word "Azazel" came to be seen as the name of this goat.

Asmodeus. The name Asmodeus means "creator (or being) of judgment". Initially, Asmodeus is a Persian demon, later Asmodeus entered the scriptures, where he was known as the "fierce devil". Asmodeus (also known as Saturn and Marcolph, or Morolf) is responsible for creating the carousel, music, dance and drama.
In the legends, Asmodeus is considered the father-in-law of the demon Bar-Shalmon. Demonologists claim that in order to summon Asmodeus, it is necessary to bare his head, otherwise he will deceive the caller. Asmodeus also oversees gambling houses.

Belphegor(The God of Revelation) was once an angel in the rank of beginnings - the lower triad in the traditional hierarchy of angels, consisting of nine ranks or ranks. Later, in ancient Moab, he became the god of licentiousness. In hell, Belphegor is a demon of ingenuity, and when summoned, he appears in the guise of a young woman.

Dabbiel(also Dubiel, or Dobiel) is known as the guardian angel of Persia. In ancient times, the fate of each people was determined by the actions of the guardian angel, who represented this people in heaven. The angels fought among themselves in order to win the mercy of God, which will decide the fate of each specific people.
At that time, the guardian angel of Israel, Gabriel, was deprived of the grace of God, because he allowed himself to intervene when the angry Lord wanted to destroy Israel. Gabriel's attempts to stop the Lord were partially successful; although most of Israel was devastated, some noble Jews managed to escape and were taken captive by the Babylonians.
Dabbiel was allowed to take the place of Gabriel in the circle close to the Lord, and he immediately took advantage of this situation. He soon arranged for the Persians to conquer large tracts of territory, and the great expansion of Persia in the period from 500 to 300 IT. BC. was considered the merit of Dabbiel. However, his reign lasted only 21 days, and then Gabriel convinced God to allow him to return to his rightful place, removing the ambitious Dabbiel from there.

Zagzagil- the angel of the "burning bush", who played an important role in the life of Moses. He is the head of the guards of the Fourth Heaven, although it is said that he lives in the Seventh Heaven - in the dwelling of God.

Zadkiel. The name Zadkiel (other spellings: Tzadkiel or Zaidkiel) means "the righteousness of God." Various religious writings describe the appearance of Zadkiel in different ways. Zadkiel is one of the leaders helping Michael when the archangel enters the battle.
It is also said that Zadkiel is one of the two leaders of the Shinanim order (together with Gabriel) and one of the nine "rulers of heaven", as well as one of the seven archangels sitting next to God. Zadkiel is "the angel of benevolence, mercy, memory and the leader of the rank of dominions."

Zophiel("seeker of God") - a spirit called by the prayer of the Master of Arts in Solomon's witchcraft rites. He is also one of the two leaders of Michael. Milton mentions Zophiel in Paradise Lost as informing the heavenly host of the impending attack of the rebellious angels, while in Friedrich Klopstock's Messiah he is the "harbinger of hell".
The American poet Maria del Occident chose Zophiel as one of the main characters in her poem Zophiel, inspired by the story contained in the apocryphal Book of Tobit. In this poem, Zophiel is presented as a fallen angel who retains the features of his former virtue and beauty.

Yehoel is considered an intermediary who knows the "unpronounceable name", as well as one of the kings of the presence. He is also considered "the angel holding back Leviathan" and the leader of the rank of seraphim.
He is mentioned in the "Apocalypse of Abraham" as a heavenly choirmaster who accompanies Abraham on his way to Paradise and reveals to him the course of history.
It is also assumed that Yehoel is the former name of Metatron, while the Kabbalistic book "Berith Menuha" calls him the main angel of fire.

Israel("aspiring to God") is usually considered an angel in the rank of heyot - a class of angels surrounding the throne of the Lord. They are usually compared to cherubim and seraphim. According to The Book of the Angel Raziel, Israel ranks sixth among the throne angels.
In the Alexandrian Gnostic Prayer of Joseph, the patriarch Jacob is the archangel Israel, who descended into earthly life from pre-existence. Here Israel is "the angel of God and the chief spirit", while later Israel is presented as the archangel of the will of the Lord and the main tribune among the sons of God. He also calls himself the angel Uriel.
Israel is also mentioned by mystics of the Geonic period (7th-11th century) as a celestial being, whose task is to summon angels to sing of the Lord. The philosopher Philo identifies Israel with the Logos, while Louis Ginsberg, author of The Legends of the Jews, calls him "the personification of Jacob before the Throne of Glory."

Kamail("he who sees God") is traditionally considered the chief in the rank of power and one of the sephirah. Magical teaching says that when he is called by a spell, he appears in the form of a leopard sitting on a rock.
Among the occultists, he is considered the prince of the lower aisles and is often referred to as the ruler of the planet Mars, as well as one of the angels who rule the seven planets. In Kabbalistic teaching, on the contrary, he is considered one of the ten archangels.
Some scholars claim that Kamail was originally the god of war in Druid mythology. Eliphas Levi, in his book A History of Magic (1963), says that he personifies divine justice.
Other sources call him one of the "seven angels standing in the presence of God." Clara Clement, in her book Angels in Art (1898), considers him to be the angel who wrestled with Jacob, as well as the angel who appeared to Jesus during his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Kohabiel("star of God") - a giant angel in folklore, is responsible for the stars and constellations. Considered by some as a holy angel and by some as a fallen one, Kohabiel commands 365,000 lesser spirits. Kohabiel teaches his wards astrology.

Lyla. In Jewish legends, Laila is the angel of the night. She is responsible for conception and is assigned to guard souls in their new birth. As the legend goes, Laila brings the sperm to God, who chooses what type of person should be born and chooses a pre-existing soul to send into the fetus.
An angel guards the mother's womb to make sure the soul has not escaped. Apparently, in order to help the soul survive these nine months in the womb, the angel shows her scenes from her future life, but just before birth, the angel gives the baby a flick on the nose, and he forgets everything he learned about the future life. One legend claims that Laila fought on the side of Abraham when he fought the kings; others represent Lila as a demon.

Lucifer. The name Lucifer ("light-giver") refers to the planet Venus, the brightest object in the sky besides the Sun and Moon when it appears as the morning star. Lucifer was erroneously equated with the fallen angel Satan, misinterpreting a passage of Scripture that actually refers to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, who in his glory and pomp imagined himself equal to God (Book of Isaiah 14:12): "How you fell from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!"
As the brightness of the morning star (Lucifer) surpasses the light of all other stars, so the greatness of the king of Babylon surpasses the glory of all Eastern monarchs. The Babylonians and Assyrians called the morning star, respectively, Belit, or Istar. Others have suggested that the phrase "son of the dawn" may refer to the crescent moon. And finally, others claim that this is nothing but the planet Jupiter.
The Devil acquired the name Lucifer after the early Christian theologians Tertullian and St. Augustine identified him with a shooting star from a passage in Isaiah. This association arose among them because the Devil was formerly a great archangel who rebelled against God and was expelled from heaven.
The legend of the rebellion and expulsion of Lucifer, as presented by Jewish and Christian writers, depicts Lucifer as the main one in the heavenly hierarchy, as outstanding in beauty, strength and wisdom among all other creatures. It was to this "anointed cherub" that power over the earth was given over time; and even after his fall and expulsion from his old kingdom, he seems to have retained some of his former power and supreme title. According to the writings of the rabbis and church fathers, his sin was pride, which was a manifestation of complete selfishness and pure malice, since he loved himself above all others and never forgave ignorance, mistakes, passions or weak will.
According to other versions, his audacity went so far that he even tried to ascend the Great Throne. In the mysteries of the Middle Ages, Lucifer, as the ruler of heaven, sits next to Eternity. As soon as the Lord rises from his throne, Lucifer, puffed up with pride, sits on it. The indignant Archangel Michael attacks him with a weapon and finally drives him out of heaven and plunges him into a dark and gloomy dwelling, now destined for him forever. The name of this archangel while he was in heaven was Lucifer; when he hit the ground, they began to call him Satan. The angels who joined this rebellion were also expelled from heaven and became demons, of which Lucifer is the king.
Lucifer is mentioned as a day star by Ezekiel, in his prediction of the coming fall of the king of Tyre. Here Lucifer is an angel, sparkling with diamonds, walking in the garden of Eden, among the "fiery stones".
Lucifer may have been the subject of an earlier story about how the morning star tried to take the place of the Sun but was defeated. This story arose because the morning star is the last to disappear from the sky, giving way to the rising of the Sun. It has also been suggested that the story is just another version of Adam's expulsion from Paradise.

Mammon. In folklore, Mammon is a fallen angel who lives in hell as an angel of avarice, personifying greed and greed. AT<Потерянном Рае>John Milton depicts Mammon always looking down at the golden pavement of paradise instead of looking up at God. When, after a heavenly war, Mammon is sent to hell, it is he who finds the precious metal underground, from which the demons built their capital - the city of Pandemonium. In the Bible, Mammon is very hostile to God. The word "mammon" comes from the order of Christ in his sermon: "No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or he will be zealous for one, and not take care of the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (wealth) "

Metatron- represents the supreme angel of death, to whom God gives instructions daily as to which souls to take on that day. Metatron conveys these instructions to his subordinates - Gabriel and Samael.
It is also believed that he is responsible for ensuring that there is enough food in the world. In the Talmud and the Targum, Metatron is the link between God and mankind. Among the various missions and deeds attributed to him, there is such that it is as if he stopped the hand of Abraham at the moment when he was ready to sacrifice Isaac. Of course, this mission is attributed primarily to the Angel of the Lord, and also to Michael, Zadkiel or Tadhiel.
It is believed that Metatron lives in the seventh heaven and is the tallest angel, with the exception of Anafiel. The Zohar describes its size as "equal in breadth to the whole world." This is how Adam's size was described in rabbinic literature before his fall.
Metatron is the first, and he is the last, of the ten archangels of the Briatic world. If we talk about seniority, then in fact Metatron is the youngest angel in the heavenly kingdom. Various roles were attributed to him: the king of angels, the prince of the divine face or presence, the heavenly chancellor, the angel of the Covenant, the chief among the ministering angels and the helper of Yahweh.

Nuriel("fire") - a thunderstorm angel with hail, according to Jewish legend, who met Moses in the second heaven. Nuriel manifests himself in the form of an eagle taking off from the slope of Chesed ("kindness"). He is united in one group with Michael, Shamshil, Seraphil and other great angels and is characterized as a "charming power".
In the Zohar, Nuriel is depicted as an angel ruling over the constellation Virgo. According to the descriptions, his height is three hundred parasangs (about 1200 miles), and in his retinue there are 50 myriads (500 thousand) of angels. Only the Rerelims, the Watchers, Af and Gemah, and the highest celestial hierarch named Metatron surpass him in stature.
Nuriel is mentioned in the writings of the Gnostics as one of the seven subordinates of Jehuel, the prince of fire. In Judaic Amulets, Shrir writes that Nuriel's name can be seen engraved on Eastern amulets.

Raguel. The name Raguel (variant spellings: Ragiel, Rasuil) means "friend of God." In the Book of Enoch, Raguel is an archangel tasked with ensuring that the behavior of other angels is always respectable. He is also the guardian angel of the earth and the second heaven, and it was he who brought Enoch to heaven.
In Gnosticism, Raguel stands on the same level as Telesis, another high-ranking angel. Despite his high position, for some inexplicable reason, in 745 AD. Raguel was rejected by the Roman church (along with several other high-ranking angels, including Uriel). Pope Zacharias called Raguel a demon "pretending to be a saint."
Generally speaking, Raguel occupies a more prestigious position, and in the book of Revelations of John the Theologian, his role as God's helper is described as follows: "And He will send the angel Raguid with the words: go and blow a trumpet for the angels of cold and ice and snow, and wrap those who on the left, with everything you can."

Raziel. Raziel is called the "secret of the Lord" and the "angel of riddles". According to legend, Raziel gave this book to Adam, and then envious angels stole it from him and threw it into the ocean. Then God allegedly ordered Rahab, the angel of the deep sea, to get this book and return it to Adam.
The book came first to Enoch, and then to Noah, who allegedly learned from it how to build an ark. Later, King Solomon learned magic from her.

Sariel(also known by several Other names, including Suriel, Zerahil, and Sarakel) is one of the original seven archangels. His name means "power of God" and he is responsible for the fate of angels who violate the sacred rites of God. Although Sariel usually appears as a holy angel, he is sometimes referred to as having fallen from God's grace.
Sariel is considered the prince of being, like Metatron, and also the angel of health, like Raphael. He is called "Sariel the Trumpeter" and "Sariel the Angel of Death" in the Falash Anthology.
Sariel's name appears in Gnostic amulets; he is listed among the seven angels in the ophitic septenary system of primitive forces (Origen, "Contra Celsum" 6, 30). It is also known that when Sariel is invoked, he appears in the form of a bull. According to Kabbalah, Sariel is one of the seven angels who rule the Earth.
in Sariel is associated with the sky and is responsible for the zodiac sign Aries ("ram"); he also informs the others about the Moon's trajectory. (This was once considered secret knowledge that could not be shared.) According to Davidson, in the occult teaching Sariel is one of the nine angels of the summer equinox and protects from the evil eye.
Sariel also appears in the recently found Dead Sea Scrolls as the name on the shields of the "third Tower", also known as the "sons of the Light", (There were only four "towers" - each separate group of soldiers).

Uzziel("the power of God") is usually considered a fallen angel, one of those who married the daughters of the earth and had giants from them. He is also called the fifth of the ten wicked sefir.
According to the Book of the Angel Raziel, Uziel is one of the seven angels at the throne of the Lord and one of the nine overseeing the four winds, he is ranked among the forces, and is also called one of Gabriel's "lieutenants" during Satan's rebellion.

Uriel, whose name means "fire of God", is one of the leading angels in non-canonical writings. He is called differently: seraphim, cherub, "regent of the sun", "flame of God", angel of presence, ruler of Tartarus (hell), archangel of salvation and, in later writings, Fanu-ilom ("face of God"). The name Uriel could come from the name of the prophet Uriah. In the apocrypha and writings of the occultists, Uriel is equated with Nuriel, Urian, Jeremiel, Vretil, Sariel, Puruel, Phanuel, Jehoel and Israfil.
He is often identified with a cherub "standing at the gates of Eden with a fiery sword", or with an angel "watching thunder and terror" ("First Book of Enoch"). In the Apocalypse of St. Peter, he appears as the Angel of Repentance, portrayed as ruthless as any demon.
In the "Book of Adam and Eve" Uriel is considered a spirit (that is, one of the cherubs) from chapter 3 of Genesis. He was also identified with one of the angels who helped bury Adam and Abel in Paradise, and with a dark angel who fought with Jacob in Peniel. Other sources depict him as the winner of the troops of Sen-Cherib, as well as the messenger of God who warned Noah of the approaching flood.
According to Louis Ginsberg, Uriel represents the "prince of light". In addition, Uriel revealed heavenly secrets to Ezra, translated sermons, and brought Abraham out of Ur. In later Judaism, he is considered one of the four angels of presence. He is also the "angel of September" and can be invoked if the ritual is performed by those born in this month.
It is believed that Uriel brought the divine discipline of alchemy to earth, and that he gave man the Kabbalah, although other scholars argue that this key to the mystical interpretation of Scripture was a gift from Metatron. Milton describes Uriel as "the regent of the Sun" and "the most keen spirit in heaven".
Dryden, in The State of Innocence, writes that Uriel descends from heaven in a chariot drawn by white horses. In 745 AD, Uriel was rejected by the church council in Rome, but he has now become Saint Uriel, and his symbol is an open hand holding a flame.
He is identified with the "evil angel" who attacked Moses because he did not bother to observe the traditional rite of circumcision in relation to his son Gershom, although the book "Zohar" (1, 93c) ascribes the same role to Gabriel: "Gabriel descended to earth in the form of a fiery flame in the form of a burning serpent> with the intention of destroying Moses "for this sin."
Uriel is also considered the angel of vengeance, depicted by Proudhon in the painting "Divine Vengeance and Justice", located in the Louvre. Compared to other archangels, Uriel is very rarely represented in artwork. As a commentator on prophecy, he is usually depicted with a book, or papyrus scroll, in his hand.
In Milton's Ontology, Cosmogony, and Physics (1957), Walter Currie writes that Uriel "gives the impression of a devout, but not too receptive, physicist with a bent towards atomistic philosophy." In The Second Book of the Oracle of the Sibylline, he is described as one of the "immortal angels of the immortal God", who on the Day of Judgment: "will break the monstrous latches of the indestructible gates of Hades and plunge them to the ground, and bring to judgment all the suffering, and the ghosts of the ancient Titans and giants, and all who were swallowed up by the Flood... and they will all stand before the Lord and his throne."
In the scene of Jacob's struggle with the dark angel, a mysterious merger of these two creatures takes place, and Uriel says: "I descended to earth to settle among people and they will call me Jacob by name." It is believed that some patriarchs turned into angels (for example, Enoch allegedly turned into Metatron). The transformation of an angel into a man is noted only once - in the case of Uriel.

Hadraniel(or Hadarniel), which means "the greatness of God", is an angel assigned to guard the second gate in heaven. It is over 60 myriad parasangs (approximately 2.1 million miles) tall and is quite a terrifying sight.
When Moses appeared in heaven to receive the Torah from God, he was speechless at the sight of Hadraniel. Hadraniel believed that Moses should not receive the Torah and made him weep in fear until God appeared and reprimanded him.
Hadraniel quickly corrected himself and began to patronize Moses. This help turned out to be very useful, because (according to the "Zogar" legend), "when Hadraniel announces the will of the Lord, his voice penetrates through 200,000 vaults of heaven." According to the Revelation of Moses, "with every word, 12,000 lightning bolts come out of his (Hadraniel's) mouth."
In Gnosticism, Hadraniel is only one of the seven subordinates of Yehuel, the "king of fire" (King, p. 15). In the Zohar I (550) Hadraniel tells Adam that he (Adam) has the "Book of the Angel Raziel", which contains secret information unknown even to the angels.

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