Color the eggs with iodine. How to paint eggs for Easter with onion peel, brilliant green, beets, carrots, turmeric, nail polish? Coloring eggs for Easter: marble. The danger of purchased dyes

Natural dyes for Easter eggs

Before dyeing eggs, they must be degreased - wiped with soapy water or alcohol

I'll tell you more about how I paint eggs.
I put the peel in a bowl.

I fill it with water. The eggs must also be wet.

I wrap eggs with wet husks and randomly wrap them with threads.

I put the eggs in a saucepan, pour cold water and set to boil.

When the eggs boil, I pour in the brilliant green. The amount of greenery depends on the volume of the pan. If it is large, pour more greens.

The eggs are cooked, I pull the end of the thread and unwind it right in the pan.

I clear the husk. rinse. When the eggs are dry, brush them with vegetable oil.

And here's what happens!

I hope you get this beauty too!

We prepare everything you need:
-10 eggs
-1 vial of brilliant green, in the common people it is called brilliant green (if you want a richer color, you can also 2)
-1 tablespoon of salt
- wide bandage
- dry onion peel
- a pair of notebook sheets
- stainless steel saucepan
- vegetable oil

We cut the husk with scissors, it is not important to make identical pieces, the more varied the husk is cut, the more individuality of the resulting pattern.

Now we will cut a notebook sheet, also arbitrarily, into triangles, squares, you can cut out circles and even snowflakes, combine the husk and paper and mix

Carefully inspect the eggs for small cracks, best of all in good light, I do it by the window so that the eggs do not burst during the cooking process, later I will give a couple of tips on how to avoid this, but you should not be afraid of burst eggs either, brilliant green is harmless , I, as a physician, declare responsibly
So, the eggs have been examined, let's start packing, namely the bandage, it needs to be folded into at least 3 layers, put an egg on this piece, try it on, so to speak, there should be enough free space around it.

We take an egg, moisten it well with water, even under a stream of water, even in a saucer, it’s more convenient for anyone, carefully dump the egg in our husk-paper mixture and put it on a piece of bandage, lift the corners of the bandage up, so that you don’t move it , in which we rolled the egg, we collect all the corners into one whole and carefully fasten the thread at the base, we get a bag with an egg.

During this operation, you must be extremely careful and careful not to crush or drop the egg, remember that they are still raw, and the result of the fall is known to everyone
We wrapped it up, proceeded to the next one, and so on until we have all the eggs packed in cute gauze bags.

We are looking for a saucepan, it must certainly be made of metal, such as stainless steel, you don’t want to throw away your favorite enameled saucepan, do you? Maybe they are still washed, but firstly, I didn’t take risks, and secondly, I don’t have enameled pans
The second condition, the pan should be of such a diameter that the eggs in the bags lay in one layer, again, to prevent cracking of the eggs.

We fill the eggs with water so that it covers our eggs, but so that they do not swim freely in it, like ducks, otherwise, during the boiling process, the eggs hit each other and crack, the gauze bags will soften the blows, but if there is too much water, the consequences cannot be avoided. The water should be at the temperature of the eggs, that is, if the eggs are at room temperature, then the water with which you fill them should be the same, if the eggs are from the refrigerator, then cold water, there should not be a temperature difference, the eggs will also crack from this.

Filled in, proceed to the most important operation, to add brilliant green. My bubbles are comfortable, the lid is unscrewed without unpleasant consequences, if you have a different green, remember the gloves, put them on and start opening the bubble, you don’t want to go on holiday with green fingers, this is Easter, not Halloween, and remember, never, hear, never open green with your teeth! It's even scarier than green fingers, I assure you!
We opened it, carefully, holding the vial closer to the water, pour the brilliant green, for 10 eggs - 1 vial (10 ml), you can do more, you don’t need to mix, it will spread itself and penetrate into all layers.
Now the dish needs to be salted, this is believed to prevent cracking of eggs, retain color, I don’t know how important this is, but I salt, it’s not scary to oversalt in this case.
And now you ask me why did we prepare a toothpick? Once upon a time and I don’t remember where I read or heard that if you put a toothpick in water when boiling eggs, they won’t burst, it’s checked, it works! Add a toothpick.

In the photo, the water is more blue than green, but these are shooting errors

We put the pan on the fire, do not make it too strong, the temperature should increase gradually, this will also protect against cracks, boil, reduce and cook at an average boil for 15-20 minutes. Naturally, the longer they cook, the more saturated the color, but longer 30 no need to cook for minutes.

We boiled, first put the pan under hot water, then gradually transfer it to cold water, in the meantime, do not forget to wear gloves! We are preparing a garbage bag so that we immediately put our packaging and egg bags into it.

Carefully, very carefully, with the help of scissors, we free the eggs from the bags, squeeze the bag, send it to the trash bag, rinse the egg well with cold water!

The sink and pan are well washed with a creamy cleaning agent.

In the process of dyeing, I came out without loss, not a single egg burst!!!
We rub the cooled, dry eggs with cheesecloth dipped in oil for shine.


Natural dyes for dyeing Easter eggs
Table of natural dyes for coloring Easter eggs (in shell) (checked by the authors of the post).
In addition to the "table" of dyes, under the cut, the meaning of colors in icon painting is given, which can be taken into account when coloring Easter eggs, besides, this is not uninteresting and may be useful to someone). All eggs in the photo are dyed by the authors using natural dyes.

All eggs in the photographs are dyed with blueberries, turmeric and cherry branches.

But the methods of coloring with other natural dyes described below in the "table" are also verified by the authors).

RED(pink) COLOR - decoction of CHERRY BARK or CHERRY BRANCHES. Boil the bark or sprigs of cherries, let it brew for several hours (it is better to boil and leave overnight), be sure to strain, boil eggs in this infusion. If the decoction of the cherry bark is made weak, the eggs will turn PINK accordingly.

BLUE(blue) COLOR - a decoction of BLUEBERRY berries (boil frozen blueberries for a short time and strain. Cool. Put eggs washed in warm water and boil. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration - the number of berries per volume of water. To get a BLUE color, blueberries require a small amount - about 2 tablespoons per 250 g of water To get a PURPLE color - blueberries need to be taken as for blue or a little more, but let it brew for several hours, it is better to leave the broth overnight) before boiling eggs in this broth.

YELLOW- dilute the TURMERIC solution in water (first grind the turmeric powder in a small amount of water and only then add it to the container in which the eggs will be colored) and boil the eggs. CHAMOMILE - gives a delicate yellow color, chamomile can be boiled and strained or boiled eggs together with sachets of chamomile. POMEGRANATE PEEL gives a yellow color - boil the eggs directly with the pomegranate peel or boil the peel and strain, cool and then boil the eggs. The authors of this post were not impressed with the color obtained by painting with pomegranate peel.

BROWN COLOR- gives a decoction of OAK BARK, a decoction of ONION HUSK, it will also turn brown if you boil eggs with CHICORY POWDER (soluble or not), if you boil eggs in a strong INfusion of BLACK TEA, you can in bags, the eggs will look like onion husks painted with tea Easter eggs are painted by Athos monks. A decoction of dried berries (or frozen) ARKHOME will give a brown tint.

GREEN COLOR- if you add TURMERIC powder to the filtered BLUEBERRY broth, you will get a green color of a very beautiful shade. A beautiful TENDER GREEN color can be obtained if you boil eggs with CARROT BOTTLE - by spring, carrots germinate and you can use these sprouts of a soft green color or specially sprout the roots of carrots in advance. But only the carrot tops that sprouted in the spring color the eggs, and the carrots should not be young, but harvested in autumn. Checked). There is a lot of trouble with carrot tops and the end result is not worth the effort.

BORDEAUX, WINE COLOR- learn if you boil eggs in RED WINE, or a mixture of red wine and water .. or in black grape juice, you can buy black grapes, make a decoction from it, strain, cool and boil eggs in this decoction. However, it should be noted that grape (wine) dye is not stable.

In all cases, after removing already colored eggs from the container where they were boiled, the eggs should not be rubbed with a towel with effort. Eggs should be washed by holding under running warm water and dried (gently !!) with a cotton napkin or towel. You can smear eggs for shine with a swab soaked in vegetable oil).

Fanaticism in egg-coloring is unacceptable, exact proportions are a thankless task.)

Approximate proportions still need to be given:

For 1.2 liters of water - 2-3 full tablespoons of frozen blueberries. Only a fresh decoction will give a pleasant blue or blue tint, a decoction that has been infused for several hours will give a purple tint.

For GREEN EGGS. For 1 liter of blueberry decoction - 2-3 full teaspoons of turmeric powder. Turmeric, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps, pre-grind with water in a small bowl and only then place in blueberry broth.

IMPORTANT note - in order to get a PROGRESSIVE GREEN color, you need to use a fresh decoction of blueberries, if the decoction of blueberries is infused or for coloring green, a decoction is used in which the eggs have already been stained blue, then, when mixed with turmeric, such a decoction will give more grassy green. According to the authors, it is better to make a blueberry decoction for a green tint fresh.

Dyeing eggs in onion skins
This is the most famous and common way of coloring eggs. At the same time, the color scheme turns out to be very diverse - from a slightly yellowish tint to a rich dark blue color. The result depends on the concentration of onion broth and on the color of the husk itself.
The husks are usually started to be collected in advance, and the larger the amount, the richer the color of the eggs will be. If you mix the husks of different varieties of onions (regular, white, red), then the results will be very unexpected and interesting.
Eggs are dyed in onion skins in two ways. You can boil them directly with onion peel, or you can leave pre-cooked eggs in onion broth overnight. Naturally, the intensity of the resulting shades will be different.
If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.

Coloring eggs in herbal and leafy decoctions, in tea
For this purpose, decoctions from the leaves of birch, apple, nettle, chamomile, etc. are ideal. An excellent result can be achieved by coloring eggs in tea - black, green, hibiscus (Sudanese rose). To do this, you just need to boil the eggs in a solution of the selected tea.
To make the eggs yellow or golden, they are dyed with birch leaves. The decoction is prepared from the leaves, you can dry, young birch and infused for about half an hour. Wash the eggs, dip in a warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. after boiling, remove and cool.

Coloring eggs with juices of vegetables and fruits
Boiled eggs are rubbed with juices: beetroot, carrot, sorrel or spinach juice, red cabbage, strawberries, blueberries, etc.

Coloring eggs in multi-colored threads
Eggs are wrapped with shedding multi-colored threads in random order before cooking. It is better to take threads that are dyed with natural dyes. If the threads do not shed, then when cooked in a dye solution, interesting light stripes simply turn out on the eggs.

Coloring eggs in coffee
With this method, eggs are boiled in strong coffee or left in it overnight.

There are many more folk or family ways to color eggs. You can apply ink on boiled eggs; when cooking, you can wrap the eggs with silk multi-colored shreds; you can color the eggs with fukortsina, greenery or methylene blue solution(however, the listed methods are a bit extreme). But there is one general advice: when coloring eggs, rely on your skill, experience and imagination.

Good afternoon my friends!! Today we are waiting for a very exciting and interesting topic. We will learn how to paint Easter eggs on our own. After all, Easter this year is very soon and falls on April 8th. So it's time to get acquainted with all the methods and methods of staining.

Did you know that the rite of painting eggs has been going on since ancient times?! People glorified the God of the Sun with such a rite, and the color for coloring was chosen red.

There is also another story of this tradition, which is considered the most truthful. Listen here if you don't know:

The news that Jesus was resurrected spread very quickly. And Magdalene decided to be the first to report such good news to Emperor Tiberius. To do this, she took an egg, which means a symbol of life, and presented it to the emperor with the words "Christ is Risen!". But Tiberius did not believe this and said: "The dead will never become alive." Then he took the egg and said these words: “Just as this egg cannot be red, so this story is all fiction to mislead him!” But to his surprise and in front of everyone who was present at that moment, the egg began to turn red.

Thanks to this legend, there was a custom to paint eggs for Easter, so we remember the Resurrection of Christ.

The egg is the main attribute of the Easter holiday, as new life is born from it, which in turn symbolizes rebirth.

Of course, in our modern times, there are many different ways to dye eggs. Sell ​​special food paints and stickers for decoration. But home methods certainly remain in every family and are available to everyone. Therefore, let's deal with natural techniques without dyes in order.

Onion peel as a means of coloring eggs has been known to people for a long time, and it is very simple to do. I think you have dyed eggs in this way more than once ?! Well, if you have not tried it yet, then I will tell you everything and show you.

We will need:

  • Saucepan (preferably old);
  • Onion peel - tightly packed 0.5 liter jar;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Raw eggs.

Stages of work:

1. So, first we need to prepare a concentrated decoction of the husk. To do this, take dishes, preferably small, so that our paint is more saturated. Crush the prepared husk and place in a saucepan. Next, fill it with water, wait for the husk to get wet and settle in the bowl.

Important!! Onion peel must be collected in advance and put in a plastic bag.

2. Put this broth on the fire and bring to a boil. But it is important to monitor the water so that it does not run away, otherwise you risk painting the stove too)). After boiling, the broth must be boiled for 5 minutes and removed from heat.

3. The liquid should cool slightly. Add salt to the pan, so you protect the eggs from cracking.

By the way, you can boil the husk in the evening, and paint the eggs themselves in the morning.

4. Now let's prepare the eggs. They must be thoroughly washed under water. If you have been preparing the broth since the evening, then part of the onion peel can be removed, but if you use freshly prepared, then it is better not to throw out the husk, but cook it together with the eggs.

To give an even color, the decoction is best boiled in advance and let it brew overnight. And onion peel in the process of boiling eggs, it is better to completely remove.

5. So, put the broth on the fire along with the eggs and boil everything for at least 10 minutes, while gently stirring the husk so that it does not stick to the shell, as unpainted spots may remain.

After 5 minutes, the eggs will not color well, but don't worry, everything will work out later!!

6. After 10-15 minutes, carefully remove the eggs from the paint and put a new portion.

Finished eggs can be decorated with wax crayons or stick stickers.

We paint eggs in onion skins, but with a pattern

Above, we examined the method of coloring in an even tone, now let's see how you can do everything with drawings.

I found another interesting version of egg coloring. Since during Great Lent you can’t eat fast food, and the bird is still rushing these days, our ancestors found the next way out of the situation. Laid eggs were boiled so that they did not deteriorate and they were dyed in order to distinguish them from raw ones.

So, in order to dye eggs with onion skins, but with a pattern, we need all the same materials: the onion peel itself, eggs, water, salt, saucepan, parsley leaves, cilantro or basil.

By the way, eggs are needed fresh and white, and rustic ones are best, as they are larger and tastier.

Before painting, the eggs must be at room temperature, not cold. And to make the color saturated, moisten a cloth with vinegar before work and wipe each testicle.

Stages of work:

1. Boil a decoction of onion skins and prepare the eggs according to the method described above.

2. Then take an egg and moisten with water the place where the pattern will be located and immediately attach a leaf or several leaves there. After that, take nylon socks or gauze and wrap our product so that the leaf does not fall off during cooking.

3. After that, put the blanks in a saucepan with broth and cook for 20 minutes.

4. After that, cool and remove the robe. Look how beautiful it turns out!!

You can also use threads or rubber bands, wrapping them randomly and securing them before lowering them into the broth, and after cooking, remove them.

And you can add a couple of drops of brilliant green to the onion paint, it will turn out marble effect.

Also, products can be speckled, for this we need rice. The process is the same: boil the broth, peel the eggs, and then pour some rice into a small bowl. Next, soak the egg in water, then dip in rice and place on a piece of gauze, rewinding well.

Boil for 20 minutes, remove cheesecloth and rice, admire.

If you want to receive openwork pattern then use lace fabric or tulle. To implement this method, wrap the eggs in a fabric with a pattern and dip in a decoction with onion peel. Simmer for 20 minutes, then drain and remove the cloth.

To add shine, after painting, grease the products with a cotton swab, which you soak in vegetable oil.

To receive abstractions, onion peel should be finely chopped. Then add some chopped white paper to it. Roll the eggs in this mixture and wrap in cheesecloth. Then we lower the blanks into water and cook for 35 minutes. Cool and remove gauze and cut materials.

Well, in addition to onion peels, there are also natural dyes. I found an excellent tablet assistant in this matter, I share with you.

The ancient Slavs first dyed eggs with blood, it was a kind of sacrifice. And then we switched to paint and added bright colors.

And at the end of the method of coloring with onion peel, I want to give you a couple of tips so that all your experiments turn out to be successful.

  1. There should be enough decoction of the husk so that it can completely cover the eggs.
  2. The shell should be clean and smooth, so the color will lie evenly.
  3. You can paint with or without peel.
  4. Heat the eggs before painting by holding them for a minute in warm water.
  5. Vinegar can be added to enhance the color.
  6. Painted eggs rub with vegetable oil, so you get a spectacular shine.

Painting Easter eggs with beets

Can you guess what vegetable we are talking about? Yes, it's a candle. There are several options for coloring with this root crop. The color is bright pink or intense burgundy.

For work you will need: eggs and beets, water, vinegar.

Method one.

Boil the eggs ahead of time. Take a large beet and grate it on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice. Put the testicles in this juice, if you keep them for an hour - you will get a pink color, and leave it all night - burgundy.

Make sure the juice completely covers the eggs.

Method two.

Rinse and clean the beets, grate. Fill it with water, and add vinegar to the solution. Next, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place boiled eggs in this liquid. Hold them until the desired staining color.

Method three.

Grate the root crop on a fine grater. Grate the eggs well with this paste. Wait a while and remove the beet pulp.

Work is best done with gloves so as not to paint your hands.

Method four.

Cut the peeled beets into pieces and pour cold water along with the eggs. Boil for 10-15 minutes. And if you want to get a green color, then mix beetroot juice with turmeric.

As you can see, the process is very simple and accessible to everyone.

How to color eggs with turmeric?

And the next method is also simple and safe, and is very easy to carry out at home. And as the basis of the natural dye, we will take a spicy medicinal plant - turmeric. And the color of the product will turn out to be a delicate yellow.

In general, watch the video plot and find out for yourself! By the way, how do you most often paint these “gifts” for Easter?

Decorate eggs with greenery and iodine

The next method, I know, few people like, this is how medicines are used - iodine and brilliant green. But this option also has a place to be, so I'm talking about it.

We will need: onion peel, gauze, iodine, brilliant green, water, eggs.

Stages of work:

1. Cut some onion skins.

2. Moisten the eggs with water and roll in the husk, then put in a gauze bag.

3. Pour water into the pan, add a couple of drops of brilliant green and iodine, lower our blanks. Boil after boiling for 10 minutes.

4. Then take out, untie and wash, dry. Rub with vegetable oil.

Or you can simply prepare water by adding drops of brilliant green to it, stir and place already hard-boiled products. Leave for a while, we get a turquoise color.

To achieve the original effect, use threads, preferably floss or wool. Wrap them around each egg and dip into the broth prepared above. Boil until done. Then place in cold water and carefully cut the threads.

Now you know how, with the help of brilliant green and iodine, you can prepare Easter eggs in the form of decorations for this bright holiday.

Marble eggs for Easter

Do you want to surprise all the guests and please your eyes?! Then use the simple marble effect method.

You will need: dyes of different colors, vegetable oil, water, eggs.

Stages of work:

  1. Rinse the eggs and boil until tender. Let them dry.
  2. Next, paint them one color, red, yellow, or any other color of your choice.
  3. When the paint dries, dilute the darker shades in small containers and add a few drops of vegetable oil to them.
  4. Dip each product in the prepared solutions.

Also, do not forget to use the methods that I wrote about a little higher, there you will also find the secrets of getting marble eggs.

And one more way.

In a glass of hot water, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of vinegar, add dye. Pour the resulting liquid into a deep container and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix everything well. Two colors can be used. Dip hard-boiled eggs into the solution and twist to get a pattern. Next, blot the shell with a napkin and let dry.

In general, experiment and choose a more successful method for yourself.

Video on how to beautifully paint eggs at home

I also found an interesting video, it shows in detail as many as 5 ways to color our testicles. Choose what you like. Well, are you ready to watch? Then catch the plot!!

Painting Easter eggs with napkins

And the next way to decorate will be decoupage. And do not be afraid, in fact, this method is not so complicated, the main thing is to do everything in order and you will have an excellent result.

We will need:

  • Eggs - 8-10 pcs.;
  • Small brush;
  • Multilayer napkin;
  • Scissors;

Stages of work:

1. First, prepare the eggs: they should be at room temperature. Dip them in cold water and cook for 10-12 minutes after the water boils. Then drain the hot water from them and fill with cold water. Once the eggs have cooled, wipe them dry.

2. Make a shell degreasing solution out of water and vinegar. For 1 liter of water you need 80-100 ml of vinegar. Boiled eggs should be lowered into this solution for 5 minutes. Wipe them dry again.

3. Now let's prepare the napkin. It should be abstract, with a beautiful pattern. Cut out the images on the napkin along the contour.

5. Take the cut out pattern and separate the top layer. On the prepared egg, apply the prepared glue (whipped egg white) with a brush. Attach a drawing to this place, gently smooth a piece of napkin with a brush with glue. So you need to cover the whole egg with drawings from napkins.

6. You can dry the product with a hair dryer. After drying, once again cover everything with egg white. Dry again with a hairdryer. Everything is ready.

You see, as I said, everything is very simple !! Show your imagination and your products will not leave anyone indifferent!!

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands without dyes?

In fact, we already touched on this issue when we considered methods using onion peel, beets and turmeric. Of course, there are other ingredients that are natural and can help us get a beautiful color.

But remember that the work process is almost the same everywhere: the preparation of paint and eggs, the coloring itself. If we get an even tone, then we don’t need to invent anything, and if you want patterns, then use cereals and gauze, threads, or you can use cotton swabs for drawing.

So, to get a yellow-brown color, onion peel is used. For red - beets or blueberries. Orange shades can be obtained by mixing turmeric and onion skins. Turmeric gives yellow color lemon peel and orange, young birch leaves and shell walnut. Can also be used as a dye black tea, hibiscus, cranberries, red cabbage and nettle.

If you want to decorate eggs without using any chemical or natural dyes, then it's time to use modern methods.

Using a permanent marker.

All you need is the marker itself and your imagination. We take and draw!!

The use of paints.

Acrylic or watercolor will do. Again, you only need to show imagination, taking a brush and paint, and of course the egg itself.

The use of fabric.

For this technology, you need to take an egg and wrap it in a cloth, secure with threads. Pour in water and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Boil our blanks in this solution for 10 minutes after boiling, then cool and carefully remove the fabric.

And you can decorate our eggs with threads or stick grits.

Looks great and original too!

The use of confectionery sprinkles, sequins, rhinestones, glass.

The surface must be lubricated with PVA glue and glue the decorations as you please.

You can also choose a technique quilling or paint the shell in divorced nail polishes.

Also do not forget about paper decorations, thermal stickers and sequins.

See how beautiful it can be!! Choose any method and everything will work out!! And by the way, do not forget to involve children in this business, usually children are delighted with such creativity.

Well, I tell you "Goodbye", I hope it was useful !! Do not forget to write comments and share with friends on social networks!!

Methods and features of dyeing eggs for Easter.

The tradition of dyeing chicken eggs in different colors for Easter has come to us since ancient times.

One of the amazing explanations is related to the resurrection of Christ, after which one of his followers came to the ruler and brought an egg as a gift. The woman reported the good news, to which the ruler was skeptical. He noted that the egg in her hand would sooner turn red than a person could be resurrected. And so it happened. Before their eyes, the egg changed color.

Nowadays, you can easily buy chemical paints or ready-made drawings on thermal film to decorate eggs for the Bright Holiday. But natural dyes are healthier. And the process itself with their use is more like magic.

Let's talk about them in more detail in this article.

Is it possible to dye eggs with turmeric and how?

The unequivocal answer is yes, you can. In addition to the beautiful yellow color of the shell, the egg itself as a food product will remain absolutely harmless even for children.


  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • turmeric - 4 measuring units
  • vinegar (optional) - 1 scoop
  • salt - 1 measuring unit

Coloring process

  • Remove eggs with white shells from the refrigerator for an hour to cool to room temperature
  • Wash them with soap and degrease with alcohol, so the paint will better stick to them.
  • Dissolve the turmeric, salt, and vinegar in a pot of cold water. If suddenly an egg bursts during cooking, then salt will ensure that there is no leakage of protein from the crack
  • Place the eggs in the prepared water from the pan and put on fire
  • Boil for 10-15 minutes and remove on a paper towel. If you want a more saturated color, leave the eggs in the solution overnight

After the shell has dried, treat it with vegetable oil, which will give the eggs a shine.

Is it possible to dye eggs with beets and how?

Eggs are perfectly stained with beets. In this case, shades from delicate pink to rich burgundy are obtained. The original color of the eggshell also affects the future color. The lighter it is, the paler the color will turn out.

Beets for coloring Easter eggs are used:

  • raw
  • boiled

In the first option:

  • wash and boil eggs
  • chop beets on a grater
  • squeeze the juice or use the whole gruel
  • dip the eggs in the paint
  • to get the darkest color, leave them in beetroot juice overnight in the refrigerator

The method of boiling eggs with beets is the simplest and most popular. In addition to the convenience of coloring, you get a ready-made ingredient - beets - for salads.

  • Dip the boiled eggs in the boiling beetroot
  • Adjust the intensity of the color of the eggshell by periodically removing the egg

Another way to dye eggs with beets:

  • grate a medium beetroot
  • add half a glass of water and a teaspoon of vinegar
  • heat the resulting mixture, but do not bring to a boil
  • place boiled eggs in a container with prepared beet raw materials for coloring

How to color eggs with beets and carrots?

The best option for coloring eggs for Easter are beet and carrot juices.

The first will give the shell reddish-burgundy shades, the second - yellow-orange.

  • Grate beets or carrots
  • Add vinegar and boiled eggs
  • Put the gruel with eggs on low heat and heat well
  • Let everything cool naturally
  • Please note that the eggs should be completely immersed in the vegetable juice to evenly distribute the color.

You can use juices or co-cook eggs with vegetables in turn.

For example, you want to get two-color Easter eggs. Proceed as follows:

  • choose a picture and how to create it. For example, an impression of parsley or a line from a rubber band
  • First dye the eggs in a lighter dye - carrots
  • After they have completely cooled, put on an elastic band or secure a parsley leaf with a bandage / cloth
  • Send prepared eggs for dyeing in hot water after boiling beets
  • Once it's cool, carefully unwrap the eggs and surprise them with drawings from your guests.

How to color eggs with beets and turmeric?

The approach to dyeing eggs with beets and turmeric is similar to that discussed in the previous section.

Prepare the golden shell of boiled eggs before staining with beets.

  • For example, moisten with water and roll them in rice cereal
  • wrap with gauze
  • or randomly stick fabric strips
  • or gently work the eggs with melted candle wax and cut out the designs with thread / nail strip / thin screwdriver

After immersing in beetroot juice/water and cooling completely, carefully remove any materials at hand from the surface of the shell.

Dye eggs in onion skins with brilliant green

To give different shades to the eggs, dye them in a pharmacy solution of brilliant green and onion skins.

The result will please you with its originality. It will resemble beautiful stains on marble.


  • chicken eggs - 1 dozen
  • Zelenka - 1 bottle
  • water - 1-2 cups
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • onion peel
  • gauze or nylon fullness / socks
  • bobbin threads
  • scissors
  • toothpick
  • cut onion skins randomly with scissors
  • Moisten raw eggs with water and roll in onion skins, which you arrange in advance on a large dish
  • place the eggs in gauze / nylon and pull tight
  • tie them from above and below or only from the side with threads, cut off excess materials
  • Pour water and greenery into a stainless steel pan, add salt and throw in a toothpick. They will save the eggs from cracks and the release of protein to the outside.
  • submerge the eggs so that they are completely covered with "green" water
  • light the fire and cook as usual, but no longer than half an hour
  • take the eggs out and rinse them in cold water
  • leave them to cool naturally in a bowl
  • remove gauze / nylon and onion peel from eggs
  • brush the shell with vegetable oil and remove the residue with a paper towel
  • put the finished painted eggs on a beautiful dish

How to paint eggs green marble?

Marble color for Easter eggs is given by brilliant green and onion peel.

The method for obtaining it was proposed in the previous section.

But we note a few nuances:

  • To make the marble pattern on the eggshell thinner and more elegant, grind the onion peel in a blender or coffee grinder
  • Treat the shell of a boiled egg with a cotton swab, wetting it alternately in brilliant green and any other natural dye, for example, carrot juice. Lay the dyed eggs carefully on paper towels until completely dry.
  • Dip the light-colored eggs into a container with an aqueous solution of brilliant green and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The latter will ensure uneven fixing of the green color on the eggshell.

How to paint green eggs for Easter?

To make Easter eggs change their natural color to green, use a solution of brilliant green.

To do this, prepare:

  • stainless steel saucepan
  • bottle of brilliant green

Coloring process:

  • wash eggs with soap and dry
  • pour water into a saucepan
  • add salt and herbs. A few drops will provide a light green tint to the eggshell, and a bottle will provide a rich shade.
  • boil eggs until cooked in colored water
  • take them out and let them cool in a bowl or paper towel
  • with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, treat the eggshell to make it shine

Color eggs with brilliant green and iodine

If you urgently need to dye your eggs green and / or yellow and you are not going to eat them later, then a cheap way is to do it with brilliant green and iodine.

In the vastness of Runet, you will find an unequivocal opinion that these dyes are not safe. All the same, we do not eat both brilliant green and iodine, but treat wounds and abrasions.

And yet, in the case when you decide to paint eggs with them, then proceed as discussed in the previous section. But before that, empty the eggs through a small hole so that only the shell remains.

To mix yellow and green shades, paint the eggs first in iodine, and then in brilliant green, after fixing the image of the picture with improvised materials.

How to paint eggs with brilliant green and potassium permanganate?

Doctors and ordinary practitioners are categorically against the use of pharmaceutical preparations as dyes for Easter eggs. They explain their position by the fact that “colored” antiseptics can also color egg white, which enters the human digestive system. And the results of this for health are the most unpredictable.

It is definitely safe to use brilliant green and potassium permanganate to color the shell of an empty egg.

Just act carefully and carefully with it so as not to break the future masterpiece.

As a decor for potassium permanganate-colored shells, choose:

  • scotch
  • molten paraffin
  • adhesive paper

Wrap empty shells in cloth / gauze / nylon very carefully or avoid this decorating method altogether.

Take the algorithm for coloring eggs with brilliant green and potassium permanganate from any section discussed above.

How to paint eggs with nail polish?

Easter eggs as an element of decor are perfect for coloring them with ordinary nail polish.


  • deep capacity
  • empty eggs
  • several colored nail polishes
  • toothpick
  • paper towels
  • medical gloves


  • Since nail polish is a product of the chemical industry, it is forbidden to eat it. Therefore, remove the contents of chicken eggs with a syringe with a thin needle or drink through a tiny hole.
  • Pour water into a container and drip a couple of drops of each varnish
  • Lightly shake these colored dots with a toothpick. You will get multi-colored circles of different diameters.
  • Put on a glove and dip the eggshells into the colored water
  • After 3-5 minutes, take out an empty egg
  • Place it on a paper towel with the unpainted side.
  • When the paint on the shell dries, do the same for the opposite side of the shell.

So, we looked at different ways to color chicken eggs for a beautiful Easter celebration. Although the modern industry opposes its developments to the natural "grandmother's" method, many of us are still supporters of safety and environmental friendliness.

Experiment with patterns and shades when coloring Easter eggs.

Happy Easter to you!

Video: how to color eggs for Easter with food coloring?

Chocolate, dark brown (coffee)
Proportions for paint:
2 teaspoons of instant coffee;
0.5 l of water;
1 tablespoon of vinegar (6-9%).

How to prepare chocolate paint: dissolve coffee in salted water, add vinegar and boil eggs in it.

Light green color (nettle decoction)
For nettle paint you need:
Dried nettle - 5 tablespoons;
Water - 0.5 liters;
Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

How to prepare green paint: boil the nettle for 15 minutes, strain, add vinegar or 2-3 drops of vinegar essence to the infusion, put the eggs and boil for an hour. When boiling, it is necessary to add water, so that the eggs are covered with water all the time and dyed evenly. If you do not add water, then at least turn them over. You can still leave for half an hour - an hour in the broth, so that the color is thicker.
This is what Easter eggs look like
In addition, green color is given by water colored with brilliant green (put boiled eggs in it and let stand), you can still chop spinach (larger) and cook with it

Golden, yellow, slightly orange color (turmeric)
For staining with turmeric you need:
Turmeric - 2 tablespoons;
Water - 0.5 liters;
Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.
How to prepare yellow paint: add eggs, turmeric and vinegar to the water and boil the eggs in it until cooked. If you want a more orange, reddish color, use more turmeric.

xxx: went out into the street with a cat and green paint - you need to smear his eggs after castration, and there are carpets in the house.
xxx: I’m standing holding a cat, one egg is already green, the other has begun to smear.
xxx: neighbor asks what am I doing? And you can't see it! I'm getting ready for Easter.

My male came to visit)))) according to tradition, he brought a small kinder. to which my madam, with her hands on her hips, asks
- Andrei, do you have two balls or did you deceive me like a sucker?
With a wild laugh, he gave her two more Kinders intended for
putting her to bed...

case in the army. I was a capter, I get underwear from the ensign.
Gives me panties and says:
- In you "Easter" panties of ladies, and then the usual ran out.
- Comrade Ensign, why "Easter"?
-Because they paint eggs. - And both of us start laughing xD

PS Pants really paint in a week, checked xDDD

I was walking along Elektrozavodskaya embankment, I saw that the aunts were painting the fence. Fence from a metal profile-square, high. They paint with brushes, thin ones, neatly ... And everything seems to be fine, but in order to paint the upper part of the fence, they tied the brushes to the Crowbars.

Remembering Easter eggs. History of life. Sometime before Easter
companies with fairly well-known musical groups noted
someone's birthday. And of course, having drunk too much, they started acting weird. Eggs
decided to paint. As they decided, they did it. Painted. Sasha to the guitarist.
I don’t remember why, but in the color of the Ukrainian flag .. one is blue, the second
yellow. Painted and booze continued successfully on. The most interesting
happened two weeks later .. when this most painted of binge
began to go out, and showed up to the doctor with his green eggs.

On Saturday before Easter, the wife paints eggs (chicken) with various special
paint. Me and our 3 year old son watching. Here the son takes out of the box with
paint also Easter stickers. She asks her mother what is it? She is
says stickers. I must say, the son often glues different tattoos from
chewing gum. He says stick it on my hand. To which the wife replies that
type for eggs stickers. Well then, stick it on my eggs. This is where I fell off

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