The girl died from a road sign. A Russian tourist who died in the Dominican Republic will be buried at home. Deadly fun on the road

In the Dominican Republic, a Russian tourist, a native of the Chelyabinsk region, who leaned out of a car window in her shorts from a swimsuit, died. It is reported that the girl at speed flew headlong into a roadside sign. This moment was caught on video.

The tragedy happened on October 10 on the highway leading to the Punta Cana airport. The girl, along with her companion, who was driving, swaggered in the car, showing her magnificent breasts to the camera. Ukrainian Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving KiaPicanto.

At times, the tourist leaned waist-deep out of the window, posed and did not follow the road. At the moment when she is simply blown out of the car window, the recording breaks off. It is not clear from the video what happened to the victim. Most likely it was a roadside sign. Although some sources write that it was a bus.

Passport data of the deceased appeared on Facebook - Natalya Borisovna Borodina, 35 years old. The entry is accompanied by a request for additional information about it. The woman managed to be taken to the hospital, but the doctors could not save her because of her very serious injuries.

Internet users write that the girl's relatives are aware of what happened.

The hospital reports that death was due to severe traumatic brain injury.

A tourist from Russia absurdly died in the Dominican Republic. Leaning out of the car window, she hit her head on a sign that was too close to the road. The moment of the woman's death was caught on video - the recording was made by a friend who was driving. The deceased is survived by a small child.

A fatal accident in which a 35-year-old native of the Chelyabinsk region died occurred on October 10. Natalya Borodina, while in the car, unsuccessfully stuck her head out of the car, and she hit the road signs. Having received severe head injuries, the woman died.

The accident occurred during the day when Borodina, along with her friend, who was driving a small car Kia Picanto, was driving towards the Punta Cana airport. The girlfriend of the deceased was driving and at the same time was filming Borodina, who was sitting in the front seat, on a mobile phone. In turn, she leaned out topless from the open window. Suddenly, Borodin was touched by a sign standing on the side of the road. After a short scream, most likely a friend, the recording ends

At the same time, it is not known for certain whether Borodina fell onto the road after the collision or remained in the cabin. It was possible to find out some details only thanks to the local police and the media, who spoke about the emergency.

A local publication published a picture of a large road sign that hit Borodin, as well as blood in the cabin. A hospital photograph of the tourist's head was also made public, which clearly indicates that she received a severe open head injury. As a result, she died in the hospital from her injuries.

According to local media, the friend of the deceased, who filmed her death on video, was a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk. There is no other information about her. It is possible that during the investigation of the accident she may be charged.

The deceased has an account on the VKontakte social network, where she calls herself Natalya Borisova and, apparently, underestimates her age by three years. The woman posted more than half a thousand photos. The deceased traveled a lot, was fond of skiing, loved social events. She also wrote poems that she attached to her photographs.

Judging by the early pictures, Borodina has a son, who may now be about 11 years old.

There is not much reliable information about the deceased. According to preliminary data, Borodina was born in Zlatoust, after which she lived in Chelyabinsk and Moscow, and recently lived on the French Riviera.

An acquaintance of the deceased told REN-TV that recently Borodina lived in Cannes, where she worked in real estate and sold housing to Russian citizens.

There is no official information about the tragedy from Russian diplomats yet. Despite the large tourist flow, there is no Russian embassy in the Dominican Republic. Its functions are performed by the relatively nearby diplomatic mission in Venezuela.

Live traffic accidents happen quite often. This summer, a sensational story took place in Ukraine, where two girls crashed to death in an accident while broadcasting live on Instagram.

The name of the deceased is Natalya, she is 35 years old. The girl was born in the Chelyabinsk region, lived in Moscow for a long time, according to REN TV.


According to updated data, the Russian woman hit her head on a road sign. At that moment, her Ukrainian friend Ivanna was driving the car. It was she who filmed the tragic incident with a naked friend on video. When the doctors tried to help the victim, Ivanna took a photo with a barely alive Natalia, writes

As a result of the accident, the Russian woman received a serious head injury and was hospitalized. A few hours later, she died, and footage of a terrible incident hit the Web.

Meanwhile, Natalya's acquaintances said that she had a child. At the same time, the tourist could provide sex services at the resort. “I heard that they were engaged in escorting,” said a friend of the deceased from Chelyabinsk, noting that she didn’t know anything about it for sure.

As Dni.Ru wrote, while on vacation in the Dominican Republic, the Russian woman chose a very dangerous entertainment. A girl in only shorts got out of the car window and showed her charms to the camera. The passenger car raced through the streets at high speed, but at some point the tourist flew out of the foreign car onto the roadway.

Oldfisher has this video, of course, uncensored...

In general, it shows the end of the bright life path of the 35-year-old Russian beauty Natalya Borodina

"A native of the Chelyabinsk region tragically died on vacation in the Dominican Republic, hitting her head on a road sign at high speed
On your page VK Natalya Borisova (Borodina) often posted photos taken while traveling around the world. She carefully monitored her appearance and loved to show it to the camera. The woman is 35 years old.
A woman provided herself with a beautiful life by selling real estate abroad to Russians.
True, Natalya's classmate does not exclude that she could work as an exorcist.
The life of the beauty was tragically interrupted on October 11 on vacation in the Dominican Republic. On the way to the airport, contrary to all safety rules, she wanted to “ride with the breeze”, leaning out of the car literally to her waist.
A friend who was driving decided to film her tricks on video. On the frames, the girl is depicted almost negligee - there is nothing on her except for her panties.
Completely forgetting about safety, the woman did not notice the approach of the road sign. At high speed, she hit her head on a pole.
The blow was so strong that the passenger was thrown out of the passenger compartment. The woman lost consciousness and never regained consciousness, died in the hospital.
According to media reports, Natalia's friend from Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving the car. The police arrested her on suspicion of drunk driving.
At the time of her death, Natalia was only 35 years old. She left behind an 11-year-old son.
Natalia's mother and sister were faced with the problem of raising money to transport her body to her homeland."

A clear and daring 35-year-old Natasha Borodina did not like to start with mermaids, as other Russian beautiful ladies do not start with mermaids now ...
Well, if only the little mermaid is not an oligarch ...
And so all Russian beautiful ladies are now starting in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia ...
But Natalya Borodina was cooler than ordinary Russian ladies, and she went to start a business with dark-skinned machos in the sunny Dominican Republic...
There, her friend Ivanna Boyrachuk from the Kievan Russian World started with her, and Natalya Borodina herself was from the Urals ...
Daring Natasha Borodina showed off her beautiful tanned and toned body by leaning out of the car window at full speed...
Natasha from Ukraine was driving...
Everything went smoothly and looked cool ...
Daring Natashas bulged out in the Dominican Republic in full and rushed to the airport...
But in the way of the flexible and impudent Natasha Borodina, who leaned out of the window, there was a road sign, about which she cracked her head all the way ...
Now Natasha's relatives face the difficult task of transporting her beautiful body from the sunny Dominican Republic to the sunny Urals...
By the way, Natasha has an 11-year-old son there...
And officially, in life, Natasha Borodina was a RSPeshka ...
Here is her photo, little mermaids...
Admire them, in life such ladies are not for you in your Russian World ...

The ridiculous death in the Dominican Republic of 35-year-old Russian woman Natalia Borodina, who died in an accident on the way to Punta Cana airport, literally blew up social networks. Internet users are shocked by the circumstances of the girl's death.

Recall that a native of the Chelyabinsk region in a resort in search of adrenaline leaned out of the window of a moving car in her shorts, posing for the camera. As a result, the girl died from her injuries.

In the photo: the car in which the life of 35-year-old Natalia Borodina ended

The video that got on the Web in just a day collected over 1 million views and hundreds of comments, the authors of which clearly have a vague idea of ​​​​such elementary concepts as compassion and pity.

Most note the circumstances of the death of a young girl, remembering the so-called Darwin Award, which is awarded for the most ridiculous death.

The most beautiful nomination for the Darwin Award that I have ever seen", "Didn't she explain that the Darwin Award is not paid?" -

users write.

Many are surprised that a 35-year-old girl was so careless about her own life and remind that her friend was driving the car, who filmed the tragedy on video.

It doesn’t surprise me that she killed herself, it surprises me how she survived to 35 years old with such brains! column ... "," With all the horror of events, I have to state the fact that there were at least two fools in the car, "" Drunk, I suppose, I decided to fool around ... Many such fools and fools lost their lives, "-

such comments are left under the video by users.

In the photo: Natalia loved to pose not only from the car window, but also while driving

Meanwhile, as it turns out, the stupid death of a native of Chelyabinsk turns into the most serious problems for her relatives, who do not have the financial opportunity to return the girl's body to their homeland. In addition, the 35-year-old Russian woman left a child, the fate of which now also has to be taken care of by her family.

As Anzhelika, a friend of the sister of the deceased girl, told reporters, Natalya in the Chelyabinsk region left her sister Yulia and her mother, who is already 80 years old. Her sister is raising her son, as well as the son of Natalia, who has not constantly lived with his mother lately.

They do not have the necessary funds to transport the body of the deceased," he said.

RIA Novosti reports the words of Angelica.

It is known that Natalia constantly lived in Cannes - this is the only thing her relatives know about her life. The girl did not tell them details about her life, so they cannot tell where she worked. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Borodina flew to rest on her own, without purchasing any tours. The girl herself bought tickets, booked a hotel and rented a car in which her life ended.

According to MK, in this regard, all the costs of transporting the body of Natalia Borodina may fall on the shoulders of her family, since the case of her death may not be insured.

The approximate cost of repatriation from the Dominican Republic is $20,000, or about one million two hundred thousand rubles, which is an unbearable burden for the relatives of the deceased.

According to experts of the insurance market, 20 thousand is only the minimum rate.

Much will depend on how it will be transported: by direct flight or charter with transfers. Transportation of any "cargo 200", that is, the human body, is always expensive. Plus, the Dominican Republic is an extremely expensive destination,"

Svetlana Shvab, expert of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, told the publication.

As insurers assure, in any case, they will organize the delivery of the deceased lover of naked selfies to their homeland through a special service. True, then the girl’s relatives can expect another extremely unpleasant news. There is a big risk that the insurance company will generally refuse to recognize Natalia's death as an insured event. As the interlocutor of the publication noted, the decisive fact here will be the state of the woman at the time of the tragedy.

If the doctors determine that she was drunk or was in a state of altered consciousness under the influence of drugs or psychotropic substances, this is a 100% refusal. In this case, the insurers will first pay for the transportation of the body, and then bill the relatives of the tourist. If it turns out that the girl leaned out naked from the car window in her right mind and sober memory, then - no matter how strange it may seem - the insurers will most likely make concessions and cover all the costs of repatriating her body, -

explained Svetlana Schwab.

So far, in this sensational case, it is known that the Dominican police detained Ukrainian citizen Ivanna Boraichuk, who was driving at the time of the accident. According to the results of the examination, she was drunk. In addition, she drove the car with one hand. Another she filmed as her almost naked friend having fun in the car.

Whether the deceased was drunk at the time of the tragedy, the investigation has yet to establish.

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