Shameless paparazzi and breasts of the Duchess of Cambridge (9 photos). Kate Middleton's bare chest was estimated at one and a half million Cambridge Catherine topless

More recently or a long time ago, or more precisely, in 2012, a photo of Princess Kate Middleton hit some European media. Naturally, the royal family did not like this. Some representatives simply became furious))) These pictures are called

"Photo on the balcony"

The photos were taken on vacation in Provence, on an open balcony. And how to call it an invasion of privacy if the Princess of Cambridge takes off her top on the balcony, I repeat, the open balcony, and then she also changes her underpants, and mind you also on the balcony)))

And then the invasion of privacy and prosecution, not even the paparazzi who made extremely bad pictures, but the publishing houses that published them.

The daughter of Silvio Berlusconi spoke about this even then

- In our work, we adhere to the principles of complete publishing freedom in all cases, even when it comes to top officials of states.

And I think Kate herself is to blame for this turn of affairs. She very often finds herself in such delicate situations. Here is a small selection of the Princess of Cambridge's joints. I think if you are a princess, then you need to watch yourself and think with your head, too, royally smart.

The British Queen is concerned about the appearance of the wife of Prince William. Queen Elizabeth II insisted that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, abandon short skirts in favor of more conservative outfits.

Photo during a visit to Australia. Again the wind, again the sparkle of the fifth point)))

In this photo, Kate Middleton is returning from her bachelorette party. Glad to madness, but you have to move your legs. In the comments to this photo I saw: Kate secretly celebrated a bachelorette party from the paparazzi. What a mystery is here, there it is all))) Between the legs.

This photo of the princess's butt with lace panties was taken in London on May 31, 2007. So why is it glowing like this? Correspondents forced to do this?

This was also caught somewhere, but I think it’s just nosy paparazzi, Katya has nothing to do with it. Cunning bastards caught, one moment and all. Running to sell a photo)))

Well, this is also, only a side view))))

As the world media write at the flower-laying ceremony at the memorial in New Delhi, the effect of Marilyn Monroe happened to the Duchess, probably everyone remembers the film star on the ventilation grill?

By the way, such a case is not the first one that got into the lenses of cameras. Previously, Middleton has reluctantly demonstrated her underwear in public several times. What, according to rumors, Queen Elizabeth II is terribly angry, promising to assign a special person to her daughter-in-law who will hold the hems of her dresses.

Well, what the hell to wear such a dress in windy weather (I read it in the comments to the post, it seems) The dress is of such a cut that it’s not that the hem will pull up, but you can fly away.

A full 5 years have passed since the French tabloid Closer published a photo of Duchess Kate, where you can see the upper body of the Duchess without extra clothes. The royal family, so strictly watching their reputation, for a moment lost their vigilance. It was in 2012, during the rest of the monarchs at the great uncle of William Lord Linley in his French estate. On the frames you can see Kate without the top of the swimsuit. The French edition devoted as many as 4 spreads to pictures of Kate topless during her second honeymoon in Provence.

Kate Middleton

According to Jean Viel, Kate and William's lawyer, the photographs caused the deepest moral damage to the entire royal family. Now the issue price is 1.5 million euros (about 95 million rubles). Closer magazine editor Laurence Pio, photographers Cyril Moreau and Dominic Zhikovides will appear before the court. Legal experts say that the royal family has great chances to emerge victorious. Since according to UK law, taking pictures of people without their permission is prohibited.

The news appeared online on Tuesday May 3, but on the same day, Kate Middleton appeared in public, despite scandalous proceedings. Duchess Catherine became a participant in one of the events held by the charity Farms For City Children and even fed a cute goat.

Kate Middleton

The prince first saw Kate in 2002 at a charity fashion show...

Catherine Elizabeth, Duchess of Cambridge, known to the general public as Kate Middleton, was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading, Berkshire, England. In 1987, her parents, Michael Francis and Carol Elizabeth Middleton formed a mail order business called Party Pieces.

Kate Middleton photo

The specialization of their offspring was the sale of a variety of accessories for parties and holidays. It was thanks to this company that the Middletons subsequently became millionaires. and managed to give their three children a decent education in prestigious private schools. The Middleton family settled in their own house, located in Berkshire, in a village called Bucklebury.

Kate Middleton's fateful first meeting with her future husband, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was due to their studies at the University of St. Andrews, located in the Scottish district of Fife. The girl entered this educational institution in 2001, at the same time as the 19-year-old prince decided to study art history at the same university.

Kate Middleton in a transparent dress

The prince first saw Kate in 2002 at a charity fashion show. in which she took part. After all, the parameters of the girl completely allowed her to make a career as a model, which is clearly seen when looking at the photo of Kate Middleton. And after some time, young people, along with their fellow students Olivia Blisdale and Fergus Boyd, rented an apartment in a house located on one of the main streets of the St. Andrews campus.

In 2004, Prince Arthur began to appear more often on vacation with Kate Middleton., thanks to which it was no longer a secret to anyone that young people were in love with each other. Arthur and Kate admitted that they are a couple, having gone to Switzerland to ski.

Kate Middleton photo

The fact that the relationship between the lovers should soon bring them down the aisle was also indicated by the fact that Queen Elizabeth herself in December 2006 honored Kate Middleton with an invitation to a royal dinner in honor of Christmas. And, despite the polite refusal of the girl, who referred to the decision to spend this evening with her family, the queen's gesture made it clear to Kate that the royal family recognized the chosen one of the prince.

Already in March 2006, the girl appeared at the Cheltenham Racecourse in the royal box. And in October 2010, while on vacation with Kate in Kenya, Prince William proposed marriage to her. The girl agreed and on November 16, 2010, the British Royal Court officially announced the engagement of Prince William with his beloved Kate Middleton. The wedding was scheduled for April 29, 2011.

For the first time after their engagement was officially announced, the young people jointly appeared in public only in February 2011. They took part in the launching of lifeboats, which took place on the coast of Wales, in Anglesey. Not far from this place was just the part of William, in which he served as a rescue helicopter pilot.

Kate Middleton, who first appeared as the official bride of the prince, was in a very elegant sand-colored coat and a miniature Philip Tracy hat.

Kate Middleton - candid photos

The impudence of the paparazzi who hunt famous people goes beyond any limits. Sometimes it even leads to tragedies - take, for example, Lady "Dee", who crashed in a car trying to hide from prying eyes and lenses. In our case, there is no place for tragedy, but there is every reason for scandal.

It was five years ago when a significant storm raged. The case even went to court. The story has again become relevant in today's media because the grandson of the British Queen and his wife, who bear the title of the Dukes of Cambridge, decided on the amount they wished to take through the court for photographs in which Kate Middleton is depicted with bare breasts.


The ducal couple are demanding 1,500,000 euros from the defendants.



According to the British media, the famous couple hopes that the publishers of Closer magazine, on the cover and pages of which provocative pictures were printed, will compensate them for moral damage. And men all over the world still remember Kate's luxurious breasts, which, without any censorship, flaunted on the covers of several newspapers and magazines at once.


Paparazzi from France caught a couple relaxing by the pool with a telephoto lens from the highway. Kate was sunbathing without a bra that day.


The pictures were very candid, but representatives of Closer are sure that they in no way humiliate the dignity of the Duchess. They say that the photo shows a "beautiful, loving and modern" couple.
Yesterday morning, employees of the gloss appeared before the court of the city of Nanterre on charges of violating privacy rights.


Several people who were involved in the distribution of defamatory images were put on trial at once: Laurence Pio, editor of the French magazine Closer, Ernesto Mauri, the chief executive, and photographers Kirill Moreau and Dominique Jacovides, the main defendants. These people are accused of invasion of privacy.
Almost simultaneously with the publication of these photos, a court took place, which banned the subsequent use of the pictures. However, this ban was violated. Topless Keith featured on his pages a number of European publications, in particular the Italian magazine Chi, the Irish newspaper Daily Star and glossy magazines about stars in Sweden and Denmark. In addition, almost naked Middleton appeared in the newspaper La Provence, whose employees will also appear in court.


Gossip testified that Kate was seething with indignation. After all, before that, she had never hit as “chickens in cabbage soup”, when the whole world could see her “naked” photos.
It was also said that the published photos could hurt the duchess' impeccable reputation.


Others hoped that such pictures would only increase Kate's popularity ratings and give her "pepper".
And so it happened.
The British love their duchess very much, besides this, she has almost the whole world in her fans.
We sympathize with the people who fell under the scope of the paparazzi cameras. Just imagine what it's like to find out that your photos are procrastinating in a public space.

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