Soviet anti-aircraft gun 85 mm direct fire. Venevsky district - dangerous finds - artillery and cars. Maximum firing range, m

Weapons of Victory Military science Team of authors --

85 mm anti-aircraft gun model 1939

The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model appeared as a natural result of the development of domestic anti-aircraft artillery, which originated in 1914, when the designer of the Putilov factory F. Lender developed the first 76-mm anti-aerostatic gun of the 1914 model. In 1915 and 1928, this system was modernized, increasing the vertical firing range at a maximum elevation angle to 6500 m; it was replaced by a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1931 model. In 1938, on the instructions of the GAU, several prototypes of a modernized 76-mm gun were manufactured. Installed on a four-wheeled wagon, it weighed 4200 kg - significantly less than the previous one. In this form, it is accepted into service as an anti-aircraft gun of the 1938 model.

However, the growth of speeds and the "ceiling" of aircraft, the increase in their survivability required an increase in the reach of anti-aircraft guns at altitude and an increase in the power of the projectile. And in 1939 G. Dorokhin creates new system, imposing an 85-mm barrel on the carriage of a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1938 model, using a shutter and semi-automatic

this tool. When choosing a caliber, he proceeded from the need to obtain a high initial velocity of the projectile and such a cartridge weight that would make the loader work for a sufficiently long time. Such requirements were most successfully combined in the 85 mm caliber, the projectile weight was 9.2 kg, the cartridge weight was 15.1 kg, starting speed- 800 m/sec. Increasing the power of the gun required the installation of a muzzle brake, which absorbed about 30% of the recoil energy.

The work carried out by the young designer G. Dorokhin was approved, prototype new gun entered the research site. The main advantage of the 85-mm anti-aircraft gun over its predecessor, the 76-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1931 model, is the increased power of the projectile, which created a greater amount of destruction in the target area. The polygon recommended that the cannon be adopted as a medium-caliber anti-aircraft gun. The gun was quickly mastered in production and before the start of the Great Patriotic War started joining the military.


Weight in combat position 4300 kg

Maximum Reach:

in height 10.5 km

horizontally 15.5 km

Maximum elevation angle +82°

The largest angle of declination - 3 °

Horizontal firing angle 360°

Rate of fire maximum 20 rds / min

Road transport speed up to 50 km/h

From the book Technique and weapons 1995 03-04 author Magazine "Technique and weapons"

100-MM GUN OF THE 1944 SAMPLE (BS-31) This gun was born by the efforts of the teams of three factories of the Stalingrad "Barrikada", Motovilikha and Leningrad "Bolshevik". In early 1943, when heavy german tanks"Tiger", in front of the team

From the book Artillery and mortars of the XX century author Ismagilov R. S.

85-mm anti-aircraft gun The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model was created at the Leningrad plant named after M.I. Kalinin under the leadership of the chief designer M.N. Loginova. Active participation in the creation of the gun, his assistant G.D. Dorokhin. 85-mm anti-aircraft gun according to their TTD

From the book Weapons of Victory author Military science Team of authors --

37-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun 37-mm anti-aircraft automatic gun model 1939 (they were also called anti-aircraft guns) - the brainchild of the Leningrad plant named after M.I. Kalinin, created back in 1866. It was developed under the leadership of the chief designer M.N.

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75-mm Schneider anti-aircraft gun When the need for an air defense system arose during the First World War, France reacted quickly enough, adapting its proven 75-mm anti-aircraft gun for firing at air targets field gun sample of 1897. For this swinging

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37 mm anti-aircraft gun mod. 1939 During the Great Patriotic War, the 37-mm cannon of the 1939 model was the main anti-aircraft gun of the Red Army to protect ground troops from attacks by low-flying enemy aircraft. Anti-aircraft guns, depending on the situation, also

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76-mm anti-aircraft gun (9K) The 76-mm Lender anti-aircraft gun was successfully used during the First World War and civil wars, however, due to the development of aviation in the 20s, it is already outdated. Therefore, the main Artillery Directorate(GAU) required the modernization of this gun, first

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75-mm anti-aircraft gun "type 88" Despite the apparent similarity, the Japanese 75-mm gun should not be confused with the German 88-mm anti-aircraft gun flak 18. "Type 88" is a typical Japanese development of 1928, corresponding to the year 2588 of the old eastern chronology "from the foundation

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CAI-B01 20mm anti-aircraft gun The CAI-B01 (101La/5TG) light anti-aircraft gun was put into service in 1954 and was developed by the Swiss company Oerlikon, the largest manufacturer of 20mm anti-aircraft guns in Europe during World War II. She was meant to be a cover

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30 mm anti-aircraft gun GCI (HS 831) The effectiveness of small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery during World War II prompted the development of similar artillery systems in postwar period. A well-known manufacturer of aviation 20-mm guns is a Swiss company

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40 mm L70 anti-aircraft gun The 40 mm L70 automatic gun was developed by the famous Bofors company in the post-war period and entered service with the Swedish army in 1951. It was widely supplied abroad and produced under license in six various countries NATO. At present

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152-mm howitzer-cannon model 1937 The history of the creation of this gun dates back to 1932, when a group of designers of the All-Union Gun Arsenal Association V. Grabin, N. Komarov and V. Drozdov proposed to create a powerful hull gun by imposing a 152-mm siege barrel

From the author's book

122-cannon model 1931 37 This gun was developed by a design team led by F. Petrov by imposing the barrel of a 122-mm cannon model 1931 on a more advanced carriage of a 152-mm howitzer-<пушки образца 1937 года. 122-мм пушка образца 1931 года в свое время была

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76-mm divisional gun of the 1942 model

From the author's book

76-mm regimental gun model 1943 The history of this squat short-barreled gun dates back to the mid-20s. It was this gun, adopted by the Red Army in August 1927 and called the "76-mm regimental gun of the 1927 model", that opened the Soviet

From the author's book

The 57-mm anti-tank gun of the 1943 model of the year The history of the creation of this gun dates back to 1940, when the design team headed by Hero

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100-mm field gun model 1944 In the spring of 1943, when Hitler's "tigers", "panthers", "Ferdinands" began to appear on the battlefields in large numbers, the chief designer V. Grabin, in a note addressed to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, proposed along with



It is well known about the units of the Soviet anti-aircraft gunners who defended Venev. And, unfortunately, nothing is known about the field artillery of the rifle units of the Red Army and the 115th regiment of the NKVD.

85-mm anti-aircraft gun 52-K arr. 1939 (USSR)

On the morning of November 21, the 2nd battery of the 702nd anti-tank artillery regiment, armed with 85-mm anti-aircraft guns, arrived from Tula to Venev and took up positions near the road on the western outskirts of Venev. On this day, they shot down 2 enemy aircraft, both pilots were captured. At noon, 21 batteries were transferred to the Semyan area, where 2 more enemy aircraft were shot down. On the morning of November 22, she was relocated to the Venev area.

From the memoirs of S.P. Rodionov: "A shell of an 85-mm anti-aircraft gun pierced any German tank of that time on two sides at a distance of up to 1.5 kilometers."

85 mm anti-aircraft gun against the backdrop of the Venev panorama. November-December 1941

37 mm automatic gun 61-K (USSR)

Calculation 7 people
Maximum rate of fire 160-170 rds / min
Height reach - 6500 m

16th Battery of the 732nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment under the command of Lieutenant S.P. Zelyanin and political instructor I.S. Polikarpova, consisting of four 37-mm guns and 66 fighters and commanders, on November 22 hastily moved from Tula to the Venev region, 4 times she was attacked by an air enemy, during which she shot down 2 aircraft. On November 24, the battery took up a position on the eastern outskirts of Venev on a high hillock behind Pushkarskaya Sloboda.

In the center is a 37 mm anti-aircraft gun. Presumably Venice photo. November-December 1941

From the memoirs of S.P. Rodionov: "The 37-mm anti-aircraft gun / MZA / as part of anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery regiments mainly solved the tasks of air cover for our ground forces in connection with the dominance of enemy aircraft. Effectively deal with enemy tanks due to low penetration armor, she could not. The battles near Orel, Mtsensk, Tula showed that enemy tanks fearlessly went to this material part and, as a rule, destroyed it with caterpillars and fire, because the 37-mm projectile did not damage it. "

20 mm Flak 38 automatic anti-aircraft gun (Germany, 1940-1945)

Calculation 7 people
Rate of fire 220 rds / min
Height reach - 4400 m
Horizontal range - 5700 m

Combat crew Flak 38 against the backdrop of Venev, late November 1941,
from the album Albert Frank

A few more pictures from Albert Frank's album taken together with a photo from Venice, probably they are also from our places.

One of the German anti-aircraft guns was installed on a hillock near the Zaraisk bridge. During the retreat, they did not have time to pick him up. The Red Army soldiers disarmed the anti-aircraft gun by removing the barrel and throwing it into the river, and the gun carriage, which rotated 360 degrees, was left in the same place. Venevskaya children used it as a carousel for a long time.

88 mm Flak 36/37 anti-aircraft gun (Germany, 1935-1945)

Rate of fire 15-20 rds / min

Residents of Venev recalled that during the retreat of the German troops, one of the guns on a four-wheeled carriage got bogged down in a ford across the Venevka River near the village of Berezovo. Perhaps it was an 88 mm anti-aircraft gun. She was pulled out already by a trophy team.

105 mm heavy gun s.K 18 (Germany, 1934-1945)

Range up to 18 km

Truck KRUPP L3 H 63 (Germany) 1933-1938

Bulletin of the NKVD troops of the Western Front "Bolshevik-Chekist", issue of December 20, 1941

52-K or KS-12 (Index GAU - 52-P-365) - Soviet anti-aircraft gun caliber 85 mm. The full official name of the gun is the 85-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model.

The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun was actively used in the Great Patriotic War both as an anti-aircraft gun and an anti-tank gun, and after its completion it was in service with the Soviet Army for a long time before the adoption of anti-aircraft missile systems.

The gun was developed by the design bureau of plant number 8 in Kaliningrad near Moscow on the instructions of the GAU. Its predecessor was the 76-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1938 model, created by Mikhail Nikolaevich Loginov, which was produced in a small series in 1938-1940. Due to the extremely tight deadlines allotted for the development of a new system, the lead designer G.D. Dorokhin decided to put an 85 mm barrel on the platform of a 76 mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1938 model, using the bolt and semi-automatic of this gun.

In 1939, a new 85-mm anti-aircraft gun with the factory designation 52-K passed field tests, during which it became clear that it was necessary to install a muzzle brake, increase the bearing surface of the bolt wedge and the breech seat.

To improve the accuracy of firing at air targets, batteries of 85-mm anti-aircraft guns were equipped with PUAZO-3 artillery anti-aircraft fire control devices, which made it possible to solve the problem of meeting a projectile and an aircraft. In addition to PUAZO devices, RUS radar detection stations were also used to control the fire of the 85-mm anti-aircraft guns operating in the main directions.

The gun was also equipped with a mechanical fuse installer designed by Lev Veniaminovich Lyulyev.

When the prototype was tested at the 24th NIZAP (research anti-aircraft artillery range at the Donguzskaya station in the Orenburg region) and the GAU ordered a series of 20 guns from the plant, it turned out that this series also differed from the prototype. The design bureau and the "chief" of the anti-aircraft guns, Grigory Dorokhin, continued to improve the system.

It passed all the tests and was put into service as the 52-K corps anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model. The Kalinin plant was its sole manufacturer. By the beginning of the war, the troops had 2630 of these most powerful domestic anti-aircraft guns.

In the autumn of 1941, Plant No. 8 was evacuated to Sverdlovsk and Molotov (now the city of Perm). The construction of the plant took place in the extremely difficult conditions of the harsh Ural winter of 1941-1942, with frosts from minus 30 to 43 degrees and no heating in the main workshops. Nevertheless, the work was in full swing. Dozens of platforms with factory property were unloaded, which had accumulated at the railway entrance to the enterprise and at dead ends. As soon as the installation of equipment in the workshops was completed, the machines immediately started to work.

To heat the hull, in the window openings of which there were no glass yet, and the roof was covered with a tarpaulin, a steam locomotive was installed, but the cold was still terrible, the iron stoves installed at the machines and fires in the spans did not help either. The emulsion froze, the hands stiffened. And not a word of reproach, complaint, whining. Workers, and among them there were more and more women, teenagers, silently, with stern faces, built, assembled, produced parts, assemblies.

In February 1942, Kalinin residents, no longer from stocks brought with them, but from parts made in Sverdlovsk, assembled the first 118 anti-aircraft guns, completing the GKO task.

Of course, every Kalinin citizen understood that 118 guns were very few. The front needed many times more guns. But dashing trouble is the beginning! In May, the plant fulfilled the plan for the production of 85-mm anti-aircraft artillery by 136%.

The protracted war, the heavy losses of the army and the civilian population from the raids of the Nazi aviation urgently demanded a further sharp increase in the production of anti-aircraft artillery.

With those meager material and human resources, which in Sverdlovsk the plant named after. Kalinin, there was only one way to solve this problem - reducing the labor intensity and metal consumption of products.

The design of the 52-K gun was simplified, and at the same time the technology of its manufacture was improved.

In 1943, the improved gun was successfully tested, and in February 1944, the gun, which received the factory index KS-12, went into serial production.

The first two letters of the index meant that the tool was created at the plant. Kalinin in Sverdlovsk.

Designed to fight enemy aircraft, to fire at airborne assault forces, at live ground targets and enemy firing points, these guns were also successfully used to destroy fascist tanks. With an unusual task for an anti-aircraft gun, the 52-K coped more successfully than other anti-tank guns of those years. With an armor-piercing projectile attached to it, it could pierce the armor of all types of tanks that were in service with the German army until mid-1943. And when in 1942 G.D. Dorokhin was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize, the award noted not only the anti-aircraft, but also the anti-tank qualities of the gun.

Since 1943, instead of a barrel consisting of a casing and a free pipe, they begin to install a monoblock barrel. In the same year, guns began to be produced with shield covers.

In 1944, instead of semi-automatic inertial-mechanical type, semi-automatic mechanical (copy) type was introduced. During the Great Patriotic War, the gun served as the basis for the development of long-barreled tank guns D-5 and ZIS-S-53, which were installed on the SU-85 anti-tank self-propelled guns and the T-34-85, KV-85 and IS-1 tanks. Part of the 52-K anti-aircraft guns, after being removed from service, was converted for peaceful use in mountainous areas as anti-avalanche guns. The 52-K gun was transferred or sold to other countries to equip their armed forces.

The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun 52-K was installed in the Izmailovsky Park of Culture and Recreation.

Back in the eighties of the twentieth century, the boys loved to turn the flywheels of horizontal and vertical aiming, turning the barrel of the gun, but then the flywheels were welded.

On September 5, 1937, the Design Bureau of Plant No. 8 informed the Art Administration about the project of engineer G.D. Dorokhin imposing an 85 mm barrel on a carriage of a 76 mm 3K gun. The 85 mm barrel is equipped with a muzzle brake, projectile weight 9.2 kg, muzzle velocity 800 m/s. Just in case, military representative Tsyrulnikov calculated the imposition of the same barrel, but without a muzzle brake. At the same time, it was necessary to increase the weight of the barrel by 300-400 kg, which required a serious alteration of the components and parts of the system.

On September 28, 1937, the People's Commissar of Defense turned to the Artillery Administration with a proposal to include in the plan of experimental work for 1938 at Plant No. 8 the production of a prototype 85-mm mobile gun, the tactical and technical requirements of which would be developed by the Artillery Administration. By that time, the Art Administration was already developing these requirements. So, by the protocol of November 22, 1937, it was decided to withdraw the assignment for the design of an 85-mm remote shrapnel.

On January 31, 1938, Plant No. 8 submitted a description of the 85-mm gun 52-K to the Artillery Directorate:

Instead of the existing liner (from the 76-mm anti-aircraft guns 3-K), a free tube was taken, the end of which is free from the casing for a length of 1800 mm and has a screw-on muzzle brake. The free pipe forging is new. The free tube casing has a thickening between the grips (so that the balancing mechanism from the 3-K carriage works normally) and is 1431 mm shorter than the existing monoblock 76-mm 3-K gun. This casing can be obtained from an existing forging, the breech and wedge undergo minor changes, so that existing breech and wedge forgings from 3-K can be used. Thus, in 3-K it is necessary to replace:

a) monoblock on another casing;

b) liner on a free pipe.

In addition, it is necessary to replace the breech, wedge, trigger handle crank, extractor legs and introduce a muzzle brake.

In January 1938, factory tests of the first experimental 85-mm barrel on a 3-K carriage were carried out. According to the act of January 29, 1938, a total of 35 shots were fired at an angle of 0 °. The first 20 shots were made with a muzzle brake with a projectile weighing 9.2 kg, the initial speed was 613-830 m/s, and then 15 shots were fired without a muzzle brake with an initial speed of 673-714 m/s. For these 15 shots, the maximum initial speed of 715 m / s was set with an allowable recoil of 1150 mm for firing without a muzzle brake.

On January 31, 1938, an 85-mm barrel on a ZK carriage arrived at the Sofrinsky training ground. On February 1, 45 shots were fired at elevation angles from 0° to +80° with an average muzzle velocity of 827.2 m/s. Failures in the operation of semi-automatic (battery) were noted. Rollback length slightly increased.

The commission noted that even at a rate of fire of 1 shot in 1.5-2 minutes, the barrel heats up significantly. In general, the results are satisfactory.

Tests at NIZAP in 1938 on a 3-K carriage

The 85-mm cannon on the ZK carriage was first tested at the NIZAP (Research Anti-Aircraft Artillery Range) from July 8 to September 25, 1938. By the time they arrived at NIZAP, 104 shots had already been fired from the 85-mm barrel.

According to the test results, the NIZAP commission noted a number of shortcomings of the 85-mm gun:

a) Insufficient percentage of energy absorption by the muzzle brake, which leads to system jumps and knocking down aiming;

b) Increase in comparison with 3-K lateral dispersion of projectiles;

c) Naminy on the rear surface of the bolt wedge.

Taking into account that the 85-mm gun proved to be worth it in general, the Artillery Administration decided to order an experimental batch of 20 guns from factory No. 8.

The experimental series differed from the prototype manufactured at the end of 1937 by a new muzzle brake and an increased wedge and breech bearing surface.

The head sample differed from the series itself in that the 85-mm barrel was superimposed on the carriage of the 76-mm anti-aircraft gun mod. 1938 (a simplified pedestal mounted on a four-wheeled wagon), a wedge, a breech, semi-automatic and a casing of a sample made in 1937 were placed on it.

Tests at NIZAP in 1939 on a gun carriage mod. 1938

85-mm cannon on a carriage of a 76-mm cannon mod. 1938 was tested at NIZAP from April 21 to August 10, 1939 with interruptions due to lack of ammunition. During the tests at NIZAP, 1100 shots were fired and 500 km were covered. The average towing speed for the ZiS-5 on a dirt road is 30-35 km/h, while the maximum speed is about 50 km/h.

The device of the 85-mm gun on the carriage of the 76-mm gun mod. 1938 is better than on the 3-K carriage. The muzzle brake worked satisfactorily. Three semi-automatic failures were noted.

During field tests, projectiles weighing 9.2 kg were fired at an initial speed of 800 m / s. Based on the results of field tests, the commission stated that the gun passed the field tests and recommended it for adoption as a corps anti-aircraft gun. On this occasion, Artkom stated that "neither 76-mm nor 85-mm anti-aircraft guns can replace a 100-mm anti-aircraft gun, and these systems should not be mixed together."

On May 10, 1940, the Artillery Administration finally established the index of the 85-mm anti-aircraft gun - "52-P-365".

On July 5, 1940, Artkom urgently ordered four 85-mm anti-aircraft guns to be assembled and sent for testing to Evpatoria, for which plant No. 8 should remove mod. 1938 trunks and replace them with 85 mm.

Production of 52-K was carried out exclusively at plant No. 8 named after. Kalinin, who until the winter of 1941-42. located in the village of Podlipki (Moscow region), and then was evacuated to the city of Sverdlovsk. In 1940, the price of one 52-K gun was 118 thousand rubles.

By June 22, 1941, the troops had 2,630 52-K guns. During the war years, 676 guns were transferred to the Navy.

Tactical and technical characteristics:

Country of manufacture - USSR

Years of production - 1939-1945

Issued - 14 422 pcs.

Caliber - 85 mm

Weight in the stowed position - 4220 kg

Weight in combat position - 3057 kg

Barrel length - 55.2 caliber


height - 2.25 m

length (in marching) - 4.7 m

width - 2.15 m

Tool rotation - 360 degrees

Elevation (vertical) - 82 degrees

Destruction range (altitude) - 10.5 km

Destruction range - 15.65 km

Projectile weight - 9.2 kg

Initial projectile speed - 800 m / s

Armor-piercing, caliber projectile - up to 120 mm

Rate of fire - up to 20 rds / min

Deployment time - 1 minute

Transportation speed, on the highway - 35 km / h

Calculation of guns - 7 people

85 mm anti-aircraft gun model 1944:

Barrel length - 67.5 caliber

Weight - 5000 kg

Destruction range (altitude) -12 km

Destruction range - 18 km

Deployment time - 2 minutes

Initial projectile speed - 870 m / s

+ Click on the picture to enlarge!

Source: Arms Encyclopedia

A. Shirokorad "Encyclopedia of domestic artillery", 2000

+ Click on the picture to enlarge!

The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model appeared as a natural result of the development of domestic anti-aircraft artillery, which originated in 1914, when the designer of the Putilov factory F. Lender developed the first 76-mm anti-aerostatic gun of the 1914 model. In 1915 and 1928, this system was modernized, increasing the vertical firing range at a maximum elevation angle to 6500 m; it was replaced by a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1931 model. In 1938, on the instructions of the GAU, several prototypes of a modernized 76-mm gun were manufactured. Installed on a four-wheeled wagon, it weighed 4200 kg - significantly less than the previous one. In this form, it is accepted into service as an anti-aircraft gun of the 1938 model.

However, the growth of speeds and the "ceiling" of aircraft, the increase in their survivability required an increase in the reach of anti-aircraft guns at altitude and an increase in the power of the projectile. And in 1939, G. Dorokhin created a new system by placing an 85-mm barrel on the carriage of a 76-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1938 model, using the shutter and semi-automatic of this gun. When choosing a caliber, he proceeded from the need to obtain a high initial velocity of the projectile and such a cartridge weight that would make the loader work for a sufficiently long time. Such requirements were most successfully combined in the 85 mm caliber, the projectile weight was 9.2 kg, the cartridge weight was 15.1 kg, and the muzzle velocity was 800 m/s. Increasing the power of the gun required the installation of a muzzle brake, which absorbed about 30% of the recoil energy.

The work carried out by the young designer G. Dorokhin was approved, a prototype of the new gun entered the research site. The main advantage of the 85 mm anti-aircraft gun over its predecessor - the 76 mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1931 model - is the increased power of the projectile, which created a greater amount of destruction in the target area. The polygon recommended that the cannon be adopted as a medium-caliber anti-aircraft gun. The gun was quickly mastered in production and before the start of World War II began to enter the troops.

At the end of the 1930s, it became obvious that the rapid development of aviation would lead to significant problems in the future in the event of a confrontation between aviation and air defense forces. Thus, the air defense means already available could not adequately guarantee sufficient effectiveness. There was a need to give the army an anti-aircraft gun with a long range, the gun had to be powerful enough to hit high-flying armored targets.

It was decided to take the Rheinmetall 76.2-mm cannon as a basis and proceed from this when creating an anti-aircraft gun. This is what the designers of plant No. 8 did in 1937-1938. The 76.2 mm gun had a large margin of safety incorporated in the casing, breech and gun carriage. As a result, a gun of a new 85-mm caliber (not counting the single copies that appeared) was developed at that time. The 85 mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model is also known as the KS-12. The new gun had good characteristics - 800 m / s of the initial velocity of a projectile weighing 9.2 kg and a range of 10.5 km - allowed the new anti-aircraft gun to fight very effectively against armored and high-flying targets. The gun had an inertial semi-automatic shutter. High results were to be shown by anti-aircraft gun firing at armored ground targets. Thus, even before the start of hostilities, the KS-12 anti-aircraft gun went into mass production. During the use of the gun in combat conditions, it was decided to equip the air defense gun with an armored shield. Instead of a barrel consisting of a free pipe with a casing, a monoblock barrel was introduced, a shutter with copy-type semi-automatics was used. Gun crews used semi-automatic anti-aircraft fire control devices PUAZO-2 mod. 1934 or POISOT-3 arr. 1940 and a stereoscopic rangefinder. And since 1943, the radar tracking stations RUS-2 "Redut" went into the batteries.

Mass production of the KS-12 continued until 1944, when it was replaced by an even more powerful 85-mm anti-aircraft gun (KS-18), which also became the main means of air defense of the Red Army. From the previous modification, the new one had a longer monoblock barrel and an enlarged powder charge. For the gun, a new cradle, a balancing mechanism and a copier-type semi-automatic shutter were developed. It had an automatic fuse installer, which made it possible to speed up the preparation of the shot.

Like the Germans, who since the middle of the war have been increasingly using anti-aircraft guns as the main armament of tanks, our designers also appreciated the great benefits of such a move. The ZIS-S-53 gun performed well during the war.

During the war, many serviceable guns fell into the hands of the Germans, which, in their characteristics, were similar to the German 88-mm anti-aircraft gun. Under the designations 8.5-cm Flak M.39(r) and 8.5-cm Flak M.44, our anti-aircraft guns were very actively used by the Germans.

The 85-mm anti-aircraft gun "survived" the war and for some time was in service with the Soviet Army. A certain amount was delivered to the socialist countries, including Vietnam, where they were tasked with fighting American aircraft. According to some information and judging by the photo from the "hot spots" - this gun is still used in business ...

Part of the anti-aircraft guns, after being removed from service, was transferred to civilian services and served as anti-avalanche guns in mountainous areas.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Caliber, mm


Mass on the march, kg

Weight in combat position, kg

March length, m


Barrel length, m


Height, m

Width, m

Angle of vertical guidance, hail.

-2°... +82°

Angle of horizontal guidance, hail.

Maximum firing range, m


Muzzle velocity, m/s


By the end of the 1930s, the leadership of the Soviet armed forces came to the conclusion that the predicted increase in the tactical and technical indicators of aviation in the next few years would lead to obsolescence of the existing air defense weapons. A search began for projects of a more modern anti-aircraft gun with higher combat characteristics. They took 76.2 mm arr. as a basis. 1938 increased it and received an 85-mm anti-aircraft gun, model 1939, KS-12.

In many respects similar arr. 1938, the new model had a multi-chamber muzzle brake, which was not found in smaller-caliber guns. An armor shield for gun crew was supplied by additional order. In 1939, the production of a new anti-aircraft gun mod. 1939 just started to be produced in Kaliningrad. When the Germans invaded the USSR, the plant was evacuated to the Urals, where it remained until the end of the war. The anti-aircraft gun arr. 1939 became the standard heavy air defense weapon of the Soviet Army. The more powerful 85 mm anti-aircraft gun model 1944, KS 18, began to replace it only at the end of the war. Using the same projectile as arr. 1939, the anti-aircraft gun had higher combat performance due to increased charge. As well as for German 88 mm guns, for mod. 39 and 44 provided for the possibility of using anti-aircraft guns to fight tanks. Soviet anti-aircraft guns were very successful in this, and the Germans used them along with their own guns of the 88 series under the designation 85-mm Flak M.39 (g) and Flak M.44 (g). Just like the captured Soviet 76.2 mm guns, they were sent to Germany for air defense needs. With the expenditure of captured anti-aircraft ammunition, anti-aircraft guns were gradually re-sharpened to the standard 88 mm caliber for the Wehrmacht, becoming 85/88-mm Flak M.39 (r) guns.

The Soviet models of 1939 and 1944 were really good anti-aircraft guns. After the war, part of the gun until the 80s remained in the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries (except the USSR); some of them were in Sudan, in Vietnam they were used during the war with the United States. Later, "modernized" anti-aircraft guns already worked with centralized fire control systems. The basic 85-mm model was used further, in the development of subsequent generations of Soviet weapons. It was adapted as the main gun of the SU-85 self-propelled assault gun and anti-tank gun; there was also a towed model of the same gun.

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